MT :: Volume #3

#278: All masters

Chu Tian hurries along while to glance through in the hand the material. 楚天一边赶路一边翻阅手里资料。 Heavenly Demon Cult endures compared with the Warring States, scarlet blood [lineage/vein] freely are the branch, its inside story is also very deep. The heyday has scarlet blood believer 600,000 people, every 20,000 people suppose Branch Lord, every 300,000 people suppose an owner, meant that has 30 rank Branch Lord and two owners, above scarlet blood Venerable to assume personal command. 天魔教堪比战国,赤血一脉尽管是分支,其底蕴也是非常深厚的。全盛期有赤血教徒600000人,每20000人设一位舵主,每300000人设一位堂主,也就意味有30位分舵主、两位堂主,其上更有一个赤血首尊坐镇。 Such influence was too fearful! 这样势力太可怕了! The ordinary minute of Branch Lord meridian slightly is stronger than eight marquises, the owner feared that has reached three Monarch's levels. Scarlet moon/month Venerable the prosperous time the strength, absolutely above Southern Xia three Monarch, even is much higher than Southern Xia three Monarch, with invading the Thunder State Hellfire devil feared that does not lose. 普通分舵主鼎盛期都比八侯稍强,堂主怕是已经达到三君的水平了。赤月首尊鼎盛时期的实力,绝对在南夏三君之上,甚至远远高出南夏三君,与侵入雷州地狱火恶魔怕也是丝毫不输。 Astonishing! 惊人! Too was most at least astonishing to Shen Bingyu and Nangong Yun! 最起码对沈冰雨南宫云而言太惊人了! In Heavenly Demon Cult numerous inheritance, the scarlet blood inheritance merely is one, not necessarily is the rank before the inheritance, had the crush Southern Summer Country strength, what colossus in the past were the day demon Warring States? 天魔教众多传承中,赤血传承仅仅是之一,不一定是排名靠前的传承,就已经拥有碾压南夏国的力量,当年天魔战国到底是一个什么样的庞然大物呢? When scarlet blood Headquarters destruction, most elite was eliminated. 赤血总舵覆灭时,大多数精锐都被消灭。 Ten Branch Lord, an owner and revere to conceal to run away. 只有十位舵主、一位堂主、首尊匿逃出来。 At that time game is as good as lost was impossible to stand up from failure, therefore decided that played dead with the taboo mystique, passes through to several hundred years later, then waited for an opportunity to stage a comeback. Ten Branch Lord at least have three dead in Chu Tian, in addition other seven situations do not know. 当时大势已去不可能翻身,所以决定用禁忌秘法假死,穿越到几百年后,再伺机东山再起。十位舵主起码有三个死在楚天手里,其他七位的情况尚且不知道。 Because Secret Technique has the extremely high risk, the strength is lower, Source Energy to be weaker, in the deep sleep process the mortality rate is higher, other Branch Lord died in the deep sleep mostly. The scarlet blood owner actually regained consciousness, is going to the Headquarters road. Venerable as for? His strength is so astonishing, thinks that such bad luck will not die! 因为秘术存在极高风险,实力越低、元力越弱,沉睡过程中死亡率越高,其他舵主多半已经死在沉睡中。赤血堂主却已经苏醒,正在前往总舵路上。至于首尊?他的实力如此惊人,想必不会这么倒霉死掉吧! Perhaps Heavenly Demon Cult went down in the world. 天魔教或许落魄了。 Had been eventually magnificent. 终究曾经非常辉煌过。 Chu Tian has the pass, if doesn't go to one to be resigned? Let alone, scarlet moon/month Venerable such fellow , if born, then definitely will pose very big threat to Southern Summer Country, Chu Tian is actually patriotic, in the Heavenly Demon Cult revival process, will definitely move Miracle Commerce. 楚天持有通行证,若不去走一趟又怎么能甘心?更何况,赤月首尊这样的家伙要是出世,那对南夏国肯定会造成很大威胁,倒不是楚天多爱国,天魔教复兴过程中,肯定会触碰到奇迹商会 This does not want to see that must therefore prevent the devil born! 这是不想看到的,所以一定要阻止魔头出世! Several days several nights hurry along, three people arrive in one place that called Red Marsh Town, this small urban population scale was large, 100,000 people, the street architecture was crude, the ground was also muddy, no matter the townspeople the Sir or the child, probably were the mudskipper child are the same. 