MT :: Volume #3

#279: Scarlet blood owner

Night. 夜晚。 In the townspeople who when Red Marsh Town was covered by the dim mist, late turns over to has one harvest of industrious practical training to go home in abundance all day, bunches of tenacious reeds, lotus root raw materials for medicine, or is the strange insect herbal medicine, this is they depending on the resources of livelihood. 赤沼镇被朦朦胧胧的薄雾笼罩的时分,晚归的镇民纷纷带着一整天辛勤劳作的收获回到家里,一捆捆坚韧的芦苇,一根根莲藕般的药材,又或者是奇怪虫子草药,这是他们赖以生计的资源。 At this time a whole body was the form of blood in a hurry after the small town, very distressed dashed about wildly on the muddy path, under tumbled, before the warehouse that the whole body dirty sludge, arrived at abandoning finally. 这时一个浑身是血的身影匆匆经过小镇,非常狼狈的在泥泞不堪的道路上狂奔,一路连滚带爬之下,全身脏兮兮的污泥,终于来到一座废弃的仓库前。 The youth semblance is very solemn, original also calculates on the handsome face, because is distributing several fierce scars, therefore looks like somewhat rogue, obviously is not the kindhearted generation. 青年外表十分冷峻,本来一张还算英俊的脸上,因为分布着好几道狰狞伤痕,所以看起来有几分凶恶,显然不是良善之辈。 The youth station shoots a look by one on the green giant stone, when sees the above strange jet black symbol, he as if feels relieved, reveals the meaning happy expression: Really was good......” 青年站瞥一眼旁边青色巨石上,当见到上面一个奇怪的漆黑记号时,他似乎如释重负,露出意思喜色:“真是太好了……” Before this youth arrives at the gate of warehouse, some rhythm strikes several worn-out wooden doors. 这青年走到仓库的门前,某种节奏敲打几下破旧木门。 ! 吱嘎! Wooden door by an invisible strength pulling open. 木门被一股无形力量给拉开。 Rank winds, have blown from inside suddenly. 骤然有一股腥风,从里面刮了出来。 A hoarse and indifferent sound penetrates the ear: Comes in!” 一个沙哑而又冷漠的声音穿入耳朵:“进来!” The youth enter to abandon the warehouse, the warehouse center that this abandoning, is sitting a skinny old woman, the sparse hair has almost fallen out or off entirely, ten fingers are scarlet, outside both eyes raised, blood thread full Bu, the semblance simply is a person non- person ghost not ghost monster, her whole body twines in blood red mist. 青年走进废弃仓库,这间废弃的仓库中央,正坐着一个干瘦老妪,稀疏的头发几乎掉光了,十根手指猩红尖锐,双目外凸,血丝满布,外表简直就是一个人不人鬼不鬼的怪物,她浑身都缠绕在一层血红雾气中。 What by old woman is a black clothed guy, both hands is holding one flood the blood light broadsword, Bao Touhu the item, the beard is sloppy, is a fierce Chinese image. The surroundings are also standing two Men in Black, that appearance rogue looks like not like the kindhearted generation. 老妪旁边的是一位黑衣大汉,双手抱着一把泛着血光大刀,豹头虎目,胡子邋遢,是一个猛汉形象。周围还站着两个黑衣人,那面相凶恶看起来就不像良善之辈。 Felt strange.” The guys saw that the youth stares: Why only then you?” “奇怪了。”大汉见到青年一愣:“为什么只有你?” The youth splash lie on the ground, two Branch Lord were killed on the road!” 青年扑通趴在地上,“两位舵主在路上被人杀了!” An old woman brow wrinkle. 老妪眉头一皱。 What did you say? Sir Branch Lord cultivation base is deep, to be killed how possibly!” The guys let somebody cool off or calm down said: If they were killed, how you do live?” “你说什么?舵主大人修为深厚,怎么可能被杀!”大汉则冷冷地说:“若他们都被杀了,你又是怎么活下来的?” We, when the woods pass the night, when Branch Lord sends me to arrange the game, the result hunting completes prepares to return, suddenly hears in the woods to hit, these person of cultivation base are profound, I do not have the means to cope, final two Branch Lord were killed, I snatch together the scarlet blood command at risk of life!” “我们在树林过夜的时候,舵主派我去打点猎物,结果狩猎完成正准备返回时,突然就听见树林里打起来,那些人修为非常高深,我没有办法对付,最终两位舵主都被杀了,我拼死抢回一块赤血令!” During speeches. 说话间。 The youth take out together the token. 青年取出一块令牌。 