MT :: Volume #3

#276: Ambush

The Heavenly Demon Cult history is more ancient than Southern Summer Country, the heyday is very formidable, once ruled more than ten big or medium kingdoms, in its sphere of influence, including at present the Southern Summer Country most land, even most War Hound prairie. 天魔教历史比南夏国更古老,全盛时期是非常强大的,曾经统治十余大小王国,其势力范围内,包括目前南夏国大半土地,甚至大半个犬戎草原。 That time was illustrious prestige day demon Warring States. 那时是一个赫赫威名的天魔战国。 The kingdom divides three types: Small country, great nation and Warring States. 王国分三种:小国、大国、战国。 The great nation and Warring States distinguish lie , the great nation is relatively stable, surrounding areas has formed the power balance, not in a short time rapid strength suddenly to increase country. 大国和战国区别就在于,大国是一个相对稳定,周边地区已经形成均势,不会短时间内迅速实力暴增的国家。 The Warring States is in itself a great nation, the surrounding areas have not formed the power balance, the Warring States have the overwhelming strength, can therefore annex the surrounding big or medium kingdom, has further strength of expansion, therefore was called the Warring States. 战国本身就是大国,周边地区没有形成均势,战国拥有压倒性的实力,所以能够吞并周围大小王国,具备更进一步扩展的实力,所以被称之为战国。 The Warring States are full of the aggressiveness. 战国充满侵略性。 The day demon country more than 1000 years ago is the sect -type Warring States! 天魔国在1000多年前就是宗派式的战国! The traditional country is a family hereditary inheritance, the king is the lord of family, is quite often fixed. The sect country is one or several strong sect leaders leads, the king is the lord of Sect, therefore the king surname often frequently changes. 传统国家是一个家族世袭传承,国王是家族之主,往往比较固定。宗派国家则是一个或几个超强的宗派领袖来领导,国王就是宗门之主,所以国王姓氏往往经常变动。 Two the countries of patterns have the advantage respectively, the traditional country is stable, but sitting the person of throne, not necessarily is the most outstanding person. The leader in Sect country, must be the most strong person, but the shortcoming is easy to live chaotically, the kingdom is unstable. 两种模式的国家各有好处,传统国家稳定,但坐上王位的人,不一定是最优秀的人。宗门国家的领袖,必为一宗最强人,但缺点是容易生乱,王国并不稳定。 Heavenly Demon Cult can form the Warring States influence, its inside story naturally is very deep, the size inherits several, flows out several branches from part, various [lineage/vein] revere to compete for the founder, naturally attacks brutally, therefore the internal contradictions are unceasing. 天魔教能形成战国势力,其底蕴自然是非常深厚,其中大小传承十几支,从内部分流出十几个分支,各脉首尊为争夺教主,自然是大打出手,所以内部矛盾不断。 Next, the day demon Warring States is a Demonic Cultivator rule state, loss of life and people have no means to make a living, each region cannot withstand the oppression, in abundance revolt rebellion. 其次,天魔战国是一个魔修统治的国度,生灵涂炭、民不聊生,各地不堪压迫,纷纷起义造反。 The day demon Warring States develop the crest, start the thorough avalanche, but the insect of centipede dies but is not stiff, although the day demon Warring States collapse quickly, but Heavenly Demon Cult has supported to several hundred years later. 天魔战国发展到顶峰,开始彻底的崩塌,但是百足之虫死而不僵,虽然天魔战国很快倒塌,但是天魔教一直支撑到好几百年之后。 Finally, under all parties collaborate, the Heavenly Demon Cult evils nearly all extinguish. 最终,各方联手之下,天魔教余孽近乎全灭。 Several hundred years, had not heard the Heavenly Demon Cult matter again. 几百年时间里,再没听说过天魔教的事了。 The small fox should not make a mistake, these slaughter village Demonic Cultivator, certainly is Heavenly Demon Cult's surviving members! 