MT :: Volume #3

#258: Release conference

This year information transmission is freely unenlightened, but Central State City has the tremendous change, the Imperial City impossible detection not to have! 这个年头尽管信息传输闭塞,但是中州城发生巨大改变,王城不可能一点察觉都没有啊! Only if, these changes appear in the extremely short time, Imperial City excessively has not paid attention with enough time, therefore Gu Qianqiu knows nothing. 除非,这些变化是在极短时间出现,王城没有来得及过多关注,所以古千秋对此一无所知。 The Central State City street, making people feel that arrived at another world. 中州城的街道,让人感觉来到了另一个世界。 The both sides not only neatly cover entirely the street light, the shop advertisement as well as the ornaments, fill the light the effect, making the person look is dazzled. 两侧不仅整整齐齐布满路灯,就连店铺招牌以及摆设,都充满灯光的效果,让人看得眼花缭乱。 Special price!” “特价!” Special price!” “特价啦!” „The Miracle group Southern Cloud Commerce newest promoted Stone armor symbol, the consumption is small, effective quick, in addition holds does not affect to move, the high-strength physical resistance, resists the impact, the acid resistance anti- can reduce the energy injury spoiled and even. Easy-to-use and cheap, journey risk is necessary! The Miracle group product must be the high-quality goods, rushes to purchase quickly!” 奇迹集团旗下南云商会最新推出的石甲符,消耗小,见效快,加持不影响行动,高强度物理抵抗,抵挡冲击,抗酸抗腐、甚至能减轻能量伤害。又好用又便宜,出行冒险必备!奇迹集团出品必属精品,快来抢购吧!” „......” “……” Before a Talisman store gate, is suspending big loudspeaker to shout propaganda repeatedly. 一个符箓商店门前,正摆着一个大喇叭在反复喊话。 Gu Qianqiu discovered that the frontline propaganda duplicates repeatedly, no matter intonation and language fast, tone, is exactly the same. This possibly is not a person was shouting obviously that preserves the sound with some method, repeated repetition broadcast, thus achieves the effect of the shop cruising. 古千秋发现喊话是一遍遍重复的,不管是语调、语速、口气,全都一模一样。这显然不可能是一个人在喊,是用某种方法把声音保存,再反复的重复播放,从而达到为店铺揽客的效果。 Will this loudspeaker automatically shout propaganda? Gu Qianqiu wants to remove to study the loudspeaker well, finally suppressed, now cannot waste the time in the branch details, collected the Chu Tian evidence with a sense of urgency. 这喇叭怎么会自动喊话呢?古千秋想把喇叭拆下来好好研究研究,最终还是强忍住了,现在不能在旁枝末节上浪费时间,还是抓紧收集楚天的罪证吧。 The tavern hotel is inquires the news the good place, happen to Gu Qianqiu also wants to find a place to have a rest. 酒馆酒店是打探消息的好地方,正好古千秋也想找个地方歇歇脚。 A repair luxurious hotel presents the front, the entire building is full of the lighting effects, that giant advertisement forms Miracle Grand Hotel with the shining light several large characters is very striking. 一座装修奢华的大酒店出现前方,整栋建筑都充满灯光效果,那巨大招牌更是用金灿灿灯光形成“奇迹大酒店”数个大字很是醒目。 Strange, person how these many!” “奇怪,人怎么这么多!” The entire hotel is fully occupied, these hanger-on teams arranged to the street came up, generally was Practitioner for the focus. 整个酒店人满为患,那些食客队伍都排到街上去了,普遍都是修炼者为主。 Does not have the means that has to look for one also to calculate the fine tavern casually. 没办法,只好随便找一家还算精致的酒馆。 Welcome visits.” Service people immediately warm approach: Needs in Nha, is on the direct hall?” “欢迎光临。”