MT :: Volume #3

#277: Scarlet moon/month total rudder

The Heavenly Demon Cult ordinary gang audiences were killed by Nangong Yun entirely, two Branch Lord facing aggressive Shen Bingyu, were hit at this moment also does not have the strength to hit back. 天魔教的普通帮众被南宫云统统干掉,两个舵主面对咄咄逼人的沈冰雨,此刻也被打得全无还手之力。 This Qiu Benzuo took down!” “这仇本座记下了!” The law of Branch Lord fleeing, the meteor clashes to Chu Tian. 一位舵主遁逃之法,流星般向楚天冲过来。 This Branch Lord saw that this young people strength is not freely strong, however the status in three people are quite high, so long as catches him in the hand, this maneating woman is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt inevitably, two people had the opportunity to run away. 这位舵主已经看出该年轻人实力尽管不强,但是在三人中地位颇高,只要把他抓在手里,这个凶悍的女人必然投鼠忌器,两个人就有机会逃走了。 Starlight Immortal Body! 星光不灭体 The Chu Tian body surface forms Starlight immediately. 楚天身体表面顿时形成星光 A Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master claw sweeps: „Does this defense want to block this? Gives me to break!” 天魔教舵主一爪扫来:“这种防御想挡住本座?给我破!” Is Expert of True Soul level, Starlight Immortal Body shortly will be eventually gloomy, Chu Tian was also repelled several steps, what makes people extremely shocking is, Chu Tian strikes by True Soul Expert, has not received any injury unexpectedly. 终究是真魂级的强者,星光不灭体顷刻暗淡,楚天也被打退好几步,但是让人非常震惊的是,楚天真魂强者一击,竟然没有受到任何伤势。 Branch Lord also in great surprise. 舵主也大惊。 Because the toxicant severe wound as well as attacks hastily relations, only displays at present 20% strengths, the strength that but this strikes hits any Illustrious Soul Cultivator sufficiently remnantly, young people actually inconceivable blocked stiffly? 因为中毒重伤以及仓促出击关系,只发挥目前两成的实力而已,但这一击的力量足以把任何显魂修士打残,年轻人却不可思议的硬生生挡住了? This does not believe that has the skill to block again strikes!” “本座不信,有本事再挡住一击!” Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master mobilizes 40% strengths to get rid once more. 天魔教舵主发动四成的力量再次出手。 This time must defend the opposite party like the glass surely pats broken, cranks up the meat sauce his body conveniently. Who knows that in vigorous palm wind close instantaneous, opposite party pulls out a silver thing fiercely, only heard that a grating keenly blowing sound, the Bowo dense optical elastic, just likes the violent storm sprinkles. 这次定要把对方防御像玻璃一样拍碎,顺手将他的身体拍成肉酱。谁知道就在浑厚掌风接近瞬间,对方猛地掏出一把银色的东西,只闻一阵刺耳尖啸声,大波密密麻麻的光弹,犹如狂风暴雨般洒出。 Too near. 太近了。 Too sudden! 太突然了! Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master has not thought Chu Tian can counter-attack, therefore has not condensed too strong protecting body Source Energy, so is face to face high-speed and intensive attack realizes unexpected, protects body Source Energy to be torn into shreds completely, the violent strength hits him to be bruised and lacerated, withdraws continuously several steps, the injury is serious. 天魔教舵主根本没想过楚天能反击,所以也就没有凝聚出太强的护体元力,当面度如此高速而密集打击意识猝不及防,护体元力被完全撕碎,猛烈力量打得他皮开肉绽,连续退后好几步,伤势非常严重。 What is this? 这到底是什么? Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master time with amazement. 天魔教舵主骇然的时候。 The angry flame cuts together! 一道怒炎斩! The head of Branch Lord cuts to fall, was killed at the scene. 舵主的脑袋斩落,当场就被干掉了。 The Branch Lord heyday cannot compare three Monarch, most at least has more than enough to spare compared with eight marquises, even must slightly. Finally dies in a person hand of Illustrious Soul level, even does not know one are by any weapon killing, really died has no way dead content. 