小狐狸应该是不会弄错的,那些屠戮村落魔修,一定是天魔教的余孽 When Chu Tian the token takes from the bottle gourd, his expression slightly changes, the surface of this token, these Array traces, were activated unexpectedly all. 楚天把令牌从葫芦里拿出来时,他的表情微微一变,这块令牌的表面,那些阵法纹路,竟然全都被激活了。 This is sign that initially did not have. 这是当初所没有的迹象。 Certainly had anything.” “一定发生了什么。” „Did we hold the demon person to interrogate and torture know soon?” Nangong Yun bent the waist to touch the small fox head: Kid, can you find their whereabouts?” “我们去抓住魔人拷问不久知道了?”南宫云弯下腰摸摸小狐狸脑袋:“小家伙,你能找到他们的下落吗?” Isn't this minor matter to all-resourceful fox, that also and drinks the plain boiled water to be equally simple? 这小事对神通广大的本狐来说,那还不是跟喝白开水一样简单? To revenge, is clear for investigation. 无论是为报仇,还是为调查清楚。 This matter has to get rid. 这件事情不得不出手了。 Pursues!” “追!” The small fox is under the Chu Tian order, jumps to leap, makes vigorous efforts to catch up. 小狐狸得到楚天命令,纵身一跃,奋起直追。 The opposite party can a slaughter light small town, explain that is not a person, otherwise cultivation base again high, is impossible simultaneously to block all exits. If there is not guessed that wrong, little 56 people, many more than ten people, attack from the different directions, can create the so shocking massacre. 对方能屠光一个小镇,说明绝不是一个人,否则修为就算再高,也不可能同时堵住所有出口。如果没有猜错的话,少则56人,多则十余人,从不同方向同时进攻,方能造成如此骇人听闻的大屠杀。 In this group of people will most little have True Soul Expert! 这批人中最少会有一个真魂强者 This group of people are not quite obviously good to cope, Chu Tian starts 18 god blood Yin Corpse, adds Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu again, the battle efficiency was also but actually enough. 这帮人显然不太好对付,楚天发动18神血阴尸,再加南宫云沈冰雨,战斗力倒也足够了。 ............ ………… Toward evening. 黄昏时分。 Before small fox tracing arrives at woods, it uses in claw finger of woods, indicates these people now on conceal in inside. 小狐狸追踪来到一片树林前,它用爪子一指树林里,表示那些人现在就藏在里面。 Goes!” Chu Tian causes a look to the small fox: Has a look at them to have many people, the strength situation, after the detection is how clear, comes back to tell me.” “去!”楚天对小狐狸使一个眼神:“看看他们有多少人,实力情况如何,侦查清楚后回来告诉我。” Small fox enters in the woods. 小狐狸一头钻进树林里面。 Probably crossed for about five minutes to come out. 大约过五分钟左右就出来了。 It uses the claw to gesticulate to describe, Nangong Yun and Shen Bingyu cannot understand, but Chu Tian can understand the meaning of small fox. 它用爪子比划着描述起来,南宫云沈冰雨都看不懂,不过楚天能明白小狐狸的意思。 „The Heavenly Demon Cult Yu Nie several people, the two have the True Soul level strength probably, what is not simplest, they all are advanced True Soul Expert, all has close Awakened Soul 9th Layer strength.” 天魔教余孽大概有十几个人,其中两人有真魂级实力,最不简单的是,两人皆为高级真魂强者,全都具备接近魂醒九重的实力。” Is so strong?” “这么强?” Nangong Yun has not thought that these Demonic Cultivator are so fierce! 南宫云没有想到,这些魔修如此厉害! Awakened Soul 9th Layer Expert in Southern Summer Country, can become the Three Great Clans guest fully, became the honored on Qing Ji character. This is in the Demonic Cultivator strength has not restored fully under the situation, if the strength fully restores, these two feared that is less inferior than eight marquises many. 魂醒九重强者南夏国,足能成为三大家族座上宾,成为尊贵的上卿级人物了。这还是在魔修实力没有完全恢复情况之下,若是实力完全恢复的话,这两人怕是不比八侯逊色多少。 Currently speaking, they will be weaker than Shen Bingyu and Boss Yu. 目前来说,他们会比沈冰雨余老大弱一些。 But, under two dozens of situations, Shen Bingyu definitely is not his match. 但,二打一的情况之下,沈冰雨肯定不是其对手。 