MT :: Volume #3

#249: Vaccine

Has not looked, your old man very rich! Looks at you to link the eye not to wink leaves 500 million gold coins the breadths of spirit, it is estimated that is richer than Southern Xia eight marquises, the one had only known should want 1 billion, what a pity was a pity! 真没看出来,你老头挺有钱的嘛!瞧你连眼睛不眨就出500000000金币的气魄,估计比南夏八侯还富,早知如此就该要1000000000的,可惜啊可惜! If can rescue the sleepiness of Qing State by 500 million gold coins, this money Qing State Marquis Palace is not can not.” Mu Xuan clenched teeth as if also to be ready for any sacrifice, how, but I know that you weren't are deceiving me?” “若能以500000000金币救青州之困,这钱青州侯府也不是出不得。”木轩咬咬牙似乎也是豁出去了,“但我又怎么知道你不是在骗我?” Unexpectedly doesn't believe my strength? 居然不相信我的实力? I idle in the half-day time of safe, has found out one type to explain the Viperous Scorpion poisonous method.” Chu Tian does not know where pulls out a paper, looks continually cannot withstand Mu Xuan one, loses to Master Qiu directly: How does Master Qiu think?” “我闲来无事的这半天时间里,已经想出一种破解蛇蝎毒的方法。”楚天不知道从哪里掏出一张纸,连看都不堪木轩一眼,直接丢给秋先生:“秋先生以为如何?” Without the laboratory. 没有实验室。 Has not experimented. 没有进行试验。 Can find out the law of disintoxicating by the small half-day time? 只是靠小半天时间就能想出解毒之法? Isn't this talks nonsense? If Viperous Scorpion really so is poisonously easy to melt, Qing State all scholar can wipe the neck to commit suicide! 这不是放屁么?若蛇蝎毒真这么容易化解,青州所有学者都可以抹脖子自杀了! Master Qiu does not believe that because he cannot believe! 秋先生也根本不相信,因为他不敢相信! In this world where has such monstruous talent? 这世界上哪有这样的妖孽? The Viperous Scorpion toxin is a complex biological toxin, the toxin ingredient is a microorganism, how the thorniest place does not lie in kills the microorganism, but is the adaptiveness of microorganism is strong, they will make the different variations according to the stimulation, the previous quarter also effective antidote, next one inscribed is possibly useless. 蛇蝎毒是一种复杂的生物毒素,毒素成分是一种微生物,最棘手地方不在于如何杀死微生物,而是微生物的适应能力非常强,它们会根据刺激而做出不同变异,前一刻还有效的解毒剂,下一刻有可能就没用了。 Therefore Master Qiu finds out violent solution, adopts the law of using poison to combat poison directly, gives to kill by poison the violently poisonous microorganism with the toxicant, finally the antidote was developed, was confirmed has no merit to speak, basic having no way solves the sleepiness of Qing State. 因此秋先生想出极端的解决办法,直接采取以毒攻毒之法,用毒药将剧毒微生物给毒死,最终解毒剂是被研制出来了,却被证实是一无是处的,根本没法解青州之困。 Their expression got a panoramic view by Chu Tian. 两人表情被楚天尽收眼底。 This cannot blame them, how many country bumpkin, what world also has seen? 这也不能怪他们,几个土鳖而已,又见过什么世面? Do not say that is trivial Level 1 violently poisonous Demon Beast, even if high 35 levels of Demon Beast, Chu Tian in the same old way studies has attacked and captured, this small snake small scorpion is nothing in the Chu Tian eye! 不要说是区区1级剧毒魔兽,哪怕是高个35级的魔兽,楚天都照样研究过攻克过,这种小蛇小蝎在楚天的眼里算个屁啊! Temporals promote and constrain mutually to live, although Viperous Scorpion Beast the toxin actually cannot lord over the forest, haven't you carefully pondered this issue?” Chu Tian despises the vision to look at Mu Xuan with a face: Viperous Scorpion Beast also has the natural enemy, they will appear in Qinglong suddenly, can only explain that a reason, that was expelled once territory by other Demon Beast!” “世间万物相生相克而生,蛇蝎兽虽毒却不能独霸森林,你们就没有好好思考过这个问题吗?”楚天用一脸鄙夷目光看着木轩:“蛇蝎兽也是有天敌的,它们会忽然出现在青龙经,只能说明一个原因,那就是被其他魔兽赶出曾经的领地!” Mu Xuan knits the brows, is that also what kind of? 木轩皱皱眉,那又怎么样? „The wisdom of humanity is eventually limited, since the mortal wisdom resistance is not naturally feasible, why not might as well along the day, but is, borrows the strength from the nature? Why not to seek to cope with the Viperous Scorpion Beast means from the Viperous Scorpion Beast enemy? Thanks to you in Qing State these many years, actually cannot think including this point!” “人类的智慧终究有限,既然凡人智慧对抗自然不可行,何不不如顺天而为,从自然中来借力呢?