MT :: Volume #3

#268: Wu'an Monarch arrives

Chu Tian hosts the evening banquet to receive cordially the Thunder State officers greatly, considered that Divine Wind Marquis possibly cannot convince Wu'an Monarch, the Chu Tian situation is very dangerous, has to draw back to ask next, the choice and Golden Arrow Marquis, Divine Wind Marquis and big scholar three parties simultaneously collaborated. 楚天大设晚宴款待雷州将士,考虑到神风候可能没能说服武安君,楚天的处境很危险,也就只好退而求其次,选择与金箭候神风候、大学者三方同时联手了。 When Gu Qianqiu visits the research institute to come out, this about hundred-year-old man and hits the chicken blood to be equally stimulated! 古千秋参观过研究所出来,这个近百岁的老头跟打鸡血一样亢奋! In Cloud Sect research institute all renovate the Gu Qianqiu cognition, making him feel hundred years old of quickly Bai Huo! 云门研究所里面的一切刷新古千秋的认知,让他感觉百岁高龄都快白活了! Now really envied dead Yun Tianhe, Yun Tianhe this old fogy can lead such one to create the Miracle research contingent, but he can only stare on helplessly in side! 现在真是羡慕死云天鹤了,云天鹤这老家伙能领导这么一支创造奇迹的研究队伍,而他只能在旁边干瞪眼! Must join! 一定要加入! Must join! 必须要加入啊! The ordinary researcher status is unable to satisfy big scholar, Gu Qianqiu must personally lead 1-2 projects, the difficulty is higher he more to like, for example the research and development of that Source Energy matrix computer! 普通研究员身份无法满足大学者,古千秋一定要亲自领导一两个项目,难度越高他越喜欢,比如那个元力矩阵计算机的研发! Chu Tian demonstrates the Source Energy weapon to Golden Arrow Marquis and big scholar secret. 楚天又向金箭候、大学者秘密展示元力兵器。 Was needless saying that this type of epoch-making weapon appeared, caused the unprecedented tremendous sensation to two people, making them believe that this resistance imperial edict the procedure has not made the mistake! 不用说,这种划时代的兵器出现,对二人造成前所未有的巨大轰动,让他们更加坚信此次对抗王命的做法没有做错! Chu Tian had a frank and sincere talk to say to two: Forms a partnership to build the Source Energy factory below this desire with Wu'an Monarch, who knows Wu'an Monarch not to be unkind, actually thinks the strategic point I. Such being the case, this cooperation does not do, I prepare two as well as Divine Wind Marquis start the cooperation, how do you think under intent?” 楚天对二位开诚布公说:“在下本欲与武安君合伙打造元力工厂,谁知武安君不仁,竟然想要害我。既然如此,这种合作不做也罢,我就准备二位以及神风候展开合作,你们觉得意下如何?” Two marquises. A grand preceptor, although cannot compare Wu'an Monarch, if unites, was Chu Tian provides the protective umbrella sufficiently. 两位侯爷。一位太师,虽说比不上武安君,但是一旦联合,也足以为楚天提供保护伞了。 The vassals in the place has very big right to independence. 诸侯在地方拥有很大的自主权。 Gu Qianqiu has the enormous right to speak as grand preceptor Southern Xia in Imperial City. 古千秋作为南夏太师在王城有极大话语权。 The alliance of this place and central union, safeguards the industrial safe handling of Miracle Commerce sufficiently. 这种地方与中央结合的联盟,足以保障奇迹商会的产业安全运转。 Golden Arrow Marquis and big scholar where will reject? This is the space falls meat pie radically the good deed, the final three people fit in easily, Chu Tian uses the technology to leave the location to build the Continent first Source Energy ordnance factory in Central State City. Big scholar, Golden Arrow Marquis and Divine Wind Marquis are responsible for assisting and escorting. 