MT :: Volume #3

#270: Submachine gun

Wu'an Monarch! 武安君! Of Wu'an Monarch three big feudal lords! 三大封君之一的武安君! The Southern Summer Country enfeoffed nobles have not sealed country's, confers a title upon does not press to enfeoff names, your nobility purely is a title, Wu'an Wu'an, by the Wu'an world. 南夏国的封君是没有封国的,封号并非按分封地命名,君爵纯粹是一种称号,武安武安,以武安天下。 Meng Qingwu and Meng Yingying cannot think, the great person who Wu'an Monarch such moves the world, returns to appear in the research institute principle of Miracle Commerce unexpectedly, but also argued with big scholar! 梦轻舞梦莹莹想不到,武安君这样名动天下的大人物,竟然回出现在奇迹商会的研究院理,还跟大学者争论了起来! Person who these two people are Southern Summer Country extremely have the status, big scholar, after all as scholar, the controversy has also abused each other is the common matter, what character but is Wu'an Monarch? The Southern Xia three Monarch's heads, the national soldiers and horses commander-in-chief, such heavyweight person this time displays, rather also some fell the sale price. 这两个人都是南夏国极有地位的人,大学者也就算了,毕竟作为学者,论战对骂是常有的事情,可是武安君是什么人物啊?南夏三君之首,全国兵马总指挥,这样重量级的人此番表现,未免也有些太掉身价了。 Wu'an Monarch worried immediately, now is not attaching great importance to face-saving time: " These people add not to compare this Monarch, your this captive square marquis, creates the enormous insult to Shangguan Family, has captured the entire South State regiment, stirs a controversy in the kingdom sufficiently, looks over Southern Summer Country only to have Monarch to help you press the matter, you may , to be clear! " 武安君顿时着急了,现在不是要面子的时候:"这些人就算加起来也比不上本君,你这次俘虏四方侯,对上官家族造成极大侮辱,又俘虏了整个南州军团,足以在王国引起一场轩然大波,纵观南夏国唯有本君可以帮你把事情压下去,你可要想清楚!" " Wu'an Monarch! " The big scholar violent anger said: " You are looking down upon the old man? " "武安君!"大学者暴怒道:"你是瞧不起老夫吗?" " Big scholar has spoken discreetly, this Monarch has not said like this. " On Wu'an Monarch mouth said that but on the face is one is clearly looking down upon his expression, said lightly: " But big scholar is good at doing scholarly research research, but this matter cannot be solved by the glib lips! To put it bluntly, you are only one empty have the great reputation not to have the real power in scholar of hand! " "大学者言重了,本君未曾这样说过。"武安君嘴上这么说,可脸上分明就是一副瞧不起他的表情,淡淡的说:"但大学者擅长治学研究,但这件事情不是靠靠嘴皮子就能解决的!说白了,你只是一个虚有盛名却无实权在手的学者罢了!" The Gu Qianqiu beard quickly curled upwards space. 古千秋胡子都快翘到天上去了。 " Two appease anger, two appease anger. " Chu Tian stands to be the peacemaker: " Although Wu'an Monarch is a misunderstanding, but occurred, the person the no news, did not reach the agreement, breaks without the principle of change! Also asked Wu'an Monarch to excuse me! " "二位息怒,二位息怒。"楚天站出来做和事佬:"虽说武安君是一场误会,但是已经发生了,人不可无信,已经达成协议,断无更改之理!还请武安君见谅!" Chu Tian believes that Wu'an Monarch has not killed his heart. 楚天相信武安君并没有杀他之心。 Otherwise does Wu'an Monarch why personally come Central State with Divine Wind Marquis? 否则武安君何必跟着神风候亲自来中州 However, when sees Wu'an Monarch the pale complexion, Chu Tian cannot help but feels one dark crisp. 不过,当见到武安君铁青的脸色时,楚天不由得感到一阵暗爽。 The Wu'an Monarch blood and iron strong people all know, but your Dongfang Gan is insufferably arrogant, hasn't admitted defeat? 武安君铁血强势国人皆知,可你东方乾就算不可一世,还不是吃瘪了? Big scholar does not hit Wu'an Monarch, in big scholar does not have any real power, but big scholar is unusual in the Southern Summer Country status. Wu'an Monarch again annoyed, he does not dare to make action out of the ordinary. 学者是打不过武安君的,大学者手里也却是没什么实权,但是大学者南夏国的地位非同一般。武安君就算再恼火,他也不敢做出出格之举。 Gu Qianqiu starts national scholar to denounce, that might did not joke. 古千秋发动全国学者声讨,那威力可不是闹着玩的。 " What you clearly first look is Monarch, but this Monarch also truly came! " Wu'an Monarch snort|hum one, " as for this confidential letter, this Monarch is stemmed from protects your goal to write, actually does not know that who dares to tamper with this Monarch letter boldly, I go back to investigate clearly, the necessity tears to shreds it! But matter of cooperation, other people are not good, belong to this Monarch! " "但你分明先找的是本君,而本君也确实来了!"武安君哼一声,"至于这封密信,本君本是出自保护你的目的而写,却不知何人大胆敢篡改本君信件,我回去调查清楚,必要将其碎尸万段!但合作的事情,其他人都不行,非本君莫属!" Big scholar foamed with rage saying: " Does Wu'an Monarch want to bully inadequately? My Gu Qianqiu did not agree! " 学者吹胡子瞪眼说:"武安君要仗势欺人不成?我古千秋不同意!" " Can your old fogy little say two! This matter said is not Monarch does! " "你个老家伙能不能少说两句!这件事都说了不是本君干的!" Gu Qianqiu is scholar, the scholar smelly temperament has come up, is always the person does not recognize people, regardless of before , the relations with Wu'an Monarch is good uselessly, but enduring patiently of Wu'an Monarch must also reach the limit. 古千秋是一个学者,学者的臭脾气上来了,从来都是人是不认人,无论以前跟武安君的关系多好都没用,而武安君的忍耐也已经要到极限了。 Big scholar quickly tore to pieces the facial skin with Wu'an Monarch shortly. 学者跟武安君眼看就快撕破脸皮了。 Is so noisy, if Wu'an Monarch must begin not quite to be wonderful really reckless, therefore stood saying: " The matter about cooperation, we can later reconsider, solution that has not satisfied both sides. " 这么吵下去,万一武安君真要不顾一切动手就不太妙了,于是又站出来说:"关于合作的事情,我们可以稍后再议,未尝没有两全其美的解决方案。" Good, is very good.” Wu'an Monarch sizes up Chu Tian several minutes, you imagine me are younger, imagines me is crazier. Naturally, imagines compared with me outstanding! Therefore believes that you will not disappoint this.” “好,很好。”武安君上上下下打量楚天好几分钟,“你比我想象中还要年轻,比我想象中更狂一点。当然,也比我想象中优秀一点!所以相信你不会让本君失望的。” Here to stop. 说到这停顿一下。 He stared at Chu Tian saying: This type of weapon must develop, the first important matter is to complete the secret, if the technology reveals, the consequence is dreadful, do you understand?” 他盯着楚天说:“这种武器要研制,第一要务就是做好保密工作,如果技术泄露出去,后果不堪设想,你明白吗?” Chu Tian selects the eyebrow: Villain asked Wu'an Monarch to come Central State City, discussed the cooperation with Wu'an Monarch, did not make Wu'an Monarch teach my.” 楚天一挑眉:“小人请武安君来中州城,是跟武安君谈合作的,不是让武安君来教训我的。” This boy! 这个小子! Does he know the fearfulness of Wu'an Monarch? 他知不知道武安君的可怕? The Wu'an Monarch psychology chokes with rage, is not good to manifest suddenly. 武安君心理非常窝火,却偏偏不好发作。 " If you have self-confidently do not have the negative impact, that regarded as another matter. " Wu'an Monarch has to clench teeth to recognize first, then immediately also asks: This Monarch for the time being first listens, how you prepare the cooperation law! We hope that can make this satisfy, after all works in Southern Summer Country, Monarch has not assisted, you will be unable to take a single step forward.” "若你有自信不造成负面影响,那就另当别论了。"武安君只好咬着牙先认了,然后立刻又问道:“本君就姑且先听一听,你准备怎么个合作法!希望真能让本君满意,毕竟在南夏国做事,没有本君协助,你将会寸步难行。” The Wu'an Monarch expression is very light, actually reveals a light threat. 武安君语气很平淡,却流露出一丝淡淡的威胁。 The implied meaning is, if you do not give this Monarch reasonable joining a group plan, this Monarch minute is less than the thick soup, then do not want to do. 言下之意就是,你要是不给本君一个合理入伙方案,本君分不到羹,那么你也别想做了。 What to be anxious?” Chu Tian sees Wu'an Monarch this manner, he suppressed was not saying: Wapon measurement fully has not been completed, we continue to conduct the wapon measurement!” “急什么?”楚天见武安君这幅态度,他偏偏憋着不说:“武器测试还没有全部完成,我们继续进行武器测试!” " What also tests? Wasn't has tested? " "还测试什么?不是已经测试过了吗?" Chu Tian leaks off light disdaining, has not actually paid attention to Wu'an Monarch, but waves to Meng Yingying: Yingying, you come!” 