MT :: Volume #3

#264: Attacking army has reached the city

In the wave vast four continent lakes, starts gale to sweep the mist, a big piece of dense flag, suddenly presented in the field of vision. 水波浩淼的四洲湖上,掀起一阵强风吹走水雾,一大片黑压压的旗帜,骤然呈现在了视野当中。 Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Battle drum like thunder! 战鼓如雷! The malignant influences soar to the heavens! 煞气冲天! An ice cold constriction with deep veneration covers the Central State City sky, Central State City constructs city for several hundred years the four directions not to have the danger, such scene has not seen, almost all people were shocked. 一股凌冽肃然的压迫感笼罩中州城的上空,中州城建城几百年来四方无险,这样的场面是从来都没有见过的,几乎所有人都被惊呆了。 The hundreds of warships arrive in the harbor enormously and powerful, but, many are the large-scale ship, most at least is a 100,000 people of large-scale regiment! 数以百计的军舰浩浩荡荡抵达港口而,其中多数都是中大型船舰,最起码是一支100000人的大型军团! The Central State City city people were scared. 中州城的城民们都傻眼了。 This is the South State armed forces!” “这是南州军!” What do the South State armed forces run up to Central State to make?” 南州军跑到中州来做什么?” The South State regiment does not give the time of Central State person response and interrogation, deck open, is carrying the soldier boat, just likes the ant moves rushes the ashore crazily, the warhorse neighs, the flags dance in the air, the innumerable cavalry soldier ferry spots land, almost shortly, the Central State City wharf was seized, wears the soldier who the mail-armor and helmet grasps the knife edge innumerably, just likes the water of rising tide, rushes the Central State City direction fast. 南州军团根本就不给中州人反应和质问的时间,甲板一座座打开,满载着士兵小船,犹如蚂蚁搬疯狂涌向岸上,战马嘶鸣,旌旗飞舞,无数骑兵渡口登陆,几乎在顷刻之间,中州城码头就被占领,无数身披甲胄手持刀刃的士兵,犹如涨潮之水般,快速涌向中州城方向。 How could do the city people see the army to press the scene in city? 城民何曾见过大军压城的场面? This is the rhythm that must shiver! The South State regiment attacks suddenly, a Central State City preparation does not have! 这是要打战的节奏啊!南州军团忽然来袭,中州城一点准备都没有! Central State City sounds the caution bugle, Sergeant Central State starts to deploy troops for defense, thousands of archers are thrown into confusion to run the city wall, South State armed forces that rows of bright as snow arrow aiming come slowly. 中州城吹响警示号角,中州军士纷纷开始布防,数以千计的弓箭手手忙脚乱跑上城墙,一排排雪亮的箭头瞄准徐徐而来的南州军。 Halts!” “站住!” Goes forward again one step, we must put the arrow!” “再上前一步,我们就要放箭了!” The South State regiment does not pay attention to Central State to warn that they the organization good lineup in the extremely short event, the Central State army sharp thorn situation, to break into sweat, to cope to come prepared for the time being, Central State is underprepared, even if the contest of meeting the tough head-on with toughness, Central State garrisons various aspects not to compare the South State army! 南州军团根本不理会中州警告,他们在极短的事件内组织好阵型,中州军队尖刺情形,全都直冒冷汗,姑且对付有备而来,中州则准备不足,哪怕是硬碰硬的较量,中州驻军各方面都比不上南州军队啊! Around Central State does not have the danger, the garrison were not quite many, does not have what actual combat experience! 中州四面无险,驻军本就不太多,更没有什么实战经验! The South State regiment is different, the South State armed forces south Southern Summer Country, there are to guard the heavy responsibility of border area, the quality of army, is the experience of fight, the Central State regiment is hard to follow, this must hit , the stratagem which ensures success feared that is uncertain! 南州军团就不一样了,南州军在南夏国最南侧,有镇守边疆之重任,无论是军队的素质,还是战斗的经验,中州军团难以望其项背,这真要打起来,胜算怕是渺茫! In this time. 正在此时。 A white beard old man rides Gryphon, soars from Central State City to the city goes, appears at the extremely quick speed sky over the South State regiment, his loud shouting: „Is the front leader, Western Marquis Shangguan Hong?” 