MT :: Volume #3

#254: Lobbied Wu'an Monarch

Chu Tian insufficient to use! 楚天之才不足为用! The person who dares to resist the imperial edict blatantly, explained that does not pay attention to the king. 一个敢公然对抗王命的人,说明不把国王放在眼里。 Chu Tian merely is less than 20 years old of young people, dares unexpectedly crazily to this situation? If entrusts with an important task, making it crawl to a higher position, can revolt? 楚天仅仅是一个20岁不到的年轻人,竟然敢狂到这种地步?若是委以重任,让其爬到更高位置,岂不是要造反了? Execute one person as a warning to others! 杀一儆百! Otherwise South Summer King dignity what Cun! 否则南夏王尊严何存! South Summer King accurate South State Shangguan Hong leads Royal Proclamation to enter Central State to apprehend Chu Tian. 南夏王南州上官泓王书中州捉拿楚天 For safer in order, mobilizes 100 Royal Palace knights, is led to assist by big scholar. 为更加稳妥起见,更发动100位王殿骑士,由大学者带队辅助。 The Royal Palace knight group takes Elite in Southern Summer Country cavalry soldier Elite, rolls in the outstanding person to select from the gust of wind knight. This is not only the royal palace sharpest army, is the royal family most loyal vanguard! 王殿骑士团作为南夏国骑兵精英中的精英,是从疾风骑士团中佼佼者里选拔出来的。这不仅仅是王宫最精锐的部队,更是王族最忠诚的捍卫者! The member of Royal Palace knight no longer attended war, is a formidable fight strength, rather is a formidable deterrent, each member of this army is the Southern Summer Country top player, the regiments of 100 Royal Palace knight not inferior small scale, Royal Palace knight representative is the dignity of king! 王殿骑士的成员不再参加战争,与其说是一支强大的战斗力量,倒不如说是一支强大的威慑力量,这支部队的每一个成员都是南夏国顶尖高手,100个王殿骑士就不逊色一支小规模的军团,王殿骑士代表的就是王之威严! Wu'an Monarch pities is not fake. 武安君惜才不假。 He actually too understood South Summer King. 他却太了解南夏王了。 South Summer King seems like is agreed that Wu'an Monarch's view, adds the 1st Layer insurance for this motion actually, the big scholar wisdom and strength coexistence, add hundred Royal Palace knights to deter again, Chu Tian is without a fight! 南夏王看似是同意武安君的看法,其实是为此次行动加一重保险,大学者智慧与实力共存,再加一百王殿骑士威慑,楚天只有束手就擒! This king political ability ambition does not lack, the control wanted to be too strong only, most could not accommodate unruly, was hard by the person who oneself controlled. Therefore Chu Tian has does not lose the talent of big scholar, South Summer King is also very difficult to entrust with an important task. 这一位国王才略野心都不缺,惟独控制欲太强了,最容不得桀骜不驯,难以被自己控制的人。所以就算楚天拥有不输大学者之才,南夏王也很难对其委以重任。 Wu'an Monarch can do also only then so. 武安君能做的也就只有如此了。 Finally is lives is dies looks at the Chu Tian good fortune. 最终是生是死就看楚天自己造化。 Naturally, no matter South Summer King or Wu'an Monarch, or is Burning Sun Monarch and Wen Cheng, in the heart too has not cared Chu Tian, the talent character but who a small place walks, Three Great Clans is abundance of capable people, what actually talent character? 当然,不管南夏王还是武安君,又或者是炎阳君文成君,心中都没有太把楚天放在心上,只是一个小地方走出来的天才人物,三大家族人才济济,何却一个天才人物呢? As for the Thunder State matter? 至于雷州的事情? Actually the trouble of Southern Summer Country, for many years had not broken. 其实南夏国的麻烦,多年来就没有断过。 This a while is the beast disaster erupts, this while is the plague wreaks havoc, this while was the landslide earthquake, Thunder State has in the matter extreme case to be solved, the Imperial City aspect generally thinks that this time troublesome was the same with the former place disaster, not too many strange places. 