MT :: Volume #3

#284: Plunders wantonly

First is the compounded drug and Cultivation Technique. 第一层是丹药、功法 Second is to equip, material and wealth. 第二层是装备、材料、财富。 Third must be the core area in scarlet blood palace. 第三层必是赤血殿的核心地区。 Scarlet blood Venerable the inevitable deep sleep in inside, should better not to touch third easily, scarlet blood Venerable, once were awakened, time and opportunity that three people have not plundered. 赤血首尊必然沉睡在里面,最好不要轻易触动第三层,赤血首尊一旦被惊醒,三人就没有搜刮的时间和机会了。 We return one!” “我们退回一层!” When looks at the blue crystal pill bottle everywhere, volumes to pile up the hill the mystique merit standard, three people reveal the excited excited color, this chapter must gain sends greatly! 当望着琳蓝满目的丹瓶、一卷卷堆积成小山的秘法功典,三人都露出兴奋激动之色,这回要赚大发了! Nangong Yun looks for a cotton cloth bag, sweeps several bottles of compounded drugs to install. 南宫云找来一个大布袋子,扫十几瓶丹药就要装进去。 Stupid, restores class and auxiliary kind of compounded drug, we come in great difficulty, if brings this type of compounded drug to exit not to owe?” Chu Tian is very impolite reproves Nangong Yun: Makes you usually read a book, the critical moment will not do!” “笨,都是恢复类、辅助类丹药,我们好不容易进来一趟,若都带这种丹药出去还不亏死?”楚天很不客气训斥南宫云一遍:“让你平时多读点书,关键时刻连贼都不会做!” Nangong Yun said depressed: „Does Boss go back to scold me? Now when inch inch [gold/metal]!” 南宫云郁闷说:“老大回去在数落我行吗?现在寸时寸金啊!” Chu Tian pointed at several to place the compounded drug rack saying: Here, here, here, is the compounded drug of miracle cure level, the compounded drugs of some Saint pill levels, promote cultivation base without exception, you act a bit faster, can install many are many, if cannot install directly to eat, eats one to gain one!” 楚天指着数个摆放丹药架子说:“这里,这里,还有这里,全都是灵丹级的丹药,其中少部分圣丹级的丹药,无一例外都是增进修为的,你们动作快点,能装多少是多少,若是装不下就直接吃吧,多吃一颗赚一颗!” That is impolite!” Nangong Yun laughs excitedly three: Old lady this whole life so is not crisp! Today must be well happy!” “那就不客气啦!”南宫云兴奋大笑三声:“老娘这辈子都没这么爽!今天要好好痛快一番!” The small fox did not need Chu Tian to say sent out, this fellow jumped to medicine on, was pouching the belly including the jade bottle together, swept entire platoon several hundred bottles of compounded drugs not to have! 小狐狸根本不用楚天说已经出动,这家伙跳到药架上面,连着玉瓶一起吞进肚子,一路扫过去整排几百瓶丹药都没了! Did this sweeping speed work also? 这种扫荡速度进行下去还了得? How could does Chu Tian lose to this dead fox? 楚天岂能输给这个死狐狸? Chu Tian lifts up Limitless Bottle-Gourd to start big attire to install especially, the Limitless Bottle-Gourd Storage bottle gourd starts the big attire to install especially, only installed several rows of precious compounded drugs to go in the short dozens seconds. 楚天扛起无极葫芦就开始大装特装,无极葫芦储物葫芦开始大装特装,只用短短几十秒钟就装好几排珍贵的丹药进去了。 At heart Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu envy awfully, was only a pity that the thing of space Storage ability is the Southern Summer Country priceless treasure, it is said three Monarch and in the king hands 1-2, are wants unable to think to them. 南宫云沈冰雨心里羡慕的要命,只可惜空间储物能力的东西是南夏国无价之宝,据说三君和国王手里才有一两个,向她们是连想都不敢想的。 How many prepared the big pocket to pack ahead of time what to do? 几个提前准备大口袋都已经装满了怎么办? Eats! 