MT :: Volume #3

#250: Gold coin invasion

Are the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources how rich? 青岭资源何其丰富? Eight state resources, Qing State monopolizes 50%, the Qing State resources, Blue-Ridge Mountain Range monopolizes 80%. 八州资源,青州独占五成,青州资源,青岭又独占八成。 Now the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range life Black Dragon Canyon is stopped up already for three months, the innumerable resources chambers of commerce cannot ship out the resources, if cannot deliver on time, the indemnity can make them cry, let alone the wages of staff must send, the people of family must practice the expenditure, the plant operation must continue to maintain...... Three months of loss is inestimable! 现在青岭的命脉“青龙径”被堵已经三个月,无数资源型商会运不出资源,若不能按时交货,赔偿金就能让他们哭死了,更何况员工的工资得发吧,家族的人得修炼花费吧,工厂运转得继续维护吧……三个月的损失难以估计! Chu Tian this person does not have what shortcoming, enjoyed doing charitable things the problem and taking pleasure in serving others not to change only. Now sees the Qing State thousands worker to link the wages unable to attain, sees the Qing State major chamber of commerce family days to be hard, he thought that was the time gets rid. 楚天这个人也没有什么缺点,惟独乐善好施、助人为乐的毛病一直改不了。现在见青州数以万计的工人连工钱拿不到,见青州各大商会家族日子紧巴巴的,他觉得是时候出手了。 The cautious this dead fatty will play very vital role. 慎原这死胖子将发挥很重要的作用。 Reason that this is Chu Tian is also keeping him. 这也是楚天留着他的原因。 Comes out!” Yu Laowu drags the black and blue fatty: You know why keeps your life? That is because Chairman gives you an opportunity of making up for one's faults by good deeds!” “出来!”余老五把鼻青脸肿的胖子拖出来:“你知道为什么留你一条命吗?那是因为会长给你一个将功补过的机会!” The fat people were startled and feared. 胖子又惊又怕。 This group of person what origins? 这帮人到底什么来历? Person who Yu Laowu this type seems like the group leader, actually has the True Soul level strength, his where also dares to resist with them? If were given to butcher by them, it is estimated that also dies in vain! 余老五这种看起来像是小头目的人,竟然都拥有真魂级实力,他哪里还敢跟他们对抗?若是被他们给宰了,估计也是白死! An entire box of neat gold card is placed in the front. 一整箱整整齐齐金卡摆在面前。 This, this......” fatty has not seen these many cashes, „does master, fellow masters, what you want my?” “这,这……”胖子从来没见过这么多现金,“爷,各位爷,你们到底想要我什么?” Does not talk circuitously.” Chu Tian curls upwards a one leg on the other to sit in the front: I know that Qing State many chambers of commerce in low price markdown sale resources field, these 500 million cashes are the funds that is used to purchase, do you understand my meaning?” “不绕圈子。”楚天翘着一个二郎腿坐在面前:“我知道青州不少商会都在低价甩卖资源场,这500000000现金是用来收购的资金,你明白我的意思吗?” This fatty is not silly, knows that Chu Tian wants to make him run about: But......” 这胖子并不傻,知道楚天是想让他跑腿:“可是……” Yu Laowu devils said: Has what, but?” 余老五凶神恶煞道:“有什么可是?” „The Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources are freely rich, majority grasp in some Qing State family, even if the Qing State resources production is not booming, but they may not sell. After all their roots in Qing State......” 青岭资源尽管丰富,大多数是掌握在一些青州家族手里,即使青州资源生产不景气,但是他们不一定会卖。毕竟他们的根在青州……” The old root of Qing State family in Qing State, was not said that can walk, even if were difficult, even if the result, they may not sell out the ancestral legacy of property, after all was not everyone like this fatty, momentarily can pat. 