MT :: Volume #3

#251: Square day minefield pattern

The Black Dragon Canyon exit is a small basin, the place bottom of this position does not have the Viperous Scorpion Beast tunnel, but the space is also quite broad, the especially qualify ambushes Viperous Scorpion Beast. Mu Xuan leads the crack troops to start place cleaning, deploys the heavy crossbow weapon, various types of traps wait / etc.. 青龙径出口处是一个小盆地,这个位置的地底没有蛇蝎兽地道,而空间也比较宽阔,特别适合伏击蛇蝎兽木轩率领精锐部队开始清理场地,部署重弩武器,各种陷阱等等。 Naturally, these nothing but are the auxiliary arrangements, copes with Viperous Scorpion Beast, but must depend on Chu Tian. 当然,这些无非是辅助的安排罢了,对付蛇蝎兽,还得靠楚天 Master Qiu, this is Array Diagram.” Chu Tian brings Master Qiu more than 100 Array Master to arrive at the location: You about one day to prepare Array, must complete promptly, so as to avoid delays the plan.” 秋先生,这是阵法设计图。”楚天带着秋先生在内的100多个阵法师来到场地:“你们有一天左右的时间来准备阵法,务必要及时完成,免得耽误计划。” Master Qiu opens to look at Scroll. 秋先生卷轴打开来一看。 Hissing! 嘶! He holds breath immediately cold air! 他顿时倒吸一口凉气! The Array Diagram complex degree is above imagination! 阵法设计图的复杂程度超乎想象! The coverage area can be the radius 200 meters, absolutely was giant Source Energy Array! 覆盖面积足足能达到半径200米,绝对是巨型元力阵了! When Master Qiu studies away from home has seen some large-scale Source Energy Array methods in the great nation, mostly by Sect Mountain Protection Formation, or is protecting city Array of important city appears. This Array scale is huge, the might nature is good, however the cost and consumption are astronomical figures. 秋先生游学时在大国见过一些大型元力阵法,大多以宗门护山阵法,或者是重要城市的护城阵法出现。这种阵法规模庞大,威力自然不俗,然而成本和消耗是一个天文数字。 These protect city big, every time begins using one time frequently to consume over a thousand high-grade goods Source Stone. 那些护城大阵,每启用一次动辄就要消耗上千颗上品元石 A high-grade goods Source Stone price, is equal to the gold coin probably 1 million, the large-scale law expenditure of this scale converts the gold coin the words, frequently is hundreds of millions ten hundreds of millions even are more, time and cost of let alone in the building process spending. 上品元石一颗价格,大概相当于金币1000000,这种规模的大型法阵的花费折换成金币的话,动辄就是几亿十几亿甚至更多,更别说打造过程中消耗的时间和成本了。 Qing State possibly usefully like this big? 青州又怎么可能用得上这样的大阵? The Southern Xia small country does not have no Source Stone to stockpile, Source Stone is actually an arrangement large-scale law most basic material, because the energy forever is the conservation, if no enough formidable energy to maintain Array to operate, has the formidable might? 南夏小国没有什么元石储备,元石却是布置大型法阵最根本材料,因为能量永远都是守恒的,若没有足够强大的能源来维持阵法运行,又怎么产生强大的威力呢? Even if the strong person cannot be fabricated! 哪怕再强的人也不能无中生有! The Gu Qianqiu vision cannot see the Array type temporarily, can actually discover that this set of large-scale Array arranges as the cells overlap with over a hundred small Array. 古千秋的眼光暂时看不出阵法类型,却能发现这套大型阵法是用上百个小型阵法作为单元重叠布置而成。 Chu Tian Source Energy Array supposes goes far beyond this time ten thousand years! 楚天元力阵设远远超过这个时代的万年! Regardless of Yun Tianhe such master, is Meng Yingying same Little Bai, can see Chu Tian to design the Source Energy Array unusual characteristics. Does not rigidly adhere to the existing rules, rose to an artistic boundary, in classics Array compared with textbook also wants perfect hundred times! 无论云天鹤这样的大师,还是梦莹莹一样的小白,都能一眼看出楚天设计元力阵的超凡特点。