MT :: Volume #3

#282: Tripartite tangled warfare

The Dragon Lizard Beast intelligence quotient is not high, territory consciousness is greatly strengthened, every dares to rush to territory, regardless of the person beast executes summarily! 龙蜥兽智商不高,领土意识却极强,凡胆敢闯领地者,无论人兽格杀勿论! Why humanity massacres the issue that is not it considers mutually, three Allied Canine Tribes Expert rush in the Dragon Lizard Beast territory in advance, pulls the nose to play jokes upon the least bit Dragon Lizard Beast, naturally thoroughly angers hot tempered Dragon Lizard Beast, therefore is listed as the first target. 人类为什么互相残杀不是它考虑的问题,三个犬戎族强者先行闯进龙蜥兽领地,更是把龙蜥兽牵着鼻子戏耍半点,自然彻底惹怒性情暴躁的龙蜥兽,所以被列为第一攻击目标。 Mr. Shi Xin the blood poison big law is extremely sinister and ruthless Cultivation Technique, the surprise attack hits the instance of Allied Canine Tribes master, almost shortly must ignite the Allied Canine Tribes master whole body blood, but the Allied Canine Tribes Expert strength is high, uses the Allied Canine Tribes mystique stiffly, coordinates vigorous Source Energy the blood poison resistance beside the body. 噬心老人血毒大法是一门极其阴毒的功法,突袭击中犬戎族高手的瞬间,几乎顷刻间就要引燃犬戎族高手浑身血液,但犬戎族强者实力非常高,硬生生用犬戎族秘法,配合浑厚元力把血毒抵抗在身体之外。 Who knows in this moment. 谁知道就在这个关头。 Dragon Lizard Beast gets rid to sneak attack suddenly, while does not have the law move time temporarily, the flash decomposed to tearing his body. 龙蜥兽忽然间出手偷袭,趁着暂时没有法动弹时候,一瞬间就将他的身体给撕裂分解了。 Nature arrives at the extreme angrily, this is one of the he most important subordinates, will be he most important love. 诺罗自然愤怒到极点,这是他最重要的部下之一,也是他最重要的爱将。 Unexpectedly bewildered death here? 竟然莫名其妙的死在了这里? Before this risk least bit harvest has not attained, unexpectedly has the so serious loss! 此次冒险半点收获都没有拿到前,居然就受到如此惨重的损失! How? Angry!” Shi Xin sneers: This is bribes the scarlet moon/month buried treasure the fate.” “怎么了?愤怒么!”噬心冷笑起来:“这就是染指赤月宝藏的下场。” This time covets the scarlet moon/month buried treasure Expert to be not infrequent, always blows away a fellow, the threat that the head Venerable weakens a point. Scarlet moon/month [lineage/vein] want to rise, the head Venerable whether to regain consciousness born smoothly is the most important safeguard. Otherwise, does not have the means to subvert including the Southern Xia small country by a Shi Xin owner, what discussed restores the day of demon Warring States time magnificent? 此次觊觎赤月宝藏的强者不在少数,每多干掉一个家伙,首尊的威胁就减弱一分。赤月一脉想要重新崛起,首尊能否顺利苏醒出世是最重要的保障。否则,凭借噬心一个堂主连南夏小国都没办法颠覆,又何谈恢复天魔战国时期的辉煌呢? Damn humanity!” “该死的人类!” Thoroughly enraged releases the complete strength, very tall and strong grandiose build inflated once again, was torn including Chinese-style gown, muscle that stick out high, just likes Sand Lei builds to be the same, is full of the impact. 彻底被激怒的诺罗释放全部的力量,本就非常魁梧壮硕的体型又一次膨胀,连身上袍子都被撕裂,那一块块高高隆起的肌肉,犹如沙垒堆砌一样,充满震撼力。 Mr. Shi Xin shows the dignified expression. 噬心老人露出凝重表情。 Spirit Beast Tribe Cultivation Technique and Human Race Cultivation Technique have the big difference, this fellow who called, finally prepared whole-heartedly? 