MT :: Volume #3

#260: Photographic

Three people enter an empty laboratory, is suspending a strange instrument, Yun Tianhe fiddles with before the instrument, Meng Yingying is leading several researchers, careless busy. 三人走进一个空荡荡的实验室,其中就摆着一台奇怪的仪器,云天鹤在仪器前捣鼓,梦莹莹带着几个研究员,大大咧咧的忙碌呢。 Chu Tian walks to ask: „Did Yingying, complete?” 楚天一走进来就问:“莹莹,完成了?” Meng Yingying made an effort um, made one no problem hand signal! 梦莹莹用力嗯了一声,做一个“没问题”的手势! Good, that starts.” Yun Tianhe of Chu Tian to being responsible for operating equipment beckons with the hand: Prepares, we must photograph!” “好,那就开始吧。”楚天对负责操作设备的云天鹤摆摆手:“准备好,我们要照相了!” Photography? 照相? Is this keeps the motion picture projector that Chu Tian must do? 这就是楚天要做出来的留影机么? Keeps the motion picture projector to be different from the phonograph freely completely, but Source Energy is mostly the same except for minor differences, to separate out with the phonograph, everybody discussed that the later decision is called the camera it, can catch the ray, the storage instantaneous image. 留影机跟留声机尽管完全不同,不过元力是大同小异的,为跟留声机区分开来,大家商量之后决定把它称为照相机,能够捕捉光线,储存瞬间影像。 Meng Qingwu is sizing up the camera curiously. 梦轻舞非常好奇打量着照相机。 Because of the camera altogether on manufacture several, at present is quite rough, but structure is very complex. On a support of triangle, is hanging a block shape black box, a barrel thing extends, to dead ahead. 因为照相机一共就制作几台,目前还是比较粗糙的,但结构十分复杂。一个三角形的支架上,挂着一个方块形状的黑色盒子,一根枪管般东西伸出来,正对着正前方。 Chu Tian changes brand-new clothes specially, combs a release of unusual old-style fan device, is having the small fox same place: Yingying and young lady, Nangong, you come.” 楚天特意换一身崭新衣服,梳起一个非常拉风的发行,带着小狐狸一起:“莹莹、大小姐,南宫,你们过来。” Meng Yingying and Meng Qingwu, Nangong Yun was greeted. 梦莹莹梦轻舞,南宫云都被招呼过来了。 Meng Qingwu is ignorant, because of usually most insane Nangong Yun, at this moment passes on continually neatly seriously, appears hot and charming: Your this is......” 梦轻舞懵懵懂懂,因为连平时最疯的南宫云,此时此刻都传得整齐郑重,显得火辣而又妩媚:“你们这是……” First let alone the words, we must take a group photo!” “先别说话,我们要合影了!” I also perhaps arrange.” “我还没准备好。” I said the young lady, do you also want to prepare?” “我说大小姐,你还要准备吗?” Chu Tian entrains forcefully three beautiful women, Meng Qingwu is bewildered, Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun whole face is excited, no one has an experience, really makes the person anticipate very much. 楚天强行把三位美女拽过来,梦轻舞一脸茫然,梦莹莹南宫云则满脸激动,谁都没有过的一次体验啊,真是让人很期待呢。 Prepared?” Yun Tianhe forces in a Little Bo chip the scoop channel, adjusts the equipment to aim at the present several people: I must photograph!” “准备好了吗?”云天鹤把一块小薄晶片塞进凹槽里,调整着设备对准眼前的几个人:“我要拍照了!” Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun suspend expression immediately. 梦莹莹南宫云立刻摆好表情。 Slow!” “慢!” Chu Tian stops. 楚天叫停。 „Do you do?” “你干什么?” Wastes the old lady expression simply!” “简直浪费老娘表情!” Chu Tian proposed that the opinion said: You think to look, this can be in the world the first picture, very may spread to the millenniums and ten thousand years later, becomes moment that the history frames, has the epoch-making great significance.” 楚天提出意见说:“你们想想看,这会是世界上第一张照片,很有可能会流传到千年、万年后,成为历史定格的一刻,有着划时代的伟大意义。” Do not beat around the bush.” Meng Yingying stares his one eyes ominously: Has the words to speak frankly!” “不要拐弯抹角。”梦莹莹凶巴巴瞪他一眼:“有话就直说!” „, I mean, such opens has the picture of historical value, our four are leaning on like the blockhead, was this does not have the creativity?” Chu Tian pretends to be serious saying: I do not hope for tens of thousands years later, the people in the classroom or the textbook see us, thought that we are the old-fashioned people of swallowing the ancient learning without digesting it!” “呃,我的意思是,这么张有历史价值的照片,我们四个就像木头一样拄着,这是不是太没创意了?”