MT :: Volume #3

#252: Being of great success

The square day minefield pattern, actually with Chu Tian has used Level 1 Symbol Technique Drawing Thunder Symbol the wonder of equally good results from different methods. 四方天雷阵,其实与楚天用过的1级符术引雷符”异曲同工之妙。 The big itself too strong lethality, actually cannot bring in the might infinite thunder and lightning, after the thunder and lightning drops big, the strength of thunder was given the absorption by big, thus by the Chu Tian operation guidance, was wantonly attacked any target in Array! 大阵本身没有太强的杀伤力,却能引来威力无穷的雷电,雷电落进大阵之后,雷霆之力就被大阵给吸收,从而被楚天操纵引导,肆意攻击阵法内的任何目标! Southern Summer Country Source Stone is barren, constitutes the big difficulty to be high. 南夏国元石贫瘠,构成大阵的难度非常高。 Chu Tian actually indulges in fantasy to concentrate guerilla forces for concerted attack one complete law, separates more than 100 constitution units, thus already low cost actually superpower of extinguishing killing! 楚天却异想天开把一个完整的法阵化零为整,割裂成100多个构成单元,从而早就一座低成本却超强力的灭杀之阵! Do not say Viperous Scorpion Beast trivial Level 1 Demon Beast! 不要说蛇蝎兽区区1级魔兽 Even if Level 2 Demon Beast cannot resist the prestige of thunder! 哪怕2级魔兽也抵挡不住雷霆之威! This Array of destructive power, three Monarch level characters can resist reluctantly, otherwise is the Southern Xia eight marquises level character falls into, Chu Tian also has confidence its bang kills! 这个阵法的破坏力之强,三君级人物才能勉强抵挡,否则就算是南夏八侯级人物落入其中,楚天也有把握将其轰杀! Qing State officers deeply shocked at the same time, feels unprecedented rousing! 青州将士深深被震撼的同时,也感到前所未有的振奋! Too paternal grandmother. 太奶奶的。 This was also too abnormal! 这也太变态了! Everybody has not begun, solely was depends upon Array, Viperous Scorpion Beast died several hundred . Moreover the casualties quantity was still increasing sharply! 大家都没动手呢,仅仅是依靠阵法,蛇蝎兽就死掉好几百只了,而且伤亡数量还在激增! Extremely evil Viperous Scorpion Beast occupies the Black Dragon Canyon three months! 万恶的蛇蝎兽盘踞青龙径三个月啊! Many people were harmed by them are with one's family broken up and decimated! 多少人被他们害得家破人亡! Many officers perished in the canyon! 多少将士殒命在了峡谷之中! Now looks helplessly Viperous Scorpion Beast was only rumbled by the thunder and lightning the hashed meat, that carefree dripping feeling, lets everyone warm-blooded spout! 现在眼睁睁看着蛇蝎兽一只只被雷电轰成碎肉,那种畅快淋漓的感觉,让每个人热血喷涌! Chu Tian continues to operate the thunder and lightning chains, splits unceasingly connects many Viperous Scorpion Beast, this wild incomparable strength, in Chu Tian in needlework like clever and dexterous woman hand, very relaxed penetration another Viperous Scorpion Beast. 楚天继续操纵雷电锁链,不断分裂串联更多蛇蝎兽,这一股狂暴无比的力量,在楚天手里就像巧妇手中的针线,非常轻松的穿透一只又一只蛇蝎兽 Turns into the burnt hashed meat instantaneously, a wave kills and comes one wave! 瞬间变成焦糊碎肉,一波杀完又来一波! When Viperous Scorpion Beast was annihilated about half fully, thunder and lightning energy of Chu Tian control feebleness gradually. Although remaining 50% multi- Viperous Scorpion Beast, actually many were also injured, running away that carelessly by unprecedentedly frightening, been able choose the exact way because of flurry, was utterly routed radically! 蛇蝎兽整整被消灭掉近半的时候,楚天操控的雷电能量才渐渐的衰弱。虽然还剩下一半多蛇蝎兽,却多少受到伤害,更受到前所未有的惊吓,正慌不择路的胡乱逃窜,根本就是溃不成军了! Good!” Mu Xuan laughs three, these bastards are not good, everybody kills with me!” “太好了!”