MT :: Volume #3

#256: The anger of scholar

Qing State city. 青州城。 On road that west the Azure Wood Marquis still comes back, learned that a huge good news, Black Dragon Canyon to have made a connection. 青木候平定西部回来的路上,获知一个天大的好消息,青龙径已经被打通了。 He cannot believe simply that immediately nonstop hurries back to the main city, finally confirmed this news thoroughly. 他简直不敢相信,立刻马不停蹄赶回主城,终于彻底证实了这个消息。 The sleepiness of Black Dragon Canyon in addition Azure Wood Marquis repeatedly is defeated, unexpectedly under the son led to solve. Because of this great merit, making Mu Xuan receive intense supporting of Qing State people, this to Azure Wood Marquis, is the double joy! 青木候尚且屡次失败的青龙径之困,竟在儿子带领之下解决了。正是因为此次大功,让木轩受到青州人们的强烈拥戴,这对青木候而言,更是喜上加喜啊! The Qing State city assembles the army in several days of time massively, catches up from the thing, the entire 100,000 armies emerge Black Dragon Canyon, eradicates the Black Dragon Canyon residual threat, finally made a connection with this important channel completely. 青州城在几天时间大规模调集军队,从东西两边同时发力,整整100000军队涌入青龙径,把青龙径残留的威胁根除,终于把这一条重要的通道给完全打通了。 Azure Wood Marquis is to avoid similar matter occurred again. 青木候为避免类似的事情再次发生。 Qing State starts to chisel Shan Jianying, making the watch box cover entirely Black Dragon Canyon, transfers 30,000 crack troops to be stationed in the Black Dragon Canyon military compound. 青州开始凿山建营,让哨站布满青龙径,更调动30000精兵驻扎青龙径军营。 Such comes the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources production rapid recovery, all resources fields start to operate. These sold to the Chu Tian merchant the stock or the resources field, wants to cry but have no tears to beat the breast and stamp the feet. 这么一来青岭资源生产迅速恢复,所有资源场开始重新运作。那些把股份或者资源场卖给楚天的商人,都欲哭无泪捶胸顿足起来。 …… …… Then merely in the past few days time, after the Black Dragon Canyon situation thorough is stable, these resource section values steadily will also rise! 这才仅仅过去几天时间,当青龙径局势彻底稳定以后,这些资源区价值还会持续上升! These resources fields in the normal time want by the itself value purchase, almost to be dreams of a fool! 这些资源场在正常时期想以本身价值收购,几乎就是痴人说梦! Chu Tian actually by price that nearly cuts in two at the waist, buys one in large numbers rich the resources field that is difficult to buy, is Miracle Commerce builds a stable rear resources channel. 楚天却以近乎腰斩的价格,买一大批有钱都难买的资源场,为奇迹商会打造一座稳定的后方资源渠道。 This business really gained sends greatly! 这笔生意真是赚大发了! Mu Xuan returns to Marquis Palace: Reported the father period of five days, Black Dragon Canyon eliminated completely, was chiselling Shan Jianying, the consolidated Black Dragon Canyon defense, avoided similar matter occurring again.” 木轩回到侯府:“禀告父候,青龙径已完全肃清,正在凿山建营,巩固青龙径防御,避免类似事情再次发生。” Good that makes!” Azure Wood Marquis feels the whole body to be relaxed, several months covered in the heart haze have dispersed finally, this puzzled a Qing State several months of issue is can be solved! Comes the person, I must visit Master Qiu personally, thanked the big hero in Qing State city well!” “做的好!”青木候感觉浑身轻松,几个月来笼罩在心头的阴霾总算散了,“这个困扰青州几个月的问题算是得以解决了!来人,我要亲自拜访秋先生,好好感谢青州城的大功臣!” Father period of five days, Master Qiu, although strives not to be small.” Mu Xuan hesitant several seconds: But the biggest merit is......” “父候,秋先生虽然出力不小。”木轩犹豫几秒:“但最大的功劳是……” Mu Xuan.” Azure Wood Marquis complexion one austere: Yu Changge when he has not come, you are the marquis heir apparent, do you understand my meaning?” 木轩。”