MT :: Volume #3

#263: south State Regiment!

Cao Bao and the others were closed in the secret room. 曹豹等人都被关在密室里。 Before these palaces , the knight has a dream cannot think that this place will also fall! 这些殿前骑士做梦都想不到,这种地方也会栽个跟头! However, before having the king palace , the status that knight rolls, big scholar supports in the back, the most minimum life can guarantee. 不过,有着王宫殿前骑士团的身份,还有大学者在背后撑腰,最起码性命是能够保证的。 Chu Tian is bold, before forgiving does not dare to kill the palace , the knight. Before Chu Tian dares to move the palace knight, does not dare to move big scholar absolutely. 楚天再胆大包天,谅不敢杀殿前骑士。楚天就算敢动殿前骑士,绝对不敢动大学者 Gu Qianqiu is well-known in Southern Summer Country, who even if the children of ordinary families do not know eight marquises, but knows the big scholar name absolutely. 古千秋南夏国家喻户晓,哪怕普通人家的孩童不知八侯何人,但绝对知道大学者的名字。 Gu Qianqiu studying away from home various country 20 years, is Southern Summer Country brings back to the massive ancient books, the textbooks in eight State Institutes, the most minimum half are big scholar transport from the great nation even empire. 古千秋游学诸国20余年,为南夏国带回大量典籍,八州学院里的教科书,最起码一半是大学者从大国甚至帝国运过来的。 If no big scholar to be the contribution that Southern Summer Country makes, which comes these many established scholar? 若没有大学者南夏国做的贡献,哪来这么多功成名就的学者 If no big scholar to be Southern Summer Country lays the foundation, which rich merchant that comes these many to gain the wealth greatly? 若没有大学者南夏国奠定根基,哪来这么多大赚钱财的富商? A Gu Qianqiu person Southern Summer Country Symbol Arrangement, Alchemy and refiner level, all has promoted a rank, Gu Qianqiu is the contribution that the kingdom makes, is any marquises does not compare, although not solid nobility, actually exceeds the solid nobility. 古千秋一个人就把南夏国制符炼药、炼器水平,全都提升了一个级别,古千秋为王国做出的贡献,是任何一个侯爷都比不上的,所以虽无实爵,却胜过实爵。 Even if powerful South Summer King also has to give precedence out of courtesy three points, kisses the Gu Qianqiu Great Bachelor title! 哪怕强势的南夏王也不得不礼让三分,亲封古千秋大学士封号! For many years, Gu Qianqiu is the Southern Summer Country scholar range pole! 多年来,古千秋就是南夏国学者的标杆! Learned of big scholar, is the kingdom most high level. Presents the nature and man-made disaster each time, Gu Qianqiu can always rush to regional solutions, comes across the difficult problem to be difficult each time, Gu Qianqiu can always take the effective approach. 学者的博学,更是王国最高水平。每次出现天灾人祸,古千秋总能赶赴各地解决,每次遇到难题困难,古千秋总是能拿出有效办法。 Who dares Gu Qianqiu unable to pass, that not only could not pass with the kingdom. 谁敢古千秋过不去,那就不仅仅是跟王国过不去了。 Simply cannot pass with Southern Summer Country myriad scholar and common people, the wisdom ends up to turn out the fate that is deserted by friends and allies, the saliva of people sufficiently its was drown to death ten times eight times. 简直是跟南夏国万千学者和百姓过不去,智慧落得众叛亲离的下场,人们的口水就足以将其淹死十次八次了。 Bah!” Cao Bao blocking the cloth of mouth works loose, everybody is supporting, these idiots have not known that big scholar comes Central State personally, so long as big scholar reveals the given name, how could this group of petty people are rampant? Just wait, we ask certainly for this foul odor!” “呸!”曹豹把塞住嘴巴的布挣脱开,“大家撑着点,这些蠢货还不知道大学者亲自来中州,只要大学者亮出名号,这帮鼠辈岂能嚣张?等着吧,我们一定讨回这口恶气!” The words have not said. 话没说完。 