MT :: Volume #3

#255: Rousing of Wu'an Monarch

Divine Wind Marquis does not cling to the person of fame and fortune, since helps Chu Tian over and over again, does not hesitate has certainly his truth with the title and life guarantee. 神风候不是贪恋名利之人,既然三番五次帮助楚天,不惜用爵位和性命担保一定有他的道理。 Wu'an Monarch flings the sleeve: You draw back, my order has not permitted on the palace!” 武安君甩袖而起:“你们都退下,没我的命令不准上殿!” Your palace bodyguard retreats in abundance. 君府侍卫纷纷退走。 The Divine Wind Marquis opening crystal box cautiously, a silver pistol, six Source Energy Battery, calmly are lying down. Wu'an Monarch's vision concentrates, this thing material quality by no means too precious, if offers a gift , was too rather poor. 神风候小心翼翼的打开晶盒,一把银色的手枪,六块元力电池,正静静地躺在其中。武安君的目光微凝,此物材质并非太珍贵,若要献礼,未免也太寒酸了。 This thing is the new-style weapon of Chu Tian invention!” Divine Wind Marquis holds in front of the crystal box Wu'an Monarch: Its name is the Source Energy pistol, asking Wu'an Monarch to glance.” “此物乃楚天发明的新式武器!”神风候将晶盒捧到武安君面前:“它的名字叫做元力手枪,请武安君过目。” Source Energy pistol? This is any weapon!” Wu'an Monarch having mind filled with doubt: You give this Monarch scene to demonstrate.” 元力手枪?这算什么武器!”武安君满腹狐疑:“你就给本君现场展示一下吧。” Good!” Divine Wind Marquis takes out the silver-white Source Energy pistol, takes out together the Source Energy Battery magazine in the box, Wu'an Monarch looked carefully!” “好!”神风候把银白色的元力手枪取出,又在盒子里面取出一块元力电池弹匣,“武安君看仔细了!” . 咔嚓一声。 The magazine forces in the spear|gun. 弹匣塞进枪中。 The entire silver-white spear|gun's body above building article, after was activated by a ray instantaneously. 整个银白色枪身上面的楼文,瞬间被一道光芒经过而被激活了。 Well?” “咦?” The Wu'an Monarch eyes open the eyes, flash through fine glow. 武安君眼睛微睁,闪过一丝精芒。 This weapon as if engraves very precise Array and Rune structure on, what is most inconceivable, this Symbol Array system can be given the activation by the energy chest together! 这把武器上面似乎刻印着非常精密的阵法符文结构,最不可思议的是,这套符阵系统能被一块能量匣给激活! Depending on this point, this absolutely is a very meaningful invention. 光凭这一点,这绝对是一件非常有意义的发明。 Audiences Source Energy Array needs the Source Energy stimulation of movement, therefore Alchemy and in the middle of the Symbol Arrangement process, cannot leave the manual control. If means can liberate the person, thus automatic start Source Energy Array, to the productive forces absolutely is an enormous enhancement. 元力阵元力催动,所以炼药制符过程当中,是根本离不开人工操作的。如果有一种办法能把人解放出来,从而自动启动元力阵,对生产力绝对是一次极大的提高。 Divine Wind Marquis aims at a pillar to take away the trigger. 神风候瞄准一根柱子扣动扳机。 Wu'an Monarch can feel clearly, Rune that the spear|gun's body engraves will shortly have shone, several Source Energy Array simultaneously are deferring to some rule operation, was extracted a strong capability from the energy magazine, condenses at the extremely quick speed in the muzzle. 武安君能清清楚楚的感觉到,枪身刻印的符文顷刻亮了起来,几个元力阵在同时按照某种规律运作,从能量弹匣中被抽取出一股强大能力,以极快速度凝聚在枪口。 This is......” “这是……” Wu'an Monarch absent-minded instant. 武安君失神的刹那。 Bang! 砰! The ray flashes through. 光芒闪过。 Energy ball lasing, puts on the metal column together at the scene friendly, creates a big hole! 