Cultivation Technique of Demonic Cultivator is cunning, even if under the independent combat situation, Shen Bingyu may not the whole body draw back. Let alone, besides two True Soul level Expert, other more than ten Cultivator is not the common people, generally is the Awakened Soul five 6th Layer strengths. 魔修者的功法刁钻阴险,哪怕单打独斗情况之下,沈冰雨不一定能全身而退。更何况,除两位真魂强者外,其余十余个修士都不是泛泛之辈,普遍是魂醒六重的实力。 This strength impossible obscure person.” Chu Tian speculated: They mostly are not simple roles, may be Heavenly Demon Cult minute of Branch Lord.” “这种实力不可能默默无名的人。”楚天推测说:“他们多半不是简单角色,有可能是天魔教的分舵主吧。” This is the same with Branch Lord that initially met. 这跟当初遇到的舵主一样。 When Heavenly Demon Cult is going to perish, they look for a secret place to carry on the playing dead dormancy, then until revived recently. These Branch Lord strengths are not weak, but as a result of the severely wounded and long-term deep sleep, after they regain consciousness, is weak, therefore needs through slaughtering the average person absorbs the essence and blood to restore the strength. 天魔教将要灭亡时,他们就找一个秘密地点进行假死休眠,然后直到最近才苏醒过来。这些舵主的实力并不弱,但由于重伤和长时间沉睡,他们苏醒以后非常虚弱,所以需要通过屠杀普通人吸取精血来恢复力量。 Nangong Yun asked: How should we hit?” 南宫云问:“我们该怎么打?” Does not need to be worried that these people are not anything.” Chu Tian takes the bottle gourd, I first refine a thing, making them drink a pot well!” “不用担心,这些人不算什么。”楚天把葫芦拿出来,“我就先炼制点东西,让他们好好喝一壶!” ............ ………… Night. 夜已深。 Dark woods center, is burning pile of bonfires, several black robe people support sit the surroundings, wild deer that is roasting skinning. 黑暗的树林中央,燃着一堆篝火,十几个黑袍人拥坐周围,正烤着一只剥了皮的野鹿。 Scoff! 嗤! Has not roasted the ripe deer leg to be torn down. 一只尚未烤熟的鹿腿被撕下。 The black robe People mouth rips the food, the fresh bloody water keeps flowing. 黑袍人大口撕食,新鲜血水不停流淌。 Two Sir Branch Lord, restored 70-80% cultivation base, kills several village towns again, two Sir Branch Lord the strength fully restores, we can with the owner round, then go to Headquarters, resurrected scarlet blood Venerable, rallies my Heavenly Demon Cult!” “两位舵主大人,已经恢复七八成修为,再干掉几个村落镇子,二位舵主大人实力完全恢复,我们就可以与堂主回合,然后前往总舵,复活赤血首尊,重振我天魔教了!” Head Venerable, once resurrects, scarlet blood Headquarters can stage a comeback at your convenience!” “首尊一旦复活,赤血总舵就便能卷土重来!” Demonic Cultivator appears very inspired. 魔修一个个都显得很振奋。 Snort, cannot be negligent!” A black robe person vigorous low and deep voice said: Initially scarlet moon/month [lineage/vein] ten rank Branch Lord were dormant, now remains our two, other have encountered the mishap mostly.” “哼,不能大意!”一个黑袍人浑厚低沉声音说:“当初赤月一脉十位分舵主蛰伏,如今就剩我们两个,其他多半已经遭遇不测。” This does not have the means.” Another black robe Branch Lord hissing said: Cultivation Technique that Saint teaches ‚an underground spring dream, letting the person can enter the playing dead condition, actually 50% possibly the body failure in the playing dead process die, we can wake are only the luck are also good, the side effect of this merit was too big, I and other cultivation base greatly were damaged.” “这也没办法。”另一个黑袍舵主嘶声说道:“圣教的功法‘黄泉一梦’,让人能进入假死状态,却有五成可能在假死过程中身体衰竭而死,我们能醒过来也只是运气好,此功的副作用太大了,我等修为都大受损伤。” This slaughters collects the essence and blood, feared that is causes many people to pay attention, the Southern Xia master feared that was investigating.” “这一路杀戮收集精血,怕是引起不少人注意,南夏高手怕是已经在调查了。” What has to be good to be worried? This time goes with the owner round, do both of us add the owner again, the Southern Summer Country master ability my what? When we awaken the first your father, even if so-called Southern Xia three Monarch, does not have fearfully what!” “有什么好担心的?