MT :: Volume #3

#275: Yu evil

The Chu Tian choice disembarks in the Cang State area. 楚天选择在苍州地区登岸。 The Cang State boundary to the King's territory half day distance instantly, Cang State is the King's territory neighbor, two places by in the same place. 苍州边界到王域半日路程即刻,苍州本是王域的邻居,两地是靠在一起的。 King's territory, Cang State and northern War Hound prairie, the whole is primarily the plain, the vast stretch of flat land, ten thousand li (0.5km) do not have the danger. And the Cang State plain is Southern Summer Country main producing horse Base, Southern Summer Country most famous Azure Storm Colt is Cang State delivers. 王域苍州、北方的犬戎大草原,整体以平原为主,一马平川,万里无险。其中苍州平原是南夏国最主要的产马基地,南夏国最出名的疾风青驹就是苍州产出的。 War Hound tribe is the nomadic race, is of no fixed abode, when the people's all soldier, does not attack hides in the boundless prairie, could not find their shadows, once launches the attack like the tornado as powerful as a thunderbolt, fires off walks, neat, 犬戎部族是游牧种族,居无定所,全民皆兵,不进攻时隐藏在茫茫大草原,根本找不到他们的影子,一旦发起进攻则如旋风般雷霆万钧,打完就走,干脆利落、 If no an enough elite mobile unit, where is capable of resisting the invasion of Allied Canine Tribes? 若没一支足够精锐的机动部队,哪有能力抵抗犬戎族的入侵呢? The Cang State plain appeared very important. 苍州平原就显得非常重要了。 However stands because of Cang State and King's territory shoulder to shoulder, some areas also border on the War Hound prairie, therefore Allied Canine Tribes invades the place of Cang State frequently, lets Cang State by the flames of war baptism, in the middle of the Southern Xia eight states, Cang State land area/proportion ranks first three, but the population is actually the reciprocal. 不过因为苍州王域并肩而立,有一部分地区也与犬戎草原接壤,所以犬戎族经常入侵苍州之地,让苍州饱受战火洗礼,南夏八州当中,苍州土地面积排名前三,但人口却是倒数。 Under setting sun, near lakeside, fragrant grass blue day after day. 夕阳下,湖畔边,芳草碧连天。 Cang State does not have the big trees, does not have the palatial hills high mountains, has a boundless and bleak solemnness and stirring. 苍州没有高大树木,没有巍峨的群山峻岭,却有一种苍茫而荒凉的悲壮。 Good, good piece of fertile prairie, no wonder can raise such multi-thread Azure Storm Colt!” After Chu Tian disembarks, all sigh with emotion saying: In the past War Hound tribe Allied Canine Country time, King of Fangs makes the extra effort Cang State gives to overcome, making Great Summer Country lose the most important producing horse to give the crew cut, getting up that Southern Summer Country also establishes?” “不错,好一片肥沃的草原,难怪能养出这么多头疾风青驹!”楚天登岸之后,无不感慨的说道:“当年犬戎部族还是‘大戎国’的时候,牙之王再加一把劲把苍州给打下,让大夏国失去最重要的产马地给推平,那南夏国还建立的起来吗?” Bah!” Nangong Yun was not feeling well saying: Boss does not think that is really this also has your me? If this saying said in Imperial City, you must meet with a disaster may not!” “呸!”南宫云非常不爽说:“老大也不想想,真是这样还有你我吗?这话要是在王城说出来,你非得遭殃不可!” Said casually.” Chu Tian smiles embarrasedly, first finds a place to have a rest.” “随便说说。”楚天讪讪一笑,“先找一个地方歇脚吧。” A Great Shark Gang person arrives in front of Chu Tian: This surrounding area good hundred li (0.5km) range on a cities named Dahe Town, Brother Great Shark Gang several days just arrived, is setting up a minute of rudder in Dahe Town. You can have a rest to Dahe Town, buy several fast horses, from here to King's territory on the half day distance, 34 days also arrived in Imperial City.” 一个巨鲨帮人走到楚天面前:“这方圆好百里的范围就一个城镇名为大河镇,巨鲨帮兄弟几天才刚刚到达,正在大河镇设立分舵。