服务员立刻热情的迎上来:“请问需要雅间,还是直接上大厅?” In a Nha,” “一个雅间吧,” Good, what eats?” The service people receive in Gu Qianqiu a passenger compartment, immediately recommends warm-heartedly: Our tavern just ordered a number of canned meat from Miracle Commerce, the price is materially beneficial, satisfaction guaranteed.” “好的,吃点什么呢?”服务员把古千秋领到一个包间里,立刻热心推荐起来:“我们酒馆刚刚从奇迹商会订购一批肉罐头,价格实惠,包你满意。” Is the Miracle Commerce thing?” “又是奇迹商会的东西?” Venerable looked just came, such being the case should taste to look. The Miracle Commerce canned meat is all the rage Central State, other state counties only then the aristocrat tastes, even if in Central State City many restaurants are out of stock, the opportunity is very rare.” “老先生一看就是刚来的吧,既然如此就更应该尝尝看了。奇迹商会的肉罐头风靡中州,其他州郡只有贵族才品尝的到,哪怕中州城里很多餐馆都缺货,机会可是很难得的哦。” That gives I'm coming several!” “那就给我来几份吧!” The service people also asked: Head store clears the broadcast system, if the venerable wants to listen respectfully to the broadcast in the dining process, only needed to pay for some service fees to be OK additionally.” 服务员又问道:“本店开通广播系统,如果老先生想在用餐过程聆听广播的话,只需要额外支付一些服务费就可以了。” What is broadcast?” “广播又是什么?” Venerable also is really people from other place, Miracle Commerce builds the Southern Summer Country first set in Central State City, may be the entire Continent first set improve the broadcast system, lets the entire city people where, no matter, can momentarily listen to the content that oneself like.” “老先生还真是外地人呢,奇迹商会中州城打造南夏国第一套,更有可能是全大陆第一套完善广播系统,让全城人不管在什么地方,都能随时收听自己喜欢的内容。” So is really mysterious?” Gu Qianqiu a little does not believe: „The old man must open mind actually!” “真有这么神奇?”古千秋有点不太信:“那老夫倒是要开开眼界!” The service people in the cabinet turn on the large-scale radio of pendulum, immediately the intermittent melodious music reverberation , a wonderful female voice is speaking. 服务员把摆在柜子上一台大型收音机打开,立刻就有一阵阵悠扬的音乐回荡在其中,一个美妙的女声在说话。 Welcome everybody to return to the Miracle broadcasting station, today we must tell a beautiful love story, he is by reciting the tour poet brings from outside nation......” “欢迎大家回到奇迹电台,今天我们要讲一个美丽的爱情故事,他是由吟游诗人从外邦带来的……” This fills the magnetic female voice, making people think the mind to be peaceful, is joined to the gentle melodious music again, goes north and story, making the person have an unprecedented experience. 这个充满磁性的女声,让人觉得心神安宁,再配上轻柔悠扬的音乐,略带北上而又曲折的故事,让人有一种前所未有的体验。 The Gu Qianqiu almost 100-year-old person, naturally by any love story attraction, this broadcast mysterious broadcast ability, not being made Gu Qianqiu stare dumbfounded. 古千秋快100岁的人了,当然不会被什么爱情故事吸引,这广播神奇播音能力,让古千秋瞠目结舌。 How does this is achieve?” “这是怎么做到的?” The service people smiled were saying: Venerable, this is one of the Miracle broadcasting station programs. Now is speaking in broadcasting station, is the Divine Wind Marquis daughter, has big human spirit wind Young Lady Caidie in Central State City! If the venerable does not like this program, can cut Channel/frequency, the news entertainment and music, now has everything expected to find. Naturally, we can only answer public Channel/frequency, some charge Channel/frequency have no way to receive 服务员微笑着说:“老先生,这是奇迹电台的节目之一。现在正在电台里说话的,正是神风候的女儿,在中州城有着很大人气的风彩蝶小姐呢!如果老先生不喜欢这个节目,可以自己切换频道,新闻娱乐、音乐艺术,现在应有尽有。当然,我们只能接听公众频道,一些收费频道是没法收到的” Loudspeaker? 