MT :: Volume #3

#272: Imperial City Vanguard/Pioneer

After Wu'an Monarch leaves Central State. 武安君离开中州之后。 Chu Tian started to close up to fiddle with, nobody knows that he was doing, every day some massive materials spilled into the Chu Tian laboratory continuously, altogether the expenditure achieved 200 million gold coins about. These material majority very precious, even many Level 3 Elixir. 楚天就开始闭关捣鼓了起来,没有人知道他在干什么,每天都有大量材料源源不断涌进楚天的实验室,总共花费达到200000000金币左右。这些材料大多数都很珍贵,其中甚至不乏一些3级灵药 Miracle Commerce today we are no longer as we have been, had the channel richly, the request to Chu Tian, almost grants every request, can always in satisfy most in a short time, but Chu Tian is extremely high in the Miracle Commerce status, he wants any thing, why nobody will ask. 奇迹商会已经今非昔比,有钱又有渠道,对楚天的要求,几乎是有求必应,总能在最短时间里满足,而楚天奇迹商会地位极高,他想要什么东西,没人会问为什么。 One week later, Chu Tian announced suddenly that holds the important meeting, the high level must not participate to absent. 一周之后,楚天忽然宣布,召开重要会议,高层都必须参加不得缺席。 Everybody goes to the assembly hall, big young two beautiful women, the elder sister is solemn first, the younger sister is fine, although is the blood sisters, but the style widely different, the monogamous male student will like Meng Yingying probably, because longs for that the pure beautiful love, among the flowers the prodigal son will like Meng Qingwu probably, because is hard to conquer has the challenging. 大家纷纷来到会议厅,一大一小两位美女先到,姐姐端庄美丽,妹妹纯美善良,虽然是亲姐妹,但是风格迥然,纯情男生大概会更喜欢梦莹莹,因为渴望纯真美好的爱情,花间浪子大概会更喜欢梦轻舞,因为难以征服更有挑战性。 Other beautiful women in abundance arrive, Nangong Yun is hot and straightforward, making the person love and hate, the Yun Yao stubborn rebel, is a belt punctures the rose, Shen Bingyu elegantly beautiful like snow, just likes the snow and ice goddess, Feng Caidie is noble, like noble princess. These also enter the stage, has Spring and Autumn Period to raise the eye respectively, making the conference room be full of all kinds character and style. Yun Tianhe, Yun Xiao, Divine Wind Marquis, Gu Qianqiu and the others were in attendance. 其它美女都纷纷到来,南宫云火辣而又豪爽,让人又爱又恨,云瑶桀骜叛逆,是朵带刺玫瑰,沈冰雨冷艳如雪,犹如冰雪女神,风彩蝶高贵大方,就像高贵的公主。这几位同时出场,各有春秋十分养眼,让会议室充满万般风情。紧接着,云天鹤云霄神风候古千秋等人都到齐了。 " Today the important matters must announce that before announcing matter, I must handle a matter. " Before Chu Tian table, is suspending five jade boxes, " you had the luck, this Chairman decision rewarded you well! This is five profound emperor pill who I refine, rewards to Meng Qingwu, Meng Yingying, Nangong Yun, Yun Yao and Feng Caidie separately, your five people, you take away to have a look. " "今天有一件重要的事情要宣布,不过在宣布事情之前,我还要做一件事情。"楚天的桌前摆着五个玉盒,"你们有福了,本会长决定好好奖赏你们一番!这就是我炼制的五枚玄皇丹,分别奖励给梦轻舞梦莹莹南宫云云瑶风彩蝶,你们五个人,你们拿去看看吧。" " , Is this high-grade goods Saint pill? " "哇,这是上品圣丹么?" Five people the instance that compounded drug jade box opens, immediately intense spirit power spew out, these five compounded drugs are golden yellow, the superficial pill mark unusual conditions, fill the air/Qi of emperor unexpectedly, looks is very top Saint pill. 五个人把丹药玉盒打开的瞬间,立刻就有一股强烈的灵力喷涌而出,这五枚丹药都是金黄色的,表面丹纹浑然天成,竟弥漫出一种皇者之气,一看就是非常顶尖的圣丹。 Good! 不错! This is the Chu Tian recent masterpiece! 