一道能量弹激射而出,当场融穿金属柱,造成一个大坑! This silver-white pistol does not know that makes with any material, its might initially was unexpectedly stronger than in the test piece three points, although the barrel as well as was burnt the red heat, but has not thought the test piece to be the same, only fired an energy ball to destroy on the melt. 这一把银白色手枪不知是用什么材料制成,其威力竟然比当初在实验品更强三分,虽然枪管以及被烧得红热,但是没有想实验品一样,只发射一枚能量弹就熔毁了。 Divine Wind Marquis lays down the spear|gun to look at Divine Wind Marquis: How does Wu'an Monarch think?” 神风候放下枪看着神风候:“武安君以为如何?” Haven't three Monarch's what scenes seen? 三君什么样的场面没见过? But when this occurred at present, Wu'an Monarch has been at the scene shocked, only felt the heart almost to jump continually! What weapon is this? Why can launch the so strong energy instantaneously? 可当这一幕发生在眼前的时候,武安君当场就惊呆了,只感连心脏差点蹦了出来!这到底是什么武器?为什么能瞬间发射如此强的能量? Wu'an Monarch, Wu'an Monarch?” “武安君,武安君?” Divine Wind Marquis has not seen three Monarch level characters to be so shocking, only thinks that in heart very happy, called several continuously, Wu'an Monarch passes the god. Wu'an Monarch any words had not said that but quickly returns to normal, sits returns to the position, waited for that Divine Wind Marquis does further explains. 神风候也没见过三君级人物如此震惊,只觉心中非常的痛快,连续叫了好几声,武安君才晃过神来。武安君什么话都没说,只是迅速恢复平静,又坐回到位置上,等待神风候做进一步讲解。 Worthily is Wu'an Mr. 不愧是武安君。 In front of the so epoch-making mysterious weapon, can maintain calm unexpectedly, this is not very easy. 如此划时代的神奇武器面前,竟然还能保持冷静,这是很不容易的。 Just like Wu'an Monarch sees, I am using the process of weapon, does not have the release, even if Source Energy. In other words, even if there is Source Energy pistol, is half big children, still has such terrifying destructiveness, strikes to kill Awakened Soul Initial Stage Cultivator sufficiently!” “正如武安君所见,我在使用武器的过程,没有释放哪怕一丝元力。换句话来说,哪怕持有元力手枪的,是一个半大的孩子,依然具有如此恐怖的杀伤性,足以一击射杀魂醒初期修士!” Let a child have to strike to kill the Awakened Soul Cultivator strength? 让一个孩子都具备击杀魂醒修士的力量? Really a little meaning!” The Wu'an Monarch surface is calm, both hands cannot bear are shivering, he hurries to ask one: Compares the construction cost not to be inevitably low.” “果然有点意思!”武安君表面冷静,双手忍不住在颤抖,他赶紧问一句:“相比造价必然不低吧。” Divine Wind Marquis smiles: „Does Wu'an Monarch think the construction cost geometry?” 神风候神秘一笑:“武安君以为造价几何?” Craft is ingenious, the energy is unusual, Symbol Array abstruse...... This thing value, feared that is 1 million gold coins, not...... Should take 5 million gold coins above.” “工艺巧妙,能源奇特,符阵深奥……此物一把价值,怕是得1000000金币,哦不……应该要5000000金币以上。” Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Divine Wind Marquis laughs: Wu'an Monarch will have being mistaken time!” “哈哈哈哈!”神风候大笑起来:“武安君也会有看走眼的时候!” Wu'an Monarch knits the brows: „Are 5 million gold coins insufficient?” 武安君皱皱眉:“5000000金币还不够?” Giving the devil his due. 平心而论。 This weapon is truly good! 这武器确实不错! Although suffices to threaten to the people of three Monarch ranks inadequately, but regarding the Awakened Soul Realm person, is actually a very fatal sharp weapon. Even if sells 35 million gold coins, believes that also will have buys the person greatly, is only the so expensive thing, wanted to popularize is difficult. 