MT :: Volume #3

#267: Captures the South State armed forces

The South State armed forces fall in the water like a below stuffed dumpling scene confusion, the Great Shark Gang gang audiences pull open the great net, a net is a big piece, will hit the fishing the falling in the water officers to fish, has captured before long a big piece. 南州军落水就像下饺子场面一片混乱,巨鲨帮的帮众拉开巨网,一网就是一大片,打渔般将落水将士捞出来,不一会儿就俘虏了一大片。 Chu Tian points at Western Marquis saying: Also takes to me him!” 楚天指着四方候说道:“把他也给我拿下!” Boss Yu throws the fish bones long stick immediately, a current of water was curled by the long stick, the Western Marquis side forms a shackles, forcefully Western Marquis surrounding. 余老大立刻把鱼骨长杖一抛,一股水流被长杖卷起来,四方候身边形成一个牢笼,强行把四方候给困住了。 Shangguan Hong strikes to puncture the water dungeon angrily. 上官泓愤怒一击刺水牢。 That pen tip touches the instance of water dungeon, vigorous Source Energy fills the air immediately, lets originally the limpid transparent water dungeon, shortly will become jet black such as black ink , and disintegration will come, will change innumerably static float in the airborne demon drop, approached the Boss Yu lasing completely in the past. 那笔尖触到水牢的瞬间,浑厚元力顿时弥漫开来,让本来清澈透明的水牢,顷刻间变得漆黑如墨且崩碎开来,化作无数静止悬浮在空中的魔滴,全部向余老大激射过去。 Western Marquis is Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak cultivation base. 四方候魂醒九重巅峰修为 Boss Yu definitely is not a match, fights above the water surface, he cannot defeat easily, immediately condenses together the water shield, making the fatal demon drop keep off outside. 余老大肯定不是对手,不过在水面之上战斗,他也不是轻易能击败的,立刻凝聚出一道水盾,让致命的魔滴都被挡在了外面。 Big brother, I'm coming helps you!” “大哥,我来助你!” The Great Shark Gang five big masters practice Cultivation Technique to be the same, moreover for many years already coordinated very tacitly, if joins up, its strength resists the Southern Xia eight marquises level sufficiently the duty, let alone the water surface fight, occupied completely to benefit the superiority, even got a winning side. 巨鲨帮五大帮主修炼功法相同,而且多年来早已配合非常默契,若是联合起来的话,其实力足以对抗南夏八侯级的任务,更何况水面战斗,占尽了地利优势,甚至占据一丝上风。 Old man helps your!” 老朽来帮你们一把!” Gu Qianqiu rides Gryphon to drop from the clouds, releases the complete strength suddenly, golden Source Spirit reappears in the back together, impressively is a golden bell! 古千秋乘坐狮鹫从天而降,骤然释放出全部的力量,一道金色元魂在背后浮现,赫然是一座金色的大钟! When! 当! The bell erupts a explosion sound. 大钟爆发出一阵轰响。 Other clock whining noise people are unable to hear, only then the Shangguan Hong feeling whole body shakes, unexpected, at the scene spout blood, because the golden bell makes the sound, is not the ordinary sound wave, but is the wave of spirit. 钟鸣声其他人是听不到的,只有上官泓感觉浑身一震,猝不及防之下,当场吐出口血来,因为金色大钟发出声音,并非普通的声波,而是精神之波。 Right, the Gu Qianqiu Source Spirit type, unexpectedly is the energetic attribute, this type of Source Spirit is rare, therefore the spirit attacks virtually impossible to guard against, was very difficult to find the effective defensive measure. 没错,古千秋元魂类型,竟然是偏精神属性,这种类型的元魂非常罕见,所以精神攻击防不胜防,很难找到有效的防御手段。 Western Marquis was attacked by Gu Qianqiu, protects body Source Energy to be defeated and dispersed instantaneously, the Yu five brothers close, Western Marquis trigging. 