金箭候、大学者哪里会拒绝?这根本就是天上掉馅饼的好事啊,最终三人一拍即合,楚天出技术出场地在中州城打造大陆第一家元力兵工厂。大学者金箭候神风候负责辅助和保驾护航。 Gu Qianqiu also proposed: For safer stable, we may also join a group Qing State Azure Wood Marquis also! Not to mention Chairman Chu helps Azure Wood Marquis busy, Azure Wood Marquis not reject this good deed!” 古千秋又提议说:“为更安全稳固,我们亦可把青州青木候也拉入伙!姑且不说楚会长青木候一个大忙,青木候不会拒绝这种好事的!” Right!” Golden Arrow Marquis decisive approval: Qing State and Thunder State, Central State, the strength of Sanzhou collaborates, there is big scholar to protect on, this factory is inevitably impregnable, even if Three Great Clans wants to meddle, gives up any idea of the slightest!” “对!”金箭候果断赞同:“青州雷州,中州,三洲之力联手,又有大学者在上保护,这座工厂必然固若金汤,哪怕三大家族想插手进来,也休想动之分毫!” Chu Tian agreed. 楚天同意了。 Although did not know about the Azure Wood Marquis manner, but Qing State is a very important place, here takes the production of national resources heavily, once the alliance can bring many convenience to Miracle Commerce. 虽然对青木候为人不怎么了解,但是青州是很重要的一个地方,这里作为全国资源的生产重地,一旦联盟能对奇迹商会带来很多的便利。 Several people reach the agreement. 几人达成协议。 Miracle Commerce accounts for Central State ordnance factory 50% fixed stocks, other 50% distribute, by including, but does not limit Three Marquis and big scholar partner to share. 奇迹商会中州兵工厂50固定股份,其余50发行出来,由包括但不局限三侯、大学者在内的合作伙伴分享。 At this moment happiest without doubt was Golden Arrow Marquis and big scholar. 此刻最高兴的无疑就是金箭候和大学者了。 Golden Arrow Marquis rescues Central State, actually picks one greatly cheaply, can he not be happy? 金箭候来救中州,却捡一个大便宜,他能不高兴吗? Gu Qianqiu say nothing, he has not thought that Mr. Yu is Chu Tian, this person the appearance that is really ten thousand years is difficult, although a little misunderstands from the beginning, but was good afterward to solve, fortunately official became Cloud Sect. 古千秋就更不用说了,他没有想到余先生就是楚天,此人真是万年难出的神采,虽然一开始有点误会,但好在后来解决了,有幸正式的成为云门一员。 Since the agreement achieved, then the marquis in advance said goodbye!” “既然协议已经达成,那么本侯就先行告辞了!” I await calmly the good news of factory in Thunder State! From now on so long as can add on, told by all means and that's the end!” “我在雷州静候工厂的好消息!今后只要能帮得上的,只管吩咐就是了!” Golden Arrow Marquis enters Central State eventually illegally, pours does not dare to stay the too much time in Central State, therefore left on the withdrawal of troops next day. Chu Tian and several side influences achieve the cooperation, therefore does not wait for Divine Wind Marquis to come back from Imperial City, arranges the factory as well as in the improvement weapon directly fully. 金箭候终究是非法进中州,倒也不敢在中州停留太多时间,所以第二天就撤军走人了。楚天和几方势力达成合作关系,所以也就不等神风候王城回来,直接全力筹备工厂以及改良武器中。 This Western Marquis commands the army to besiege a city, making Chu Tian feel more serious sense of crisis. 这一次四方候率军围城,让楚天感到更加严重的危机感。 If not the Thunder State prompt support, Central State City can receive, perhaps the unavoidable casualties are also serious. Backer Shan Dao, runs by everybody, Chu Tian must make the best use of the time to establish arming, only then own strength is most reliable. 若非雷州及时支援,中州城就算能受得住,恐怕也难免伤亡惨重。靠山山倒,靠人人跑,楚天必须抓紧时间建立武装,只有自己的力量才是最可靠的。 ............ ………… Several days later. 