MT :: Volume #3

#262: The old ordinary man harms me!

Who would have thought Gu Qianqiu what happened? The entire night has not rested to find the Miracle photo studio. 古千秋哪知发生了什么事情?整整一夜没休息找到奇迹照相馆。 As scholar. 作为一个学者 Gu Qianqiu to the new things forever is curious. He decided that must personally experience a mysterious photographic, one side as for stressing the Chu Tian duty temporary puts aside! 古千秋对新鲜事物永远是充满好奇心的。他决定要亲身体验一把神奇的照相技术,至于抓楚天的任务就暂时搁置一边吧! Those who let Gu Qianqiu stare dumbfounded, when he arrives at the photo studio entrance, here team is a long line, when can this wait till goes? 古千秋瞠目结舌的是,当他来到照相馆门口时,这里队伍已经是一条长龙了,这要等到什么时候去? In the Gu Qianqiu heart moves. 古千秋心中一动。 He arrives in front of the first person, this is a pair of lover touches the type person, is photographs to accept as a memento probably: Hello, I can others for a long time, give the old person your positions I?” 他走到第一个人面前,这是一对情侣摸样的人,大概是来拍照留念的:“你好,我等不了这么长时间,能不能把你们的位置让给老人家我?” Urges to go faster! Fellow of taking advantage of own seniority!” The youth disdain to beckon with the hand: Today in this place, even if the aristocrat master must line up!” “去去去!倚老卖老的家伙!”青年不屑摆摆手:“今天在这个地方,哪怕是贵族老爷也得排队!” Gu Qianqiu said: I can spend money to buy.” 古千秋说道:“我可以用钱买。” Spends money to buy?” The youth look at each other one, how much money can you pay? I told you, I was abandon a strength to snatch this position, you don't, when sent the beggar.” “用钱买?”青年对视一眼,“你能出多少钱?我告诉你,我是废好一番力气才抢到这个位置,你可别当打发乞丐。” This is natural, this is natural!” “这是自然,这是自然的!” In Gu Qianqiu heart one happy, puts out a hand to touch toward the purse, finally the complexion suddenly slightly changes, awful, just when the tavern paid a bill, Gu Qianqiu one threw the gold coin there. 古千秋心中一喜,伸手往钱袋摸去,结果脸色忽然微微一变,糟糕,刚刚在酒馆付账的时候,古千秋一把就将金币都丢在那里了。 Gu Qianqiu is scholar, but is not the merchant, even if the family property great wealth has not had the custom that money goes out. 古千秋是一个学者而不是商人,即使家产万贯也没有带钱出门的习惯。 I forgot to have money.” Gu Qianqiu a little awkwardly visits them, afterward takes off a ring from the hand: How might as well use at thing generation of money?” “我忘记带钱了。”古千秋有点尴尬看着两人,随后从手上摘下一个戒指:“不如用以物代钱如何?” This ring unusual brightness sparkles, obviously is not common object, takes the thing that from big scholar, that can simple? Only feared that the average person ate and drank ten lifetime to have more than enough to spare! 这枚戒指宝光闪闪,显然不是俗物,从大学者身上拿下来的东西,那能简单的了么?只怕普通人吃喝十辈子都绰绰有余了! Who thinks that these two people cannot judge the quality of goods, sees Gu Qianqiu to put on simply likely is not the rich man, only considers the swindler, old man, I told you, do not think that casual broke a vow to refer to with one being able to deceive me, you wanted the position either to take [gold/metal] Shiyin to buy, either hurried to get the hell out, do not waste my time here, I have not lacked your this money!” 谁想,这两个人一点都不识货,见古千秋穿着朴素不像是有钱人,只当是骗子,“老头,我告诉你,不要以为随便拿一个破戒指出来就能糊弄我,你想要位置要么拿真金实银来买,要么就赶紧滚蛋,别在这里浪费我的时间,我还不缺你这点钱呢!” The Gu Qianqiu nose quick air/Qi was crooked. 古千秋鼻子都快气歪了。 Old man solemn big scholar! 