此次前往与堂主回合,我们二人再加堂主,南夏国高手能耐我何?待我们唤醒首尊大人,就算是所谓的南夏三君,也没有什么可怕的!” Good, must unite owner as soon as possible, found Headquarters to reactivate the first your father!” “不错,必须尽快联合堂主,找到总舵复活首尊大人!” You.” Branch Lord orders nearby young Demonic Cultivator: Arranges the water.” “你。”一个舵主命令旁边的年轻魔修:“去打点水来。” This Cultivator hurries to go to Xiaoxibian to fetch water. 这个修士赶紧跑到小溪边打水。 After the people eat to the full, drinks to heart's content several mountain streams, all perks up. 众人吃饱之后,痛饮几口溪水,全都恢复精神。 Here is away from the Headquarters position not to be far, tomorrow must rush to the meeting place, met with the owner Sir.” The Branch Lord words just spoke of change, the whole body shook, covers the chest, the whole face pain was saying: What's the matter? Why felt that the vitality turns wells up, the whole body essence and blood ebullition, seems to be uncontrolled.” “这里距离总舵的位置已经不远了,明天务必赶到会合地点,与堂主大人会合。”舵主话刚刚说到一变,浑身一震,捂着胸口,满脸痛苦说:“怎么回事?为何感到气血翻涌,浑身精血沸腾,仿佛不受控制。” „!” “啊!” I am also!” “我也是!” We were poisoned!” “我们中毒了!” „It is not good, here has ambush!” “不好,这里有埋伏!” When these Heavenly Demon Cult audiences responded, has actually been too late. Suddenly, a cold current drops from the clouds, the bonfire shortly will be put out, on ground quilt light hoar frost. 这些天魔教众反应过来时,却已经为时太晚了。骤然间,一股寒流从天而降,篝火顷刻间就被熄灭,地面都被盖上一层薄薄的白霜。 Two Branch Lord have a big shock. 两位舵主大惊失色。 Very strong Source Energy!” “好强的元力!” Has the master!” “有高手!” Withdraw!” “撤!” When the people prepare the evacuation, a stature plentiful full female arrives suddenly, the innumerable snowflakes sprinkle thick fallingly, these blood splashes seem like are incapable delicately, in fact is containing the formidable strength. 众人准备撤离时,一个身材丰腴饱满的女子骤然降临,无数雪花纷纷扬扬洒落过来,这些血花看似柔弱无力,实际上却蕴含着强大的力量。 Blood stain marvelous ability!” “血污神功!” Branch Lord spouts a blood forcefully, all blood splash time of blood drops splutter, immediately melts Shen Bingyu Source Energy. Shen Bingyu sees the first wave of attack to be invalid, immediately a palm to this Branch Lord bang in the past. Another Branch Lord front surface throws, blocks the palm of Shen Bingyu. 一位舵主强行喷出一口血,所有血花一倍血滴溅射到,立刻就消融掉沈冰雨元力沈冰雨见第一波攻击无效,立刻一掌向该舵主轰过去。另外一个舵主迎面扑上来,挡住沈冰雨的这一掌。 Holds the strength to collide. 掌力碰撞。 Branch Lord kite with broken string flying upside down has dropped in the middle of the jungle likely. 舵主像断线风筝般倒飞落进了丛林当中。 „!” “哇!” Several blood spurt, braves the cold air. Is mixing the ice dregs. Shen Bingyu extremely cold Source Energy, has become very serious injury to other party. 几口血喷出来,冒着寒气。混着冰渣。沈冰雨极寒的元力,已经对他造成非常严重的伤害。 This Heavenly Demon Cult's Branch Master is not the Shen Bingyu match, let alone Chu Tian for the violent poisonousness that they prepare specially, adds Shen Bingyu to wear nine lion nine tiger arm protectors again, the strength large scale growth, therefore a palm chops to fly he, is not the strange matter. 这个天魔教舵主本就不是沈冰雨的对手,更何况中楚天为他们特别准备的剧毒,再加沈冰雨佩戴九狮九虎护臂,力量大幅度的增长,所以一掌劈飞他,不是什么奇怪的事情。 Who you are!” “你是谁!” Another is also standing Branch Lord glares angrily, Shen Bingyu does not give the opportunity that the protracted time controls one's breathing, immediately a palm chops to him, gives the ball flying several rice him, but 45 snowflake pursuit. 另一个还站着的舵主怒目圆睁,沈冰雨不给拖延时间调息的机会,当即一掌就向他劈过去,将他给弹飞数米,45片雪花追击而至。 