MT :: Volume #3

#265: The war of attacking a city!

No matter the Central State armed forces, are the South State armed forces, was at this moment silly. Big scholar is in front of South State regiment hundreds of thousands people, unexpectedly points at the nose of Western Marquis to scold, such scene is the people are unexpected. 不管中州军,还是南州军,此时此刻都傻了。大学者当着南州军团十几万人的面,居然指着四方候的鼻子骂,这样的场景是人们始料未及的。 eight marquises supports the pillars of Southern Xia eight states. 八侯是支撑南夏八州的柱石。 Gu Qianqiu is the Southern Summer Country scholar range pole. 古千秋则是南夏国学者的标杆。 They are extremely influential in Southern Summer Country, when the frontage conflict avoids being right vigorously, has not thought that a big scholar face does not give, gives scolding Western Marquis saying that at the scene it is an idiot?! 两人在南夏国都极有影响力,正面冲突当极力避免才对,没有想到大学者连一点情面都不给,当场痛骂四方候称其为蠢货?! This chapter of Southern Summer Country must vibrate! 这回南夏国要震动了! Western Marquis is not the ordinary marquis, was the aristocrat marquis of Shangguan Family birth. 四方候不是普通的侯爷,是上官家族出生的贵族侯。 Gu Qianqiu is not ordinary scholar, no doubt does not have the solid nobility, does not have the high blood, but as the Southern Summer Country grand preceptor, the Dongfang Family clan first on minister, Southern Summer Country first scholar, sphere of learning highly respected person, even if no real power to grasp, its aloof influence, making any aristocrat not dare to despise him. 古千秋不是普通的学者,固然没有实爵,也没有贵族血统,但作为南夏国的太师,东方家族第一上卿,南夏国的第一学者,学术领域的泰山北斗,哪怕没有实权在握,其超然的影响力,让任何贵族都不敢小看他。 Gu Qianqiu does not have the title actually foot and eight marquises are treated equally! 古千秋无爵位却足与八侯平起平坐! If Gu Qianqiu praises a person publicly, this person the nation will become famous immediately, becomes the guests of innumerable aristocrat, becomes fragrant steamed bun that innumerable scholar hound. If counterattacking criticizes a person publicly, this person almost by the world scholar thoma, the bringing ruin and shame upon oneself difficulty will get by finally. 古千秋要是公开赞扬一个人,这个人立刻就会全国出名,成为无数贵族的座上宾,成为无数学者追捧的香馍馍。反制要是公开批判一个人,这个人几乎会被天下学者托马,最终身败名裂难易度日。 This is the big scholar influence! 这就是大学者的影响力! Now is in front of countless person to point at Western Marquis to scold, if this matter passed on, Western Marquis feared that forever could not gain ground. 如今当着无数人的面指着四方候骂,这件事情要是传出去了,四方候怕是永远都抬不起头。 The leader of this intellectual is not the common custom. 这位知识分子的领袖可不是世俗的。 His denouncing in word and in writing wins 100,000 armies, Three Great Clans must respect to let three points. 他的口诛笔伐胜100000大军,三大家族都要敬让三分。 Good, good, good!” Where Western Marquis Shangguan Hong has received such treatment, naturally is the anger to the extreme: In vain this Hou Jing you are big scholar, therefore gave fully your face. You are actually going against the big scholar corona, is leading the Southern Summer Country scholar leader honor, actually blatantly resists South Summer King, to despise King Command, the harbor revolting thief, when you are really big scholar nobody dares to move?!” “好,好,好!”四方候上官泓哪里受过这样的待遇,当然是愤怒到极点:“枉本侯敬你是大学者,所以给足了你面子。