MT :: Volume #3

#283: Scarlet blood palace

A snow white small fox falls on the shoulder of Chu Tian, both hands surround in the front, swings complacently wags the tail Palestine, must to the appearance that Chu Tian takes undeserved credit. 一只雪白小狐狸落在楚天的肩膀上,双手环抱在胸前,得意洋洋摇摇尾巴,一副就要向楚天邀功的样子。 Bumping of tripartite Expert coincidence in the same place, is the merit of small fox. 三方强者巧合的碰在一起,全都是小狐狸的功劳。 Relax! I a merit!” Chu Tian racket small fox head: „The scarlet blood temple, I make you let loose the belly to eat!” “放心!我记一次功劳!”楚天拍拍小狐狸脑袋:“等进赤血神殿,我就让你放开肚皮吃一顿!” The small fox cracks into a smile, satisfaction nodded, pours does not spend such big strength in vain! 小狐狸咧嘴一笑,满意点了点头,倒也不枉花费这么大的力气! Chu Tian must race against time while the tripartite master war, first enters the scarlet blood temple to fish one ruthlessly. As Chu Tian goes forward incessantly, scarlet blood temple barrier is getting more and more near. The scarlet blood temple was bound by huge incomparable circular barrier in inside, if the upper air overlooks thinks of a toy model like an air bubble. 楚天趁三方高手大战必须争分夺秒,先入赤血神殿狠捞一笔。随着楚天不断前进,赤血神殿结界越来越近。赤血神殿是被一个巨大无比的圆形结界裹在里面,若是高空俯视的话就像一个气泡里面装着一座玩具模型。 The surroundings wet putty has obvious has tumbled the sign . Moreover the trace looks like very recent. The Chu Tian judgment, this giant incomparable air bubble elder sister, sinks first in the bog, recently was floated, brings the scarlet blood temple to the swampy ground on. 周围湿泥有明显翻滚过的迹象,而且痕迹看起来非常新。楚天判断,这个巨大无比的气泡般的姐姐,先是沉在沼泽里面的,最近才被浮了上来,把赤血神殿带到沼泽地上面。 Why this also has been for many years, nobody discovered Jindenbara, because. 这也是为什么多年来,没有人发现神殿原因。 Chu Tian reveals an appreciation, this design feared that is very difficult to complete by the human technology, a vestige that Heavenly Demon Cult the secret Headquarters, the Warring States time detects mostly, was occupied by Heavenly Demon Cult for oneself finally uses. 楚天露出一丝赞赏,这种设计怕是以人类技术很难完成,天魔教的这座秘密总舵,多半战国时期发觉的一座遗迹,最终被天魔教占为己用罢了。 Naturally, Chu Tian is not the archaeology, manages his anything origin, plundered one to say advanced wantonly again. 当然,楚天不是考古的,管他什么来历呢,先进去大肆搜刮一番再说。 Entrance in front. 入口在前方。 Chu Tian pulls out the token, sprint time, the raising up hair of small fox vigilance called one fully. 楚天掏出令牌,全力冲刺时候,小狐狸警觉的竖起毛发叫了一声。 Danger!” “危险!” Chu Tian ice, he wants not to think immediately that jumps over to side fiercely, a gorgeous axe glow slitting, has almost scratched Chu Tian to fly, falls on scarlet blood temple barrier by far, just likes a drop of gutter on the level of the lake, ripples ripples, has not created to scarlet blood temple barrier affects slightly. 楚天顿时一凌,他连想都没有想,猛地向旁边跳过去,一道绚丽斧芒纵切而过,几乎是擦着楚天飞过,远远落在赤血神殿结界上,犹如一滴水落在湖面上,荡漾起一层涟漪,没有对赤血神殿结界造成丝毫影响。 Some people sneak attack! 有人偷袭! In the Chu Tian turning around process, extracts the Source Energy submachine gun, he looked that does not look is ammunition clip optical elastic. 楚天转身过程中,抽出元力冲锋枪,他连看都不看就是一梭子光弹。 This Allied Canine Tribes Expert not compared with scarlet blood Branch Lord that formerly met, that several scarlet blood Branch Lord by being defeated easily, are mainly itself will carry the severe wound . Moreover the violent poisonousness of Chu Tian refinement, causes under the situation that cultivation base reduces greatly. 