MT :: Volume #3

#269: Misunderstood in a big way

Was invented the preliminary improvement performance from the Source Energy weapon in less than half a month, met the investment practical requirement merely now, is really the great efficiency! 元力武器被发明到初步完善性能仅仅不到半月的时间,如今就已经具备投入实用的条件了,真是了不起的效率啊! For these days in the time, big scholar was to patch oneself in the unfavorable impression in the Chu Tian mind making, naturally bore the burden of responsibility to Chu Tian overcomes the hand, served tea to supply water does not decline, several small duties of Chu Tian arrangement, that conscientiously completed to make every effort the perfect manner, can with working wholeheartedly to describe simply. 这几天时间里,大学者为修补自己在楚天心目中留下的不良印象,自然是任劳任怨给楚天打下手,端茶送水绝不推辞,楚天安排的几个小任务,那认真完成力求完美的态度,简直就可以用呕心沥血来形容。 But, because follows to overcome the hand side Chu Tian for several days, all sees to optimize the entire process of Source Energy pistol fortunately with own eyes, making him be inspired and shocked enormously! 但,也正是因为最近几日都跟在楚天身边打下手,所有有幸亲眼见到优化元力手枪的全过程,让他受到极大的启发和震撼! Big scholar is clear until today. 学者直到今天才明白。 This over 100 years old lived on the dog! 这100多岁都活到狗身上去了! More than 20 years that he studies away from home experience, once to do obeisance great nation scholar for the master, the wind and snow day after day have knelt in out of the door for three days three nights. In order to ask for a textbook, was ridiculed to bully by the schoolmate insults in every possible way. But Gu Qianqiu thinks that is worth, that more than 20 years of studying away from home experiences, will lay the solid foundation for in the future profession, the experience of that enduring humiliation, was Gu Qianqiu afterward amazed the world with a single brilliant feat as well as under the reputation glorious shop the cornerstone. 他游学的20多年经历,曾为拜一个大国学者为师,风雪连天在门外跪了三天三夜。为了讨一本教科书,被同学奚落欺负百般侮辱。但古千秋认为都是值得的,那20多年的游学经历,为往后的生涯奠定坚实的根基,那段忍辱负重的经历,为古千秋后来一鸣惊人以及名誉荣耀铺下基石。 Gu Qianqiu can say a long time proudly that he said is the Southern Summer Country most learned person, even if not inferior compared with some great nation famous experts, Southern Summer Country almost all scholar had received his gracious favor. 古千秋很长一段时间里都可以非常自傲的说,自己说是南夏国最有学问的人,即使比起大国一些名家也不逊色,南夏国几乎所有学者都曾经受过他的恩泽。 Now? 现在呢? When remembers fellow who entrains ascends the sky, Gu Qianqiu wishes one could a Palestinian long-handled fan on their faces! 当想起一个个拽上天的家伙,古千秋恨不得一巴掌扇在他们脸上! Chu Tian haughtily actually good and evil also him, when the person looked, initially Gu Qianqiu had studied several scholar, their not only a poor thing but mine own, is not willing to teach the genuine thing, instead them immediately person, slave, even the test piece of test medicament! 楚天狂傲却好歹还把他当人看,当初古千秋求学过的几个学者,他们不仅仅敝帚自珍,根本不愿意传授真正的东西,反而把他们当下人,奴隶,甚至测试药剂的试验品! Everybody said Chu Tian to be crazy, Gu Qianqiu looks like, Chu Tian is the craziness is only in the surface, wants to earn his respect is very actually simple, so long as respected him to be good, no matter his like this big scholar, were a Miracle Commerce ordinary staff, in the Chu Tian eye treated impartially. This compares these knowledge beautiful many, actually extremely arrogantly boundlessly regarded other people better for the worthless person too. 