青木候脸色一肃:“余长歌就当他没来过,你是本侯世子,你明白我的意思吗?” Mu Xuan looking pensive: Such does to be able......” 木轩若有所思:“这么做会不会……” Beyond do the nation merchants want the merit what to use?” Azure Wood Marquis snort|hum said: Let alone he took the reward of earning!” “一个外邦商人要功何用?”青木候哼一声说:“何况他拿了应得的报酬!” 500 million gold coins?” “500000000金币?” You think that has 500 million gold coins?” Azure Wood Marquis somewhat seems to be annoyed: Now the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resource section has half to be bought up the stock by him, this loss to us 1 billion and 2 billion continues! Although is the behavior of taking advantage, but the majority of resources field, he owns stocks merely but does not control, this marquis also opened eyes to close one's eyes!” “你以为只有500000000金币?”青木候似乎有些恼火:“现在青岭资源区有一半都被他买进股份,这笔损失对我们来说1000000000、2000000000都不止!虽然是趁火打劫的行为,但大部分资源场,他仅仅持股而不控制,本侯也就睁只眼闭只眼了!” No wonder! 难怪! This fellow is quite really deceitful! 这家伙果然好奸诈! Chu Tian leaves the plan, has resulted in practical value, takes the big fund to take advantage, this is destroys the Qing State practical interests the procedure. Azure Wood Marquis did not investigate that sells his favour, then his by rights ought to also Azure Wood Marquis favour. 楚天出策,已得实利,又拿着大笔资金趁火打劫,这是破坏青州实际利益的做法。青木候不追究就是卖他一个人情,那么他理当还青木候一个人情。 Qing State nobody knows this character. 青州没有人知道这号人物。 Everybody buckles the biggest merit on Mu Xuan. 大家把最大功劳都扣在木轩身上。 This honor to Master Qiu, or is not worth a red cent to that mysterious Mr. Yu. However, regarding Mu Xuan, the large sum of money is truly difficult to buy, as the Azure Wood Marquis heir apparent, he will sooner or later inherit the father Azure Wood Marquis title, this time the great merit makes the people worship him, to respect him, after Mu Xuan whether to have jurisdiction over Qing State to have very big significance smoothly. 这份荣誉对秋先生,或者对那位神秘的余先生来说一文不值的。然而,对于木轩来说,确实万金难买,作为青木候世子,他迟早会继承父亲青木候爵位,此番大功让人们都崇拜他、尊敬他,对木轩以后能否顺利管辖青州有着很大意义。 Mu Xuan puzzled said to the father: I did not think clearly, Master Qiu is not an average person, actually hasn't heard why in Southern Summer Country?...... Is he foreign scholar?” 木轩一脸困惑对父亲说:“我一直想不明白,秋先生不是普通人,为什么在南夏国却从来没有听说过呢?难道……他是外国学者?” …… …… What meaning does father wait?” “父候什么意思?” Master Qiu for alias of low key conduct.” Azure Wood Marquis spoke of here, suddenly a voice revolution, this marquis was from the beginning indefinite, along with afterward observation, I have been able to assert that this Master Qiu was my Southern Summer Country first scholar, first on minister Gu Qianqiu of Dongfang Family clan!” 秋先生是为低调行事的化名而已。”青木候说到这里,突然话音一转,“本侯一开始也不确定,随着后来的观察,我已经可以断言,这个秋先生就是我南夏国的第一学者,东方家族的第一上卿古千秋!” Mu Xuan was almost frightened the soul. 木轩差点被吓出魂来。 Is the Master Qiu real status big scholar Gu Qianqiu?! 秋先生真实身份是大学者古千秋?! Gu Qianqiu young time, once studied away from home with more than 20 years, passes through many countries, visiting many masters, after returning to Southern Summer Country, is honored as the Southern Summer Country most learned person, now can say has pupils everywhere. 古千秋年轻的时候,曾经用20多年时间游学,走过很多国家,拜访很多大师,回到南夏国之后,被誉为南夏国最有学问的人,如今可以说桃李满天下。 In the Southern Summer Country scholar mind, just like keeps aloof with Wang Yiyang. Mu Xuan has a dream cannot think that this low-key and rigorous old scholar, unexpectedly is Southern Summer Country first scholar! 南夏国学者的心目中,俨然跟王一样高高在上。木轩就算做梦也想不到,这个低调而又严谨的老学者,竟然就是南夏国的第一学者 Also right. 