MT :: Volume #3

#281: Sits Shan Guanhu to fight

Here everywhere is the bottomless bog vortex, but the surface was covered the relations by the scarlet algae, the semblance cannot look, the bog actually mixes to revolve, is at the activity the condition, if falls in , the formidable attraction drags to entrain the bog the person sufficiently directly, twists into the bottomless trench to change into the bog silt part. 这里到处是无底沼泽漩涡,但表面被赤藻覆盖关系,外表根本就看不出来,沼泽内部却搅动旋转,处于活动的状态,若是陷进其中,强大吸引力足以把人直接拖拽进沼泽,绞入无底深渊中化为沼泽淤泥的一部分。 Demon Beast and biology that here presents are getting more and more strange, the threat also becomes more and more greatly, even if True Soul Expert, if everywhere is not careful, there are injured even the fatal danger. 这里出现的魔兽和生物越来越古怪,威胁也变得越来越大,哪怕是真魂强者,若不处处小心,也有受伤甚至致命的危险。 Mr. Shi Xin takes the lead, just and a swale monster war. 噬心老人走在前面,正和一只沼地怪物大战。 Chu Tian throughout maintains a distance with Shi Xin, at this time from the side reeds, found out a small fox head, was calling one to Chu Tian gently, with claw gesture gesture several, expressed that has arranged. 楚天始终与噬心保持一段距离,这时从旁边芦苇丛中,探出一个小狐狸脑袋,对着楚天轻轻叫一声,用爪子比划比划几下,表示已经安排好了。 Chu Tian nods, making it hurry to hide. 楚天点点头,让它赶紧藏起来。 Mr. Shi Xin eliminates the bog monster to turn around discontentedly: What are you rubbing gently?” 噬心老人消灭沼泽怪物不满转过身:“你在磨磨蹭蹭什么?” Owner Sir, here a little situation!” “堂主大人,这边有点情况啊!” What?” “什么?” The Shi Xin across the sky lasing, broke through several hundred meters in a Chu Tian finger of direction fiercely, afterward falls on swampy ground that in big silt scatter, when sees the present thing, the Shi Xin eyebrow wrinkles immediately: This is.” 噬心猛地横空激射而出,朝楚天指的方向冲过几百米,随后落在一大片淤泥四溅的沼泽地上,当见到眼前之物时,噬心眉毛顿时皱起来:“这是。” A gigantic incomparable deep purple tentacle break in reeds. 一条硕大无比的深紫色触手断裂在芦苇丛里。 This tentacle enough more than ten meters, all over the body is the deep purple, the surface covers entirely naturally forms Rune, disgusting big suckers, still gather in one unexpectedly, has probably not died completely thoroughly. 这一根触手足足有十多米长,遍体是深紫色的,表面布满自然形成符文,一个个恶心的大吸盘,竟然还在一张一合的,好像还没有完全死透。 That margin is smooth and neat, the massive purple-red liquids, are flowing in the surrounding bog unceasingly, sends out corrosion sound that tittered, but also released the massive poisonous gas. 那切口光滑而又工整,大量紫红色的液体,正不断流入周围沼泽中,发出噗嗤噗嗤的腐蚀声,还释放出大量有毒的气体。 Chu Tian said affectedly: This tentacle monster certainly is very fierce bog monster!” 楚天故作惊讶的说:“这只触手怪物一定是非常厉害的沼泽怪物!” From the margin neat degree, cuts off tentacle to be the Awakened Soul 9th Layer above master!” Mr. Shi Xin hesitates, the complexion ten segragation reiterated: „The movements of some people are quicker than imagination, we looked like make the best use of the time to go to the scarlet blood temple.” “从切口干净利落程度来看,斩断触手者必为魂醒九重以上高手!”噬心老人沉吟起来,脸色十分凝重说:“有人的动作比想象中更快啊,我们看来得抓紧时间前往赤血神殿了。” The Red swamp range is huge, happen to passes through other person of overlapped routes, this possibility is minimal, this nature small fox loses intentionally here, to coordinate Chu Tian. 赤色沼泽范围庞大,正好走过其他人重叠路线,这种可能性微乎其微,这自然小狐狸故意丢在这里的,为就是配合楚天 Goes to the scarlet blood temple? 