MT :: Volume #3

#261: Snare

Now Central State City nobody dares to begin to Chu Tian, most at least possibly is not Three Great Clans Yu Nie, can actually be who? 现在中州城没人敢对楚天动手,最起码不可能是三大家族余孽,究竟会是什么人呢? Mind's Light burns! 心灯燃! Divine Sense sweeps all around. 神识一扫四周。 Chu Tian altogether discovers dozens individuals! 楚天一共发现几十个人! These people hide the aura the skill really to have one set. 这些人隐藏气息的本事真是有一套。 Chu Tian does not reconnoiter desirably is not quite easy to discover that those who make people more surprised is, this group of people are powerful, generally is Awakened Soul five 6th Layer, the leader has the Awakened Soul 7th Layer peak, although cannot compare several respected family remote antiquity elders, however can also calculate the top player in Central State! 楚天不刻意侦察也不太容易发现,更让人更吃惊的是,这帮人的实力非常强,其中普遍是魂醒六重,为首者拥有魂醒七重巅峰,虽然比不上几大家族太上长老,但是在中州也能算顶尖高手! Does not need to doubt. 无需置疑。 Since Chu Luoye the Three Great Clans remote antiquity elder was killed, the Central State family does not have such strength. 自从楚洛叶三大家族的太上长老被干掉,中州家族都不具备这样的实力。 Absolutely from Imperial City! 绝对来自王城 Chu Tian knitting the brows head, because actually the opposite party is formidable, but is numerous masters seeps Central State City, oneself know nothing unexpectedly. 楚天皱了皱眉头,倒不是因为对方强大,而是众多高手渗透到中州城,自己竟然一无所知。 Did this call the person to be relieved? 这叫人怎么安心? Chu Tian did not fear that they sneak attack themselves, most was worried that starts to person, especially Yingying and young lady they. If heart in black, starts to be ruthless, then seizes Meng Yingying and young lady, Chu Tian did not have on means. 楚天不怕他们偷袭自己,最担心对身边的人下手,特别是莹莹、大小姐她们。如果心在黑一点,下手再狠一点,那么神不知鬼不觉把梦莹莹、大小姐抓走,楚天就一点办法都没有了。 It is not good! 不行! Must remove. 一定要除掉。 Quantity are probably many.” Shen Bingyu asked in a low voice: Begins?” “数量好像不少。”沈冰雨低声问:“动手吗?” No, including the True Soul master.” Chu Tian is confident to Shen Bingyu, but Shen Bingyu strength, is impossible to catch the whole lot in a dragnet, „, if alerts the enemy by them runs away, wants to look not to be easy from the city again.” “不,其中有真魂高手。”楚天沈冰雨有信心,不过就算沈冰雨的实力,也不可能一网打尽的,“若是打草惊蛇被他们逃走,再想从城里找出来就不容易了。” Your meaning is......” “你的意思是……” Enemy is dark I to be bright, is very disadvantageous, we must discover the den to catch the whole lot in a dragnet.” Chu Tian lowered the sound saying: Thwarts, making them seize me, I will leave the trace intentionally. You go back now, look for Yun, Boss Yu they, has it all the petty people again.” “敌暗我明,十分不利,我们必须找出老巢一网打尽。”楚天压低声音说:“将计就计,让他们抓走我,我会故意留下痕迹。你现在就回去,找云老、余老大他们,再把鼠辈们一锅端。” Shen Bingyu knits the brows: Was too dangerous, if they are assassinate your?” 沈冰雨一皱眉:“太危险了,万一他们是来暗杀你的呢?” At this time a furry white head drilled, the black and shining eye was staring at Shen Bingyu. Shen Bingyu sees this small fox, immediately understands Chu Tian was why secure. 这时一个毛茸茸的白色脑袋钻出来,黑溜溜眼睛盯着沈冰雨沈冰雨看见这只小狐狸,立刻就明白楚天为什么有恃无恐了。 Right. 对啊。 Almost forgot. 差点忘记了。 Chu Tian has a bodyguard in hideaway! 楚天有一个隐藏的保镖! This small fox itself does not have what battle efficiency, not the too small fox is smart, in the hand also has a soul puppet, seal Hellfire soul. The small fox had ancient times the monster clan to summon the clever technique, least can also summon 1-2 Hellfire. 