您可以到大河镇歇脚,买上几匹快马,从这里到王域就半日路程,34天也就抵达王城了。” Chu Tian satisfied nod: Two months were less than seep to Cang State came, Great Shark Gang dry also good!” 楚天满意的点点头:“两个月不到都渗透到苍州来了,巨鲨帮干的还不错!” Great Shark Gang had good inheritance, now with Miracle Commerce, had the big money resource support, the development speed greatly enhances certainly!” This Great Shark Gang helps an audiences face rouse joyfully: Our one month, went out of four continent lakes, altogether establishes minute of rudder 16 in each region, recruits the member more than 10,000 people newly, including many masters, I want soon the time, Great Shark Gang to dominate the Southern Summer Country waters!” 巨鲨帮本就有不错的传承,现在跟着奇迹商会,有大笔金钱资源支持,发展速度当然大大提高了!”这个巨鲨帮帮众一脸喜悦振奋:“我们一个多月时间,已经走出四洲湖,总共在各地建立分舵16个,新招募成员10000多人,其中有不少高手,我想用不了几年时间,巨鲨帮就能称霸南夏国的水域!” In this time, the front is presenting the person who Dapian Village people dress up. 正在此时,前方出现一大片村民打扮的人。 These people hug the baby, to pull the child, is tending the good flock of sheep, is dragging pots and pans and other family belongings, the look scared goes toward the reversed direction. 这些人一个个抱着婴儿、牵着小孩,赶着牛羊群,拖着锅碗瓢盆等家当,正神色恐慌朝反方向而去。 Hello!” Nangong Yun asked strangely: „Is your flustered this goes?” “喂!”南宫云奇怪问道:“你们慌慌张张的这是去哪?” The villagers were frightened obviously greatly, now reckless must flee from this place, probably the back has the malicious ghost to chase them to be the same. 村民显然受到巨大惊吓,现在正不顾一切的要逃离这个地方,好像背后有恶鬼在追赶他们一样。 You have not known!” “你们还不知道吧!” Dahe Town last night by slaughter!” “大河镇昨晚被屠了!” „The town more than several thousand killed off!” “全镇几千多都被杀光!” Was too miserable, run, otherwise the devil came, we must die!” “太惨了,快跑吧,不然恶魔来了,我们都得死!” After talking at once several, seems not willing again saying that considered only the escape to go. 当七嘴八舌说几句后,似乎不愿意再多说,只顾着逃命而去。 What? 什么? Dahe Town by slaughter! 大河镇被屠了! Chu Tian just knew that nearby Cang State and King's territory, recently erupted some shocking murder case, wants to find out the situation on the way, the result does not wait to look for the past, instead arrived front. 楚天刚得知苍州王域附近,最近爆发一些非常震惊的血案,本来想顺路去了解了解情况,结果不等自己找过去,反而降临到了面前。 What did you talk nonsense?!” The Great Shark Gang startled anger occurred simultaneously to block them, clutches to take the lead a old man to roar: Spoke irresponsibly again, was careful that I beat to death you!” “你们胡说八道些什么?!”巨鲨帮惊怒交加拦住他们,揪着带头一个老头咆哮道:“再乱说,小心我揍死你!” The old man almost frightens to faint, the pants crotch was at the scene wet. 那老头差点吓得晕过去,裤裆当场就湿了。 Stop!” Chu Tian prevents the angry Great Shark Gang person, arrives in front of this scared old person, uncle does not need to be afraid, we are Cultivator, happen to must pass by Dahe Town, can you tell us exactly what happened?” “住手!”楚天阻止愤怒的巨鲨帮人,走到这个被吓坏的老人面前,“老伯不用害怕,我们都是修士,正好要路过大河镇,你能告诉我们到底发生了什么事情吗?” You...... You are Sir Cultivator!” “你们……你们是修士大人!” The old person is afraid Chu Tian and the others, the strength of this world individual is disparate, these cultivation base profound Cultivator must kill several villagers, will not cause anybody to pay attention. 老人非常害怕楚天等人,这世界个体的实力悬殊巨大,这些修为高深修士要杀了几个村民,根本不会引起任何人注意。 