这位犬戎族强者不比先前遇到的赤血舵主,那几位赤血舵主会被轻易的打败,主要是本身就身负重伤,而且还中楚天炼制的剧毒,导致修为大减的情况之下。 Now so is not easy. 现在就没有这么容易了。 The Source Energy spear|gun projects 78 energy balls, War Hound Expert is also slightly one startled, face to face when to forms of defensive action of this unprecedented, his also conditioned reflex slows down the long-range raid speed. 元力枪射出78道能量弹,犬戎强者也是微微的一惊,当面对这种前所未见的攻击方式时,他也条件反射般的放慢奔袭速度。 ! 啪啪啪! Several energy balls simultaneously hit on Allied Canine Tribes Expert, each energy ball is hitting the opposite party to have the greatly strengthened high temperature instantaneously, actually by opposite party protecting body Source Energy isolating outside. 数道能量弹同时打在犬戎族强者身上,每一道能量弹在击中对方瞬间都产生极强的高温,却被对方的护体元力给隔绝在外面。 This forms of defensive action specially, pour freely are not too powerful! 这种攻击方式尽管特别,倒也不算太强悍! Snort, mediocre! 哼,不过如此而已! Allied Canine Tribes Expert does not have any worry again, opens greatly greatly about brandishing the tomahawk, the preparation strikes Chu Tian cleaves in two. He has not actually noted, behind of innumerable optical elastic, are hiding a careful garnet small needle unexpectedly, stabs directly a eye of Allied Canine Tribes Expert. 犬戎族强者再没任何顾虑,大开大合抡起战斧,准备一击把楚天劈成两半。他却没有注意到,无数光弹的后面,竟藏着一根细细的暗红色小针,直接刺中犬戎族强者的一只眼睛。 „!” “嗷!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert was calling out pitifully backing up. 犬戎族强者惨叫着倒退。 A Chu Tian still raised energy wave to stroking, just likes the gunnysack high throws, hits on back barrier, then falls on the ground, whole body Immortal body does not have the light gloomily, itself also receives the certain extent injury. 楚天依然被掀起的一道能量波冲击打中,犹如麻袋般被高高的抛起,撞在背后的结界上,接着又落在地上,浑身不灭体暗淡无光,本身也受到一定程度伤害。 Damn. 他妈的。 The Awakened Soul 9th Layer master is really fierce! 魂醒九重高手果然厉害! If this is slow, the father early died! 这要是再慢一点,老子早没命了! Allied Canine Tribes Expert covers the eye to draw back continually several steps, flows out the massive blood from the fingertip, this eye looked like decides blindly. The Allied Canine Tribes Expert anger draws out the eye socket the red needle, grasps pinches in the fingers fiercely, the pintle distorted to break immediately. 犬戎族强者捂眼连退好几步,从指尖流出大量鲜血,这一只眼睛看来是瞎定了。犬戎族强者愤怒把红针生生拔出眼眶,握在手指间猛地一捏,细针顿时变形断裂了。 The small fox yelled angrily that damn this was one of the fox treasures, unexpectedly by this bastard destroying! 小狐狸愤怒大叫起来,可恶这是本狐的宝物之一啊,竟然被这个王八蛋给毁了! The small fox jumps to falling to the ground in front of Chu Tian, holds the Chu Tian clothes indignantly: You give this fox to be quick, kill him! 小狐狸跳到倒地楚天面前,非常气愤拽拽楚天衣服:你给本狐快起来,去干掉他! Chu Tian scratches the corners of the mouth blood, stared small fox one: Do not add to the chaos, had not looked what now was been flat by the pain is your master?” 楚天擦擦嘴角血,瞪了小狐狸一眼:“不要添乱,没看现在被痛扁的是你主人么?” Allied Canine Tribes Expert only remains an eye to glare angrily, cursed angrily several with the Spirit Beast Tribe language maliciously, the content nothing but was small and weak humanity, will only carry out the sneak attack and so on content. 犬戎族强者仅剩一只眼睛怒目圆睁,用兽灵族语言狠狠怒骂好几句,内容无非是弱小的人类,只会搞偷袭之类的内容。 Such weak fellow makes blindly my eyes, simply is the great shame, must dismember a body to give vent to indignation! 