MT :: Volume #3

#257: The scholars enter a city

The Gryphon knight was too conspicuous, if appears in Central State City blatantly, to tell all people, did Imperial City send the army to come? If Chu Tian adopts moves extremely, perhaps will make the city people be implicated! 狮鹫骑士太显眼了,若公然出现在中州城,岂不是告诉所有人,王城派军队过来了?万一楚天采取极端行动,恐怕会使城民受到牵连! Should better seize Chu Tian, does not cause the disturbance in Central State as far as possible. 最好神不知鬼不觉把楚天抓走,尽可能不在中州引起骚乱。 Do not alert the enemy, you hide to coordinate mount, then seeps in the Central State main city, seeks to investigate the Chu Tian whereabouts, waits for an opportunity to capture it again at one fell swoop!” Gu Qianqiu they arranges duty to Cao Bao: „After South State Western Marquis arrives, we called Chu Tian again to him, escorted to the Imperial City trial to punish!” “不要打草惊蛇,你们把坐骑藏起来策应,然后渗透进中州主城里,寻调查楚天的下落,再伺机将其一举擒获!”古千秋给曹豹他们安排任务:“南州四方候到来后,我们再把楚天叫给他,送往王城审判发落!” That big scholar......” “那大学者……” Causes difficulties for others by all means that I am responsible for collecting the Chu Tian evidence.” “只管拿人,我负责收集楚天罪证。” Compliant!” “遵命!” Chu Tian this person is extremely extremely arrogant tyrannically, perhaps the side has the master, was discarded including the special envoys of Nangong Clan True Soul level strength, you move must be careful!” 楚天此人极端狂妄暴虐,身边恐怕藏有高手,连南宫家族真魂级实力的特使都被废掉了,你们行动的时候务必小心!” Please big scholar feel relieved that we guaranteed completes the task!” “请大学者放心,我们保证完成任务!” Goes!” “去吧!” The Royal Palace knight selects extremely strictly harsh, is not only the kingdom strongest knight group, has the stratagem to suit fights under various situations bravely, any member sends the elite Storm Cavalry group, can be competent Storm Cavalry thousand to ride the chief. 王殿骑士选拔极其严格苛刻,不仅仅是王国最强的骑士团,更有勇有谋适合各种情况下的战斗,任何一个成员派到精锐的疾风骑兵团,都能够胜任疾风骑兵的千骑大队长。 This is the Southern Summer Country special action force, steals a person, what difficulty for them has? 这是南夏国的特别行动部队,劫走一个人而已,对他们来说有什么困难? Cao Bao leads the subordinates Royal Palace knight to advance, immediately camouflages to seep Central State City in advance. 曹豹带领麾下王殿骑士先行,立刻伪装先行渗透进中州城 Gu Qianqiu through the Central State harbor, to study away from home the scholar status normal debarkation to enter a city. However, when Gu Qianqiu arrives in the Central State City harbor, immediately by at present the picture thoroughly is shocked. 古千秋则通过中州港口,以游学学者身份正常登陆进城。不过,当古千秋抵达中州城的港口时,立刻就被眼前景象给彻底惊呆了。 The Southern Xia eight Dazhou counties, Gu Qianqiu which hasn't gone? 南夏八大州郡,古千秋哪个没去过? The Qing State harbor scale is biggest, because of Qing State is the national resources habitat, the resources transportation is developed, the Qing State port crosses year to year anchoring steamship 200, from the scene is very magnificent. 青州港口规模是最大的,因青州是全国资源产地,资源运输非常发达,青州港渡常年停泊大船200艘,从场面来说是非常壮观的。 Today arrives at Central State actually with amazement to discover that the Central State harbor scale was bigger than one time before, most at least anchored 300-400 steamships, 10,000-20,000 stevedores fiery upwards busy, scene unusual shock! 今天来到中州却惊讶发现,中州港口规模比以前大一倍,最起码停泊三四百艘大船,一两万装卸工人火热朝天忙碌,场面非常的震撼! What is more astonishing, the Central State wharf is still expanding, will cross again about a half month time, the harbor scale will promote one time once more! 