MT :: Volume #3

#259: storehouse shade Stone Yunyong( in addition)

Yun Xiao manner empty boasting, the eloquence is good, this melodious speech hangs fully everybody's appetite, now finally must formally announce the invention of Miracle Commerce! 云霄为人浮夸,口才却不错,这一番抑扬顿挫的演讲吊足大家的胃口,现在终于要正式公布奇迹商会的发明了! Two Miracle Commerce staff, push a rectangular thing to go forward immediately. Sees only a black big fabric covering above, making everybody not have the means to see clearly its touching type. 两个奇迹商会的员工,立刻推着一件长方形东西上前。只见一块黑色大布罩在上面,让大家没有办法看清它的摸样。 Asked everybody to witness together!” “请大家共同见证!” Yun Xiao uncovers the black cloth by the natural posture. 云霄以潇洒的姿势一揭黑布。 Everyone elongates neck, sees only the mirror surface that at the same time the fine dust does not dye presents the front. This mirror about one person is high, the reverse side is huge Source Energy Array, is sending out the light Source Energy fluctuation. 每一个人都伸长脖子,只见一面纤尘不染的镜面呈现面前。这面镜子大约一个人高,反面是一个巨大元力阵,正散发出淡淡的元力波动。 This what meaning?” “这什么意思?” Isn't the surface mirror?” “不就是面镜子么?” The people whoop quite have the disaffection. 众人议论纷纷颇有不满。 Yun Xiao raises appetite such for a long time, making everybody hopeful, finally? Finally puts out a mirror? This is not deceiving the person! 云霄吊胃口这么久,让大家充满期待,结果呢?最后拿出一面镜子?这不是在糊弄人么! Gu Qianqiu observes with rapt attention for several seconds. 古千秋凝神观察几秒。 Heart's Eye!” 心眼!” Opens!” “开!” Gu Qianqiu starts the Heart's Eye observation, if observes by the naked eye, this thing truly is a mirror, when will understand clearly this qualitative time to discover with Heart's Eye directly that this thing will not be the mirror is so simple. 古千秋开启心眼观察,若以肉眼来观察的,此物确实是镜子,当用心眼直接洞悉本质的时候会发现,此物绝不是镜子这么简单。 The structure is the pure metal manufacture, on smooth metal plate , the layer thickness is less than one millimeter material, Gu Qianqiu is unable to distinguish this material, the entire reflection material forms this mirror surface, this thing will not be an ordinary mirror so will be definitely simple. 结构是全金属制造,在光滑金属板上面,又铺层厚度不到一毫米的物质,古千秋无法分辨这种物质,正是全反光物质形成这一层镜面,这东西肯定不会是一面普通的镜子这么简单。 Is static! Is static!” “静一静!静一静!” Yun Xiao shouted several with the loudspeaker loudly. 云霄用喇叭大声喊几句。 The people stop discussing that is gradually peaceful. 众人才停止议论,渐渐地安静下来。 I know that everybody has many questions!” “我知道,大家心里有诸多疑问!” You said actually!” “那你倒是说啊!” Do not be anxious, actually this special release conference, I am not the genuine lead.” Yun Xiao spoke of here, raised the sound to shout loudly: Then, invited Miracle Commerce vice- Chairman Miss Meng Qingwu!” “不要急,其实这场特殊的发布会,我不是真正的主角。”云霄说到这里,抬高声音大声喊:“接下来,有请奇迹商会会长梦轻舞小姐!” Did Meng Qingwu come personally? 梦轻舞亲自来了? People astonished! 众人一片惊愕! Is impossible, Meng Qingwu enters the stage, everybody impossible not to have discovered. Meng Qingwu peerless appearance, where regardless of arrives, can think the magnet attraction innumerable vision. If Meng Qingwu came, everybody does not know. 不可能啊,梦轻舞出场,大家不可能没发现。梦轻舞的绝世容颜,无论走到哪里,都会想磁铁般吸引无数目光。如果梦轻舞来了,大家不会不知道。 Everybody looks quickly!” “大家快看!” This mirror appeared changes!” “这镜子出现变化了!” The mirror that calmly placed, its surface sends out the dim ray gradually, no longer was formerly the tiny particle Bi Xian mirror surface, probably was spurted by the steam, therefore covers mist. 本来静静摆放的镜子,其表面渐渐散发出朦朦胧胧光芒,不再是先前纤毫毕现的镜面,好像被水蒸气喷上去,所以蒙上一层水雾。 This mirror has the trick! 这镜子有猫腻啊! In the mirror sends out the ray to be getting stronger and stronger, finally swings water sample the ripples, invisible energy ferments. People strange feelings, the mirror surface did not exist, in the picture frame is another space. 