这么弱家伙弄瞎我一只眼睛,简直是奇耻大辱,必须大卸八块来泄愤! Slow!” Chu Tian stands to shout, Allied Canine Tribes Expert has really anchored, what because he is surprised, what this humanity uses was the Spirit Beast language, Chu Tian said seriously: „Before you kill me, can I speak a few words again?” “慢着!”楚天站起来喊道,犬戎族强者果然停住了,因为他非常惊讶的是,这个人类用的是兽灵语,楚天一本正经说:“你杀我之前,我可不可以再说一句话?” Allied Canine Tribes calm face: Humanity, do you prepare to leave behind last words?” 犬戎族沉着脸:“人类,你准备留下遗言么?” No, what I want to say is......” Chu Tian stretches out a finger to Allied Canine Tribes Expert, this makes the opposite party not trace the brains, was suspecting that this humanity is when plays him, only listened to humanity speak unhurriedly and clearly saying: Your back has the person!” “不,我想说的是……”楚天伸出一根手指对着犬戎族强者,这让对方更加摸不到头脑,正怀疑这人类是不是在耍他的时候,只听人类一字一顿的说:“你的背后有人!” damn, do this acrobatics also want to deceive me? 可恶,这种把戏也想骗我? Allied Canine Tribes Expert had one type to be swindled the played feeling! 犬戎族强者有一种上当被耍的感觉! Dies!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert holds up the axe, prepares the opposite party chops, suddenly a bone-chilling cold chill in the air from the back transmits, the Source Energy fluctuation of terrifying is follows. “去死!”犬戎族强者举起斧头,准备把对方劈死的时候,突然间一股凛冽寒意从背后传来,恐怖元力波动更是伴随而来。 What? Has the person really! 什么?真的有人! Allied Canine Tribes Expert has a big shock to turn around too to be late, several snowflakes concentrate the ice crystal, just likes the bullet hits in the Allied Canine Tribes Expert chest, that fearful chill in the air invasion body time, making him feel instantaneously in the blood including blood vessel was frozen to stagnate. 犬戎族强者大惊失色转过身去却太迟,十几片雪花凝成冰晶,犹如子弹般打在犬戎族强者胸口,那可怕寒意侵入身体的时候,让他瞬间感觉到连血管里的血液都被冻结停滞住了。 A Human Race black clothed woman whole body is twining the incorruptible strength, almost rushes to front of Allied Canine Tribes Expert instantaneously, depending on this imposing manner, Allied Canine Tribes Expert can judge, this person of strength not under oneself. 一个人族黑衣女人浑身缠绕着冰霜之力,几乎瞬间就冲到犬戎族强者面前,光凭这份气势,犬戎族强者就能判断,此人实力不在自己之下。 Roar!” “吼!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert bellows, covers massively in the body surface glittering and translucent carving ice crystal is broken exposes, that giant tomahawk condenses the tyrannical energy to tilt the surrounding air to the opposite party detachment. However, eventually was too slow, a Shen Bingyu palm hit the chest of Allied Canine Tribes Expert. 犬戎族强者大吼一声,大量覆盖在体表晶莹剔透的冰晶被震碎抖落,那巨大战斧凝聚起强横的能量掀动周围空气向对方劈去。然而,终究还是太迟缓了,沈冰雨一掌击中犬戎族强者的胸口。 The Allied Canine Tribes Expert within the body blood internal organs were frozen, the self-protection ability fell large scale, now is struck by wild a palm, five main internal organs (entrails) nearly completely shatter. 犬戎族强者体内血液内脏都被冻住,自我保护能力已经大幅度下跌,现在又遭到狂暴的一次掌击,五脏六腑近乎全部破碎。 Such serious injury, has almost not fortunately survived possibly. 这样严重的伤势,几乎没有可能幸存。 Chu Tian looks that Allied Canine Tribes Expert was shot down in the place, shook the head the sigh saying: You looked that this does not believe my fate.” 楚天看着犬戎族强者被击落在地,不禁摇摇头叹息说:“你看,这就是不相信我的下场。” Humanity, you think that you did win?” “人类,你以为你赢了吗?” Wolf god, accepts my offering sacrifices!” “狼神,接受吾之献祭吧!