木轩哈哈大笑三声,“这些畜生不行了,大家跟我杀!” Mu Xuan pulls out the long blade to push to the front to kill in Viperous Scorpion Beast. 木轩抽出长刀一马当先杀进蛇蝎兽中。 Heir apparent long live!” “世子万岁!” Qing State long live!” 青州万岁!” 1000 heavy armor-clad soldiers are powerful, the portable great shield broadsword, blocks the Viperous Scorpion running away way, that ruthless spicy harvests Viperous Scorpion Beast the broadsword heartlessly. 1000重甲兵气势如虹,手提巨盾大刀,拦住蛇蝎逃窜去路,那一把把大刀狠辣无情收割蛇蝎兽 The violent poisonousness of Viperous Scorpion Beast loses the function, the itself battle efficiency is too not strong, adds the square day minefield pattern to attack again, they are utterly routed, almost loses the battle efficiency, where can resist besieging of Qing State heavy armor-clad soldier? 蛇蝎兽的剧毒失去作用,本身战斗力不算太强,再加四方天雷阵打击,它们溃不成军,几乎失去战斗力,哪里抵挡得住青州重甲兵的围攻? Kills!” “杀!” Do not let off!” “一只不要放过!” Mu Xuan cuts to add up totals Viperous Scorpion Beast continuously, Viperous Scorpion Beast Good enough can pile up the hill, Viperous Scorpion Beast repeatedly breaks through the failure, the quantity is also the rapid reduction. 木轩连续斩杀数头蛇蝎兽,蛇蝎兽差不多能堆积成小山,蛇蝎兽屡次突围失败,数量也是迅速减少。 Roar!” “吼!” At crucial moment. 关键时候。 Runs out of build specially gigantic Viperous Scorpion Beast from innumerable Viperous Scorpion Beast, this Viperous Scorpion Beast is obviously out of the ordinary, its not only build is ordinary Viperous Scorpion Beast two times, but also the whole body covers entirely the dark golden stripe. 从无数蛇蝎兽中冲出一只体型特别硕大的蛇蝎兽,这头蛇蝎兽显然是与众不同的,它不仅仅体型是普通蛇蝎兽两倍,而且浑身布满暗金色的条纹。 Viperous Scorpion Beast king! 蛇蝎兽王! Quite strong Level 2 Demon Beast! 一只相当强的2级魔兽 The Viperous Scorpion Beast king tail raises up high, a green ray direction of fire heavy armor soldier, shortly will give the dissolution the shield of soldier, kills several soldiers, then starts to break through from the gap place. 蛇蝎兽王尾巴高高竖起,一道绿色光芒射向重甲士兵,顷刻间就把士兵的盾牌给溶解,一口气干掉好几个士兵,然后从缺口处开始突围。 Initially sneak attacked the Shen Bingyu fellow, thinks that is this fellow. 当初偷袭沈冰雨的家伙,想必就是这个家伙吧。 Chu Tian will remain several thunder and lightning to condense in the hand, throws fiercely to this Viperous Scorpion Beast, who knows that Viperous Scorpion Beast responded broken quick, two great pliers flew high clamp, absorbed unexpectedly Thunder Ray most. 楚天将残留几丝雷电凝聚在手,猛地抛向这一只蛇蝎兽,谁知道蛇蝎兽反应破快,两道巨钳凌空一夹,竟然将雷光吸收掉大半。 Chu Tian is a little surprised: This Viperous Scorpion Beast king most at least achieved Awakened Soul 6th Layer cultivation base!” 楚天有点吃惊:“这蛇蝎兽王最起码达到魂醒六重修为了!” Strikes to kill Shoushou!” “击杀兽首!” Several terse heavy armor-clad soldiers besiege, the result ding-dong several resounding, the knife edge breaks in abundance accordingly. A Viperous Scorpion Beast Wang even/including trace does not have, the angry Viperous Scorpion Beast king stretches out a giant scorpion pliers thorn, the soldier calls out pitifully to be ripped the fragment. 几个精悍重甲兵围攻过来,结果当当的几声脆响,刀刃纷纷应声而断。蛇蝎兽王连一点痕迹都没有,愤怒的蛇蝎兽王伸出巨大蝎钳一刺,士兵纷纷惨叫着被撕成碎片。 „It is not good!” “不好!” It must run away!” “它要逃了!” In the Shen Bingyu eye flashes through cold cold brightness, but Shen Bingyu has not gotten rid personally, has form together to be quicker than her, blocks instantaneously in the Viperous Scorpion Beast king front, white-haired, a grey robe, this person is Master Qiu. 