一点都不拘泥现有的条条框框,已经上升到一种艺术般的境界,比教科书中的经典阵法还要完美百倍! Master Qiu practicing moderation has great learning, is actually hard to peep mysterious eventuality, although the studying numerous Array famous experts, do not have one to be able with this person to compare. 秋先生自持学识渊博,却也难以窥得其中奥妙万一,虽然求学众多阵法名家,却没有一个是能与此人相比。 Called his eternal rare talent, insufficient for! 称其万古奇才,不足为过! Chu Tian as if considered that cost issue, he divides over a hundred units one Source Energy big stiffly, like this in structure by reduces the consumption, Cultivator releases the Source Energy supply directly, maintains each unit proper operation, thus achieves the overall big effect. 楚天似乎考虑到成本问题,他硬生生把一个元力大阵分割上百个单元,这样以阵中阵的结构来减小消耗,修士直接释放元力供应,维持各个单元的正常运作,从而发挥出整体的大阵效果。 This set of Array arrangement budget, merely is 50 million gold coins about! 这一套阵法布置预算,仅仅为50000000金币左右! This and these Greater Mountain Protection Formation, protect compared with city big, the consumption level merely is dozens 1. 这与那些护山大阵、护城大阵相比,消耗水平仅仅是几十1。 The most inexpensive cost, most perfect Array...... may be called the work of being handed down for generations classics! 最低廉的成本,最完美的阵法……堪称传世经典之作! What Master Qiu is more absolutely terrified, this Array and terrain perfect conjunction, is simply flawless. This in other words, this is not Chu Tian copies from other old books or places, but even temporarily creates according to the scene situation temporary improvement. 秋先生更毛骨悚然的是,此阵法与地形完美契合,简直是天衣无缝的。这也就是说,这并不是楚天从古籍或是其他地方抄来的,而是根据现场情况临时改良甚至是临时创造出来的。 The heart of Master Qiu leaked jumped several rackets. 秋先生的心脏漏了跳好几拍。 Ordinary Array Master feared that is one year or so cannot design small, Chu Tian can complete big overnight, almost does not need to ponder that just likes drinks water is so simple, is really hearing something never heard of before Miracle! 普通阵法师怕是一年半载都设计不出其中一个小阵,楚天能在一夜之间完成大阵,几乎都不用思考,犹如喝口水这么简单,实在是闻所未闻的奇迹 „Are you staring doing?” Chu Tian looks up sky, frowns fiercely: This, Sun will raise before tomorrow, you can arrange Array, Diagram gave to you.” “你愣着干什么?”楚天抬头看一眼天空,猛地一皱眉头:“这样吧,明天太阳升起前,你能够把阵法布置完,设计图就送给你了。” Yes! Yes! Yes!” “是!是!是!” I ensure completes the task!” “我保证完成任务!” Master Qiu thought that whole body pore diastole, both eyes are spout the flame to be common, in the hand Diagram is the priceless treasure! If attained the great nation to find the appropriate buyer to get rid, this Diagram can bring the considerable Source Stone income! 秋先生觉得浑身毛孔都舒张,双眼更是喷出火焰一般,手中设计图是无价之宝啊!若拿到大国找到合适买家出手,这一份设计图就能带来可观的元石收益! Naturally. 当然。 Weighed with the pecuniary interest is too vulgar! 用金钱利益来衡量太俗了! Wisdom that in this set of Array contains, makes Master Qiu exhaust the remaining years of life to study sufficiently! 这套阵法中蕴含的智慧,足以让秋先生用尽余生去研究! Who Master Qiu is, Chu Tian is not quite definite, but thinks that knowledge not weak Yun Tianhe, such scholar Southern Summer Country cannot discover several, he leads over a hundred Array Master lineups, Chu Tian not to have what good worry personally. 秋先生是谁,楚天不太确定,不过想必学问不弱云天鹤,这样的学者南夏国找不出几个来,他亲自带领上百个阵法师布阵,楚天没有什么好担心的。 Now starts to get ready to tempt beast! 现在就开始准备诱兽阵吧! Viperous Scorpion Beast is very sinister, generally the non- go it alone, the difficulty of capture is quite big, this capturing and killing plan must succeed, must have one enough effective tempting beast. 