吃啊! Chu Tian points out some compounded drugs: These are half Saint Level compounded drug of ten thousand years of calcedony refinement, ten thousand years of calcedony major function is the improvement foundation and enhancement physique, itself contains the energy not to calculate that huge relatively is also temperate, eating that you can feel relieved!” 楚天指出一些丹药:“这些是万年玉髓炼制的半圣级丹药,万年玉髓主要功能是改善根基、增强体质、本身蕴含能量不算庞大也相对温和,你么可以放心的吃!” Chu Tian personally sets an example, takes up one bottle of compounded drugs, pours 56, just likes the white jade pill pill, each pill pill is scattering the attractive aura. 楚天身体力行,拿起一瓶丹药,倒出56枚,犹如白玉丹丸,每一颗丹丸都飘散着诱人气息。 Did he look that forces in the mouth directly altogether. 他看不看直接一股脑塞进嘴里。 56 white jade marrow pill entrances, several pure running water emerge the abdomen, immediately flows to various whole body places, just likes can seep in the bone to be the same, making the person have a graceful feeling. 56枚白玉髓丸入口即化,几股清流涌入腹部,立刻流淌到全身各处,犹如能渗透进骨头里一样,让人有一种飘飘欲仙的感觉。 Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu open several bottles hurriedly, completely toward mouth but in actually. 南宫云沈冰雨急忙打开几瓶,全部往嘴巴里倒了进去。 Chu Tian points out a compounded drug: These are the third-level miracle cures, I and Nangong Yun cannot withstand, but Sister Bing you can take, to attacking the boundary has very big help.” 楚天又指出一种丹药:“这些是三级灵丹,我和南宫云承受不了,但是冰姐你可以服用,对冲击境界有很大帮助。” Level 3 miracle cure! 3级灵丹啊! That is refines with Level 3 Elixir! 那是用3级灵药炼制的! Alchemy Master itself must have corresponding strength! 炼药师本身也必须具备相应实力! This type of compounded drug is rare in Southern Summer Country, only has the day of demon Warring States strength, can stockpile this type of compounded drug massively. 这种丹药在南夏国非常罕见,唯有天魔战国实力,方能大量储备这种丹药。 Shen Bingyu opens several bottles to pour grains of dark [gold/metal] Shikotan pills from inside, each is twining the fine pill mark, adheres to stick cohere in formidable energy, just likes a heart one after next beat. 沈冰雨打开几瓶从里面倒出一粒粒暗金色丹丸,每一枚都缠绕着精致的丹纹,附着在其中强大能量,犹如心脏般一下下跳动。 Very strong fluctuation of energy! 好强的能量波动啊! The miracle cure refines with the spirit level material. 灵丹是用灵级材料炼制。 In the Level 3 miracle cure contains energy mass ratio not on Level 2 Saint pill, overall speaking actually surpasses Level 2 Saint pill. Shen Bingyu one takes these many Level 3 miracle cures, felt suddenly the whole body burns down probably general. 3级灵丹中蕴含能量质量比不上2级圣丹,从总量上来说却是超过2级圣丹的。沈冰雨一下服用这么多3级灵丹,骤然间就感觉浑身好像火烧一般。 That incomparably reliable bottleneck under the fierce impact of spiritual energy, started to present a faint trace fissure. 那一层无比牢固瓶颈在灵气的猛烈冲击下,已经开始出现一丝丝裂痕了。 This cultivation base is higher, the promotion is more difficult, now has the sign of breakthrough, doesn't this feel happy? Shen Bingyu is Awakened Soul 9th Layer cultivation base, if can go a step further again, immediately can become side by side formidable existence of Southern Xia eight marquises! 修为越高,提升越困难,如今有突破的迹象,这怎么不感到高兴?沈冰雨已经是魂醒九重修为,若是能再进一步的话,立刻就能成为比肩南夏八侯的强大存在! Nangong Yun takes many compounded drugs one time. 南宫云一次性吃不少丹药。 