这一会儿是兽灾爆发,这一会儿是瘟疫肆虐,这一会儿又是山崩地震,雷州发生事情极端事件内就解决了,王城方面普遍认为这次麻烦就跟以前地方灾难一样,并没有太多稀奇的地方。 Divine Wind Marquis and Golden Arrow Marquis make an effort to give Chu Tian to take undeserved credit, but two marquis himself friendship are great, Divine Wind Marquis extremely thinks highly of Chu Tian, difficult insurance not individual emotion in inside. 神风候金箭候使劲给楚天邀功,但是两位侯爷本身交情不浅,神风候又极其器重楚天,其中难保没有个人情感在里面。 The Southern Summer Country true hidden danger, forever has one! 南夏国真正隐患,永远就只有一个! That is north move about Spirit Beast kingdom War Hound tribe! 那就是北方游牧兽灵王国犬戎部族 War Hound strict is not the dynasty name, is a general name of local famous clan, here has massive nomadic Spirit Beast tribe, is primarily Dog Tribe and Wolf Tribe, therefore is called War Hound tribe, the place that is called the War Hound prairie. 犬戎严格来说不是国号,是一个地区名族的总称,这里有大量游牧兽灵部族,其中又以犬族狼族为主,所以被统称为犬戎部族,所在的地方被称为犬戎草原。 The War Hound group clan maintains the Spirit Beast consistent attitude, not having the ethics, not to have the regulation, not to have the morals, is of no fixed abode, plundering becomes second nature, therefore has very strong aggressiveness. In the past attacked Great Summer Country, looted the entire kingdom, was the army that 12 strongest War Hound tribe joined up. 犬戎群族保持兽灵一贯作风,没有伦理、没有律法、没有道德,居无定所,掠夺成性,因此具有很强的侵略性。当年攻打大夏国,洗劫整个王国的,就是12支最强的犬戎部族联合起来的军队。 The tribe country leader of this joint system, said that as King of Fangs, Human Race called it „the War Hound king! 这一个联合制的部落国领袖,自称为“牙之王”,人族称其“犬戎王”! Each generation of tooth kings are 12 War Hound large clan fiercest war-gods, the army that the tooth king leads sweep away all obstacles. Hits Southern Summer Country not to gasp for breath. 每一代牙王都是12支犬戎大族最勇猛的战神,牙王率领的军队所向披靡。打得南夏国喘不过气来。 The Spirit Beast country frail social system, War Hound tribe is hard to be prosperous for a long time. 兽灵国脆弱的社会体系,犬戎部族难以长时间兴盛。 After each generation of tooth kings die, War Hound prairie on inevitable civil strife, because various clans want to compete the tooth king, this inevitable will have the contradiction and war. 每一代牙王陨落之后,犬戎草原就必然内乱,因为各族都想竞争牙王,这不可避免会发生矛盾和战争。 In fact, recent 100 years. War Hound tribe is evenly matched, does not have a tooth king again, does not have a qualified ruler, various War Hound clans do not have the means to work as one. tribe comes the merit to plunder humanity, another tribe not only does not help, instead will possibly hold the knife to plot in the back. 实际上,最近100年时间里。犬戎部族势均力敌,再没出过一个牙王,没有一个合格统治者,犬戎各族根本没办法齐心协力。一个部族来功掠人类,另一个部族非但不帮忙,反而可能会在背后捅刀子暗算。 Because of this, War Hound invades Southern Summer Country in successive years, to snatch one leaves, too long has not started a nice war...... This has given the Southern Summer Country turning over opportunity! 正是因为这样,犬戎连年入侵南夏国,都只是为抢一把走人,太久没有发起一场像样的战争……这给了南夏国翻身机会! Wu'an Monarch and South Summer King have been observing. 武安君和南夏王都一直在观察。 In War Hound fights is fiercer, Southern Summer Country is more advantageous, once the time were mature, Wu'an Monarch personally will lead the army, attacks fiercely the War Hound prairie at one fell swoop, several hundred years of blood debt returns one time! 犬戎内斗越厉害,南夏国就越有利,一旦时间成熟了,武安君就会亲自率领军队,一举痛击犬戎草原,几百年的血债一次性都还上! War Hound prairie! 