沈冰雨眼中闪过一丝冷冽寒光,只是沈冰雨尚未亲自出手,有一道身影比她还要快,瞬间拦在蛇蝎兽王前方,满头白发、一身灰袍,此人就是秋先生 Bastard, where runs away!” Master Qiu vigorous Source Energy gathers the double palm, the skinny body passes to Viperous Scorpion Beast Wang Pu like an arrow, dies!” “畜生,哪里逃!”秋先生蓬勃元力聚集双掌,枯瘦身体就像一支箭般向蛇蝎兽王扑过去,“死!” The least bit resistance does not have. 半点抵抗能力都没有。 The body that the Viperous Scorpion Beast king invulnerability, was torn instantaneously livingly! 蛇蝎兽王刀枪不入的身体,瞬间被活生生撕裂开来! This old man good high cultivation base! 这老头好高的修为啊! Mu Xuan is also surprised: Master Qiu has not displayed including Source Spirit, holds by a pure Source Energy in addition merely tears in half the Viperous Scorpion Beast king, this some high cultivation base? 木轩也大吃一惊:秋先生元魂都没施展,仅仅以一股单纯元力加持就把蛇蝎兽王撕成两半,这该有多高的修为 Shen Bingyu also thinks the accident, this Master Qiu cultivation base, as if also wants the high spot compared with her, knowledge not weak Yun Tianhe, cultivation base is endures to compare Southern Xia eight marquises, this person is far from the generation of commonplace! 沈冰雨也觉得意外,这秋先生修为,似乎比她还要高点,学问不弱云天鹤,修为更是堪比南夏八侯,此人绝非等闲之辈啊! The Viperous Scorpion Beast king was killed. 蛇蝎兽王被杀。 Viperous Scorpion Beast total collapse. 蛇蝎兽彻底崩溃。 Finally in a half hour of encircling, Viperous Scorpion Beast was annihilated basically, even if occasionally has the fish slip through, the firing from horseback army that does not evade the two sides deployment chases down. 最终在半个小时的围剿中,蛇蝎兽基本都被歼灭,即使偶尔有漏网之鱼,也躲不过两边部署的骑射部队追杀。 Next day Sun raises. 第二天太阳升起的时候。 Entire battlefield sores all over the eye, the gigantic Viperous Scorpion Beast corpse proliferates, that scene is really stirring! 整个战场满目疮痍,硕大蛇蝎兽尸体遍布,那场面委实震撼人心! Won!” “胜利了!” Qing State won!” 青州胜利了!” The sergeants hold up to lose helmet celebration. 军士们纷纷举起丢盔庆祝。 This was too successfully important to Qing State! 这场胜利对青州来说太重要了! A general takes inventory the battlefield to come to report the situation: Reported the heir apparent, altogether annihilated Viperous Scorpion Beast 3256!” 一个将军清点完战场前来汇报情况:“禀告世子,总共歼灭蛇蝎兽3256只!” The Mu Xuan spirit shakes: Our army casualties how?” 木轩精神一震:“我军伤亡如何?” This general reports truthfully, is not difficult to see the excitement: Casualty about hundred people!” 这个将军如实汇报,不难看出激动的心情:“死伤百人左右!” Viperous Scorpion Beast annihilates 3000, the soldier casualty merely hundred people, this is a magnificent campaign. Initially Azure Wood Marquis personally commanded the army, several times attacked Black Dragon Canyon, finally lost, from all sides several thousand soldiers buried bone Black Dragon Canyon! 蛇蝎兽歼灭3000只,士兵死伤仅仅百人,这是何等辉煌的一场战役啊。当初青木候亲自率军,几次攻打青龙径,结果都铩羽而归,前前后后数万士兵埋骨青龙径 Now Mu Xuan by 1000 heavy armor-clad soldier taking responsibility strength, only uses evening's time, pays more than 100 casualties prices, almost gives the cleanness of elimination Viperous Scorpion Beast. Even if Black Dragon Canyon remains fragmentary several, sufficed to threaten again inadequately! 现在木轩以1000重甲兵作主力,只用一个晚上的时间,付出100多伤亡代价,几乎把蛇蝎兽给消灭的干干净净。即使青龙径残留零星几只,也再够不成威胁了! The people withdraw troops to return to the city. 众人班师回城的时候。 