四方候遭到古千秋袭击,护体元力瞬间溃散,余氏五兄弟一拥而上,将四方候给制住了。 Western Marquis was captured alive!” 四方候已被生擒!” You has not surrendered! We have killed Western Marquis !” “尔等还不投降!我们就杀了四方候!” The South State armed forces looked that was grasped including Western Marquis , becomes looks ashen, immediately the thorough giving up resistance, is without a fight completely. 南州军一看连四方候都被抓了,一个个都变得面如土色,立刻彻底的放弃抵抗,全部束手就擒。 South State armed forces 100,000 people degenerated into the prisoner of war basically! 南州军100000人基本沦为了战俘! This is really shocking! 这真是耸人听闻的! In eight states garrisoned engage in factional strife mutually fight, the South State armed forces' in eight states battle efficiency rank also calculated before, unexpectedly 100,000 elite degenerate into the Central State prisoner of war, this made the South State face countenance sweep the floor sufficiently, making the Shangguan Hong face countenance sweep the floor, making the Shangguan Family face countenance sweep the floor. 八州驻军互相倾轧内斗就算了,南州军在八州中战斗力排名也算靠前,竟然100000精锐沦为中州的战俘,这足以让南州颜面扫地,让上官泓颜面扫地,让上官家族颜面扫地。 The Chu Tian order said: Fell the dying weapon mail-armor and helmet to confiscate, constructed a temporary camp to them, all locked to me!” 楚天命令道:“降卒兵器甲胄一律没收,给他们建一座临时的营地,全给我锁起来!” Western Marquis tied hands the time of delivering, but also in angry roaring: Chu Tian, you think that you did win? Commits the so dreadful great crime, you die like a dog!” 四方候被五花大绑送上来的时候,还在愤怒的咆哮:“楚天,你以为你赢了吗?犯下如此滔天巨罪,你不得好死!” Damn! 他妈的! Chu Tian the crabby comes up: You make way!” 楚天又暴脾气上来:“你们让开!” One side the Boss Yu five people fall back on immediately. 余老大五人立刻退到一边。 Chu Tian flushes away a palm of the hand to pull out on the Shangguan Hong face. 楚天冲去一巴掌就抽在上官泓脸上。 ! 啪! Shangguan Hong was raised flies more than two zhang (3.33 m) far! 上官泓被掀飞两丈多远! Now became defeated also has dared to be so wild, today does not give a color to taste, I was not surnamed Chu!” During the speeches, Chu Tian overruns to work on Western Marquis , right in the face is a series of resounding ear and area around it, do not think that you are the Shangguan Family aristocrat marquis I do not dare to move you, I must abandon you not to wink the eye!” “现在都成了手下败将还敢这么猖狂,今天不给点颜色尝尝,我就不姓楚!”说话之间,楚天冲过去抓起四方候,劈头盖脸就是一连串响亮耳光,“不要以为你是上官家族的贵族侯爷我就不敢动你,我要废了你连眼睛都不会眨一下!” This lunatic! 这个疯子! Perhaps will make the frenzied move. 或许真会做出疯狂举动。 Western Marquis feels a chill in the air immediately. 四方候顿时感到一阵寒意。 Gu Qianqiu hurries: Appeases anger, appeases anger, you also vented, I looked that first closed.” 古千秋赶紧过来:“息怒,息怒,你也发泄完了,我看就先关起来吧。” Chu Tian loses Western Marquis on the ground, stepped on several feet toward him on: Good, looks in the big scholar face, I have not haggled over with you, brings to close, is serving well, do not let him fetter!” 楚天四方候丢在地上,又朝他身上踩了几脚:“好,看在大学者面子上,我就不不跟你计较了,带下去关起来,好好伺候着,别让他束缚!” The people looked scared. 众人都看得傻眼了。 He does know what he hits is who? 他知不知道自己打的是谁? Of Western Marquis Southern Xia eight marquises! 南夏八侯之一的四方候啊! Under Chu Tian is in the glare of the public eye the pain to beat Western Marquis ! 