老夫堂堂大学者 Southern Xia eight marquises saw wanted in the respectful line a ritual, do your this Tongcheng people also dare to teach the old man? The Gu Qianqiu vitality turns over to the vitality, but concerned about the status, cannot compete with Tongcheng people after all, while he feels unable to find way out. 南夏八侯见了都要恭敬行上一礼,你这个普通城民也敢教训老夫?古千秋生气归生气,不过毕竟碍于身份,总不能跟一个普通城民较劲吧,正当他感到一筹莫展的时候。 At this time the form passed together falls on side, before is the palace, deputy team chief Li Hu of knight: Sir, the person caught, the team leader invited you fast in the past.” 这时一道身影晃过落在身边,正是殿前骑士的副队长李虎:“大人,人已经抓到了,队长请你速速过去。” Such quickly caught?” Gu Qianqiu knits the brows, at once beckons with the hand: You leave alone this, did your body have money first?” “这么快就抓到了?”古千秋皱皱眉,旋即一摆手:“你先别管这个,你身上带钱了没有?” Brings...... Brought!” “带……带了!” Good, with!” “太好了,拿出来!” Li Hu cannot feel the brains, catches the person with great difficulty, big scholar looks like does not worry. Although having mind filled with doubt, but big scholar lends money, where does he dare not to borrow? He pulls out immediately the purse, Gu Qianqiu one looks toward inside, sees only 110 gold coins, sur- several gold coin cards, does not have the inventory concrete many numbers. 李虎摸不着头脑,好不容易把人抓到,大学者看起来一点都不着急。虽然满腹狐疑,但是大学者借钱,他哪里敢不借?他立刻把钱袋掏出来,古千秋往里面一看,只见其中有110个金币,外加好几张金币卡,也没有清点具体多少数目。 This ring gives to you.” “这个戒指送给你。” Gu Qianqiu throws the ring to Li Hu, afterward throws the purse to the youth. 古千秋把戒指丢给李虎,随后又把钱袋丢给青年。 You have a look!” “你自己看看吧!” The youth open the purse, dozens gold coins sparkle to shine, several gold coin cards, although has not seen clearly carefully, but one impressively is 1000 currency values! 青年打开钱袋,几十个金币闪闪发亮,其中更有几张金币卡,虽然没有仔细看清楚,但是其中有一张赫然是1000面额的! My God! 我的天啊! For a position as for? 为一个位置至于么? The youth hurry to draw in the purse, said with a laugh: Venerable sincerely, then younger generation from, when fulfills the commitment, this position gave you!” 青年赶紧把钱袋收拢,笑呵呵的说:“老先生诚心诚意,那么晚辈自当履行承诺,这个位置就让给您了!” The youth hurried to draw the female family members to leave. 青年赶紧拉着女眷离开了。 Really walks dog shit to transport. 真是走狗屎运啊。 This money enough half a lifetime spent freely! The wealth does not expose one's valuables, hurries to sneak off, in any case is the Central State person, but also feared the opportunity of not having photographed? Then, Gu Qianqiu placed the first position, the successor sees Gu Qianqiu to buy the position to be successful, these rich men get rid, these depend on the former position to sell above several hundred gold coins. 这笔钱足够半辈子挥霍了!财不露白,赶紧开溜,反正是中州人,还怕没有照相的机会?就这样,古千秋排在第一位置,后来者见古千秋买位置成功,那些有钱人纷纷出手,这些靠前位置都卖出几百金币以上。 Li Huji must scratch the head scratching with the finger ear. 李虎急得挠头搔耳。 Big did scholar come under a spell? His status what kind honored? Runs to join in the fun with these average people! 学者中邪了吗?他的身份何等的尊贵?跑来跟这些普通人凑什么热闹! When the sky sprinkles the first wisp of sunlight, before the photo studio , the team has filled a street, the photo studio actually does not see opening. 当天空洒下第一缕阳光,照相馆前队伍已排满一条街,照相馆却迟迟不见开放。