The Qing State city had been detonated thoroughly, the people cheer the celebration all, all steps onto the street, welcomed this to rescue the army of Qing State disaster personally! 青州城被彻底引爆了,人们无不欢呼庆祝,全都走上街道来,亲自恭迎这一支解救青州大难的部队! Heir apparent long live!” “世子万岁!” Heir apparent long live!” “世子万岁!” Mu Xuan leads the army to return slowly, rides a horse, while waves, the heroic bearing is energetic, is very imposing. 木轩带领军队徐徐归来,一边骑马,一边挥手,英姿风发,好不威风。 The thousands Qing State city people, were all shouting loudly the Mu Xuan name, this made Mu Xuan have an unprecedented sense of achievement. At this moment does not need to depend upon the father period of five days to provide shade, he will obtain supporting of Qing State common people open and aboveboard. 数以万计的青州城民,全都在高呼木轩名字,这让木轩产生一种前所未有的成就感。这一刻起再也不用依靠父候荫庇,他将堂堂正正的获得青州百姓的拥戴。 Mu Xuan shouts loudly: Today the major success sweeps the haze, solves the sleepiness of Qing State, I decided that holds the glee feast to enjoy the active officers greatly, entire city revelry three day!” 木轩大声喊道:“今天大捷一扫阴霾,解青州之困,我决定办庆功宴大赏有功将士,全城狂欢三日!” The officers are very excited. 将士们都很激动。 Such big merit, falls above them, can they not be excited? 这么大的功劳,落在他们头上,他们怎么能不兴奋? Well?” About Mu Xuan has a look: Mr. Yu?” “咦?”木轩左右看看:“余先生呢?” Report heir apparent, Mr. Yu has not entered a city with us probably!” “报告世子,余先生好像没跟我们进城!” Does Mu Xuan knit the brows, is up to mischief? 木轩一皱眉,搞什么鬼? This fellow does not utter a word walks, but also is really the deep storehouse merit and name! 这家伙一声不吭就走,还真是深藏功与名啊! Mu Xuan has veiled criticism to Mr. Yu, when full experience to talent ability, Mu Xuan only then awed. Procedure that now Mr. Yu retires after meritorious service, is makes Mu Xuan significantly change to his view, in the heart adds for one point to respect! 木轩对余先生颇有微词,当充分见识到才华能力,木轩就只有敬畏了。如今余先生功成身退的做法,更是让木轩对他看法大为改变,心中更添一分尊重! Mu Xuan relaxes. 木轩松一口气。 Luckily this person is not the Southern Summer Country person! 幸亏此人不是南夏国人! Otherwise the rare talent is so forever glorious on, making the Southern Summer Country soldier how blush with shame! 否则如此奇才在上光芒万丈,让南夏国儿郎何其汗颜啊! ............ ………… Qing State wharf. 青州码头。 Chu Tian and Shen Bingyu go on board, is about to leave. 楚天沈冰雨登船,正准备离开的时候。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” The Master Qiu anxious hasty walks, hair becomes chaotic, two are blood thread full Bu: „Is mister peerless great ability, how resigned to make the business small industry? The autumn some recommended to three Monarch for you, no, Old man recommended to South Summer King for you, must be able to obtain the kingdom to entrust with heavy responsibility, may construct the century meritorious achievements!” 秋先生急忙忙走过来,头发变得乱糟糟,两眼更是血丝满布:“先生绝世大才,何以甘心做商家小业?秋某为您向三君举荐,不,老朽为你向南夏王举荐,必能得到王国重用,可建千秋功业!” Recommended to three Monarch? 向三君举荐? Recommended to South Summer King? 南夏王举荐? These words dare saying that explained that Master Qiu has the skill to see right in front of one three Monarch or South Summer King directly, moreover there are enormously makes three Monarch and South Summer King listen to his expostulation self-confidently. Is this what kind energy? Even if eight marquises does not dare to talk big this! 这句话敢说出口,说明秋先生有本事直接面见三君或南夏王,而且有极大自信让三君、南夏王听他的谏言。