MT :: Volume #3

#253: Imperial City

When Chu Tian successfully returns to South Sky City, Divine Wind Marquis also arrived in Imperial City ten thousand li (0.5km) away. 楚天顺利返回天南城时,神风候也已经抵达万里之外的王城 Imperial City is the place of kingdom heart, from the northern Spirit Beast country, actually only then the distances of few three thousand li(500 km), the middle vast stretch of flat land, may defend without any natural defenses, if Spirit Beast launches the surprise attack, elite cavalry unit two days can destroy the kings. 王城是王国心脏之地,距离北方兽灵国,却只有寥寥三千里的距离,中间一马平川,没有任何天险可守,兽灵要是发动突袭的话,精锐骑兵部队两天就能直捣王都。 This place danger could also be imagined! 此地危险也就可想而知了! Can Imperial City construct in such dangerous place? This must mention from the Southern Summer Country history. 王城怎么能建在这么危险的地方呢?这就要从南夏国的历史说起了。 The Southern Summer Country history is divided into north summer and Southern Xia two stages, the northern summer time is the kingdom prosperous time, at that time population Good enough 1 billion, area area/proportion is the present three times, therefore was also called Great Summer Country. 南夏国历史分为“北夏”和“南夏”两个阶段,北夏时期是王国鼎盛时期,那时候人口差不多1000000000,疆域面积是现在的三倍有余,所以也被称之为大夏国 The dynasty name cannot be chaotic, this has tasteful. 国号不能乱起,这是有讲究的。 The Human Race state has a strict hierarchy, the big physical ability is divided the empire and kingdom. The empire must be tyrant of the side, is a ruler in region, the population generally over 10 billion, area absolutely square kilometer, therefore some qualifications say as the emperor. The kingdom scale, population and national territory small many, the ruler are most can only be a king. 人族国度等级森严,大体能分帝国、王国。帝国必为一方之霸,是一个区域的统治者,人口普遍在10000000000以上,疆域万万平方公里,所以有资格自称为帝。王国规模、人口、国土则小的多,统治者最多只能为王。 The kingdom can be divided into the Warring States, great nation and small country according to the strong and weak. 王国按照强弱又能分为战国、大国、小国。 Great Summer Country is a dynasty name of big kingdom. 大夏国是一个大王国的国号。 Chu Tian runs into the Ghost Masked Old Man person to come from Great Zhou Country, this Great Zhou Country is also a great nation, national strength Good enough is present Southern Summer Country ten times, changes to Continent general Source Stone including the currency, like this passes and out various countries by the caravan, is convenient and international standard. 楚天遇到鬼面老人来自大周国,这个大周国也是一个大国,国力差不多是现在南夏国的十倍,连货币都改用大陆通用的元石,这样以商队进出各国,非常方便与国际接轨。 Southern Summer Country 700-800 years ago, dares by Great Summer Country the dynasty name poses as, explained the standard of that time national strength also close big kingdom, if can continue to stabilize to develop, then can certainly the solid great power status. 南夏国在七八百年前,敢以“大夏国”的国号自居,说明那时候的国力也接近大王国的标准,若能继续稳定发展下去,那么一定能坐实大国地位。 Who knows when Great Summer Country progresses day by day, the Spirit Beast kingdom of northern move about goes south suddenly, Great Summer Country is unexpected to this disaster, was destroyed the defense line by maneating Spirit Beast instantaneously, achieved the kings to kill off the Great Summer royal family, almost the nation fell to the enemy. 谁知道就在大夏国蒸蒸日上的时候,北方一个游牧的兽灵王国忽然南下,大夏国对这场灾难猝不及防,瞬间就被凶悍的兽灵摧毁防线,达到王都杀光了大夏王族,几乎全国都沦陷了。 