兽灵族功法人族功法有较大差异,这个叫诺罗的家伙,终于准备全力以赴了吗? Is Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak cultivation base, is the master class on War Hound prairie, this character meets Southern Xia eight marquises, so long as is not strongest 1-2, other is a cinch. Is impossible to attend in this battle as for Southern Xia three Monarch, therefore is a ninety percent sure motion. 诺罗是魂醒九重巅峰修为,是犬戎草原上的一流高手,此次人物就算遇到南夏八侯,只要不是最强一两位,其他的都不在话下。至于南夏三君则不可能参加到这种争斗中来,所以是一次十拿九稳的行动。 Who knows that this character, his cultivation base Buneau is stronger several points. 谁知道,这一个人物,其修为比诺罗更强几分。 What most Jeanno is unable to accept, the War Hound prairie is completely strange to this person, its Cultivation Technique and fight characteristics know nothing, do not have the least bit material record. 最让诺罗无法接受的是,犬戎草原对此人完全陌生,其功法和战斗特点一无所知,没有半点资料记载。 This person of cultivation base feared that is close three Monarch's degree, but some reason the strength frustrates greatly, the short time is unable to restore, will such master baseless brave? 此人修为怕是达到接近三君的程度,某种原因而实力大挫,短时间无法恢复罢了,这样的高手怎么会凭空冒出来? The Spirit Beast brain is not miraculous. 兽灵脑子不怎么灵光。 Any issue that can with the muscle solution, will not think absolutely! 凡是能用肌肉解决的问题,绝对不会去动脑子! After transform, both hands gather fiercely, Source Energy spout, the back forms probably ancient totem Source Spirit. When Chu Tian sees this special Source Spirit from afar, slightly has gawked, even if he is unable to distinguish for a while, this is any attribute Source Spirit! 诺罗变身之后,双手猛地一合,元力喷涌出来,背后形成一个好像古老图腾般的元魂楚天远远地看到这个特殊的元魂时,都不禁微微愣了一下,即使是他一时也无法分辨,这到底是一个什么属性的元魂 Ancestor hero soul!” “先祖英灵!” Comes out!” “出来吧!” That totem ray flashes several, spout 45 Source Energy, each Source Energy gathers in the midair, finally concentrates a whole body to put on the elite armor, double grasps the Spirit Beast soldiers of three sharp double-edged sword long blades. 那图腾光芒闪动几下,从中喷涌出45股元力,每一股元力都汇聚在半空,最终凝成一个浑身穿着精锐铠甲,双手持三尖两刃刀长刀的兽灵战士。 Two, three, four...... Five! 一个,两个,三个,四个……五个! Altogether five! 总共五个! Each summoned wolf soldier is not the entity, releases energies from totem Source Spirit, both hands arming with knife stands in the middle, five spirit body condition wolf soldiers lock in the surroundings, is moving fast slowly walks randomly. 每个被召唤的狼兵都不是实体,从诺罗的图腾元魂当中释放出一根根能量,诺罗双手持刀站在中间,五个灵体状态狼兵锁在周围,正在缓缓地飘忽游走。 It is not simple! 不简单啊! How many spirit body soldiers is this totem Source Spirit special capability to summon assists to fight? 这个图腾元魂的特殊能力是召唤几个灵体战士协助战斗? Five spirit body soldiers were inferior freely the Allied Canine Tribes top Expert strength, all has close Awakened Soul 7th Layer strength, this was equal to that said carries five True Soul levels along Expert. 五个灵体战士尽管不如犬戎族顶尖强者诺罗实力,却个个具备接近魂醒七重的力量,这就等于说诺罗随身都携带五个真魂级的强者 If increases five primary True Soul Expert merely, that will arrive at Shi Xin not to pay attention , the most fearful place will lie in five wolf soldiers does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, the biology of spirit body condition itself will be very difficult to eliminate, let alone these five wolf soldiers will be Source Spirit summon, even if will eliminate them not to have any significance. 若仅仅是增加五个初级真魂强者,那到噬心还不会太放在眼里,最可怕的地方在于五个狼兵都不死不灭,灵体状态的生物本身就很难消灭,更何况这五个狼兵是元魂召唤出来的,即使消灭它们也没有任何意义。 