几天几夜赶路,三人抵达一个叫赤沼镇的地方,这个小城镇人口规模颇大,足足有100000人,沿街建筑非常简陋,地面也是泥泞不堪,镇民不管大人还是小孩,都好像是泥猴子一样。 Does not have the means. 没办法。 Who lets the small town in the bog terrain? 谁让小镇在沼泽地形里呢? We are mud places.” Nangong Yun sits in the hotel, immediately takes off tall Yaochang the tube leather boots, pours sewage from inside, mother, in the boots was the water, the foot of old lady quickly gives the spoil by soaking!” “我们一路都是泥巴地。”南宫云坐在旅馆里面,立刻脱下高腰长筒皮靴,从里面倒出一股污水,“妈的,靴子里面都是水,老娘的脚都快给泡烂了!” Chu Tian looks at one. 楚天不禁多看一眼。 Nangong Yun does not have the Meng Qingwu devil longleg, both legs are very slender, basically conforms to the ratio of middle to outside proportion, the snow is tender and slender, leg is symmetrical, is joined to the perfectly round abundant outstanding buttocks, pours must have a hot character and style. 南宫云没有梦轻舞魔鬼般的长腿,一双腿还是非常修长的,基本符合黄金分割比例,雪嫩而又纤细,腿型匀称漂亮,配上浑圆丰挺的翘臀,倒也必有一份火辣的风情。 Small town is the edge in red swale, the red swale is the bog region of Cang State prairie, is in the Southern Summer Country mirror a biggest stretch of swale, naturally did not have the smooth road.” Chu Tian spoke of this also to add: We then must enter Red swamp of town, first rests well a evening, in the next few days the road will be difficult to walk.” “小镇就是赤色沼地的边缘,赤色沼地是苍州草原的沼泽地带,更是南夏国镜内最大的一片沼地,当然没有平坦的路了。”楚天说到这又补充说:“我们接下来要进镇子的赤色沼泽,先好好休息一晚,未来几天路都不好走。” 18 god blood Yin Corpse quickly turned into half clay figurine. 18具神血阴尸都快变成半个泥人了。 Chu Tian then cleans to them, makes several big wooden barrels, engraves to build up, inducts the essence and blood material, installs to refine them directly. 楚天便给它们清洗一遍,弄来十几个大木桶,刻印好炼成阵,导入精血材料,把他们装进去直接进行炼制。 God blood Yin Corpse cannot help in the red swale. 神血阴尸在赤色沼地帮不上什么忙。 Would rather using the present time, the refinement refinement well, just makes the material from several Branch Lord. 倒不如利用现在时间,好好的炼制炼制,从几个舵主手里刚好弄来材料。 Nangong Yun wears the boots, arrives by window, opens the window curtains to sweep one: In Red swamp is filling the fatal gas cloud, you said that this place some people will live!” 南宫云重新穿上靴子,走到窗户旁边,拉开窗帘扫一眼:“赤色沼泽里弥漫着致命的毒雾,你说这种地方怎么也会有人住呢!” Town, although is small, the product is very rich! The special product of swale, elsewhere may not have!” “镇子虽小,物产很是丰富呢!沼地的特产,别处可没有!” Discovers something.” Shen Bingyu enters in the room suddenly, let somebody cool off or calm down says one: You look with I'm coming.” “发现一些东西。”沈冰雨忽然走进屋里,冷冷地说一句:“你们跟我来看。” They somewhat are curious, leaves the hotel with Shen Bingyu, sees only on the Red Marsh Town street wall, there are together jet black mark seal above. This mark looks like is very common, the common person also thinks that is only the doodle, words that but in three people of eyes looks like, the significance of this mark may very not be simple. 两人都有些好奇,跟着沈冰雨离开旅馆,只见赤沼镇街道墙壁上,有一道漆黑的符号印在上面。这道符号看起来很是不起眼,寻常人还以为只是涂鸦呢,但是三人眼里看来的话,这个符号的意义可就很不简单了。 Nangong Yun hesitates some not to determine to ask dignifiedly: „Is this?” 南宫云凝重迟疑有些不确定问:“这是?” Right, Heavenly Demon Cult contact cipher.” Chu Tian gives the affirmation answer, scarlet blood owner arrived in Red Marsh Town ahead of time, now in Red Marsh Town.” “没错,天魔教的联络暗号。”楚天给出肯定答案,“赤血堂主已经提前抵达赤沼镇,现在就在赤沼镇里。” Nangong Yun felt immediately back whiz whiz sends coolly. 南宫云顿时感觉脊背一阵嗖嗖发凉。 Cannot! 不会吧! Did the fellow such quickly come? 