更让人吃惊的是,中州码头依然在扩建,再过半个月左右时间,港口规模会再次提升一倍! This just like is a shipping trade full of vitality bountiful picture! 这俨然是一副航运贸易生机勃勃的富饶景象! When did Central State become such developed? 中州什么时候变得这么发达了? Nearby Central State City, the innumerable factories are the busy fiery, beast car(riage) drag the material to pass and out, various types of end products transport unceasingly arrive in the warehouse, a lively prosperous prosperous and powerful picture. 中州城附近,无数工厂更是忙碌火热,兽车拖着材料进进出出,各种成品不断运输到仓库里,一派繁华昌盛的富强景象。 Strange, strange. 怪哉,怪哉。 Chaotic past half th month Central State. 中州之乱过去半个多月。 Central State City not only does not have any deterioration, instead became compares was livelier before, was really an unthinkable phenomenon. Gu Qianqiu is in a daze, suddenly thought that the sky sinks, when Gu Qianqiu gained ground, the chin almost falls on the ground. 中州城非但没有任何衰败,反而变得比以前更繁华,真是一个匪夷所思的现象。古千秋发愣的时候,突然觉得天空一沉,当古千秋抬起头来的时候,下巴差点掉在地上。 What is this? 这是什么? Sky three ellipses, just like the circular monsters of great egg, at quite quick speed slowly from a direction. Gu Qianqiu has not seen this thing, it seems like a hot-air balloon, but definitely is not the ordinary hot-air balloon, because this gadget speed is quick, obviously has one strong power system. 天空三个椭圆形,犹如巨蛋的圆形巨物,正在以相当快的速度缓缓从一个方向而来。古千秋从来都没有见过这东西,它看起来像是一个热气球,但是肯定不是普通热气球,因为这玩意儿速度很快,显然有一套强劲的动力系统。 Each ellipse great egg is hanging a container basket. 每个椭圆巨蛋都挂着一个集装箱似的篮子。 Gu Qianqiu helplessly looks that great egg flutters slowly outside Central State City, sky over a large-scale warehouse anchors steadily, afterward sinks slowly, when away ground less than three meters, the big basket of container was opened, two people stand, bag heavy ore, throws completely in front of the warehouse. 古千秋眼睁睁的看着“巨蛋”慢慢飘在中州城外,一座大型仓库上空稳稳停住,随后缓缓地下沉,当距地面不到三米时,集装箱似的大篮子被打开,两个人站出来,将一袋袋沉重矿石,全部丢在仓库面前。 Three great egg freight capacity is astonishing, piles up a hill. 三只“巨蛋”载货量惊人,足足堆积起来一座小山。 After finishing unloading the goods, great egg slowly hikes up, departed in a direction slowly. 当卸完货后,巨蛋又缓缓飘起,又朝一个方向慢慢离去了。 In the Gu Qianqiu heart shock is hard to describe with language, as scholar, he to the new things, always has been simultaneously full of the curiosity. 古千秋心中震撼难以用语言来描述,同时做为一个学者,他对新鲜事物,总是充满了好奇心。 Before he arrives at the warehouse, sees to remove goods worker to bustle about, curious asked one: Little elder brother, what these thing that flies in space are?” 他走到仓库前见搬货工人正在忙碌,好奇的问一句:“小哥,这些在天上飞的东西是什么?” You just came Central State City!” A hardbound worker mouth is holding in the mouth the root cigarette, careless said proudly: This thing can also see on Central State, this called Miracle Airship, the loading quantity soon compared favorably with a small freighter!” “你是刚来中州城吧!”一个精装的工人嘴里叼着根烟卷,大大咧咧却非常自豪说:“这东西也就中州能看见,这叫奇迹空艇,装货量快要比得上一艘小型货船了!” Right! These ores deliver from South Sky City. Probably called anything......” “没错!这些矿石是从天南城那边送过来的。