一位白胡子老者乘坐狮鹫,从中州城腾空而起向城外而去,以极快速度出现在南州军团上空,他大声的喊道:“前方领军者,可是四方候上官泓?” This marquis!” Western Marquis rides a gigantic non-Chinese southern person to fight the rhinocero, is wearing sincere valuable armor muddily, when discovered that Gu Qianqiu on Gryphon, laughs immediately several: Originally is big scholar your excellency, has not thought that compared with my quicker one step, such being the case also please assist this marquis, takes the Chu Tian evildoer together!” “正是本侯!”四方候骑着一匹硕大的南蛮战犀,浑身披着厚重的宝甲,当发现狮鹫上的古千秋,立刻大笑几声:“原来是大学者阁下,没想到您比我更快一步,既然如此还请协助本侯,共同拿下楚天贼子!” Gu Qianqiu jumps to leap, falls from dozens zhang (3.33 m) upper air straightly, just likes a shell pounds in the ground, shakes periphery a South State knight panicked and disorderly: Western Marquis feared that in the crack troops reassigns half to have South State , this battle formation rather does was too big! The Central State county is the kingdom territory, army intrudes Central State rashly, ignites the flames of war, launches the civil war, perhaps counteracts the kingdom statute book!” 古千秋纵身一跃,从几十丈高空笔直落下,犹如一颗炮弹砸在地面,震得周围南州骑士一种惊乱:“四方候怕是把南州驻边精兵抽调一半有余,这阵势未免搞的太大了吧!中州郡乃王国领土,大军贸然闯入中州,引燃战火,发动内战,恐怕有悖王国法典吧!” Big scholar this word is bad, Central State was chaotic, did the South State rescue, what come the civil war to say?” The Western Marquis vision is looking at the Central State City direction, pulls out a glittering token from the bosom: Let alone, I present my king and order of Wen Cheng, comes to apprehend to rebel Chu Tian, King Command here, who dares to prevent!” “大学者此言差矣,中州已乱,南州救援,何来内战之说?”四方候目光望着中州城方向,从怀中掏出一块金光闪闪的令牌:“何况乎,我奉我王及文成君之命令,前来捉拿逆贼楚天,王令在此,谁敢阻挡!” The Gu Qianqiu brow wrinkles deeply: Already holds King Command, what moves the army?” 古千秋眉头皱得更深:“既持王令,何动大军?” Chu Tian this thief is swollen with arrogance, on a king causes to make into the disabled person by him while still alive, the so crazed disciple, expected that cannot obediently be without a fight. The thieves are formidable in the Central State influence, if not carry the serious illness to come, perhaps is hard to deter.” Western Marquis righteousness words said: You must know that Chu Tian swallows the Central State three big old clans secretly, now has made a name, if he resists stubbornly at bay, this Hou Zhi can command the army the storm!” 楚天此贼气焰嚣张,上一个王使被他活活打成残废,如此丧心病狂之徒,料想不会乖乖束手就擒。贼人在中州势力强大,若不携重病而来,恐怕难以威慑。”四方候义正言辞说:“你要知道楚天私自吞掉中州三大老族,现在已成气候,若他负偶顽抗,本侯只能率军强攻!” Western Marquis does not want to listen to this bookworm idle talk: Chu Tian discards the king to cause is revolts to rebel! The army obeys orders, advance!” 四方候不想听这个书呆子废话:“楚天废掉王使是叛上作乱!全军听令,前进!” Hum! 呜呜! The South State armed forces also sound the bugle. 南州军也吹响号角。 The armies compose several arrays, spreads impressively above the plain, the attacking a city instrument dispels in abundance, may attack driving of Central State City anytime. That intense depression fills the air, just likes must Central State City crashing general. 大军组成几个阵列,赫赫然铺在平原之上,攻城器械纷纷排开,一副随时都有可能攻打中州城的驾驶。那一股强烈压抑感弥漫开来,犹如要将中州城给压垮一般。 The Central State City common people were scared! 中州城的百姓都被吓傻了! The South State regiment in the Southern Xia eight states, that is very famous! 南州军团在南夏八州中,那可是非常出名的! South State borders on the place of south Barbarian Tribes, the South State armed forces regimental commander time and Barbarian Tribes encounter, therefore fight is experienced, several battalions of soldier direct Barbarian Tribes tribes recruit, this is the Southern Xia eight state unique barbarian person heavy infantry battalions! 