We are Dahe Town nearby villagers, I am a village head.” “我们都是大河镇附近村民,我是村长。” Goes to the market this morning to Dahe Town, who knows that enters Dahe Town...... I frightened the paralysis at that time, died, the town people died, they die quite miserable! I have not seen such picture, was really too fearful!” “今天早上到大河镇赶集,谁知道一进大河镇……我当时就吓瘫了,死了,全镇人都死了,他们死的好惨啊!我从来没有见过这样的画面,真是太可怕了!” Yes!” A face whiten robust man said in side: I at that time also on the scene, village head said is the truth!” “是啊!”一个脸色苍白的壮汉在旁边说:“我当时也在场,村长说的都是实话!” Dahe Town away this 50 li (0.5km) road, these serial killers moves in the, a bit faster runs away, these fellows are not the person, they are eat the person to drink the devil of blood! If falls in their hands, we ended!” “大河镇距此就50里路,那些杀人恶魔就在附近活动,快点逃吧,那些家伙不是人,他们是吃人喝血的恶魔!若是落在他们手里,我们就都完了!” Yes!” “是啊!” These are the devils!” “这些都是恶魔!” The villagers talked at once. 村民一个个七嘴八舌。 Chu Tian several people look at each other in blank diamay. 楚天几人则面面相觑。 Asked you to put us!” “求求你们放了我们吧!” That devil is too fearful, we do not want dead really!” “那恶魔太可怕,我们真的不想死啊!” Lest the villagers run away late are overtaken, anxiously was kneeling down to Chu Tian several people. 村民唯恐逃迟就会被追上,一个个都急着给楚天几人跪下了。 Chu Tian several people look at each other in blank diamay. 楚天几人面面相觑。 Why will have such skillful matter. 为什么会有这么巧的事情。 However from the villagers look, that fear exists earnestly, Dahe Town had an accident. Although these villagers do not lack the strength to truss up a chicken, but most also on the Body Refinement two 3rd Layer skills, how also dares to continue to live? 不过从村民眼神来看,那恐惧是切实存在的,大河镇是真的出事了。这些村民虽说不是手无缚鸡之力,但是最多也就炼体三重的本事而已,如何还敢继续生活? The disaster is also good, man-made disaster, their casualty quantities again many, these great people, these superior, extremely will not pay attention, can only be tied down by care of one's family oneself to escape. 天灾也好,人祸也罢,他们死伤数量就算再多,那些大人物,那些上位者,也是不会太过关注的,只能拖家带口自己逃命了。 This is also the helpless place of this time riff raffs. 这也是这个时代底层人民的无奈之处。 You walk!” Chu Tian also knows that from these villagers mouth cannot ask too the multithreading, we go to Dahe Town!” “你们走吧!”楚天也知道从这些村民口里问不出太多线索,“我们去大河镇!” Dahe Town has recently established Great Shark Gang to divide the rudder, is Great Shark Gang in the Cang State only foothold, Chu Tian must pass to have a look. 大河镇有一个新成立的巨鲨帮分舵,更是巨鲨帮苍州唯一的据点,楚天必须过去看看。 Several people go to Dahe Town hastily, finally smells strong blood smell by far, the news looks like not wrong, here just some time ago had a brutal slaughter. 几人连忙跑到大河镇,结果远远闻到一股浓烈的血腥气味,消息看来并没有错,这里刚不久前发生一场残酷的屠杀。 Everybody sinks. 大家心里都是一沉。 Perhaps the situation is not wonderful! 恐怕情况非常不妙啊! Dahe Town has the population about ten thousand, after entering the town, has not actually seen a corpse, but sees bloodstain everywhere. When arrives at the small town center following the bloodstain, a terrifying picture appears at present, making people feel absolutely terrified. 大河镇有人口近万,当走进镇子以后,却没见到一具尸体,只是见到满地的血迹。当顺着血迹走到小镇中央的时候,一副恐怖的画面出现在眼前,让人感到毛骨悚然。 No wonder comes not to see corpse, all corpses were piled in the same place. 难怪一路进来都没见尸体,所有尸体都被堆在一起了。 That body like the cargo or the trash, folds completely mutually in the same place, unexpectedly has become a hill. 那一具具躯体就像货物或是垃圾般,全部互相叠在一起,竟成了一座小山。 Most makes people feel what is absolutely terrified, the skeleton seems withered general, all loses the moisture content, just liked the dry corpse of air seasoning, the occurrence of massacre actually merely last night. 