好像叫什么……” Hides the shade stone!” “藏影石!” Right, right, called this.” “对,对,就叫这个。” This Miracle Airship flies the mine loading directly, then delivers to Central State City to come by far.” “这奇迹空艇直接飞到矿山装货,然后远远地送到中州城来。” You must know that mine in the remote mountains and ancient forests, the beast car(riage) cannot go, if transported from inside the ore to South Sky City has taken the trouble, let alone transported Central State City from South Sky City again from afar, entire process seven days ten days could not have arrived, and were unsafe! Had this Miracle Airship, mining and transportation efficiency promotes ten times simply!” “你要知道,那矿山在深山老林里,兽车根本就进不去,若要把矿石从里面运到天南城别提多费力了,更别说从天南城再千里迢迢运到中州城,整个过程没有七天十天都到不了,而且还不安全!有了这奇迹空艇,采矿和运输效率简直提升十倍呀!” Too astonishing! 太惊人了! This is one has the airborne cargo carrier of important use absolutely! 这绝对是一个有着重要用途的空中运货工具! This time resources are too really rich, in fact a kingdom, even if in the small country, the resources that can mine are not many. Overwhelming majorities are because of the geography or the environmental factor, but does not have the means to unearth. 这个时代资源实在太丰富,实际上一个王国,哪怕是小国中,能开采到的资源并不多。绝大多数是因为地理或环境因素,而没有办法去挖掘的。 For example Qing State Blue-Ridge Mountain Range. 比如青州青岭 That is the Southern Summer Country biggest resource section! 那是南夏国最大的资源区! How many now the development degree is less than the resources that surveys 1%, why? Nothing but is the mountain is high, is hard to enter, is hard to transport, therefore can only look that cannot pick! 如今开发程度不到勘测到的资源中几1,为什么?无非是山高水险,难以进入,难以运输,所以只能看不能采! Had this Airship, can substitute the ships shipping.” “有了这空艇,岂不是能替代船只航运。” Is not actually good, the Airship loading quantity is not freely small, but compared to the steamship incoming messenger to be far. Moreover, this Airship travel distance is limited, only suits in the state county transports, could not be used for intercontinental to ship.” “倒是不行,空艇装货量尽管不小啊,不过比起大船来差远了。另外,这空艇行驶距离有限,只适合在州郡内运输,还不能用来跨洲运送。” Another worker interrupted: What you are anxious, others Miracle Commerce just made Airship, world these three, now are not good, also not?” 另一个工人插嘴道:“你急什么,人家奇迹商会才刚刚把空艇造出来,全世界就这三艘而已,现在不行,难道以后还不行吗?” Also said is, said is.” “说得也是,说得也是。” What matter does Miracle Commerce have unable to achieve?” 奇迹商会还有什么事情做不到?” These workers talked at once the discussion, whole face was the worship to Miracle Commerce. 这些工人一个个七嘴八舌讨论,满脸都是对奇迹商会的崇拜。 Gu Qianqiu actually falls into silent, this Airship appears really has very big significance, this Miracle Commerce and Chu Tian, although stops at no evil, but to also somewhat skill! 古千秋却陷入沉默,这种空艇出现实在是有很大意义啊,这奇迹商会楚天虽然无恶不作,但到还有几分本事啊! Gu Qianqiu also asked here: I heard Central State now chaotic very much, has this matter?” 古千秋借此机会又问:“我听说中州现在乱的很,有这回事吗?” „Is Central State chaotic? Bird!” These worker eyes stare: „Before Central State , is actually very chaotic, these aristocrats are pressing above, we gasp for breath difficultly. Since Miracle Commerce wipes out Three Great Clans, the Central State atmosphere becomes with ease, in the young aristocrats including other is kind. For half a month is less than the time, our wage rose three times!” 中州乱?鸟!”这些工人眼睛一瞪:“中州以前倒是挺乱的,那些贵族在上面压着,我们连喘气都难。自从奇迹商会打掉三大家族之后,中州氛围变得轻松很多,连其他中小贵族都和蔼起来。