Resounds a noisy fighting sound from outside courtyard, but short continues less than five minutes, two people of tying hands were lost, one is palace former knight deputy team chief Li Hu, another impressively is the semblance simple grey robe old person. 从外面院落里响起一阵嘈杂的打斗声,只是短短持续不到五分钟,两个五花大绑的人就被丢进来,其中一个是殿前骑士副队长李虎,另外一个赫然是个外表朴素的灰袍老人。 Cao Baoyan bead almost stares: Big scholar!” 曹豹眼珠子差点瞪出来:“大学者!” The Gu Qianqiu bunch solid, does not know had been hit several fists by whom, now is hit to be swollen including the face, a touching type in an extremely difficult situation, where is dignified command respect big scholar! 古千秋捆得严严实实,不知道被谁打了几拳,现在连脸都被打肿了,一副狼狈不堪的摸样,哪里还是威严受人尊敬的大学者 Were the Central State people insane? 中州人都疯了吗? Can recognize big scholar on nobody! 难道就没有一个人能认出大学者 Solemn Southern Xia first scholar, unexpectedly by so treatment! 堂堂南夏第一学者,竟然受到如此的待遇! „Do you know that you have made anything!” Cao Bao and the others were filled with righteous indignation to exclaim: „Does the Central State person want to cause the world public indignation?” “你们知不知道自己做了什么!”曹豹等人义愤填膺吼道:“中州人想引起天下公愤么?” Cao Bao, do not talk too much!” “曹豹,你不要多嘴!” Gu Qianqiu sits, not only does not have violent anger like the thunder, instead a face depressed color, this owes to eat is not injust. 古千秋坐起来,非但没有暴怒如雷,反而一脸郁闷之色,这个亏吃的不冤。 This girl is ruthless enough, this old bones almost gave the racket to break to pieces!” The Gu Qianqiu vision falls on Shen Bingyu, I know that you are Chu Tian bodyguard, where Chu Tian, I had the words to tell him!” “这个女娃子够狠,这一把老骨头差点给拍碎了!”古千秋目光落在沈冰雨身上,“我知道你是楚天身边的保镖,楚天在哪里,我有话跟他说!” Gu Qianqiu does not know how should describe this moment feelings. 古千秋不知道该怎么形容此刻心情。 Pleasantly surprised? Depressed? 惊喜?还是郁闷? Regardless of changes anyone not to think clearly, that said that outside Mr. Yu of nation merchant, unexpectedly is Central State Chu Tian! 无论换谁也想不明白,那自称外邦商人的余先生,竟然就是中州楚天 If early knows is this, taking advantage of a Gu Qianqiu courage, he does not dare to have in the person Central State to look for the trouble of Chu Tian! 如果早知道是这样,借古千秋一个胆子,他也不敢带人上中州来找楚天的麻烦啊! Gu Qianqiu was together on the several th in Qing State and Chu Tian, this person of disposition was truly haughty, but Gu Qianqiu can affirm that he absolutely was not a greatly wickedly greatly ominous disciple, was not generation of one seeking fame. The superstition that Imperial City sends, definitely has the issue! 古千秋青州楚天相处几日,此人性格确实狂傲一点,但是古千秋可以肯定,他绝对不是一个大恶大凶之徒,更不是一个沽名钓誉之辈。王城送来的迷信,绝对是有问题的! ! 啪嗒! A glare searchlight was opened. 一盏强光探照灯被打开。 Gu Qianqiu was punctured to narrow eye, the front dark crowd surges several, afterward saw a chair is placed in the front, a person sits on the chair, turns upwards a one leg on the other, because carries the light, looks down upon the opposite party expression, but the familiar sound resounds in the ear: Said that you are any status, many people!” 古千秋被刺得眯起眼睛,前面黑乎乎人群涌动几下,随后见到一张椅子摆在前方,一个人在椅子上坐下来,翘起一个二郎腿,因为背着光,看不起对方表情,只是熟悉的声音在耳边响起:“说吧,你们是什么身份,还有多少人!” Gentleman may not kill shame!” Cao Bao flies into a rage, the solemn palace former knight team leader, was regarded the criminal same to interrogate unexpectedly, you must plant have killed me!” “士可杀不可辱!”