MT :: Volume #3

#266: The day falls the reinforcements

Since must fight then fights! 既然要战便战吧! Central State City will not hand over Chu Tian! 中州城是绝不会交出楚天的! On to the major aristocrats, gets down to common people my impoverished family, the Central State benefit stubbornly has tied up in Chu Tian together, Chu Tian and his Miracle Commerce, once drops down, then to Central State is the incomparably serious attack. 上到各大贵族,下到百姓寒门,中州的利益都已经和楚天死死捆绑在一起,楚天和他的奇迹商会一旦倒下,那么对中州来说是无比沉重的打击。 Arrow camp obeys orders, after goal, armed forces!” Xiong Wuji stands in the tower over a city gate, shouts loudly: Puts the arrow!” “弓箭营听令,目标中后军!”熊无忌站在城楼,大声地喊道:“放箭!” Central State City also sends out one wave to howl incisively, the innumerable arrow arrow dense dark cloud shoots up to the sky likely, afterward is dense and numerous to sprinkle to the city wall, mainly falls on the armed forces and latter armed forces of South State regiment. 中州城的也发出一波尖锐呼啸,无数箭矢像黑压压的乌云般冲天而起,随后密密麻麻向城墙外面洒落下去,主要是落在南州军团的中军和后军。 All-out attack!” “全力攻击!” Extends drawing back to cut!” “延退者斩!” The South State armed forces are maneating, weapon parry arrow arrow, while shoots arrows to counterattack, both sides started to present casualties war to begin thoroughly! 南州军非常凶悍,一边兵器挡开箭矢,一边射箭去还击,双方都开始出现伤亡这场大战已经彻底拉开序幕了! Vanguard/Pioneer that the Barbarian Tribes heavy armor-clad soldier composes, arrived at the Dacheng people before this moment, several hundred Barbarian Tribes heavy armor-clad soldiers, are pushing the huge incomparable collision city car(riage) together, layer on layer hits by the easily accomplished imposing manner in the Central State City city gate. 蛮族重甲兵组成的先锋,此刻已经抵达城民前,几百个蛮族重甲兵,共同推着巨大无比的撞城车,以摧枯拉朽般的气势重重撞击在中州城的城门上。 Bang thump! 轰咚! The startled day dull thumping sound, is simply deafening. 惊天般的闷响,简直震耳欲聋。 A terrifying impulse erupts directly, lets go against the Central State soldier after city gate to be shaken to fly, all the severe wound spits blood to fall down, that heavy and thick city gate, immediately pounded maliciously hollow. 一股恐怖冲击力直接喷发,让顶在城门后的中州士兵被震飞出去,全都重伤吐血倒在地上,那沉重而又厚实的城门,顿时被砸的狠狠凹陷了下去。 Continues to hit!” South State armed forces vanguard commander shouts loudly: Drives out the city gate!” “继续撞!”南州军前锋指挥官大声喊道:“轰开城门!” The Central State armed forces block the resistance. 中州军封死抵抗。 After a group of people were hit flies, another group of people go against. 一批人被撞飞后,又一批人顶上来。 The South State armed forces attack the Central State City consequence to be inconceivable, lively Central State City was hit by the flames of war inevitably, definitely will become will change beyond all recognition, perhaps will be South Summer King cannot think that Central State City will be to protect Chu Tian, will not hesitate to make war directly. 南州军攻打中州城的后果不堪设想,繁华的中州城必然被战火洗劫,必然会变得面目全非,恐怕就算是南夏王也想不到,中州城为保护楚天,甚至不惜直接开战。 This moment, Gryphon Cavalry Unit dives, Cao Bao pushes to the front, the Gryphon giant incomparable claw, catches at the scene the South State armed forces vanguard commander with the claw. This South State armed forces vanguard commander is not the common people, the instance when was grasped by Gryphon, takes a sword thorn immediately to Gryphon. 这个关头,狮鹫骑士团俯冲,曹豹一马当先,狮鹫巨大无比的爪子,当场用爪子把南州军前锋指挥官抓起来。这南州军前锋指挥官也不是泛泛之辈,当被狮鹫抓起来的瞬间,立刻就要一剑刺向狮鹫 Death!” “死!” Cao Bao is quicker one step, Gryphon works on the instance of commander, a three meters silvery bright carbine fierce thorn, puts on the skull at the scene, the direct bang has killed this military officer. 