楚天众目睽睽之下痛殴四方候 Golden Arrow Marquis also had a scare by the Chu Tian behavior, this fellow is really a crabby! 金箭候也被楚天行为吓一跳,这家伙果然是个暴脾气啊! No wonder can hold such big basket in Central State, depending on disposition that this is fearless, even if clearly knows that behind Western Marquis is Wen Cheng, he show due respect for the feelings, will not discard unable to make it at the scene! Only this wild and crazy attitude, is not the average person can think! 难怪能在中州捅出这么大篓子,光凭这天不怕地不怕的性格,即使明知道四方候背后是文成君,他也不会给面子的,当场将其废掉也不是做不出来!光这份狂气,就不是一般人敢想的! One does not do, two continuous. 一不做,二不休。 Since offends South Summer King, since offends Shangguan Family, even offends Nangong Clan, Chu Tian does not have what good taboo, most minimum Central State or the Chu Tian domain, most minimum Divine Wind Marquis will support him. 既然得罪南夏王,既然得罪上官家族,甚至得罪南宫家族,楚天就没有什么好忌讳的了,最起码中州还是楚天的地盘,最起码神风候会支持他。 Golden Arrow Marquis and big scholar were also towed to launch. 金箭候、大学者也被拖下了水。 In Chu Tian the chip has sufficed many. 楚天手里筹码已经够多了。 South Summer King again is angry, he also has no alternative but to consider that the place of Central State, is impossible to recall Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis, must give the status aloof big scholar face. 南夏王就算再生气,他也不能不考虑中州之地,不可能罢免神风候金箭候,更不可能不给地位超然的大学者面子。 Walks to me!” “给我走!” The Boss Yu five people the black and blue whole face were Western Marquis of blood carrying off. 余老大五人把鼻青脸肿满脸是血的四方候给带走了。 This solemn side vassal such shut in the prison. 这位堂堂一方诸侯就这么被关进大牢。 „...... Not, Mr. Chu!” Gu Qianqiu this name full Southern Summer Country big scholar, in front of face intense arriving Chu Tian, Qing State one to not have the reunion date awkwardly, therefore misses, has not thought that passes the several days time, although a little misunderstands, as long as the matter can solve.” “余……哦不,楚先生!”古千秋这位名满南夏国的大学者,正一脸紧张的走到楚天面前,“青州一别以为难有重逢日,所以甚是挂念,没有想到才过数日功夫,虽然有点误会,但凡事都是可以解决的。” Can this old goods speak, making father leave goose flesh! 这老货会不会说话,让老子出一身鸡皮疙瘩! A Chu Tian face despises to visit him. 楚天一脸鄙夷看着他。 Old man also has a dream has not thought that you are famous Chu Tian, no wonder can make so many extraordinary actions.” “不过老朽也做梦都没有想到,您就是大名鼎鼎的楚天,难怪能做出如此多的非凡之举。” How many do I teach your not to know the day Highland thick student? You will not bear a grudge!” “我教训过你那几个不知天高地厚的学生?你不会记仇吧!” Not!” Gu Qianqiu hurries to shake the head: How can? By your excellency scholarship, do not say that is the Old man student, even if Old man, when the student teaches, I did not have the objections to say certainly, will also be grateful your excellency to direct.” “不不不!”古千秋赶紧摇摇头:“怎么会?以阁下的才学,不要说是老朽学生,就算把老朽当学生教训,我也绝无二话可说,还会感激阁下指点。” Big scholar treats the Chu Tian manner to be humble, this watches by the city people and officers. 学者对待楚天的态度非常谦卑,这一幕被城民和将士们都看在眼里。 Really are this goods big scholar? 这货真是大学者 It is not will pretend to be! 不会是冒充的吧! Southern Xia big scholar is recognition first scholar, its knowledge even above Yun Tianhe, Alchemy Symbol Technique refiner nothing which is not fine, is the mountains in Southern Summer Country million scholar minds, is a Southern Summer Country academic circle authority. 