When danger, the Dongfang Family clan unites Nangong Clan and Shangguan Family to rise spiritedly to counter-attack, finally will recalls less than half kingdom Jiang Shan. After the war stabilizes, the Dongfang Family clan supports oneself for the king, and changes the dynasty name is Southern Xia. 正当危难之际,东方家族联南宫家族上官家族奋起反击,终于堪堪挽回小半个王国江山。当战争稳定之后,东方家族自立为王,并且改国号为“南夏”。 First-generation South Summer King Xiong the hero, pledges to fight to the death to Spirit Beast ask for the blood debt, to display oneself certainly agonic peaceful ambition and determination, to boost descendant's fighting spirit, cultivates the consciousness of thinking of danger in peace, therefore decides Imperial City intentionally north Southern Summer Country, looks out with the area that nomadic Spirit Beast seizes. 第一代南夏王雄才豪杰,誓死要向兽灵讨回血债,为表现自己绝不偏安的志向和决心,也为激励后代的斗志,培养居安思危的意识,所以故意将王城定在南夏国北方,与游牧兽灵占领的疆域遥望。 Born in the misery death resulting from pleasure. 生于忧患死于安乐。 First-generation South Summer King seems like risk crude decision, is actually Southern Summer Country continues, lays the powerful foundation. 第一代南夏王看似冒险鲁莽的决定,却为南夏国延续,奠定强有力的基础。 Founds a nation from Southern Summer Country, throughout lives under the Spirit Beast shadow, the seeking livehood instinct stimulates the courage and uprightness of people, the Three Great Clans posterity to emit one generation continuously for the person with outstanding ability, to protect Imperial City and kingdom, advances uninterruptedly the investment battlefield, lets occupy the Spirit Beast attacks of overwhelming superiority to end in failure. 南夏国建国来,始终活在兽灵阴影之下,求生的本能激发人们的血性,三大家族后人源源不断冒出一代代英才,为保护王城和王国,前赴后继投入战场,让占据绝对优势的兽灵一次次进攻都以失败告终。 Southern Summer Country founds a nation for several hundred years in a big way to be stronger, is because has the kings confronts in the north and Spirit Beast, the south state county can the easy and comfortable growth development, form the prosperous aspect finally, lays the enough strong foundation for the kingdom. 南夏国建国几百年来越大越强,也是因为有王都在北方与兽灵对峙,南方州郡方能安逸成长发展,最后形成繁荣的局面,为王国奠定足够强的根基。 After Divine Wind Marquis attains the Chu Tian manufacture Source Energy pistol, immediately goes north to arrive at Imperial City personally. 神风候拿到楚天制作的元力手枪之后,立刻亲自北上来到王城 Imperial City is the Southern Summer Country liveliest city, the population also wants many 1/2 compared with the Central State main city, the city wall is overlapping, the semblance constructs molten iron, the sunlight illumination, the cold light sparkles, from urban structure, truly is inferior to Central State to be fine, everywhere will actually manifest flames of war baptism from now on vigor, is steel and iron fortress that firm cannot be broken. 王城南夏国最繁华的城市,人口比中州主城还要多1,城墙层层叠叠,外表都浇筑一层铁水,阳光照射,冷光闪闪,从城市结构而言,确实不如中州精美,却处处体现战火洗礼过后的苍劲,是一座坚不可破的钢铁堡垒。 The Imperial City garrison scale goes far beyond eight states. 王城驻军规模远远超过八州。 The sharpest Storm Cavalry group has 100,000! 最精锐的疾风骑兵团就有100000! This elite cavalry soldier contends with a Spirit Beast important nucleus, other main action army corps most centralized in Imperial City, making Imperial City momentarily go to war, can the rapid reaction and transfers to the battlefield. 