MT :: Volume #3

#274: Starting

Beginning dim light of night on, late number long cry. 夜色初上,晚号长鸣 The Central State City east gate had closed door, at this time actually suddenly rumble put down the hanging bridge, several knights are protecting an ordinary beast car(riage), from the dim moonlight across arriving in the harbor, black medium ship waited there for some time. 中州城的东门本来已经闭门了,这时却突然间隆隆放下吊桥,几个骑士护着一艘普通兽车,从朦胧月色中穿过抵达港口,一艘黑色中型船舰已经等候多时了。 Dusk falls. 暮霭沉沉。 A four continent lake boundlessness. 四洲湖一片苍茫。 Divine Wind Marquis and Yun Tianhe look at the level of the lake, in the heart somewhat are sobbing. 神风候云天鹤望着湖面,心中都有几分唏嘘。 Yun Tianhe smiles bitterly was saying: Can walk at this time?” 云天鹤苦笑着说道:“非要在这种时候走么?” Chu Tian wears the travel cape, at the back of the big bottle gourd and long sword, the waist is hanging a bell, 18 silent god blood Yin Corpse stand and wait for a long time in the side, at first sight is not completely noticeable, who makes me the Central State ten thousand people of fans, if I leave the date publicly, I also? For does not let the Central State innumerable young girls by the pain of distinction the rectum is torn to pieces, I earlier walk to well, you must understand me.” 楚天穿着旅者斗篷,背着大葫芦和长剑,腰间挂着一个铃铛,18个沉默的神血阴尸伫立在身旁,乍看完全不引人注目,“谁让我已经成为中州万人迷,我要是公开离开日期,我还走的了吗?为了不让中州无数少女受肛肠寸断的分别之苦,我还是早点走为好,你们要理解我。” Divine Wind Marquis laughs: Your boy does not know modestly!” 神风候哈哈一笑:“你小子就是不知谦虚!” Actually I was very modest.” Chu Tian beckons with the hand: Did not say that I, you take care in light of this much!” “其实我已经很谦虚了。”楚天一摆手:“不说了,我就此出发,你们多多保重!” Takes care!” “保重!” Imperial City compared with Central State, outside does not have the War Hound 12 clans to threaten, the interior is intriguing, all careful conduct, should not be impulsive.” 王城不比中州,外有犬戎12族威胁,内部更是错综复杂,一切小心行事,不要再冲动了。” Knew, knew!” “知道了,知道了!” Divine Wind Marquis was also speaks thoughtlessly. 神风候也就是随口说说。 Does this boy hear him to be Chu Tian? 这小子听得进去他还是楚天么? When the ships start, has braved many lights from the Central State City direction, several hundred people catch up hurriedly to here. 当船只开动的时候,从中州城方向冒了了许多灯光,有好几百人急匆匆向这里赶来。 Chu Tian surprised: Well? I think that the whereabouts has sufficed secret, unexpectedly also some people can discover!” 楚天惊疑一声:“咦?我以为行踪已经够隐秘了,居然还有人能发现!” Idol!” “偶像!” We come to see off to you!” “我们来给你送行的!” „After you to Imperial City, must refuel well!” “你到王城以后一定要好好加油!” Miracle brings to go to Imperial City, brings to go to entire Continent!” “把奇迹的带到王城去,带到全大陆去!” Several hundred youth grasp the Miracle Commerce flashlight, the rushing shore hurriedly, putting on Chu Tian was starting, can only stand in the shore cried out loudly that with the flashlight light beam puts together one in a big way day character! 几百个少年手持奇迹商会的手电筒,正风风火火的赶到岸边,楚天的穿已经开动,只能站在岸边大声呐喊,用手电光束拼成一个大大的“天”字! Bye!” Chu Tian makes an effort to wave to them: I in Miracle Commerce , etc. you!” “再见!”楚天用力对他们挥挥手:“我在奇迹商会等你们!” We will certainly join Miracle Commerce.” “我们一定会加入奇迹商会。” Certain meeting!” “一定会的!” Lin Fan and Lin Xuan sister and brother as well as several hundred Heaven Alliance members felt that is moved to tears. 林凡林璇姐弟以及数百天盟的成员都感到热泪盈眶。 Chu Tian arrives at Central State City for several months the time, will go to Imperial City, the footsteps that he goes forward quickly are too too quick, makes these pursuers be hard to follow. 楚天来到中州城短短几个月时间,又将前往王城了,他前进的脚步太快太快,以至于让这些追赶者难以望其项背。 However, they were firmer the initial faith. 然而,他们却更加坚定当初的信念。 If can be pursued with ease, what qualifications that also does have becomes the idol and goal? 