人人都说楚天狂,古千秋看来,楚天已是的狂只是在表面,想要获得他的尊重其实很简单,只要尊重他就行了,不管他这样的大学者,还是奇迹商会一个普通员工,楚天眼里都是一视同仁的。这相比那些学问美多少,却狂妄无边视他人为草芥的人要好太多了。 This is one can the universe great master of reformation of the world! 这是一位能改变世界的乾坤巨匠! Gu Qianqiu has not thought that oneself when hundred years old , also picks up at first that warm-blooded again, the intense intellectual curiosity and enterprise, he had decided that the remaining years of life passed in Cloud Sect, moreover must do utmost to support Chu Tian! 古千秋万万没有想到,自己在百岁高龄时,又重拾起最初那份热血,强烈的求知欲和进取心,他已经决定余年都在云门度过,而且要竭尽全力支持楚天到底! The performance of Chu Tian to Gu Qianqiu is very satisfied, in addition also has the cooperation, although allied merely on the several th, Chu Tian promoted it, official became the Cloud Sect most advanced researcher, the status and Yun Tianhe Good enough. 楚天古千秋的表现很满意,再加上也有合作关系,虽然加盟仅仅几日,楚天就将其提拔起来,正式已经成为云门高级的研究员,地位和云天鹤差不多 Gu Qianqiu naturally is wild with joy, does not have anything to be able compared with using own knowledge again and diligently, the reformation of the world was personally more attractive to scholar. 古千秋自然欣喜若狂,再没什么能比用自己的知识和努力,亲手改变世界对学者更有吸引力了。 Although the Gu Qianqiu wisdom is limited, but can by the pygmy effort, be a Miracle time contributes labor and materials, made its keep the history and praises sufficiently by the scholar transmissions of innumerable later generation, this was to the high glory! 虽然古千秋的智慧非常有限,但是能以绵薄之力,为一个奇迹时代添砖加瓦,也足以让其名留青史被无数后世的学者传送和赞美,这是至高的荣耀啊! Several tests ended. 几次测试结束了。 Also missed.” Chu Tian is not quite as if satisfied, proposes some corrections, but does not want to wait again: „The cost is not in any case high, initiative one batch in use.” “还差了点。”楚天似乎不太满意,提出一些修改意见,不过也不想再等了:“反正成本并不高,先制一批出来内用吧。” The parts production of Source Energy firearms is easiest, the Source Energy Battery cost is extremely low, quite what is only troublesome, the Source Energy pistol needs to engrave 300 Rune, this time makes by cutting the Rune machine not to come out automatically, therefore some needs recruit massive Array Master manual to be completed, but also merely is a multi- disbursement small labor cost cost. 元力枪械的零部件生产最容易,元力电池的成本就极低,唯一比较麻烦的是,元力手枪需要刻印300多道符文,这个时代自动刻制符文机器还没出来呢,所以这部分需要招募大量阵法师手动完成,但也仅仅是多支出一小笔人工费成本罢了。 Chu Tian asked: Every day estimated that can produce several pistols?” 楚天问:“每天预计能生产几支手枪?” Ordnance factory has not completed, the efficiency is not perhaps high. This Source Energy pistol spare part is actually not complex, ordinary factory on energy flow water line production. The specially-made Source Energy magazine Refining process quite takes the trouble freely, but the demand is not high, pours also suffices the inadequate difficult problem.” Meng Qingwu said here, helpless sighing one breath: „A tally writing picture process is quite only tedious, this relates to Source Energy weapon part of secrets, therefore elects the person to be prudent, but the work load is also quite big, if the people of according to Research institute begin merely, every day produces 50 pistols, quite optimistically estimated.” “兵工厂尚未完成,效率恐怕不高。这元力手枪零部件倒是不复杂,普通制造厂就能流水线生产。