MT :: Volume #3

#271: Coming to the end

Miracle Commerce is not short of money and is not short of manpower, Wu'an Monarch from one radically the straw to grasp that comes to give opportune help, turns force foreign aid that can only improve on perfection, the way of therefore negotiating naturally must change. 奇迹商会不缺钱、不缺人,武安君从一根本来可以雪中送炭的救命稻草,变成一条只能锦上添花的强力外援,所以谈判的方式自然要变。 „The Source Energy weapon is one can carry the invention of history, you can create such weapon, the history left a good name sufficiently, made the Southern Xia history leave a good name sufficiently.” 元力武器是一项能载进历史的发明,你能创造出这样的兵器,足以青史留名,足以让南夏青史留名了。” Wu'an Monarch praised one first. Chu Tian sits in opposite, Gu Qianqiu, Divine Wind Marquis and Meng Qingwu stand about, the honey tea has not been speaking wholeheartedly, his voice another revolution. 武安君先夸赞一句。楚天就坐在对面,古千秋神风候梦轻舞站在左右,正一心品着蜜茶没有说话,他话音又一转。 But, because just Source Energy weapon subversive is too strong, definitely will move many great person benefits, has the home, there is overseas, depending on your strengths, cannot defend this technology. The best means that sold to the kingdom the blueprint, protects this technology by the strength of kingdom.” “但,正因为元力武器颠覆性太强,必然会触碰到很多大人物利益,有国内的,也有国外的,凭你们的实力,守不住这项技术。最好的办法,就是把图纸卖给王国,以王国的力量来守护这项技术。” Divine Wind Marquis and Meng Qingwu also stare, Wu'an Monarch attempts to come work alone the technology. The blueprint of this type of weapon, is not money can weigh, will Chu Tian possibly agree? 神风候梦轻舞也是一愣,武安君尝试把技术要过来单干。这种武器的图纸,可不是金钱能衡量的,楚天可能会同意吗? Gu Qianqiu gets angry: Does for quite a while, you want to wrest away the research of Chu Tian!” 古千秋怒道:“搞半天,你还是想霸占楚天的研究!” Big scholar do not lose one's temper.” Chu Tian smiles: Actually Wu'an Monarch wants to buy blueprint, its price that so long as gives, naturally!” “大学者不要动怒。”楚天嘿嘿一笑:“其实武安君想买图纸,只要给的其价格,当然可以!” Wu'an wants to test the Chu Tian bottom line, a such great invention, who doesn't want to entrain firmly in the hand? Finally Chu Tian wants not to agree, when this fellow can play a card one time according to the common sense! 武安想试探一下楚天底线,这么伟大的一个发明,谁不想牢牢拽在手里?结果楚天连想都不想就同意了,这家伙什么时候能按常理出牌一次! What must tell Wu'an Monarch is, our technologies constantly improve, now spends the Source Energy pistol blueprint that buys at a high price, perhaps a few days after thoroughly overthrows, researches and develops the performance to be better, a function stronger pistol, or simply develops like the submachine gun, renewal more splendid weapon. You can afford a blueprint, can afford ten and 100?” “不过必须告诉武安君的是,我们的技术是不断改进的,现在花费重金购买的元力手枪图纸,或许没几天就彻底推翻,研发出性能更好、功能更强的手枪,又或者干脆开发出像冲锋枪一样,更新型更出色的武器。你们买得起一份图纸,能买得起十份、100份么?” The Wu'an Monarch brow wrinkles tightly. 武安君眉头紧皱起来。 Truly, Miracle Commerce just invented the Source Energy pistol shortly , the Source Energy pistol has not started the mass production now, finally the Source Energy submachine gun appeared. 确实,奇迹商会刚刚发明元力手枪没多久,现在元力手枪都还没开始量产,结果元力冲锋枪就出现了。 Continent wants to buy the blueprint, does not stop your one, is transfers in any case, sells one to sell, sells 100 also to sell, so long as waits for a better price, the buyer is inevitably continuous, Miracle Commerce what doesn't Chou have money? So long as we study the new blueprint with single-hearted devotion, sufficiently became the Continent top rich and powerful people. Wu'an Monarch thought that competitive power of Southern Summer Country on Continent how?” 