这支精锐骑兵是抗衡兽灵的一支重要中坚力量,其余主战兵团多数集中在王城,让王城随时处于战争状态,能快速反应并向战场调动。 To Imperial City, Divine Wind Marquis feels the state of mind each time myriad. 每次到王城,神风候都感到心绪万千。 The Imperial City 500-600 years, have not fallen to the enemy, instead are greatly stronger in bloody battle China , Vietnam, Imperial City Wang Min after having been through repeatedly the post-war baptism, esteem martial arts extremely, become very powerful. 王城五六百年来,从来就没有沦陷过,反而在一次次血战中越大越强,王城王民在历经战后洗礼之后,更是极端尚武,变得非常强悍。 Now Southern Summer Country, the stable population 2,000,000-3,000,000, have the brave soldiers several millions, but Spirit Beast actually had internal riot in recent years, has had no time to nibble the south land. Now Southern Xia seizes the chance to rise, asks for the blood debt at one fell swoop time! 现在南夏国,稳定人口两三亿,坐拥雄兵数百万,而兽灵近年来却发生内部暴乱,已经无暇蚕食南部土地。现在正是南夏趁机崛起,一举讨回血债的时候了! Divine Wind Marquis looked that a seal crystal box weapon may become the key! 神风候看一眼密封的水晶盒这件武器或许会成为关键! I am Central State Feng Yuntian, has the important circumstance to see right in front of one Wu'an Monarch!” “我乃中州风云天,有重要情况要面见武安君!” Is Sir Divine Wind Marquis? Quick, reported Wu'an Monarch!” “是神风候大人?快,报武安君!” The Wu'an Monarch palace is luxurious, but is not luxurious, the whole takes the black as the main key, fills the wind of troops withering. This is in Imperial City besides the royal palace, a largest mansion. The Dongfang Family clan is the first family that deserves, because the Dongfang Family clan is the South Summer King clan, let alone this generation of Dongfang Family clans also leave one may be called protect Wu'an Monarch of country pillar. 武安君府豪华而不奢侈,整体以黑色为基调,充满军旅肃杀之风。这是王城中除王宫外,最大规模的一座府邸。东方家族是当之无愧的第一家族,因为东方家族是南夏王族,何况这代东方家族还出一个堪称护国柱石的武安君。 Dongfang Family clan overall strength, is bigger than Nangong and Shangguan Family basically by far. The Chu Tian abacus hits very wonderfully, not having anything more powerful than the support of Dongfang Family clan. 东方家族整体实力,基本是远远大过南宫、上官家族楚天的算盘打得非常妙,没有什么比东方家族的支持更有力了。 A your palace bloodstained clothing bodyguard walks: Reported the period of five days master, the monarch not in the palace!” 君府一个血衣侍卫走出来:“禀告候爷,君上不在府中!” The status of enfeoffed nobles is extremely high. 封君的地位极高。 Actually in some big empires, the enfeoffed nobles can found Monarch country in some big empires, your country enfeoffs one of the state, does not have the completely autonomy, cannot compared with the kingdom and empire. 其实在一些大帝国中,封君在一些大帝国中是可以建立“君国”,君国是分封诸侯国的一种,没有完全独立权,不能和王国、帝国相比。 The Southern Summer Country national territory is not quite big, three Monarch manors, actually cannot be honored as actually monarch, is next to South Summer King. 南夏国国土不太大,三君没有实际封地,却也能被尊为“君上”,仅次于南夏王 A Divine Wind Marquis slightly wrinkle: Wu'an Monarch not in Imperial City?” 神风候微微一皱:“武安君不在王城么?” Wu'an Monarch is the front commander-in-chief, if the front meets the urgent combat report, Wu'an Monarch will leave Imperial City frequently, this leaves short five days ten Tianchang several months, if cannot see Wu'an Monarch promptly, perhaps the situation is not quite wonderful. 武安君是前线总指挥,若前线遇到紧急战报,武安君经常会离开王城,这一离开短则五天十天长则数月,若不能及时见到武安君,恐怕情况不太妙。 