And many massive half Saint Level even is the Saint Level compounded drug. 其中不乏大量半圣级甚至是圣级丹药。 „It is not really good, I quickly was supported to explode, could not eat up again!” “真的不行了,我就快被撑爆了,再也吃不下了!” Chu Tian has also eaten the limit, this time compounded drug refines freely quite roughly, but the so huge quantity stuffs the belly, that also very considerable, Chu Tian even feels, so long as to several days of time, he can surmount to the Awakened Soul 5th Layer peak directly. 楚天也已经吃到极限,这个时代丹药尽管炼制比较粗糙,但是如此庞大数量填进肚子,那也是非常的可观的,楚天甚至感觉到,只要给几天时间,他就可以直接跨越到魂醒五重巅峰了。 Small fox? 小狐狸呢? This fellow sweeps one-third pill pills. 这家伙扫荡1的丹丸。 Now crazily is still sweeping in the according to astonishing speed! 现在还在以惊人速度疯狂扫荡着! The appetite of this fellow is really fearful, within the body space inexhaustibly seems to be same! 这家伙的食量果然非常可怕啊,体内空间仿佛无穷无尽一样! However is also the good deed, small fox saves the massive compounded drugs in within the body, he definitely cannot digest, when Imperial City must blackmail the blackmail again well, must make its obediently put out part not to be possible. 不过也是好事,小狐狸存大量丹药在体内,他自己肯定是消化不完的,等到王城再要好好敲诈敲诈,非要让它乖乖吐出一部分不可。 Walks!” “走!” Now goes to second!” “现在去第二层!” Three people almost support the abdomen to crack, now arrives at second, when is looking at the massive materials , can only stare dry. The Chu Tian bottle gourd space are not many, nowadays can only the selectivity take. 三人差点撑腹欲裂,现在走到第二层,当望着大量材料,也只能干瞪眼。楚天葫芦空间也不多了,现如今只能选择性拿一点。 This has the stars stone unexpectedly!” “这居然有星辰石!” Chu Tian discovered that several bulk stars stones, practice the Starlight Immortal Body good material naturally to take away, accounts for the space range not quite to be big in any case. 楚天发现好几大块星辰石,修炼星光不灭体的好材料自然要拿走,反正占空间范围也不太大。 Well, is Bloody Yin Steel!” “咦,是血阴钢!” Chu Tian opens small treasure box, is suspending several ingot metals neatly, its color is strange bright red, the surface fills the trace that naturally is forming, is sending out light malignant influences. 楚天开一个小宝箱,整整齐齐摆着几块金属锭,其颜色是诡异的鲜红色,表面弥漫着自然形成的纹路,正散发着一股淡淡的煞气。 Nangong Yun asked immediately: What thing is Bloody Yin Steel?” 南宫云立刻问:“血阴钢是什么东西?” „Does the needle of small fox know?” “小狐狸的针知道吧?” Naturally knows that needle can disregard to protect body Source Energy!” Nangong Yun thinks of anything, reveals the wild with joy color: Feeds, you will not tell me, these are......” “当然知道,那根针能无视护体元力!”南宫云想到什么,露出狂喜之色:“喂喂,你不会告诉我,这些都是……” Chu Tian nods: „The blood cloudy needle of small fox, is actually the Level 2 Bloody Yin Steel refinement, these ingot metals are also Level 2 Bloody Yin Steel, has not thought of unexpectedly these many!” 楚天点点头:“小狐狸的血阴针,其实是2级血阴钢炼制,这些金属锭也都是2级血阴钢,没有想到居然又这么多!” Nangong Yun was shocked: „Can that refine several hundred over a thousand to disregard the defense the small needle?” 南宫云惊呆了:“那岂不是能炼制几百上千根无视防御的小针?” Chu Tian opens several exactly the same treasure box, in the result discovery is Level 2 Bloody Yin Steel, he also reveals the color of rousing: Even if produced a weapon to have more than enough to spare!” 