蛇蝎兽十分阴险,一般不单独行动,捕捉的难度比较大,这次捕杀计划要成功,必须要有一个足够有效的诱兽阵。 This tempts a technology to be perfect after 5000. 这诱阵技术在5000年之后才完善。 Actually tempts a beast principle not to be complex, nothing but establishes Array by the Demon Beast habit, thus confuses and induces the motion of Demon Beast. 其实诱兽阵的原理并不复杂,无非是以魔兽的习性来设置阵法,从而迷惑和诱导魔兽的行动。 Tempts a beast technique not to be different, some make the false information element, for example seeking a mate signal, for example companion distress signal, or is the chieftain summons. Also or the manufacture natural enemy aura stimulates the opposite party, can make the aura of game to attract, many and varied, goal consistent...... That attracts the game! 诱兽阵手法不一样,有一些是制造虚假信息素,比如求偶信号、比如同伴求救信号,又或者是头目召唤。又或者制造天敌气息来刺激对方,也可以制造出猎物的气息来吸引,多种多样,目的一致……那就吸引猎物! Naturally, tempts to be not necessarily effective to any Demon Beast. 当然,诱阵不一定对任何魔兽都有效。 Some intelligence quotients are quite high, or insight very strong Demon Beast, will tempt to be seen through. However obviously, Viperous Scorpion Beast does not belong to this ranks. 有些智商比较高,或洞察力很强魔兽,诱阵就有可能会被识破。但是显然,蛇蝎兽不属于这个行列。 Chu Tian calculates the time. 楚天算了算时间。 Viperous Scorpion Beast previous time appeared and disappeared in groups past several days, now Viperous Scorpion Beast should start the hunger, over the two days estimated that will touch preys on, then enticed Viperous Scorpion Beast on according to game as the attraction in groups! 蛇蝎兽上一次成群出没过去好几天了,现在蛇蝎兽应该已经开始饥饿,这两天估计就会触动捕食,那就以成群猎物作为吸引来诱惑蛇蝎兽吧! ............ ………… Next day, the sky is dusky, Thunder Ray appears intermittently to flash, gradually underground light rain. This is not a fine weather, actually suits with Viperous Scorpion Beast fights a decisive battle, because the rain water can suppress the gas cloud to spread. 翌日,天空灰蒙蒙,雷光隐现闪动,渐渐地下起小雨。这不是一个好天气,却适合与蛇蝎兽决战,因为雨水会抑制毒雾蔓延。 The big establishment is completed. 大阵设置完成。 The Qing State elite army enters the arena one after another, cavalry soldier in the ambush fights does not have the significance, moreover does not have these many vaccines to the warhorse the injection, arranging 2000 to fire from horseback the army, is responsible, in the rear area coordinates and wraps up. Mu Xuan selects more than 1000 heavy armors to hold the foot soldiers approach of shield. This is the heavy infantry of Qing State most force, the battle efficiency naturally does not allow to look down upon! 青州精锐军队陆陆续续进场,骑兵在埋伏战中没有意义,而且也没有这么多疫苗给战马注射,安排2000骑射部队,负责在后方策应和扫尾。木轩选出1000多个重铠持盾的步卒进场。这是青州最强力的重型步兵,战斗力自然也是不容小视的! Master Qiu takes place with more than 100 Array Master, momentarily can start large-scale Source Energy Array. 秋先生与100多阵法师就位,随时可以启动大型元力阵 Chu Tian stands in the eye is responsible for host big. 楚天站在阵眼负责主持大阵。 Really effective? How such selects the person to cope with these many Viperous Scorpion, the sergeants very much lack self-confidence. 真有效吗?这么点人怎么对付这么多蛇蝎,众军士心里都很没底。 Was OK!” Chu Tian said to Mu Xuan: Makes everybody inject the anti- Viperous Scorpion poisonous vaccine!” “可以了!”楚天木轩说:“让大家注射抗蛇蝎毒的疫苗!” All attention!” A Mu Xuan armor, the heroic bearing thrives to hold high the signal flag: Injection vaccine, standing by.” “全体注意!”木轩一身铠甲,英姿勃发高举令旗:“注射疫苗,准备战斗。” 