犬戎草原! Southern Summer Country sooner or later swallows it! 南夏国迟早将其吞下! The contradictions of other state county areas, best to strangle directly, cannot create the hindrance for the general situation. 其他州郡地区的矛盾,最好直接扼杀掉,不能为大局造成阻碍。 When Wu'an Monarch returns to Monarch palace, is late at night. 武安君回到君府时,已经是三更半夜了。 Reported the monarch!” Wu'an Monarch takes up a War Hound prairie latest information to read, the bodyguard comes to report immediately: Central State Divine Wind Marquis interview.” “禀告君上!”武安君拿起一部犬戎草原最新情报研读,侍卫立刻前来报告:“中州神风候求见。” Divine Wind Marquis?” Wu'an Monarch knits the brows slightly: Is gives the Chu Tian plea? Since dares to bring the big trouble, should think that the result and price, told Divine Wind Marquis, making him go back.” 神风候?”武安君微微皱皱眉:“是来给楚天求情的吧?既然敢闯大祸,就该想到结果与代价,告诉神风候,让他回去吧。” Wu'an Monarch seems to be unreasonable. 武安君似乎不近人情。 Actually Divine Wind Marquis at this moment, most should not come is Imperial City, South Summer King has sent out Royal Proclamation, the matter is impossible to recall, if Divine Wind Marquis could Western Marquis confront in Central State, increases scholar again, perhaps may guarantee Chu Tian not dead temporarily. 其实神风候此时此刻,最不该来的就是王城,南夏王已经发出王书,事情根本不可能挽回,神风候要是在中州或许能四方候对峙,再加大学者在,兴许可保楚天暂时不死。 Divine Wind Marquis ran Imperial City, who can also the frontage and Western Marquis contends? 神风候王城了,谁还能正面与四方候抗衡? Monarch, Divine Wind Marquis does not walk, he must see you not to be possible!” “君上,神风候不走,他非要见你不可!” This Feng Yuntian!” “这个风云天!” Wu'an Monarch retakes the letters again on the table, in the vision flashes through swift and fierce, he does not know good from bad most discontentedly, this matter of doing, he naturally will do, should not the matter of doing, even if asked to be also useful? 武安君将书简重重拍在桌上,目光中闪过一丝凌厉,他最不满就是不知好歹,该做的事情,他自然会去做,不该做的事情,就算来求又有什么用? Good, that then called Divine Wind Marquis to come in!” “好,那便叫神风候进来吧!” Divine Wind Marquis enters Monarch palace main hall, respectful does obeisance: Feng Yuntian has seen Wu'an Monarch!” 神风候走进君府大殿,恭恭敬敬的一拜:“风云天见过武安君!” Dispense with ceremony.” Wu'an Monarch unemotionally to visit him: Divine Wind Marquis goes to return, ten thousand li (0.5km) far away come Imperial City, will not ask favor for Chu Tian!” “免礼。”武安君面无表情看着他:“神风候去而复返,万里迢迢来王城,不会是为楚天来求情吧!” Wu'an Monarch is clear and bright!” Divine Wind Marquis does not conceal the intention: Chu Tian is not an average person, cannot handle generally!” “武安君明锐!”神风候不隐瞒意图:“楚天不是一般人,不可一般处置!” Item does not have the law of the land, is stubbornly difficult to tame, so flies the horizontal domineering generation, this Monarch entire life is also rare. Colludes with the pirate to initiate chaotic of Central State, annexes three big old clans secretly, discards the king to cause the status Nangong Clan senior elder, which same hasn't violated the kingdom big death anniversary? This arrogant person, even if some practical knowledge also hard to bring about kingdom pillars of the state, if handles generally, he already died ten times to continue!” “目无王法,桀骜难驯,如此飞横跋扈之辈,本君生平也是少见的。勾结水贼引发中州之乱,又私自吞并三大老族,更废掉王使身份的南宫家族资深长老,哪一样没犯王国大忌?