也对啊。 In Southern Summer Country first-class scholar, most famous is big scholar Gu Qianqiu and Central State Cloud Sect Yun Tianhe, when this appears by the Master Qiu status when Qing State, knowledge that displays not inferior Yun Tianhe, even especially crossing, everybody should think that was Gu Qianqiu, but cannot believe at that time completely! 南夏国一流学者中,最出名的就是大学者古千秋中州云门云天鹤,当此以秋先生身份出现在青州,表现出不逊色云天鹤、甚至尤为过之的学问时,大家就应该想到是古千秋了,只是当时完全不敢相信而已! The big scholar low key comes Qing State, naturally has own consideration. 学者低调来青州,当然有着自己的考虑。 After all the big scholar reputation is too abundant, if exposes the status the necessity to cause the stir, instead does not facilitate Gu Qianqiu to concentrate on study, moreover law about the Viperous Scorpion poisonous explaining, has certain challenge to Gu Qianqiu, if can explain perfectly, the people will think natural, if cannot effectively solve the problem, for a while the progress is blocked, the Qing State morale instead greatly will be attacked. 毕竟大学者的名声太盛,若曝光身份的话必然引起轰动,反而不方便古千秋潜心研究,而且关于蛇蝎毒破解之法,对古千秋有一定挑战,若能完美破解,人们会觉得理所应当,若不能有效解决问题,一时进度受阻的话,青州士气反而会受到更大打击。 After all, the hope is bigger, is disappointedly bigger. 毕竟,希望越大,失望越大。 If big scholar such person could not solve continually, Southern Summer Country who was able? The Qing State common people definitely lose confidence to the kingdom, once the city people lose the confidence to the kingdom, will have the massive running away people to appear, then to Qing State to the kingdom is very disadvantageous. 若连大学者这样的人都解不了,南夏国还有谁有能力?青州百姓肯定对王国失去信心,一旦城民对王国失去信心,就会有大量逃民出现,那么对青州对王国而言都是很不利的。 Since the matter has been solved. 既然事情已经解决了。 Then Gu Qianqiu does not have the hideaway status necessity, such a heavyweight great person comes Qing State, the Azure Wood Marquis fathers and sons certainly to pay a visit, offers a generous gift to thank by the table. 那么古千秋就没有隐藏身份的必要,这么一个重量级的大人物来青州,青木候父子肯定是要登门拜访,送上一份厚礼以表感谢。 Big scholar also in laboratory?” “大学者还在研究室吗?” Yes, after that is late, he three days three nights had not gone out.” “是,那晚过后,他已经三天三夜没出门了。” Gu Qianqiu exterminates after that evening the Viperous Scorpion Beast main force fights, following several wrap up in the fight again not to make an appearance. Closes oneself in research strength, is studying diligently the square day minefield pattern with total concentration the Diagram paper. 古千秋经过当晚剿灭蛇蝎兽主力一战之后,接下来几场扫尾战斗中就再没有露过面了。只是把自己关在研究实力,正聚精会神钻研四方天雷阵的设计图纸。 Wisdom that in this Array contains were too many are too many! 这个阵法里面蕴含的智慧太多太多了! Gu Qianqiu seems discovered under the adventurer who a buried treasure, and frantic excitement interweaves, making his three days three nights not sleep, is only the note writes all over three thick notebooks. 古千秋仿佛是发现一座宝藏的冒险者,兴奋和狂热的心情交织之下,让他三天三夜都没有睡觉,光是笔记就写满三本厚厚的笔记本。 Azure Wood Marquis wooden Rong, pays a visit Master Qiu!” 青木候木嵘,拜见秋先生!” Gu Qianqiu was broken by Azure Wood Marquis, two flash through one not to be quick, immediately closes the notebook, walks from the research institute: Azure Wood Marquis arrives, recognizes old man mostly.” 古千秋青木候打断,两眼闪过一丝不快,立刻合上笔记本,从研究所走出来:“青木候亲临,多半认出老夫。” Azure Wood Marquis does not play the fool but actually, a face said with deep veneration: Big scholar came from far away is Qing State helps overcome difficulties, wooden Rong cannot recognize to lose the respect promptly, today makes up for 12 especially, Mu Xuan has not offered the gift.” 