那家伙这么快就来了? Chu Tian with enough time has not even spoken, sees only on the street the townspeople to send out to call out in alarm the sound, drew the goods the swale lizard beast car(riage) to lose control, goes crazy to clash to proceed along no particular course on the street randomly, splashes many silt, steps on wound several townspeoples. 楚天甚至没来得及说话,只见街上镇民发出惊叫声,本来拉货的沼地蜥蜴兽车都失控,发狂般在街道上乱冲乱撞,溅起了很多淤泥,踩伤好几个镇民。 Street immediately done randomly becomes a hemp. 街道顿时被搞的乱成一麻。 Three people simultaneously feel that formidable and evil spirit imposing manner, is transmitting from the small town west, is under the disturbance of this aura, the small town beast car(riage) was frightened, immediately a confusion. 三人同时感觉到,有一股强大而又凶煞的气势,正从小镇的西方传来,正是这股气息的干扰之下,小镇兽车都受到惊吓,顿时一片混乱。 Formidable Demon Beast must come!” “有一只强大的魔兽要来了!” The voice just fell. 话音刚落。 Under the build huge Demon Beast low altitude passing over gently and swiftly place above, that gigantic wings shadow covered, a fearful aura raided to suddenly, let in the small town, regardless of the human beast car(riage), all received to frighten to hide one side. The swale lizard crawls in abundance on the ground, trembles does not dare to move. 有一头体型庞大的魔兽低空掠过上方,那硕大双翼阴影覆盖之下,一股可怕气息骤然袭至,让小镇里无论人类还是兽车,全都受到惊吓躲到一旁。沼地蜥蜴纷纷匍匐在地上,瑟瑟发抖不敢动弹。 This Demon Beast semblance is fierce, more than eight meters are about long, does not have the feather, the whole body is smooth, the brown skin is very rough, when to the person a tenacious feeling, the gigantic meat wing launches, clearly sees incisive skeletons, a gigantic tail terminal is a green, just likes the arrow shape thing, passes through the place to leave a light green trace. 这头魔兽外表非常狰狞,大约有八米多长,没有羽毛,浑身光滑,褐色皮肤十分粗糙,给人一种强韧的感觉,硕大的肉翼展开时,清楚看见一根根尖锐的骨骼,一条硕大尾巴末端是个绿色,犹如箭头般形状的东西,所经过地方都留下一条淡淡的绿色痕迹。 Chu Tian said astonished: Wings Poison Dragon!” 楚天惊愕说:“双翼毒龙!” Wings Poison Dragon is not true Dragon Clan, is actually Level 2 superior violently poisonous attribute Demon Beast. 双翼毒龙不是真正的龙族,却是一种2级上等的剧毒属性魔兽 Before Southern Summer Country palace, Gryphon that the knight equips, but merely is Level 2 inferior Demon Beast, so also takes 30 million gold coin one, because the flight Demon Beast price itself compared with ordinary land Demon Beast expensive one time! 南夏国的殿前骑士装备的狮鹫,不过仅仅是2级下等的魔兽而已,如此也要30000000金币一只,因为飞行魔兽的价格本身就要比普通陆地魔兽昂贵一倍! This Demon Beast strength went to the True Soul Expert situation. 这一头魔兽的实力已经达到真魂强者地步。 Demon Beast has the exceptional superiority, ordinary True Soul Expert not necessarily fights this Demon Beast, this already not with, most at least in Southern Summer Country this small place that the value can weigh, you again richly cannot buy. 魔兽具备得天独厚的优势,普通真魂强者不一定斗得过该魔兽,这已经不是用价值能衡量的了,最起码在南夏国这种小地方,你就算再有钱也买不到。 A manner stubborn purple armor middle age, grasps a tall and slender long spear, the whole body is covering the formidable aura, straight standing carries on the back in Wings Poison Dragon, does not have the reins or any fixed, just likes sews carries on the back to be the same in Wings Poison Dragon. 一个神态桀骜的紫甲中年,手持一根细长的长枪,浑身笼罩着强大的气息,正笔直的站在双翼毒龙背上,没有缰绳或任何固定,犹如钉在双翼毒龙背上一样。 Shen Bingyu said in a low voice: This is General Winged Dragon King's General Tu!” 沈冰雨低声说:“这是翼龙上将王屠!” Chu Tian surprised asking: „Do you know him?” 楚天惊讶的问:“你认识他?” Southern Summer Country has the Wings Poison Dragon mount general on a person.” Shen Bingyu knits the brows to hesitate for several seconds also saying: This person is of War-Dragon Army group vice general and Vanguard/Pioneer Imperial City advance regiments, because in the War Hound prairie and various War Hound Patriarch time combats, therefore has very big reputation internally.” 