最让人感到毛骨悚然的是,尸骨都仿佛干瘪一般,全都失去水分,犹如风干的干尸,惨案的发生却仅仅是在昨夜而已。 „!” The Great Shark Gang person discovers several corpses: Is our people!” “啊!”巨鲨帮的人发现几具尸体:“是我们的人!” Several people thinly do not have moisture content, both eyes are hollow, the mouth launches, the whole face is the dry fold, dies sturdy in very pitiful terrifying. 几个人都骨瘦如柴没有水分,双眼凹陷,嘴巴展开,满脸都是干巴巴褶皱,死壮实在是非常的凄惨恐怖 All died!” “全都死了!” Small town about ten thousand people, Great Shark Gang several hundred individuals, were all killed! damn, this is who does!” “小镇近万人,巨鲨帮几百个人,全都被杀死了!可恶啊,这到底是谁干的!” Great Shark Gang seeps to Cang State with great difficulty comes, first moves into to Dahe Town is because, this town is near from the waters, after waiting to stand firm, the faction starts outward to develop, who knows that the expansion has not started, sending the person who Cang State comes dead. 巨鲨帮好不容易渗透到苍州来,先入驻到大河镇是因为,这个镇子距离水域近,等站稳脚跟之后,帮派就开始向外发展,谁知道扩张都还没开始,派到苍州来的人就死光了。 These are the Elite members! 这些都是精英成员啊! This time is not small to Great Shark Gang and Miracle Commerce attack! 此次对巨鲨帮奇迹商会打击都不小! Really is make the blood boil!” Nangong Yun is startled to witness the Thunder State plague, but that is the true devil behavior, all that in Dahe Town has, have the obvious artificial sign, will not be the devil will do absolutely, the two concept will be completely different: These townspeople majority are the average people, why can kill them? Really is the Allied Canine Tribes person does!” “真是让人发指!”南宫云惊亲眼目睹雷州大灾,但那是真正的恶魔所为,大河镇里面发生的一切,有着明显的人为迹象,绝对不会是恶魔干的,二者概念是完全不同:“这些镇民大多数是普通人,为什么要杀死他们呢?难道真是犬戎族的人干的!” Periphery Chu Tian observation: War Hound move about cavalry soldier breaks through Cang State and King's territory to rush to here not to come easily. If intrudes to the Southern Xia center in, why some attack village small towns, what advantage this does have to them?” 楚天观察周围:“犬戎游牧骑兵突破苍州王域跑到这里来不容易。若真闯入到南夏腹地之内,何必袭击一些村落小镇,这对他们有什么好处?” This also with saying?” Nangong Yun said indignantly: Naturally to plunder and manufacture disturbance! You do not know that Allied Canine Tribes can help the fellow be blood-thirsty, simply does not have a human nature, this matter can do absolutely!” “这还用说吗?”南宫云愤愤不平说:“当然是为抢掠和制造骚乱!你不知道,犬戎族能帮家伙嗜杀成性,根本没有一点人性,这种事绝对干得出来!” „It is not right.” Shen Bingyu has a look at some chicken coop pigsties: In cities grain domestic animal not plundered sign, this is not the Allied Canine Tribes style.” “不对。”沈冰雨看看一些鸡笼猪圈:“城镇里粮食牲畜没有被掠夺的迹象,这不是犬戎族的风格。” „It is not chaotic more right as for the manufacture.” Chu Tian narrows the eye to sweep the alarmed scene: Like this destroyed completely the villages and small towns to be superficial to Southern Summer Country, said that selected Imperial City or the Cang State aristocrat coarse, who will care about the lives of some outcastes? Attacks here to might as well attack the Cang State horse field, destroys a breeding farm more meaningful than the slaughter 100 villages and small towns.” “至于制造混乱就更不对了。”楚天眯着眼睛扫过触目惊心的现场:“这样灭掉村镇对南夏国不痛不痒,说难听点王城苍州贵族,谁会在乎一些贱民的死活呢?袭击这里不如去攻击苍州的马场,破坏一座养殖场比屠100个村镇更有意义。” Yes! 是啊! Even if Allied Canine Tribes does. 就算是犬戎族干的。 Why can Allied Canine Tribes hit Xiaocun Town? 