曹豹勃然大怒,堂堂殿前骑士队长,竟然被当成犯人一样审问,“你要有种就杀了我!” Your boy has the strength of spirit very much, I like person who has the strength of spirit.” Chu Tian waves to Yu Laowu, drags him to side, calls me!” “你小子很有骨气啊,我喜欢有骨气的人。”楚天对余老五挥挥手,“把他拖到旁边去,给我打!” Several Great Shark Gang gang audiences come out Cao Baotuo directly are one beat. 几个巨鲨帮的帮众直接把曹豹拖出来就是一顿拳打脚踢。 Dares to hit really! 真敢打啊! Was Central State seized by the bandit? 中州被土匪占领了吗? Stop, stop, I said!” Gu Qianqiu said hastily: You want to know anything, I told you.” “住手,住手,我说!”古千秋连忙说:“你想知道什么,我都告诉你。” That quickly said!” “那就快说!” „Before these people are the king palaces , the Gryphon knight, takes orders in the royal family directly, sends Central State specially, making the old man lead, altogether has 100 people. Other person and Gryphon mount, it is estimated that the preparation outside the city coordinates.” “这些人是王宫殿前狮鹫骑士,直接听命于王族,是专门派到中州,让老夫来带领的,总共有100人。其他人和狮鹫坐骑,估计都在城外准备策应。” Cao Bao reveals the unbelievable color: Big scholar you......” 曹豹露出难以置信之色:“大学者你……” Big scholar which clank the gagger? Can he such easily admit defeat? 学者的铮铮铁骨哪去了?他怎么能这么轻易服软? Chu Tian then asked: You?” 楚天接着问:“就你们这些人?” No, before the palace, knight army is responsible for moving.” The Gu Qianqiu least bit does not conceal: South State Western Marquis has caught up to Central State, will be responsible for returning to Imperial City your excellency personally.” “不,殿前骑士部队负责行动。”古千秋半点都不隐瞒:“南州四方候已经向中州赶来,会亲自负责把阁下送回王城。” The Chu Tian nose was mad crookedly: Whose vicious attention, making Western Marquis send me to Imperial City? Delivers me to return to heaven to return Good enough!” 楚天鼻子都气歪了:“谁出的狠毒注意,让四方候送我去王城?送我归天还差不多!” Chu Tian your excellency.” Gu Qianqiu explained hurriedly: All are the field misunderstanding, the old man does not know your status, otherwise said that anything will not offer this bad plan to affront you.” 楚天阁下。”古千秋急忙解释:“一切都是场误会,老夫真不知道你的身份,否则说什么也不会出此下策来冒犯你啊。” Before these words not only let the palace , the knights stare dumbfounded. 这句话不仅仅让殿前骑士们瞠目结舌。 Yun Tianhe one group of people are also dumbfounded. 云天鹤一帮人也是目瞪口呆。 What's wrong? 怎么? Big is scholar with Chu Tian the understanding? 学者楚天是认识的? Your present full belly is discontented, old man can understand. However looks before them is palace in the share of knight, do not haggle over with us.” Gu Qianqiu spoke of here, suddenly looks at Yun Tianhe: Yun, didn't you help me say two? My Gu Qianqiu means what he says, will not go back on word you are knows!” “你现在满肚子不满,老夫可以理解。不过看在他们都是殿前骑士的份上,还是不要跟我们计较了。”古千秋说到这里,突然看着云天鹤:“云老,你怎么也不帮我说两句?我古千秋说话算话,绝不会食言你是知道的!” Before Cao Bao and other palaces , the knights feel speechless. 曹豹等殿前骑士都感到无语。 What big is scholar dreading? 学者到底在忌惮什么? Even if faces South Summer King, he dares to foam with rage, now actually to these person of timidity, even some appearances of fearing. 哪怕面对南夏王,他都敢吹胡子瞪眼,现在却对这些人唯唯诺诺,甚至有些惧怕的样子。 Was right, Royal Proclamation!” Gu Qianqiu compares under the body with the look: Royal Proclamation in pocket, in addition Feng Wuan confidential letter, you, so long as after having looked, understands how the matter was a matter. I temporarily am ordered , before being responsible for leading the palace the knight, has not harmed your heart certainly!” “对了,王书!”古千秋用眼神比了比身下:“王书就在口袋里,另外还有一封武安君密信,你只要看过之后,就明白事情是怎么一回事了。