若能够被轻松追赶,那还有什么资格成为偶像和目标么? These young people in pledged at heart secretly that must join Miracle Commerce, even if cannot overtake the Chu Tian step, most at least must fill Gavois for this Miracle dynasty, leaves oneself have come the trace in this Miracle time! 这些年轻人在心里暗暗发誓,一定要加入奇迹商会,纵然不能追上楚天的步伐,最起码也要为这个奇迹的王朝填装加瓦,在这个奇迹的时代留下自己来过的痕迹! The ship vanishes in the field of vision gradually. 船舰渐渐消失在视野里。 Central State City is brilliantly illuminated, jet black earth sparkle. 中州城灯火辉煌,正在漆黑大地闪耀。 In the cabin, Nangong Yun sits before the table is in a daze, opens a canned food not to eat, but frowns slightly, why the matter is worrying. 船舱内,南宫云坐在桌前发呆,打开一只罐头也没有吃,只是微微皱着眉头,正在为什么事情而烦恼。 Nangong will have to worry.” “南宫也会有愁的时候。” Chu Tian wears Shen Bingyu to walk, Chu Tian knows why Nangong Yun in worries, Nangong Yun does not think freely Chu Tian such annoys the person to hate, but birth Nangong Clan she, its status was quite sensitive. Especially after Chu Tian discards Nangong Zhi, now Nangong Clan works as the rebel her mostly. 楚天戴着沈冰雨走进来,楚天知道南宫云在为什么发愁,南宫云尽管不想楚天这么惹人仇恨,但是出生南宫家族的她,其身份还是比较敏感的。特别是楚天废掉南宫炙后,现在南宫家族多半把她当叛徒了。 Drinks one cup?” “喝一杯?” Good!” “好!” Chu Tian but actually one cup from fermenting sweet wine: How many do you have to understand to Nangong Clan and Imperial City?” 楚天倒一杯自酿的蜜酒:“你对南宫家族王城有多少了解?” Was not quite clear, the memory was very fuzzy.” Nangong Yun carries the liquor to toss down: Nine years old leave Imperial City with the father, now 19 years old, the entire ten years, I quickly could not be anxious Imperial City am any appearance. I only remember, Sect Master after the War Hound prairie died in battle, our family does not have a day of auspicious day.” “记不太清楚了,记忆已经很模糊了。”南宫云端起酒就一饮而尽:“九岁就跟老爸离开王城,现在已经19岁了,整整十年啊,我都快急不得王城是什么样子了。我只记得,宗主犬戎草原战死以后,我们家就没有一天好日子。” Here Sect Master is not the lord of Sect, is highest successor who refers to a surname. 这里的宗主不是宗门之主,是指一个姓氏的最高继承人。 Nangong Clan has left two Marquis, one is the present furnace state county waits Li HuoHou, another is called the roaring flame marquis. They are the Burning Sun Monarch biological sons, two sons who also most has prospects, Blazing Marquis is the eldest son, Li HuoHou is six. 南宫家族出过两位侯爵,一位就是现在的炉州郡候离火候,另外一位叫做烈焰侯。两人都是炎阳君的亲生儿子,也是最有出息的两位儿子,烈焰候是长子,离火候是六子。 Nangong Clan is a very ancient family. 南宫家族是一个非常古老的家族。 The history is by far more glorious than the Dongfang Family clan and Shangguan Family. 其历史远远比东方家族、上官家族悠久。 Before Great Summer Country time, Nangong Clan existed, after Great Summer Country was extinguished, the Dongfang Family clan lifts the flag revolt, Nangong Clan becomes the Dongfang Family clan strongest boost. 大夏国时期之前,南宫家族就已经存在,大夏国被灭之后,东方家族举旗起义,南宫家族就成为东方家族最强的助力。 Until today. 直到今天。 Nangong Clan still has the Southern Summer Country strongest army. 南宫家族依然拥有南夏国最强的军队。 Wu'an Monarch is the military aspect commander-in-chief, most situation testifying rear areas, truly what is responsible for shivering is Nangong Clan. In the past the roaring flame armed forces in Blazing Marquis hand, might be called the strong army that Southern Summer Country ranked among the best, overcame the illustrious prestige in the War Hound prairie. 武安君是军事方面总指挥,大多数情况只是作证后方,真正负责打战的是南宫家族。当年烈焰候手中的烈焰军,堪称南夏国数一数二的超强军队,在犬戎草原打下赫赫威名。 Nangong Yun is a Blazing Marquis [lineage/vein] collateral branch. 南宫云就是烈焰候一脉的旁支。 Blazing Marquis and roaring flame armed forces shakes Southern Xia, Blazing Marquis itself also powerful and prudent calm, originally will be most hopeful inherits of Monarch nobility person in the future. Who knows that in ten years of previous fierce battle, the roaring flame armed forces are annihilated, Blazing Marquis died in battle. 