南夏学者是公认的第一学者,其学问甚至在云天鹤之上,炼药符术炼器无所不精,是南夏国百万学者心目中的山岳,更是南夏国学术界的一个权威。 Gu Qianqiu not only has the remarkable knowledge, is top Expert, has Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak cultivation base, with Southern Xia eight marquises is a rank. 古千秋不仅仅拥有卓越的学问,更是一个顶尖的强者,拥有魂醒九重巅峰修为,与南夏八侯是一个级别的。 Said that if not for Gu Qianqiu used the time in the research on greatly academic, perhaps he had the opportunity to break through Awakened Soul Realm, thus became side by side three Monarch and Southern Summer Country to high existence. 这么说吧,若不是古千秋把大把时间都用在研究学术上了,他说不定有机会突破魂醒境界,从而成为比肩三君、南夏国至高的存在。 The Gu Qianqiu legend experience, is the charming story that the Southern Summer Country person transmits. 古千秋传奇经历,更是南夏国人传送的佳话。 When young, is forced to leave native place, climbs mountains and crosses rivers, goes to the great nation to study away from home with 20 years, is the Southern Summer Country belt comes back the innumerable advanced knowledge, thus establishes the Southern Summer Country academic development the cornerstone. Except for this, Gu Qianqiu for dozens years, are Southern Summer Country solve the innumerable hidden dangers. 年轻时,背井离乡,跋山涉水,用20年时间去大国游学,为南夏国带回来无数超前的知识,从而奠定南夏国学术发展的基石。除此以外,古千秋数十年来,为南夏国解决无数次隐患。 Similar Qing State like this greatly troublesome, every time is Gu Qianqiu personally gets rid, finally finds most ideal solution, Gu Qianqiu is Southern Summer Country makes the contribution, even if were sealed a side vassal to be also insufficient. Gu Qianqiu eventually is scholar, wholeheartedly practical knowledge, unhappy unwarranted reputation, therefore rejected South Summer King Reward several times. 类似青州这样的大麻烦,每一次都是古千秋亲自出手,最终找出最理想的解决方案,古千秋南夏国做出贡献,即使受封一方诸侯也不足为过。只是古千秋终究是一个学者,一心实学,不喜虚名,所以数次拒绝南夏王封赏 Yun Tianhe hurries to help to speak: Big scholar is also generation of the high character and integrity, some misunderstanding, do not know to worry about, I think big scholar, if knows the matter cause and effect, certainly will not have such matter.” 云天鹤赶紧帮忙说话:“大学者也是高风亮节之辈,些许误会,不知挂心,我想大学者要是知道事情前因后果,一定不会发生这样的事情。” „Is is!” Gu Qianqiu very grateful Yun Tianhe helps him speak, „a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!” “是是是!”古千秋非常感激云天鹤帮他说话,“一场误会,一场误会而已!” Chu Tian has not worried about the matter on. 楚天没把事情挂心上。 The Gu Qianqiu real status is big scholar, Chu Tian guessed several points in Central State. 古千秋真实身份是大学者,楚天中州已经猜测出几分。 The person who Chu Tian offends now are getting more and more, moreover has the stance of not being able to get on the brakes. To expand own influence, to raise the Cloud Sect research standard, this person has to gather the value. If Wu'an Monarch is not willing to guarantee Chu Tian, then can only join up with big scholar. 楚天现在得罪的人越来越多,而且颇有刹车不住的架势。无论是为壮大自身势力,还是为提高云门研究水平,此人是有招揽价值的。若武安君不愿意保楚天,那么就只能和大学者联合起来了。 My Chu Tian is not the person of unclear right and wrong, was not only a misunderstanding.” Chu Tian put on airs saying: Big scholar helps me today, Chu Tian is at heart grateful, big scholar has anything to request, I as far as possible will be satisfied!” “我楚天也不是不明是非之人,既是一场误会就算了。”