何不从蛇蝎兽的敌人身上寻找对付蛇蝎兽的办法呢?亏你们在青州这么多年,却连这一点都想不到!” Master Qiu knits the brows to study the content that on the paper writes. 秋先生皱着眉研究起纸上所写的内容。 First is vacant, afterward is dignified, finally is suddenly enlighted. 先是茫然,随后凝重,最后恍然大悟。 Finally, the Master Qiu expression was occupied with the shock by unprecedented shock, the whole body cannot help but shivered, the pale complexion emerged a morbid state immediately the blood flushes, just likes peeps the secret of some startled day to be the same. 最终,秋先生表情被前所未有的震撼和震惊占据,浑身都不由自主的颤抖了起来,本来苍白的脸色顿时涌现出一股病态的潮红,犹如窥得某种惊天之秘一样。 A tattered paper. 一张破破烂烂的纸。 At this moment heavy in extremely heavy! 此时此刻却重于万钧! This is not a paper, is rescues the common people, Qi Shu of benefitting common people! 这不是一张纸,是解救苍生,造福万民的奇术! Mu Xuan sees this having great learning old scholar in the short several seconds , the expression like turning hostile changes continuously multiple, the worry asked: Master Qiu...... you are all right!” 木轩见这位学识渊博的老学者在短短十几秒钟时间里,表情就像变脸般连续改变多次,不由担心问道:“秋先生……你没事吧!” The Master Qiu anything words do not say. 秋先生什么话也不说了。 Wields! 一手挥出! Just likes an advantage axe crushes the fine iron forging iron lock. 犹如一把利斧把精铁锻造铁锁击碎。 Two entrain! 两手一拽! The prison cell front door was raised directly flies to lose to several meters beyond, falls in the end of corridor, was ground by the wild strength, almost turns into place detritus. 牢房大门直接被掀飞丢到十几米外,摔在走廊的尽头,被狂暴力量碾碎,几乎变成一地碎屑。 Mu Xuan is dumbfounded, the old person will not be insane insanely. 木轩目瞪口呆,老人不会失心疯了吧。 Your this houseboy!” Master Qiu glares angrily to look at Mu Xuan, so treats Daxian unexpectedly! If not looks in the Azure Wood Marquis face, the old man non- one held to divide you!” “你这竖子!”秋先生怒目圆睁看着木轩,“竟如此对待大贤!若非看在青木候面子上,老夫非一掌劈了你!” Mu Xuan almost does not have a blood to spit! 木轩差点没一口血吐出来! This old man really insane? 这老头是真的疯了吗? This well-mannered and calm steady old man, probably noticed at this moment kills the father personal enemy to be the same, Mu Xuan does not doubt, if not looks in the father share, this old man met a palm of the hand to divide him really at the scene. 这一位彬彬有礼、沉着稳重的老者,此时此刻就好像看到杀父仇人一样,木轩毫不怀疑,若非看在父亲份上,这老头真会一巴掌把他当场劈了。 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事啊? Mu Xuan long time comes not to offend him, instead is respects to him, this old man rather responded extremely! 木轩多日来没有得罪他,反而是对他敬重有加,这老头未免反应过激了吧! Mister is the salvation great ability!” The old person enters to help up Chu Tian, deeply bows three times: Some autumn clothing/taking!” “先生乃救世大才!”老人走进扶起楚天,深深地鞠躬三次:“秋某服了!” Shen Bingyu looks somewhat is in a daze. 沈冰雨都看得有些发愣。 This old man definitely is not simple character, this response a little was too big! 这老头肯定不是简单人物,这反应实在有点太大了! The Chu Tian racket the long gown, the neither cold nor hot book, you can understand, explained that is not quite bad, has anything to ask asked!” 楚天拍拍长袍,不冷不热的书哦,“你能看得懂,说明还不太差,有什么想问的就问吧!” This disintoxicating method, Old man hears something never heard of before......” “这种解毒方法,老朽闻所未闻……” „The law of simple and rough vaccine manufacture.” “一种简单而粗糙的疫苗制作之法罢了。” Vaccine? 疫苗? The vaccine is anything! 疫苗是什么! Mu Xuan is not skilled in Alchemy, but has not eaten the pork, has not seen the pig to run, before this concept is actually , has not heard. Is a new technology? From the Master Qiu fierce reaction, this technology feared that is not simple. 木轩不精通炼药,但没吃过猪肉,还没有见过猪跑么,这个概念却是以前都没有听说过的。难道是一种新型的技术?从秋先生激烈反应来看,这种技术怕是不简单。 