楚天煞有介事说道:“我可不希望几万年后,人们在课堂或课本里看到我们的时候,觉得我们是食古不化的老古板!” Three females smile. 三女都是一笑。 Probably a little truth. 好像有点道理啊。 Meng Yingying asked: „What posture should we assume?” 梦莹莹就问道:“那我们该摆一个什么样的姿势呢?” Otherwise this,” Chu Tian gave a comment: To manifest Miracle Commerce being on intimate terms falls in love with the style of whole family, I eat the point to owe this handsome face to contribute, making you kiss.” “不然就这样吧,”楚天提出一个意见:“为体现奇迹商会相亲相爱一家人的风格,我就吃点亏把这张俊脸贡献出来,让你们亲一下。” Go away!” “滚!” Hoodlum!” “流氓!” Dies!” “去死!” Three female cheeks with one voice. 三女脸颊异口同声。 I do not know such good matter. 我就知道没有这么好的事。 Ok, ok, that is casual a pendulum posture to begin shooting!” “算了,算了,那就随便摆一个姿势开拍吧!” Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu stand in eventually, Meng Yingying stands left Chu Tian, Nangong Yun occupies right Chu Tian, Nangong Yun and Meng Yingying make a hand signal of victory. 楚天梦轻舞站在终究,梦莹莹站在楚天左边,南宫云占在楚天右边,南宫云梦莹莹都做出一个胜利的手势。 Prepares, three, two and one!” “准备好,三、二、一!” Yun Tianhe according to the instance of camera button, Chu Tian stretches out two arms fiercely, a hand is hugging the neck of Meng Yingying, another hand is pulling the willow waist of Meng Qingwu. 云天鹤按照相机按钮的瞬间,楚天猛地伸出两条胳膊,一只手搂着梦莹莹的脖子,另外一只手挽着梦轻舞的柳腰。 ! 咔嚓! Several Source Energy Array shine ray, a glimmer blooms to sprinkle in four people. 几个元力阵都亮起光芒,一阵微光绽放出来洒在四人身上。 The Meng Yingying violent anger like the thunder, just likes an angry rabbit: Bastard, you dares to carry out sneak attack!” 梦莹莹暴怒如雷,犹如一只愤怒兔子:“坏蛋,你敢搞偷袭!” The Meng Qingwu direct longleg tramples. 梦轻舞直接长腿一踹。 Sorry, sorry, for a while cannot control.” Chu Tian shunts agilely: Hides grinningly one side: Yun, is the picture how is it?” “抱歉,抱歉,一时控制不住。”楚天敏捷躲开:笑嘻嘻躲到一旁:“云老,相片怎么样?” Good!” “好了!” Yun Tianhe extracts Little Bo chip, immediately delivers to the hand of Chu Tian. 云天鹤把小薄晶片抽出,立刻送到楚天的手里。 The small fox has a relish, snatched, first see to quickly. 小狐狸饶有兴致,率先抢了过来,先一睹为快。 Four people reflect livingly on the chip, is completely exactly the same as the honorable person, probably is looking in a mirror to be the same. The small fox sees in picture, immediately the excited claw has referred to with the claw, then jumps for joy appears is very happy! 四人活生生映在晶片上面,与真人完全一模一样,好像是在照镜子一样。小狐狸看到照片里的自己,立刻激动爪子用爪子指了指,然后活蹦乱跳一阵显得很是高兴! I take a look!” “我瞧瞧!” The Yingying Nangong looked that the Meng Yingying nose was mad crookedly, in this picture, were being hugged the shoulder by Chu Tian, the whole face is blushing flurriedly, the manner also was quite but actually lovable. 莹莹南宫过来看,梦莹莹鼻子都气歪了,这照片中的自己,正被楚天搂着肩膀,满脸羞红慌乱,神态倒也颇为可爱。 Meng Qingwu was mad stares, she held in the arms the waist by Chu Tian, in the be with smile on the face expression, to be wearing one to be astonished and anxious. 梦轻舞被气得直瞪眼,她被楚天搂住腰部,本来面带微笑表情中,正戴着一丝惊愕和紧张。 Good good!” Chu Tian said to Yun Tianhe: This is the effect that I want, I must pass to century Wan Shi this picture, lets me who all people envy to be surrounded by beautiful women, ha ha ha ha!” “不错不错!”楚天云天鹤说:“这就是我要的效果,我要把这张照片传到千秋万世,让所有人都羡慕左拥右抱的我,哈哈哈哈!” Meng Qingwu ill-humored in vain his eyes. 梦轻舞没好气的白他一眼。 Really is really exactly the same!” Meng Yingying is taking Little Bo chip, pours has not investigated Chu Tian, knit the brows saying: Was only the size was too small, can the big point be good.” “还真真一模一样啊!”