你却顶着大学者的光环,领着南夏国学者领袖荣誉,却公然对抗南夏王、蔑视王令,包庇叛贼,你真当自己是大学者就没人敢动吗?!” Western Marquis nothing but depends King Command in hand, actually forcefully misinterprets the Royal Proclamation decree, sends to invade Central State with large army, life that regards the Central State City several million common people for worthless, making the royal family discredit, making Three Great Clans be shamed, making the Southern Summer Country person disappointed! If Central State City broken, the common people are filled with sufferers, at that time the popular resentment rose from all directions, Central State one radiated eight sides randomly, you took on country in disorder responsibility? Today let alone you grasp Royal Proclamation King Command, even if faces South Summer King personally, Old man absolutely will also fight to the end!” 四方候无非仗着王令在手,却强行曲解王书旨意,派重兵入侵中州,视中州城几百万百姓的生命为草芥,让王族抹黑,让三大家族蒙羞,让南夏国人寒心!若中州城破,百姓哀鸿遍野,那时民怨四起,中州一乱辐射八方,你担当的起乱国的责任吗?今天别说你只是手持王书王令,就算亲自面对南夏王,老朽也绝对会抗争到底!” Apprehends a revolting thief, what comes the country in disorder? Big scholar said things just to frighten people!” “捉拿一个叛贼,何来乱国?大学者危言耸听!” Revolting very another revolting thief, you said the Chu Tian treason, do you have the evidence?” “左一个叛贼又一个叛贼,你说楚天叛国,你有证据吗?” He despises the royal family, severely wounded special envoy, wants any evidence!” “他藐视王族,重伤特使,难道还要什么证据!” That does not have the evidence, for a oneself personal grudge, does not hesitate to mobilize the army to attack a city purely, don't you feel for your procedure ashamed?” Gu Qianqiu foams with rage, the angry glare examines to stare exclaimed loudly: My Southern Summer Country officers can only bleed in the battlefield, my Southern Summer Country officers can only resist the foreign enemy to sacrifice, here is not the War Hound prairie, here is not the southern border, here is Central State, is rich and populous lively Central State, is common people innumerable Central State, is stationed in Central State of Southern Summer Country regular troops!” “那没有证据,纯粹是为一己私仇,不惜发动大军攻城,你就不为自己做法而感到羞耻吗?”古千秋吹胡子瞪眼,怒目验瞪的大声吼道:“我南夏国的将士只能在战场上流血,我南夏国的将士只能在对抗外敌牺牲,这里不是犬戎草原,这里也不是南疆蛮地,这里是中州,是富庶繁华的中州,是百姓无数的中州,是驻扎着南夏国正规军队的中州!” These words are powerful. 这一番话气势十足。 Chu Tian looks in the city wall satisfies a craving. 楚天在城墙上看得非常过瘾。 Big scholar and Western Marquis mutually slapping in the face weaponry, this scene also is really rarely seen. 学者四方候互相打嘴仗,这种场面还真是不多见。 Meng Qingwu is at heart surprised, why she does not know, famous big scholar, such will help unexpectedly Chu Tian. 梦轻舞心里非常吃惊,她不知道到底为什么,大名鼎鼎的大学者,竟然会这么帮楚天 Meng Yingying said with a smile: This grandfather quarrelled fiercely!” 梦莹莹则笑道:“这位老爷爷吵架好厉害!” Gu Qianqiu is Southern Summer Country most famous scholar.” Yun Tianhe caresses the beard, saying with a laugh „the time of this slapping in the face weaponry, it may be said that was scholar basic skills.” 古千秋南夏国最著名学者。”云天鹤抚抚胡子,笑呵呵的说道“这打嘴仗的功夫,可谓是一个学者的基本功了。” Big scholar charges, just like evil reputation pat unceasingly on the Western Marquis face, Western Marquis soon was wild with rage. 学者一个个罪名,犹如屎盆子不断拍在四方候脸上,四方候都快要气疯了。 Absurd! Chu Tian is the person of country in disorder!” “岂有此理!