这个小狐狸本身没有什么战斗力,不过小狐狸非常机灵,手里还有一个灵魂木偶,其中封印着地狱火的灵魂。小狐狸有远古妖族召唤通灵之术,最少还能召唤一两次地狱火 The Hellfire devil cannot compare before death horizontal, actually sufficiently achieves the Awakened Soul 9th Layer peak strength, even if plots against in the Chu Tian person to have one of the eight marquises, Chu Tian also has the means whole body to draw back. 地狱火恶魔比不上生前水平,却足以达到魂醒九重巅峰力量,哪怕来暗算楚天的人里面有八侯之一,楚天也有办法全身而退的。 Good!” “好!” Shen Bingyu no longer hesitates, immediately leaves. 沈冰雨不再犹豫,立刻就离开了。 Cao Bao leads 50 Royal Palace knights to enter a city, outside other 50 ambush cities is responsible for coordinating. 曹豹带50位王殿骑士进城,其余50位埋伏城外负责策应。 This thinks that 50 people seize Chu Tian to have more than enough to spare, has not thought that the Miracle Commerce headquarters defense is strict, has more than one True Soul Expert, not having the means to attack directly, can only look for the opportunity to wait for the opportunity to act. 本以为50人捉楚天绰绰有余,不曾想奇迹商会总部防御非常严密,更有不止一位真魂强者,没有办法直接攻进去,只能寻找机会伺机而动。 Chu Tian came out with great difficulty. 楚天好不容易出来了。 Finally? 结果呢? His side with a super master! 他身边偏偏跟着一位超级高手! Although the Royal Palace knight is talented, but wants the tribulation person in the Shen Bingyu hand, not to be an easy matter, certainly will pay with very serious casualties. Therefore Cao Bao and the others do not worry to begin, hides the track observation. 虽说王殿骑士实力不俗,但想在沈冰雨手中劫人,不是件容易的事情,一定会付出非常严重的伤亡。所以曹豹等人不着急动手,一路藏匿跟踪观察。 Finally, the turning point arrived. 终于,契机到来了。 Chu Tian arrives at the halfway, suddenly remembers anything likely, turned head to tell several, Shen Bingyu to Shen Bingyu on own initiative to leave. 楚天走到半路,突然像是想起什么,回头对沈冰雨吩咐几句,沈冰雨就主动离开了。 Strange, can cheat?” Cao Bao brow tight wrinkle: First observes closely this boy, do not act rashly. Li Hu, has a look that woman to walk away!” “奇怪,会不会有诈?”曹豹眉头紧皱:“先盯住这小子,不要轻举妄动。李虎,去看看那女人有没有走远!” A terse subordinate tags along after to go immediately, after several minutes, rapidly turns back. 一个精悍部下立刻尾随而去,几分钟后就迅速折回。 Team leader, she truly went back!” “队长,她确实已经回去了!” Good, everybody prepares, do not make the noise, steals it fast!” “好,大家准备,不要闹出动静,快速将其劫走!” Periphery dozens shadow rapid distributions, forms surrounding to Chu Tian the trend. 几十道黑影迅速分布周围,对楚天形成包围的趋势。 Chu Tian watches clearly actually treats as had not discovered that the mouth blows the relaxed happy whistling to walk, after the front corner, two fist bang comes fiercely. 楚天清清楚楚看在眼里却当做没发现,嘴里吹着轻松愉快的口哨走着,当经过前方一个转角,两个拳头猛地轰过来。 „!” Chu Tian does intentionally the flurried body to fly to draw back, has the thorn......” “啊!”楚天故作慌乱一个弹身飞退,“有刺……” The words told only half. 话说到一半。 Cao Baoji, but to arriving at the back, right arm in addition holds Source Energy becomes jet black like black ink, layer on layer chops to the Chu Tian scruff. 曹豹急冲而至到背后,右臂加持元力变得漆黑如墨,重重向楚天后颈劈过去。 A dull thumping sound. 一声闷响。 The ground was shattered. 地面都被震裂了。 Chu Tian protecting body Source Energy breaks, lies on the ground straightly loses the consciousness. 楚天的护体元力破开,直挺挺趴在地上失去意识。 idiot!” Cao Bao thinks that a membership dues strength, who knows that this fellow is so useless, immediately waves: Has gone well, we walk!” 