青州家族的老根在青州,不是说走就能走的,即使困难,即使结局,他们也不一定会卖掉祖业,毕竟不是每个人都像这胖子一样,随时能够拍拍屁股走人。 Also. 再说了。 How many ores do 500 million gold coins receive can receive? 500000000金币就算收又能收几座矿? If the Chu Tian purchase resources field quantity are too much, unavoidably will bring to the attention of Azure Wood Marquis, this after is the Qing State wealth, if wanders about destitute massively outside in the manpower, perhaps Azure Wood Marquis will not manage. 楚天收购资源场数量要是过多,难免会引起青木候的注意,这毕竟是青州的财富,若是大量流落外人手里,恐怕青木候不会不管。 Chu Tian said: Three days, I want you to contact responsible of each resources location, the mine, tree farm and medicine field, no matter any resources field, so long as is the quality resource, I want! Does not purchase, all buys stock, must occupy 20% stocks lowly, do you understand my meaning?” 楚天说道:“三天的时间,我要你联络各个资源场地的负责任,矿山、林场、药田,不管什么资源场,只要是优质资源,我都要!不收购,一律入股,最低要占到20%的股份,你明白我的意思吗?” Only buys stock, but does not control stock. 只入股而不控股。 Such words, were actually good to speak. 如此的话,倒是好说话了。 In Shen Bingyu heart secret passage: This Chu Tian really has the profiteer potential! 沈冰雨心中暗道:这楚天果然有奸商潜质! 500 million gold coins do not need to purchase, is used to seep the stock completely! 500000000金币不用来收购,全部用来渗透股份! In addition Chu Tian several ores the manpower does not suffice, buys eight ten seatposts to result in again, so would rather everywhere scatters money investment with it, the authority to continue to give the local family, Miracle Commerce holds share on the line. 楚天的几座矿尚且都人手不太够,再买八座十座管得过来么,与其如此倒不如到处撒钱投资,管理权继续交给本地家族,奇迹商会从中参股就行了。 When the Chu Tian procedure borrows the Qing State danger absolutely takes advantage, under the normal condition wants to buy stock difficultly, moreover buys up the amount to be definitely huge. Fierce that now various chambers of commerce and families lose money, needs a big cash to pour into, the Chu Tian money can solve the urgent matter, even if were butchered also can only hold one's nose to recognize. 楚天的做法绝对借青州危难之际趁火打劫,正常情况之下想入股都难,而且买入金额肯定非常庞大。现在各商会和家族亏损的厉害,亟需一大笔现金注入,楚天的钱能解燃眉之急,即使被宰也只能捏着鼻子认了。 The Blue-Ridge Mountain Range main minerals and resources, after all seep the Chu Tian stock, the Miracle group will grow considerably in the Black Dragon Canyon influence, these resources fields first will be Miracle Commerce will provide the resources, will thus establish very reliable resources channel, will thus make up the uneven Miracle Commerce short board greatly. 青岭主要矿产和资源,全都渗透楚天的股份之后,奇迹集团在青龙径的影响力将大幅度增长,这些资源场将优先为奇迹商会提供资源,从而建立起非常牢固的资源渠道,从而大大补齐奇迹商会的短板。 This matter is under the charge to you.” Chu Tian gives Shen Bingyu the matter: We are using name of purchase, finally aims at buying stock, did not strive for controlling these resources fields, the pursue the will influence proliferate Blue-Ridge Mountain Range!” “这件事情由你来负责。”楚天把事情交给沈冰雨:“我们打着收购的名义,最终以入股为目的,不求控制这些资源场,追求将影响力遍布青岭!” Yes!” “是!” Shen Bingyu received an order to leave. 沈冰雨领命离开了。 Shen Bingyu is a strong person, some native cautious original coordination back guys, Chu Tian does not need to go into action personally, he is admitted to Marquis Palace directly immediately, assists the manufacture of anti- poisonous vaccine. 