烈焰候和烈焰军名震南夏,烈焰候本身也实力强大并持重沉稳,本是最有希望在未来继承君爵之位的人。谁知道在十年前一场恶战中,烈焰军全军覆没,烈焰候战死了。 Nangong Clan is Three Great Clans ranked second, after because by this sharp drop, now was caught up by Shangguan Family. Nangong double marquis impairment, only remains Li HuoHou alone to support, most hopeful inherits the family power to turn into Li HuoHou after Burning Sun Monarch. 南宫家族本是三大家族排名第二,正是因为受此重挫之后,现在被上官家族赶上了。南宫双侯折损一个,只剩离火候独自支撑,最有希望在炎阳君之后继承家族大权变成离火候 Blazing Marquis [lineage/vein] are not certainly willingly. 烈焰候一脉当然不甘心。 This desire elects the Blazing Marquis eldest son to take over Blazing Marquis Marquis, the Blazing Marquis eldest son was the Nangong Yi male cousin, Nangong Yi naturally must crowd around. Finally does not know that is Li HuoHou suppresses, the Blazing Marquis eldest son does not make a name, finally cannot succeed. 本欲推选烈焰候长子接任烈焰候侯爵,烈焰候长子就是南宫毅的堂兄,南宫毅自然要簇拥了。最后不知道是离火候打压,还是烈焰候长子不成气候,最终没能成功。 Li HuoHou starts to cut out the wing of Blazing Marquis. 离火候开始裁剪烈焰候的羽翼。 Blazing Marquis [lineage/vein] by the marginalization, or are sent to frontier service each region, or is calls in the armed forces. 烈焰候一脉都被边缘化,或发配到各地,或者是调入军中。 The then 28-year-old Nangong Yi talent is freely good, but Nangong Clan links an elder not to be, is the collateral branch family background, will not bring to the attention of Li HuoHou. Must say Nangong Yi will have bad luck was exiled, has very big reason is Nangong Yun causes. 当时28岁的南宫毅尽管天赋不错,但南宫家族连一个长老都算不上,又是旁系出身,本不会引起离火候的注意。要说南宫毅会倒霉的被流放,有很大原因是南宫云导致的。 After all, the Nangong Yun talent was too strong. 毕竟,南宫云的天赋太强了。 Burning Sun Monarch is hundred years old, only then Li HuoHou can lift up the family flag after him, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, finally opened eyes to close one's eyes, only need do too certainly, his not in addition inquiry. 炎阳君已经是百岁高龄,只有离火候能在他之后扛起家族大旗,权衡利弊之后,最终睁只眼闭只眼,只要不要做得太绝,他都是不加过问的。 Really is laughable!” The Chu Tian hear Nangong Yun explained: This Burning Sun Monarch is also old and muddle-headed, Nangong Yun has God Level Source Spirit, actually did not entrust with heavy responsibility instead is pushed aside, is really very laughable!” “真是可笑!”楚天听完南宫云讲解:“这炎阳君也是老而昏聩,南宫云具备神级元魂,却不被重用反而受排挤,实在是非常可笑!” Shen Bingyu said lightly: After all Li HuoHou was the biological son, Nangong Yun is the collateral branch birth, Burning Sun Monarch is not a sage, difficult insurance not selfishness.” 沈冰雨淡淡地说:“毕竟离火候是亲生儿子,南宫云则是旁系出生,炎阳君也不是圣人,难保没有一点私心。” This but actually is also. 这倒也是。 Understood!” Nangong Yun drinks several glasses of liquor continually, the brain was a little dizzy, angry racket table: Ten years passed by, in the past Blazing Marquis [lineage/vein] already not remaining several people! The result in Nangong Clan fighting causes strength to reduce greatly, instead was in the upper hand by the Shangguan Family that gang damn intriguer of!” “明白了吧!”南宫云连喝几杯酒,脑子已经有点晕乎乎,愤怒一拍桌子:“十年时间过去了,当年烈焰候一脉已经没剩下几人了!南宫家族内斗的结果导致实力大减,反而被上官家族那帮该死的阴谋家占了上风!” The Dongfang Family clan rises on the point of death, shouldered to fall down the mountains and rivers hardly, thus grasped the Human Race half wall national territory. 东方家族临危崛起,硬扛住了倾塌山河,从而抱住人族半壁国土。 The Nangong Clan generals are innumerable, the galloping battleground bleeds innumerably, is Southern Xia establishes the distinguished service. 南宫家族将帅无数,驰骋沙场流血无数,为南夏建立有汗马功劳。 Shangguan Family what Dehe can? He has any qualifications to advance into one of the Three Great Clans! 上官家族何德何能?