数日之后。 A blood Eagles five stretches across the boundless hills to arrive at the Central State earth. 一支血鹰队伍横跨茫茫群山来到中州大地。 This team is worn the person of scarlet armor comprised of one crowd, each reveals formidable to the suffocating aura, this is the bloodstained clothing combat general of Dongfang Family clan, each experienced whets, is the Dongfang Family clan senior elder, everyone has the strength of True Soul level. 这支队伍由一群身披血色铠甲的人组成,每一个都流露出强大到让人窒息的气息,这是东方家族的血衣战将,各个都久经沙场磨砺,更是东方家族资深长老,每一个人都拥有真魂级的实力。 The entire team is True Soul level Expert, such lineup only then kingdom Three Great Clans can see! 整支队伍都是真魂强者,这样阵容惟有王国三大家族能够看得到! Gigantic Gryphon carries on the back, is standing impressively two men, one is the blue robe scholarly middle-aged man, another , then the whole body covers in the middle of the cape, fills with the mysterious and formidable aura! 一只硕大的狮鹫背上,赫然站着两个男子,其中一个是青袍儒雅中年男子,另外一个则浑身笼罩在斗篷当中,充满神秘而又强大的气息! Wu'an Monarch Dongfang Gan! 武安君东方乾 Of Wu'an Monarch three Monarch, personally arrive at Central State unexpectedly! 三君之一的武安君,竟然亲自来到中州 If this passes on, will cause a stir in Southern Summer Country absolutely, if were known Wu'an Monarch by Spirit Beast not in Imperial City, even may go south to attack a city immediately. 这要是传出去,绝对会轰动南夏国,若要是被兽灵得知武安君不在王城,甚至立刻就有可能南下攻城。 Wu'an Monarch is not only Expert that Southern Summer Country ranks among the best, is the armed forces god of Southern Summer Country recognition, the Southern Summer Country person believes that so long as has Wu'an Monarch to assume personal command, Imperial City never will fall to the enemy, such a weight figure, personally has not gone including the Thunder State disaster, is actually Chu Tian arrives at Central State City. 武安君不仅仅是南夏国数一数二的强者,更是南夏国公认的军神,南夏国人相信只要有武安君坐镇,王城就永不沦陷,这么一个重量级人物,连雷州天灾都没有亲自前往,却为一个楚天而亲临中州城 What's all this about?” Divine Wind Marquis discovered that Central State City has fought the trace, Western Marquis have they attacked?!” “这是怎么回事?”神风候发现中州城有战斗过的痕迹,“难道四方候他们已经来攻过了?!” Divine Wind Marquis closely knit the brows. 神风候紧紧皱起眉。 The Wu'an Monarch vision flashes slightly several: It seems like Western Marquis failed, we get down.” 武安君目光微微闪动几下:“看来四方候失败了,我们下去吧。” Yes!” “是!” When Wu'an Monarch's bloodstained clothing combat general rides the Gryphon beast and blood hawk to arrive in Central State City, immediately causes the Central State City city people to pay attention, any person who rides the Gryphon beast, without doubt is that side Imperial City comes. Now the Central State person does not have what favorable impression to Imperial City. 当武安君的血衣战将乘坐狮鹫兽、血鹰降临在中州城时,立刻就引起中州城的城民注意,凡是乘坐狮鹫兽的人,无疑是王城那边过来的。现在中州人对王城没有什么好感。 Chu Tian has the great merit not to enjoy in Thunder State, Central State chaotic Chu Tian does not have actually the heavy fine, even attempts to annex Miracle Commerce, makes Western Marquis Shangguan Hong despatch troops to come to attack, almost must fall Central State in the place of chaos caused by war. South Summer King is so muddle-headed, causes the people enormous disaffection. 楚天雷州有大功不赏,中州之乱楚天无过却重罚,甚至企图吞并奇迹商会,更让四方候上官泓派军前来攻打,几乎是要陷中州于战乱之地。