这就是楚天最近的杰作! Chu Tian asked for six profound emperor irises in the Wu'an Monarch hand, that was best quality goods wondrous medicines, generally True Soul Cultivator was hard to enjoy, do not say Chu Tian such Illustrious Soul Cultivator. This profound emperor iris has six compositions, Chu Tian carries on dismantling it, is used to be used as medicine separately, best quality goods wondrous medicines changed six high-grade goods wondrous medicines, again after the Chu Tian careful refinement, finally became six high-grade goods Saint pill. 楚天在武安君手里讨来了一株六叶玄皇芝,那可是一株极品圣药啊,一般真魂修士都难以消受,更不要说楚天这样的显魂修士了。这株玄皇芝有六叶组成,楚天就将其进行拆解,分别用来入药,一株极品圣药摇身一变成了六份上品圣药,再经过楚天精心炼制,最终成为六颗上品圣丹。 The compounded drug of Chu Tian refinement, its effect nature is personally greatly strengthened, this medicine preliminary True Soul Expert takes, has the greatest promotion effect to cultivation base, say nothing of this crowd of Illustrious Soul Cultivator. Chu Tian has used some ordinary Elixir and low grade wondrous medicines first, was promoted by own strength to the Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak, now prepares to attack Awakened Soul 5th Layer through profound emperor pill again directly. 楚天亲自炼制的丹药,其效果自然极强,此药就算低级的真魂强者服用,对修为都有莫大的提升效果,更不用说这一群显魂修士了。楚天已经先用一些普通灵药和下品圣药,让自己实力提升到魂醒四重巅峰,现在准备再通过玄皇丹直接冲击魂醒五重 Naturally, the compounded drug is multipurpose, five that comes out, naturally must assign to everybody. 当然,丹药多用无益,多出来的五枚,自然要分配给大家了。 Chu Tian, Yingying, young ladies, Nangong and four primitive partner. 楚天莹莹、大小姐、南宫、四个原始合伙人一人一颗。 Divine Wind Marquis has come to assist Chu Tian, this time does not even hesitate is the persuasive speaker Chu Tian to Imperial City personally, Chu Tian no matter what must repay his, therefore again delivers Feng Caidie one. 神风候一直来都协助楚天,这次甚至不惜亲自为楚天王城去做说客,楚天不管怎么说也要报答他一下,所以就再送风彩蝶一颗。 The help of Yun Tianhe to Chu Tian is not small, after all Chu Tian arrives at Central State City Initial Stage, if not there is a strong support of Yun Family, is impossible to stand firm, impossible to survive from Three Great Clans of threatening, therefore keeps one to give Yun Yao again. 云天鹤楚天的帮助也不小,毕竟楚天来到中州城初期,若非有云家的强力支持,不可能站稳脚跟,更不可能从气势汹汹的三大家族手里存活下来,因此再留一颗给云瑶 Meng Qingwu several people were very happy that Divine Wind Marquis and Yun Tianhe are also very satisfied, such assignment is fair. 梦轻舞几人很高兴,神风候云天鹤也很满足,这样分配合情合理。 " Compounded drug minute ends, should say the proper business. " The Chu Tian clear throat said: " Miracle Commerce under my enlightened leadership, now is a Central State City alone big influence. Do you visit me to do with this look? I know that I am very great, but does not need too to worship me, Central State is not anything, the topic that we must discuss today is, how to march to Imperial City. " "丹药分完,该说正事了。"楚天清清嗓子说:"奇迹商会在我的英明领导之下,现在已经是中州城一家独大的势力了。你们都用这种眼神看着我干什么?