舵主全盛时期比不上三君,最起码比八侯是绰绰有余,甚至还要稍微强一点。最后死在一个显魂级的人手里,甚至都不知道自己是被什么武器给干掉的,真是死也没法瞑目了。 Chu Tian tramples a foot headless corpse: Also wants to plot against the father depending on your this idiot? Next generation study intelligent!” 楚天踹一脚无头尸体:“凭你这蠢货也想暗算老子?下辈子学聪明点吧!” Moreover one side, under the Shen Bingyu fierce attack, Branch Lord starts to retreat in defeat again and again. 另外一边,沈冰雨的猛烈攻势之下,舵主开始节节败退。 Chu Tian raises the Source Energy spear|gun. 楚天举起元力枪。 Shuttle optical elastic sweeps. 一梭光弹扫过去。 Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master is hit continuously 78, although has not created carries out the injury, makes him be thrown into confusion the period of time, Shen Bingyu seizes the chance a palm to throw off it, raises the hand to take one to kill. 天魔教舵主连续中弹78道,虽然没有造成是执行伤害,也让他手忙脚乱一阵子,沈冰雨趁机一掌将其掀翻,扬起手就要一张击毙。 Chu Tian stops saying: Stop!” 楚天制止道:“住手!” The Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master whole face is looking in Chu Tian panic-stricken the weapon: You...... This is any treasure!” 天魔教舵主满脸惊恐望着楚天手里武器:“你……这是什么宝物!” The Chu Tian Source Energy submachine gun is also specially-made, with the Saint Level metallic material, the cost is only scary, therefore the might is also greatly strengthened, kills Illustrious Soul Expert sufficiently with ease, even also has certain effect to True Soul Expert. 楚天元力冲锋枪也是特制的,用到圣级金属材料,光成本就吓死人,所以威力也是极强,足以轻松射杀显魂强者,甚至对真魂强者也有一定效果。 Now is not the curiosity is in flood.” Chu Tian arrives in front of Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master, is going against his head with the boiling hot muzzle: I asked your anything, you replied anything, if dared not to say or be perfunctory me, the father hit to explode your head directly!” “现在不是好奇心泛滥的时候。”楚天走到天魔教舵主面前,用滚烫的枪口顶着他的脑袋:“我问你什么,你就回答什么,如果敢不说或敷衍我,老子直接打爆你的头!” Dies in any case! You begin!” “反正是死!你动手吧!” So long as answered my issue honestly.” Chu Tian said lightly: I do not kill you!” “只要老老实实回答我的问题。”楚天淡淡地说:“我就不杀你!” A Branch Lord face doubt: Why does this place believe you?” 舵主一脸狐疑:“本座凭什么相信你?” Ping! 砰砰! The Chu Tian direct two spear|guns hit a target the Branch Lord both legs, making him send out a painful pitiful yell: I momentarily can take your life, therefore you must believe me!” 楚天直接两枪射中舵主的双腿,让他发出一声痛苦的惨叫:“我随时都可以取你性命,所以你必须相信我!” Good! What do you want to know?” “好!你想知道什么?” Where do you prepare to go to?” “你们准备去哪里?” First goes to meet with the owner, then together goes to scarlet blood Headquarters, awakens a scarlet blood [lineage/vein] first your father, making the first your father restore me and other strengths, rallies the day of demon Saint to teach!” “先去和堂主会合,再一起前往赤血总舵,唤醒赤血一脉首尊大人,让首尊大人恢复我等实力,重振天魔圣教!” That does revere to restore your complete strengths?” “那个首尊能恢复你们全部的实力?” „A scarlet blood [lineage/vein] blood chalice in Headquarters, this thing can rapidly restore me and other strengths.” “赤血一脉鲜血圣杯就在总舵,此物能快速恢复我等实力。” Why this scarlet blood does revere does not look for you on own initiative?” “这位赤血首尊为什么不主动来找你们?” Heavenly Demon Cult taboo mystique ‚an underground spring dream can play dead, cultivation base is deeper, the deep sleep is deeper. I and other months ago one after another wakes up, the owner Sir regained consciousness recently, the head Venerable at this moment also in the deep sleep, must awaken by us personally.” 天魔教禁忌秘法‘黄泉一梦’能让人假死,修为越深,沉睡越深。