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” We waited for one, the day to shine, how not to have opened the door!” “我们等了一宿,天都已经亮了,咋还不开门呢!” Gu Qianqiu was a little worried that can be Chu Tian is grasped, therefore causes to postpone to open the door? Therefore shouts: You open the chamber of commerce must keep one's word, since said today opens the door, that must open the door!” 古千秋有点担心,会不会是楚天被抓,所以导致推迟开门?因此跟着喊道:“你们开商会的要讲信用,既然说了今天开门,那就得开门!” The people complained few. 众人抱怨没几句。 The big iron gate that shut tightly, pulled open suddenly slowly. 本来紧闭的大铁门,突然间缓缓地拉开了。 The Miracle Commerce staff of several beautiful appearance walk, whole face smile looks at everybody, a person said: Do not worry, we have debugged, now please line up to enter the experience!” 几个美貌的奇迹商会员工走出来,满脸微笑的看着大家,其中一个人说道:“诸位不要着急,我们已经调试好了,现在请排队进入体验吧!” Yun Tianhe reveals the happy expression, said to Li Hu: You wait for me here, I patted according to the past!” Said to stride bravely forward, runs in photo studio. 云天鹤露出喜色,对李虎说道:“你在这里等我,我拍好照就过去!”说完昂首阔步,屁颠屁颠跑进照相馆。 Li Hu mouth almost fell on the ground. 李虎嘴巴差点掉在地上了。 Is this person really big scholar? 这个人真的是大学者么? Gu Qianqiu enters in the photo studio, the discovery that shocks, in the photo studio is suspending the giant picture. And has the forest, has the prairie, has the lake, even is the sky, each three meters high, very clear, just likes the mirror produces an inverted image. 古千秋走进照相馆内,非常震撼的发现,照相馆内摆着很多巨大的照片。其中有森林,有草原,有湖泊,甚至是天空,每一幅都有三米高,非常的清晰,犹如镜子倒映出来。 Venerable, please choose a background!” “老先生,请选一个背景吧!” White robe young people walk, Gu Qianqiu knew that this person, wasn't yesterday Yun Xiao in square? The photograph can choose the background, is really the strange matter. 一个白袍年轻人走出来,古千秋认识这个人,不就是昨天在广场上的云霄么?拍照能选背景,真是稀奇事。 Gu Qianqiu pointed at sky background picture saying: I want this.” 古千秋指着天空背景的照片说:“我要这个。” Yun Xiao beckons with the hand to the back staff: Starts!” 云霄对背后员工摆摆手:“开始!” Under Gu Qianqiu in the Miracle Commerce staff instructs to complete, to the Miracle Commerce camera, was only feeling that a glimmer sweeps the body, Yun Xiao has made a hand signal of handling. 古千秋奇迹商会员工指导之下做好,正对着奇迹商会的照相机,只感觉一阵微光扫过身体,云霄就做出一个搞定的手势。 What? 什么? Quickly! 这么快! Venerable to wing news picture.” Yun Xiao said to Gu Qianqiu, said to the staff: Makes next come.” “老先生到侧厅印刷照片。”云霄古千秋说完,又对员工说道:“让下一个进来。” Gu Qianqiu has not tasted, this picture has completed, was this too also rapid? When Gu Qianqiu arrives at the wing time, here pendulum several strange instruments, several male staff are responsible for operating, they asked that Gu Qianqiu needs to print is big and wants any material qualitative picture. 古千秋还没回味呢,这照片就完成了,这也太迅速了吧?当古千秋来到侧厅时候,这里摆着几部奇怪的仪器,几个男性的员工在负责操作,他们问古千秋需要印刷多大、要什么材质的相片。 The big or medium material quality is related with the price, needs several silver coins cheaply merely, 大小材质跟价格有关,最便宜仅仅需要十几个银币, Gu Qianqiu naturally must choose the most expensive Crystal Stone picture, afterward saw the staff take out a blank the Crystal Stone thin slice, forces in one to resemble on the equipment of printer, a crystal was plated rapidly above, making the surface have the mirror sense of reality, but Gu Qianqiu appearance clear presents above. 