这是何等的能量?哪怕八侯也不敢夸此海口吧! what Weixiao is the industry, what the great undertaking?” Chu Tian stands on the ship, is hand-held the mast, looks at Master Qiu of ashore, business achieves the acme also to be able the reformation of the world, does not believe us to wait and see!” “何为小业,何为大业?”楚天站在船上,手扶着桅杆,看着岸上的秋先生,“商家做到极致也能改变世界,不信我们走着瞧!” Mister please do not bother to see me off!” “先生留步!” Please again consider!” “请你再考虑考虑!” This person keeps Southern Summer Country, absolutely is the luck of Southern Summer Country! 此人留在南夏国,绝对是南夏国之福! Chu Tian did not appreciate kindness rendered from the start: Has been used to freely, can not fetter, the autumn old good intention declined with thanks, said goodbye in light of this!” 楚天压根就不领情:“自由自在惯了,受不得束缚,秋老好意心领,就此告辞吧!” Wait / Etc.!” Master Qiu fuss, even if cannot keep Southern Summer Country, most at least must squeeze out a knowledge to come out, this chance may with, but cannot ask: Old man wandering all sea studies, thinks already some knowledge, since knowing Mr. Yu, I know own shortsighted person. If Mr. Yu does not shut out, Old man hopes with the mister about, even if makes to start, Old man also satisfied.” “等等!”秋先生急得团团转,即使不能留在南夏国,最起码也要多榨取点知识出来,这种机缘是可遇而不可求的:“老朽云游四海求学,自以为已经有些学问,自从认识余先生之后,我才知道自己不过井底之蛙。若余先生不嫌弃,老朽愿跟先生左右,哪怕做个下手,老朽也满足了。” The Master Qiu knowledge under Yun Tianhe, cannot recruit the words of this person, to expanding the Cloud Sect research capability is very helpful, but this person as if of unknown origin, before has not made clear the real status, Chu Tian does not dare to recruit rashly. 秋先生学问不在云天鹤之下,真能招募此人的话,对壮大云门研究能力是很有帮助的,不过这个人似乎来历不明,没有搞清楚真实身份前,楚天不敢贸然招募。 The opportunity of since any case in Southern Summer Country, what Chou not having met? 反正既然在南夏国,何愁没有见面的机会? Might as well hang him first, as soon as hangs! 不如先吊他一吊! Chu Tian shakes the head the rejection: Master Qiu old scholar. Why entrusts the body to bow?” 楚天摇头拒绝:“秋先生学者。何必委身屈膝?” Reaches is the master, the knowledge irrelevant age!” Master Qiu is to express oneself sincerely, almost quickly kneels down to Chu Tian: Even if the apprentice to be also good!” “达者为师,学问无关年龄!”秋先生为表达自己诚心,几乎都快给楚天跪下:“哪怕做学徒也行!” Ha Ha, I never enroll student, Master Qiu was old, excessively is why rigid? Please return!” Chu Tian does not give the Master Qiu opportunity, turned head to say to Shen Bingyu that we walked!” “哈哈,我从不收学生的,秋先生年纪不小了,何必过度执着呢?请回吧!”楚天就是不给秋先生机会,回头对沈冰雨说,“我们走!” Wait / Etc.! Waits!” “等等!等等啊!” Mountain does not change the green water long class, we will again also meet!” “青山不改绿水长流,我们还会再见面的!” Master Qiu is in a daze in the wharf, white-haired dances in the air in the wind, quite alone pitiful feelings. 秋先生在码头发愣,满头白发在风中飞舞,颇有一丝孤寂可怜的感觉。 Heaven! 苍天啊! Why can make me see such monstruous talent in the lifetime? 为什么要让我在有生之年见到这么一个妖孽? Since makes me meet such monstruous talent, why actually does not give me an opportunity! 既然让我遇到这么一个妖孽,却又为什么不给我一个机会! Master Qiu until is at this moment clear, ignorant is also a good fortune, because knows are more, his exceed longs for understanding that will make finally only itself more painful. 秋先生直到此时此刻才明白,无知也是一种福气,因为知道的越多,他就越渴望了解,最终只会让自己更痛苦。 