这半个月不到时间,我们薪水涨了三倍!” Yes! My son can on Central State Academy, all be the stipend that the Miracle Commerce charitable foundation provides!” A middle-aged guy is happy, school expense made Miracle Commerce leave, now makes how much money is own, the day also became feels better. From now on waits for the son to complete study, certainly makes him go to the Miracle Commerce work, illustrious lintel!” “是啊!我儿子能上中州学院,全是奇迹商会慈善基金提供的助学金!”一个中年汉子一脸幸福,“学费都让奇迹商会出了,现在赚多少钱都是自己的,日子也变得好过了。今后等儿子学成出来,一定让他去奇迹商会工作,光耀门楣啊!” Venerable, we must work, if no other matter, makes troublesome!” “老先生,我们还要干活呢,如果没有别的事情,麻烦让一让!” Right, right, Miracle Commerce pays such high wages to us, we must work well the repayment.” “对的,对的,奇迹商会给我们开这么高工资,我们也得好好干活报答。” Gu Qianqiu somewhat is in a daze. 古千秋有些发愣。 From these worker looks and expressions, these words are absolutely from the heart. 从这些工人眼神和表情来看,这些话绝对是发自内心的。 This is completely different from Gu Qianqiu expectation! 这跟古千秋预想情况完全不一样! Several thousands Central State chaotic casualty, Three Great Clans was extinguished loudly, the power balance avalanche, this Central State causes suddenly sufficiently again massively scared, various clans taking the opportunity mutually will also engage in factional strife the annexation, Central State should be able to be a chaotic scene is right. 中州之乱死伤数万,三大家族轰然被灭,势力平衡骤然崩塌,这足以再中州引起大规模恐慌,各族也会借机互相倾轧吞并,中州应该会是一片混乱景象才对。 Let alone, the Chu Tian pilot very enters a city! 更何况,楚天引水贼进城啊! These thieves occupy four continent lakes for a long time, kills and burns to plunder, stops at no evil, after they enter a city, won't commit the slightest offense? Isn't this talks nonsense?! 这些贼人长期盘踞四洲湖,烧杀抢掠,无恶不作,他们进城之后会秋毫无犯?这不是扯淡吗?! Who knows, Central State City not only does not have aquatic fiery, instead became compares was livelier before, people not chaotic, the life was instead better than before. 谁知道,中州城非但没有水生火热,反而变得比以前更繁华,人民没有乱,生活反而比以前更好了。 Does the information have discrepancies with the actual situation? 难道情报跟实际情况有出入? No matter what, Chu Tian mobilizes the pirate to attack a city, causes chaotic of Central State, annexes Three Great Clans secretly, causes heavy losses to the Imperial City special envoy is the fact! These charges sufficed him dead 100 times! 不管怎么样,楚天发动水贼攻城,引起中州之乱,私自吞并三大家族,又重创王城特使是不争的事实!这几条罪名就够他死100次了! He insulted the Gu Qianqiu disciple, even also insulted Gu Qianqiu I, this was to big scholar my provocation! 他侮辱古千秋的弟子,甚至还侮辱古千秋本人,这是对大学者本人的挑衅行为! No matter what, must catch to say him again! 不管怎么样,一定要把他抓起来再说! Cao Bao they moved, it is estimated that can hold Chu Tian quickly, Western Marquis also quickly rushes to Central State, I grasp the time collection evidence! 曹豹他们已经行动,估计很快就能抓住楚天,四方候也很快赶到中州,我还是抓紧时间收集罪证吧! Gu Qianqiu has not continued to shake outside the city, but enters in Central State City directly the evidence. 古千秋没有继续在城外晃悠,而是直接走进中州城里调查取证。 Toward evening, Central State City gradually dim. 黄昏时分,中州城渐渐地昏暗。 Strange, why roadside does crystal lamp disappear? 奇怪,为什么路边晶石灯都不见了? When the Gu Qianqiu vision has swept the main street and small alley, advocated the city provides the Crystal Stone flare, now artificially has all been demolished, strange turreted objects displace. 古千秋目光扫过大街小巷时,本来主城是配备晶石照明灯的,现在全都被人为的拆除了,一座座奇怪的塔状物体取而代之。 Turreted constructs tall Yue one zhang (3.33 m), is heading a gigantic bulb. 塔状建筑高约一丈,正顶着一个硕大的玻璃球。 Doesn't Central State City have the lamp? 