古千秋当然要选最贵的晶石照片,随后见到工作人员取出一块空白的晶石薄片,塞进一个好像印刷机的设备上,一层晶体迅速被镀在上面,让表面出现镜子般的质感,而古千秋的样子清清楚楚的呈现在上面。 Perfect! 完美! Too perfect! 太完美了! Gu Qianqiu flies high the vertical back is Goshawk hovers, Miracle Airship that drives slowly, each white hair, each wrinkle, clearly presented. 古千秋凌空而立的背后是苍鹰翱翔,还有一只缓缓驶来的奇迹空艇,每一根白发,每一条皱纹,都清清楚楚的呈现了。 This is handed down for generations technology throughout the ages! 此乃传世万代的技术啊! That camera looks like not big, if simplifies points again, but portable carries, that significance was more different. 那照相机看起来不大,若再简化一点而便携携带,那意义就更加不同了。 The mercenary soldiers, study away from home scholar, to recite the tour poet, in these manpower has a camera, the place that then can pass through them, has seen the thing pats, leaves behind the innumerable precious picture information for the generation after generation, benefits far more than millenniums! 佣兵、游学学者、吟游诗人,这些人手里有一台照相机,那么就能将他们走过的地方,见过的事物都拍下来,为子子孙孙留下无数珍贵的图片资料,造福何止千年! Gu Qianqiu holds the picture to go out of photo studio as if one had found a treasure. 古千秋如获至宝捧着照片走出照相馆。 If one day ago looks for Chu Tian to be troublesome indignantly, present Gu Qianqiu had a respect to Chu Tian, not to mention the manner how, this truly is an honourable inventor! 如果说一天之前是愤愤不平来找楚天麻烦,现在的古千秋楚天已经有一丝敬意,姑且不说为人如何,这确实是一个值得尊敬的发明家! Gu Qianqiu thought one were too lucky. 古千秋觉得自己太幸运了。 Several days ago meets one to have great learning such as Mr. Yu in stars sea, now meets wonderful idea such as Chu Tian of powerful and unconstrained style. If Mr. Yu is a talent, then Chu Tian is a rare talent. 几天前遇到一个学识渊博如星辰大海的余先生,现在又遇到一个奇思妙想如天马行空的楚天。如果说余先生是一个正才,那么楚天就是一个奇才。 A Qi. 一正一奇。 Really makes innumerable scholar blush with shame. 真是让无数学者都为之汗颜。 Gu Qianqiu asked: „Haven't you injured Chu Tian?” 古千秋问:“你们没有伤害楚天吧?” Sir Gu felt relieved!” Li Hu strikes one's chest saying: Chief Cao has knocked down him, now is detaining strictly, and other Sirs passed to handle.” “古大人放心!”李虎拍着胸脯说:“曹队长只是打晕了他,现在正在严密看押,就等大人过去处置了。” Good, this in the past!” “好,这就过去!” They arrive at the secret courtyard. 两人走到秘密院落。 Li Hu anchors the footsteps in front of courtyard, strange? Surrounding person!” 李虎在院子门前停住脚步,“奇怪?周围的人呢!” Gu Qianqiu soars to rise with a spring, the diameter drops down in the courtyard center, four surrounding empty nobody, is filling a strange aura. 古千秋腾空一跃而起,径直落在院落中央,四周围空空荡荡没有一个人,正弥漫着一股诡异的气息。 Was not good, has an accident! 不好,出事了! Gu Qianqiu just had the thought the instance, suddenly the ground presents Source Energy Array, the position that Gu Qianqiu stands, happen to Source Energy Array inside, strength of the huge fetter, instantaneously suppresses Gu Qianqiu Source Energy. 古千秋刚刚产生念头的瞬间,突然地面出现一个元力阵,古千秋所站的位置,正好在元力阵的里面,一股巨大束缚之力,瞬间把古千秋元力压制住。 On quick!” “快上!” Holds this bastard!” “抓住这混蛋!” Gushes out a big piece of person in all directions bewilderedly, the leader is Boss Yu and Shen Bingyu, masters of dozens Illustrious Soul levels. 四面八方莫名其妙涌出一大片人,其中带头者是余老大沈冰雨,还有好几十个显魂级的高手。 