This...... Really scarlet blood command!” In the guy vision flashes through one to be greedy and cruel, the scarlet blood command is to enter the Headquarters admission ticket, in the guy hand does not have the scarlet blood command, but in the owner hand had the same place, therefore this scarlet blood made ten have ** will apportion other people. “这……真是赤血令!”大汉目光中闪过一丝贪婪和残忍,赤血令是进总舵的门票,大汉手里也没有赤血令,但是堂主手里已经有一块,所以这块赤血令十有**会分给其他人。 Is good the disciple of your living on dishonorably!” Guy whole face rogue angrily rebuking said: Branch Lord died, your actually angelica, simply is I teaches the degenerate!” “好你个苟且偷生之徒!”大汉满脸凶恶的怒斥道:“舵主遇难,你却独活,简直是我教败类!” These words said casually also and that's the end. 这句话随便说说也就是了。 Who doesn't know the Demonic Cultivator style? 谁不知道魔修的风格? Only above advantage, conceited, cruel wicked, the same side remnant is the potluck, where also has these at sixes and sevens restraints? 惟利之上,唯我独尊,残忍无道,同门相残就是家常便饭,哪里还有这些乱七八糟的约束呢? Owner, you looks......” “堂主,您看……” That facial features ugly old woman opens the eye slowly, the opacitas vision is staring at the youth: „Do you name?” 那个面容丑陋的老妪缓缓地睁开眼睛,浑浊目光盯着青年:“你叫什么名字?” Villain is solemn, is......” “小人冷峻,是……” The words have not said. 话都还没说完。 That dry hand is direct to seize the neck, catches stiffly from the ground him. 那一只干巴巴的手直接过来掐住脖子,硬生生将他从地上抓起来。 Youth startled [say / way]: Owner Sir, you are.” 青年惊道:“堂主大人,你这是。” Such weak cultivation base, why two Branch Lord were killed, can you escape only?” The old woman throat just likes rubs the sand, becomes is low and deep and hoarse, you think that this place so will be easy to believe the person? Said how you come here.” “这么弱的修为,为何两位舵主被杀,惟独你能逃脱?”老妪嗓子犹如揉进沙子般,变得低沉而又嘶哑,“你以为本座会这么容易相信人吗?说,你到底是怎么来到这里的。” The youth within the body vitality turns little wells up, may be lit anytime is the same. 青年体内气血一点点翻涌,随时都有可能被点燃一样。 The old woman strength is immeasurably deep . Moreover the method is extremely cruel, under her imposing manner frightens, even if common True Soul Cultivator, can the instantaneous mind fall into enemy hands, say nothing of urged to go faster Illustrious Soul Cultivator. 老妪实力深不可测,而且手段极其残忍,她的气势震慑之下,哪怕寻常真魂修士,都会瞬间心神失守,更不用说去去一个显魂修士了。 Villain is the Cang State Leng posterity, the ancestor by Heavenly Demon Cult Meng En, several generations of ancestors teach to hand down, only to wait for the Saint taught to restart the date! If not believe that investigation apparent!” The youth whole face pain said: Was killed as for Branch Lord...... The villain is really escapes by luck, if Sir Branch Lord does not believe that the villain is also speechless.” “小人是苍州冷家后人,祖上受天魔教蒙恩,几代祖训相传,只为等待圣教重启之日!如若不信,调查便知!”青年满脸痛苦说:“至于舵主被杀……小人真是侥幸逃脱,若舵主大人不相信,小人也无话可说。” Cang State Leng? 苍州冷家? Probably truly a little impression. 好像确实有点印象。 The old woman closely is staring at the youth, frightens under to the formidable pressure face to face, body temperature, heartbeat, look, even the pupil, has not all presented the unusual response. 老妪紧紧盯着青年,当面对强大的威压震慑之下,体温,心跳,神色,甚至瞳孔,全都没有出现反常反应。 The old woman said to the side guy: „Outside you have a look.” 老妪对身边大汉说:“你去外面看看。” The guy floating body runs out of warehouse like lightning. 大汉闪电般飘身冲出仓库。 Searches for his body.” “搜他身。” They on the thing the youth search, only found a treasured sword, a handbook, a diary. After the Heavenly Demon Cult believer gives the old woman the thing, the old woman 11 has inspected the past, is filling the bloody air/Qi the treasured sword, is rare best quality goods soul . Moreover the attribute and scarlet blood rudder is close. 