镜子里散发光芒越来越强,最终荡起一层水样的涟漪,无形的能量在其中酝酿。众人都有一种奇怪的感觉,镜面已经不存在了,镜框里是另一个空间。 „!” “啊!” Looks quickly!” “快看!” Countless people call out in alarm, in the mirror surface presents a person's shadow, from the fuzziness to the clear rapid change, this impressively is an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman of wear white robe, the perfect stature, the noble makings, are steady and solemn, who isn't this Meng Qingwu is? 无数人惊呼当中,镜面里出现一个人影,从模糊到清晰迅速变化,这赫然是一个穿着白袍的绝色美女,完美的身材,高贵的气质,稳重而又端庄,这不是梦轻舞是谁? My God!” “我的天!” Meng Qingwu Chairman to the mirror in!” 梦轻舞会长到镜子里去了!” This what's the matter, how she arrived in the mirror!” “这到底是怎么回事,她怎么到镜子里去了!” The mirror of this illumination is getting more and more clear, Meng Qingwu in a Miracle Commerce headquarters hall, is sitting well on a luxurious padauk teak bench, the side table is suspending one jade nature tea set. Solemn graceful. The black hair like the paint, the flesh like jade, among the beautiful eye frown and smile, reveals the graceful bearing of not being able saying that just like a noble peony of being in bud, beautiful, but the monster, was not colorful and good! 这面发光的镜子越来越清晰,梦轻舞在一个奇迹商会总部大厅中,正端坐在一张奢华红木长椅上,旁边桌子摆着一套玉质茶具。端庄娴雅。乌发如漆,肌肤如玉,美目一颦一笑间,流露出说不出的风韵,宛如一朵含苞待放的高贵牡丹,美而不妖,艳而不俗! Too mysterious! 太神奇了吧! Meng Qingwu sits in the Miracle Commerce headquarters, can actually in the people with the square face-to-face, just like on the close at hand, puts out a hand to move to be the same 梦轻舞坐在奇迹商会总部,却能够跟广场上众人面对面,犹如就近在眼前,伸手能触碰到一样 Meng Qingwu smiles, elegant beautiful character and style, lets the people such as the bath spring breeze, afterward Meng Qingwu takes up a perfectly round microphone shape the thing, said a few words: Hello!” 梦轻舞嫣然一笑,典雅美丽的风情,让人们如浴春风,随后梦轻舞拿起一个浑圆话筒状的东西,开口说一句话:“大家好!” Her sound has sent from the both sides loudspeaker. 她的声音从两侧喇叭发了出来。 When sees so strange one, the eye of some big scholar, already stared was the same with the dead fish, this has subverted his cognition completely! 当见到如此诡异一幕,某位大学者的眼睛,早就瞪得跟死鱼一样了,这已经完全颠覆了他的认知! The Miracle Commerce technology can transmit the sound, to transmit the picture alone alone, but currently speaking, the audio frequency cannot achieve the synchronized transmission, this is a quite complex technology, is not one plus one equal to two is so simple, Chu Tian half group was not completed for a while. 奇迹商会技术能单独传输声音、单独传输画面,但是就目前而言,音频做不到同步传输,这是一个比较复杂的技术,不是一加一等于二这么简单,楚天一时半伙也完成不了。 Meng Qingwu use is Miracle Commerce most newly tackles the mechanics of communication, through the broadcasting station, does not transmit the sound directly, other this point people have not been able to discover temporarily. 梦轻舞使用的就是奇迹商会最新攻克通讯技术,不通过电台,直接传递声音,这一点其他人暂时还无法发现。 I can meet with everybody very much happily in this manner, thank supporting.” “我很高兴能以这种方式与大家见面,谢谢各位的捧场。” Miracle Commerce after the difficult research and development, from the storehouse shade stone, had found the correct application method recently. You see, is actually the magnetic shade tower as well as the biography shade mirror.” 奇迹商会经过艰难的研发,最近已经从藏影石中,,找到正确的使用方法。你们所看到的,其实就是磁影塔以及传影镜。” Everybody is dumbfounded, audience complete silence. 大家大眼瞪小眼,全场鸦雀无声。 „, The magnetic shade tower is as the name suggests same as the magnetic-sonic tower, the signal type that just transmits is different, will pass on the shade mirror also to be the same in the radio from some significance, it can receive the sound signal. This invention is published will change further people to live.” “顾名思义,磁影塔和磁音塔一样,只不过传输的信号类型不同罢了,传影镜从某种意义上将于收音机也是一样的,它能够接收声音信号。