Li Hu sees this scene to know the team leader more unfortunate than fortunate, immediately angry exclaiming: Petty people! You know that who the present person is?” 李虎见此场景就知道队长凶多吉少,立刻愤怒的吼道:“鼠辈!你们知道眼前的人是谁么?” You, you are......” Yun Tianhe with, sees Gu Qianqiu, only thought that whole body, the forehead emits the cold sweat: Big scholar Gu Qianqiu!” “你,你是……”云天鹤跟出来的时候,一眼就看见古千秋,只觉得浑身一阵,额头都冒出冷汗:“大学者古千秋!” A Yun Tianhe start to talk. 云天鹤一开口。 All people had a scare! 所有人都被吓一跳! What? This old man is big scholar Gu Qianqiu! 什么?这老头是大学者古千秋 Does everybody attack Southern Summer Country best known old scholar unexpectedly? Ended, this may really hold the hornet's nest, Southern Xia scholar denounces in word and in writing surely, must scold these people refuses stubbornly to be possible! 大家居然袭击南夏国最有名望的老学者?完了,这可真是捅了马蜂窝了,南夏千万学者口诛笔伐,非得把这些人骂死不可! Although early knows the person who Imperial City sends throws is not small, but has not thought that can be this big god! 虽然早知道王城派来的人来投不小,但是万万没有想到会是这尊大神啊! Li Hunu exclaimed: Your this group of ants, since recognizes big scholar, has not been without a fight!” 李虎怒吼道:“你们这帮蝼蚁,既然认出大学者,还不束手就擒!” The scene hesitated including Boss Yu. 现场包括余老大在内都迟疑了。 Chu Tian prepare trap, depending on everybody's strength, even if copes is one of the eight marquises, has confidence to seize. The person who faces is big scholar Gu Qianqiu, can get rid to him really? 楚天布置好了陷阱,凭大家的实力,哪怕对付是八侯之一,也是有把握擒下来的。只是面对的人是大学者古千秋,真的要对他出手吗? Gu Qianqiu is also secret from happy, the reputation greatly is very easy-to-use, his face dignified clear throat: You put down the weapon.” 古千秋也是暗暗自喜,名声大还是很好用的,他一脸威严的清清嗓子:“你们都把武器放下。” Was in this time. 正在这个时候。 Breaks wind! Takes him!” The front door of yard was opened, young people walk, the anger stares Gu Qianqiu to exclaim: I am liberal to instruct you in vain! The old ordinary man, you harm me unexpectedly!” “放个屁!拿下他!”小院的大门被打开了,一个年轻人走出来,怒瞪着古千秋吼道:“枉我不吝指导你!老匹夫,你居然来害我!” Li Hu, Boss Yu and Yun Tianhe, the flash all petrified! 李虎在内,余老大云天鹤,一瞬间全都石化了! Did Chu Tian say big scholar is old ordinary man? This is insulting scholar of nation! These intellectual saliva can be drown to death Chu Tian! 楚天直呼大学者为老匹夫?这是在侮辱全国的学者啊!这些知识分子口水就能把楚天淹死了! You, you, you...... You are!” “你,你,你……你是!” Gu Qianqiu sees Chu Tian time, not only has not been angry, instead rises shamelessly, has almost not stared red the eyeball. 古千秋见到楚天的时候,非但没有生气,反而老脸涨得通红,差点没把眼珠子瞪出来。 Your what you?” The Chu Tian order said: Catches this ungrateful old ordinary man!” “你什么你?”楚天命令道:“把这忘恩负义的老匹夫抓起来!” Shen Bingyu first getting rid, a palm hit to fall face down Gu Qianqiu, other people saw things have gotten to this point, did not have the means to recall, therefore helter-skelter rushed, at the scene big scholar tying up. 沈冰雨第一个出手,一掌就把古千秋打趴下了,其他人见事已至此,已经没办法挽回了,所以七手八脚冲上去,当场把大学者给绑了。 Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!” Gu Qianqiu was carried on the shoulder, loud shouting: „, Mr. Chu, does not give me an explanation opportunity!” “误会!误会啊!”古千秋被人扛着走的时候,大声的喊道:“余,哦不,楚先生,给我一个解释机会!”
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