这种恃才傲物之人,纵然有些实学也难成王国栋梁,若一般处置,他早就死十次不止!” This word is bad.” Divine Wind Marquis argued strongly based on reason: What Imperial City receives is the statement of only one of the parties, Central State is not Chu Tian shouldered randomly, is the plots of Chu Luoye three clans causes purely. As for four continent lake pirates, is a long-term hidden danger, but Chu Tian his income subordinates, is Southern Summer Country uses, this matter not only does not have, instead is great merit one.” “此言差矣。”神风候据理力争:“王城收到的是一面之词,中州之乱本不是楚天挑起,纯粹是楚洛叶三族的阴谋导致。至于四洲湖水贼,是一个长期隐患,而楚天将其收入麾下,为南夏国所用,此事非但无过,反而是大功一件。” Chu Tian embezzles three clan family property secretly , does the heavy remnant Imperial City special envoy give what explanation?” 楚天私自侵吞三族家产,又重残王城特使又作何解释?” These two matters really have to lose appropriately.” Divine Wind Marquis acknowledged Chu Tian to be wrong, suddenly an expression revolution: But Chu Luoye three clans attack Chu Tian to cause the enormous damage, causes very holocaust to Central State City. Chu Tian annexes Three Great Clans not to be false, actually wantonly disperses wealth Yu Min, stabilizes the Central State chaotic situation fast. As for heavy remnant Nangong Zhi, is Nangong Zhi is instigated purely, attempts spatial glove Bailang, wins entire Miracle Commerce, therefore has enraged Chu Tian. Although Chu Tian has the mistake, but compares the great merit, below thinks that the crime does not work as to punish!” “这两件事情确有失妥当。”神风候承认楚天错误,又忽然语气一转:“但楚洛叶三族袭击楚天造成极大伤害,更对中州城造成很大破坏。楚天吞并三大家族不假,却大肆散财于民,快速稳定中州乱局。至于重残南宫炙,纯粹是南宫炙受人挑拨,企图空手套白狼,夺走整个奇迹商会,所以激怒了楚天。虽然楚天有错,但是相比大功,在下认为罪不当罚!” „Is Divine Wind Marquis really silly or plays the fool?” 神风候是真傻还是装傻?” „It is not clear below!” “在下不明白!” Wu'an Monarch smiled, this Monarch does not circle, why can't South Summer King accommodate Chu Tian? Besides the above all sorts of reasons, more important was the Chu Tian birth is base and low, at this moment actually alone big Central State . Moreover the disposition was haughty. Central State is the place of Southern Summer Country center, once Central State causes trouble, you have thought the consequence?” 武安君笑了笑,“本君不兜圈子,南夏王为什么容不得楚天?除以上种种原因之外,更重要是楚天出生卑微,此刻却一家独大中州,而且性格狂傲不羁。中州南夏国中枢之地,一旦中州生变,你想过后果吗?” Truly. 确实。 Beyond the superficial reason, there is a deep-seated contradiction. 表面原因外,有更深层矛盾。 Why does Central State become Central State? Because in the geography is located in Southern Summer Country, there is a relay to coordinate the functions of various place! 中州为何成为中州?因为地理上位于南夏国之中,有中转协调诸地的作用! The Divine Wind Marquis many years live in seclusion, Four Great Families establishes a separatist regime, this aspect is also Imperial City urges the result, Central State to form the power balance, otherwise Central State one radiates eight sides randomly, that will pose the threat that is hard to imagine to Southern Summer Country. 神风候多年隐居,四大家族割据,这局面也是王城促使结果,中州必须形成势力平衡,否则中州一乱辐射八方,那就会对南夏国造成难以想象的威胁。 The Chu Tian disposition has no alternative but to be anxious. 楚天性格不能不让人担忧。 This unruly fellow critical moment draws out the chaos, then has the negative impact on be unquantifiable to Southern Summer Country! 这个桀骜不驯的家伙关键时刻引出大乱,那对南夏国造成负面影响难以估量! Chu Tian is far from the person of country in disorder!” Divine Wind Marquis has thought this point: This person has the shocking talent, if exerts to impede instead improper, if can let its development, three years of Central State must become the heads of eight state!” 