南夏国拥有双翼毒龙坐骑的将军就一个人。”沈冰雨皱着眉迟疑几秒钟又说:“此人是王城先遣军团之一的战龙军团副将兼先锋,因为在犬戎草原与犬戎族长期作战,所以在国内有很大的名声。” The King's General Tu vision concentrates slightly, looked at the past to a direction suddenly. 王屠目光微微一凝,骤然向一个方向望过去。 That direction transmits the keenly blowing, all over the body golden yellow, just likes the tool of sedan chair, is flushing toward this at the extremely quick speed, just likes a bolide, mistake flame scatters in all directions. 那方向传来尖啸,一个遍体金黄色,犹如轿子的工具,正在以极快速度朝此冲来,犹如一颗火流星般,所过处火光四散。 Flowing Flame Palanquin!” 流火轿!” This is a special transportation vehicle, builds with the refiner technique, above engraves one power system, after the user instills into Source Energy the sedan chair, this sedan chair will be activated, thus has the ability of flight. 这是一个特别的交通工具,是用炼器手法打造出来,其上刻印着一套动力系统,当使用者把元力灌输进轿子里后,这个轿子就会被激活,从而具备飞行的能力。 This obviously also rare treasure. 这显然也一件秘宝。 Refines the sedan chair is the metallic material refinement of excellent works, the material was only priceless, Source Energy Array that say nothing of above uses, is technology that ancient Heaven Clan was already lost. 炼制轿子是圣品的金属材料炼制,光材料就已经价值连城,更不用说其上使用的元力阵,是古代天族早已失传的技术了。 Flowing Flame Palanquin is the Nangong Clan treasure.” Shen Bingyu closely frowns saying: This person feared that is the Nangong Clan character, moreover is not the common character.” 流火轿南宫家族的宝物。”沈冰雨紧紧皱着眉头说:“此人怕是南宫家族的人物,而且绝不是一般的人物。” Famous General Winged Dragon King's General Tu, sees really the good elegant demeanor today.” Spreads a somewhat outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted male voice from Flowing Flame Palanquin: „Below Zou Yan.” “大名鼎鼎的翼龙上将王屠,今日一见果然好风采。”从流火轿里传出一个有些阴柔的男声:“在下左湮。” Unexpectedly is the Nangong Clan on minister.” The King's General Tu vision reveals dreading slightly: Has not thought that the trivial cults leave behind some broken, can cause looking askance of Nangong Clan unexpectedly.” “居然是南宫家族的上卿。”王屠目光露出一丝微微的忌惮:“没想到区区邪教遗留一些残破品,竟然能引起南宫家族的侧目。” Zou Yan said lightly: How famous General Flying Dragon has not come!” 左湮淡淡地说:“怎大名鼎鼎的飞龙将军没来么!” Mr. deters War Hound all Bu in the prairie, if otherwise came personally, your excellency thought that he also does have the opportunity?” King's General Tu laughs several, „, but, since such at the chance encounter, how we do come a situation to do?” “少帅远在草原威慑犬戎诸部,否则要是亲自来了,阁下觉得自己还有机会吗?”王屠哈哈大笑几声,“不过,既然这么巧遇上,我们来一场合作如何?” Why must cooperate with you!” “为什么要与你合作!” I just obtained the information, the scarlet blood made the part wander about destitute in War Hound prairie, had been attained by the War Hound tribe person, in other words, in this motion, is very likely to have Allied Canine Tribes Expert. If your I encounter with Allied Canine Tribes Expert alone, does not have any stratagem which ensures success to say certainly, only then cooperates a road to walk.” “我刚刚得到情报,赤血令有一部分流落在犬戎草原手里,被犬戎部族的人拿到了,也就是说,这次行动中,极有可能会有犬戎族强者。你我若单独与犬戎族强者遭遇,绝无任何胜算可言,只有合作一条路可走。” Allied Canine Tribes? In the Southern Xia mirror, does Allied Canine Tribes dare to rush to here to join in the fun?” 犬戎族南夏镜内,犬戎族敢跑到这里来凑热闹?” Is believed by you!” “信不信由你!” On this Nangong Clan minister thinking moment, has Allied Canine Tribes to meddle, that matter was complex . Moreover the relevant information that obtains according to him, Heavenly Demon Cult's surviving members also will definitely participate, ordinary minute of Branch Lord was very formidabe, even has a hall basic shell character, this may the no small matter. 