去赤血神殿? If you went. 你们要是都进去了。 I have the time to pick up a bargain! 我还有时间捡便宜么! Yes!” Chu Tian maintains composure, said intentionally: On that day Red Marsh Town once saw the Southern Summer Country two masters to appear. Besides the Southern Summer Country master, has War Hound prairie Expert, it seems like attempts to bribe the scarlet blood Headquarters person to be not infrequent!” “是啊!”楚天不动声色,故意说道:“那天赤沼镇就曾见过南夏国两位高手出现。除南夏国的高手外,更有犬戎草原的强者,看来企图染指赤血总舵的人不在少数!” These come from the different influences Expert, their common goal is the scarlet blood buried treasure, will therefore regard definitely the Heavenly Demon Cult person for the first archenemy. Especially scarlet blood Venerable, cultivation base is exceedingly high, the influence is strong, is existence that they most dread.” Chu Tian said here another dignified appearance, „, but, deep sleep several hundred years, the head Venerable just the consciousness strength to fear that after all will reduce greatly, if attacked to the master in the scarlet blood temple in every way, perhaps......” “这些来自不同势力的强者,他们共同目标都是赤血宝藏,所以必然会视天魔教人为第一大敌。特别是赤血首尊,修为通天,势力强大,是他们最忌惮的存在。”楚天说道这里又一副凝重样子,“但,毕竟沉睡几百年,首尊刚刚苏醒实力怕是会大减,若是在赤血神殿里面对多方高手突袭,恐怕……” Sufficed!” Mr. Shi Xin sneers, both eyes are flashing the bone-chilling cold murderous intention: „Do these petty people also presumptuously think to cope with revere? Walk! With coming up!” “够了!”噬心老人冷笑,双眼闪动着凛冽杀机:“这些鼠辈也妄想对付首尊?走!跟上去!” Chu Tian pretended to be surprised saying: Owner, our not advanced temple?” 楚天故作惊讶说:“堂主,我们不先进神殿了?” Mr. Shi Xin has made the decision, the skinny dry body, just likes an looks like strong bullet, swings from the reed, pursues to a direction toward the trace. 噬心老人已经做出决定,枯瘦干巴的身体,犹如像一颗强劲的子弹,从芦苇一荡而过,朝着痕迹向一个方向追过去。 Sooner or later can encounter to fight, why arrives at the scarlet blood palace to hit again? 早晚会遭遇交手,何必到赤血殿再打? Would rather had not realized while the present opposite party, first cautiously follows to go and come a sneak attack! If can kill 1-2, arrives in scarlet blood temple union Venerable again, other people naturally were also a cinch. 倒不如趁着现在对方没有察觉,先小心翼翼的跟上去来一次偷袭!若是能干掉一两个,再抵达赤血神殿联合首尊,其他人自然也就不在话下了。 Just like this fellow said that scarlet blood Venerable cultivation base to be freely strong, but deep sleep several hundred years regains consciousness, meets weakly some time . The reputation of scarlet blood Venerable is so big, person who these come to steal the Heavenly Demon Cult treasure, how can also not dread this person? 正如这个家伙说的一样,赤血首尊修为尽管非常强,但沉睡几百年的时间苏醒,会在一段时间内非常的虚弱。赤血首尊的名声那么大,这些前来盗取天魔教宝物的人,又岂会不忌惮此人? If let scarlet moon/month revere sliding, they also thoroughly ended. 若是让赤月首尊给溜了,他们也就彻底完了。 Scarlet moon/month Venerable to restore the strength to revenge, three Monarch level Expert could not save them! 赤月首尊恢复实力来报仇,三君级强者也救不了他们! No one wants to leave a great hidden in the future. Scarlet blood Venerable definitely becomes the first attacked goal, these many master offensive cope with revere, the head Venerable has any ill fortune, scarlet blood [lineage/vein] do not want to stand up from failure. 