大陆想买图纸的,绝不止你们一家,反正都是转让出去,卖一家是卖,卖100家也是卖,只要待价而沽,买家必然络绎不绝,奇迹商会何愁无钱?我们只要专心研究新型图纸,就足以成为大陆顶级富豪了。武安君觉得,南夏国大陆上的竞争力如何?” Do you want to buy? Ok! 你想买?可以! Feared that you do not have these much money! 就怕你没有这么多钱! Wu'an Monarch silent several seconds, finally somewhat loses sighs: That, your meaning?” 武安君沉默数秒,最后有些失落叹息一声:“那么,你的意思呢?” To be honest, even if Wu'an Monarch has not harmed me, but I do not believe Wu'an Monarch's manner.” “老实说,就算武安君没有害我,但我不太相信武安君的为人。” „Did this say what intent?” “此言何意?” Wu'an Monarch thinks that the personhood good faith is important?” “武安君以为做人诚信重不重要?” Naturally!” “当然!” Initially Thunder State had an accident, Wu'an Monarch an enfeoffed nobles book issues Central State, the villain fulfills the mission to solve the trouble of Thunder State, however unfortunately, Wu'an Monarch has not cashed in Monarch book to pledge.” Chu Tian sighed the one breath: This seems to be bitterly disappointing.” “当初雷州出事的时候,武安君一封君书下达中州,小人也不负使命解决雷州之患,然而可惜的是,武安君并没有兑现君书中承诺。”楚天叹一口气:“这似乎让人心寒啊。” This boy seizes the chance to beg the reward! 这小子趁机讨要奖励啊! Wu'an Monarch wants not to think: Comes the person, six profound emperor irises that takes this Monarch!” 武安君想都没想:“来人,取本君的六叶玄皇芝来!” A jade chest opens in front of Chu Tian, the vigorous spirit power spout blooms. From the aura from the quality, this is really wondrous medicines of best quality goods. This medicine in the Southern Summer Country national territory, almost buys up from other great nations basically steadily, its value naturally is hard to weigh, to True Soul Expert may also with, but cannot ask! 一只玉匣在楚天面前打开,蓬勃灵力喷涌绽放出来。从气息从成色来看,这果然是一株极品的圣药。这种药物在南夏国的国土基本长不出来,几乎都是从其他大国买入的,其价值自然难以衡量,对真魂强者也是可遇而不可求! Other humanities Monarch add separately the reward.” Wu'an Monarch snort|hum: Then you should satisfy!” “其余人本君另加奖励。”武安君哼一声:“这下你该满意了吧!” Actually trivial best quality goods wondrous medicines, the villain does not pay attention, but spoke thoughtlessly to propose one, was Wu'an Monarch so why polite?” On the Chu Tian mouth said that immediately holds the jade chest, Wu'an Monarch such gives the villain the face, I must express.” “其实区区一株极品圣药,小人根本不放在眼里,只是随口提一句,武安君干嘛这么客气?”楚天嘴上这么说,立刻把玉匣捧过来,“武安君这么给小人面子,那我也必须有所表示了。” Wu'an Monarch snort|hum. 武安君哼了一声。 I will construct a weapon factory in Imperial City in addition, the Imperial City influence organization is much more complex than Central State, if can look for Wu'an Monarch as the partner, then the matter carried on to be many on the convenience, does not know how Wu'an Monarch did think?” “我会在王城另建一座兵器工厂,王城势力机构比中州复杂得多,若能找武安君作为合伙人,那么事情进行起来就方便多了,不知道武安君以为如何?” The meaning of Chu Tian is very simple. 楚天的意思很简单。 The Central State weapon factory retains invariably, runs a Imperial City factory again in addition. 中州兵器工厂保留不变,再另开一家王城工厂。 „The Central State factory turns over to Miracle Commerce personal, produces weapon Miracle Commerce to have the right to control. The Imperial City factory is responsible for the military supplies feeding specially.” Chu Tian extracts Scroll to hand over from the sleeve, „, if Wu'an Monarch did not feel relieved that this is Source Energy pistol present stage Diagram, I can give Wu'an free Monarch, to express the Miracle Commerce sincerity.” 中州工厂归奇迹商会私人所有,所产武器奇迹商会有权支配。王城工厂则负责军需专供。”