南州与南部蛮族之地接壤,南州军团长时间与蛮族交锋,因此战斗经验丰富,更有好几营战士直接蛮族部落招募,这就是南夏八州独一无二的蛮人重型步兵营! Southern Barbarian Tribes is a human branch. 南方蛮族是人类一个分支。 The Barbarian Tribes characteristics are the build tall and strong, average height can be about 2 meters, pitch-black skin and strong muscle, tenacious skeleton, cruel instinct, this is the characteristics of Barbarian Tribes person. 蛮族特点是体型魁梧,平均身高能达到2米左右,乌黑的皮肤、强壮的肌肉,坚韧的骨骼,残暴的天性,这是蛮族人的特点。 These Barbarian Tribes soldiers do not practice, light depends on the brute force to put together the Body Refinement 5th Layer cultivation base king Country Scholar soldier, if trains and cultivates well, the battle efficiency is very terrifying, can therefore form the strongest heavy armor assault troops! 这些蛮族战士就算不修炼,光靠蛮力就能拼得过炼体五重修为的王国士兵,若是好好培养并修炼,战斗力是非常恐怖的,因此能够组成最强劲的重甲攻坚部队! Western Marquis brought including the Barbarian Tribes regiment. 四方候蛮族军团都带出来了。 This time is ready that attacks a city completely! 这次完全做好攻城的准备! This opportunity made Western Marquis wait to be very long, after all Western Marquis heir apparent Shangguan Feichen, had made into half by Chu Tian waste, Western Marquis could be imagined angrily. Initially in Thunder State, Western Marquis had directly massacres the Chu Tian thought that who knows that Chu Tian does not know with any method elimination abyss devil, obtained supporting of Thunder State common people unexpectedly, in addition Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis, the deterrents of these two cold clan marquises, therefore Western Marquis did not have the means to begin. 这个机会让四方候等了很久了,毕竟四方候的世子上官飞尘,就是被楚天打成了半废的,四方候愤怒就可想而知了。当初在雷州的时候,四方候就有直接杀掉楚天的念头,谁知道楚天不知用什么方法消灭深渊恶魔,竟然获得雷州百姓的拥戴,再加上神风候金箭候,这两个寒族侯爷的威慑,所以四方候没有办法动手。 Who knows that Chu Tian court death. 谁知道楚天自己找死。 Unexpectedly sent the messenger discarding Imperial City! 居然把王城派出来使者给废掉了! Wen Cheng seizes the chance to enter to give a Western Marquis opportunity. Western Marquis understands certainly that Wen Cheng meaning, this is gives him the opportunity to revenge. 文成君趁机而入送给四方候一个机会。四方候当然明白文成君的意思,这是给他机会报仇啊。 As for commanding the army Central State, on the one hand to eradicate the Chu Tian influence, on the one hand is seizes the chance to occupy Miracle Commerce. 至于率军进中州,一方面是为根除楚天势力,一方面是趁机占据奇迹商会 Will South Summer King care about a peon? 南夏王又怎么会在乎一个无名小卒呢? Western Marquis can definitely to let slip or the Chu Tian strong protest reason kills him! 四方候完全可以以失手或是楚天强烈反抗原因干掉他! So, hate of side solution heart! 如此,方解心头之恨! Central State City all city people listened!” Before Western Marquis rides the non-Chinese southern person great rhinocero is arriving at Central State City powerfully, grasps the giant burin, points at Central State City to shout: I am the South State county wait Shangguan Hong, today leads the South State armed forces elite hence, only for punitive expedition revolting thief Chu Tian! In the city common people sergeant is innocent, if opens the city gate to hand over, this Hou layer on layer enjoys!” 中州城的所有城民都听好了!”四方候骑着南蛮巨犀威风凛凛走到中州城前,手持巨大铁笔,指着中州城喊道:“我乃南州郡候上官泓,今日率领南州军精锐至此,只为讨伐叛贼楚天!城中百姓军士无辜,若打开城门交出,本侯重重有赏!” Here, Western Marquis a voice revolution, became swift and fierce: If dares the recalcitrant, with the revolting thief Chu Tian same crime, all Central State officers to be at bay difficult the running away responsibility for an offense, exiles lightly, heavy sentences to beheading, the Central State common people will also be implicated!” 说到这里,四方候又话音一转,变得凌厉起来:“若敢负偶顽抗者,与叛贼楚天同罪,所有中州将士一律难逃罪责,轻则流放,重则处斩,中州百姓也将受到株连!” The Gu Qianqiu complexion changes. 古千秋脸色一变。 Good Western Marquis . 