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert knew that must die without doubt, exhausts the strength to carry on an eruption immediately, saw only the Allied Canine Tribes Expert whole body fur to fall off, the body inflated at non- normal speed an extremely rapidly, even changes the shape, finally turned into a bloody great wolf. 犬戎族强者自知必死无疑,立刻用尽力量进行一次爆发,只见犬戎族强者浑身毛皮都脱落了,身体以一种极不正常速度迅速膨胀,甚至是变化形态,最终变成一只血淋淋的巨狼。 This obviously is technique of very violent transform! 这显然是一种非常极端的变身之术! Allied Canine Tribes Expert with the complete vitality and Source Energy, was changed a formidable incomparable blood wolf by oneself completely, this change is irreversible, when completes the change, Allied Canine Tribes Expert lost the consciousness, this is equal to a unique skill of perishing together. 犬戎族强者用全部生命力和全部元力,让自己变化成一头强大无比的血狼,这种变化是不可逆的,当完成变化之时,犬戎族强者就已经失去意识,这就等于是一个同归于尽的绝招。 Blood wolf that transform becomes, its strength is stronger than War Hound Expert, almost close Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak. 变身而成的血狼,其实力比犬戎强者还强,几乎接近魂醒九重巅峰了。 The Chu Tian complexion slightly changes: Be careful!” 楚天脸色微微一变:“小心!” The blood wolf does not have the thought that only then hates and bloodlust, does not divide the enemy and ourselves, sees the person on, its battle efficiency also very astonishing. After it was summoned, first throws like Shen Bingyu, because the Shen Bingyu strength is strongest, therefore is most remarkable, next Shen Bingyu kills the person of War Hound Expert. 血狼没思想,只有怨恨和杀戮欲,不分敌我,见人就上,其战斗力也是非常的惊人。它被召唤出来之后,首先就像沈冰雨扑过去,因为沈冰雨实力最强,所以最引人注意,其次沈冰雨是杀死犬戎强者之人。 The technique of this blood wolf offering sacrifices once were displayed, after the blood wolf was summoned, the first target has created the person of injury to Shi Shu. 这种血狼献祭之术一经施展,血狼被呼唤出来之后,优先攻击目标就是对施术者造成过伤害的人。 Too quick! 太快了! Shen Bingyu feels at present a flower. 沈冰雨感觉眼前一花。 The blood wolf sprays the burning hot the red flame. 血狼喷射出炙热的红色火焰。 Shen Bingyu concentrates the ice wall to resist at the same time, the flame will cause the high temperature shortly to burn the ice wall blasts open, Shen Bingyu was repelled directly several steps, has not come to a stop with enough time, the blood wolf will throw, has nipped. 沈冰雨凝起一面冰壁抵挡,火焰造成高温顷刻间就把冰壁烧得炸裂,沈冰雨直接被击退出去好几步,还没有来得及站稳,血狼扑过来,一口咬了过去。 When the blood wolf offensive must go well. 血狼攻势就要得手之时。 Front a small arctic fox flickers to transfer to the eye that a stamp only remains, the blood wolf immediately the violent anger, and also a claw, the result small arctic fox flies high to change to one group of fog to disappear, when appears in the back of blood wolf, but also makes an ugly face to the blood wolf. 一只小白狐瞬移到面前一戳仅剩的眼睛,血狼顿时暴怒并且还一爪子,结果小白狐凌空化作一团灰雾消失,当出现在血狼的背后,还对血狼做一个鬼脸。 The blood wolf does not have the elaborative faculty, immediately turns around bites. 血狼没有思考能力,立刻掉头就去咬。 Chu Tian seizes the chance to shout greatly: Comes in quickly!” 楚天趁机大喊道:“快进来!” Then, he grasps the scarlet blood command, the ray dodges to crash in barrier. Shen Bingyu as well as distant place Nangong Yun sees this, puts out the token immediately, overruns toward barrier, the ray flashed through them to come. 说吧,他率先手持赤血令,光芒一闪冲进结界中。沈冰雨以及远处南宫云见此,也立刻拿出令牌,向着结界冲过去,光芒闪过两人都进来了。 