广播喇叭? Miracle broadcasting station? 奇迹电台? Gu Qianqiu feels absent-minded! 古千秋感到一阵恍惚! What principle is this technology? 这项技术是什么原理呢? If said that class of electric lamp and Airship is the small technology of improving on perfection, then this establishment broadcast system, that is the fabricated big invention. If such broadcast can be found in the nation, then the communication will also look like now is so difficult? 若说电灯、空艇之流是锦上添花的小技术,那么这种建立广播系统,那就是无中生有的大发明。这样的广播要是能遍布全国,那么信息交流还会像现在这么困难吗? If can proliferate entire Continent, can know from A to Z including the matter that the Elf country does have? 若能遍布全大陆,岂不是连精灵国发生的事情都能了若指掌? Not only this greatly rich spiritual life, the encryption Channel/frequency usage can utilizes in the military and secret content. 这不仅大大丰富精神生活,其中加密频道用法能在军事和机密内容上运用。 Canned food came, please take your time.” “罐头来了,请慢用。” Gu Qianqiu is eating the canned food, while is listening to the content in broadcast, this canned food is the Demon Beast meat makes obviously, it seems like Miracle Commerce masters a cooking Demon Beast meat method, this is the gospel of innumerable Practitioner and mercenary soldier! This invention can also change the life of many person! 古千秋一边吃着罐头,一边听着广播里的内容,这罐头显然是魔兽肉制成,看来奇迹商会掌握一种烹饪魔兽肉方法,这又是无数修炼者、佣兵的福音啊!这项发明也能改变很多人的生活! One hour passed by. 一个多小时不知不觉间过去了。 Sound that sends out from the radio, does not have the slight static or the interruptible state, throughout maintains in the stability. And main broadcasting a lecture content has, news, music, story and information, occasionally inserts some commercial advertisements. 从收音机里发出的声音,没有丝毫杂音或中断状态,始终保持在稳定中。其中主要播讲内容有、新闻、音乐、故事、情报,偶尔插些一些商业广告。 Really inconceivable! 真是不可思议! Some Miracle Commerce also how many unusual inventions? 奇迹商会到底还有多少奇特的发明? Gu Qianqiu has the change to Chu Tian and Miracle Commerce view gradually. 古千秋楚天奇迹商会看法渐渐发生改变。 Welcome back to the Miracle broadcasting station.” At this time, the Feng Caidie sound flowed slowly like the water: I just received a good news of filling people with enthusiasm, the Miracle Commerce Cloud Sect research institute make the great breakthrough, the brand-new technologies are born in the time, has the epoch-making great significance?” “欢迎回到奇迹电台。”这时,风彩蝶声音如水般缓缓流淌出来:“我刚刚获得一个振奋人心的好消息,奇迹商会云门研究所取得重大突破,有一门全新技术诞生在时间上,有着划时代的伟大意义?” Naturally, the technology is not mature at present, Miracle Commerce is still at the experimental stage.” “当然,目前技术不成熟,奇迹商会依然处于试验阶段。” „Is everybody very curious? In order to satisfy everybody's curiosity, we will put in order when eight in the Central State City square conduct the open test, making the Central State City city people be all eagerness to see it. Now away trial period one hour, the interested person do not miss!” “大家是不是很好奇呢?为满足大家的好奇心,我们将在八时整在中州城广场进行公开试验,让中州城的城民先睹为快。现在距试验时间还有一个小时,有兴趣的人千万不要错过哦!” „......” “……” The Feng Caidie voice has not fallen. 风彩蝶话音都没落下。 In the tavern thoroughly made. 酒馆里就彻底闹开了。 What?” “什么?” Also had the new thing to come out!” “又有新东西出来了!” „Can this also wait? Pays up, pays up quickly, I must have a look!” “这还能等?结账,快结账,我要去看看!” Ties, had not seen that service people did run? We are also quick, late progressed!” “结个屁,没看到服务员都跑了吗?