他有什么资格跻身三大家族之一呢! Shangguan Family is the diplomat is also internal affairs officer, in the past Great Summer Country destruction time, Allied Canine Country can, Shangguan Family outward estrange at one fell swoop, instigated the contradiction in various War Hound tribe, caused its internal friction, united about the vertical Southern Summer Country big or medium family internally. 上官家族是外交官也是内政官,当年大夏国覆灭的时候,大戎国本是可以一举而下的,正是上官家族对外离间,在犬戎部族内部挑拨矛盾,使其内耗,对内合纵南夏国大小家族团结一心。 Strategic maneuvering, stable general situation. 合纵连横,稳固大局。 The fission internal friction of War Hound prairie, has half is the Shangguan Family masterpiece . Moreover the Shangguan Family commercial profile is also very high, establishes the alliance with the surrounding some countries and foreign race, the critical moment can be Southern Summer Country provides the help. 犬戎草原的分裂内耗,有一半都是上官家族杰作,另外上官家族商业地位也很高,与周围一些国家和异族建立联盟关系,关键时刻能为南夏国提供帮助。 In brief. 总而言之。 Three Great Clans can obtain today's status to have by far. 三大家族能取得今天的地位都是有远远的。 From the Nangong Yun mouth, Chu Tian finds out the Imperial City general situation gradually. 南宫云的口中,楚天渐渐了解王城的大概情况。 As for these respected families the conflicts of interests, Chu Tian always snorts contemptuously, but enters this circle, he has to make the protection. 至于这些大家族的利益之争,楚天从来都是嗤之以鼻,但是进入这个圈子,他就不得不做防备。 Because South Sky City practice resources are barren, a Nangong ten years of strength progresses is slow, however in the time of recent several months progresses by leaps and bounds, Li HuoHou thinks that was stared at him. 因为天南城修炼资源贫瘠,南宫十年实力进步非常缓慢,但是最近几个月的时间里突飞猛进,离火候想必是已经盯上他了。 Li HuoHou attempts to annex Miracle Commerce, actually also for the road that dead of suffocation the Nangong Yun father and daughter rises, although ends in failure finally, but difficult insurance seperately not to find out any means. 离火候尝试吞并奇迹商会,其实也是为堵死南宫云父女上升的路,虽说最终以失败告终,但难保不会另外想出什么办法。 Calculates! 算啦! Chu Tian dares to annoy including South Summer King and Wen Cheng, what can Li HuoHou be? 楚天南夏王文成君都敢惹,离火候又能算什么? Has not seen similarly is one of the eight marquises, Divine Wind Marquis quickly became the Chu Tian subordinate, Golden Arrow Marquis was also Chu Tian braves grave dangers and makes great sacrifices. As for Western Marquis , similarly the marquis of birth aristocrat rich and powerful family, not by Chu Tian captive shame! 没看见同样是八侯之一,神风候快成为楚天的手下了,金箭候也为楚天两肋插刀。至于四方候,同样出生贵族豪门的侯爷,还不是被楚天俘虏羞辱! Nangong Yun looks at Chu Tian: „Will Boss, you get rid to Nangong Clan?” 南宫云看着楚天:“老大,你会对南宫家族出手吗?” You hope that I do cope?” “你希望我对付么?” Asked this doing?” “问这个干嘛?” If you want to cope, I conveniently help you teach Nangong Clan, who lets me is the righteousness thin Yun Tianhe Boss, the little brother was wronged, naturally must help over you.” “如果你想对付,我就顺手帮你教训教训南宫家族,谁让我是义薄云天的老大,小弟受了委屈,当然要帮你出头。” Nangong Yun white Chu Tian: Looks at probably many relaxed as that you said that Nangong Clan is the huge giant beast, will you annoy such a colossus for me?” On the mouth said that at heart is actually very happy, the Boss really very much upholds justice, not with wrong person! 南宫云楚天一眼:“瞧你说的好像多轻松似的,南宫家族是庞大的巨兽,你会为我去惹这么一个庞然大物?”嘴上这么说,心里却还是很高兴的,老大果然还是很仗义,没有跟错人啊! Chu Tian shakes the head: Southern Summer Country was too small!” 楚天只是摇摇头:“南夏国太小了!” Is quite far to the Imperial City journey from Central State, four continent lakes can walk to north toward 50% distances, then again transfers the river course to continue to north, then can go directly to nearby King's territory. 中州王城路途颇远,四洲湖一路向北就能走往一半路程,接着再转河道继续向北,那么就能直达王域附近了。 Southern Summer Country territory eight states. 南夏国一域八州。 