1000 heavy armor soldiers as well as more than 100 Array Master injection vaccines, everyone some slight responses, this type of thing is not the human body, even if builds up after the anti-rejection, somewhat a little side effect, in may accept in the range, will not affect the following fight. 1000个重甲士兵以及100多名阵法师注射疫苗,每个人都有些轻微反应,这种东西不属于人体,哪怕经过抗排斥炼化,多多少少还是会有点副作用的,但是在可接受范围内,不会影响到接下来的战斗。 At this moment, the weather is gradually late, Sun west sank, the rain as if also gets bigger and bigger. 此时此刻,天色渐晚,太阳已经西沉了,雨似乎也越下越大。 Viperous Scorpion Beast daytime will not move, but now time! 蛇蝎兽不会白天行动,而现在正是时候! The Chu Tian direction said: Opening tempts beast!” 楚天指挥道:“开启诱兽阵!” Master Qiu starts Source Energy Array personally, an invisible energy, covers the four directions suddenly. 秋先生亲自启动一个元力阵,一股无形的能量,骤然笼罩四方。 Both sides preparations!” “两侧准备!” The heavy armor soldier two parts, 500 individuals, is raising the jet black big shield at the same time, is taking the heavy broadsword, is standing in Array of concealment personal appearance. This Array is also Chu Tian personally requests to continue, mainly to produce better surprise attack results, Viperous Scorpion Beast will not feel the aura of these people. 重甲士兵两部分,一边500个人,一手提着漆黑大盾,一手拿着沉重大刀,正站在隐匿身形的阵法中。这种阵法也是楚天亲自要求不止的,主要是为了产生更好的奇袭效果,蛇蝎兽不会感觉到这些人的气息。 When tempts beast to start completely 当诱兽阵完全启动的时候 The invisible aura with the sound that similar several hundred Kamichino Luming were called, unceasing from tempting beast toward the profound jet black canyon launch, almost can spread over the most Black Dragon Canyon canyon. 无形气息伴随着类似几百上千野鹿鸣叫的声音,正不断的从诱兽阵里面向着幽深漆黑的峡谷发射,几乎能传遍大半个青龙径峡谷。 Hissing hissing hissing hissing! 嘶嘶嘶嘶! In the dark canyon gushes out black fog quickly. 黑暗峡谷里很快涌出一股黑雾。 The big piece dense and numerous scarlet eyes appear, Viperous Scorpion Beast several days has not preyed on, when the hungry beast group felt the when aura of attractive game, immediately just likes tidal wells up from the canyon. 大片密密麻麻猩红眼睛出现,蛇蝎兽已经好几天没有捕食了,当饥饿兽群感觉到诱人猎物的气息时,立刻犹如潮水般从峡谷中涌出来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Gas cloud came!” “毒雾来了!” The Viperous Scorpion Beast group has not approached, strong gas cloud flutters first, even if the rain water cannot prevent the spread. 蛇蝎兽群尚未靠近,浓烈毒雾先飘过来,哪怕雨水也不能阻挡蔓延。 Each soldier is tense. 每一个士兵心里都非常紧张。 Is the disintoxicating vaccine useful? 解毒疫苗到底有没有用? If expired dead! 万一失效就死定了! All stands firm to me!” Mu Xuan shouted to clear the way in a low voice: Rash action, cuts!” “全给我稳住!”木轩低声喝道:“妄动者,斩!” When gas cloud after people body, people feel suddenly pungently disgusting . Moreover the skin blushes to give off heat, the whole body blood vessel resembles the combustion to be common, but had not been lost the resistance by Paralyzed. 当毒雾经过众人身体,人们骤感辛辣恶心,而且皮肤发红发热,浑身血管好像燃烧一般,不过并没有被麻痹而丧失抵抗能力。 Displayed to affect really! 真的发挥作用了! Viperous Scorpion does not have toxin but actually any person poisonously! 蛇蝎毒没毒倒任何一个人! As for the burning aching feeling, those present are the servicemen, such selects the will to have! Viperous Scorpion Beast harms Qing State to be long, everybody wish one could to cramp to skin them, now the excellent opportunity must approach, how can look to lose helplessly? 至于火辣辣的疼痛感,在场的人都是军人,这么点毅力还是有的!蛇蝎兽危害青州久矣,人人都恨不得将它们抽筋扒皮,如今大好的机会就要来临了,怎么能眼睁睁看着失去呢? Good! Good! Good! 好!好!好! Mu Xuan is excited! 