青木候倒也不装傻,一脸肃然说道:“大学者远道而来为青州解难,木嵘未能及时认出有失敬意,今日特来弥补12,木轩还不把礼物送上。” This grade of common object exempted!” Gu Qianqiu looked continually has not looked at one, sighed the one breath: Qing State breaks through, not my merit, not my merit!” “这等俗物就免了吧!”古千秋连看都没看一眼,叹一口气:“青州解围,非我之功,非我之功啊!” Gu Qianqiu study blueprint several days. 古千秋钻研图纸几天了。 As continuously studies profoundly, he even more felt that admires. This Diagram withholds a detail to come, can make Gu Qianqiu study the several days to benefit greatly. 随着不断研究深入,他越发感觉到高山仰止。这设计图就算扣出一个细节来,都能让古千秋研究数日受益匪浅。 Who can the youth be? 少年到底会是谁呢? …… …… Gu Qianqiu just wants to speak. 古千秋刚想说话。 Suddenly, a resonant keenly blowing transmits, when several people are on the rise to the sky looks, sees only more than 100 huge flight Demon Beast. They have the sunlight faint yellow feather color. The lion second half height the yellow brown wool, completely is throwing over completely the yellow golden hawk feather the hawk common head to the foreleg, the build is gigantic, powerful. 突然,一阵嘹亮的尖啸传来,当几人抬头向天空望去时,只见100多只巨大的飞行魔兽。它们有着阳光般的淡黄色羽色。狮子般的后半身长着黄棕色的兽毛,鹰一般的头至前肢则全部披满黄金色的鹰羽,体型硕大,威风凛凛。 The back of each Gryphon beast, sits a knight of portable carbine. 每个狮鹫兽的背后,都坐着一位手提骑枪的骑士。 Gryphon Cavalry Unit? Is the Royal Palace knight!” 狮鹫骑士团?是王殿骑士!” „Does Imperial City come?” 王城来的?” Southern Summer Country such small country, airborne mount is very rare, the Gryphon majority import from outside nation, therefore the Gryphon knight battle efficiency is freely greatly strengthened, however in the quantity is not enough to constitute the main force, but is used to reconnoiter and deliver a letter, the protection royal palace only uses. 南夏国这样的小国,空中坐骑是非常罕见的,狮鹫大多数是从外邦进口,所以狮鹫骑士尽管战斗力极强,然而数量上不足以构成主力,只是用来侦察、送信,守护王宫只用。 After a whole face beard guy falls to the ground, comes up on one knee to kneel respectfully, I am the Royal Palace knight roll third team of team leader Cao Bao, pays a visit big scholar and Azure Wood Marquis.” 一个满脸胡子大汉落地之后,恭恭敬敬上去单膝跪地,“我乃王殿骑士团第三队队长曹豹,拜见大学者青木候。” Azure Wood Marquis asked: „The Royal Palace knight sends out, is it possible that has the important matter to occur?” 青木候问:“王殿骑士出动,莫非有大事发生?” I and others presented the imperial edict to come Qing State, assisting big scholar to go to Central State to carry out the task.” Cao Bao both hands hold one volume of confidential letters to hand over, this is Imperial City sends to the big scholar urgent letter paper, please big scholar personally glance!” “我等奉王命来青州,协助大学者中州执行任务。”曹豹双手捧着一卷密信递过来,“这是王城寄给大学者的紧急信笺,请大学者亲自过目!” Gu Qianqiu sweeps one. 古千秋扫一眼。 His brow wrinkles tightly, afterward the complexion becomes gloomy. 他的眉头紧皱起来,随后脸色变得阴沉。 Snort, good wild boy! Irritated the old man!” The Gu Qianqiu anger loses toward the ground: How could Southern Summer Country tolerates the arrogance of such avid follower!” “哼,好一个猖狂的小子!气死老夫了!”古千秋愤怒往地上一丢:“南夏国岂能纵容此等狂徒的气焰!” Azure Wood Marquis asked with amazement: Why big is scholar angry?” 青木候惊讶问:“大学者何故生气?” Central State leaves one not to know the day Highland thick boy, not only shame my honorary disciple and shame my reputation, even once mentioned names the provocation in me! What most damn is, this person of concocts the Central State chaos, causes the Central State City rivers of blood casualty several thousands.” 中州出一个不知天高地厚的小子,非但辱我记名弟子、辱我名声,甚至曾经指名道姓挑衅于我!