Fox, was OK!” “狐狸,可以了!” Right the body of small fox passing over gently and swiftly blood wolf, bit together the token from the blood wolf, hit on barrier, the ray dodged comes in smoothly. 小狐狸掠过血狼的身体右侧,从血狼身上咬住一块令牌,一头撞在结界上,光芒一闪顺利的进来了。 Blood wolf angry is dashing barrier, does not have the scarlet blood to make hesitant in the body, it simply does not have the means to come. 血狼愤怒的冲撞着结界,犹豫没有赤血令在身,它根本没有办法进来。 Nangong Yun laughs: Really is an idiot! You bite me!” 南宫云哈哈一笑:“真是一个蠢货!你来咬我啊!” The blood wolf hit time and time again, blasts open finally fiercely, turns into the flesh and blood wreckage everywhere! 血狼撞击一次又一次,最终猛地炸裂开,变成满地的血肉残骸! These people feared that catches up quickly.” Chu Tian is disinclined to look at this blood wolf one: We do not have the time waste here, to go in immediately.” “那些人怕是快赶来。”楚天懒得多看这血狼一眼:“我们没有时间浪费在此,立刻就进去。” A three people of fox bridges over the palace gate to walk, the palace situation, making three people be angry the item to be dumbfounded. Then is a library adds Medicine Store simply! 三人一狐跨过殿门走进去,宫殿内部的情形,让三人都嗔目结舌。则里面简直就是一个图书馆加药店啊! The left rows of racks chock up various jade slip. 左边一排排架子摆满各种玉简 The right rows of racks chock up various types of jade bottles. 右边一排排架子摆满各种玉瓶。 In jade slip records must be the Heavenly Demon Cult demon merit, medicine bottle inside has the thing, is Heavenly Demon Cult leaves behind the compounded drug absolutely. When several people enter the second palace, the second palace is much smaller than first, but makes the person be very excited what is, here everywhere piled up with various types of gold , silver and jewelries, in weapon has chocked up various types of Divine Weapon sharp weapons. 玉简里记载的必是天魔教魔功,药瓶里面装得东西,绝对是天魔教留下丹药。当几人走进第二层宫殿时,第二层宫殿比第一层小得多,不过让人感到非常振奋的是,这里满地都堆满各种金银珠宝,兵器架上摆满了各种神兵利器。 When Chu Tian opens treasure box, a bulk is glittering and translucent carving, presents according to special Crystal Stone that some type of standard unit divides at present. 楚天打开一个宝箱时,一大块晶莹剔透,按照某种标准单位分割的特殊晶石呈现在眼前。 Nangong Yun asked strangely: How in this box is scrap Crystal Stone?” 南宫云奇怪问:“这箱子里怎么都是小块晶石?” Stupid, this is Source Stone, Source Stone do you understand?” Chu Tian stares Nangong Yun one: This called the Continent current money!” “蠢,这是元石,元石你懂么?”楚天南宫云一眼:“这叫大陆通用货币!” Is this Source Stone? Nangong Yun is wild with joy! 这就是元石啊?南宫云欣喜若狂起来! Has not thought that in some these many Source Stone, that is really one has not spent the wealth. 没有想到,这里面有这么多元石,那还真是一笔不费财富呢。 When these are scarlet blood Headquarters faced with demise, the precious resources that transports urgently, prepare for the reconstruction church, the scale was naturally astonishing. 这些都是赤血总舵面临灭亡之际,紧急转运过来的珍贵资源,为重建教会而准备的,规模自然是非常的惊人了。 Nangong Yun pointed at the front palace gate saying: Here also has one!” 南宫云指着前面殿门说:“这里还有一层!” First is the massive compounded drugs and Cultivation Technique. 第一层是大量丹药、功法 Second is the weapon, wealth and material. 第二层是兵器、钱财、材料。 What thing then third can be? 那么第三层会是什么东西呢? No matter what, this first two scales are very big, simply is value several hundred hundred million huge buried treasures, this must gain really in a big way! 不管怎么样,这前两层规模就很大,简直是一座价值数百亿的庞大宝藏,这回是真的要赚大了!
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