The Divine Wind Marquis status is freely honored, has the qualifications that a king remonstrates frankly, but the component is eventually lower than Burning Sun Monarch and Wen Cheng, if a dispute in front of South Summer King, Divine Wind Marquis definitely cannot struggle them. 神风候尽管地位尊贵,有面王直谏的资格,但是分量终究比炎阳君文成君低不少,若在南夏王面前起争执,神风候肯定是争不过两人的。 This matter is important. 此事事关重大。 Divine Wind Marquis trusts Wu'an Monarch, must convince Wu'an Monarch first! 神风候信得过武安君,必须先说服武安君! Bloodstained clothing bodyguard cuping one hand in the other across the chest replied: Monarch was summoned the royal palace by my Wang Jinji, now has not come back.” 血衣侍卫拱手回答说:“君上被我王紧急召进王宫,现在都还没有回来。” Divine Wind Marquis long relaxes. 神风候长长松一口气。 Wu'an Monarch in Imperial City, then all said fortunately. 武安君在王城,那么一切都还好说。 ............ ………… South Summer King palace. 南夏王宫。 The golden yellow glazed tile is sparkling the dazzling ray under the sunlight, two dragons on that upturned eave, [gold/metal] scale Jinjia, lifelike, resembles to soar to fly, terse Wang Ting bodyguard, crowded like clouds, grasps the long spear treasured sword completely, making in the luxurious palace group also disclose ice cold killing intent! 金黄的琉璃瓦在阳光下闪耀着耀眼的光芒,那飞檐上的两条龙,金鳞金甲,活灵活现,似欲腾空飞去,精悍王庭侍卫,更是密集如云,全部手持长戈宝剑,让奢华宫殿群中又透露出一股凌冽杀气 Above nine levels of jade steps. 九级玉阶之上。 Above the King sitting well throne, the semblance about 60 years old, the beard and hair was graying, wears purple Royal Cape, wears the dignified royal crown, his waist has a long saber, a formidable energy aura sends out, this is Southern Summer Country town country King Sword, it is said is the Great Summer Country royal family hands down from generation to generation. 王者端坐宝座之上,外表大约60岁,须发已经斑白,身穿紫色王袍,头戴威严王冠,其腰间有一把长长的佩剑,一阵强大能量气息从中散发,这是南夏国的镇国王剑,据说是大夏国王族传下来的。 At this moment, the resplendent in gold and jade green main hall, bodyguard was all returned, three as if deity formidable men walk. 此时此刻,金碧辉煌的大殿,侍卫全都被清退了,三位仿佛天神般强大的男子走进来。 Left one person, is a full red hair old man, although was very old, but actually still tall and strong like mountain, the whole body lends the violent formidable aura, 左侧一人,是一个满头红发的老者,虽然年龄已经很大了,但是却依然魁梧如山,浑身都散发出暴烈强大的气息, Right one person, is an old person of white clothing scholarly, the medium stature, the gentle, full long hair was all graying, has an old scholar imposing manner. 右侧一人,是一个白衣儒雅的老人,中等身材,文质彬彬,满头长发尽数斑白了,颇有一种老学者的气势。 The middle still, he looks like youngest, the semblance cannot see the concrete age, is only two temples somewhat is slightly graying, the whole body puts on one set of dark [gold/metal] armor, the left hand is holding helmet, the cheeks are upright, the frontal bone is quite prominent, both eyes are incisive like the eagle, making him look like the killing intent heyday! 中间依然,他看起来最年轻,外表看不出具体年龄,只是两鬓微微有些斑白,浑身穿着一套暗金铠甲,左手抱着头盔,脸颊方方正正,额骨比较突出,双目就像雄鹰般尖锐,让他看起来杀气极盛! Today summons three Monarch anxiously, some important matters discussed that Burning Sun Monarch, you said first!” “今日急召三君,是有要事商量,炎阳君,你先说吧!” Reported my king!” The energy of Burning Sun Monarch Nangong Yan whole body burning hot, just likes an angry fire god, the counter- under foot floor was penetrated by the aura, becomes more and more burning hot gets up, my Patriarch old Nangong Zhi, presents the imperial edict to go to Central State, actually does not want to be thrashed the disabled person by Chu Tian that! This matter related Nangong Family face countenance, asking my Wang Ming to break!” “禀告我王!”