这位南宫家族上卿思索片刻,真有犬戎族插手,那事情就复杂了,而且根据他得到的相关情报,天魔教的余孽肯定也会参加,普通分舵主就已经很难对付了,其中甚至有一位堂主级的人物,这可非同小可啊。 Good! I and you collaborate!” “好!我与你联手!” Two reach the cooperation intention, the Chu Tian three people of brow tight wrinkles. 两强达成合作意向,楚天三人则眉头紧皱。 This situation suddenly became complex. 这局势忽然间变得复杂了。 The Heavenly Demon Cult owner strength is outstanding, at this moment in small town. 天魔教堂主实力超群,此刻就在小镇中。 Now master unions of two not inferior Shen Bingyu? 现在又有两个不逊色沈冰雨的高手联合? In addition has mysterious Allied Canine Tribes Expert to seep, in addition strength strong and weak unknown, but not under Shen Bingyu...... The struggle of this scarlet blood buried treasure feared that will not be relaxed. 此外更有神秘的犬戎族强者渗透,实力强弱尚且未知,但决不在沈冰雨之下……此次赤血宝藏之争怕是不会轻松。 „Does Boss, how you see?” “老大,你怎么看?” I do not know such good matter, since is the buried treasure is born, the person of coveting definitely continues we.” Chu Tian touches the chin, in jet black pupil flashing glimmer: From the present situation, we meet with them, perhaps does not have any superiority.” “我就知道没有这么好的事,既然是宝藏出世,觊觎之人肯定不止我们。”楚天摸摸下巴,漆黑眸子里闪动微光:“从现在的情况来看,我们跟他们遇上,恐怕没有任何优势可言。” In Chu Tian, Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu. 楚天南宫云沈冰雨中。 Shen Bingyu is only advanced True Soul Cultivator. 沈冰雨是唯一的高级真魂修士 Chu Tian and Nangong Yun Awakened Soul 5th Layer, their battle efficiency is merely extraordinary, is impossible to be involved in this fight, perhaps is hard to dispute with any side. 楚天南宫云仅仅魂醒五重而已,两人就算战斗力非凡,也不可能卷入这种战斗,恐怕难以与任何一方较量。 Moreover, Southern Summer Country Expert, is War Hound tribe Expert, since can take risk to search the treasure, then inevitable has the long-term research to scarlet moon/month Headquarters, has the sufficient preparation. As for the Heavenly Demon Cult owner, that say nothing. 另外,无论是南夏国强者,还是犬戎部族强者,既然会来冒险探宝,那么必然是对赤月总舵有过长期研究,有着充足准备的。至于天魔教的堂主,那更不用说了。 Chu Tian not only strength not any superiority . Moreover the entire item matter meets by chance to arise suddenly, an earlier period has not prepared, such rash past joined in the fun is not quite sane. 楚天非但实力没有任何优势,而且整件事情是偶遇突发,没有一点前期准备,这样莽撞的过去凑热闹是不太理智的。 I have an idea.” In the Chu Tian heart moves slightly: This idea sounds to be a little crazy, but can omit many strengths for us.” “我有一个主意。”楚天心中微微一动:“这个想法听起来有点疯狂,但是能为我们省去不少力气。” Nangong Yun vision one bright: That mentioned listens!” 南宫云目光一亮:“那说来听听!” Chu Tian says the plan that just thought of simply. 楚天把刚刚想到的计划简单说一遍。 You were simply insane!” Nangong Yun thinks very brave, actually almost the heart frightening, this is in the fire takes the chestnut, let slip was finished.” “你简直就是疯了!”南宫云自认为很胆大,却还是差点没把心给吓出来,“这是火中取栗,失手就完蛋了。” The Shen Bingyu light face also reveals a shock. 沈冰雨平淡面孔也显露出一丝震惊。 This bold crazy also means can think on Chu Tian! 这种大胆疯狂的办法也就楚天能想得出来! Does not need to be worried that small fox has final summons a Hellfire devil, but I am not am a vegetarian, so long as discrete, even if the plan fail, the whole body draws back is a cinch.” “不用担心,小狐狸有最后召唤一次地狱火恶魔,而我也不是吃素的,只要谨慎一点的话,即使计划失败,全身而退不在话下。” „Did you think really?” “你真的想好了吗?” Do not waste the time, immediately prepares, I need some materials, you hurry to give me to buy, especially patches the psychic force, late feared again without enough time.” “不要浪费时间,立刻准备吧,我需要一些材料,你们赶紧给我买过来,特别是修补精神力的,再迟怕来不及了。” Shen Bingyu and Nangong Yun look at each other in blank diamay, finally the helpless sigh, who lets Chu Tian is an Boss. 沈冰雨南宫云面面相觑,最终无奈的叹息,谁让楚天才是老大。
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