曹豹更快一步,狮鹫抓起指挥官的瞬间,一杆三米长的银亮骑枪猛刺,当场穿颅而过,直接轰杀了这个将领。 Other Gryphon knights clash in abundance. 其他狮鹫骑士纷纷冲下来。 The heavy armor-clad soldiers of South State armed forces were walloped by wild Gryphon one, immediately becomes a confusion, a person was grasped flies, before or by palace , the carbine of knight assassinating. 南州军的重甲兵被狂暴狮鹫一阵猛冲,立刻就变得一片混乱,一个有一个人被抓飞,或者被殿前骑士的骑枪给刺死。 „Before damn palace, knight!” Western Marquis exclaimed angrily: Makes up! Who can open the city gate, enjoys hundred large sums of money!” “该死的殿前骑士!”四方候愤怒吼道:“补上去!谁能打开城门,赏百万金!” The heavy armor-clad soldier like surging tides goes against one after another, Gryphon is whipping the wing, sends out wind edges, Cao Bao also unceasingly waves the carbine, the whole body that fought was bathed in blood. The South State soldier were too many, kills radically kills extremely, even if True Soul level Expert, Source Energy in extreme Gryphon will exhaust. Even if the Gryphon knight cannot defend the too long time! 一排又一排重甲兵就像潮水般顶上来,狮鹫拍打着翅膀,发出一道道风刃,曹豹也不断舞动骑枪,已经战的浑身浴血了。南州兵太多了,根本杀不胜杀,哪怕是真魂强者,也会在极端狮鹫元力耗尽。哪怕是狮鹫骑士也守不住太长的时间! Li Hu exclaimed loudly: Team leader, we are not good!” 李虎大声吼道:“队长,我们不行了!” damn, was Western Marquis insane?” Cao Baonu exclaimed: „To destroy Central State City to be inadequate really!” 可恶,四方候疯了吗?”曹豹怒吼道:“真想毁了中州城不成!” The Meng Qingwu sisters looked to stay. 梦轻舞姐妹都看呆了。 They have not seen such fearful war. 她们都不曾见过这样可怕的战争。 „The battle efficiency of South State armed forces was too strong.” Yun Tianhe whole face anxious look: We feared that cannot pull out, city wall one broken, the short weapons connect with, the Central State armed forces are impossible to block the South State armed forces!” 南州军的战斗力太强了。”云天鹤满脸愁容:“我们怕是抽不住,城墙一破,短兵交接,中州军不可能挡得住南州军!” That defends the city wall!” Chu Tian cold snort|hum: Small fox, selects the color to taste to them!” “那就守住城墙!”楚天冷哼一声:“小狐狸,给他们点颜色尝尝!” The small fox pulls out the puppet, to a small puppet air flush. 小狐狸掏出木偶,对着小木偶一吹气。 The puppet turns into a mini Hellfire devil, the whole body is burning the flame, the small fox makes an effort to throw, the puppet changes to a green ray to rush to the sky, changes to a huge incomparable monster stone, falls suddenly to city gate, terrifying strength instantaneously hitting city car(riage) pounding smashing, the surrounding dozens South State heavy armor-clad soldiers die a violent death. 木偶变成一个迷你型的地狱火恶魔,浑身燃着火焰呢,小狐狸用力地一抛,木偶化作一道绿色光芒冲上天空,化作一棵巨大无比的妖石,骤然向城门口落下去,恐怖的力量瞬间就把撞城车给砸的粉碎,周围几十个南州重甲兵都死于非命。 Roar!” “吼!” A two zhang (3.33 m) high giant stands slowly, the whole body rock composition, the eruption green flame, the wild strength divulges from within the body, changes to a major stockholder flame impact, overthrows a piece of South State soldier instantaneously, and summoned the massive small devils. 一尊两丈多高的巨人缓缓站起来,浑身岩石组成,喷发绿色火焰,狂暴力量从体内宣泄而出,化作一大股火焰冲击,瞬间打倒一片南州士兵,并且召唤出大量的小恶魔。 This...... This is!” “这……这是!” Western Marquis regarded. 四方候看待了。 Isn't this Thunder State that devil? 这不是雷州的那个恶魔吗? No...... It is not right, it looked like weak, even did not arrive at 1/10 of Thunder State devil, but even so also had not the inferior eight marquises strength! 