虽然对三君级别的人够不成威胁,但是对于魂醒境的人而言,却是一把非常致命的利器。即使卖35000000金币,相信也会有大把人买的,只是如此昂贵之物,想要普及就难了。 Who knows that listens from the Divine Wind Marquis tone, this thing seems not 5 million, that price is too rather high, if must spend greatness surely, even if there is innovates also nobody to dare to use, because the price was too expensive, the gold coin buys high-grade goods soul to have more than enough to spare surely. 谁知道从神风候口气听来,这东西似乎不是5000000,那价格未免太高,若真要花费千万之巨,纵有创新也没有什么人敢用,因为价格太昂贵了,千万金币买一把上品魂器都绰绰有余。 Divine Wind Marquis stretches out a finger: Its production cost probably is this number.” 神风候伸出一根手指:“它的制造成本大概是这个数。” Wants 10 million really?” “真的要10000000?” Wu'an Monarch felt immediately some body strength was found time, the previous quarter has the too big expectation, suddenly the discovery invents flashy but lacking substance, unavoidably will form the formidable dropping variance. 武安君顿时感觉身体某种力量被抽空,前一刻抱有太大期望,突然发现发明华而不实,难免会形成强大的落差。 ! 也罢! This thing is truly uncommon. 此物确实不凡。 The Source Energy Array system of light automatic start, enough brought very big change to the industry, depending on this point, Chu Tian had the value of training. 光自动启动的元力阵系统,就足够给工业带来很大改变了,光凭这一点,楚天有培养的价值。 Naturally is not surely the gold coin!” Divine Wind Marquis replied loudly: Most 1000 gold coins!” “当然不是千万金币!”神风候大声回答道:“最多1000金币!” ! 啪! The Wu'an Monarch chair is split up! 武安君座椅四分五裂! The pressure that shocks broadly, floods the entire Monarch palace suddenly! 恢弘震撼的威压,骤然充斥整个君府! When the bonus is Divine Wind Marquis facing the formidable pressure, cannot help but backs up several steps, in the heart secret somewhat surprised, is this three Monarch level Expert strengths? Really far exceeded the Awakened Soul Cultivator limit! 饶是神风候面对强大威压时,都不由自主的倒退好几步,心中暗暗有些吃惊,这就是三君级强者的力量吗?果然远远超出魂醒修士的极限了! „Did 1000 gold coins suffice?” The Wu'an Monarch eyes somewhat blush, just likes the hungry wolf meets the lush lamb to be ordinary, can it be that you are deceiving me! This is impossible!” “1000金币就够了?”武安君眼睛都有些发红,犹如饥狼遇到肥美羊羔一般,“你莫不是在骗我!这不可能!” When Divine Wind Marquis said these words, he even suspected one were having a dream! 神风候说出这句话的时候,他甚至怀疑自己在做梦! Such a successive can pose the threat in child hand to Awakened Soul Cultivator the weapon, its cost price 1000 gold coins? Trains a Virtual soul Cultivator consumption the resources little more than several million nearly surely, trains above Illustrious Soul to spend several million about hundred million, now ruins a Awakened Soul Cultivator cost only to need 1000 gold coins! 这么一件连在小孩子手中都能对魂醒修士造成威胁的武器,其成本价连1000金币都不到?培养一个虚魂修士消耗的资源少则几百万多则近千万,培养到显魂以上花费几千万近亿,如今毁掉一个魂醒修士成本只需要1000金币! Does this let the person to accept? 这让人怎么能接受? 1000 gold coin. 1000金币一把。 Ten more than 10,000? 十把10000多? Hundred more than 100,000? 百把100000多? Thousand more than 1 million? 千把1000000多? If such weapon popularization, will cause subversive to affect to the kingdom absolutely, these respected families also train to divide the talented person, purchases such weapon massively, sufficiently relaxed dominated a side. 若这样的武器普及,绝对会对王国造成颠覆性影响,那些大家族还培养个劈人才,大规模采购这样的武器,足以轻松的称雄一方了。 