楚天漏出一丝淡淡的不屑,却没有理会武安君,只是对梦莹莹挥挥手:“莹莹,你过来!” Wu'an Monarch's face one black, first time feels that originally own reputation, there is not a easy-to-use time. 武安君的脸一黑,第一次感觉到,原来自己的名声,也有不好用的时候。 This is compared with a Divine Wind Marquis fiercer character, if gets angry, was really a disaster! However has Chu Tian to support, Meng Yingying is also but actually fearless, immediately runs up to front of Chu Tian: What matter?” 这是比神风候更厉害的人物啊,若是发起怒来,真就是一场灾难了!不过有楚天撑腰,梦莹莹倒也天不怕地不怕,立刻跑到楚天面前:“什么事?” Chu Tian takes out a box to give her: Tries the hand with this weapon.” 楚天又取出一个盒子递给她:“拿这个武器去试试手。” Modern weapon?” Meng Yingying surprised opens the crystal box, mentioned a modeling more complex Source Energy spear|gun from inside, she was startled, this looked like the spear|gun is not quite how same!” “还有新武器?”梦莹莹惊奇的把水晶盒打开,从里面提起一把造型更复杂的元力枪,她自己都吃了一惊,“这把枪怎么看起来不太一样啊!” Other people felt that looks curiously. 其他人都感到非常好奇看过来。 This looks like the spear|gun the pistol is bigger than more than three times, structure compares to look like with the pistol, but the magazine separates independently, not only the capacity looks like bigger, the Symbol Array system was richer. 这把枪看起来比手枪大三倍多,结构跟手枪比较像,只是弹匣独立分离出来,非但容量看起来更大,符阵系统更丰富了。 This is spear|gun of rapid fire.” Chu Tian arrives in front of Meng Yingying, takes up a specially-made energy magazine to install: Compares the pistol, volume big two times, the magazine is stand-alone, the energy capacity achieves three times, the single shot energy ball might weakens 20%, the rate of fire actually enhances 2-3 times, the magazine energy can project 20 to 30 energy balls.” “这是一种速射的枪型。”楚天走到梦莹莹面前,拿起一个特制的能量弹匣装上:“相比手枪来说,体积大二倍有余,弹匣独立出来,能量容量达到三倍,单发能量弹威力削弱20,射速却提高两三倍,弹匣能量能射出20到30道能量弹。” The people more listen to more heart to be startled. 众人越听越心惊。 This type of firearms compare with the pistol, the might is weaken, the magazine increases, the rate of fire advances, without doubt the firepower becomes fiercer, the especially qualify uses on the battlefield. Although the might compared with drops with the pistol slightly, but still has very strong lethality, the rate of fire and in the energy ball quantity, has very high superiority. 这种枪械跟手枪比,威力减弱,弹匣增多,射速增高,无疑火力变得更加凶猛,特别适合在战场上面使用。虽然威力跟手枪比稍微下降,但是依然具有非常强的杀伤力,射速和能量弹数量上,更是具有很高的优势。 Wu'an Monarch reveals the excited color: That tries!” 武安君露出兴奋之色:“那就试一试吧!” Meng Yingying looks at Chu Tian one. 梦莹莹楚天一眼。 Chu Tian nods: Goes!” 楚天点点头:“去吧!” Good!” Before Meng Yingying mentioned the spear|gun arrived at the fire range, carries to aim at the front target, you made way, I must open fire!” “好嘞!”梦莹莹提起枪走到射击场前,端起来瞄准前面一个靶子,“你们让开点,我要开火了!” Meng Yingying takes away the trigger time, extends the ray from the energy magazine position, walks randomly the entire spear|gun's body instantaneously, all Rune and Array were activated. 梦莹莹扣动扳机的时候,从能量弹匣位置延伸出光芒,瞬间游走整个枪身,所有符文阵法都被激活了。 ! 啪啪啪啪! A series of dense and numerous energy balls, just like raindrop same scatter, the front giant iron harrow like a devastated paper, instantaneously by the smashing that the terrifying strength tears! 一连串密密麻麻能量弹,犹如雨点一样撒出去,前方巨大铁耙就像被蹂躏的一张纸,瞬间就被恐怖的力量撕扯的粉碎! Unexpectedly can the uninterrupted ripple fire! 居然能不间断连射! Good high rate of fire, good attack in close order! 好高的射速,好密集攻击! When everybody sees the might of this weapon, all by its strength shocking. 当大家见到该武器的威力时,全都被它的力量给震撼到了。 Such weapon does not even use, ten thousand people of armies equipped 100 to suffice, before enemy near body , the direct strafe, can drop sharply the spirit of opposite party absolutely instantaneously! 