我只是临时受命,负责带领殿前骑士,绝没有害你之心啊!” Shen Bingyu uncovers Royal Proclamation and confidential letter assumes. 沈冰雨搜出王书和密信呈上来。 Chu Tian opens Royal Proclamation to look at one first, this is the order of South Summer King, truly makes Gu Qianqiu coordinate Western Marquis , will send under custody to complete to carry on the trial him. 楚天先翻开王书看一眼,这是南夏王的命令,确实是让古千秋配合四方候,把他押送会完成进行审判的。 Wu'an Monarch confidential letter? 武安君密信? Chu Tian opens the confidential letter, immediately frowned tightly. 楚天把密信打开来,立刻紧皱起了眉头。 In this letter scolded Chu Tian many crimes maliciously, even also wanted detailed many compared with Royal Proclamation, even also pulled Chu Tian and big scholar personal gratitude and grudges. 这封信里面狠狠数落楚天的诸多罪行,甚至比王书还要详细的多,甚至还扯上楚天和大学者的私人恩怨。 This does not raise, Chu Tian is about to forget. 这不提,楚天自己都快忘记了。 Initially when Chu Tian just arrived at Central State City, in order to causes the Yun Family attention fast, therefore performed a greatly noisy Cloud Sect good play, at that time in Cloud Sect had several heavyweight scholar, the good play was the Gu Qianqiu beforehand student. Chu Tian where will care this small role, initially had said anything did not record Tai Qing, the good play was too does not respect to big scholar. 当初楚天刚刚来到中州城时,为了能快速引起云家注意,所以上演一番大闹云门的好戏,当时云门里面有几个重量级学者,好戏就是古千秋以前的学生。楚天哪里会把这种小角色放在心上,当初说过什么都记不太清了,好戏是对大学者不太尊敬。 A little thought-provoking. 有点耐人寻味了。 Wu'an Monarch gives big scholar this kind of letter, doesn't this want to murder with a borrowed knife? 武安君把这样一封信交给大学者,这不是想借刀杀人么? Luckily Chu Tian meets in Central State and Gu Qianqiu accident, but also has taught Gu Qianqiu many knowledge, now Gu Qianqiu does not dare to move him, otherwise is any result has not said. 幸亏楚天中州古千秋意外遇上,还教了古千秋不少知识,现在古千秋可不敢动他,否则是什么结果还不好说。 Did Divine Wind Marquis lobby Wu'an Monarch to be defeated? 难道神风候游说武安君失败了? Also or was Wu'an Monarch moves has killed the heart. 又或者是武安君动了杀心。 He attempts to give to remove Chu Tian, holds the secret of Source Energy weapon secretly?! 他企图把楚天给除掉,私自占有元力武器的秘密?! If this believes itself not to have problems, which aspect no matter from considered that the Chu Tian situation is not quite wonderful. South Summer King is discontented with Chu Tian, three Monarch cannot accommodate Chu Tian, then Miracle Commerce also does have the place to stick an awl in Southern Summer Country? 若这封信本身没有出问题的话,不管从哪方面来考虑,楚天的处境都不太妙。南夏王楚天不满,三君也容不下楚天,那么奇迹商会南夏国还有立锥之地吗? Gu Qianqiu sees Chu Tian to be somewhat dignified, immediately said: Chu Tian your excellency does not need to worry, the old man very much has the status in Imperial City, so long as the old man guarantees for your excellency, the king will certainly remit you. Even if you have enmity with three Monarch, they must give me a face.” 古千秋楚天有些凝重,立刻说:“楚天阁下不用烦恼,老夫在王城还是很有地位的,只要老夫替阁下担保,国王一定会赦免你。就算你跟三君有嫌隙,他们也要给我一点面子。” Chu Tian, if Wu'an Monarch is unreliable, big scholar can also be able to help but actually.” Yun Tianhe said to Chu Tian in a low voice: This old man with my some friendship, his manner can trust.” 楚天,若武安君靠不住,大学者倒也可以帮得上忙。”云天鹤低声对楚天说:“这老头跟我有些交情,他的为人还是能信赖的。” The big scholar strength cannot certainly compare three Monarch, the influence does not compare three Monarch, but the influence can actually tie, most at least can give the help of Chu Tian more than the ordinary marquis. 