楚天装模作样说:“大学者今日助我,楚天心里非常感激,大学者有什么要求,我自会尽量满足的!” The Gu Qianqiu successive wants not to say: I want to join you to do the research together!” 古千秋连想都没想就说:“我想加入你们一起做研究!” Be exactly as one wishes for! 正中下怀! Chu Tian touches the chin hesitant: This......” 楚天犹豫摸摸下巴:“这个……” I study to come sincerely!” Gu Qianqiu distributes the serious oath at the scene: If there is any bad selfishness condemned by heaven and earth!” “我是诚心求学而来!”古千秋当场发下毒誓:“若有任何不良私心天诛地灭!” Good!” Chu Tian nods: I believe that big scholar manner, starting today big scholar was Cloud Sect one. Yun, you raise scholar to go to the Cloud Sect research institute to visit!” “好吧!”楚天点点头:“我相信大学者为人,从今天开始大学者就是云门的一员了。云老,你带大学者云门研究所参观参观吧!” Yun Tianhe is excited. 云天鹤心情激动。 Central State City city people are more excited! 中州城的城民心情更激动! The big scholar how lofty character, entrusts the body to arrive at Central State to join Cloud Sect unexpectedly, moreover becomes Chu Tian the subordinate of directing! 学者多么崇高的人物,竟然委身来到中州加入云门,而且成为楚天的使唤的手下! Chu Tian has the big scholar support to support any marquis is more useful than! 楚天得到大学者支持比任何侯爷支持更有用! So long as there is big scholar to support, Chu Tian did not have is toppled easily. 只要有大学者鼎力支持,楚天就没那么容易被扳倒了。 Big scholar, please.” “大学者,请。” Please!” “请请!” Yun Tianhe brought the whole face inspired Gu Qianqiu visit research institute. 云天鹤带着满脸振奋的古千秋参观研究所去了。 Before Chu Tian arrives at Golden Arrow Marquis, cups one hand in the other across the chest to do obeisance: Many thanks the Golden Arrow Marquis reinforcement, this obligation Chu Tian took down.” 楚天走到金箭候前拱手一拜:“多谢金箭候救兵,这份大恩楚天记下了。” Mister on the Thunder State surely people, is the Thunder State obligation person, is the obligation person of marquis, the benefactor meets troublesome, how could this does Hou sit by and do nothing?” Golden Arrow Marquis bright crisp laughs several: Congratulations, big scholar man of the hour, joins the mister subordinates unexpectedly, your boy luck reason is great!” “先生就雷州千万人民,已是雷州的大恩人,更是本侯的大恩人,恩人遇到麻烦,本侯岂能坐视不管?”金箭候朗爽的大笑几声:“恭喜恭喜,大学者风云人物,竟也加入先生麾下,你小子福缘不浅啊!” Hi, this is anything, the Thunder State officers come from far away are not easy.” Chu Tian said: Divine Wind Marquis in Central State, Miracle Commerce well does not reward with food and drink on behalf of Central State.” “嗨,这算什么,雷州将士远道而来也不容易。”楚天说道:“神风候不在中州,奇迹商会就代表中州好好犒劳诸位吧。” „The Miracle Commerce Canned Food world one certainly, our army officers had the luck of having good things to eat!” 奇迹商会食品人间一绝,我军将士有口福了!” Today Miracle Commerce Restaurant only entertains the Thunder State officers, making you eat all the way!” “今天奇迹商会旗下餐厅只招待雷州将士,让你们吃个够!” Well!” “好好!” The Thunder State officers reveal the color of rousing, the Miracle Commerce canned food started to flow in Thunder State, but is still very rare thing, only then few people have the opportunity to taste, this time comes Central State with great difficulty, said that also happily eats one! 雷州将士都露出振奋之色,奇迹商会罐头已经开始流入雷州,只不过依然是很稀罕的东西,只有极少数人有机会品尝到,这次好不容易来中州一趟,怎么说也得痛痛快快吃一顿啊!
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