Depending on you, wants to kill us?” “凭你一个人,也想杀我们?” Makes you have a look at scarlet blood [lineage/vein] the method!” “让你看看赤血一脉的手段!” Branch Lord must display demon merit resistance, a snow white small arctic fox jumps, made an effort to him fiercely a inspiration, the strength that Branch Lord just united screens out immediately. 舵主就要施展魔功对抗,一只雪白小白狐跳出来,猛地对他用力一吸气,舵主刚刚凝聚的力量顿时就被抽走了。 What? 什么? This is any Spirit beast! 这是什么灵兽 The Branch Lord demon merit was broken instantaneous, 45 pieces have hit him, has made at the scene also into the severe wound. 舵主魔功被破瞬间,45片纷纷击中了他,当场也打成了重伤。 The Heavenly Demon Cult teaching audiences have been scared, hurries to run away, finally just entered in the woods, near the ear hears a bell sound, several silent big forms clash, prevented them to escape. 天魔教的教众吓傻了,慌忙就要逃窜,结果刚走进树林里面,耳边就听到一阵铃铛声音,十几个沉默高大的身影冲出来,阻挡住了他们逃跑。 Dies!” “去死吧!” A great hammer of handle combustion sweeps to pound in Heavenly Demon Cult teaches the numerous chests. 一柄燃烧的巨锤扫过来砸在一个天魔教教众的胸口。 The high temperature that Nangong Yun erupts, instantaneously Heavenly Demon Cult taught the numerous bodies burning the carbonization. 南宫云爆发出来的高温,瞬间把天魔教教众的身体给烧的碳化了。 The Nangong Yun whole body is twining the flame, carries big some war hammers of exaggeration, immediately launches the attack to the second person: Your this group of crazed people, suffer to death!” 南宫云浑身缠绕着火焰,扛着一根大的有些夸张的战锤,立刻向第二个人发起进攻:“你们这群丧心病狂之徒,受死!” Nangong Yun cultivation base is Awakened Soul 5th Layer, Source Spirit to the strength amplification is also enormous, can say that below True Soul does not have the rival, including Awakened Soul 7th Layer preliminary True Soul Cultivator, can strike it injures! 南宫云修为已经是魂醒五重了,元魂对实力增幅也是极大,可以说真魂以下无敌手,连魂醒七重的低级真魂修士,也能一击将其打伤! Let alone cultivates Starlight Immortal Body. 更何况修炼星光不灭体 Even if to being swindled beginning the strength of Chu Xinghe also war. 哪怕对上当初楚星河也有一战之力。 The Heavenly Demon Cult audiences have the Awakened Soul 6th Layer strength, possibly can block Nangong Yun? 天魔教众就算有魂醒六重实力,又怎么可能挡得住南宫云 Let alone...... 更何况…… Several wipe the combustion sword light to delimit. 几抹燃烧剑光划过。 Two attempt to initiate sneak attack Heavenly Demon Cult to teach the audiences to Nangong Yun, at the scene by Netherworld Sword cutting. 两个企图对南宫云发起偷袭的天魔教教众,当场就被幽冥剑给斩了。 18 god blood Yin Corpse divert, Chu Tian and Nangong Yun collaborate, these teach the audiences fully to get rid, is impossible to live to run away, let alone also the violently poisonous relations, the strength was weakened. 18神血阴尸牵制,楚天南宫云联手,这些教众就算全力出手,也不可能活着逃出去,更何况还中剧毒的关系,实力已经被削弱了。 You dare to teach to begin to my Saint!” “你们竟敢对我圣教动手!” „A destruction many years of religious sect, but also there is any qualifications to be wild, do not say that you are like this young.” Chu Tian hey said: Is Branch Lord, I have killed one! Naturally, tonight must add two again!” “一个覆灭多年的教派,还有什么资格猖狂,不要说你们这样的小喽啰。”楚天嘿嘿笑着说:“就算是舵主,我都杀过一个!当然,今晚又要再添两个了!” What?” “什么?” Heavenly Demon Cult teaches the numerous complexion big changes. 天魔教的教众脸色大变。 Chu Tian does not have the time rubbish with them: Nangong, gave you, immediately kills them!” 楚天没有时间跟他们废话:“南宫,交给你了,立刻干掉他们!” Nangong Yun whole body flame spout, grins fiendishly several, holds up the sledgehammer, just likes a bolide, launches the attack to Demonic Cultivator crazily. 南宫云浑身火焰喷涌,狞笑几声,举起大锤,犹如一颗火流星般,疯狂向魔修们发起攻击。 In the woods resounds bang fulmination one after another. 树林间响起一连串轰隆隆的爆鸣。 Afterward, returned to normal. 随后,就恢复了平静。
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