特制元力弹匣尽管精炼过程比较费力,但是需求量不高,倒也够不成难题。”梦轻舞说道这里,无奈的叹一口气:“惟独刻符画阵过程比较繁琐,这关系到元力武器一部分机密,所以选人必须慎重,而工作量又比较大,若仅仅以研究所的人来动手,每天产50支手枪,就是比较乐观估计了。” Talent 50? 一天才50支? That wants to arm an army not to arrive lord knows when goes! 那想武装一支部队还不得到猴年马月去! Is too slow!” Chu Tian knit the brows saying: Do not manage these many, even if braves some technical revelation dangers, must pick up the output velocity of weapon, will strive soon to make 1000 firearms! I do not want to let the Central State City besieged matter repeat!” “太慢!”楚天皱皱眉说:“不要管这么多,哪怕冒着技术部分泄露危险,也要加快武器的生产速度,争取早日造出1000支枪械!我不想让中州城被围攻的事情重演!” Technical divulging? Has anything to be good to be worried! The Source Energy pistol is the most preliminary Source Energy weapon, Chu Tian does not care, let alone the light has to compose Rune Array to be insufficient, does not have appropriate Source Energy Battery, his other people cannot make the Source Energy pistol. 技术泄漏?有什么好担心的!元力手枪是最低级的元力武器,楚天根本就不在乎,更何况光有组成符文阵法是不够的,没有合适的元力电池,其他人造不出元力手枪。 Although Source Energy pistol design is not very perfect, but the effect was very astonishing, if can equip thousand people of armies, even if meets Southern Summer Country sharpest Storm Cavalry, can create to it in several waves of attacks causes heavy losses directly! 虽说元力手枪设计不够完美,但是效果已经很惊人了,若是能装备一支千人部队,哪怕是遇到南夏国最精锐的疾风骑兵,也能在几波攻击内对其造成迎头重创! This is the strength of science and technology! 这是科技的力量! This is the strength of Source Energy weapon! 这是元力兵器的力量! The army of Continent first Source Energy weapon was grasped by Chu Tian in the hand, who also dares to bully Miracle Commerce casually? Even if three Monarch, even if the king, wants honest flattering Chu Tian! 大陆第一支元力兵器的军队被楚天握在手里,谁还敢随便欺负奇迹商会?哪怕是三君,哪怕是国王,也要老老实实的讨好楚天 Meng Qingwu sees the Chu Tian manner to be firm, has to nod saying: I pick up the speed as far as possible!” 梦轻舞楚天态度坚决,只好点了点头说:“我尽量加快速度!” Nonsense! Such important thing, how can consider only the output not to give a thought to the security! If reveals to create the chaos, its this responsibility that you take on? Chu Tian, you were too disappointing!” “胡闹!这么重要的东西,如何能只顾产量而不顾保密!如果泄露出去造成大乱,你担当的其这个责任吗?楚天,你太让人失望了!” Near the ear of everyone resounds the thunderclap dignified sound. 每一个人的耳边都响起炸雷般威严的声音。 A strange man of wear cape walks, two sharp sword thick eyebrows as if must curl upwards the space. 一个穿着斗篷的陌生男人走进来,两根利剑般的浓眉仿佛要翘到天上去了。 Cannot calm down, how also to count on that achieves the great accomplishment!” “沉不住气,又怎么指望做大事!” Gu Qianqiu, Yun Tianhe sees this person, suddenly complexion drastic change...... How this fellow ran up to Central State to come personally. 古千秋,云天鹤一见此人,骤然脸色剧变……这家伙怎么亲自跑到中州来了。 Your his mother who!” Chu Tian was pointing at the nose lesson with no reason at all, is in own domain, is working as the front of person on one's own side, where his face toward puts, including wants not to shout to clear the way:, father works, does the wheel obtain you to gesticulate?” “你他妈谁啊!”楚天无缘无故被人指着鼻子教训,还是在自己的地盘,当着自己人的面前,他的面子往哪里放,连想都没想就喝道:,“老子做事,轮得到你指手画脚?” Chu Tian!” Divine Wind Marquis in one side in great surprise, hurrying stands to shout to clear the way: „Do not be impolite to Wu'an Monarch!” 楚天!”