谁也不想为日后留下一个重大隐患。赤血首尊肯定会成为首个被攻击的目标,这么多高手攻势对付首尊,首尊真有什么凶多吉少,赤血一脉就别想翻身了。 Mr. Shi Xin launches pursuit to opposite party without hesitation. 噬心老人毫不犹豫对对方展开追击。 This found the fragmentary clue, but along with pursuing deepens, discovered that the trace also becomes more and more, this is because the small fox has directed in Shi Xin the opposite party genuine route. 这一路找到零星线索,不过随着追赶加深,发现痕迹也变得越来越多,这是因为小狐狸已经把噬心引到对方真正的路线上。 When approaches Red swamp most core region gradually, the gas cloud instead gradually changed pale, Chu Tian looked out the distant place time discovered that this piece of Red swamp central location had a huge red barrier, the barrier presented the hemispheroid, just liked the big cover covers the bog center. 当渐渐靠近赤色沼泽最核心区域时,毒雾反而渐渐变淡了,楚天遥望远方的时候发现,这片赤色沼泽的中央位置有一道巨大的红色屏障,屏障呈现半球形,犹如大罩子罩住沼泽中心。 Large-scale barrier. 一个大型结界 In that barrier seal on scarlet blood temple? 结界里面封印的就赤血神殿了么? Front thunders the fighting sound, causes the attention of Chu Tian and Shi Xin. 前方一阵轰鸣打斗声,引起楚天噬心的注意。 The bog central region presents a huge monster, looks like like a terrifying demon dragon, the whole body covers entirely the fierce scale and hangnail, sharply incisively just likes the claw of sharp knife blade, gigantic and terrifying build, just likes a hill is huge, spouts the green ray that from the mouth, has strong destructive. 沼泽中央地带出现一头庞大怪物,看起来就像一头恐怖的魔龙,浑身都布满狰狞的鳞片和倒刺,锋利尖锐犹如利刃的爪子,硕大而又恐怖的体型,犹如一座小山般庞大,从嘴中喷出的绿色光线,更是具备超强杀伤性。 The green ray illuminates the place, the material is decomposed in abundance, the might is astonishing. 绿色光线照过之处,物质纷纷遭到分解,威力非常惊人。 This is strong Level 2 top grade Demon Beast Dragon Lizard Beast, its strength should not inferior Southern Xia eight marquises, only then in Red swamp most deep place, can find this rare unusual animals! 这是一头超强的2级特等魔兽龙蜥兽,其实力应该不逊色南夏八侯,只有在赤色沼泽最深处,才能找到这种稀有的异兽! Three ash-gray people are confronting with Dragon Lizard Beast. 三个灰色人在与龙蜥兽对峙。 Dragon Lizard Beast appears very manic blowout one after another green energy, every this strength has swept the place, any material almost shortly decomposed cleanness. 龙蜥兽显得非常狂躁喷出一股又一股绿色能量,凡是这股力量扫过之处,无论是任何物质几乎顷刻间就被分解的干干净净。 That three tall grey robe people are also very not simple, although the Dragon Lizard Beast strength is extremely formidable, actually can still divert calmly, has not fallen in leeward. 那三个身材高大的灰袍人也很是不简单,虽然龙蜥兽实力极其强大,却依然能够从容的牵制住,并没有落于下风。 People who actually has the brain slightly can look. 其实稍有脑子的人都能看出来。 Three people throughout with the Dragon Lizard Beast dogfight, but has not spelled hardly, mainly to consume the Dragon Lizard Beast strength. Dragon Lizard Beast strength freely formidable incomparable, but eventually is stupid Demon Beast, simply had not realized that these three people of strategies, instead continuously crazily attack. 三人始终与龙蜥兽缠斗而没硬拼,主要是为消耗龙蜥兽的力量。龙蜥兽实力尽管强大无比,但是终究是一头愚蠢的魔兽而已,根本没有意识到这三人的战略,反而继续不断疯狂进攻。 Three grey robe person hold the axe, a manpower holds the Wolf Fang stick, most at least is Awakened Soul 9th Layer cultivation base, strongest both hands hold a long and narrow denticle long blade respectively, has Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak cultivation base probably. 