好一个四方候啊。 Hasn't this attacked a city first launches a psychological attack? 这都还没有攻城就先攻心么? Western Marquis grasps Royal Proclamation King Command, therefore is also considered as to take action with just reasons, the South State 100,000 elite armies, frighten the urination pants the average person sufficiently radically, the Central State garrison troops cannot block the South State army. 四方候手持王书王令,所以也算得上师出有名,南州100000精锐大军,足以把普通人吓得尿裤子,中州守军根本挡不住南州军队。 Western Marquis currently these words, are very likely to cause the riot of Central State armed forces even Central State common people, at that time Western Marquis did not even need to attack a city personally, Central State City was chaotic. 四方候现在这一番话,极有可能引起中州军甚至中州百姓的暴乱,那时候四方候甚至不用亲自攻城,中州城就已经乱了。 No one wants to resist King Command. 谁也不想对抗王令 No one wants to be brought disaster to fishpond. 谁也不想被殃及鱼池啊。 100,000 armies seize the chance to shout loudly the strong potential with one voice! 100000大军趁机齐声高喊来壮势! Revolting thief Chu Tian suffers to death!” “叛贼楚天受死!” Revolting thief Chu Tian suffers to death!” “叛贼楚天受死!” Revolting thief Chu Tian suffers to death!” “叛贼楚天受死!” That sound in-line Yun Xiao, just likes together the billowing startling thunderclap, crack in the Central State City sky. 那声音直插云霄,犹如一道滚滚惊雷,正炸响在中州城的天空。 Shangguan Hong is complacent. 上官泓得意洋洋起来。 Western Marquis goes to battle on behalf of Wang Master, Central State City this group have country bumpkin, when seen such big scene? Western Marquis is in itself also one of the Southern Xia eight marquises, guards the southern border, the prestige broadcasts, its reputation compared with Divine Wind Marquis resounding many of partly going into seclusion! 四方候代表王师出征,中州城这帮土鳖,什么时候见过这么大的场面?四方候本身也是南夏八侯之一,镇守南疆,威名远播,其名声要比半隐退的神风候响亮的多! Today leads the army to cry out before the city that for crush Chu Tian in the imposing manner, causes the panic of Central State City city people, the Central State City city people one hurriedly, definitely is afraid is implicated, thus comes out to take punishment for somebody else with Chu Tian. 今天率领大军在城前呐喊,就是为在气势上碾压楚天,引起中州城城民的恐慌,中州城的城民一慌,肯定害怕被连坐,从而拿楚天出来顶罪。 This marquis gives you three minutes!” “本侯给你们三分钟时间!” In three minutes do not open city gate, this Hou Bianwan arrow attacks a city, various casualty peaceful destiny! Post-war, all people decide on the nature of the guilt the punishment, you may be clear!” “三分钟内不打开城门,本侯便万箭攻城,死伤各安天命!战后,所有人论罪处罚,你们可想清楚了!” Thinks that own family member, you must drag family, is a thief is buried along with the dead?!” “想想自己的家人,你们真要拖着全家,为一个贼人陪葬吗?!” Shangguan Hong aggravates the chip! 上官泓又加重筹码! Not Kaesong gate? 不开城门是吧? When Wan Jianqi next, is buried along with the dead with Central State City! 万箭齐下之时,就跟着中州城陪葬吧! This world forever is Expert, even if causes the Central State City mass fatality, nobody can he be what kind. Comes Shangguan Hong is one of the eight marquises, two come Shangguan Hong to have three Monarch level characters to support, three come Shangguan Hong to take action with just reasons to flaunt Wang Master the banner. 这个世界永远是强者的,哪怕造成中州城大规模伤亡,也没有人能把他怎么样。一来上官泓八侯之一,二来上官泓有三君级人物撑腰,三来上官泓师出有名打着王师旗号。 Slaughters maliciously, does not have anything at the worst! 狠狠屠杀一番,没什么大不了! The Central State City silent several seconds, a sound just likes the Tsunami eruption. 中州城沉默好几秒钟,一股声音犹如海啸般爆发出来。 Chu Tian is innocent!” 楚天无罪!” Chu Tian is innocent!” 楚天无罪!” Chu Tian is innocent!” 楚天无罪!” In Central State City erupts compared with South State 100,000 army louder and clearer roaring suddenly, just likes fierce rough sea waves, submerges the Southern Summer Army momentum suddenly. 