神风候在一旁大惊,慌忙站出来喝道:“不得对武安君无礼!” This boy really does not fear death, he does not know that the present person wants to take his life, just likes takes something out of the pocket simply general. 这小子真是不怕死啊,难道他不知道,眼前之人想取他性命,简直犹如探囊取物一般。 Chu Tian stares. 楚天微愣。 Any Wu'an Monarch! 什么武安君! Wu'an Monarch snort|hum. 武安君哼一声。 Air/Qi of pure murdering, just likes the landslide falls in torrents suddenly, lets a spirit and soul of person shivers! 骤然间一股纯粹杀伐之气,犹如山崩般倾泻而下,让一个人的精神和灵魂都为之颤抖! Ten thousand horse neighed, thousand rode, the mighty force kills to loudly, under that irresistible pressure, Divine Wind Marquis and Gu Qianqiu such Expert cannot help but withdrew one step, other people were the face whitens, probably the throat was blocked, became including the breath difficult. 万马嘶鸣,千骑扬戈,千军万马轰然杀至,那势不可挡的威压下,神风候古千秋这样的强者都不由自主的退后一步,其他人更是脸色苍白,好像喉咙被人扼住,连呼吸都变得困难了。 This man has not begun, light the imposing manner sufficiently crushes all people, if an intent lacking determination point, feared that was at the scene the spirit break. 这个男人没有动手,光气势就足以压倒所有人,若意志弱一点,怕是当场精神崩溃了吧。 Very strong!” “好强!” Meng Qingwu felt that the back was moistened by the sweat, she has not seen such strong person, only feared that fiercely does not have the several fold compared with Marquis Feng Shen, is this three Monarch Expert terrifying strengths? Awful, Wu'an Monarch comes in first to carry on demonstration of authority, then thinks that he once instigated big scholar to cope with Chu Tian, this time feared that is the future is bad! 梦轻舞感觉背都被汗水打湿,她从来没有见过这么强的人,只怕比神风侯都厉害无数倍,这就是三君强者恐怖力量吗?糟糕了,武安君一进来就先进行一个下马威,再想到他曾经策动大学者来对付楚天,这次怕是来者不善! Divine Wind Marquis smiles bitterly. 神风候则是苦笑。 Chu Tian Chu Tian, you thousand should not ten thousand not invite Wu'an Monarch personally, asked the god to be easy to deliver the god to be difficult, in front of this overwhelming strength, did you have with the qualifications of his equal negotiation really? 楚天楚天,你千不该万不该把武安君亲自请来,正所谓请神容易送神难,这种压倒性的实力面前,你真的具备跟他平等谈判的资格么? Wu'an Monarch does not want to injure Chu Tian but actually, to Chu Tian demonstrated purely one are formidable, quite lets the following negotiations smoother carries on. However makes Wu'an Monarch feel what surprise is, being hard directly resists own pressure including Divine Wind Marquis and Wu'an Monarch, Chu Tian actually indifferent free, seems not affected. This young people are younger than the imagination , is also more outstanding than the imagination. 武安君倒不想伤害楚天,纯粹是向楚天展示自己强大,好让接下来的谈判更顺利的进行。不过让武安君感到诧异的是,连神风候和武安君都难以正面对抗自己的威压,楚天却淡然自若,似乎不受影响。这个年轻人比想象中年轻很多,也比想象中优秀很多。 ! 罢了! Has shown the strength in any case. 反正展示过实力了。 If Chu Tian is a smart person, he should know how to do. 如果楚天是一个聪明人,他应该知道怎么做。 Wu'an Monarch restrains the swift and fierce threatening imposing manner slowly, the people felt that body one light, walks forward one step, asked with the light keeping aloof tone: You are Chu Tian!” 武安君缓缓收敛凌厉逼人的气势,众人都感到身体一轻,向前走一步,用平淡却高高在上口吻问:“你就是楚天吧!” Wu'an Monarch looks like, by own prestige, the strength that just showed that this Chu Tian again extremely arrogant, at this moment definitely the atmosphere does not dare to rush. After all, regarding him, Wu'an Monarch is the invincible enemy, moreover Chu Tian wants to base in Southern Summer Country, must seek the asylum of Wu'an Mr. 