三个灰袍人一人持斧,一人手持狼牙棒,最起码都是魂醒九重修为,最强的者双手各持一把狭长的锯齿长刀,大概拥有魂醒九重巅峰的修为 Moreover, their strength with fight style, is different to most Southern Xia Cultivator. 另外,他们实力和战斗风格,与绝大多数南夏修士不一样。 The status of these three people were almost vivid. 这三个人的身份几乎已经呼之欲出了。 Roar!” “吼!” Dragon Lizard spouts the flame energy impact once again, that wild strength whiz however sweeps across, but, presented fan-shaped has released suddenly, three ash-gray forms simultaneously rebounded, that flame but still rolling, fired into behind three people piece of reeds. 龙蜥又一次喷出火焰能量冲击,那股狂暴的力量嗖然席卷而至,呈现扇形骤然释放了出来,三道灰色的身影同时跳开了,那火焰依然滚滚而至,冲向三人背后的一片芦苇丛。 Chu Tian has a scare. 楚天吓一跳。 This flame comes to here unexpectedly! 这火焰竟是冲着这里而来! By the opposite party discovering? 难道已经被对方给发现了吗? Snort!” “哼!” Mr. Shi Xin works on Chu Tian to leap fiercely, the green ray has scattered the reeds time, the trim reed on the autodecomposition the fragment, vanished in the field of vision immediately suddenly, did not have remaining including a flying ash. 噬心老人猛地抓起楚天一跃而出,绿色光芒撒过芦苇丛的时候,整片芦苇顿时就自动分解成碎片,眨眼间就消失在了视野里,连一点飞灰都没有剩下。 They have not fallen to the ground, the ash-gray form speeds away together, but , the whole body releases formidable Source Spirit, two woods cold denticle long blades, just like the tooth of poisonous snake puncture, two trowel light illness shoot, but, although is not very gorgeous, actually very strong. 两人都还没有落地,一道灰色身影疾驰而至,浑身都释放出强大元魂,两把森寒的锯齿长刀,犹如毒蛇的牙齿般刺出,两抹刀光疾射而至,虽然不够绚丽,却非常的强劲。 Mr. Shi Xin abandons Chu Tian, whole body Chinese-style gown is calm, formidable Source Spirit releases suddenly, impressively is a blood red python, from back attacks fiercely, but bites the blade light. Mr. Shi Xin seizes the chance a palm detachment, that grey robe person keeps off with the blade, immediately is shot to fly upside down. 噬心老人抛开楚天,浑身袍子无风自动,强大元魂骤然释放出来,赫然是一条血红色的蟒蛇,从背后猛地突袭而出咬住刀光。噬心老人趁机一掌劈去,那灰袍人用刀一挡,立刻被弹得倒飞出去。 The ash-gray long gown ripped smashing, this person reveals the true colors immediately! 灰色长袍被撕的粉碎,此人立刻露出真面目! When sees the touching type of opposite party, Chu Tian slightly stares. 当见到对方的摸样,楚天不禁微微一愣。 This person of height close two meters, although is growing the human form outline, the whole body pili is truly thick, what is most prominent is that head, impressively is unexpectedly ordinary to the wolf, two glossy dark green vision beat Ghost Flame like the darkness, making the person see in the heart one cold. 此人身高接近两米,虽然长着人形轮廓,浑身体毛确实非常浓密,最突出的是那一颗脑袋,竟然赫然向豺狼一般,两只油绿目光就像黑暗中跳动鬼火,让人见了心中不禁一凛。 Really is Allied Canine Tribes! 果然是犬戎族么! Spirit Beast of War Hound prairie life, is mainly primarily Dog Tribe and Wolf Tribe, the Wolf Tribe status is generally higher, therefore basically middle and upper level influence structure is the Wolf Tribe person composes, now appears in present Spirit Beast Expert, he is a Wolf Tribe master. 犬戎草原生活的兽灵,主要以犬族狼族为主,其中狼族地位普遍更高,所以基本上中上层势力结构都是狼族人组成,现在出现在眼前的这位兽灵强者,他便是一个狼族的高手。 This grasps the Wolf Tribe Expert common people of double blade! 