这项发明问世会进一步改变人们生活。” Moreover, is researching and developing the manufacture of magnetic shade plate, just likes the magnetic-sonic plate storage sound is ordinary, picture and image retaining. This means that the picture can record, the people photograph Demon Beast, terrain and character, by data mode permanent preservation, even deposits in the library, develops the vision for the people, looks at reverently the review for the posterity, to the teaching and civilization, as well as our daily life, has the subversive influence.” “另外,正在研发磁影盘的制作,犹如磁音盘储存声音一般,将画面和影像给保留下来。这就意味着画面可以录制,人们拍摄魔兽、地形、人物,以数据方式永久保存,甚至存放在图书馆中,为人们开拓眼界,为后人瞻仰回顾,对教学、文明、以及我们日常生活,都有颠覆性的影响。” Meng Qingwu has one unique makings, noble and is not arrogant, solemn and does not lose compatible, making each immerse. 梦轻舞有一种独特的气质,高贵而又不高傲,端庄而又不失亲和,让每一个都沉浸在其中。 Everybody reviews the Yun Xiao words, all felt that one's blood bubbles up to the brim! 大家回顾起云霄的话,全都感觉到热血沸腾! In the future can perhaps probably turn really! 未来或许真能变成可能! Everybody does not need to leave Central State City, can see the outside civilization and landform, the people do not need to become very formidable, can see the big dragon Behemoth elegant demeanor, the people do not need also to be able their appearance to preserve very much, was traced the type to make the generation after generation remember by oneself. 大家不用离开中州城,就能看到外界文明和地貌,人们不用变得很强大,就能看到巨龙比蒙的风采,人们不用很伟大也能把自己样子保存下来,让自己摸样让子子孙孙记住。 Here, I disclosed an information for everybody slightly.” Meng Qingwu then said: We have researched and developed the first model of product, a capture of two-dimensional static picture and retains the technology, can also retain a scene picture perfect capture “在此,我为大家稍微透露一点信息。”梦轻舞接着说:“我们已经研发出第一款产品,一种二维静态画面的捕捉和保留技术,能够将一个场景一个画面完美捕捉并且保留” „Do you want forever to detain the young appearance? Do you want just commemorative significance moment permanent to preserve? Now the opportunity came, Miracle Commerce will start to open the shop tomorrow, only needs the minimum expenditure to have an eternal recollection, welcome everybody to experience the testimony!” “你们想要永远留住自己年轻的样子吗?你们想将将纪念意义一刻永久保存下来吗?现在机会来了,奇迹商会明天开始开放门店,只需极小花费就能拥有一份永恒回忆,欢迎大家来体验见证!” Thank your support!” “感谢你们的支持!” Said these many! 就说这么多吧! Now dynamic image transmission is also not very stable, Meng Qingwu has not continued, otherwise went wrong has lost face, therefore ended the special release conference! 现在动态影像传输还不是很稳定,梦轻舞也就没有继续下去,否则出了乱子就太丢脸了,所以结束特殊的发布会! Father and mother, I must go, I must go!!” “爸爸妈妈,我要去,我要去!!” I want the young appearance to retain, from now on before old could have a look, touches the type.” “我要自己年轻样子保留下来,今后老了也能看看以前摸样。” Dear, we also go!” “亲爱的,我们也去吧!” „......” “……” When Meng Qingwu vanishes when the mirror, sends Light Mirror to be rapid, turns into the ordinary mirror, each person some different responses of scene, have the pleasant surprise, shocks, has the ponder, has joyfully...... To mention just a few! 梦轻舞消失在镜子里,发光镜子迅速暗淡,又重新变成普通镜子时,现场的每一个人都有不同反应,有惊喜,有震撼,有沉思,有喜悦……不一而足! Really hates!” Gu Qianqiu heaved a deep sigh: If this thing can make for 50 years, I am also an elegant bearing and handsome beautiful young man, what a pity, what a pity! Cannot see again own young appearance!” “真是恨啊!”古千秋长叹一声:“若这东西能造出50年,我也是一个风度翩翩、唇红齿白的美少男,可惜,可惜啊!再也看不到自己年轻的样子了!” No matter what! 不管怎么样! Can such opportunity do? 这样机会怎么能做过啊? The old men must become first group of experience! 老夫一定要成为第一批体验者! The Gu Qianqiu successive wants not to run to line up, completely had forgotten oneself comes Central State City for anything. 古千秋连想都没想就跑去排队,全然忘记了自己来中州城是为了什么。 Who does not hope own lasting youthfulness? This is almost impossible, Miracle Commerce will actually bring one type forever to keep the one alternative method of youth for everybody! 