楚天才是乱国之人!” „After I only know Central State has Chu Tian, the poor person can the livelihood, the merchant be able the benefit, the common people able to enjoy a good and prosperous life, prosperous rich and populous won the past. Western Marquis comes Central State, is in chaotic situation, can not be peaceful, even brings the disaster of endless blood light.” The big scholar speech basic on brain, the mouth is agile like the knife: You said actually that who is the generation of country in disorder!” “我只知中州楚天后,穷人得以生计,商人得以利益,百姓得以安居乐业,繁荣富庶更胜从前。四方候一来中州,鸡飞狗跳,不得安宁,甚至带来无尽血光之灾。”大学者说话根本就不过脑子,嘴巴就像刀子般利索:“你们倒是说说,谁才是乱国之辈!” Western Marquis lost the patience thoroughly, he knows the glib lips time, he cannot fight scholar absolutely, but exclaimed finally: Is Chu Tian, big can scholar seriously with Shangguan Family for the enemy?” 四方候已经彻底失去耐心,他知道嘴皮子功夫,他是绝对斗不过一个学者的,只是最后吼道:“为一个楚天,大学者当真要跟上官家族为敌?” Chu Tian pulls out root hair, compared with this nominal marquis precious as gold ten thousand times!” 楚天拔一根毛,比这个有名无实的侯爷金贵万倍!” The Gu Qianqiu manner is firm. 古千秋态度非常坚决。 Almost does not leave any room. 几乎不留下任何余地。 This does certainly to Chu Tian looks! 这当然是做给楚天看的! Gu Qianqiu fully understood that Miracle Commerce strength, this is one changes the kingdom destiny even to affect the entire Continent chamber of commerce sufficiently, cannot exterminate depending on this point Miracle Commerce! 古千秋充分认识到奇迹商会的实力,这是一家足以改变王国命运甚至影响全大陆的商会,光凭这一点奇迹商会就不能剿灭! Those who make Gu Qianqiu be unexpected, Miracle Commerce founder Chu Tian, is that helps Qing State solve the rare talent of beast disaster unexpectedly, he obtains the news, Chu Tian not only opens the Qing State difficult position, had solved once difficult of Thunder State! 更让古千秋始料未及的是,奇迹商会的创始人楚天,竟就是那个帮助青州解决兽灾的奇才,他更得到消息,楚天不仅仅打开青州困境,更曾经解了雷州之难! This character value is unponderable! 这一个人物价值是不可衡量的! Knowledge that this person masters, sufficiently change entire Continent! 此人身上掌握的知识,足以改变整个大陆 This stupid Western Marquis , does left revolting thief, right revolting thief, he know this dangerously? 这个愚蠢透顶的四方候,左一句叛贼,右一句叛贼,他知不知道这有多危险? If compelled Chu Tian really counter-, what advantage this did have to Southern Summer Country? 若是把楚天真的逼反了,这对南夏国有什么好处? Has killed him? 杀了他? Not to mention will pay the big price, this world loses an exceedingly high great ability, Southern Summer Country loses a universe great master! 姑且不说会付出多大代价,这世界失去一个通天大才,南夏国失去一个乾坤巨匠! Doesn't kill him? 不杀他? If Chu Tian is hostile toward Southern Summer Country, that must make the disastrous consequence, from Miracle Commerce the Central State popular sentiment, Chu Tian is capable of leading the Central State rebellion, even if the Central State rebellion is inadequate, Chu Tian runs away to other goes, does not have the several years matter, certainly can step on broken Southern Summer Country! 楚天要是仇视南夏国,那必会造成灾难性的后果,从奇迹商会中州的民心来看,楚天真有能力带动中州造反,即使中州造反不成,楚天逃到其他去,不出数年的事情,一定能把南夏国踩碎! In order to avoid such matter occurrence, Gu Qianqiu breaks off with Western Marquis without hesitation. 为避免这样的事情发生,古千秋毫不犹豫跟四方候决裂。 Gu Qianqiu is kingdom grand preceptor, although is not the actual position, but on behalf of Southern Summer Country, most at least will not guarantee with the Chu Tian mutual hatred! 古千秋是王国太师,虽然不是什么实际职位,但是也代表南夏国,最起码确保不会跟楚天交恶! This marquis does not have the time rubbish with you, King Command in this!” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong holds up the token high, army obeys orders, starts to attack a city, puts to death Chu Tian to betray the party, who dares to prevent and betray the party the same crime!” “本侯没有时间跟你废话,王令在此!”四方候上官泓高高举起令牌,“全军听令,开始攻城,诛杀楚天叛党,谁敢阻挡与叛党同罪!” Shangguan Hong was ready for any sacrifice. 上官泓豁出去了。 Isn't big scholar? 不就是一个大学者么? Today so insults Shangguan Family, he and Shangguan Family must certainly get angry, if feared the big scholar influence to repulse the enemy, where the Shangguan Family honor toward did put? Things have gotten to this point, can only brace oneself on strongly! 今日如此侮辱上官家族,他与上官家族肯定要翻脸,若是惧怕大学者影响而退兵了,上官家族的脸面往哪里放?事已至此,只能硬着头皮强上了! Attacks a city!” “攻城!” Attacks a city!” “攻城!” Shangguan Hong waves the signal flag high. 上官泓高高挥舞令旗。 All around drumbeat also remembers, the bugle that advances troops to the cry, is similar to the giant beast is roaring lowly. 四周鼓声同时想起,进兵的号角呜鸣,更是如同巨兽在低吼。 Around South State heavy infantry team, the platoon becomes two Fangzheng, goes against the great shield to kill to Central State City. 南州重型步兵队伍,排成前后两个方正,顶着巨盾向中州城杀过去。 Good!” Gu Qianqiu rises with a spring high, holds the foot of Gryphon knight to return to Central State City, that one high under! Before the palace , the knight obeys orders, pledges to fight to the death to defend the kingdom heavy city!” “好!”古千秋高高一跃而起,抓住狮鹫骑士的脚返回中州城,“那就一较高下吧!殿前骑士听令,誓死捍卫王国重城!” Li Hu expression is somewhat ugly: Team leader, this......” 李虎表情有些难看:“队长,这……” Before other king palaces, knight one face hesitates, side is the back has Wen Cheng form Western Marquis , side is grand preceptor Southern Xia Gu Qianqiu, two people both cannot offend! 其他王宫殿前骑士都一脸犹豫,一边是背后有文成君身影的四方候,一边是南夏太师古千秋,两个人都不能得罪啊! Hasn't heard the order?” Cao Bao gets hold of the fist: On, defends Central State City!” “没听见命令么?”曹豹握紧拳头:“上,保卫中州城!” Cao Bao can become one of the king palace former knight teams leader, is in itself not an ordinary crude military person, he year to year lives in Imperial City, fully realizes the big scholar manner. The big scholar response so exceptionally definitely has the reason, this reason Cao Bao does not know, but big scholar does not hesitate to follow the government authorities to get angry continually, then Cao Bao can also be what kind of? 曹豹能成为王宫殿前骑士队长之一,本身就不是一个普通的鲁莽武夫,他常年在王城生活,深知大学者的为人。大学者反应如此异常绝对是有原因的,这个原因曹豹不知道,但是连大学者都不惜跟上官家翻脸,那么曹豹还能怎么样? First, before Royal Proclamation request palace , the knight takes orders from Gu Qianqiu. 第一,王书要求殿前骑士听命古千秋 Second, Gu Qianqiu is in itself the Dongfang Family clan background, he is not only grand preceptor Southern Xia, is the Dongfang Family clan first on minister. Before the palace , the object who the knight gives loyalty to is a royal family, but the royal family is the Dongfang Family clan. 第二,古千秋本身就是东方家族背景,他不仅仅是南夏太师,更是东方家族第一上卿。殿前骑士效忠的对象是王族,而王族就是东方家族。 Difficult to be inadequate Cao Bao to help Shangguan Family cope with the minister in turn? 难不成曹豹能反过来帮上官家族对付上卿? Gu Qianqiu is aloof in the Dongfang Family clan status, if he left angrily, what the loss is biggest is the Dongfang Family clan! Three Great Clans itself has the competitive relations, Shangguan Family and Nangong Clan is happy. 古千秋东方家族地位超然,若是他一气之下离开了,损失最大的还是东方家族!三大家族本身存在竞争关系,上官家族南宫家族乐见其成。 Lost Gu Qianqiu, South Summer King can forgive their several. 