Such weapon 1000 simultaneous firing, will disintegrate sufficiently shortly an army! 这样武器1000把同时射击,足以顷刻间瓦解一支军队! Even if Expert of Southern Xia eight marquises level, perhaps cannot withstand at the same time attacks of several hundred Source Energy pistols! 哪怕是南夏八侯级的强者,恐怕也承受不住几百把元力手枪的同时攻击啊! Only must chat 1 million gold coin costs, can rumble to kill a Southern Xia eight marquises level Expert! What are these 1 million gold coins? Imperial City this place, the rich merchant bought beautiful maidservant Good enough also on this price! 只需聊聊1000000金币成本,就能轰杀一个南夏八侯级的强者!这1000000金币算什么啊?王城这种地方,富商买一个美艳侍女差不多也就这个价了! Naturally. 当然。 Although the weapon might is very strong, but might not completely on behalf of strength, even if several hundred people hold the pistol to cope with Divine Wind Marquis, Divine Wind Marquis will not be standing, when the target, depending on its strength and speed, not necessarily has the opportunity to open fire. 虽然武器威力很强,但是威力不完全代表实力,即使真有几百人持手枪对付神风候,神风候也不会站着当靶子,凭其实力和速度,不一定有机会开枪。 But no matter what, the so inexpensive cost actually so astonishing effect, really may be called the work of Miracle! 但不管怎么说,如此低廉成本却如此惊人效果,真是堪称奇迹之作! Naturally, this is cost price.” Divine Wind Marquis to Wu'an Monarch responded that is satisfied: By the Chu Tian temper, if wants the foreign sales, each Source Energy pistol 10,000-20,000 gold coins.” “当然,这是成本价格。”神风候对武安君反应非常满意:“以楚天的性子,若是要对外出售的话,每一把元力手枪怎么也得一两万金币。” 10,000-20,000?” “一两万?” „Does Wu'an Monarch dislike expensively?” “武安君嫌贵?” What to be expensive? Too cheap!” Wu'an Monarch somewhat angry said: If sells is so cheap, the place family can also store up massively!” “贵什么?太便宜了!”武安君有些恼怒说:“若卖的这么便宜,岂不是地方家族也能大量囤积!” Wu'an Monarch starts also to worry that this type of weapon is too expensive, now was worried that this weapon sells too cheaply. 武安君开始还担心这种武器太贵,现在又担心起这武器卖得太便宜。 Understood finally, why Divine Wind Marquis must protect Chu Tian. 总算是明白了,神风候为什么要力保楚天了。 A Chu Tian person of foot Shengxiong master 1 million! 楚天一人足胜雄师1000000! The Wu'an Monarch vision dodges suddenly: Divine Wind Marquis and Chu Tian relate significantly, does not know whether to take Diagram of this pistol?” 武安君目光忽然又是一闪:“神风候楚天关系匪浅,不知能否将这手枪的设计图弄到手呢?” Really. 果然。 Does this type of thing grasp in own feels relieved? 这种东西还是掌握在自己手里更放心么? If Chu Tian hands over really Diagram, perhaps Chu Tian was dangerous! 楚天真的把设计图交出来,恐怕楚天就危险了! This Source Energy pistol is the weapon that Chu Tian just invented, at present still in the test phase, we attained Diagram , can only make the inperfect seconds.” “这元力手枪是楚天刚刚发明的武器,目前仍在测试阶段,我们就算拿到设计图,也只能造出不够完善的残次品。” Right?” “是吗?” Let alone the Source Energy pistol merely is the foundation of Source Energy weapon, Chu Tian in the future may develop many more advanced Source Energy weapons, below thinks that Chu Tian this person can only prop up the alliance, cannot with its mutual hatred, or adopts the force method.” “更何况元力手枪仅仅是元力兵器的基础,楚天将来或许会开发更多更先进的元力武器,在下认为楚天此人只能扶植联盟,切不可与其交恶,或采取强迫手段。” Wu'an Monarch truly had the Chu Tian thought in the flash. 武安君在一瞬间确实动了楚天的念头。 