草包!”曹豹以为会费一番力气呢,谁知道这家伙这么没用,立刻挥挥手:“得手了,我们走!” Two Royal Palace knights shoulder Chu Tian, dozens shadows consecutively for several times flash, immediately vanishes in the block, just likes any matter has not occurred. 两个王殿骑士把楚天扛起来,几十道黑影连续几次闪动,立刻就消失在街区,犹如什么事情都没有发生过。 Chu Tian is certainly installing to faint! 楚天当然在装晕! Cao Bao does not know that Chu Tian cultivates Immortal body, because of long-term Starlight tempered body, the body is tenacious and solid 曹豹又不知道楚天修炼不灭体,因为长期星光淬体,身体强韧而又结实 Let alone, Chu Tian is ready beforehand, the Awakened Soul 7th Layer peak master strikes fully, Chu Tian may unable to resist, but under the killer does not want to knock down to carry off Chu Tian merely, then strength in withstanding range. 更何况,楚天事先做好准备,魂醒七重巅峰高手全力一击,楚天或许会抵挡不住,但不下杀手仅仅是想把楚天打晕带走,那么力道就在承受范围之内了。 Now late at night, the city gate has sealed up, if goes out of town the Chu Tian belt, instead is remarkable. 现在三更半夜,城门已经封闭,若把楚天带出城,反而引人注意。 Cao Bao looked for within the ordinary dwelling directly, first places Chu Tian in the basement. 曹豹直接找了间普通宅院,先把楚天安置在地下室。 Locks the soul handcuffs!” “锁魂铐!” Bunch Yuan rope!” “束元绳!” Chu Tian by a pair of jet black handcuff beating both hands. 楚天被一对漆黑手铐给拷住双手。 This is in view of the handcuff of Awakened Soul Cultivator specially manufacture, not only the degree of hardness high energy withstands the strength of great shape extremely, moreover can suppress Awakened Soul Cultivator Source Spirit. Awakened Soul Cultivator Source Spirit is unuseful, then the strength naturally greatly will fall short. 这是针对魂醒修士特别制作的手铐,非但硬度极高能承受巨象之力,而且能够压制魂醒修士元魂魂醒修士元魂不能使用,那么实力自然会大打折扣。 This also continues. 这还不止呢。 Cao Bao uses fully is the Rune string the Chu Tian bunch, this type of string can the seal meridians, making Source Energy revolve to stop, thus further disintegrates the ability of resistance. These manpower laws are specialized, such came Chu Tian not to be impossible to work loose. 曹豹又用一根满是符文的绳子把楚天捆起来,这种绳子能够封印经脉,让元力运转停止,从而进一步瓦解抵抗的能力。这些人手法非常专业,这么一来楚天就不可能挣脱了。 Li Hu, you informs the Sir, making his speed hurry back.” “李虎,你去通知大人,让他速度赶回。” Yes!” “是!” Other people are staring to the courtyard nearby.” “其他人到院子附近盯着。” The Chu Tian bosom drills a small fox, gnawed several to cut by biting the string to the back quietly, at once starts to gnaw to nip the handcuff, before long Cultivation Technique cut by biting half the handcuff, that above imprisoned Rune expired, Chu Tian caught up to work loose suddenly with ease. 楚天怀里钻出一只小狐狸,悄悄地到背后啃几口就把绳子咬断了,旋即又开始啃咬手铐,不一会儿功法就把手铐咬断一半,那上面的禁锢符文已经失效,楚天骤然发力就能轻松的挣脱出来。 Cao Bao thinks that Chu Tian was impossible to run away, therefore too has not cared about Chu Tian. 曹豹认为楚天不可能逃走了,所以并没有太关心楚天 As everyone knows, Chu Tian momentarily can get out of trouble! 殊不知,楚天随时能脱困! Moreover one side, Chu Tian was just seized, Miracle Commerce reacts. 另外一边,楚天刚被抓走,奇迹商会就做出反应。 Yun Tianhe and Yu five brothers, other Miracle Commerce masters, almost all sent out, immediately found to detain the Chu Tian dwelling. 云天鹤、余氏五兄弟,其他奇迹商会旗下高手,几乎全部出动了,立刻找到关押楚天的宅院。 „?” After Boss Yu has been confirmed that immediately said with the hoarse sound: Dares in Central State City tribulation person, unable to let off them unexpectedly today absolutely! On! Kills them!” “就是吗?”余老大得到确认后,立刻用嘶哑声音说:“竟然敢在中州城劫人,今天绝对不能放过他们!上!干掉他们!” Yu five brothers each True Soul Expert, this moment side also with the Great Shark Gang high levels of 60-70 Illustrious Soul levels, enough with ease dealt with Cao Bao this group of people depending on the Great Shark Gang strength, let alone had Shen Bingyu and Yun Tianhe several master as well as Miracle Commerce, Yun Family large quantities of Elite. 余氏五兄弟各个真魂强者,此刻身边还跟着六七十位显魂级的巨鲨帮高层,光凭巨鲨帮的力量就足够轻松对付曹豹这帮人了,更何况有沈冰雨云天鹤数位高手以及奇迹商会云家大批精英 Slow!” Yun Tianhe prevents saying: This may be the Imperial City person, under we do not want the killer as far as possible, so long as leads well the person.” “慢着!”云天鹤阻止道:“这有可能是王城的人,我们尽量不要下杀手,只要把人带出来就好。” Other people think that thinks also right. 其他人想了想,觉得也对。 Chu Tian everywhere with the Imperial City opposition is far from a good deed. 楚天处处与王城对立绝非好事。 Boss Yu change order: Should better not to kill people, the quickest speed ended the fight!” 余老大改变命令:“最好不要杀人,最快速度结束战斗!” Shen Bingyu, Yun Tianhe and Yu five brothers, seven True Soul Expert attack, almost instantaneously several Royal Palace knight members on uniform surrounding. When other Royal Palace knights responded, seven people also led more than 200 masters to further continue to launch to fiercely attack. 沈冰雨云天鹤、余氏五兄弟,七位真魂强者率先出击,几乎瞬间就制服外围的十几个王殿骑士成员。当其他王殿骑士反应过来的时候,七人又带着200多个高手进一步继续展开猛攻。 Royal Palace knight where thinks that they just came back the Chu Tian belt, immediately encounters Miracle Commerce to besiege crazily? 王殿骑士哪里会想到,他们刚刚把楚天带回来,立刻就遭到奇迹商会疯狂围攻? Team leader!” “队长!” „It is not good!” “不好了!” Here was besieged by large quantities of masters, we are about unable to defend!” “我们这里遭到大批高手围攻,我们就快守不住了!” Is so quick! How possible? Supports!” Cao Bao feels wonderfully, immediately do not carry off Chu Tian: Walks, shifts the captive, immediately retreats!” “这么快!怎么可能?撑住!”曹豹感觉不妙,立刻就要带走楚天:“走,转移俘虏,立刻撤退!” Who knows, Cao Baogang asked for the time that Chu Tian grasped. 谁知道,曹豹刚伸手要把楚天抓起来的时候。 Whiz! 嗖! A common fox appears in the front fiercely, puts out a garnet small needle from the mouth, this disregards to protect body Source Energy to jab into Cao Bao body, causes the damage to Cao Bao meridians instantaneously, simultaneously protecting body Source Energy of Cao leopard routing. 一只不起眼的狐狸猛地出现在面前,从嘴里吐出一根暗红色的小针,这针无视护体元力刺进曹豹身体,瞬间就对曹豹经脉造成伤害,同时把曹豹的护体元力给击溃了。 Chu Tian breaks the handcuff, releases an intense energy suddenly, jet black Demon God Sword Source Spirit shoots up to the sky together, turns toward Cao Baopi to pass face to face. 楚天震碎手铐,骤然间释放出一股强烈能量,一道漆黑的神魔剑元魂冲天而起,当面向着曹豹劈过去。 It is not good! 不好! He is an attire! 他是装的! We fell into a trap! 我们中计了 Now discovered already without enough time. 现在发现已经来不及了。 Cao Bao arrived at outside room by the direct bang, although cultivation base far high Chu Tian, however in situation of sneak attack, Cao Bao still inevitable made into the severe wound. 曹豹被直接轰到屋外,虽说修为远高楚天,但是在偷袭的情况下,曹豹依然不可避免的被打成了重伤。 Cao Bao must stand up from failure to jump angrily. 曹豹愤怒就要翻身跃起。 A fish bones long stick drops from the clouds to insert side Cao Bao, immediately forms a circular water curtain barrier, locked in Cao Bao firmly. 