楚天从袖子里抽出一部卷轴递过去,“如果武安君不放心,这是元力手枪现阶段设计图,我可以免费送给武安君,以表示奇迹商会的诚意。” Wu'an Monarch great happiness. 武安君大喜。 Simultaneously feels angry. 同时又感到恼怒。 This boy already thought obviously, even has been ready, intentionally is actually developing one, is really hateful. 这小子明明早就想好了,甚至已经做好准备,却故意演着一出,实在是可恨。 If Wu'an Monarch does not have the objection, we discussed that detail.” “若武安君没有异议,我们就来谈一谈细节吧。” Miracle Commerce builds the weapon factory in Imperial City, Miracle Commerce and Southern Summer Army side accounts for half respectively, Miracle Commerce provides the long-term technical support, the Southern Summer Country military provides the resource support as well as the protection. 奇迹商会王城打造兵器工厂,奇迹商会南夏军方各占一半,奇迹商会提供长时间的技术支持,南夏国军方提供资源支持以及保护。 Whether the Source Energy weapon is Southern Summer Country uses. 元力兵器能否为南夏国所用。 This is Wu'an Monarch compares to care. 这是武安君比较在意的。 Chu Tian the plan, satisfying Wu'an Monarch quite, therefore too many idle talk, had not reached the agreement immediately. 楚天的这个方案,让武安君比较满意,所以没有太多废话,立刻达成了协议。 From now on, Wu'an Monarch becomes the Miracle Commerce partner, Wu'an Monarch is the powerful minister who South Summer King most has a high opinion, if there is a full protection of Wu'an Monarch, Miracle Commerce will be very difficult to be skidded in Southern Summer Country. Naturally, at present issue that must be solved immediately, calamity that Chu Tian rushes to Central State. 从现在开始,武安君就成为奇迹商会的合伙人,武安君是南夏王最倚重的权臣,若有武安君的全力保护,奇迹商会南夏国将很难被撬动。当然,目下亟待解决的问题,还是楚天中州闯的祸。 This Monarch can settle the matter of Central State, guarantees your Central State influence to be well.” Wu'an Monarch receives the Diagram paper of Source Energy pistol, „, but, you cannot continue to keep Central State.” “本君可以摆平中州之事,保你中州的势力无恙。”武安君将元力手枪的设计图纸收起来,“但,你不能继续留在中州。” This does not intentionally make things hard for somebody. 这不是故意刁难。 Chu Tian is not the noble birth, does not have the merit of conferring nobility upon, does not have the name of conferring nobility upon, has the reality of Marquis. South Summer King is an enlightened broad and level king being hard heart does not have the obstruction, let alone the South Summer King manner powerful, the control wants to be very strong, how to allow Chu Tian Central State to dominate? 楚天不是贵族出身,没有封侯之功,没有封侯之名,坐拥侯爵之实。南夏王就算是一个开明坦荡君王也难以心无芥蒂,更何况南夏王为人强势,掌控欲很强,岂容楚天中州称霸? This point already had the psychology to prepare. 这一点早就有心理准备了。 Who called Chu Tian alone in Central State one big? 谁叫楚天中州一家独大呢? Imperial City is the Southern Summer Country most important city, eight state resources collect in Imperial City, therefore Miracle Commerce wants to further expand, moves into Imperial City is sooner or later matter. Chu Tian one group of people after dominating Central State, shifted the plan of Imperial City in the idea center of gravity. 王城南夏国最重要的城市,八州资源都在王城汇集,所以奇迹商会想要进一步扩大,入驻王城是迟早的事情。楚天一群人在称霸中州后,已经在构思重心转移王城的计划。 Royal Proclamation issues, I walk immediately.” 王书一下达,我立刻走。” Has your words foot, the following matter, making this process.” Wu'an Monarch stands: „The Western Marquis good and evil is a vassal, you have closed his these many days, I want also to be the time release people.” “有你这句话足矣,接下来的事情,让本君来处理吧。”武安君站起来:“四方候好歹是一位诸侯,你关了他这么多天,我想也是时候放人了。” no problem!” 