不……不对,它看起来弱了很多,甚至不到雷州恶魔的1,但即使如此也具备不逊色八侯实力! The Hellfire devil is the element devil, does not have that many weakness like the ordinary life, the bow and arrow shoots it simply not to have what effect . Moreover the Hellfire whole body can spout the flame, near body attack is very difficult to carry on. What is most important, the monster that this only hears something never heard of before appears, is huge to shock of South State armed forces, therefore creates the attack to the morale. 地狱火恶魔是元素恶魔,不像普通生命一样有那么多弱点,弓箭射它根本没有什么效果,而且地狱火浑身都能喷涌火焰,近身攻击是很难进行的。最重要的是,这只闻所未闻的怪物出现,对南州军的震撼是巨大的,所以对士气造成打击。 After this Hellfire appears , the unceasing torching, forms a wall with flues for heating before Central State City immediately, this is the abyss green fire, the South State soldier does not dare to approach. 这尊地狱火出现后不断的喷火,立刻就在中州城前形成一道火墙,这是深渊绿火,南州士兵根本不敢靠近。 Marquis, that monster is too strong, our soldiers attack are blocked!” “侯爷,那怪物太强,我们的士兵进攻受阻!” Waste! Is the waste!” Western Marquis loudly exclaimed: Isn't a devil? I am not good it to block the South State regiment, destroys completely him to me!” “废物!都是废物!”四方候大吼道:“不就是一只恶魔吗?我就不行它能挡住南州军团,给我灭掉他!” The voice just fell. 话音刚落。 Western Marquis rises with a spring personally, in the hand the great pen flies high to sway, a huge incantation seal bang on Hellfire, Hellfire was hit backs up several steps, the body flame is put out several points rapidly. 四方候亲自一跃而起,手中巨笔凌空挥洒,一道巨大咒印轰在地狱火身上,地狱火被打得倒退好几步,身上火焰迅速熄灭几分。 Sergeant South State is mad inspires immediately, immediately wants to seize the chance to launch the attack. 南州军士气顿时一振,立刻想要趁机发动攻击。 Who knows, in moment at a crucial moment, four continent lakes is transmitting one cry. 谁知,正在千钧一发的关头,四洲湖又传来一阵呜鸣。 Bugle? 军号? What's the matter! 怎么回事! In that dim mist, suddenly another troop fleet appears, his scale unexpectedly not inferior South State armed forces. 那朦朦胧胧的水雾中,突然又一大群船队出现,其规模竟不逊色南州军。 „!” “啊!” Thunder State regiment!” 雷州军团!” „Did the Thunder State regiment leave for Central State?” 雷州军团怎么也开赴中州了?” The Southern Xia eight states have the characteristics respectively, Thunder State is giant barracks, every year for the northern busy transportation massive crack troops, therefore the strength of Thunder State armed forces does not allow to look down upon, is not in any case more inferior than the South State armed forces. 南夏八州各有特色,雷州是一座巨大兵营,每年都会为北方占线输送大量精锐部队,所以雷州军的实力是不容小视的,反正不比南州军逊色。 Chu Tian rescues the Thunder State obligation, now Central State is confronted by danger, my Jiang male incoming telegram!” 楚天雷州大恩,如今中州蒙难,我江雄来报!” Above the biggest flagship, Jiang Xiong stands proudly. 最大一艘旗舰之上,江雄傲然而立。 My Thunder State returned the graciousness!” “我雷州来还恩了!” My Thunder State returned the graciousness!” “我雷州来还恩了!” Kills, kills, kills!” “杀,杀,杀!” The Thunder State regiment war cries are shocking, is morale like the rainbow, the Thunder State armed forces helps Chu Tian? 雷州军团杀声震天、士气如虹,雷州军是来帮助楚天的? What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Chu Tian also stares. 楚天也是一愣。 This is really the unexpected reinforcements! 这真是意料之外的援军啊! Gu Qianqiu was also dumbfounded, Thunder State also dispatches troops to Central State, this will certainly cause a stir in the world! 古千秋也目瞪口呆了,雷州也出兵中州,这一定会轰动天下的! How Golden Arrow Marquis said that also thinks marquis, has not led the imperial edict to command troops Central State, this has violated the big death anniversary! 金箭候怎么说也是以为侯爷啊,没有领王命率兵进中州,这是犯了大忌的! For Chu Tian. 为了一个楚天 Does not hesitate to offend Imperial City unexpectedly! 