梦莹莹拿着小薄晶片,倒也没有追究楚天,皱皱眉头说:“只是尺寸太小了,能大一点就好了。” You do not understand.” Chu Tian said: This little storehouse shade stone chip is called the negative, after it forces in camera inside, through the Source Energy Array stimulation of movement stimulates, to let in Crystal Stone the energy liberation, catches the picture and seal before scene above. After we obtain this small negative, can manufacture the picture with it.” “你就不懂了吧。”楚天说道:“这张小藏影石晶片叫做底片,把它塞进相机里面后,通过元力阵催动激发,让晶石里面能量释放,捕捉镜头前的画面并印在上面。我们得到这张小底片后,就能用它来制作相片了。” Chu Tian gives Yun Tianhe the negative. 楚天将底片交给云天鹤 Yun Tianhe processes immediately. 云天鹤立刻去处理了。 About about ten minutes time, Yun Tianhe runs, in the hand is holding one plate of things: I manufacture ten different sizes the pictures, do you have a look at the effect to be what kind of?” 大约十分钟左右时间,云天鹤跑回来,手里抱着一碟东西:“我制作十张不同尺寸的相片,你们看看效果怎么样?” Four heads collect immediately. 四个脑袋立刻凑上来。 In this biggest has more than one foot to be long, four person group photos reflect clearly. 这里面最大的有一尺多长,四个人合影清清楚楚映在其中。 „!” Meng Yingying shouts pleasantly surprised: Quite clear, we are looking in a mirror to be the same probably, why puts is so big, but can also be so clear?” “哇!”梦莹莹惊喜喊道:“好清楚啊,我们好像在照镜子一样,为什么放的这么大,还能这么清晰呢?” Nangong Yun also commendation: Really was too inconceivable!” 南宫云也啧啧啧称赞不已:“真是太不可思议了!” Picture clarity has the relations with the storehouse shade Crystal Stone density, the negative conceal shade Crystal Stone density is higher, the ray that can store up is more exquisite, therefore the picture is clearer. This picture enlarges to three meters, will not have any fuzzy sign.” “图片清晰度跟藏影晶石密度有关系,底片藏影晶石密度越高,所能储存的光线越细腻,所以照片就越清楚。这张图片就算放大到三米,也不会出现任何模糊迹象。” Meng Qingwu strokes the mild jade system picture, the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow is wrinkling slightly: Jade makes the carrier, can such cost be a little high, only feared that does not help the promotion.” 梦轻舞抚摸着温润的玉制照片,黛眉微微皱起来:“玉石做载体,这样成本会不会有点高,只怕不利于推广啊。” Vice- Chairman does not need to be worried.” Yun Tianhe caressed the beard saying: Actually the carrier is unimportant, is used for the image formation truly, is a superficial conceal shade stone crystallization. This storehouse shade stone can plate on the jade, can plate in the quartz, similarly uses in the glass and animal skin, even is on the paper, is the same.” “副会长根本不用担心。”云天鹤抚抚胡子说:“其实载体并不重要,真正用来成像的,是表面一层藏影石结晶而已。这层藏影石能镀在玉石上,也可以镀在水晶上,同样用在玻璃、兽皮、甚至是纸上,都是一样。” Meng Qingwu reveals surprised expression: In other words, can any material be printing the carrier?” 梦轻舞露出惊色:“也就是说,任何材料都能作为印刷的载体?” Most materials!” “绝大多数材料都可以!” Meng Qingwu changed countenance, so perhaps soon, the Central State City newspapers and books, and even the main street and small alley, all can by this type high-definition and extremely practical picture filling! 梦轻舞动容了,如此恐怕用不了多久,中州城报纸和书籍,乃至大街小巷,全都能被这种高清而又极度写实的照片给充满了! Chu Tian holds up the picture high, more looks is more satisfied, in his hand is taking, is not an ordinary picture this is the history! 楚天高高举起照片,越看越满意,他手里拿着的,可不是一张普通的照片这是历史! Many hero characters submerge in time perpetual flow. 多少英雄人物淹没在时光长河中。 Chu Tian actually achieves the history frames, this is the great significance! 楚天却做到将历史定格,这是何等重大的意义! An epoch-making invention! 一个划时代的发明! The people have a Source Energy camera, the picture where regardless of arrives at to be able seeing pats. This world is colorful, people are confined at home, can through the picture the return to original state tip of the iceberg. 人们拥有一台元力相机,无论走到哪里都能把看到的画面拍下来。这世界是何等绚丽多姿,人们就算足不出户,也能通过相片来还原冰山一角了。 This thing was too amusing!” Meng Yingying called out loudly: I must pat! I must pat!” “这东西太好玩了!”梦莹莹大声叫道:“我还要拍!我还要拍!” Nangong Yun said: Your three look like such intimate, I am probably same as the bystander, this? The Boss, I must pat one with you alone!” 