楚天又打开数个一模一样的宝箱,结果发现里面统统都是2级血阴钢,他也露出振奋之色:“哪怕造一把兵器都绰绰有余了!” This type can disregard the Source Energy defense the weapon, light thinks to be astonishing. 这种能无视元力防御的兵器,光想想就非常的惊人了。 Naturally, Bloody Yin Steel is by no means perfect, can disregard merely is the energy, the Bloody Yin Steel itself intensity is quite ordinary in the second-level material, if opposite party dressing best quality goods treasure armor, even if can puncture protects body Source Energy, may not tear valuable armor. 当然,血阴钢并非十全十美,所能无视仅仅是能量,血阴钢本身强度在二级材料中比较一般,如果对方穿戴极品宝甲的话,即使能打穿护体元力,也不一定能撕裂宝甲。 Chu Tian had a new idea. 楚天有了一个新想法。 Such big Bloody Yin Steel, if manufactures the special bullet, then the effect will be very certainly good. First needs to design one type the new firearms that fires live round, push through Source Energy, project the Bloody Yin Steel ball, engraves the armor piercing effect wrinkle on the bullet again, is the bang kills all Awakened Soul Realm Expert magical instruments simply! 这么一大笔血阴钢,如果制作成特殊子弹,那么效果一定会很好。首先需要设计一种发射实弹的新型枪械,通过元力推送,射出血阴钢弹,再在子弹上刻印破甲效果皱纹,那么简直就是轰杀一切魂醒境强者的神器啊! Chu Tian but actually comes out Bloody Yin Steel, loads into the bottle gourd space completely, then seeks for other useful materials. 楚天血阴钢都倒出来,全部装进葫芦空间里,接着寻找其他有用材料。 This has saying that Heavenly Demon Cult is very rich, scarlet blood [lineage/vein] merely are the branch, this scarlet blood temple is the temporary shelter, therefore shifts the thing that comes to here, should also merely be a small part. Also even so, turns into one to cause a stir in the Southern Summer Country big buried treasure sufficiently! 这不得不说天魔教是真的很有钱,赤血一脉仅仅是分支,这座赤血神殿又是临时避难所,所以转移到这里来的东西,应该也仅仅是一小部分而已。即使如此,也足以变成一座轰动南夏国的大宝藏! Here Source Stone has dozens box! 这里元石有好几十箱! The Chu Tian range estimate most at least has millions Source Stone, is only the quality diversity, is primarily low grade Source Stone roughly, very regrettable Source Stone takes up the space to be too big, although this is the Continent current money, but to take a wealth takes the precious bottle gourd space, this to Chu Tian is unworthy. 楚天目测最起码有好几百万块元石,只是品质参差不起,大体以下品元石为主,非常遗憾元石占空间太大,虽说这是大陆通用货币,但是为拿点钱财而占用宝贵葫芦空间,这对楚天而言是不值得的。 You good?” “你们好了没有?” Nangong Yun appears in the front time, is really has a scare Chu Tian. 南宫云出现在面前时候,真是着实把楚天吓一跳。 This fellow wears a gold thread vest, outside is wrapping scarlet treasure armor, the outermost wears a red big cape, ten minced green onion snow white fingers wear the full ring, the congealing snow white arms wrap 78 hand links, the neck are wearing 45 necklaces, the back long length of rifle halberd long sword carries one bunch, even has force-fitted three including the boots. 这家伙穿着一件金丝背心,外面套着件血色宝甲,最外面又穿着一件红色大斗篷,十根葱花般雪白手指戴满戒指,凝雪皓腕套着78个手环,脖子戴着45条项链,背后长枪长戟长剑背一捆,甚至连靴子都硬套了三层。 Chu Tian is speechless immediately: You also too exaggerated!” 楚天顿时无语:“你也太夸张了吧!” Nonsense!” A Nangong Yun speech whole body equipment is vibrating: How much money do you know these equipment value?” “废话!”南宫云一说话浑身装备都在抖动:“你知道这些装备值多少钱么?” Chu Tian looks around Shen Bingyu, has not thought that instinct faint she, at this moment is also an appearance of nouveau riche, this is really the instinct of woman. 