没问题!” Chu Tian is not loathsome, immediately leads Wu'an Monarch to see Western Marquis . Western Marquis was closed in Central State already three days, was sealed up cultivation base, is guarded by the Yu five brothers, this moment whole body was being bundled by the shackle, just likes a big steamed rice dumpling. 楚天一点都不拖泥带水,立刻带着武安君来见四方候四方候被关在中州已经三天,被封住了修为,由余氏五兄弟看守,此刻全身都被铁链捆着,犹如一个大粽子般。 Sir Western Marquis , whom you had a look at to come!” 四方候大人,你看看谁来了!” A Western Marquis good and evil side vassal, how could has received such humiliation, immediately is roaring exclaiming: „The Chu Tian houseboy, must kill then kills, not doing shame marquis!” 四方候好歹一方诸侯,何曾受过这样的屈辱,立刻咆哮着吼道:“楚天竖子,要杀便杀,休要羞辱本侯!” Listens to the strength of spirit actually. 倒是听有骨气啊。 However this words listen to be also good, Western Marquis knows that Chu Tian does not dare to move him, in fact has grasped Western Marquis , this matter has made very much in a big way, if Western Marquis occurred with any problem again, only feared that Shangguan Family will be in a rage will raze Central State City. 不过这种话听听也就行了,四方候知道楚天不敢动他,实际上把四方候抓了,这事情已经闹得很大了,若四方候再出现什么闪失,只怕上官家族一怒之下会把中州城夷为平地啊。 ! 啪! The palm of the hand sweeps together. 一道巴掌扫上去。 The Western Marquis whole body shackle was crushed. 四方候浑身铁链都被击碎了。 How Boss Yu has not even seen clearly the opposite party to get rid. 余老大甚至都没有看清对方是怎么出手的。 Western Marquis was retaken again on the ground, puts out several crushed teeth, the whole face panic-stricken color, this strength what's the matter? So is why strong! 四方候被重重拍在地上,吐出好几颗被击碎的牙齿,满脸惊恐之色,这股力量是怎么回事?为什么这么强! Western Marquis , you disappointed this.” 四方候,你太让本君失望了。” A light and dignified sound near ear crack. 一个平淡而又威严的声音在耳边炸响。 When Western Marquis gains ground sees the present person, the pupil immediately shrinks, the sound shivers: Your you...... You are......” 四方候抬起头看到眼前的人时,瞳孔顿时一缩,声音颤抖起来:“你你……你是……” Wu'an Monarch to Western Marquis obviously also is very angry, if no Western Marquis to command the army the factory on a large scale, these many matters do occur? As for letter revised matter, Wu'an Monarch recalls the matter process carefully, is Wen Cheng person under does mostly! 武安君对四方候显然也很是恼怒,若没有四方候大举率军工厂,还有这么多事情发生么?至于信件被修改的事情,武安君仔细回忆一下事情经过,多半也是文成君手下的人干的! This palm of the hand seems like hits on the Western Marquis face, is actually is punishing one as a warning to others, warned certain people! 这一巴掌看似是打在四方候脸上,其实是在杀鸡儆猴,警告某些人罢了! The brain of Western Marquis completely falls into short circuit. 四方候的大脑则完全陷入短路。 Why is this?! 这是为什么啊?! Wu'an Monarch will appear in this! 武安君会出现在此! Wu'an Monarch, three Monarch's heads! 武安君,三君之首啊! The influence and deterrent force nobody side by side, even if South Summer King has to take advantage of him, who thinks that this kind of character, will appear in Central State this place. 其影响力和威慑力无人比肩,哪怕是南夏王都不得不依仗他,谁会想到这样一个人物,会出现在中州这种地方。 After Western Marquis responded, immediately clenches teeth saying: Wu'an Monarch why shame I?” 四方候反应过来之后,立刻咬着牙说:“武安君为何辱我?” Shame you?” Wu'an Monarch backhands is a palm of the hand, pats Western Marquis to the wall on: Commander in chief was seized, the army is captured, if in the genuine battlefield, you knows result that one can face? Is completely destroyed to bring disgrace on the nation, the enemy does not kill you, this Monarch must cut you!” “辱你?”武安君反手又是一个巴掌,把四方候拍到墙上:“主帅被捉,全军被俘,若是在真正的战场上,你知道自己将会面临的结局吗?