失去古千秋,南夏王能饶了他们几个。 Will queer in any case, two choose its words, the choice to offend Western Marquis ! 反正都会得罪人,二选其一的话,选择得罪四方候吧! Innumerably just likes a billy heavy armor-clad soldier, is stepping the serious incomparable step, is pushing onward to the Central State City city gate, army that this Barbarian Tribes tribe recruits, each is the Barbarian Tribes brave warrior, the battle efficiency ordinary soldier can compare favorably, how long the city gate cannot block their! 无数犹如铁罐头般的重甲兵,正迈着沉重无比的步伐,正在向中州城的城门挺进,这一支蛮族部落招募的军队,各个都是蛮族勇士,战斗力绝非普通战士能媲美,城门根本挡不住他们多久! Kills!” “杀!” Hundred Gryphon knights soar, that resonant long cry sound shaking world. 一百狮鹫骑士腾空而起,那嘹亮的长鸣声震动天地。 „Before the palace, knight?!” Western Marquis makes an effort to wield the signal flag: God arrow Battalion Fangjian!” “殿前骑士?!”四方候用力一挥令旗:“神箭营放箭!” The South State armed forces resound a piece of bowstring to collapse the sound sound, in the middle of incomparably grating keenly blowing sound, a big wave arrow arrow covers the Source Energy glory to raise neatly. 南州军响起一片弓弦崩响声音,无比刺耳的尖啸声当中,一大波箭矢笼罩元力光辉整齐升起。 Just likes a locust of piece of transit. 犹如一片过境的蝗虫。 Just likes dark clouds of rise. 犹如一朵上升的黑云。 That scene is really magnificent. 那场面着实非常壮观。 Quick, transmitted orders!” The Chu Tian complexion changes: Makes the city people return to the room, hid in the basement as far as possible, before the war ended, do not come out!” “快,去传令!”楚天脸色微变:“让城民回屋,尽量躲在地下室,战争结束前不要出来!” This war broke out inevitably! 这场战争不可避免的爆发了! The battle efficiency of South State regiment is too formidable, although before there is a palace that big scholar leads knight, but still could not avoid a bloody battle! 南州军团的战斗力太强大,虽然有大学者率领的殿前骑士,但是依然避免不了一场血战! Rush!” “冲杀!” Defends Central State City!” “保卫中州城!” Cao Baoqi Gryphon is falling straightly, other Royal Palace knights follow close on after that disregards the dense and numerous arrow rain, the direct front surface rushed. 曹豹骑着狮鹫笔直坠下,其余王殿骑士紧跟其后,无视密密麻麻的箭雨,直接迎面冲了上去。 Gryphon long cry. 狮鹫长鸣一声。 The wings starts storm, forms a protective cap instantaneously, making the big pile of near body arrow arrows be shot to open. Before this batch of king palaces, knight does not have casualties across the arrow rain, throws outrageously to the first row of dense and numerous heavy armor-clad soldiers. 双翼掀起一阵暴风,瞬间形成一层保护罩,让大堆近身箭矢都被弹开。这一批王宫殿前骑士穿过箭雨无一伤亡,悍然向第一列密密麻麻的重甲兵扑去。 I thought that you can block several waves!” Western Marquis cold snort|hum: Continues to put the arrow! The second battalion, the third battalion, about the wing goes forward, shields the assault troops!” “我看你们能挡住几波!”四方候冷哼一声:“继续放箭!第二营,第三营,左右翼前进,掩护攻坚部队!” Battle drum sound louder. 战鼓声更响了。 This South State armed forces main force must turn out in full strength, this is 100,000 people of crack troops! 这次南州军主力真要倾巢而出,这是一支100000人的精锐部队啊! Around Central State does not have the danger, garrisoned not many, the South State armed forces attack Central State City to be also sudden, Central State City simply does not have the time to reassign regional military forces to come to rescue. 中州四面无险,本来驻军不多,南州军袭击中州城又非常突然,中州城根本没有时间抽调各地军力前来救援。 This is doomed is not a relaxed fight! 这注定不会是一场轻松的战斗!
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