两人把青年身上东西都搜出来,只找到一把宝剑,一本手册,一本日记。当天魔教的教徒把东西都交给老妪后,老妪11检查了过去,那把宝剑弥漫着血腥之气,是一把不可多得的极品魂器,而且属性与赤血舵非常接近。 Common Cultivator will not cause the air/Qi of so heavy weapon blood ghost, because this weapon extremely easy make backlash master, to have the Heavenly Demon Cult Demonic Cultivator style actually very much, the handbook is also the Heavenly Demon Cult thing, in detail records Cultivator of this named cold front as for the diary, from accepting inheritance, in attainment with practice process. 寻常修士是不会使用血煞之气如此重的武器的,因为这种武器极容易反噬主人,倒是很有天魔教魔修的风格,手册也是天魔教的东西,至于日志则详细记载这名叫冷锋的修士,从接受传承,与修炼过程中的心得。 The guys returned: Reported the owner, has not discovered any exceptionally.” 大汉已经返回:“禀告堂主,没有发现任何异常。” The old woman reclamation imposing manner of slowly: You look like truly are the Saint teach the believer, can escape from that environment, wants to come your also somewhat skill.” 老妪缓缓的收回气势:“你看来确实是圣教教徒,能从那种环境之下逃脱,想来你也有几分本事了。” The youth hurried to say humbly: Villain admired the Saint to teach distinguished merit since childhood, was only a pity that can only study Zhang Canpian, hoping the owner can accept the villain, letting the villain can officially join the Saint to teach!” 青年赶紧谦卑说:“小人自幼仰慕圣教奇功,只可惜只学得断章残篇,希望堂主能收容小人,让小人能正式加入圣教!” Token left one.” The old woman has not responded the youth, kicks the token along with foot, the scarlet blood command leave to the youth in front, only hears the dense sound to resound: Such being the case, this may lead a person to enter Headquarters to pay a visit the Headquarters lord, as for this person, your oneself selects.” “令牌多出了一块。”老妪没有搭理青年,随脚把令牌一踢,赤血令滚到青年面前,只听森然声音响起:“既然如此,本座可带一个人进总舵拜见总舵主,至于这个人么,你们就自己来选出吧。” Here. 说到这里。 In the old woman eyes flashes through one cruel and teasing. 老妪眼中闪过一丝残忍和戏虐。 As soon as the guy listens, the fierce item of dew murderous intention, the long blade like a blood flood dragon, passes through person of body instantaneously, directly his chest pounding the powder dust, the long blade pulled out, carries over together the blood wave, cut maliciously to another side companion. 那大汉一听,猛的目露杀机,长刀有如一条血蛟般,瞬间贯穿身边一人身体,直接把其胸膛给捣成了碎末,长刀抽出来的时候,带出一道血浪,狠狠斩向另一侧的同伴。 You......” “你……” Heavenly Demon Cult believer few are the common people, the guy leaves the blade sneak attack to kill a person, wanting the similar sneak attack to kill second, that so is not easy. 天魔教的教徒没有几个是泛泛之辈,大汉出刀偷袭杀死一个人,想要同样偷袭干掉第二个,那就没有这么容易了。 " Blood barrier! " "血障!" That person of whole body Source Energy spews out to condense a huge barrier, the blood wave blade light cuts above the barrier, instantaneously barrier dividing smashing. 那人浑身元力喷涌而出凝聚成一个巨大屏障,血浪刀光斩在屏障之上,瞬间就把屏障给劈的粉碎。 This person was shaken withdraws one step, red that the complexion rises, a big blood spurts. 这人被震得退后一步,脸色涨的通红,哇的一大口血喷出来。 This was not shaken spitting blood that the wound causes, compels the essence and blood with some mystique, mixes in massive Source Energy, making each drop of blood be called very fatal concealed or hidden weapon. Such a big blood also spouts, such under the short distance, sufficiently has the great power, really flies directly to the ball the guy. 这不是被震伤导致的吐血,是用某种秘法将精血逼出,其中混入大量的元力,让每一滴血都称为非常致命的暗器。这么一大口血同时喷出,这么近距离之下,足以产生强大力量,果然把大汉直接给弹飞出去。 „The sword of blood incantation!” “血咒之剑!” This person displays several incantation seal fast, everywhere blood bead stops in the midair, finally condenses in together, forms one to constitute by the blood instantaneously, all over the body is covering the treasured sword of spell. 