最可恶的是,此人一手炮制中州大乱,导致中州城血流成河死伤数万。” Has this matter unexpectedly?” “竟有这事?” …… …… This time information is unenlightened, Qing State several months cannot take care of oneself, Azure Wood Marquis really did not know about other state county matters that under this looks had a scare. This Scroll writes all over one to call Chu Tian the indictment of youth, almost described an unpardonably wicked disciple him. 这个时代信息闭塞,青州几月来自顾不暇,青木候对其他州郡事情都不甚了解,这一看之下吓了一跳。这封卷轴写满一个叫“楚天”少年的罪状,几乎把他描绘成一个十恶不赦之徒。 This person even insulted the big scholar beforehand student, even was insults big scholar I, if this passed on to cause a stir in Southern Summer Country sufficiently. 此人甚至侮辱大学者以前的学生,甚至是侮辱大学者本人,这要是传出去足以轰动南夏国了。 What awfully is, he selects to send in Central State turbulently, annexes three big old clans together secretly, was made Big accomplishments by own influence is the head of Central State. 更要命的是,他在中州挑发一起动荡,私自吞并三大老族,让自己势力做大成中州之首。 Also moreover! 还不仅如此! Although commits all sorts of grave offenses, but Imperial City has not punished immediately, wants to send the special envoy to investigate clearly, finally? Ten thousand li (0.5km) far away come Central State, has not gotten warm including the buttocks, unexpectedly was discarded! 虽犯种种重罪,但是王城没有立刻治罪,本来是想派来特使调查清楚,结果呢?万里迢迢来中州,连屁股都没坐热,居然就被废掉了! The so rampant arrogance, so unreasonable attitude, is really the present age is rare! 如此嚣张气焰,如此蛮横态度,真是当世罕见! „Does Divine Wind Marquis in Central State, how make Central State so chaotic?” 神风候中州,何以让中州如此混乱?” Divine Wind Marquis?” Gu Qianqiu was somewhat discontented with Divine Wind Marquis: The condition that he partly has gone into seclusion, is negligent in the management to Central State unavoidably, therefore left such one crazy counter generation! Since the old man has happen to met, then decidedly cannot see the evil influence to encourage, personally goes to Central State!” 神风候?”古千秋已经对神风候有些不满:“他一直是半隐退的状态,难免对中州疏于管理,所以出了这么一个狂逆之辈!既然老夫正好遇上了,那么就断然不能眼看邪风助长,就亲自去一趟中州!” Azure Wood Marquis asked: This Hou Yuan wished the big scholar helping hand.” 青木候问:“本侯愿祝大学者一臂之力。” In Southern Summer Country, nobody dares to move me, in addition three Monarch must give me the integral face, what trivial is Central State City? Better to be possible South State Western Marquis also to receive the order, will say arrives in Central State, the old man advances one step, searches the actual situation.” 南夏国之内,没人敢动我,三君尚且还得给我积分面子,区区一个中州城算什么?更好可南州四方候也收到命令,不日就讲抵达中州,老夫先行一步,探探虚实。” The Qing State military strength becomes serious, is not suitable to wage a war. 青州兵力吃紧,不适合大动干戈。 This is also good!” “这样也好!” Gu Qianqiu has not delayed in Qing State, immediately rides Cao Bao Gryphon, goes to the Central State direction. 古千秋没有在青州耽搁,立刻乘坐曹豹狮鹫,向中州方向而去。 When Qing State this stretch of boundless dark green earth, under foot increasingly estranged time, Gu Qianqiu remembers Yu Chang the song this youth, this peerless talent does not know where came from, does not know that also has the opportunity to ask for advice to him again. 青州这片苍茫的青绿大地,正在脚下渐行渐远的时候,古千秋又不禁想起“余长歌”这个少年,这位绝世天才不知到底来自何方,不知道还有没有机会再向他讨教。 Gu Qianqiu hated the facial skin unable to be thicker, at that time should tie down the opposite party stubbornly, now other people walked, who knows where will go. 古千秋恨脸皮没能再厚一些,当时就应该死死缠住对方,现在他人已经走了,谁知道会去哪里。 This Central State matter understood that must inquire well. 这次中州事情了解,一定要好好打听打听。
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