南宫云更是说道:“你们三个看起来这么亲密,我好像跟个外人一样,这怎么可以?老大,我要跟你单独拍一张!” no problem!” 没问题!” Nangong Yun is hugging the Chu Tian shoulder carelessly, they have taken a group photo. 南宫云大大咧咧搂着楚天肩膀,两人合影了一张。 Yingying, we pat one.” 莹莹,我们拍一张吧。” Good, good!” “好呀,好呀!” Two sisters stand takes a group photo. 两姐妹站在一起合影一张。 Squeek psst!” “吱吱吱!” The small fox dances with joy, must pat one alone, Chu Tian also agreed that making it pat a construction. 小狐狸手舞足蹈,要单独拍一张,楚天也同意了,让它拍一个构。 Meng Yingying was happy: Light several of us played do not have meaning, everybody was together interesting!” 梦莹莹非常高兴:“光我们几个玩太没意思了,大家一起才有趣嘛!” Said right!” Nangong Yun expression approval: I go, Yun Yao, Caidie and Auntie Shen, as well as his other people called!” “说的没错!”南宫云表情赞同:“我去把,云瑶彩蝶、沈姨,以及其他人都叫过来!” The people gather, various postures photograph to accept as a memento. 众人纷纷聚集过来,各种姿势来拍照留念。 Such small camera, making them play the delight. 这么小小一台相机,让她们玩得不亦乐乎。 Since camera technology does not have the issue after internal test..” Chu Tian announced: We will carry on the entire city male to measure tomorrow that making everybody experience this mysteriously! Propagandizes for the coordination, we manufacture several propaganda newspapers again, first makes the entire city people see to quickly!” “既然照相机技术经过内部测试没有问题。。”楚天宣布道:“我们明天就进行全城公测,让大家都来体验体验这份神奇吧!为配合宣传,我们再制作几张宣传报,先让全城人一睹为快!” Propaganda report?” Meng Yingying asked curiously: Propaganda report is anything!” “宣传报?”梦莹莹好奇问:“宣传报是什么!” Chu Tian takes up the camera directly: You come, I pat one to you!” 楚天直接拿起相机:“你过来,我给你拍一张!” Chu Tian called Meng Yingying to grasp the canned food, then made several pictures continuously. 楚天梦莹莹手持罐头,然后连续拍出好几张照片。 Chu Tian said to Meng Yingying: We print the picture, manufactures more than three meters big chart, is joined to some advertisement writing again, pastes various city each region, I can guarantee that does not use for several days, your canned food efficiency can turn time!” 楚天梦莹莹说:“我们把照片印刷出来,制作成三米多高大图,再配上一些广告文字,贴到各城各地去,我敢保证不用几天,你的罐头效率就能翻倍!” Real?” “真的吗?” Naturally, no matter the newspaper, the broadcasting station, has the propaganda dead angle. If we paste across such picture various cities the most striking place and block, the people want to neglect difficultly, certainly will arouse the interest, at that time Yingying you can become a star!” “当然,不管是报纸、还是电台,都有宣传的死角。我们要是把这样的图片贴到各城各地最醒目的地方和街区,人们想忽视都难,一定会引起关注,那时候莹莹你都能成为明星呢!” This truly is a new propaganda method! 这确实是一种新的宣传手段! Because Continent has not appeared, therefore propaganda effect definitely strong! 因为大陆没有出现过,所以宣传效果肯定超强的! Does not have any publicity measure again, has ratio method more direct-viewing, Miracle Commerce promotes the new product each time everywhere is, coordinates the broadcasting station that the propaganda chart pastes to drum up support again, its effect could also be imagined. 再没有任何宣传措施,有比这种方法更加直观,奇迹商会每次推出新品就把宣传图贴的到处都是,再配合电台造势,其效果也就可想而知了。 The people have played the greater part of the night. 众人一直玩到大半夜。 Because in the city the photo studio preparation opens, Chu Tian before dawn needs to make the final check, avoids having other problems, therefore Chu Tian leaves the headquarters first, goes to the Miracle Commerce photo studio. 因为城中照相馆准备开放,楚天在天亮前需要去做最后检查,避免出现其他问题,所以楚天先离开总部,向奇迹商会的照相馆而去。 When Chu Tian enters a quite secluded street. 正当楚天走进一条比较僻静的街道时。 Wait / Etc.!” Shen Bingyu called one suddenly in a low voice, some people tracked us!” “等等!”沈冰雨忽然低声叫一句,“有人跟踪我们!” Was a Chu Tian brow wrinkle, tracked? Is who? 楚天眉头一皱,被跟踪了?是谁?
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