学者实力当然比不上三君,势力也比不上三君,但是影响力却是可以追平的,最起码比普通侯爷能给楚天的帮助更多。 Chu Tian a little indecisive time. 楚天有点犹豫不决的时候。 Master, Chairman!” Great Shark Gang gang audiences rush hurriedly: Important matter is not wonderful!” “帮主,会长!”一个巨鲨帮的帮众匆匆忙忙闯进来:“大事不妙了!” Yu Laowu knits the brows: What's the matter?” 余老五一皱眉:“怎么回事?” Our brothers discover the large-scale warship in four continent lakes, probably was the South State regiment opens to Central State, the momentum was vast, perhaps the future was bad!” “我们兄弟在四洲湖发现大规模军舰,好像是南州军团向中州开过来了,声势非常浩大,恐怕来者不善啊!” What? 什么? South State regiment! 南州军团! Royal Proclamation only makes Western Marquis escort you to return to Imperial City obviously, has not made him transfer the South State regiment!” The Gu Qianqiu complexion sinks slightly: Chu Tian, if is really the South State regiment, the Central State situation is not perhaps wonderful, you believe old man, I find the way to help you keep off him!” 王书明明只让四方候护送你回王城,没让他调动南州军团啊!”古千秋脸色微微一沉:“楚天,若真是南州军团,中州情况恐怕不妙,你就信老夫一回,我想办法帮你挡他!” Chu Tian smiles: Western Marquis hates me to be extremely deep, perhaps not necessarily will also sell the big scholar face.” 楚天嘿嘿一笑:“四方候恨我极深,恐怕也不见得会卖大学者面子。” Most minimum, before I have 100 palaces , the knight helps you!” “最起码,我有100殿前骑士助你!” Cao Bao listens to call: Big scholar, our duties obviously are......” 曹豹一听就叫起来:“大学者,我们的任务明明是……” Do not forget, Royal Proclamation explicit pointing out, you turn over to me to manage, all motions obey the old man wisdom.” Gu Qianqiu before these palaces knight, as if rapid restoration dignity: „Do you think the anti- imperial edict?” “不要忘记了,王书明确的指出,你们归我管理,一切行动听从老夫智慧。”古千秋面对这些殿前骑士,似乎又迅速的恢复威严:“你想抗王命吗?” This......” “这……” This Chu Tian Chairman is not our enemies!” Gu Qianqiu said to Chu Tian: Our time are not much!” “这位楚天会长不是我们的敌人!”古千秋楚天说:“我们时间不多了!” Chu Tian hesitates over and over, nodded: Good, that believes your, went to put them. Immediately closes the city gate, prepares fight!” 楚天沉吟再三,点了点头:“好,那就信你一回,去把他们放了。立刻关闭城门,做好战斗的准备!” After Cao Bao was deregulated, puts out a strange bamboo flute from the bosom, to blows, incisive sound in-line Yun Xiao that the sky is making an effort. Approximately less than ten minutes, the sky remembers resonant long cry, more than 100 gigantic Gryphon fly Central State City slowly. 曹豹被松绑后,从怀里拿出一支奇怪的笛子,对着天空用力的一吹,尖锐的声音直插云霄。大约不到十分钟的时间,天空就想起嘹亮的长鸣,100多只硕大的狮鹫缓缓飞到中州城 The Central State City city people were shocked. 中州城的城民都震惊了。 This is the Gryphon beast in legend! 这是传说中的狮鹫兽啊! Each is the Level 2 Demon Beast strength, this mount is better several million gold coins, Gryphon Cavalry Unit was Southern Summer Country is most mystical the most formidable army. Now, Gryphon Cavalry Unit appears in Central State City, aren't the people possibly shocked? 每一头都是2级魔兽的实力,这种坐骑一头就要好几千万金币,狮鹫骑士团南夏国最神秘最强大的军队了。如今,狮鹫骑士团出现在中州城,人们怎么可能不为之震惊? Afterward, all city gates announced the closure, the city people are requested to enter a city entirely, the city defense force was transferred urgently. 随后,所有城门宣布关闭,城民统统被要求进城,城防军紧急被调动起来。 Central State City as if also had the important matter to erupt! 中州城似乎又有大事要爆发了!
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