我等两三个月前就陆续醒来,堂主大人最近才苏醒,首尊此刻还在沉睡,必须由我们亲自去唤醒。” A Chu Tian finger of ground Demonic Cultivator corpse: These people what's the matter? Cannot also be plays dead to reactivate!” 楚天一指地上魔修尸体:“这些人又是怎么回事?总不能也是假死复活的吧!” „When Heavenly Demon Cult destruction, once kept the dissemination inheritance, these are the posterity of Heavenly Demon Cult inheritance, is not the official Heavenly Demon Cult believer.” 天魔教覆灭之时,曾经留散播传承,这些都是得天魔教传承的后人,并非正式的天魔教教徒。” Heavenly Demon Cult such big Sect definitely more than one [lineage/vein] inheritance, the scarlet blood is one of the numerous inheritance, mainly cultivates «Scarlet Blood Big Law», this is one type absorbs other people essence and blood for Cultivation Technique that oneself uses. 天魔教这么大的宗门肯定不止一脉传承,赤血是众多传承之一,主要修炼《赤血大法》,这是一种吸取他人精血为己用的功法 Two Branch Lord and Blackwind Stronghold aura are similar, is Cultivation Technique that because they with leaving [lineage/vein], cultivates is the same. In that scarlet blood Headquarters, but also Venerable in the head of deep sleep, it is estimated that is a scarlet blood [lineage/vein] leader. 两个舵主黑风寨的气息相仿,是因为他们同出一脉,所修炼的功法是一样的。那位赤血总舵里,还在沉睡的首尊,估计是赤血一脉的领袖。 The minute Branch Lord strength so is tyrannical, owner cultivation base will be perhaps higher. 舵主实力都如此强横,堂主修为恐怕会更高。 Venerable as for? 至于首尊? Really does not dare to imagine! 真是不敢想象! The heyday feared that is not weaker than three Monarch, even also above three Monarch! 全盛时期怕不比三君弱,甚至还在三君之上! You, so long as does not kill me, when I recommended you to see the first your father, the Saint teach chose a person, the first your father will certainly entrust with heavy responsibility your.” “你只要不杀我,我引荐你去见首尊大人,圣教正是用人之际,首尊大人一定会重用你们的。” Chu Tian lets somebody cool off or calm down smiles. 楚天冷冷一笑。 Shen Bingyu arrives in front of Branch Lord. 沈冰雨走到舵主面前。 When Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master felt that kills intent intensely, immediately panic-stricken shouting: You had pledged does not kill my.” 天魔教舵主感觉到强烈杀意,立刻惊恐的喊道:“你承诺过不杀我的。” „Will Demonic Cultivator also believe others' commitment?” Chu Tian smiles, said again that I pledged does not kill you, does not represent does not make others not kill you!” 魔修还会相信别人的承诺?”楚天嘿嘿一笑,“再说,我承诺不杀你,不代表不让别人也不杀你!” Branch Lord with enough time has not begged for mercy. 舵主都没来得及求饶。 A Shen Bingyu palm killed directly! 沈冰雨一掌直接击毙了! Good!” Nangong Yun laughs: Kills well! Exciting!” “好!”南宫云哈哈一笑:“杀得好!大快人心!” These demon people flee in all directions Cang State and King's territory interface point, does not know that massacres many person innocent common people. Now dies is so happy, but also was really too cheap he! If falls in the old lady hand, being probable makes them taste a method not to be possible! 这些魔人流窜苍州王域交接处,不知道杀掉多少人无辜的平民百姓。现在死的这么痛快,还真是太便宜他了!若是落在老娘手里,非得让他们尝点手段不可! Chu Tian said to them: Looks for the valuable thing.” 楚天对两人说:“找找有价值的东西。” The small fox rate sneaks in person clothes. 小狐狸率钻进一个人衣服。 Chu Tian flushes away quick of eye and hand, seizes the big tail, has raised from inside but actually. In the mouth of small fox holds in the mouth a jade bottle. Fills air/Qi of very intense blood from inside. 楚天眼疾手快冲去,一把揪住大尾巴,从里面给倒提了起来。小狐狸的嘴巴里叼出一个玉瓶。从里面弥漫出一股很强烈的鲜血之气。 Chu Tian extends a hand to the small fox, said with the unquestionable expression: Brings!” 楚天对小狐狸伸出一只手,用不容置疑的语气说:“拿过来!” The small fox mouth is holding in the mouth jade bottle, two jet black eyeball sparkling extension several, smelled smelling with the nose, afterward has opened the mouth, caught with two small fingernails, holds has been giving Chu Tian, touched the type cleverly. 