我们也快走,迟了就进步去了!” Gu Qianqiu throws a gold coin on table, pushes the window to leap, under the skinny body like the apes and monkeys, leaps near spatial several, finally falls on the Central State City square. 古千秋丢一把金币在桌子上,推窗一跃而出,枯瘦身体就像猿猴,临空好几个起跃之下,最后落在中州城广场。 Then for several minutes time? 这才短短几分钟时间? The Central State square has stood the person! 中州广场站满了人了! Gu Qianqiu realized once again effect of broadcast on people, the spreading speed of this news newspaper and so on conventional media were too quickly more than! 古千秋又一次认识到广播对人们的影响,这新闻的传出速度远比报纸之类的传统媒体快太多了! A short tower appears in the square center. 一座矮塔出现在广场中央。 Merely about three meters altitude, tower structure is extremely probably complex, even if by the Gu Qianqiu profound knowledge, does not have the means resolution mystery. The people whoop, did not know that the Miracle guild must make any novel strange thing! 大约仅仅三米左右高度,塔身结构极其复杂,哪怕以古千秋渊博学识,也没有办法分辨其中奥秘。人们对此议论纷纷,不晓得奇迹行会又要做出什么新奇古怪的东西呢! Miracle Commerce Array Master inspects unmistakably, time Good enough also arrived, the test formally started! 奇迹商会阵法师检查无误,时间差不多也到了,测试正式开始了! Hey, hello, for a long time does not see!” “嘿,大家好,好久不见啦!” White robe young people walk, I am Yun Xiao, tedious self introduction saved, in any case I in the Central State City size was a celebrity, I think that few individuals did not know me!” 一个白袍年轻人走出来,“我是云霄,繁琐的自我介绍就省了吧,反正我在中州城大小算个名人,我想没几个人不认识我吧!” In crowd a laughing boisterously sound. 人群中一阵哄然大笑声。 Central State City must say that does not know Yun Xiao, but also cannot discover several people. 中州城要说不认识云霄,还真找不出几个人。 Yun Xiao praise or blame, he before was the playboy who lived a life of dissipation specially, who knew in short yiliangge months, can actually have the so huge transformation, making all people look at one another to his Guan Mu. 云霄一直毁誉参半,他以前是一个专门吃喝嫖赌的纨绔,谁知道在短短一两个月时间里,竟然能够发生如此巨大的转变,让所有人都对他关目相看。 Everybody calm down a bit!” Yun Xiao raises a hand, shouts with the loudspeaker: Today here, has a Miracle Commerce great invention to announce!” “大家静一静!”云霄高举起一只手,用喇叭喊道:“今天在这里,有奇迹商会一项伟大发明要公布!” Miracle Commerce little publicizes to the people demonstrates innovation. 奇迹商会很少公开向人们展示新发明。 Today since so will be unusual, this invention is mostly outstanding. 今天既然会如此反常,此次发明多半不同凡响。 I want to ask everybody.” Yun Xiao back and forth is walking slowly and aimlessly the step: „Is this world big?” “我想问问大家。”云霄来回踱着步子:“这个世界大不大?” Big!” “大!” „Isn't this idle talk?” “这不是废话么?” „The world is very big, splendid infinite!” Yun Xiao spoke of here, suddenly also sighed the one breath saying: However, is regrettable, everybody includes me, its life also is very finally difficult to go out of Southern Xia, its life is also finally hard to have a look at this colorful world with own eyes 1/100010000!” “世界很大,精彩无限!”云霄说到这里,突然又叹一口气说:“然而,非常遗憾,现场的各位包括我自己在内,终其一生也很难走出南夏,终其一生也难以亲眼去看看这个精彩纷呈世界1!” The people are silent. 众人默然。 Everyone knows that the world is very big, everyone knows that Southern Xia is very small. 谁都知道世界很大,谁都知道南夏很小。 Humanity establishes in the civilized state, has hundreds of billions population, the Southern Summer Country merely 200 million people, said Southern Xia a very tiny area, is not slightly excessive. 