南夏王如此昏聩,引起人们极大不满。 Central State City has formed the integration of benefit. 中州城已经形成了利益的一体化。 Regardless of the big or medium family follows the lead by Chu Tian, suffers if either one suffers, a Rong Jurong, the common people also find mercy Miracle Commerce, therefore Central State supports to Miracle Commerce extremely, is impossible to make the kingdom split Miracle Commerce, does any Four Great Families to come out. 无论大小家族都以楚天马首是瞻,一损俱损,一荣俱荣,平民百姓也受惠奇迹商会,因此中州奇迹商会极其拥戴,绝不可能让王国分裂奇迹商会,又搞出一个什么四大家族出来。 Divine Wind Marquis?” 神风候?” Originally is Divine Wind Marquis!” “原来是神风候!” When the city people see Divine Wind Marquis that walks from the Gryphon beast, immediately transfer sorrow to happily, Divine Wind Marquis is the Chu Tian supporter, Divine Wind Marquis in Central State City, like Western Marquis and so on fellow, does not dare to be so rampant! 当城民看见从狮鹫兽走下来的神风候时,立刻就转忧为喜,神风候楚天的支持者,神风候中州城,像四方候之类的家伙,也就不敢这么的嚣张了! Divine Wind Marquis asked hurriedly: Over the two days Central State what happened?” 神风候急忙问:“这两天中州发生了什么事情?” Western Marquis brings the South State regiment to attack Central State, but by Chu Tian was defeated and army captured!” 四方候带着南州军团来攻打中州,不过被楚天击败并且全军俘虏了!” What?!” “什么?!” Divine Wind Marquis and Wu'an Monarch is the complexion big change, although early guessed correctly that Central State will have an accident, but has not thought that so will be serious. Let Western Marquis grasp Chu Tian, he leads troops to attack a city directly, in this fellow brain attire is the excrement? 神风候、武安君都是脸色大变,虽然早猜到中州会出事,但是万万没有想到会这么严重。让四方候来抓楚天,他直接带兵攻城,这家伙脑子里装的都是屎吗? Western Marquis led troops to attack a city! 四方候带兵攻城就算了! The South State armed forces are the Southern Summer Country illustrious army corps! 南州军是南夏国赫赫有名的兵团啊! Western Marquis personally leads the South State armed forces to attack Central State City, finally is not only not what kind of Central State City, almost the army degenerates into the prisoner of war, oneself solemn side vassal was also seized, this is really holds a beginning in Southern Summer Country! 四方候亲自率领南州军攻打中州城,结果非但没把中州城怎么样,几乎全军都沦为战俘,自己堂堂一方诸侯也被捉了,这真是在南夏国开一次先河! Divine Wind Marquis becomes very awkward. 神风候变得很尴尬。 Has not thought really the matter got bigger and bigger. 真没想到事情越闹越大了。 Interesting!” Wu'an Monarch as if has not been angry, Chu Tian caused trouble in any case has sufficed many, led me to have a look at him!” “有意思!”武安君似乎并没有生气,反正楚天闯祸已经够多了,“带我去看看他吧!” Wu'an Monarch walks with Divine Wind Marquis on the Central State City avenue, just like big scholar Gu Qianqiu first time enters Central State City, the Wu'an Monarch's in various strange invention attraction attention by city, when knows these things the uses, and knew when is Chu Tian fiddles with, Wu'an Monarch to Chu Tian appraises is higher a level. 武安君跟着神风候走在中州城大街上,正如大学者古千秋第一次进中州城,武安君被城中各种稀奇古怪的发明吸引注意力,当得知这些东西的用途,并且得知都是楚天一手捣鼓时,武安君对楚天评价不禁更高一个层次。 Chu Tian can develop the Source Energy weapon, this is not accidental. 楚天能开发出元力武器,这绝不是偶然啊。 This person truly may be called the universe great master, if can enough support to him, if given time can make Southern Summer Country change inevitably. Wu'an Monarch read this, the mood of ancient well without ripples, also became excited. 