沈冰雨是一个强势的人,又有本地人慎原牵头拉线,楚天根本不用亲自出马,他直接住进侯府立刻,协助抗毒疫苗的制作。 Master Qiu seizes once in a thousand years opportunity. 秋先生抓住千载难逢的机会。 He always takes various issues to consult, Chu Tian also always nothing which is not answered, in this short three days, Master Qiu felt that own philosophy was subverted. 他总是拿着各种问题来咨询,楚天也从来都是无所不答,这短短三天的时间里,秋先生感觉自己的人生观都被颠覆了。 What most starts to ask is the issues of some vaccines, afterward grows the medicine, finally expands to the Alchemy study, even including the Array study and other domains asked. He will even study for many years not to have the difficult problem of means schoolwork to take, what making Master Qiu shocking and despairs, these difficult problems in the Chu Tian eye are not. 最开始问的是一些疫苗的问题,随后又衍生到药物,最后扩展到炼药学,甚至连阵法学和其他领域都问一个遍。他甚至将自己研究多年都没办法功课的难题拿出来,让秋先生震惊而又绝望的是,这些难题在楚天眼里连个屁都不是。 Too attacked the person! 太打击人了! In this world has the talent of being self-taught really? 这个世界上真有无师自通的天才? Three days quick on the past. 三天很快就过去了。 This is the Master Qiu happiest three days. 这是秋先生最幸福三天。 Several years have puzzled his issue to be solved, once in any event think that not clear thing, now universality of contradictions, short three days talked, the victory studies to study away from home for ten years! 数个十几年一直困扰着他的问题被解决,曾经无论如何都想不明白的东西,现在都已经茅塞顿开,短短三天交谈,胜读书游学十年! This is also the Chu Tian happy three days. 这也是楚天幸福的三天。 The Shen Bingyu victory report comes continuously. 沈冰雨捷报源源不断传来。 The tree farm, the medicine field and mine, various type of resources fields, were bought up the stock by the extremely low price one after another one after another. 林场、药田、矿山,各种类型资源场,一个接一个接连被极低价格买入股份。 The Blue-Ridge Mountain Range more than 100 resources fields, all were given the seepage by the Chu Tian money. These many quality resource transfer stocks not only do not have the premium, instead almost cuts in two at the waist the estimate value, is really hard to imagine. 青岭足足有100多座资源场,全都被楚天的金钱给渗透。这么多优质资源转让股份非但没有溢价,反而几乎腰斩估值,实在是难以想象的。 The fatty cheating skill is really great. 胖子坑人本事果然不浅。 In order to avoid the fatty will be chased down the full world several days later, Chu Tian gives him the right of manager Qing State regional resource, after is the Qing State native, some lot will coordinate to facilitate many. 为避免胖子过几天被人满世界追杀,楚天将总管青州地区资源的权利交给他,毕竟是青州本地人,有很多事情协调起来会方便很多。 Since has been of great success. 既然已经大功告成。 Then was the time stops work for the day to leave. 那么是时候收工走人了。 The Chu Tian time is very precious, where has free time to continue to waste in Qing State, he looks for the Mu Xuan request to dispatch troops to exterminate the beast disaster. 楚天的时间十分宝贵,哪里有空在青州继续浪费,他找上木轩要求出兵剿灭兽灾。 „It is not good, is not good! Now the vaccine manufactures more than 1500 merely!” Mu Xuan shakes the head saying: This can only equip more than 1000 people of teams, how can deal with large-scale Viperous Scorpion? The material of market is gradually insufficient, I have sent for other places purchasing, waits for my father period of five days to return again, most little takes one month!” “不行,不行!现在疫苗仅仅制作1500多支!”木轩摇着头说:“这只能装备1000多人队伍,如何能应对大规模蛇蝎?市场的材料渐渐不够用,我已经派人去其他地方采购,再等我父候归来,最少要一个月!” One month? 