人类建立文明国度中,拥有数千亿人口,南夏国仅仅200000000人,说南夏弹丸之地,也丝毫都不过分。 The Gu Qianqiu feelings are more profound, once more than 20 years studied away from home he of experience, experienced to the world tip of the iceberg merely this world are too really big! 古千秋感触就更深,曾经有20多年游学经历的他,也仅仅见识到世界冰山一角而已这个世界真的太大了! Population several hundred hundred million huge empires, stretch across hundreds of thousands of li (0.5km) great empire, how magnificent!” Yun Xiao exhibits a face grief and indignation, repeatedly in unfair of angrily rebuking destiny: „Can we only fantasize with the limited imagination?” “人口数百亿的庞大帝国,横跨数十万里的伟大帝国,那到底是怎样的辉煌!”云霄摆出一脸悲愤,反复在怒斥命运的不公:“我们难道只能用有限的想象力去幻想吗?” Elf, Spirit Beast and Dragon Clan, the races in these hearsay, have the civilization and wisdom of not inferior humanity, what their world are, their custom cultures are also what kind , doesn't everybody want to look with own eyes?” 精灵兽灵龙族,这些传闻中的种族,拥有不逊色人类的文明与智慧,他们的世界是什么样的,他们的风俗文化又是怎样的,难道大家就不想亲眼去看一看吗?” „The far Ancient Gods beast, antique life, the Continent forbidden area are innumerable, grotesque and gaudy, mysterious infinite, why can't we have a look with own eyes?” The Yun Xiao performing skill has, these words said more and more warm-blooded, beside vault of heaven, the abyss world, what space is, don't you want to know?” “远古神兽,太古生命,大陆禁区无数,光怪陆离,玄妙无限,为什么我们就不能亲眼去看看?”云霄演技还是有的,这一番话说的越来越热血,“天穹之外,深渊世界,是一个什么样的空间,你们就不想知道吗?” Myriad years later, Vicissitudes, Expert or the common people, will disappear in the river of history, are our time doomed to forget?” “万千年后,沧海桑田,无论是强者还是平民,都将泯灭在历史长河中,难道我们的时代就注定被人遗忘吗?” Yun Xiao fervently expressed views, the people mind rippled. 云霄慷慨陈词,人们心神荡漾不已。 I do not know how you think! I am not in any case willingly!” The Yun Xiao fist gripped tightly saying: Even if I am very tiny, but I want to understand the prestige of big dragon, even if I am vulgar and earth, but I have a look at the Elven Race outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman grace and talent with own eyes, even if I am very base and low, but I want to experience the abyss world the profoundness. Even if I am very incompetent, I also want to be remembered by the generation after generation, forever lives in the people remember!” “我不知道你们怎么想!反正我不甘心!”云霄拳头紧握说:“即使我很渺小,但我想领略巨龙之威,即使我又俗又土,但我亲眼看看精灵族绝色美女风华,即使我很卑微,但我想见识深渊世界的深邃。即使我很无能,我也想被子子孙孙记住,永远活在人们记忆里!” Everybody thinks that I insane is right?” “大家以为我疯了对不对?” Right, if no Miracle Commerce, I also think one were insane!” “没错,若没有奇迹商会,我自己也会认为自己疯了!” Gu Qianqiu hears to be in a daze, the boy was really too can blow, but one laughed uproariously, hung the appetite of full people actually, making everybody somewhat be charmed, was eager to know that Miracle Commerce has brought anything. 古千秋听得直发愣,小子真是太能吹了,不过一番噱头下来,倒是吊足人们的胃口,让大家都不禁有些神往,更急切想要知道,奇迹商会到底又带来了什么。 Even if said that thousand ten thousand, might as well see to finally quickly.” Yun Xiao felt Good enough, immediately falls back on side, a two pendulum: Please leave Miracle Commerce most to innovate!” “纵然说千道万,终不如一睹为快。”云霄感觉差不多了,立刻退到旁边,两手一摆:“请出奇迹商会最新发明!”
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