小狐狸嘴里叼着玉瓶,两只漆黑眼珠乌溜溜转几下,又用鼻子嗅了嗅,随后张开了嘴巴,用两只小爪接住,捧着递给了楚天,摸样非常的乖巧。 Nangong Yun said with amazement: How did it become such is obedient?” 南宫云惊讶说:“它怎么变得这么听话了?” This is the energy is mostly limited, does not fill in the belly.” “这多半是能量有限,对它来说不填肚子。” Chu Tian has not known that the mental disposition of small fox, this plays is really the most precious object words, it had already lined one's purse, where will also hand over? 楚天还不知道小狐狸的秉性,这玩儿真是至宝的话,它早就中饱私囊了,哪里还会交出来? The small fox understands Chu Tian. 小狐狸了解楚天 Most suffers buttocks and that's the end. 最多挨一顿屁股就是了。 Chu Tian turns on the small jade bottle, smells a stench to choke the blood smell of nose suddenly. 楚天把小玉瓶打开来,骤然闻到一股腥臭呛鼻的血腥气味。 This is anything, unexpectedly is so smelly, I am about to spit!” Nangong Yun reveals a gastric disorder appearance. “这是什么啊,居然这么臭,我都快吐了!”南宫云露出一副反胃样子。 This thing with blood pill of essence and blood concentration, initially in Blackwind Stronghold Heavenly Demon Cult divided in the rudder, I had also found similar thing. The teaching audiences of these scarlet blood rudders practice the demon merit, majority need the essence and blood of personnel to restore the strength, these two Branch Lord collect this type of thing, should to restore the strength.” “这东西是用精血浓缩的血丹,当初在黑风寨天魔教分舵里,我也找到过类似的东西。这些赤血舵的教众修炼魔功,大多数需要用人之精血恢复实力,这两个舵主收集这种东西,应该是为了恢复实力。” „Is that this gadget useful?” “那这玩意儿有用吗?” This thing malignant influences are too heavy, does not have the use to us.” Chu Tian loads into the bottle gourd conveniently, to building up the corpse is very helpful, happen to lacks this material.” “这东西煞气太重,对我们没有用处。”楚天随手装进葫芦里面,“不过对炼尸是很有帮助,正好缺这种材料呢。” Found one volume of books!” “找到一卷书!” Nangong Yun uncovers obsolete sheepskin Scroll, this is the Heavenly Demon Cult scarlet blood Headquarters map, this above clear sections out scarlet blood Headquarters as well as a minute of rudder and dense altar|jar detailed position. 南宫云搜出一支陈旧的羊皮卷轴,这是天魔教赤血总舵的地图,这上面清楚的标出赤血总舵以及分舵、密坛的详细位置。 Scarlet blood Headquarters in Red swamp!” “赤血总舵赤色沼泽!” Nangong Yun labelling in the Headquarters position of map. 南宫云标注在地图的总舵位置。 Red swamp is the South Summer King country biggest swampy ground, the poison proliferates, the ominous beast runs amuck, is barren land!” 赤色沼泽南夏王国最大的沼泽地,毒物遍布,凶兽横行,是一个不毛之地呢!” Shen Bingyu remains silent the non- throat to hand over a book. 沈冰雨闷声不吭递过来一本册子。 This book searches for from Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master. 这本册子是从天魔教舵主身上搜出来的。 This seems an illustrated handbook.” Chu Tian opens book simple examination several, the vision moves slightly, „, was interesting.” “这似乎是一本图鉴。”楚天翻开册子简单的查看几眼,目光微微一动,“咦,有意思了。” Makes me have a look!” Nangong Yun does not evade to hug the Chu Tian shoulder, collects to take a look at several, these strange marks what's the matter!” “让我看看!”南宫云毫不避讳搂着楚天肩膀,凑过来瞅几眼,“这些奇怪的符号是怎么回事啊!” Chu Tian replied: „A contact cipher.” 楚天回答说:“一种联络暗号。” Contact cipher?” Nangong Yun remembers anything: You were said that Heavenly Demon Cult did contact with this cipher? In other words, we obtain this cipher, can contact other Heavenly Demon Cult Yu Nie, what owner even contacts that?” “联络暗号?”南宫云想起什么:“你是说天魔教是用这种暗号来联络?也就是说,我们得到这种暗号,就能联络其他天魔教余孽,甚至联络那位什么堂主?” Right!” “没错!” What behind that this is?” “那这后面又是什么?” Nangong Yun sees the Chu Tian change handbook, outside several strange Heavenly Demon Cult Secret Technique, abundant and elegant material, seemingly in introducing some Saint in Heavenly Demon Cult. 