武安君看来,凭借自己的声望,还有刚刚展现出的实力,这楚天就算再狂妄,此刻肯定也大气都不敢闯。毕竟,对于他来说,武安君是不可战胜的敌人,而且楚天想在南夏国立足,就必须有求武安君的庇护。 So, the following matter talked about. 如此,接下来的事情就好谈了。 " Wu'an Monarch! The old man for many years admired you in vain is a character, I have not thought that you are also the mean mean generation! " Who knows that Chu Tian has not spoken, an angry old man is red the eye to clash, must the appearance that perishes together with Wu'an Monarch, you dare to move his fine hair, first treads from the old man corpse!” "武安君!枉老夫多年来都敬佩你是一个人物,我没有想到你也是下作卑鄙之辈!"谁知道,楚天都没说话,一个愤怒的老者就红着眼睛冲出来,一副要跟武安君同归于尽的样子,“你敢动他一根汗毛,就先从老夫尸体上踏过去!” Yun Tianhe is critical situation to shout with the matter: " Comes the person! Protects Chairman! " 云天鹤跟事如临大敌喊道:"来人!保护会长!" Shen Bingyu and the others clash immediately, the small fox also raises up the hair, reveals vision that is hostile to! 沈冰雨等人立刻冲进来,小狐狸也竖起毛发,露出敌视的目光! Divine Wind Marquis gawked! 神风候愣了! Wu'an Monarch also gawked! 武安君也愣了! Is this does do? Chu Tian writes a letter to invite Wu'an Monarch personally, do not discuss the cooperation with Wu'an Monarch! Which now this is developing! Big scholar? This is not big scholar, why he such is angry, even points at Wu'an Monarch to scold! 这是干什么啊?楚天亲自写信请来武安君,难道不是要和武安君谈合作么!现在这到底是在演哪一出啊!大学者?这不是大学者么,他干嘛这么生气,甚至指着武安君骂! Wu'an Monarch is somewhat angry: " Big scholar, this Monarch has not done the matter of being contrary to convictions, you why so slander to this Monarch! " 武安君有些恼怒:"大学者,本君未曾做过违心之事,你何必对本君如此污蔑!" " Good, good, good! Originally Wu'an Monarch is also the person who dares to be not to be at all! " "好,好,好!原来武安君也是一个敢做不敢当的人!" " What did you say?! " "你说什么?!" Wu'an Monarch some vitalities, big is scholar takes the wrong medicine? If changes into other people, Wu'an Monarch already a palm in the past killed! 武安君已经有些生气了,大学者是吃错药了吗?若换成其他人,武安君早就一掌过去击毙了! " You look! " Big scholar flings the confidential letter directly to him, " this believed you to dare saying that did not stem from your hand. " "你自己看!"大学者将密信直接甩给他,"这份信你敢说不是出自你之手。" " This truly is Monarch personal letter, is...... " "这确实是本君亲笔信,可是……" " That also has anything to say! You mislead the old man intentionally, suggested that old man removes Chu Tian, attempts the falling old man to shoulder kills the name of virtuous being jealous of capable people, you attentively how evil and cruel, the old man disdains to be a companion with you! " "那还有什么好说的!你故意误导老夫,暗示老夫除掉楚天,企图陷老夫背负杀贤妒贤之名,你用心何其歹毒也,老夫不屑与你为伍!" The Wu'an Monarch nose quick air/Qi was crooked. 武安君鼻子都快气歪了。 Big scholar confuses right and wrong! 学者颠倒是非! This letter is makes big scholar protect Chu Tian obviously some time, how turns suggested that big scholar did massacre Chu Tian? 这封信明明是让大学者保护楚天一段时间,怎么就变成暗示大学者杀掉楚天了? Wu'an Monarch pulls out to with big scholar confront the letter directly, when the letter pulled out, Wu'an Monarch were scared. How this letter content with sending not to be completely different, although writes down with the literary style is without change, however the content is actually the day badly leaves! 武安君直接把信抽出来就要跟大学者对峙,当信被抽出来的时候,武安君自己都傻眼了。