我知道我很伟大,但不用太崇拜我啦,中州不算什么啦,我们今天要探讨的话题就是,如何向王城进军。" The part that everybody automatic filtration Chu Tian blows own horn directly, Meng Qingwu sends to ask: " Imperial City does not have the news, can we on the plan strategic shift now too early? " 大家直接自动过滤楚天自吹自擂的部分,梦轻舞率先发问道:"王城没有消息,我们现在就策划战略转移会不会太早了?" " Relax, has Wu'an Monarch to look, Imperial City does not have the accident basically, but also a little you have made a mistake, we are not the strategic shifts, but another furnace stove! " Chu Tian said directly: " The Central State situation is clear simply, the geographical position especially is also superior, how could because we must enter Imperial City, gave up laboriously overcoming the base industry here? Central State becomes the Miracle Commerce main production base and communication base, does not conflict with Imperial City! " "放心,有武安君照顾,王城基本没有意外,还有一点你弄错了,我们并非战略转移,而是另开炉灶!"楚天侃侃而道:"中州局势非常明朗简单,地理位置也尤为优越,我们岂能因为要进王城,就放弃了在这里辛苦打下基业?中州会成为奇迹商会主要的生产基地、通讯基地,与王城不冲突!" Central State is the Miracle Commerce supreme headquarters! 中州奇迹商会大本营! Here as the Miracle Commerce place of origin, the popular sentiment or the influence, are not any place can compare. The Central State geographical position in the kingdom, can radiate easily in all directions, the front has Imperial City to prevent, the War Hound tribe aggression goes south a short time not to affect here. 这里作为奇迹商会的发源地,无论是民心还是影响力,都不是任何地方能比的。中州地理位置又在王国偏中,能够轻易向四面八方辐射,前方有王城阻挡,犬戎部族侵略南下一时半会儿也影响不到这里。 Because stabilizes, security and good communications, Central State still has extremely high strategic value to Miracle Commerce. 因为稳定、安全、交通方便,中州奇迹商会依然具有极高战略价值。 " Ancient, I hope that you return to Imperial City. " "古老,我希望你回王城。" " What? Returns to Imperial City! " The Gu Qianqiu complexion changes: You thought that I will walk? Cloud Sect research institute these many projects have not been completed, I depend must depend here! Does Imperial City have Wu'an Monarch to take care, takes an old man to do? I go back unable to help, might as well in rear area does the research and development!” "什么?回王城!"古千秋脸色一变:“你觉得我会走吗?云门研究所这么多项目没完成,我就算赖也要赖在这里!王城有武安君照应,要一个老头子干什么?我回去帮不了什么忙,还不如在后方搞研发!” Let the old man go back? 让老夫回去? Is impossible! 不可能! Gu Qianqiu does not have the interest to chamber of commerce anything, he wants conducts the research merely, since arriving at Cloud Sect, he as if found to win the home to return to be the same, now makes the big dragon draw, gave up any idea of that entrains from Cloud Sect him. 古千秋对商会什么没兴趣,他想要的仅仅是搞研究,自从来到云门之后,他仿佛找到必胜归宿一样,现在就算让巨龙来拉,也休想把他从云门拽走。 " What are you anxious? My words have not said! " Chu Tian expressed reluctantly to this old man: Makes you go to Imperial City, do not catch up with you to walk, is entrusts you to make Vanguard/Pioneer!” "你急什么?我话还没说完呢!"楚天对这老头子表示无奈:“让你去王城,不是要赶你走,是委托你去做先锋啊!” Vanguard/Pioneer?” 先锋?” Central State Cloud Sect has Yun Tianhe management foot, I prepare to set up a research institute in Imperial City again!” 中州云门云天鹤主持足矣,我准备在王城再设一家研究所!” Gu Qianqiu is startled. 古千秋一惊。 Chu Tian then said that „the Central State Cloud Sect researcher, overwhelming majorities are original Cloud Sect, is Yun Family accumulates hundred years of inside story. But, I want big scholar to call from a high place, Southern Summer Country scholar inevitable responder like clouds. Since there is such resources, in vain how could it not be wastes to be a pity? We can definitely depend on the Imperial City superiority, establishes a research institute again!” 楚天接着说,“中州云门的研究员,绝大多数都是原云门,是云家积累百年的底蕴。但,我想只要大学者登高一呼,南夏国学者必然响应者如云。既然有如此资源,白白浪费岂不可惜?