中州城难道都没有灯吗? Snort, good Chu Tian, to have opened including the lamp, at night do the city people live are very how could it not be unsafe? This does not live to care city people obviously! 哼,好个楚天,连灯都拆了,城民夜间生活岂不很不安全?这明显是不把城民生活放在心上! Inscribes, inscribes! 记上,记上! Actually in city public utility flaw, has the fart to relate with Chu Tian, is this City Lord responsibility is good? Gu Qianqiu believes that Chu Tian harasses Central State, therefore causes the public equipment to be destroyed, should also calculate his responsibility! 其实城市里公共设施缺失,跟楚天有屁关系,这是城主的责任好不好?古千秋则认为,正是楚天扰乱中州,所以导致公共设备被摧毁,应该也算他的责任! Gu Qianqiu has not written down. 古千秋都还没记下来呢。 Suddenly, a bright has delimited the surroundings, entire Central State City shortly will as if light, all street well-illuminated, ray shining of street photo like daytime! 突然间,一道亮光划过周围,整个中州城仿佛顷刻间点燃,所有街道一片通明,光线把街道照的亮如白昼! Gu Qianqiu frightens draws back three zhang (3.33 m) far: What is this?!” 古千秋吓得一退三丈远:“这是什么?!” Ha Ha, country bumpkin who which comes!” An Sir pulls the little girl to pass through on the street, the little girl had been amused by the Gu Qianqiu appearance, does not know the electric lamp, disgraced, disgraced!” “哈哈,哪来的乡巴佬!”一个大人牵着小女孩在街上走过,那小女孩被古千秋样子逗乐了,“连电灯都不知道,丢人,丢人!” The Sir also revealed the color of disdaining, on the mouth said: Girl, can you such not have the politeness? Must respect the old person to know where this electric lamp does not have.” 大人也露出不屑之色,嘴上却说:“丫头,你怎么能这么没礼貌呢?要尊敬老人知不知道,这电灯也不是什么地方都有的。” Gu Qianqiu is awkward: This electric lamp what's the matter?” 古千秋一脸尴尬:“这电灯是怎么回事?” This is the invention of Miracle Commerce, the cost very inexpensive, besides South Sky City, are most on Central State City.” This city people said all proudly: Miracle Commerce is the improvement city people lives, prepares to construct 5000 to make the lighthouse, has including the common people hole, our life convenience are many.” “这是奇迹商会的发明,成本非常的低廉,除了天南城外,就中州城最多。”这个城民无不自豪的说:“奇迹商会为改善城民生活,准备援建5000做灯塔,连平民窟都有呢,我们的生活方便多了。” This big one slightly disdains to continue rubbish with country bumpkin, selfish window-shopped to play. 这一大一小不屑跟土鳖继续废话,自顾自的逛街游玩去了。 A Gu Qianqiu face delay is looking at present, this brilliantly illuminated city, the turreted construction peak, bloomed in a flash from the bulb the bright ray. This light wants bright many compared with Crystal Stone . Moreover the illuminating effect is stable! 古千秋一脸呆滞望着眼前,这座转瞬间灯火通明的城市,原来塔状建筑顶端,从玻璃球里绽放出明亮光芒。这光比晶石要明亮的多,而且照明效果非常稳定! Electric lamp, a completely automatic illumination tool? 电灯,一种全自动的照明工具么? Gu Qianqiu had not discovered that any thinks the sign of operation, ten have ** opens according to the induction ray strong and weak automatically, is not simple, really not simple...... When does Central State City present these many interesting things? 古千秋没有发现任何认为操纵的迹象,十有**是根据感应光线强弱自动开启,不简单,真不简单……中州城是什么时候出现这么多有趣的东西? However, this does not have anything to use greatly. 不过,这也没什么大用。 Nothing but substitutes for crystal lamp! 无非是取代晶石灯而已! Gu Qianqiu does not believe that Chu Tian has violated that big matter, will link an evidence unable to find? 古千秋就不信了,楚天犯了那么大的事,难道会连一点罪证都找不到? Certainly has! 一定有的!
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