楚天又看一旁沈冰雨,没想到天性淡漠的她,此时此刻也是一副暴发户的样子,这果然是女人的天性啊。 Picks well takes, picks well takes, greedy!” Chu Tian coughs awkwardly several: How not to lack this money, if this were looked, but also thinks that I could not raise your several!” “捡好的拿,捡好的拿,不要贪多!”楚天尴尬咳嗽几声:“咋们不缺这点钱,这要是被人看去,还以为我养不了你们几个呢!” Who wants you to raise!” “谁要你养!” A bit faster takes!” “快点拿!” Shen Bingyu and Nangong Yun exaggerate, but takes the equipment generally is high-grade goods soul, these things to the strength amplification are very strong. 沈冰雨南宫云十分夸张,不过所拿装备普遍都是上品魂器,这些东西对实力增幅是很强劲的。 Chu Tian lights Mind's Light to scan carefully, various material equipment Divine Sense surveys change. 楚天点燃心灯仔细扫描一番,各种材料装备都神识探测一变。 This cape is good!” Chu Tian arrives in the corner, takes up a common cape: This is best quality goods soul!” “这件斗篷不错!”楚天走到角落里,拿起件不太起眼斗篷:“这是一件极品魂器!” Shen Bingyu said icily: Best quality goods soul I also took several, does not have anything to be strange.” 沈冰雨冷冰冰说:“极品魂器我也拿了好几件,没什么稀奇的。” Shen Bingyu has started out Heart's Eye, therefore can also survey with Divine Sense, naturally can discover higher qualitative equipment. Who knows that Chu Tian disdained to say very: Even if similarly is best quality goods soul, in comparison, your several difference were far!” 沈冰雨已经开出心眼,因此也能用神识探测,自然能找出更高品质的装备。谁知道楚天十分不屑说:“即使同样是极品魂器,相比之下的话,那你那几件差远了!” The Shen Bingyu brow selects seems not convinced. 沈冰雨眉头一挑似乎不服气。 Chu Tian smiles to her, keeps off their surface to put on the cape, the whole person vanishes suddenly is in-situ. 楚天对她一笑,挡着两人面披上斗篷,整个人骤然消失在原地。 Shen Bingyu snort|hum: What function I consider, isn't the stealth?” 沈冰雨哼一声:“我当是什么功能,不就是隐身么?” Heart's Eye! 心眼 Shen Bingyu opens Heart's Eye suddenly. 沈冰雨猛然打开心眼 Let Shen Bingyu be surprised, under the Heart's Eye observation, suddenly could not find the Chu Tian trail. This is, a hand extends from the back, places on the shoulder of Shen Bingyu, sees only Chu Tian is inexpensive the smiling face to reappear gradually: How? Although this cape to strength not any addition, but has to shield the function of Divine Sense, this is not many functions!” 沈冰雨大吃一惊,心眼观测之下,竟然找不到楚天踪迹。这是,一只手从背后伸过来,放在沈冰雨的肩膀上,只见楚天贱兮兮的笑脸渐渐浮现:“如何?这件斗篷虽说对战力没有任何加成,但是却有屏蔽神识的作用,这可是不多的的功能!” This cape can shield the Divine Sense survey, is almost one sneaks the sharp weapon! 这件斗篷能屏蔽神识探测,几乎是一件潜行利器! Naturally, this cape can shield Heart's Eye Shen Bingyu Divine Sense, but regarding has been able to light Mind's Light Chu Tian, even if some people wear the cape after the side, he can also scan. 当然,这件斗篷能屏蔽开心眼沈冰雨神识,但是对于已经能点燃心灯楚天来说,即使有人穿着斗篷经过身边,他也能扫描出来。 Divine Sense of Mind's Light boundary was higher than compared with the Heart's Eye boundary too! 心灯境界的神识心眼境高出太多了! Chu Tian simply plunders several treasure, at this moment, the scarlet blood temple surrounding, is hearing several to thunder suddenly, these fellows were about to force one's way into. 楚天又简单搜刮几件宝贝,正在此时此刻,赤血神殿外围,突然传来几声轰鸣,那些家伙已经快打进来了。 We enter three!” “我们进三层!”
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