After all enticed was too big, if can control Chu Tian, from now on sweeps away the War Hound prairie, was only the time issue. However from the Chu Tian disposition, this person is to open to persuasion but not to coercion, the force may not have the result, if causes his hatred, only feared that will leave big hidden troubles. 毕竟其中诱惑太大了,若能把楚天控制住,今后横扫犬戎草原,也只是时间问题。不过从楚天的性格来看,此人是吃软不吃硬的,强迫不一定会有结果,若是引起他的仇恨,只怕会埋下一大隐患。 Chu Tian throws in personal letter one, asking Wu'an Monarch to glance!” 楚天附赠亲笔信一封,请武安君过目!” Wu'an Monarch disassembles one not to seal the letter paper, short writes several hundred characters, Chu Tian makes Divine Wind Marquis take to Wu'an Monarch's personal letter. 武安君拆开一封没有密封信笺,其中短短的写着几百个字,正是楚天神风候捎给武安君的亲笔信。 Divine Wind Marquis has not read in the letter the content, does not know that Chu Tian will write anything in inside. 神风候也没看过信中内容,不知道楚天会在里面写什么。 This fellow does not press the common sense to play a card frequently, hopes that do not annoy to go wrong is good! 这家伙经常不按常理出牌,希望不要惹出乱子才好! Good Chu Tian!” Wu'an Monarch somewhat angry said: Since achieves this Monarch's head the business, but also wants to invite this monarch Central State to negotiate to cooperate with him, common discussion development military industry?!” “好一个楚天!”武安君有些恼怒说道:“既然把生意做到本君的头上来,还想邀本君上中州跟他谈判合作,共同探讨发展军工产业?!” What? 什么? Invited Wu'an Monarch to go to Central State! 邀请武安君去中州 Was Chu Tian insane, Wu'an Monarch such character, cannot leave Imperial City absolutely easily! 楚天是不是疯了,武安君这样的人物,绝对是不能轻易离开王城的! Wu'an Monarch has not been making decision anxiously: How does Divine Wind Marquis see?” 武安君没有急着做决定:“神风候怎么看?” This Chu Tian was also too bold!” Divine Wind Marquis teaches Chu Tian one first, afterward also said: Thinks about the kingdom interests, I think Wu'an Monarch, if can collaborates on behalf of the kingdom and Chu Tian also be a being beneficial to the nation and to the people good deed. Wu'an Monarch cannot certainly go to Central State personally, this matter sent a trusted subordinate to discuss on the line.” “这楚天也太大胆了!”神风候先教训楚天一句,随后又说道:“不过为王国利益着想,我认为武安君要是能代表王国和楚天联手也是一件利国利民好事。武安君当然不能亲自前往中州,这件事情派一位亲信去谈就行了。” This Monarch must go personally!” Wu'an Monarch hesitation moment: Today Wen Cheng relates South State Western Marquis , perhaps in the near future will begin to Chu Tian. This Monarch cannot leave Imperial City directly, must prepare deployment being good, but South State has four continent lake direct connectivities from Central State, at this moment can only make big scholar help me mediate the period of time first, this Monarch in two days deploys the front war, immediately the secret enters Central State.” “本君要亲自去!”武安君沉吟片刻:“今日文成君联系南州四方候,恐怕近期就会对楚天动手。本君不能直接离开王城,需做好部署准备才行,而南州距离中州有四洲湖直接连通,事到如今只能先让大学者帮我斡旋一阵子,本君两天内部署前线战事,立刻秘密入中州。” Has Wu'an Monarch to get rid personally, this trouble was crossed. 有武安君亲自出手,这次麻烦算是渡过了。 However called out Central State to negotiate Wu'an Monarch, is this procedure wise? 不过把武安君叫道中州去谈判,这种做法到底明不明智呢? The Wu'an Monarch strength is too strong, in the both sides strength not coordinated situation, only feared that the negotiations can make Chu Tian fall into disadvantageously. 