这人快速施展数个咒印,漫天血珠停在半空,最终凝聚在一起,瞬间形成一把由鲜血构成,遍体覆盖着符咒的宝剑。 Illness!” “疾!” The blood sword changes wipes the flowing light, like the mean fatal poisonous snake, the terminal velocity punctures to the chest of guy. 血剑化作一抹流光,有如阴狠致命的毒蛇,极速向大汉的胸口刺过去。 The guys face upward cry loud and long suddenly, the strength of demon ghost circles, the whole body skin becomes jet black, massive Rune like the model community crawling full whole body, the imposing manner of guy increase the several fold in the flash violent. 大汉仰天猛然地长啸,魔煞之力盘旋而起,浑身皮肤都变得漆黑,大量符文就像纹身般爬满全身,大汉的气势在一刹那暴增数倍。 That person of complexion changes: Day demon merit?!” 那人脸色大变:“天都魔功?!” This demon function large scale promotion battle efficiency, has the strong side effect, this side effect short-term will not reveal that gradually will actually consume the potential, the time one long will come under the irreversible influence, generally the non- crucial moment, they will not use easily. 这门魔功能大幅度提升战斗力,却具有非常较强的副作用,这副作用短期是不会显露,却逐渐消耗潜能,时间一长就会受到不可逆的影响,一般非生死关头,他们不会轻易使用。 The guys erupt the demon merit to make a strength promotion several fold blade swing the blood incantation sword. 大汉爆发魔功使实力提升数倍一刀就荡开血咒剑。 That garnet blade glow by the easily accomplished potential, the overhead has cut to the above-mentioned person suddenly. 那一把暗红色刀芒以摧枯拉朽之势,骤然当头向该人斩了下去。 Wait / Etc., the scarlet blood command, I do not want!” “等等,赤血令,我不要了!” The guys have not heard him to speak to be the same probably from the start, the blade glow sweeps, the mortal body tears into shreds, almost grinds pile of hashed meat. 大汉好像压根就没有听到他说话一样,刀芒一扫,肉身撕碎,几乎碾成一堆碎肉。 „.” The old woman exudes several to smile strangely, teaches the audiences to work as is killing one another at present, not only has not been angry, instead said: Ruthless spicy resolute, is a promising young talent.” “啧啧啧。”老妪发出几声怪笑,教众当着眼前自相残杀,非但没有生气,反而说道:“狠辣果决,是一个可造之才。” Many thanks the owner praised!” The guy whole body is twining the rich demon air/Qi, just likes a terrifying demon god, when hears the appreciation of owner, reveals the wild with joy color, afterward has turned around to look at the youth, fierce saying with a smile, thanks send the scarlet blood command for me, brings this good fortune for me, relax, I start to be very agile, you will not feel the pain.” “多谢堂主夸奖!”大汉浑身缠绕着浓郁的魔气,犹如一尊恐怖的魔神,当听到堂主的赞赏,不禁露出狂喜之色,随后转过身看着青年,狰狞的笑道,“感谢为我送来赤血令,为我带来这一番造化,放心吧,我下手很利索,你不会感觉到痛苦的。” This chance is very important.” Who knew at this time, this weak youth stood slowly, picked up the ground the treasured sword, two burst out intense war intent: I cannot hand over!” “这场机缘很重要。”谁知在这时,这位虚弱青年缓缓站起来,捡起地上的宝剑,两眼迸发出强烈战意:“恕我不能拱手相让!” Ha? Hands over?” The guys laugh extremely arrogantly, you care about your poor life!” “哈哈哈?拱手相让?”大汉狂妄的大笑起来,“你还是关心关心自己的小命吧!” The solemn youth said lightly: You thought that certainly can win me?” 冷峻青年淡淡的说:“你觉得一定能赢我?” The guys stare slightly, the old woman also reveals heterochrosis. 大汉微微一愣,老妪也露出一丝异色。 This youth merely is Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base, but the guy is actually Awakened Soul 6th Layer, let alone the day demon merit practice boundary of guy is very higher, therefore the battle efficiency is tyrannical, even if to two same level Demonic Cultivator, he can also the relaxed acquisition victory, this is not very simple. 这青年仅仅是魂醒五重修为,但大汉却是魂醒六重,更何况大汉的天都魔功修炼境界很高,因此战斗力非常强横,哪怕是对两个同级魔修,他也能轻松的取得胜利,这是很不简单的。 