木轩激动起来! Viperous Scorpion Beast had not realized that entered the snare of humanity, sees only the front lawn hundreds of lush deer groups, fleeing and becoming separated that in all directions been panic-stricken, this stimulated hungry Viperous Scorpion Beast greatly, they pick up the speed to pursue to deer group. 蛇蝎兽没意识到走进了人类的圈套,只见前方草地数以百计肥美的鹿群,正在惊慌失措的四处逃散,这大大刺激了饥饿的蛇蝎兽们,它们加快速度向“鹿群”追过去。 A big matrix pocket. 大阵像一个口袋。 Viperous Scorpion Beast wells up densely, was lived by the net instantaneously most. 蛇蝎兽黑压压涌进来,瞬间就被网住大半。 Good enough, one battalion of infantries cut the escape route, first blocks the canyon entrance, preventing Viperous Scorpion Beast to return!” Chu Tian stands to shout loudly: Array Master starts to start Array, we must destroy them!!” 差不多,一营步兵切后路,先堵住峡谷入口,防止蛇蝎兽退回!”楚天站起来大声喊道:“阵法师开始启动阵法,我们要将他们一举歼灭!!” Array Master instills into Source Energy to Array, above the pitch-dark earth, the innumerable light beams shine, interweaves mutually the condensation, constitutes one huge incomparable law. 阵法师阵法灌输元力,黑漆漆大地之上,无数光束亮起,互相交织凝聚,构成一个巨大无比的法阵。 Viperous Scorpion Beast has realized the danger. 蛇蝎兽意识到了危险。 Kills!!” “杀呀!!” Several hundreds grasp the heavy armor infantry of great shield to copy the escape route to kill directly, Viperous Scorpion Beast unexpected, immediately is chopped to turn a big piece, the Black Dragon Canyon entrance is controlled, now Viperous Scorpion Beast did not have the escape route. 数百手持巨盾的重甲步兵直接抄后路杀出,蛇蝎兽猝不及防之下,立刻被砍翻一大片,青龙径的入口被控制住,现在蛇蝎兽已经没有退路了。 Square day minefield pattern! Opens!” “四方天雷阵!启!” Chu Tian high Highland holds up an area array flag, in an instant, the earth vibrates, a series of day of Beng Ban thundering, crashes dozens over a hundred to arrive at Thunder Ray from the highest heaven suddenly, drops the Chu Tian prepare in completely Array. 楚天高地举起一面阵旗,刹那之间,大地震动,一连串天崩般的轰鸣,从九霄之上骤然坠落几十上百到雷光,全部落进楚天布置好的阵法中。 Each small attracts together Thunder Ray. 每一个小阵都吸引一道雷光 Innumerable Thunder Ray condense in Array beats, just likes is been same in big by the seal, has not leaked unexpectedly slightly. 无数雷光阵法中凝聚跳动,犹如被封印在大阵中一样,竟然丝毫都没有外泄出去。 Chu Tian is holding high a flag high, just likes the verbal command ten thousand thunder deities, the thunder and lightning collects thunder and lightning flood dragons rapidly, to be hard to carry out the unceasing lasing of speed in big to bounce, just likes a giant incomparable chains, instantaneously hundreds of Viperous Scorpion Beast tying up. 楚天高高举着阵旗,犹如号令万雷的天神,雷电迅速汇集成一条条雷电蛟龙,以难以执行速度在大阵中不断激射弹跳,犹如一根巨大无比的锁链,瞬间就把数以百计蛇蝎兽给拴住。 Bruised and lacerated! 皮开肉绽! All over the body burned black! 遍体焦黑! Is the heavenly thunder strength wild? In this big condenses the strength of thunder, if simultaneous release, even if were the Southern Xia eight marquises level character is also hard to run away the birth day! 天雷力量何等狂暴?这大阵中凝聚雷霆之力,若是同时的释放出来,就算是南夏八侯级人物也难以逃出生天! That gorgeous Can Thunder Ray wreaked havoc fully for 45 minutes, Viperous Scorpion Beast one after another but actually, did not have a humanity to be therefore injured. 那绚灿雷光整整肆虐45分钟,蛇蝎兽一只接着一只倒了下去,却没有一个人类因此而受伤。 Too strong! 太强了! Slaughters completely! 完全是屠杀! What Array is this? 这到底是什么阵法 All Array Master and soldiers deeply were shocked by strange its technique one...... The heir apparents invited the character of help, was actually where sacred! 所有的阵法师、士兵被神乎其技一幕深深震撼……世子请来帮忙的人物,究竟是何方神圣啊!
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