南宫云楚天翻动手册,几种奇怪的天魔教秘术外,还有很多图文并茂的资料,貌似是在介绍天魔教中的一些圣器。 And has a plain chalice. 其中就有一个古朴的圣杯。 Blood chalice: Unsurpassed Sacred Object of scarlet blood rudder, can collect myriad things blood Refining to shed real blood, or changes into the continuous strength, scarlet moon/month [lineage/vein] teach the audiences to have the chalice, Source Energy is infinite, the injury flickers to recover, the skill rises sharply, sweeps away all obstacles! 鲜血圣杯:赤血舵的无上圣物,能采集万物鲜血精炼出‘真血’,又或者化为源源不断的力量,赤月一脉教众持有圣杯,元力无限,伤势瞬愈,功力大涨,所向披靡! „Is this gadget the blood chalice that in these demon population said?” “这玩意儿就是这几个魔人口中所说的鲜血圣杯?” Thought!” “想必是了!” The real blood is an unusual precious material. 真血是一种非常珍贵的材料。 The Refining difficulty is high, the advantage of blood chalice lies, it can the automatic gathering myriad things vitality carry on the automaticswitching. Demonic Cultivator of this right scarlet blood [lineage/vein], is equal to having the continuous precious practice material, this utensil to them is the priceless treasure. 只是精炼难度非常高,鲜血圣杯的好处就在于,它能自动采集万物气血进行自动转换。这对对赤血一脉的魔修而言,就等于拥有源源不断的珍贵修炼材料,这件器物对他们而言是无价之宝。 This blood chalice has not promoted the use to Chu Tian freely directly, pours is also a good material collection tool. 这鲜血圣杯对楚天尽管没有直接提升用处,倒也不失为一个不错的材料采集工具。 The god blood of Chu Tian refines strong god blood Yin Corpse fully, is only the strength of god blood Yin Corpse own within the body courage vigor is too weak, is unable to digest the strength of too many Spiritual God. 楚天的神血足炼制出超强的神血阴尸,只是神血阴尸自身体内血气之力太薄弱,无法消化太多的神灵之力。 If can attain this blood chalice, gains the material continuously, then strengthened Yin Corpse to be many on the convenience. 若能拿到这个鲜血圣杯,源源不断获取材料,那么强化阴尸就方便多了。 Headquarters constructs in Red swamp, has the scarlet blood command to enter.” Chu Tian said to them: On each Branch Lord should have together the scarlet blood command, you look to look.” 总舵建在赤色沼泽,持有赤血令才能进入。”楚天对两人说道:“每一位舵主身上应该都有一块赤血令,你们找找看。” Found!” “找到了!” What this token searches for with Blackwind Stronghold is exactly the same, three people just a person of together token, has the map also to have the faith token, just runs upon this matter, how could missing easily? 这令牌跟黑风寨搜出来的是一模一样,三人刚好一人一块令牌,有地图又有信物,又刚好撞上这事,岂能轻易的错过? Several people carefully search. 几人又仔细搜查一遍。 Chu Tian found a diary on the believer. 楚天又在教徒身上找到一本日志。 Mainly is records the practice process and experience, this Demonic Cultivator was born in the family of Cang State city, the family generation cultivates the demon merit, but the people do not know that they and Heavenly Demon Cult have the relations. 主要是记载修炼过程和经历,这个魔修出生在苍州城的一个家族里,家族世代都修炼魔功,但是人们都不知道他们与天魔教有关系。 When knows scarlet moon/month [lineage/vein] after Southern Xia goes for shelter, this youth thinks to go for shelter immediately, so long as Heavenly Demon Cult can rally, that Southern Summer Country was also not anything. 当得知赤月一脉在南夏投奔后,这个青年立刻想到投奔,只要天魔教能重振,那南夏国也就不算什么了。 What a pity, this is doomed is dishonest means! 可惜,这注定是条歪路! Can the most flourishing Heavenly Demon Cult destruction, what storm now start? 全盛天魔教都覆灭了,现在又能兴起什么风浪? Here is not suitable stays for a long time, we walk!” Chu Tian takes in the bottle gourd conveniently, detours, goes to Red swamp directly!” “这里不宜久留,我们走!”楚天随手收进葫芦里,“绕道,直接去赤色沼泽!”
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