If there is not run into immeasurably deep Mr. Yu, the knowledge that his proud dozens years will still repair, has compared favorably with some great nation scholar sufficiently, now suddenly a dynasty dream awakes, he knows one are superficial! 若没有遇到深不可测的余先生,他依然会自傲几十年修来的学问,已经足以媲美一些大国学者了,如今忽然一朝梦醒,他才知道自己多么浅薄! The years were heartless, are doomed to harbor regret life-long! 岁月无情,注定抱憾终生了! Chu Tian stands in the deck, both hands surround with the front, the faint smile asks one: Sister Bing whether to guess correctly Mr. Qiu's status?” 楚天站在甲板,双手环抱与胸前,似笑非笑的问一句:“冰姐能否猜出秋老头的身份?” I think of a possibility.” Shen Bingyu black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro wrinkle: But is indefinite!” “我想到一种可能。”沈冰雨黛眉微皱:“但是不确定!” Shen Bingyu already suspected that Master Qiu status, is only that person aloof from worldly affairs proud, this and Master Qiu compares to act like a different person at present, therefore cannot determine. 沈冰雨早就怀疑秋先生的身份,只是那人何等清高骄傲,这和眼前秋先生比起来判若两人,所以一直不敢确定。 Has not related, sooner or later meets in any case.” “没关系,反正迟早会见的。” Although guessed correctly that soon will say goodbye with Master Qiu. 虽然猜到不久就会和秋先生再见。 Chu Tian had not actually guessed correctly that this time is much quicker than the imagination. 楚天却没有猜到,这个时间比想象中要快得多。 When Chu Tian draws car(riage) ultra wave Crystal Stone to return to Central State City, immediately calls people to refine Crystal Stone, then arrives at Cloud Sect to start to study. 楚天拉着一车超波晶石返回中州城,立刻叫人把晶石提炼出来,然后到云门开始研究起来。 Ultra wave Crystal Stone can transform a stable high-frequency beam wave the signal, completes the steady signal transmission outside thousand li(500 km). Ultra wave Crystal Stone also has the differentiating grade, the Level 1 Crystal Stone maximum propagation distance is a thousand li(500 km), the Level 2 Crystal Stone maximum propagation distance is 10,000 li (0.5km). 超波晶石能把信号转化成一种稳定的高频射线波,完成千里之外的稳定信号传输。超波晶石也是有等级划分的,1级晶石最大传播距离为一千里,2级晶石最大传播距离为10000里。 area/proportion of Southern Xia small country is not big, Refining left Level 2 ultra wave Crystal Stone to suffice, went to Imperial City from Central State City, will need 67 dissemination towers probably. These dissemination towers may not construct in open country, can construct directly in cities along the way, does not need to be worried by the disaster or the Demon Beast destruction. 南夏小国的面积不算大,精炼2级超波晶石就够了,从中州城王城去,大概会需要67座传播塔。这些传播塔不一定要建造在野外,可以直接建设在沿途的城镇,就不用担心被天灾或魔兽破坏。 A dissemination tower quite super signal intensive. 传播塔相当一个超级信号加强器。 If constructs an ultra wave magnetic-sonic tower in Central State City, it can launch the radius in the signal ten thousand li (0.5km), in all ordinary magnetic-sonic towers, the ordinary magnetic-sonic tower can signal coverage under own magnetic field range. 若是在中州城建一座超波磁音塔,它就能把信号发射到半径万里内,所有的普通磁音塔上,普通磁音塔又能将信号覆盖在自身磁场范围之下。 Then. 如此一来。 An ultra wave magnetic-sonic tower stands erect the Central State main city, almost entire Central State county can by signal coverage, not only be the sound signal, in the future can also transmit the picturesignal, even completes the sound shade union, this will subvert the life of everyone thoroughly. 一座超波磁音塔屹立中州主城,几乎整个中州郡都能被信号覆盖,不仅仅是声音信号,未来还能传输影像信号,甚至完成音影的结合,这将彻底颠覆每一个人的生活。
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