So long as the source did not pinch out, so long as has not exhausted Source Energy, he can maintain five War Hound Spirit Weapon to battle for himself. These five Spirit Weapon realizes the control by completely, therefore coordinates is flawless. 只要源头不被掐灭,只要诺罗没有耗尽元力,他就能一直维持五个犬戎灵兵为自己作战。这五个灵兵是完全由诺罗意识支配的,所以配合起来更是天衣无缝。 Allied Canine Tribes Expert really has real skill. 犬戎族强者果然有两下子。 Roar!” “吼!” Roars a strong impact wave direction Shi Xin bang to go, Shi Xin does not hide does not dodge the direct palm to break out, like flickering move to rushes to front of Shi Xin, the instance that two long blades wield, five Spirit Weapon get rid to four to unfold like his five, grasps the sharp blade edge simultaneously to attack to central Shi Xin. 诺罗吼出一股强劲冲击波向噬心轰去,噬心不躲不闪直接一掌劈开,诺罗就像瞬移般冲到噬心面前,两把长刀挥出的瞬间,五个灵兵就像他的五根出手般向四边铺开,手持尖刃同时向中央的噬心攻去。 Shi Xin faces six attacks in an instant! 噬心刹那间面临六次攻击! The blood red python with extremely quick speed circling whole body, resists the attacks of six Spirit Weapon first, Mr. Shi Xin turns into scarlet red both hands, then grips blade glow by the flesh and blood directly. 血红色巨蟒以极快速度盘旋周身,先抵挡住六个灵兵的攻击,噬心老人变成赤红色的双手,则直接以血肉之躯握住诺罗刀芒。 Complexion changes. 诺罗脸色一变。 Mr. Shi Xin blood red both hands virus fast satisfaction, chops the blade glow to be dyed the red likely, two skinny palms pinch to be broken fiercely, the blade glow like the glass plate fragmentation, the blade air/Qi crazy lasings of massive disruption rebounds, this is not only blade air/Qi, adheres to stick cohere Mr. Shi Xin blood poison, once were hit inconceivably. 噬心老人血红双手像病毒般快速满意,诺罗劈出刀芒都被染成红色,两个枯瘦手掌猛地一捏而碎,刀芒就像玻璃板裂成碎片,大量碎裂的刀气疯狂激射反弹回去,这不仅仅是诺罗的刀气,其中更附着噬心老人的血毒,一旦被击中不堪设想。 Pushes hurriedly backward fiercely, five Spirit Weapon told brandishes the long blade edge, each blade recoiling blade air/Qi in body process, was all shot to crushing by. 诺罗急忙向后猛推,五个灵兵告诉挥舞长刃,每一刀弹回刀气在近身过程中,全都被一道道给击碎弹开了。 This confrontation is still tie, Shi Xin as if faintly is in the upper hand. 这次交锋依然是平手,噬心似乎隐隐占上风。 Although currently does not have the prosperous time strength, but Cultivation Technique boundary also, therefore copes with the same Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak Expert, Mr. Shi Xin is the comparison has the superiority. Discovered that copes is harder to deal with than the imagination, another Allied Canine Tribes Expert, is still socializing with Dragon Lizard Beast, now the situation is a little disadvantageous to a Allied Canine Tribes side. 虽然目前没有鼎盛时期实力,但是功法境界都还在,所以对付同样魂醒九重巅峰的强者,噬心老人是比较有优势的。诺罗发现对付比想象中更难缠,另外一个犬戎族强者,则依然在和龙蜥兽周旋,现在情况对犬戎族一方有点不利。 Shi Xin let somebody cool off or calm down said: „Does Spirit Beast such select the skill?” 噬心冷冷地说:“兽灵就这么点本事而已么?” Suddenly. 突然。 A sound shaking vault of heaven long and loud cry transmits! 一声震动天穹长啸传来! , Shi Xin who fought are one startled, because a Swordsmanship huge shadow, from top of the head one stroke, that impressively has been Wings Poison Dragon, side also flies high the sedan chair of flight, fills the formidable imposing manner from inside. 正在交手的诺罗、噬心都是一惊,因为剑道一道巨大阴影,从头顶一划而过,那赫然是一头双翼毒龙,旁边还有一个凌空飞行的轿子,从里面弥漫出强大的气势。 Also has Human Race Expert!” “又有人族强者!” Complexion big changes of two War Hound Expert! 