炎阳君南宫焱浑身炙热的能量,犹如一尊愤怒的火神,反脚下地板都被气息穿透,变得越来越炙热起来,“我族长南宫炙,奉王命前往中州,却不想被楚天那厮打成废人!此事有关南宫家颜面,请我王明断!” Chu Tian?” The South Summer King sound is vigorous, reverberates in the empty main hall, feels the dignified feeling: this King more than once heard that this name, had a swelled head, arrogant, not only piloted very attacks Central State City, annexed three big old clans secretly. The present procedure, does not pay attention to this King, is brave very!” 楚天么?”南夏王声音浑厚粗重,回荡在空荡荡大殿内,充满威严感:“本王不止一次听说这个名字了,妄自尊大,恃才傲物,非但引水贼攻打中州城,私自吞并三大老族。如今的做法,更是不把本王放在眼里,是在是胆大的很啊!” South Summer King spoke these words time, although expression steady anything has not changed, but three Monarch can feel that South Summer King had been enraged by the Chu Tian procedure. 南夏王说这句话的时候,虽然语气平稳没什么变化,但是三君都能感觉出来,南夏王已经被楚天的做法激怒了。 South Summer King reigns for more than 20 years. 南夏王在位20多年。 He is the Southern Summer Country supreme hierarch, even if expensive like three Monarch, must obey the verbal command, what is the boy of place of Central State? 他是南夏国至高无上的掌权者,哪怕贵如三君,也要听从号令,中州之地的一个小子算什么? Wu'an Monarch stood saying: Chu Tian contributes to great merit in Thunder State, this person has the truly learned and genuinely talented, should be able for my Southern Summer Country to use, asking my Wang Shenzhong to make a decision, when Southern Summer Country chooses a person!” 武安君站出来说:“楚天雷州立有大功,此人是有真才实学的,应该能为我南夏国所用,请我王慎重决断,南夏国正是用人之际!” „Will the Southern Summer Country great ability be short?” A swift and fierce sound makes a sound, is Wen Cheng Shangguan Cangfeng: Has the knowledge to be able again compared with big scholar?” “难道南夏国大才会少吗?”一个凌厉的声音响起来,正是文成上官藏锋:“再有学问能比大学者?” Wu'an Monarch knits the brows. 武安君皱皱眉。 Wen Cheng stands to reason, the Southern Xia not deficient great ability, Chu Tian is perhaps active, then the merit arrives mutually, Chu Tian or Xu Youcai, is hard to enlighten unruly, uses for the kingdom insufficient!” The South Summer King sound is full of the irresistible power and influence dignified: This insult king causes it matter, if spreads in Southern Summer Country, where Imperial City is dignified?” 文成君言之有理,南夏不缺乏大才,楚天或许有功,然则功过互抵,楚天或许有才,然则桀骜不驯难以教化,不足为王国所用!”南夏王声音庄严而充满不可抗拒的威势:“此次侮辱王使之事,若在南夏国传开,王城威严何在?” Wen Cheng Shangguan Cangfeng understands that South Summer King thinks, immediately said on own initiative: I proposed that stands, when punishes Chu Tian, otherwise he continued to do in a big way, perhaps will torment Central State, splits me to cross the mountains and rivers.!” 文成上官藏锋已经明白南夏王所想,立刻主动说道:“我提议,立当严惩楚天,否则等他继续做大,恐怕会荼毒中州,分裂我过山河。!” Burning Sun Monarch?” 炎阳君呢?” I agreed!” The Burning Sun Monarch Nangong Yan book is the murder victim's family: He has abandoned a Nangong Clan senior elder, hits the face of my Nangong Clan!” “我同意!”炎阳君南宫焱本就是苦主:“他废了南宫家族一位资深长老,也是打我南宫家族的脸!” Wu'an Monarch Dongfang Gan knits the brows: On king three think!” 