竟也不惜得罪王城 Golden Arrow Marquis understands at heart that Chu Tian cannot fall in Shangguan Family, this will not only make Southern Summer Country lose a universe great master, if Chu Tian were controlled by Shangguan Family, then the strength of aristocrat must become more formidable. 金箭候心里明白,楚天决不能落在上官家族手里,这不仅仅会让南夏国失去一个乾坤巨匠,若是楚天上官家族控制,那么贵族的实力就要变得更强大了。 Southern Xia eight marquises is divided into two schools, one school is the aristocrat marquis, separately is Li HuoHou, Western Marquis and other people, is mainly the Three Great Clans branch, or was the Imperial City top large clan was born. Another school is cold clan marquis, for example Golden Arrow Marquis, Azure Wood Marquis wait / etc., but Divine Wind Marquis once was a large clan, but the family was feeble, therefore also calculated one of the cold clan marquises. 南夏八侯内部分为两派,一派是贵族侯爷,分别是离火候四方候等几人,主要是三大家族分支,又或者是王城顶尖大族出生。另外一派是寒族侯爷,比如金箭候青木候等等,而神风候曾经是大族,但是家族已经衰弱,所以也算寒族众侯之一。 The cold clan and aristocrat have come to have the contradiction. 寒族与贵族一直来都有矛盾。 The aristocrat marquis has the natural advantage, various aspects compete are in the upper hand steadily, the cold clan only then collaborated, can resist the benefit to be invaded by the aristocrat. 贵族侯爷有着天然优势,各方面竞争中稳占上风,寒族只有联起手来,才能抵挡利益被贵族侵占。 Does not need to doubt that Chu Tian of this birth stock is a cold clan people, in his development process will definitely offend the upper class the benefit, the Golden Arrow Marquis cold clan representative needs one sufficiently with the cold clan character who Imperial City three Monarch confronted. 无需置疑,这个出生草根的楚天是属于寒族中人,他成长过程中必然会触犯到贵族阶层的利益,金箭候在内的寒族代表需要一个足以与王城三君对峙的寒族人物。 Some abilities such do, had Chu Tian! 有能力这么做的,也就只有楚天了! Chu Tian a tribulation, depending on its skill and talent, rising has been only the time issue! 楚天挺过一劫,凭其本事和才华,崛起只是时间问题! Western Marquis both eyes are red: Counter-, you all instead!” 四方候双眼赤红:“反了,你们全都反了!” Western Marquis , surrenders immediately!” Golden Arrow Marquis shouts loudly: „The South State armed forces are listening, you attack Central State City to offend eight state bottom lines, if besotted, this Hou Zhi can unite Central State to slaughter! Wipes out the South State rebel army in this!” 四方候,立刻投降吧!”金箭候大声喊道:“南州军听着,你们攻打中州城触犯八州底线,若再执迷不悟,本侯只能联合中州大开杀戒!将南州叛军全歼于此!” Gu Qianqiu seizes the chance saying: Good that Golden Arrow Marquis comes! Rescues the Central State great merit, Old man must take undeserved credit for you to the king!” 古千秋趁机说道:“金箭候来的好!救中州大功,老朽必向王上为你邀功!” Golden Arrow Marquis and Thunder State armed forces, as soon as listens is big scholar, is spiritual big, they most are worried about the issue, nothing but is the time king punishes, has not thought that big scholar stands here continually. Big scholar is very high in the kingdom status, has him to act to speak, what does that also fear? 金箭候雷州军一听是大学者,都是精神大阵,他们最担心问题,无非就是时候国王惩罚,没有想到连大学者都站在这边。大学者在王国地位很高,有他出面说话,那还怕什么? The South State regiment looks at each other in blank diamay. 南州军团则面面相觑。 Bad! 糟了! First has big scholar, latter has Golden Arrow Marquis, Central State own impregnably, the city for a long time cannot break through. 前有大学者,后有金箭候,中州自身固若金汤,城池又久攻不破。 Today wants to take over this city, was almost not the matter that was possible to achieve! 今天想要攻下这座城,几乎是不可能做到的事情了! Leave alone they!” Western Marquis lost the reason: Kills! At the worst puts together a fight in which both sides perish! Makes goes to Imperial City, whom I look in the principle!” “别管他们!”