一个月? You are not crack a joke! 你不是开玩笑吧! Chu Tian almost wants to shout'mother-fucker'. 楚天差点都想骂娘了。 Helping the person help! 也罢,帮人帮到底吧! Chu Tian vowed solemnly saying: You give me 1000 people of crack troops, I'm coming helps you exterminate the Viperous Scorpion Beast group!” 楚天信誓旦旦说:“你把1000人的精锐部队交给我,我来帮你剿灭蛇蝎兽群!” What nonsense spoke?! The Viperous Scorpion Beast conservative estimate has 3000!” The Mu Xuan saliva splash said: Even if the vaccine can resist violently poisonously, however Viperous Scorpion Beast itself is also very sly the spirit fire, has probably the Body Refinement seven 8th Layer battle efficiencies, the trivial more than 1000 people are impossible to exterminate, do not have five times of numbers, I will not get rid! The Qing State soldiers and horses all have father to wait the verbal command, now the father period of five days goes out not to turn over, I how could absurdly from motion?” “说什么胡话?!蛇蝎兽保守估计有3000只!”木轩唾沫飞溅说道:“哪怕疫苗能对抗剧毒,然而蛇蝎兽本身也十分狡猾灵火,大约有炼体八重战斗力,区区1000多人根本不可能剿灭,没有五倍之数,我绝不会出手!况且,青州兵马皆有父候号令,如今父候外出未归,我又岂能妄自行动?” Yes, cuts the grass non- root, perhaps no end of trouble for the future!” Master Qiu also persuaded Chu Tian: Even if sets out sharpest Storm Cavalry, cannot guarantee that extinguishes the light Viperous Scorpion at one fell swoop, the Black Dragon Canyon topography is narrow and small, the full cloth Viperous Scorpion tunnel, the disadvantageous cavalry soldier battle efficiency displays, when the time comes feared that is the meeting casualty is serious!” “是啊,斩草不除根,恐怕后患无穷!”秋先生也劝说楚天:“哪怕出动最精锐的疾风骑兵,也不敢保证将蛇蝎一举灭光,青龙径地势狭小,满布蛇蝎地道,不利骑兵战斗力施展,到时候怕是会死伤惨重!” Two fellow elm heads! Really incurable! 两个家伙榆木脑袋!真是没救了! Does not know that tries to find the solution? 难道就不知道想想办法吗? „Can heir apparent once think an issue?” Chu Tian said to Mu Xuan: „The Azure Wood Marquis corona is too abundant, if Azure Wood Marquis comes back to exterminate the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range beast disaster again, perhaps the people will place on the merit Azure Wood Marquis, does the heir apparent strive in vain? Doesn't the heir apparent want to construct distinguished merit alone?” “世子可曾想过一个问题?”楚天木轩说:“青木候的光环太盛,若青木候回来再剿灭青岭兽灾,恐怕人们都会把功劳放在青木候身上,难道世子白白出力?难道世子不想独建奇功吗?” Constructs the distinguished merit alone?! 独建奇功?! This definitely has not small attraction! 这绝对有不小诱惑力! Asked the heir apparent to feel relieved, matter that has not grasped, I will not do.” Chu Tian said self-confidently: I have my method, so long as coordinates I'm coming to do, this crowd of Viperous Scorpion Beast to fear insufficient,” “请世子放心,没把握的事,我是不会做的。”楚天自信满满说:“我有我的方法,只要配合我来做,这群蛇蝎兽不足为惧,” „?” The Master Qiu vision is one bright: How does Mr. Yu prepare to cope with Viperous Scorpion Beast?” “哦?”秋先生目光又是一亮:“余先生准备怎么对付蛇蝎兽?” Viperous Scorpion Beast in the final analysis is low status Demon Beast of low intelligence quotient, they do not come out, can't set the trap to tempt them to come out?” 蛇蝎兽归根到底是一种低智商的低等魔兽罢了,它们不出来,难道就不能设圈套引诱它们出来吗?” What snare?” “什么圈套?” I invent one type to tempt beast.” Chu Tian will prepare good Source Energy Array to take: This can simulate some type of aura and pheromone, or the summon sound, thus induces Viperous Scorpion Beast to appear, deceives him to enter plans the good snare.” “我发明一种诱兽阵。”