这一位手持双刀的狼族强者绝非泛泛之辈! Perhaps the Southern Summer Country Expert quantity does not have Allied Canine Tribes to be many, but Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak Expert, even if above the War Hound prairie, that is also very top existence. 南夏国强者数量或许没犬戎族多,但是魂醒九重巅峰的强者,即使在犬戎草原之上,那也是非常顶尖的存在。 I, Broken Fang Tribe, big brave warrior!” The Allied Canine Tribes master asked with the voice of unusual sound: Who you are!” “我,裂牙部族,大勇士诺罗!”犬戎族高手用非常声音的口音问:“你是谁!” The Spirit Beast Tribe language and Human Race language are entirely different, Spirit Beast Tribe like Human Race is not basically the unified race, but is a very huge population, Wolf Tribe merely is one in big population. Therefore Spirit Beast culture very conflict, but the language are also many and varied. 兽灵族语言与人族语言截然不同,兽灵族不像人族是基本统一的种族,而是一个非常庞大的种群,狼族仅仅是大种群中的一种罢了。所以兽灵文化非常矛盾冲突,而语言也是多种多样的。 The Spirit Beast intelligence quotient is lower than humanity, moreover does not have Human Race to understand to be accommodating, therefore Spirit Beast will generally not go to study other families language, this Wolf Tribe strength is not only tyrannical, can quite with the Human Race language, explain unexpectedly skilled he truly is splendid Spirit Beast. 兽灵智商比人类低,而且没有人族懂得变通,所以兽灵普遍不会去学外族语言,这个狼族不仅仅实力强横,竟然能比较熟练用人族语言,说明他确实是一个出色的兽灵 Mr. Shi Xin had not replied that this issue, blood red python Source Spirit rushes to the sky all of a sudden, changes to big blood fog suddenly, just likes the waterfall inclines suddenly under. 噬心老人没有回答这个问题,血红色巨蟒元魂一下子冲上天空,骤然间化作一大片血雾,犹如瀑布般猛然倾斜而下。 Roar!” “吼!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert bellows the warning. 犬戎族强者诺罗大吼警告。 Two Allied Canine Tribes and Expert of Dragon Lizard entanglement is vigilant immediately, when saw that the big piece blood fog falls in torrents thick fallingly, the complexion big change must escape suddenly. 两个犬戎族龙蜥纠缠的强者立刻警觉,当见到大片血雾纷纷扬扬倾泻下来,骤然脸色大变就要逃开。 And a person avoids attack by luck. 其中一个人侥幸避开攻击。 Another person did not have such good luck, the blood fog covered him in inside directly, this Allied Canine Tribes whole body hair was covered red, that intense blood poison direct invasion body. 另外一个人就没这么好的运气了,血雾直接将他笼罩在里面,这个犬戎族浑身毛发都被镀上一层红色,那强烈血毒直接侵入身体。 Allied Canine Tribes Expert is powerful, although was invaded the body by Mr. Shi Xin blood poison, but had not caused heavy losses immediately, but with vigorous Source Energy resisting. 犬戎族强者到底实力强大,虽然被噬心老人的血毒侵体,但是并没有立刻受到重创,而是用浑厚元力给抵挡住了。 However in this time. 但是就在此时。 Dragon Lizard initiates fiercely attacks a green ray to fall on his body. 龙蜥猛地发起攻击一道绿色光芒落在他的身上。 „!” “嗷!” Allied Canine Tribes Expert sends out the painful the miserable howling sound, the entire body instantaneously ripped fragmentation, Mr. Shi Xin reveals one to sneer, has not thought that such quickly kills one. 犬戎族强者发出痛苦的惨嚎声,整个身体瞬间被撕裂成碎片,噬心老人露出一丝冷笑,没有想到这么快就干掉一个。 Chu Tian is also a face rouses in side. 楚天在旁边也是一脸振奋。 Hits, hits, should better hit mutually wounded or three defeats entirely Shang! 打吧,打吧,最好打个两败俱伤或者三败俱伤! These person of strengths consume are bigger, then had the superiority to Chu Tian on exceed! 这些人实力耗损越大,那么对楚天就越有优势了!
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