我们完全可以依托王城优势,再成立一家研究所!” " Your meaning is, establishes a Cloud Sect branch again? " Gu Qianqiu rouses immediately: That is really good, old man other does not dare saying that the prestige in scholar has. So long as the old man summoned that Southern Xia most famous scholar will respond, the Imperial City that side laboratory and resources are stronger than Central State, immediately can form a large-scale research institute!” "你的意思是,再成立一家云门分院?"古千秋立刻振奋不已:“那真是再好不过了,老夫别的不敢说,在学者里的声望还是有的。只要老夫号召,南夏大半著名学者都会响应,王城那边实验室和资源比中州还强,立刻就能组建起一家大型研究所!” This was right! 这就对了嘛! Miracle Commerce is getting bigger and bigger, the project that Chu Tian needs to study are getting more and more, this scientific research force had too many problems to tackle, expansion to Imperial City along with Miracle Commerce, this Cloud Sect also well expands to be good! 奇迹商会越来越大,楚天需要研究的项目越来越多,这科研力量已经捉襟见肘,随着奇迹商会王城扩产,这云门也得好好扩扩才行! Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu several: Your several together go , helping to construct the research institute ancient, is Miracle Commerce builds the foundation, I believe that ancient, Imperial City nobody cannot pass with you. We hope that I to Imperial City time, this doing has completed.” 楚天梦轻舞几个说:“你们几个就跟着一起去,帮助古老建设研究所,同时也为奇迹商会打造根基,我相信有古老在,王城没人跟你们过不去。希望等我到王城的时候,该做的都已经做完了。” Meng Yingying stayed for several seconds: " Do we go to Imperial City? " 梦莹莹呆了好几秒:"我们去王城?" " Also good. " The Meng Qingwu smile nods, " each time is you to front, should make us display one chapter. " "也好。"梦轻舞微笑点点头,"每次都是你冲在前面,也是该让我们表现表现一回了。" The Meng Qingwu sisters are the people who Chu Tian most trusts. 梦轻舞姐妹是楚天最信任的人。 Gu Qianqiu sees Chu Tian to give itself to look after these two important people, fully explained that to own trust, he strikes one's chest to pledge immediately: " Please freely feel relieved that Imperial City this place, my name is very easy-to-use, absolute guard two young ladies' safety, if there is an accident to see with! " 古千秋楚天把这两个重要的人都交给自己照顾,足以说明对自己的信任了,他立刻拍着胸脯承诺道:"请尽管放心吧,王城这种地方,我的名字还是很好用的,绝对护卫二位小姐的安全,若有闪失拿头来见!" South Summer King or Wen Cheng, what mainly copes is Chu Tian, now before the situation is not completely clear, Chu Tian will should better not to go to Imperial City personally, the Meng Qingwu sisters advances one step to be naturally better. Wu'an Monarch needs to assist to build the Source Energy weapon factory, Gu Qianqiu needs to assist to build the Cloud Sect branch. 南夏王文成君,主要对付的是楚天,现在局势不完全明朗前,楚天最好不要亲自去王城,梦轻舞姐妹先行一步自然会更好。武安君需要协助打造元力兵器工厂,古千秋需要协助打造云门分院。 Meng Qingwu can definitely Imperial City be possible fully resolute does, constructs magnetic-sonic clatter, constructs the magnetic shade tower, the protections of two great people, the most minimum nobody dares to follow them visibly, but Meng Qingwu is in itself not the common people, Chu Tian is confident to her! 梦轻舞完全可以王城足可大刀阔斧的去干,建磁音嗒,建磁影塔,有两位大人物的保护,最起码没有人敢跟她们明着干,而梦轻舞本身就不是泛泛之辈,楚天对她有信心! " This matter has decided that what opinion do you have? " "这件事情就定了,你们有什么意见?" " I have! " "我有!" " I have! " "我有!" Three beautiful women simultaneously stand, separately is Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie and Yun Yao. In Nangong Yun in Chu Tian plans to go with the Meng Qingwu sisters together, after all as the primitive partner, she is also trustworthy. As for Feng Caidie and Yun Yao not, in the first batch dispatch in the Imperial City person. 