楚天将准备好的一个元力阵拿出来:“此能模拟某种气息、信息素、或是呼唤声,从而诱导蛇蝎兽出现,骗其进入规划好的圈套。” Will this world have such Source Energy Array? 这世界怎么会有这样的元力阵 When Master Qiu Swordsmanship unprecedented Source Energy Array, once again falls into the deep shock. 秋先生剑道前所未闻的元力阵时,又一次陷入深深的震惊。 This Source Energy Array to the mercenary soldier profession, has the value infinite value simply! 这种元力阵对佣兵行业来说,简直具备价值无穷的价值! The mercenary soldiers hunt and kill Demon Beast always by are baits, will frequently pay with the life the price, if can substitute with Source Energy Array, then should be how convenient? 佣兵猎杀魔兽总是以身为饵,时时刻刻都会付出生命的代价,若能用一种元力阵来替代,那么该是多么方便? A most important point. 最重要的一点。 This Source Energy Array has the specificity, it will assign to bring in Demon Beast, but will not come the assorted Demon Beast belt, is exempts to seek for the trouble of Demon Beast, has saved the time and energy greatly. 这种元力阵有特异性,它会指定引来一种魔兽,而不会把杂七杂八的魔兽带过来,更是免去寻找魔兽的麻烦,大大节省了时间和精力。 Mu Xuan still did not feel relieved: Even if there is means to draw out Viperous Scorpion Beast, our trivial more than 1000 soldiers and horses, how can also wipe out the opposite party? The human physique frail resists Demon Beast not to have the superiority, let alone is three times of quantities!” 木轩依然不太放心:“即使有办法引出蛇蝎兽,我们区区1000多兵马,又如何能全歼对方?人类体质孱弱对抗魔兽本就没有优势,何况乎是三倍的数量啊!” Tempts a beast nature to be insufficient!” Chu Tian already thought: I have been observing the weather change recently, one type large-scale kills to suit in the near future arranges. We lining Array in the snare first, then with tempting beast directs Viperous Scorpion Beast, starts Array to extinguish at one fell swoop kills most Viperous Scorpion Beast, then the according to crack troops group attacks, so can solve the problem with ease!” “一个诱兽阵自然不够!”楚天早就想好了:“我最近一直在观测天气变化,有一种大型杀阵适合在近期布置。我们先在圈套里布好阵法,再用诱兽阵把蛇蝎兽引进来,发动阵法一举灭杀大半蛇蝎兽,再以精锐部队群攻,如此能轻松解决问题!” Master Qiu more listens more inspired. 秋先生越听越振奋。 Mu Xuan is indecisive. 木轩犹豫不决。 ! 啪! Does not do dry, a few words!” Chu Tian pounds on the table: If does, in two days eliminate the beast disaster, the heir apparent becomes the hero who the Qing State person supports! If the choice is not dry, the father will travel by boat to leave Qing State tomorrow. You wait for Azure Wood Marquis to return, then prepares for one month, goes to the remote mountain to look for Viperous Scorpion Beast to go all out again!” “干不干,一句话!”楚天一拍桌子:“若是干的话,两天内消灭兽灾,世子成为青州人拥戴的英雄!若选择不干,老子明天就坐船离开青州。你们就等着青木候回归,然后准备一个月时间,再去深山里找蛇蝎兽拼命吧!” Already three months. 已经三个月了。 Qing State already complained, Don't will say in one month, next day will always lose is inestimable. What Mu Xuan is more excited is the reputation, the corona that if can get rid of the father, alone leads to solve a Qing State disaster, his reputation will definitely rise suddenly! 青州早已怨声载道,莫说再过一个月,每多翌日损失都难以估计。木轩更心动的是名声,若能摆脱父亲的光环,独自带领解决一次青州大难,他的名声肯定会暴涨啊! „Is the meaning of Master Qiu?” 秋先生的意思是?” I believe Mr. Yu.” “我相信余先生。” Good!” Mu Xuan gets hold of the fist, makes an effort a hammer table: Gathering soldier! Did!” “那好!”木轩握紧拳头,用力一锤桌子:“聚兵!干了!”
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