四方候已经失去理智:“杀!大不了拼个鱼死网破!闹到王城去,我看谁更在理!” Good Western Marquis , to insist on jumping the civil strife!” Golden Arrow Marquis cold snort|hum: „The Thunder State armed forces obey orders, disembarks to put down a rebellion along with me!” “好个四方候,执意跳起内乱!”金箭候冷哼一声:“雷州军听令,随我登岸平乱!” The Thunder State regiment starts to land rapidly, just likes tidal starts the converging attack to the South State regiment, Central State City that the South State regiment front a short time cannot attack, the back is the Thunder State armed forces of battle efficiency not inferior South State regiment, this time is also thrown into confusion. 雷州军团迅速开始登陆,犹如潮水般向南州军团发动夹击,南州军团前方是一时半会儿攻不下来的中州城,背后又是战斗力丝毫不逊色南州军团的雷州军,这一时间也是手忙脚乱。 Gu Qianqiu calls loudly: Gryphon knight, guard Central State!” 古千秋高声喊道:“狮鹫骑士,护卫中州!” Before this formidable king palace , the knight gets rid again, the aerial operation strength that over a hundred Illustrious Soul level above Gryphon knights form is cannot be underestimated, the South State regiment is impossible to attack the city wall. 这一支强大的王宫殿前骑士再一次出手,上百个显魂级以上的狮鹫骑士形成的空中战斗力是不容小觑的,南州军团就不可能攻上城墙。 Central State City already thorough hopeless. 中州城已经彻底无望。 Ok! 算了! This matter makes greatly, thought so how Golden Arrow Marquis and Chu Tian pass a South Summer King pass! 此事闹得这么大,就看金箭候楚天怎么过南夏王一关! Passes on my military order, after the first armed forces change armed forces, before the latter armed forces change the armed forces, break through to retreat!” “传我将令,前军变后军,后军改前军,突围撤退!” Western Marquis adjusts the South State armed forces to start to retreat, Golden Arrow Marquis sees Western Marquis to sprout to draw back intent, pours has not continued to attack, after all the South State armed forces are also the Southern Summer Country army, in this internal friction war sacrificed is good for nothing. 四方候调整南州军开始撤退,金箭候四方候已经萌生退意,倒也没有继续攻击,毕竟南州军也是南夏国军队,这种内耗战争中牺牲是毫无价值的。 The South State armed forces are thrown into confusion go on board, the Western Marquis zi item of desire crack anger exclaimed: Jiang Xiong, Chu Tian, Gu Qianqiu, I thought how you face the South Summer King anger! We remove!” 南州军手忙脚乱重新登船,四方候眦目欲裂怒吼道:“江雄、楚天古千秋,我看你们怎么面对南夏王的怒火!我们撤!” The South State warship starts to leave slowly. 南州军舰开始缓缓离开。 „To walk?” “想走?” Is so easy!” “有这么容易么!” The South State fleet leaves the Central State harbor less than ten kilometers, sudden start to sway fiercely. 南州舰队离开中州港口都不到十公里,突然一艘艘都开始剧烈摇晃起来。 Marquis, is not good!” “侯爷,不好了!” Has the thing to attack our ship's bottoms!” “有东西在攻击我们的船底!” Our ships have leaked, this should not know what to do!” “我们的船都已经漏了,这该如何是好!” A South State armed forces piece is thrown into confusion, many are the soldier in abundance diving self-help, these officers put on the heavy armor and weapon, in addition South State armed forces Xishui, this did not fall in the water immediately becomes chaotic. 南州军一片手忙脚乱中,不少是士兵纷纷跳水自救,这些将士都穿着沉重铠甲和兵器,再加上南州军本来就不习水性,这一落水立刻就变得混乱起来。 The Chu Tian order said: Holds them!” 楚天命令道:“抓住他们!” The Great Shark Gang gang audiences started to take action, already fiercely received in the water small roadside shop good great net, just likes the South State armed forces that catches fish same will fall large bundle in the water have fished. 巨鲨帮的帮众开始行动了,一张张早就在水里铺好的巨网猛地一收,犹如捕鱼一样将大把大把落水的南州军捞了起来。
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