楚天绝非乱国之人!”神风候想过这一点:“此人具备惊世才识,若施加掣肘反而不妥,若能放手让其发展,三年中州必成八州之首!” Verbal statements are no guarantee.” “口说无凭。” Feng Yuntian by the life guarantee, three years of Central State is inadequate, I am willing to stretch out the neck unite!” 风云天以性命担保,三年中州不成,我愿引颈就戮!” Wu'an Monarch stares slightly: Divine Wind Marquis, I was really a little cannot understand you!” 武安君微微一愣:“神风候啊,我真是有点看不懂你了!” „The Chu Tian disposition haughty is not false, the manner gratitude and grudges are distinct, Wu'an Monarch can draw when its difficulty, another day hundred times return nurturing to parents Southern Summer Country inevitably.” 楚天性格狂傲不假,为人却恩怨分明,武安君能在其困难时拉一把,他日必然百倍反哺南夏国。” Strange! 怪哉! Is a boy worth Divine Wind Marquis so? 一个小子值得神风候如此? Empty talk is useless!” Divine Wind Marquis continued: Wu'an Monarch has a mind to guarantee Chu Tian, even if nobody will lobby that boy to be also safe and sound. If Wu'an Monarch has no interest to protect Chu Tian, today rubs through below glib lips, will not have any change by the Wu'an Monarch disposition.” “空谈无用!”神风候继续说:“武安君真有心保楚天,即使没人游说那小子也会安然无恙。若武安君无心保护楚天,今天在下就算嘴皮子磨破,以武安君性格也不会有任何改变。” You understand well.” Wu'an Monarch has a relish to ask: Some Divine Wind Marquis early this consciousness, actually still come Imperial City to lobby, is it possible that has the full assurance to persuade me?” “你明白就好。”武安君饶有兴致问:“不过神风候早有此觉悟,却依然来王城游说,莫非有十足把握能说动我?” Chu Tian gives to Wu'an Monarch a gift.” Divine Wind Marquis presents a crystal box: Asked Wu'an Monarch to glance.” 楚天献给武安君一份礼物。”神风候呈上一个水晶盒:“请武安君过目。” Gives a present? Owes he to think! 送礼?亏他想得出来! In the Wu'an Monarch heart sneers several, this Monarch sells a Divine Wind Marquis face, therefore receives Divine Wind Marquis, will otherwise not meddle this matter again. 武安君心中冷笑几声,本君卖神风候一个面子,所以才接见神风候,否则根本不会再插手此事。 The Wu'an Monarch manner is extremely honest, most cannot get used to seeing to play the politics, estimates the superior thoughts, gives what is desired the generation of country in disorder slanders to offer a gift. 武安君为人极其正直,最看不惯玩弄权术,揣摩上位者心思,投其所好进谗献礼的乱国之辈。 Is an available talent, if were sent under custody to meet Imperial City also to live, might as well be able to mediate to save the life in secret. 本当是一个可用之才,若被押送会王城还活着的话,未尝不能暗中斡旋保住性命。 However. 然而。 Did this person persuade Divine Wind Marquis to give a present? 此人说动神风候来送礼? Wu'an Monarch suffers a disastrous decline to his view! 武安君对他看法一落千丈! I am willing by Marquis life guarantee, Wu'an Monarch not to regret.” About Divine Wind Marquis has a look: Is only, this thing relations are major, does not hope that has the third person to hear.” “我愿以侯爵性命担保,武安君不会后悔的。”神风候左右看看:“只是,此物关系重大,不希望有第三个人听到。” If not the opposite party is Divine Wind Marquis, Wu'an Monarch will drive away him immediately. 若非对方是神风候,武安君立刻就会赶走他。 The Divine Wind Marquis manner, Wu'an Monarch is clear, this person's lightest fame and fortune in the middle of eight marquises, impossible for benefit, but bows to a youth, he dares so to pledge that thinks its truth. 神风候的为人,武安君是清楚的,此人在八侯当中最淡薄名利一个,不可能为利益而向一个少年屈膝,他敢如此承诺,想必有其道理。 . 也罢。 That for the time being looks! 那就姑且一看吧!
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