King's territory that Imperial City is, eight state counties respectively are: Central State, Thunder State, South State , Qing State, Cang State and furnace state and western state, Dong Chau. 王城所在的王域,八个州郡分别为:中州雷州南州青州苍州、炉州、西州,东洲。 Each state county has its stress, inevitably Central State is in eight states, geographical position very important, is mainly the place of coordinated key position. Thunder State is the place of training, South State resists the Barbarian Tribes barrier, Qing State is the resources heavy, Cang State is Southern Summer Country produces the horse place, Storm Cavalry blue colt mount, is stems from Cang State...... 每一个州郡都有其侧重,必然中州为八州之中,地理位置非常的重要,主要是协调枢纽之地。雷州是练兵之地,南州抵挡蛮族屏障,青州是资源重地,苍州南夏国产马地,疾风骑兵的青驹坐骑,全都是出自苍州…… To Southern Summer Country, each state county is very important. 南夏国而言,每一个州郡都是非常重要的。 Therefore must send enough prestige the person, and enough trusts guards, the Southern Xia eight marquises not only strength is Southern Summer Country first-class, the merit and prestige, must meet the standard, has the qualifications becomes the county period of five days. 所以必须派足够威望且足够信任的人去镇守,南夏八侯不仅仅实力是南夏国一流,功劳、声望,都必须达到标准,方有资格成为郡候。 Why this is also, Chu Tian after Central State is alone big, South Summer King to he not satisfactory reason very much. 这也就是为什么,楚天中州一家独大后,南夏王对他很不满意的原因所在。 South Summer King can tolerate the Chu Tian severe wound special envoy, South Summer King can tolerate Chu Tian to eliminate Three Great Clans, South Summer King can tolerate Chu Tian to be unruly, cannot tolerate one not to have the name of Marquis only, has Marquis solid Chu Tian. 南夏王能容忍楚天重伤特使,南夏王能容忍楚天消灭三大家族,南夏王能容忍楚天桀骜不驯,惟独不能容忍一个无侯爵之名,却坐拥侯爵之实的楚天 This Chu Tian comes Central State, issue that doesn't want to come, but must come. 这次楚天中州,不是想不想来的问题,而是必须要来。 Chairman!” A capable Great Shark Gang member walks: We feared that can change course?” 会长!”一个精干的巨鲨帮成员走进来:“我们怕是要改道了?” Chu Tian asked strangely: Why?” 楚天奇怪问:“为什么?” We planned to arrive in Cang State and King's territory border Chu following the canal, then takes the land route to enter Imperial City again, but front has some changes. The Cang State boundary presents several extremely tragic murder cases, now creates very big stir, perhaps will cover entirely the Imperial City master.” “我们本计划顺着运河抵达苍州王域交界楚,再接着走陆路进王城,不过前面发生一些变化。苍州边界出现几场惨绝人寰的血案,现在引起很大的震动,恐怕会布满王城高手。” Has this matter? 有这回事? Chu Tian enters Imperial City to be low-key. 楚天王城必须低调。 Therefore can not bring to the attention not to bring to the attention. 所以能不引起注意就不引起注意。 Now will investigate will be definitely strict, this ship from distant Central State, only feared that will bring to the attention of certain people. 现在排查肯定会非常严格,这艘来自遥远中州的船,只怕会引起某些人的注意。 Murder case?” Nangong Yun came the spirit: Murder case? What murder case, frigid?” “血案?”南宫云来了精神:“血案?什么血案,有多惨烈?” This Great Shark Gang member shook the head saying: It is said several population over a thousand villages, even the person in town was slaughtered cleanly, the method is extremely cruel, causes greatly is very scared.” 这个巨鲨帮成员摇摇头说:“据说有好几个人口上千的村庄,甚至有一个镇子的人被屠杀了干净,手段极其残忍,引起很大恐慌。” What? Has this matter unexpectedly!” “什么?竟有此事!” It is said that the Allied Canine Tribes army invades, some people said that is a number of powerful Demonic Cultivator is moving, these rumors have not been confirmed that you look......” “据说,有一支犬戎族部队入侵进来,也有人说是一批实力强大的魔修在活动,这些传言都没有得到证实,您看……” Chu Tian said directly: Disembarks!” 楚天直接说:“登岸!” „?” “啊?” Here is apart from completes is not far, we then take the land route, has a look while convenient.” “这里距完成不远了,我们接下来走陆路,顺便去看看。”
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