两个犬戎强者的脸色大变! The strength of this Human Race old fogy, formidable to letting them quite feels strenuously, let alone neighbor also has manic Dragon Lizard. Now one batch of Expert join the fight, the situation will be for them disadvantageous. 这一个人族老家伙的实力,已强大到让他们颇感吃力,更何况附近还有一头狂躁的龙蜥。现在又有一批强者加入战斗,情况对他们来说将会非常不利。 Ha, has not thought that so is unexpectedly skillful!” King's General Tu stands above Wings Poison Dragon: Unexpectedly runs into Allied Canine Tribes famous General Spirit Weapon in this, Mr. Shi Xin who the Heavenly Demon Cult prestige broadcasts, our luck are good!” “哈哈哈,没想到竟然这么巧!”王屠站在双翼毒龙之上:“居然在此遇到犬戎族大名鼎鼎的灵兵大将,还有天魔教威名远播的噬心老人,我们的运气不错!” Finally understands that the opposite party so was why strong. 终于明白为什么对方这么强了。 Unexpectedly is Heavenly Demon Cult's surviving members, and has the status of owner! 竟然是天魔教的余孽,而且拥有堂主的地位! Regardless of Southern Xia, War Hound, Heavenly Demon Cult is the common enemy, naturally now is eating the three parties, mutually is the hostile relationship. In the scarlet Moon God palace, a deep sleep strength stronger head Venerable. Once this Venerable, launches to collaborate with this owner, then Allied Canine Tribes and Southern Summer Country will fall one to struggle hard. 无论南夏、还是犬戎,天魔教都是共同敌人,当然现在在吃三方,互相都是敌对关系。只是赤月神殿里,正沉睡者一个实力更强的首尊。这一旦首尊出来,与这堂主展开联手,那么犬戎族南夏国都将陷进一场苦战。 This group of people are in the way, might as well eliminate them in this.” Zou Yan said lightly: „Are we also good the relieved plundering buried treasure, how Wang the brother think?” “这帮人碍手碍脚的,不如将他们消灭在此。”左湮淡淡地说:“我们也好安安心心的搜刮宝藏,王兄以为如何?” Is having this intent!” “正有此意!” King's General Tu and Zou Yan reach the agreement. 王屠左湮达成协议。 They dive immediately, but under launches the attack to both sides directly. 两人立刻俯冲而下直接对双方发起攻击。 Although cultivation base was inferior that Shi Xin and are high, but has invulnerability Flowing Flame Palanquin, another also has battle efficiency astonishing wings Flying Dragon, the words that must therefore hit, will pour will not lose to them to be too many. 虽然修为不如噬心、诺罗高,但是一个拥有刀枪不入流火轿,另一个又拥有战斗力惊人的双翼飞龙,所以真的要打起来的话,倒也不会输给他们太多。 Mr. Shi Xin knows that a short time was impossible to get out of the way, desperate sent greetings with the mystique to nearby Chu Tian: I constrain them, you awaken Venerable!” 噬心老人知道一时半会儿是不可能走开了,情急中用秘法传音给旁边楚天:“我拖住他们,你去唤醒首尊!” Good!” “好!” After Chu Tian refreshed complying, wants not to start running away at once. 楚天爽快的答应之后,想都没想拔腿就跑。 Is this is cracking a joke? 这是在开什么玩笑? Two strong Demon Beast, five big top True Soul Expert, this fight is present Chu Tian can meddle? The Chu Tian proleg just walked shortly, Wolf Tribe brave warrior said one to companion, sees only that companion to display some Cultivation Technique fiercely, unexpectedly the incarnation becomes an demon wolf, just left the direction to pursue fast toward Chu Tian. 两头超强魔兽,五大顶级真魂强者,这种战斗是现在的楚天能插手的么?楚天前脚刚走没多久,狼族勇士诺罗就跟身边的同伴说一句,只见那同伴猛地施展某种功法,竟然化身成一只魔狼,快速朝楚天刚刚离开方向追过去。 damn!” 可恶!” Mr. Shi Xin must get rid, the direct knife handle he has kept off, this is Dragon Lizard Beast throws to launch the attack, Mr. Shi Xin did not have the opportunity to pursue. 噬心老人就要出手,诺罗直接一刀把他挡了回去,这是龙蜥兽又扑过来发起攻击,噬心老人没有机会去追赶了。 