武安君东方乾皱皱眉:“王上三思!” My intent has decided!” South Summer King announced the order, „the Chu Tian item did not have the law of the land, arrogant, despised Wang Zhi, the following defied superiors, even if there is the distinguished merit, redeemed insufficient, immediately brings back to Imperial City to stand the trial, this matter Wen Cheng was responsible for personally.” “我意已决!”南夏王宣布命令,“楚天目无王法,恃才傲物,藐视王旨,以下犯上,纵有奇功,不足抵偿,立刻带回王城接受审判,此事文成君亲自负责。” My wise King!” Wen Cheng shows a happy expression: I suggested to use the South State regiment, went to Central State by Western Marquis .” “我王英明!”文成君露出一丝笑意:“我建议动用南州军团,由四方候前往中州。” South Summer King: „!” 南夏王:“准!” Burning Sun Monarch nods, expressed very satisfied. 炎阳君点点头,表示非常满意。 As far as I know, Western Marquis and Chu Tian have the personal grudge.” Wu'an Monarch opens the mouth suddenly: If sends Western Marquis to capture alive Chu Tian to come back to stand trial, please big scholar go to the military governor, avoids Western Marquis by the bulletin private.” “据我所知,四方候楚天有私仇。”武安君忽然开口到:“若要派四方候活捉楚天回来受审,请大学者前往督军,避免四方候以公报私。” Wen Cheng knits the brows. 文成君皱皱眉。 He gives Western Marquis the opportunity intentionally, nothing but to a Western Marquis revenging opportunity. 他故意把机会交给四方候,无非是给四方候一个报仇机会。 Ok!” South Summer King does not wait for Wen Cheng to oppose: „The specially appointed Royal Palace knight 100 goes to Qing State, by the big scholar personally verbal command, assisting Western Marquis to carry out the task!” “可以!”南夏王不等文成君反对:“特派王殿骑士100去青州,由大学者亲自号令,辅助四方候执行任务!” In three Monarch hearts shakes slightly. 三君心中微微一震。 Did the Royal Palace knights send? 王殿骑士都派出去了吗? South Summer King really must seize Chu Tian! 南夏王真是非捉楚天不可啊! Was good, this matter stopped.” South Summer King seemed not willing to mention the matter of Central State again, the vision looks to Wu'an Monarch: „Is the northern situation how is it?” “好了,这事到此为止了。”南夏王似乎不愿再提中州之事,目光望向了武安君:“北方情况怎么样?” Wu'an Monarch is not quite satisfied. 武安君不太满意。 But Chu Tian boy procedure is truly excessive, Wu'an Monarch knows the South Summer King disposition, therefore has not advised, speaking makes big scholar act in any case, the big scholar fly right, supervises the worsening that mediates, can on maximum limit be able to guarantee his life, if Chu Tian died, that is the life is not good. 楚天小子做法确实过分,武安君知道南夏王的性格,所以就没有劝阻,反正出言让大学者出面,大学者为人正直,从中监督斡旋的恶化,能最大限度上能保他性命,若楚天还是死了,那也是命不好。 Reported my king, Spirit Beast tribe at the civil strife, mutually has still slaughtered for ten years, now fierce of internal friction, perhaps is the Southern Xia opportunity!” “禀告我王,兽灵部族还在内乱,已经互相厮杀十余年,现在内耗的厉害,或许是南夏的机会!” Oh? Yes!” “噢?是么!” South Summer King reveals the happy expression, immediately speaks in detail with three Monarch, discussed fully late at night. 南夏王露出喜色,立刻与三君详谈,整整讨论到深夜。 South Summer King is getting more and more excited, as if no too cares the Chu Tian matter, after all compares Chu Tian, north Spirit Beast is the biggest difficult problem: „The military Shanghai takes advantage of Wu'an Monarch , to continue to observe, looks for the opportunity, will strike inevitably!” 南夏王越来越兴奋,似乎没太把楚天的事情放在心上,毕竟相比一个楚天,北方兽灵才是最大难题:“军事上海得多依仗武安君,继续观察,寻找机会,势必一击而中!”
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