这信内容怎么跟寄出去完全不一样了,虽然笔记和文风一般无二,然而内容却是天差地别! Divine Wind Marquis is also in great surprise. 神风候也是大惊。 What medicine does Wu'an Monarch in the bottle gourd sell? 武安君到底葫芦里卖什么药? Wu'an Monarch realizes anything, immediately says: " It is not right, this is not Monarch confidential letter, this letter had been tampered! " 武安君意识到什么,立刻解释说:"不对,这不是本君密信,此信被人篡改过!" The Gu Qianqiu angry glare circle stared saying: " At this moment, do you also want to quibble?! Southern Summer Country who dares to tamper with the letter of Wu'an Monarch? " 古千秋怒目圆瞪说:"事到如今,你还要狡辩吗?!南夏国谁敢篡改武安君之信?" " This Monarch comes Central State, the book to come for the cooperation personally, will kill Chu Tian? " Wu'an Monarch realized that matter some are not wonderful, immediately said clear: " This Monarch manner world all knows, does not dare to make the generation of not being at all! " "本君亲自来中州,本就是为合作而来,又怎么会杀楚天?"武安君意识到事情有些不妙,立刻澄清说道:"本君为人天下皆知,绝非敢做不敢当之辈!" Chu Tian hey said: " Was sorry, Wu'an Monarch, whether or not, you came really late. " 楚天嘿嘿一笑说:"抱歉了,武安君,不管是不是真的,你已经来晚了。" " Did this say what intent? " "此言何意?" " This letter content, makes below terrified restless, therefore has to seek the outlet in addition, now united Qing State and Thunder State, as well as big scholar, has made into the corporate plan together, develops the Source Energy weapon. Wu'an Monarch was afraid of getting into trouble to go in vain one! " "这份信内容,让在下惶恐不安,所以不得不另寻出路,现在已经联合青州雷州,以及大学者,共同打成了合作计划,开发元力兵器。武安君怕事要白走一趟了!" " What? " "什么?" " Wu'an Monarch looks like the understanding ability is not very good, then the old man helps Chairman translator! " Gu Qianqiu took pleasure in others'misfortunes saying: " The meaning of Chairman is, this Source Energy ordnance factory did not have with honored monarch relations, you hurry Imperial City to go! " "武安君看来理解能力不是很好,那么老夫就帮会长翻译一遍!"古千秋幸灾乐祸说:"会长的意思是,这座元力兵工厂跟尊贵的君上一丝关系都没有了,你还是赶紧回王城去吧!" This Gu Qianqiu is also enough valiant, in the fit of temper, because of Wu'an Monarch this letter, he is almost making probably the unforgivable mistake. Regardless of this letter is in the character Wu'an Monarch hand, he has the faced responsibility! 这个古千秋也是够彪悍的,大概正在气头上吧,因为武安君这封信,他差点犯下不可饶恕的过错。无论这封信是不是出字武安君手里,他都有不可推卸的责任! Wu'an Monarch felt by together the thunder in dividing! 武安君感觉被一道雷给劈中了! This how! 这怎么可以! Wu'an Monarch confidently and hopeful leaves Imperial City, runs Central State to negotiate with Chu Tian specially, does not want to depend the status and strength, has more superiority in the negotiations, even grasps Chu Tian firmly in the hand, who knows that can be such result! 武安君信心满满并且满怀期待离开王城,特意跑来中州楚天谈判,不就是想仗着身份和实力,在谈判中占据更多优势,甚至把楚天牢牢握在手里,谁知道会是这样的结果! Unexpectedly has not started to be eliminated! 居然还没开始就出局了! One gives the demonstration of authority situated in Wu'an Monarch the manner, was makes other Miracle Commerce people fill has been vigilant and been hostile. 介于武安君一来就给下马威的态度,更是让奇迹商会其他人充满了警惕和敌视。 Ended, has outsmarted oneself, should this not know what to do? damn! Is who revises the letter, if harms this cooperation to fizzle out, this Jun must extinguish his three clans not to be possible! 完了,弄巧成拙了,这该如何是好?可恶!是谁修改信件,若是害得此次合作告吹,本君非要灭他三族不可!
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