谁不希望自己青春永驻?这几乎是不可能的,奇迹商会却为大家带来一种永留青春的一种另类方法! ............ ………… Miracle Commerce busily becomes a piece. 奇迹商会忙碌成一片。 Was good, good!” “好了,好了!” Makes up the light lamp to take away.” “补光灯拿走。” These things also entirely take away.” “这些东西也统统拿走吧。” In main hall disorderly noisy, Chu Tian is directing in the middle, the Miracle Commerce staff carries the high electric lamp and junks, fast draws back from the hall. 大殿里凌乱嘈杂,楚天在中间指挥着,奇迹商会员工扛着高高电灯和杂物,快速的从大厅里退出去。 Meng Qingwu caresses the standing tall and erect chest, head has covered entirely the thin perspiration 梦轻舞抚抚高耸胸口,头上已经布满细汗了 Do not look are just a touching type of ancient well without ripples, actually young lady is at heart anxious! This type to face-to-face the live broadcast appear in people front way, to Meng Qingwu is also an unprecedented experience. 你别看刚刚是一副古井无波的摸样,其实大小姐的心里紧张着呢!这种以面对面直播方式出现在人们面前的方式,对梦轻舞来说也是一种前所未有的体验。 Wipes away sweat, the young lady was laborious!” “擦擦汗,大小姐辛苦了!” Chu Tian walks, takes the white silk handkerchief to wipe away sweat to Meng Qingwu personally. 楚天走过来,亲自拿白色丝巾给梦轻舞擦汗。 Bah! Moves away your hand!” Meng Qingwu is somewhat embarrassed, is keeping off the surface of these many people, she also somewhat disturbedly said: We just real no problem? The sound and image separate the transmission, can have the problem!” “呸!拿开你的手!”梦轻舞有些不好意思,挡着这么多人的面呢,她又有些忐忑说:“我们刚刚真的没问题吗?声音和影像是分离传输的,会不会出现问题啊!” I said the young lady, is untrustworthy I? Really hurt my heart!” “我说大小姐,难道还信不过我么?真是太伤我的心了!” The Meng Qingwu face is one red: „Does your this fellow have a mind?” 梦轻舞脸又是一红:“你这家伙有心么?” Has me not to have accident.” Chu Tian such as the mirror of crystal moves at the same time such as the jade, you wait, after this thing, meets the fire to spread the nation, the fire spreads entire Continent.” “有我在就没意外。”楚天把一面如玉如晶的镜子搬下来,“你等着瞧吧,这东西以后会火遍全国,火遍整个大陆的。” Meng Qingwu nod stands, traces such as the mirror of jade smoothly, „is really incredible, does this material have this special ability? Can unexpectedly the appearance refraction of person to other places.” 梦轻舞点点头站起来,摸摸光滑如玉的镜子,“真是让人难以置信,这种材料怎么有这种特殊的能力?竟然能把人的样子折射到其他地方去。” This you do not understand! storehouse shade stone ability is the same with Hidden Sound Stone.” Chu Tian said: Hidden Sound Stone can catch the sound and stores up, but hides the shade stone to catch the ray to store up. So long as found the correct guidance means that we can use for us these two materials.” “这你就不懂了吧!藏影石能力和藏音石是一样的。”楚天笑着说:“藏音石能捕捉声音并储存,而藏影石则能捕捉光线来储存。只要找到正确的引导办法,我们就能把这两种材料为我们所用。” You look at this Source Energy Array.” Chu Tian crossed the mirror said at the same time: This is light attribute light image formation, Hidden Sound Stone can catch the ray not to be false, actually not too stable, but is unable the image formation, the Source Energy Array function to be to assist the image formation, I later will teach you principle. After Miracle Commerce grasps the sound and image transmission technology, we can think the means to combine the two.” “你看这个元力阵。”楚天将镜子翻过一面说:“这是光属性的光影成像阵,藏音石能捕捉光线不假,却并不太稳定而无法成像,元力阵功能就是辅助成像,我稍后会把原理教给你。奇迹商会掌握声音和影像传播技术之后,我们就可以想办法将二者合二为一了。” Meng Qingwu anticipated at heart very very much. 梦轻舞心里十分很期待。 Chu Tian, Sister Qingwu!” Nangong Yun rushes rashly: I and Yingying prepared, now misses you!” 楚天,轻舞姐姐!”南宫云毛毛躁躁闯进来:“我和莹莹准备好了,现在就差你们俩了!” Meng Qingwu asked at a loss: Does?” 梦轻舞茫然问:“干什么?” Naturally is photographs!” A Nangong Yun face said inspired: Lets four Miracle Commerce earliest partners, makes the Continent first picture in history!” “当然是拍照啦!”南宫云一脸振奋说:“让四个奇迹商会最早合伙人,拍下大陆有史以来的第一张照片吧!” ( in addition sought support!) (加更求支持!)
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