三个美女同时站起来,分别是南宫云风彩蝶云瑶南宫云楚天计划里是跟着梦轻舞姐妹一起去的,毕竟作为原始合伙人,她也是值得信任的。至于风彩蝶云瑶则不在第一批派往王城的人内。 Nangong Yun does not want to go to Imperial City! 南宫云不想去王城 Yun Yao and Feng Caidie are just opposite. 云瑶风彩蝶刚好相反。 Nangong Yun said oneself reason: " I am the Nangong Clan person, Nangong Clan with have the mountain ridge, if I went to Imperial City, doesn't make them hold one to cope with our handles at any time? Name of Nangong Clan in matter by the family gets rid, Wu'an Monarch is not meddlesome! " 南宫云说出自己理由:"我可是南宫家族的人,南宫家族跟咋们也有梁子,我要是去了王城,不就让他们抓住一个可以随时对付我们的把柄?南宫家族以家族内事的名义出手,武安君也不好干涉!" Standing to reason. 言之有理。 Nangong Yun in the Imperial City environment, its status truly is quite special. 南宫云王城环境下,其身份确实是比较特殊的。 Yun Yao and Feng Caidie indicated that can help the Meng Qingwu sisters, in Imperial City coming to a stop foundation. 云瑶风彩蝶则表示,可以帮助梦轻舞姐妹,在王城站稳根基。 " Then long revises the plan again, Nangong Yun first. " Chu Tian looks that Yun Yao and Feng Caidie said: " Do not be worried as for you that I cannot forget you, but has the important missions. " "那么久把计划再修改修改,南宫云先不去了。"楚天看着云瑶风彩蝶说:"至于你们两个也别担心,我忘不了你们,只是另有重要任务。" Here. 说到这里。 Chu Tian pats a Southern Summer Country map on the table: " You will be responsible for the layout of ultra wave crystal tower, is Miracle Commerce builds one set to cover the information network of majority of main state county! Let our broadcasting stations, the communication, the image, can in the entire Southern Summer Country real-time transmission! This to us is a big project, is an important strategic project, I prepare to mobilize 3000 Miracle Commerce staff, always coordinates on by Sir Divine Wind Marquis and Yun, is responsible for leading to move by Feng Caidie, Yun Yao and Yun Xiao, in 1-2 moon/month complete the task! " 楚天把一份南夏国地图拍在桌子上:"你们将负责超波晶塔的布局,为奇迹商会打造一套覆盖大部分主要州郡的信息网络!让我们的电台,通讯,影像,能够在整个南夏国实时传送!这对我们来说是一件大工程,也是一项至关重要的战略工程,我准备发动3000名奇迹商会的员工,由神风候大人、云老在上协调,由风彩蝶云瑶云霄负责带队行动,一两个月时间里完成任务!" The people are the whole body shake. 众人都是浑身一震。 Once this duty is accomplished, the Miracle Commerce will influence be increased not to have the several fold, the people will live completely will also change! 这个任务一旦完成,奇迹商会影响力将提升无数倍,人们生活也将彻底改变了! " Boss, you knows that my ability is not good. " Yun Xiao cries out strangely suddenly: " This matter gives elder sister to be done. " "老大,你知道我的能力不行。"云霄忽然怪叫起来:"这种事情还是交给姐姐去做吧。" " Your this thing! " The Yun Tianhe direct palm of the hand claps him on the table: " Chairman gives you duty is to think highly of you, if you dare rubbish half a word to be careful that again I have abandoned you! " "你这混账东西!"云天鹤直接一巴掌把他拍在桌上:"会长给你任务是看得起你,你要是再敢废话半句小心我废了你!" A such vital duty, if can smooth completion, absolutely be great merit. 这么重要的一个任务,若能够顺利的完成,绝对是大功一件。 The rosy cloud agreed reluctantly. 云霞无奈的同意了。 Yeah, bad luck, in the future, was doomed to bustle about, starts the hard times of windblown and sunburnt. 哎,倒霉,未来一段时间,注定要东奔西走,开始风吹日晒的苦日子了。 