丧师辱国,敌人不杀你,本君也要斩了你!” Under Wu'an Monarch's killing intent frightens, making Western Marquis somewhat tremble, he does not know why Wu'an Monarch has such big anger, has be honest: What Wu'an Monarch teaches, but Chu Tian he......” 武安君的杀气震慑下,让四方候有些发抖,他不知道为什么武安君有这么大的火气,只好老老实实说:“武安君教训的是,可楚天他……” Be quiet! Royal Proclamation truly assigns you to come Central State, has not asked you to dispatch troops to attack a city. Luckily has not cast the catastrophe, how otherwise does South Summer King tolerate you?” Wu'an Monarch let somebody cool off or calm down said: This time looks in Wen Cheng in the face, this Monarch has not haggled over with you, I also hope that you passed on to Wen Cheng for me, everything know when to stop, do not attempt to move this Monarch bottom line again!” “住嘴!王书确实命你来中州,却没叫你派兵攻城。幸亏没有铸成大祸,否则南夏王岂能容你?”武安君冷冷地说:“这次看在文成君面子上,本君就不跟你计较了,我也希望你替我转告文成君,凡事适可而止,不要再尝试触碰本君底线!” The word finishes. 言毕。 Wu'an Monarch snaps fingers gently. 武安君轻轻一弹指。 Invisible Gang blade edge instantaneously on chains Western Marquis crushing. 无形罡刃瞬间就把四方候身上锁链给击碎了。 Western Marquis loses the strength body to throw down directly on the ground, very distressed crawls, did obeisance to Wu'an Monarch has done obeisance, stared Chu Tian one by the hateful vision. 四方候失去力量身体直接摔倒在地上,非常狼狈的爬起来,向武安君拜了一拜,以充满憎恨的目光瞪楚天一眼。 Although does not know that has had anything, however the present situation, Chu Tian has hired oneself Wu'an Mr. Wu'an Monarch comes Central State City personally, fully explained that attaching great importance to Chu Tian, adds big scholar, Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis...... the Chu Tian background to be too strong again, in hand master like clouds! 虽然不知发生过什么,但是现在的情况来看,楚天已经投靠了武安君。武安君亲自来中州城,也足以说明对楚天的重视,再加一个大学者、一个神风候、一个金箭候……楚天的背景太强,手中高手如云! Perhaps the strength of Western Marquis , alone has not coped with Chu Tian. 四方候之力,恐怕没有单独对付楚天了。 Takes your South State armed forces, go away!” Chu Tian did not abstain from that Wu'an Monarch presents: This time slightly executes the lesson to you, from now on passed by Central State also to detour, otherwise the matter so is not easy to understand.” “带上你的南州军,滚!”楚天一点都不忌讳武安君在场:“这次只是对你略施教训,今后路过中州还请绕路走,否则事情没有这么容易了解。” Western Marquis like this dingily leaves Central State, matter that after handling the South State armed forces, Wu'an Monarch leaves the Miracle Commerce headquarters: This Monarch should also return to Imperial City, hopes that puts best into it in Central State, does not want to rush out any calamity.” 四方候就这样灰溜溜离开中州,当处置完南州军的事情后,武安君离开奇迹商会总部:“本君也该返回王城了,希望在中州好自为之,不要在闯出任何乱子。” Villain never stirs up trouble, is always others annoys me.” “小人从来不惹事,从来都是别人惹我。” Hopes so!” “但愿如此吧!” Wu'an Monarch has not stayed for a long time, immediately rides Gryphon to leave. 武安君没有久留,立刻乘坐狮鹫离开了。 The entire item matter draws to a close finally thoroughly, Chu Tian long the one breath, feels the unprecedented relaxedness immediately. 整件事情总算彻底落下帷幕,楚天长长的出一口气,顿时感到前所未有的轻松。 ( Was sorry that recently celebrated a holiday, every day bustles about, is short in home time, therefore the chapter does not have the time to revise, adds the plot again in the transition period, therefore the advancement speed is slow. Everybody do not worry, crossed was good for these days!) (抱歉,最近过节,每天东奔西走,在家时间非常短,所以章节没时间修改,再加剧情在过渡期,所以推进速度较慢。大家不要着急哈,过这几天就好了!)
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