King's General Tu said: Well, probably slips away two fish slip through!” 王屠说:“咦,好像溜掉两个漏网之鱼!” Does not need to manage them.” Zou Yan said lightly: This Heavenly Demon Cult evils nothing but are look at the situation to be disadvantageous, therefore sends out an ordinary believer to awaken Venerable in advance. This person of strength frail, that Allied Canine Tribes fellow pursues, he must die without doubt.” “不用管他们。”左湮淡淡地说:“这天魔教余孽无非是看形势不利,所以派出一个普通教徒去先行唤醒首尊罢了。此人实力孱弱,那个犬戎族的家伙追上去,他必死无疑。” No matter the Southern Xia master, is the War Hound master, now obvious achieves a tacit understanding. 不管是南夏高手,还是犬戎高手,现在都心照不宣的达成一个默契。 Scarlet moon/month Venerable cannot be awakened. 赤月首尊不能被唤醒。 In this Heavenly Demon Cult remnants of faction hand obviously nobody, therefore sends out such a small and weak believer, Allied Canine Tribes was good at tracing, a Awakened Soul 9th Layer Allied Canine Tribes master pursues, that trivial Awakened Soul 5th Layer fellow, simply does not have any possibly to return alive. 这个天魔教余党手中显然没什么人了,所以派出这么一个弱小的教徒,犬戎族本就擅长追踪,一个魂醒九重犬戎族高手追过去,那区区魂醒五重的家伙,根本没有任何生还可能。 As for sneaking off Allied Canine Tribes? 至于溜走的犬戎族 Ok. 算了。 Immaterial! 无关紧要! This is famous, so long as can give to kill in this him, then sneaks off to create disaster insufficient. 这位诺罗可是大名鼎鼎,只要能把他在此给干掉,那么溜走一个不足为患。 Today makes I'm coming ask for advice Heavenly Demon Cult and Allied Canine Tribes person of high skill!” “今天就让我来领教领教天魔教犬戎族高人吧!” Zou Yan sits in Flowing Flame Palanquin, spout formidable Source Energy, in-line Yun Xiao goes, finally hears several sharp long howls from the vault of heaven, 45 gigantic incomparable hot meteorites, are crashing at the extremely quick speed. 左湮坐在流火轿中,喷涌出强大元力,直插云霄而去,最终从天穹又传来好几声尖锐的长啸声,45颗硕大无比的火陨石,正在以极快的速度坠落下来。 Meteorite Source Spirit? 陨石元魂 The Zou Yan ability is a little similar to Nangong Yi. 左湮能力跟南宫毅有点相似。 Nangong Yi volcano Source Spirit has the far ultra same level destructive power, but consumes in a big way, attacks fast is quite slow, the Zou Yan Source Spirit type and Nangong Yun are similar, his Source Spirit is the meteorite, destructive power extreme, but the defense capability is weak. 南宫毅火山元魂是具备远超同级破坏力,但是消耗大,攻速比较慢,左湮元魂类型与南宫云非常相似,他的元魂就是陨石,破坏力更加的极端,但是防御能力非常薄弱。 However, Zou Yan has Flowing Flame Palanquin, this treasure is Awakened Soul Cultivator is unable to defeat, therefore Zou Yan is secure, even if to, Shi Xin such master, he also has the self-confident war. 不过,左湮流火轿,这件宝物是魂醒修士无法击破的,所以左湮有恃无恐,哪怕对上诺罗、噬心这样的高手,他也有自信一战。 But a King's General Tu also dive under launches the attack. 王屠也一个俯冲而下发起攻击。 The Wings Poison Dragon strength approached Awakened Soul 9th Layer, but King's General Tu also has the Awakened Soul 9th Layer strength, a person of beast combines to coordinate flawlessly, the strength also sufficiently resists the Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak master. 双翼毒龙实力本就接近魂醒九重,而王屠也具备魂醒九重实力,一人一兽合二为一配合天衣无缝,实力也足以对抗魂醒九重巅峰高手。 After all the nickname of General Winged Dragon is not Bai Jiao! 毕竟翼龙上将的绰号不是白叫! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! Tripartite Expert launches the intense incomparable life-and-death war! 三方强者展开激烈无比的殊死大战!
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