犬戎族为什么要打小村镇呢? Isn't Allied Canine Tribes?” Nangong Yun also thinks a little strange: Except Allied Canine Tribes The Predators, who will also handle this dishonorable matter!” “难道不是犬戎族?”南宫云也觉得有点古怪:“除犬戎族掠夺者,谁还会做这种伤天害理的事情!” Chu Tian looks at the bloodstain that the tread coagulates, distinguishes some rules indistinctly. 楚天望着地面凝固的血迹,隐隐约约分辨出一些规律。 These bloodstain flowing as if form some Array, but the time passed was too long, therefore the blood melted, turned into everywhere the blood plasma. 这些血迹流动似乎形成某种阵法,不过时间过去太久了,所以鲜血化开,变成满地血浆。 I thought that the view of Demonic Cultivator is more reliable.” “我觉得魔修的说法更可靠。” Demonic Cultivator?” 魔修?” You look at the corpses of these injured parties, all by the suck dry essence and blood, besides Demonic Cultivator of practice demon merit, should not have the second possibility.” “你看这些被害者的尸体,全都被吸干精血,除修炼魔功的魔修外,应该没有第二种可能。” A such neat slaughter light town, absolutely is not an easy matter, if the opposite party is Demonic Cultivator, that inevitably is reputation illustrious Demonic Cultivator, however as if nobody will handle this matter in the impression. 这么干脆利落屠光一个镇子,绝对不是件容易的事情,如果对方是魔修,那必然是声名赫赫的魔修,但是在印象中似乎没人会做这种事情。 Relax, this is not only the Great Shark Gang matter, this is the Miracle Commerce matter.” Chu Tian comforted several Great Shark Gang gang audiences saying: Already some people do not keep eyes open to annoy on the father, this matter did not manage must manage!” “放心,这不仅仅是巨鲨帮的事情,这更是奇迹商会的事情。”楚天安慰几个巨鲨帮的帮众说:“既有人不长眼惹到老子头上,这件事情就算不相管也得管了!” Tube! Must manage! The matter that last night had, Demonic Cultivator has not walked away is right! This group of bastards in were too rampant! Nangong Yun cannot endure!” Nangong Yun angrily said: Must clutch it, making this killer pay the price of blood!” “管!要管!昨晚发生的事情,魔修没有走远才对!这帮畜生是在太嚣张了!南宫云不能忍!”南宫云气冲冲说:“一定要将其揪出来,让这个杀人魔付出血的代价!” The words said that can look? 话这么说,可怎么找呢? The scene has not left too many traces, composes Source Energy Array including the ground blood, now completely was also motley, making Chu Tian not have the means resolution type. 现场没有留下太多痕迹,连地上鲜血组成元力阵,现在也已经完全斑驳了,让楚天没办法分辨类型。 The small fox jumped down, before running, smelled smelling, immediately has discovered anything, turned head to gesticulate several to Chu Tian. 小狐狸跳下来,跑到阵前嗅了嗅,立刻发现了什么,回头对楚天比划几下。 Chu Tian is a little surprised: You know that who does!” 楚天有点惊讶:“你知道谁干的!” The small fox makes an effort to nod, pulls out a long needle to grasp from mouth in the hand, chirp was calling several to this needle. 小狐狸用力点点头,从嘴巴里掏出一根长针握在手里,对着这根针叽叽喳喳叫几声。 This group of people and initially met in the Heavenly Demon Cult cavern looks like very much?” Chu Tian touches the chin, reveals an anxiety from the vision: Heavenly Demon Cult?” “这帮人和当初在天魔教洞窟里遇到的很像?”楚天摸摸下巴,从目光中流露出一丝疑虑:“天魔教?” Chu Tian puts out together token from the bottle gourd. 楚天从葫芦里拿出一块令牌。 If not for this matter, he almost forgot. 若不是这件事情,他差点都忘记了。 This token initially divided the rudder to find in a Heavenly Demon Cult secret, the Chu Tian research discovered for a long time above has the strength of ban, actually does not know that this token is useful, therefore has not cared. 这块令牌当初就是在天魔教一个秘密分舵找到的,楚天研究许久发现上面有禁制之力,却一直不知道这块令牌到底有什么用,所以也就没怎么放在心上。 Who knows today meets Heavenly Demon Cult's surviving members! 谁知在今日又遇到天魔教的余孽 Is this also a fate? 这也算是一种缘分么?
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