中州城中骤然爆发比南州100000大军更加洪亮的咆哮,犹如一股凶猛的巨浪,骤然淹没南夏军的声势。 That is shouting of Central State City several million city people! 那是中州城几百万城民的呼喊! Ten ten thousand South State armed forces are nothing! 十万南州军算个屁! In front of several million Central State City people are trash! 几百万中州城民面前就是一个渣渣! This......” “这……” Western Marquis has been shocked, Southern Summer Army has also been shocked, so huge battle formation, not only has not frightened Central State City, instead stimulates the revolt of Central State city people! 四方候惊呆了,南夏军也惊呆了,如此巨大的阵势,非但没有吓到中州城,反而激发起中洲城民的反抗! Pledges to fight to the death to guard Central State!” “誓死捍卫中州!” Pledges to fight to the death to guard Central State!” “誓死捍卫中州!” Southern Xia pig dogs! Tumbles out Central State to me!” 南夏猪狗们!给我滚出中州!” The Central State City public sentiment is roused to action, sound 1st Layer high 1st Layer, some people simply snatch the loudspeaker to shout propaganda, under momentum that so moves mountains, the South State armed forces instead were suppressed. 中州城群情激奋,声音一重高过一重,有些人干脆抢过喇叭来喊话,如此排山倒海的声势之下,南州军反而被压制了。 Even if a little military officers of brain can look slightly. 哪怕稍微有点脑子的军官都能看出来。 Soldiers and civilians concentric, this city difficult under! 军民同心,此城难下! If fights a hard battle, the South State armed forces not necessarily ask to obtain the small advantage! 若要打硬仗,南州军不一定讨得到便宜! Popular sentiment so, husband duplicate what that!” Gu Qianqiu was touched, sighing with emotion said: Western Marquis draws back the armed forces!” “民心如此,夫复何言!”古千秋都被触动了,不无感慨的说:“四方候退军吧!” Good song Chu Tian revolting thief, so to buy the hearts of the people unexpectedly, this can only underline the rebellion intention!” Western Marquis said with clenched jaws: This Hou Geng cannot allow him to do in a big way, the army obeys orders, prepares to attack a city!” “好歌楚天叛贼,竟然如此收买人心,这只能更突显叛乱意图!”四方候咬牙切齿的说:“本侯更不能容他做大,全军听令,准备攻城!” Western Marquis !” Young people arrive above tower over a city gate slowly, takes big loudspeaker to shout propaganda to the dense South State armed forces: Your big power and prestige, for a boy person, does not hesitate to set out the regiment, the boy to be most honored unexpectedly.” 四方候!”一个年轻人缓缓地走到城楼之上,拿着一个大喇叭对着黑压压的南州军喊话:“你好大的威风啊,为小子一个人,竟然不惜出动军团,小子真是三生有幸。” Chu Tian, you have courage to come out!” Western Marquis said to Gu Qianqiu: Big scholar, Chu Tian appeared, you also in what? Immediately before sending out the king palace , the knight seizes it!” 楚天,你还有胆子出来!”四方候对身边的古千秋说:“大学者,楚天已经出现,你还在等什么?立刻派出王宫殿前骑士将其擒下啊!” The Central State City good and evil is a state main city. 中州城好歹是一州主城。 This city is not easy to break through. 这城池没有那么容易攻破。 But, if there is a Gryphon knight to assist, that situation completely is different, the Gryphon knight is the airborne assault troops . Moreover the battle efficiency is powerful, opens the Central State City city gate sufficiently. 但,若有狮鹫骑士相助,那情况就完全不一样了,狮鹫骑士是空中攻坚部队,而且战斗力非常强悍,足以打开中州城的城门。 Big scholar, are you still doing?” Western Marquis Shangguan Hong gets angry: Revolting very here, how can there be not the principle of killing? Big can scholar harbor the revolting thief?!” “大学者,你还在干什么?”四方候上官泓怒道:“叛贼在此,岂有不杀之理?大学者要包庇叛贼吗?!” thing! Do you know yourself in what?” The Gu Qianqiu forehead blue vein jumps, almost roared: „The idiot of your full brain silt, you are not understanding! Repulses the enemy to me! Otherwise does not take it ill my Gu Qianqiu not to be impolite! Others fear Wen Cheng, the old man I did not fear!” “混账东西!你知道自己在什么吗?”古千秋额头青筋直跳,几乎是咆哮出来的:“你个满脑子淤泥的蠢货,你懂个屁!给我退兵!否则休怪我古千秋不客气了!别人怕文成君,老夫我不怕!”
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