此人确实堪称乾坤巨匠啊,若是能给他足够支持和保护,假以时日必然能让南夏国大变。武安君念此,古井无波的心情,也不禁也变得激动。 This is the Miracle Commerce headquarters.” “这就是奇迹商会的总部。” Before Divine Wind Marquis guides the Miracle Commerce headquarters Wu'an Monarch, afterward directly enters in Miracle Commerce, the Miracle Commerce person naturally person is Divine Wind Marquis, therefore allows to pass immediately. 神风候把武安君引导奇迹商会总部前,随后直接走进奇迹商会中,奇迹商会的人当然都人是神风候,所以立刻放行了。 Chu Tian?” 楚天呢?” Reported the marquis, Chairman tested the modern weapon in laboratory.” “禀告侯爷,会长在实验室里测试新武器。” Wu'an Monarch and Divine Wind Marquis eyes are one bright, Divine Wind Marquis hurries to ask: „Can we go in?” 武安君、神风候眼睛都是一亮,神风候赶紧问:“我们能进去吗?” This......” the Miracle Commerce person saw Divine Wind Marquis Wu'an Monarch, „, since is Divine Wind Marquis should not have the issue, but first goes to Bing Bao, please wait a bit the moment.” “这个……”奇迹商会的人看了神风候身边的武安君一眼,“既然是神风候应该没有问题,不过还是得先去禀报,请稍等片刻。” This Miracle Commerce staff came back quickly. 奇迹商会员工很快就回来了。 Asked the marquis to go in!” The Miracle Commerce staff said respectfully: Chairman is in the fire range, second third!” “请侯爷进去!”奇迹商会员工恭恭敬敬说:“会长正在射击场,第二层第三间!” Wu'an Monarch looks at Divine Wind Marquis one: You as the county period of five days of Central State county, see a chamber of commerce leader also to report unexpectedly continually ahead of time.” 武安君看神风候一眼:“你作为中州郡的郡候,竟然连见一个商会领袖都还要提前汇报。” Who that must look is!” Divine Wind Marquis smiles bitterly: Please.” “那也要看是谁!”神风候苦笑一声:“请吧。” They enter the laboratory, has not arrived at the fire range, heard a series of sounds. 两人走进实验室,还没有走到射击场,已经听见一连串的声音。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! The keenly blowing one after another, the iron harrow was crushed sound continuously, one after another metal target is attacked by the energy, but is at the scene stave. 尖啸一阵接一阵,铁耙被击碎声音连续不断,一道又一道金属靶被能量弹击中而当场破碎。 Chu Tian, Yun Tianhe, Gu Qianqiu, Meng Qingwu, Meng Yingying and five people in inside, Meng Yingying are responsible for opening fire, other people are observing. 楚天云天鹤古千秋梦轻舞梦莹莹、五个人在里面,梦莹莹负责开枪射击,其他人都在观察。 „After spear|gun's body thermal stability enhances, now has been able to insist that times fires not to present the melt to destroy the situation consecutively for ten.” “枪身耐热性提高后,现在已经能坚持连续十次射击而不出现熔毁情况。” Best firing distance in 200 meters, if surpasses 200 meters away, the energy ball rapidly will dissipate the failure, if hits 400 meters target, the intensity almost weakened 50%!” “最佳射程在200米内,若超出200米外,能量弹就会迅速逸散衰竭,若击中400米目标,强度几乎减弱了50!” „The specially-made battery of Source Energy magazine after optimized several times, because Crystal Oil refinement technology insufficiently tall He adopts the Crystal Oil quality to be weak at present, is still unable to achieve enough strong energy support, an ordinary 100 milliliters magazine can complete eight fires!” 元力弹匣的特制电池经过数次优化,由于目前晶油提炼技术不够高和所采取晶油品质不够强,依然无法做到足够强劲的能源支持,一只普通100毫升弹匣能够完成八次射击!” „......” “……” Meng Qingwu data on records. 梦轻舞把数据一条条记录在案。
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