一根鱼骨长杖从天而降插在曹豹身旁,立刻形成一个圆形的水幕屏障,将曹豹给牢牢的锁住了。 Urged you do not move heedlessly!” “劝你不要乱动!” Boss Yu walks, lets somebody cool off or calm down visits him. 余老大走过来,冷冷看着他。 The entire courtyard less than two minutes were broken through, more than 50 Royal Palace knight captured, Cao Bao cannot run away entirely, fight that these many masters participate, however the sound is actually very small, has not caused in the city flurriedly any. 整个院落不到两分钟就被攻破,50多名王殿骑士统统被俘虏,曹豹本人也没能逃出去,这么多高手参加的战斗,然而动静却是很小,没有在城里引起任何慌乱。 Cao Bao is somewhat unbelievable. 曹豹有些难以置信。 Is this possible? Central State City is an princess city, why will be hiding so many masters! So crack troops, so quick reversal of stress, this strength in Imperial City also cannot be underestimated! 这怎么可能?中州城不过是一郡主城而已,为什么会隐藏着如此多的高手!如此精锐部队,如此快的反应力,这支力量就算在王城不容小觑了! Your this idiot also thinks that can hold me?” The Chu Tian racket the clothes walk, looks at imprisoned Cao Bao: Said that who sends you to come!” “你这草包还以为能抓住我?”楚天拍拍衣服走出来,看着被囚禁的曹豹:“说吧,谁派你来的!” Cao Baoleng snort|hum, has not spoken. 曹豹冷哼一声,却没有说话。 You did not say that I can also guess correctly.” Chu Tian waves to Boss Yu: First closes entirely, immediately cleans up the scene. This fellow is not head, he should be responsible for moving.” “你不说我也能猜到。”楚天余老大挥挥手:“先统统关起来,立刻清理现场。这个家伙并不是头,他应该只是负责行动而已。” Yun Tianhe in great surprise: What? This person unexpectedly is not a chieftain!” 云天鹤大惊:“什么?此人居然不是头目!” I just heard, they have sent for looking for the genuine Boss, we here suppose to ambush to catch the whole lot in a dragnet!” “我刚刚听到,他们已经派人去找真正的老大了,我们就在这里设好埋伏一网打尽!” Cao Bao laughs suddenly: „To resist with ancient Sir depending on you, brings upon oneself the blind alley simply!” 曹豹忽然哈哈大笑起来:“凭你们想跟古大人对抗,简直是自找死路!” Yun Tianhe was a little surprised. 云天鹤有点吃惊了。 The Cao Bao such strong strength, unexpectedly is not a chieftain! 曹豹这么强的实力,竟然都不是头目! Who then behind can be? He strong? Where does he hide in Central State City? 那么背后到底会是谁呢?他有多强呢?他又藏在中州城什么地方呢? Our photo studios!” “那我们的照相馆!” Illuminates.” Chu Tian said: This matter secret handles, I do not hope that causes the stir in Central State City. I want to look actually that this Imperial City sent any great person!” “照开。”楚天说道:“这件事情秘密处置,我不希望在中州城引起轰动。我倒是想看一看,这次王城派来了什么大人物!” You wait for death!” “你就等死吧!” Your these peon ants are not! Dares to affront that Sir, you wait for death! Ha!” “你们这些无名小卒蝼蚁都不是!敢冒犯那位大人,你们就等死吧!哈哈哈!” Cao Bao was brought still to laugh, he first time heard that some people want to cope with big scholar! Isn't this joke? Big scholar takes Southern Xia first scholar, is the mountain sea in innumerable intellectual mind, his casual a few words are not the average person can withstand, moves a big scholar fine hair, opposes with Southern Xia innumerable scholar! 曹豹被带下去还在大笑,他还是第一次听说有人想对付大学者!这不是笑话吗?大学者作为南夏第一学者,是无数知识分子心目中的山岳大海,他随便一句话都不是普通人能承受的,动大学者一根汗毛,就是跟南夏无数学者作对! Boisterous!” Chu Tian waves: First blocks his mouth!” “聒噪!”楚天一挥手:“先把他嘴堵上!” ( Embarrassed, because has matter in the evening temporarily, renewal late a point.) (不好意思,因为晚上临时有事,更新晚了一点。)
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