Demonic Cultivator and common Cultivator are different. 魔修和寻常修士不同。 This Demonic Cultivator cultivates the Cultivation Technique mostly extreme and cruelty, therefore compares ordinary Cultivator, the Demonic Cultivator combat capability is more formidable. Does Demonic Cultivator that trivial Awakened Soul 5th Layer moreover been wounded, dare to challenge being powerful Awakened Soul 6th Layer Demonic Cultivator unexpectedly? 魔修修炼功法大多极端而又残忍,所以相比普通修士而言,魔修战斗能力更加强大。一个区区魂醒五重而且已经负伤的魔修,居然敢挑战一个气势如虹的魂醒六重魔修 I changed the mind.” The guys let somebody cool off or calm down goes forward one step: I decided that must suffer your well, lets you for own regretted stupidly.” “我改变主意了。”大汉冷冷的上前一步:“我决定要好好的折磨你一番,让你为自己的愚蠢而后悔。” The youth have not spoken, lifts Bao Jianping slowly, a hand grips the sword hilt, the scarlet sword blade edge is pulled out by cuns (2.5cm), the intense blood ghost aura fills eight sides suddenly. 青年没有说话,缓缓把宝剑平举,一只手握住剑柄,猩红色剑刃被一寸寸拔出来,强烈的血煞气息骤然弥漫八方。 Dies!” “去死!” The guys are towing scarlet blade light, cuts right in the face to the youth. 大汉拖着猩红的刀光,劈头盖脸向青年斩去。 Sword!” The youth shouted at loudly, Source Energy surged crazily, releases together sword Source Spirit, instance when this Source Spirit released, the shape formidable incomparable aura, just liked the Spiritual God arrive is full of the dignity and strength suddenly. “剑!”青年大声断喝,元力疯狂涌动,释放出一道剑元魂,当这道元魂释放出来的瞬间,骤然形强大无比气息,犹如神灵降临般充满威严和力量。 God Level Source Spirit? 神级元魂 This is together close God Level Source Spirit! 这是一道接近神级元魂 No matter the guy or the old woman, are all surprised! 不管是大汉还是老妪,全都大吃一惊! This Source Spirit owner, being doomed is the super talent, can sweep away with ease same level, even can the relaxed jumping the ranks challenge, the future be limitless. No one has thought that this looks like the common fellow, can be a God Level Source Spirit owner unexpectedly, no wonder he can live to run away. 这种元魂的拥有者,注定是超级天才,能轻松横扫同级,甚至能轻松的越级挑战,前途不可限量。谁都没有想到,这个看起来不起眼的家伙,竟然会是一个神级元魂的拥有者,怪不得他能活着逃出来。 The scarlet treasured sword totally comes out of the sheath. 血色宝剑完全出鞘。 The youth whole body covers in blood fog, changes to together the blood red blade edge glow, has delimited instantaneously void. 青年浑身都笼罩在血雾中,化作一道血红色刃芒,瞬间划过了虚空。 Instance that the sword hits! 刀剑撞击的瞬间! ! 啪! The clear break resounds. 清脆的断裂响起。 The treasured sword was divided directly. 宝刀直接被劈断。 The youth fall on the ground steadily, as if the prostration, is afterward soft immediately gets down but actually . Moreover the guy body directly falls down at the same time, a head leave to the warehouse entrance directly, in both eyes that circle opens has filled inconceivable and shocks. 青年稳稳落在地上,随后似乎虚脱般,立刻软倒下去,另外一边大汉身体则直接坠地,一颗脑袋直接滚到仓库门口,那圆睁的双目中充满了不可思议和震撼。 Is this God Level Source Spirit strength? 这就是神级元魂的力量吗? Very strong! 好强! The youth are pointing at the body with the sword, has turned around to do obeisance to the old woman: " Owner, I...... " 青年用剑指着身体,转过身对老妪一拜:"堂主,我……" The words have not said. 话都还没说完。 You just installed very looks like!” The old woman erupts an ice fierce incomparable aura suddenly, kills intent to blot out the sky to release suddenly once again: Almost linked me to deceive! However, you when really this blind successive whether is the Heavenly Demon Cult people are unable to distinguish?!” “你刚刚装的挺像嘛!”老妪忽然爆发一股凌烈无比气息,杀意骤然又一次铺天盖地释放出来:“差点连我都骗过去了!不过,你真当本座眼瞎的连是否是天魔教人都无法分辨吗?!”
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