武安君实力太强,双方力量不对等情况下,只怕谈判会使楚天陷入不利。 ...... …… After two hours. 两小时后。 Wen Cheng Monarch palace. 文成君的君府。 A Shangguan Family senior elder looks for Shangguan Cangfeng hurriedly: Reported the monarch, Wu'an Monarch palace had Mi Jian to send out Qing State!” 一位上官家族的资深长老匆忙找上上官藏锋:“禀告君上,武安君府有秘笺发往青州!” Three Monarch has the mutual competition relations, Wu'an Monarch shivers, this political skill struggle is more inferior, each letter paper of Wu'an Monarch palace, cannot escape Wen Cheng control basically, but Wu'an Monarch also knows nothing.. 三君存在互相竞争关系,武安君打战还可以,这权术斗争就逊色多了,武安君府的每一封信笺,基本都是逃不过文成君的掌控,而武安君还一无所知。。 Letter paper in this.” “信笺在此。” Wen Cheng tears down Wu'an Monarch's letter directly, swept the eye to let somebody cool off or calm down simply smiles. 文成君直接拆掉武安君的信,简单的扫了眼冷冷一笑。 In this letter the content nothing but is requests big scholar to protect Chu Tian fully, making it should not be harmed by the Shangguan Family person, protracted time as far as possible. 这信中内容无非是要求大学者全力保护楚天,让其不要被上官家族的人所害,尽可能的拖延时间。 This Wu'an Monarch, cannot change the old problem!” “这个武安君啊,还是改不了老毛病!” Wen Cheng does not have actually too pays attention to Chu Tian. 文成君其实没太把楚天放在眼里。 Chu Tian is repeatedly disgusting on the government authorities, first time discarded Shangguan Ming, making Shangguan Family be shamed, after all Shangguan Ming violated King Command before, the family cannot make a sound, so as to avoid the matter affected the family reputation noisily greatly. But second time was excessive, Chu Tian makes into the disability Western Marquis heir apparent Shangguan Feichen, causes the Thunder State innumerable city people collective to drive away the Western Marquis aspect. 只是楚天屡次恶心上官家,第一次把上官明废掉,让上官家族蒙羞就算了,毕竟上官明违背王令在前,家族偏偏不能吱声,免得事情闹大而影响家族声誉。但第二次就过分了,楚天四方候世子上官飞尘打成伤残,更引起雷州无数城民集体驱赶四方候的局面。 Southern Xia founded a nation for many years. 南夏建国多年了。 Has not presented the precedent that the common people have driven away the marquis. 从来就没有出现过平民驱赶侯爷的先例。 This matter cannot keep including conceal, Western Marquis is not only one of the Southern Xia eight marquises, is a Shangguan Family most important branch. Now the Western Marquis prestige is damaged, can Shangguan Family be not affected? 这件事情连藏都藏不住,四方候不仅仅是南夏八侯之一,更是上官家族一个最重要的分支。现在四方候的声誉受损,上官家族能不受影响吗? Wen Cheng in eye. 文成君眼里。 Chu Tian like ants, wants to pinch this ant by three Monarch status, radically is not the matter that uses energy. However Wen Cheng concerned about status, disdains to begin to Chu Tian this kind of junior eventually, since now has the opportunity, uses to be also good while convenient. 楚天就像一只蝼蚁,以三君地位想捏死这只蚂蚁,根本就不是什么太费劲的事情。不过文成君终究是碍于身份,不屑对楚天这样一个小辈动手,现在既然有机会,顺便利用一下也是好的。 „Do we want under the truncation this letter?” “我们要不要截下此信?” Why under truncation! Changes the letter slightly, makes it send again.” “为什么截下!把信稍微改一改,再让它寄出去吧。” This elder understands certainly that Wen Cheng meaning, has made the revision to the letter paper immediately, puts back quietly, whatever it mails to Qing State big scholar. 这位长老当然明白文成君的意思,立刻对信笺做了修改,悄悄地放回原处,任由它寄到青州的大学者手里去。
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