The Chu Tian overall situation arranges, the people do not have any opinion again, the matter is not suitable late, moves immediately. That evening, the Meng Qingwu two sisters went to the square with Gu Qianqiu, the Imperial City Royal Palace knights have expired, resign a number of Gryphon to give the Miracle Commerce person. 楚天全局安排完毕,众人再没什么意见,事不宜迟,立刻行动。当天傍晚,梦轻舞姐妹俩跟着古千秋来到广场,王城王殿骑士们已经到期,让出一批狮鹫奇迹商会的人。 Meng Yingying and elder sister ride powerful Gryphon: " Chu Tian, I told you, once Imperial Decree , you must come Imperial City to see us immediately, didn't know? If dares to delay, was careful that I punch your package! " 梦莹莹和姐姐骑上一头威风凛凛狮鹫:"楚天,我告诉你,一旦王书下达,你要立刻来王城见我们,知道不?要是敢耽误,小心我揍你一头包!" " Is so flagitious? " Chu Tian did intentionally said panic-stricken: " The villain must be compliant! " "这么凶残?"楚天故作惊恐的说:"那小人必须遵命!" Meng Yingying satisfaction nods: " I must walk, what words did you have to want me to tell? " 梦莹莹满意点点头:"我要走了,你还有什么话想跟我说吗?" " Did not have. " "没有了。" " Um?! " A Meng Yingying willow eyebrows vertical stroke, white and tender cheeks emit faint red, " does not have the conscience, owes I such to care about you, I paid no attention to you! " "嗯?!"梦莹莹柳眉一竖,白嫩脸颊冒出晕红,"没良心的,亏我这么关心你,我不理你了!" This girl full brain is thinking anything! 这丫头满脑子都在想什么啊! " Good, Miss Yingying, did I make a mistake was not good? All the way careful! " Chu Tian was saying, takes out a big box, " this is one for your specially-made submachine gun, light the cost on more than ten million gold coins, the Level 2 excellent works metallic material builds, will not destroy friendly, the might is stronger, can sweep easily kills the Illustrious Soul master. If Imperial City some people dare to bully you, you are direct a ammunition clip to kill, do not fear that has me! " "好了好了,莹莹大小姐,我错了还不行么?一路上小心!"楚天说着,取出一个大盒子,"这是一把为你特制的冲锋枪,光成本就上千万金币,2级圣品金属材料打造,不会融毁,威力更强,能够轻易扫杀显魂高手。王城要是有人敢欺负你,你就直接一梭子打死,别怕,有我呢!" Meng Yingying transfer the anger to immediately happily: " Relax, nobody dares to bully me! " 梦莹莹立刻转怒为喜:"放心吧,没人敢欺负我!" " You cannot teach her to select! " Meng Qingwu angry glare circle stares: " Yingying had a bad effect on by you! " "你就不能教她点好的!"梦轻舞怒目圆瞪:"莹莹都被你带坏了!" " Young lady will not be jealous. " "大小姐不会是吃醋了吧。" The Meng Qingwu facial color is strange: " Bah, the dog mouth cannot put out ivory. " 梦轻舞面色古怪:"呸,狗嘴吐不出象牙。" " I truly have not produced a spear|gun to you, because expected that cannot use by the young lady temper. " Chu Tian spoke of here, took out big Scroll: " I give the young lady to prepare useful technical data, can help the young lady complete the work in Imperial City. " "我确实没给你造一把枪,因为料想以大小姐性子也是用不上的。"楚天说到这里,取出一支大大卷轴:"不过我给大小姐准备很多有用的技术资料,能帮助大小姐在王城完成工作。" Meng Qingwu stares. 梦轻舞一愣。 Calculates that you are conscientious! 算你还有良心! " Good? " Gu Qianqiu walks: " We should walk. " "好了没?"古千秋走过来:"我们该走了。" " Um! " "嗯,出发吧!" Meng Yingying looks at Chu Tian one reluctant to part, raises the silver bright submachine gun: " Chu Tian, Sister Nangong, Sister Caidie, Sister Yun Yao, everybody takes care, our Imperial City said goodbye! " 梦莹莹恋恋不舍看楚天一眼,扬起银光闪闪的冲锋枪:"楚天,南宫姐姐,彩蝶姐姐,云瑶姐姐,还有大家保重,我们王城再见!" The word finishes. 言毕。 The Gryphon knight team starts to lift off, disappearance gradually in field of vision. 狮鹫骑士队伍开始升空,渐渐的消失在视野里。
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