这样武器甚至不用很多,一支万人军队装备100把就够了,敌人近身前直接一通扫射,绝对能瞬间重挫对方的锐气! Although the energy ball weakens, but still sufficiently punctures Virtual soul time Cultivator protecting body Source Energy, the rate of fire large scale enhancement, the attack density considerably increases, even if Awakened Soul Cultivator in front of this spear|gun, may not avoid the past completely! 虽然能量弹削弱,但是依然足以打穿虚魂修士的护体元力,射速大幅度提高,攻击密度大大增加,哪怕魂醒修士在此枪面前,也不一定能完全躲避过去! Meng Yingying lifts gun the strafe, while shouts excitedly: This spear|gun used to be too crisp!” 梦莹莹一边举着枪扫射,一边激动地大喊起来:“这枪用起来太爽了!” Approximately consumption half magazine time. 大约消耗一半弹匣的时候。 " Was OK! " Chu Tian discovered that the barrel more and more red heat, has almost the melted sign, immediately shouts: Stops stops from time to time!” "可以了!"楚天发现枪管越来越红热,几乎出现融化迹象,立刻喊道:“停停停!” Yingying has not responded. 莹莹没反应过来。 Bang! 砰! The barrel blasts open suddenly. 枪管骤然炸裂。 Meng Yingying was flown by a strength bang. 梦莹莹被一股力量轰飞出去。 The Meng Qingwu complexion changes: Yingying, you are unimportant!” 梦轻舞脸色一变:“莹莹,你不要紧吧!” All right, all right, I have Immortal body to protect, this energy cannot injure me!” “没事,没事,我有不灭体护着呢,这点能量伤不到我!” Meng Yingying crawls deftly, the clothes a little were scorched, I do not have anything to obstruct but actually greatly, when she lifts the spear|gun, puts in order melts the firearms general, entire distorts, just explosion, the high-temperature melt destroyed Rune, causing energy out-of-control to create. 梦莹莹麻利爬起来,衣服有点被烧焦,本人倒没什么大碍,当她把枪举起来的时候,整把枪械都融化一般,整个都变形,刚刚的爆炸,正是高温熔毁符文,导致能量失控造成的。 How this spear|gun burnt out!” “这枪怎么又烧坏掉了!” „The Symbol Array design is not very perfect, too many energies were detained to form the high temperature. Moreover, this firearms material quality is also imperfect, we must continue to look for the cheap and thermostable material.” 符阵设计不够完美,太多能量滞留形成了高温。另外,这枪械材质也不够理想,我们必须要继续找便宜而且耐高温的材料。” Although the experiment failed. 虽然实验失败了。 This fully has actually manifested the might of new Source Energy spear|gun. 这把新型元力枪的威力却已经充分体现出来了。 Meng Qingwu asked that Chu Tian said: This gunning down to injure oneself through over-heavy labor or over-exertion many that pistol is higher , should we give a name to it?” 梦轻舞楚天道:“这把枪杀伤力比手枪高的多,我们是不是该给它取一个名字?” You take!” “你们来取吧!” I'm coming!” In Meng Yingying beckoned with the hand the spear|gun that burnt down saying: „This spear|gun compared with pistol, brings to be very facile in merely greatly . Moreover the fire speed is so fast, the especially qualify strikes at the enemy in breaking through enemy lines. We name to be called submachine gun to it!” 我来!”梦莹莹摆摆手里烧毁的枪说:“这把枪仅仅比手枪大一点,带在身上还是很轻便,而且射击速度这么快,特别适合在冲锋陷阵的时候打击敌人。我们就给它取名叫做冲锋枪吧!” Submachine gun? Good, called this name!” Chu Tian discovered that Meng Yingying is not quite sometimes stupid, this name is actually very most at least appropriate, young lady waste recovery, attains in the research institute to analyze, the energy magazine surplus many energies, fires at the several energy ball to present the melt to destroy...... These data collect as soon as possible.” “冲锋枪?好,就叫这个名字!”楚天发现梦莹莹有时候也不太笨,最起码这个名字倒是很贴切,“大小姐把废料回收一下,拿到研究所里分析一番,能量弹匣剩余多少能量、射击到第几颗能量弹出现熔毁……这些数据尽快采集好。” Meng Qingwu nods: no problem!” 梦轻舞点点头:“没问题!” Chu Tian arrived at thoroughly already ignorant in front of Wu'an Mr. 楚天走到已经彻底懵了的武安君面前。 " Wu'an Monarch! " "武安君!" " Wu'an Monarch! " "武安君!" Chu Tian called two, Wu'an Monarch responded. 楚天叫两声,武安君才反应过来。 " How does Wu'an Monarch think this weapon? To the appraisal. " "武安君以为这件武器如何?给个评价吧。" Wu'an Monarch does not know how should describe: " Good, is very good! " 武安君根本不知道该怎么形容:"好,很好!" " Since Wu'an Monarch satisfies, I felt relieved. " Chu Tian smiles, we then well discussed that matter of cooperation!” "既然武安君满意,那我就放心了。"楚天嘿嘿一笑,“我们接下来就好好谈一谈合作的事情吧!”
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