Chu Tian said with at a moderate pace tone: Viperous Scorpion Beast has not been in flood in Blue-Ridge Mountain Range, explaining Blue-Ridge Mountain Range must have the Viperous Scorpion Beast natural enemy, moreover more than one type. These living thing can capture and kill edible Viperous Scorpion Beast, but does not receive poisoning of Viperous Scorpion Beast, that explained that within the body has the antibody of some virus. My this set of technique is actually very simple, from these Blue-Ridge Mountain Range common biology blood serums, withdraws the antibody of this virus, through building up a transformation, enabling it to adapt in the human body, thus achieves the resistance violently poisonous means.” 楚天用不紧不慢口吻说:“蛇蝎兽没有在青岭泛滥,说明青岭必有蛇蝎兽天敌,而且还不止一种。这些生物能够捕杀食用蛇蝎兽,而不受到蛇蝎兽的毒害,那就说明体内存在某种病毒的抗体。我这套手法其实很简单,就是从这些青岭常见的生物血清中,提取这种病毒的抗体,通过炼化阵的转化,让它能在人体中适应,从而达到对抗剧毒的办法。” This technique holds the beginning of eternity, is the old man has not always seen.” Master Qiu said excitedly: „The Continent Alchemy Master disintoxicating, always acts appropriately to the situation, does not have the procedure of this removing firewood from under the pot.” “这种手法真乃开千古之先河,是老夫平生未见的。”秋先生非常激动地说:“大陆炼药师解毒,从来都是对症下药,从没有这种釜底抽薪的做法。” That is only you are friendless and unlearned.” A Chu Tian face does not give: As far as I know, Elven Race develops the vaccine very much early, specifically is used to restrain the microbial toxin.” “那只是你们孤陋寡闻罢了。”楚天一点面子都不给:“据我所知,精灵族很早前就开发出疫苗,专门用来克制微生物毒素。” The Elven Race matter wizard knows! 精灵族的事情鬼才知道呢! Southern Summer Country is a Continent small country! 南夏国就是大陆的一个小国啊! Nation merchant status of Master Qiu outside to Chu Tian believes in firmly, otherwise does he possibly know this method? 秋先生楚天外邦商人身份深信不疑,否则他怎么可能知道这种方法呢? This type from the Demon Beast blood serum with building up the directional refinement antibody method, as well as the viral antibody transforms the suitable human body builds up the technique, to Southern Summer Country, even to most human states, will be a milestone -type discovery! 这种从魔兽血清中用炼化阵定向提炼抗体方法,以及将病毒抗体转化成适合人类身体的炼化手法,对南夏国,甚至对大多数人类国度而言,都将是一次里程碑式的发现! Master Qiu said inspired: We extract the antibody from the blood stains lizard, the toxin of scorpion beast will threaten to pelt to our army, can subdue inevitably at one fell swoop!” 秋先生非常振奋说:“我们就从血斑蜥蜴身上抽取抗体,蝎兽之毒将对我军威胁大降,必然能一举制胜!” My method can only let the blood stains lizard antibody stay some time, because the human body and blood stains lizard have the difference after all, therefore the antibody will weaken over the time.” “我的方法只能够让血斑蜥抗体停留一段时间,但因为人类身体与血斑蜥蜴毕竟有区别,所以抗体会随时间而减弱。” How long can maintain?” “能够维持多久?” Continues for three days to have more than enough to spare!” “持续三天绰绰有余!” Three days of time elimination occupy Black Dragon Canyon Viperous Scorpion Beast, that also had more than enough to spare! 有三天时间消灭盘踞青龙径蛇蝎兽,那也是绰绰有余了! Mu Xuan is not convinced to Chu Tian, now also has to acknowledge that this year Ji Gen the Good enough big young people, are really a wizard. 木轩就算对楚天在不服气,现在也不得不承认,这年纪跟自己差不多大的年轻人,真的是一个鬼才。 My method has given you.” Chu Tian walks the first matter to ask: „Can money that I want when arrive?” “我的方法已经给你们了。”楚天走出来第一件事就问:“我要的钱什么时候能到位?” Relax, the reward of mister, a copper coin cannot be few, Old man to this vaccine blood serum method of manufacturing, many questions, hopes that the mister is liberal to grant instruction.” Master Qiu spoke of here, suddenly thought that nearby Mu Xuan was in the way, immediately said to him: You manufacture the blood serum of blood stains lizard, the more better!” “放心,先生的报酬,一个铜板不会少,老朽对这疫苗血清制作方法,还有诸多疑问,希望先生不吝赐教。”秋先生说到这里,突然觉得旁边木轩碍手碍脚,立刻对他说道:“你去制作血斑蜥蜴的血清,越多越好!” Mu Xuan helpless departure. 木轩无奈的的离开了。 Master Qiu asked the big collection of questions all the way. 秋先生一路上问大堆问题。 Chu Tian stingy, those he did not ask but actually, 11 explanations. Master Qiu more and more heart startled, only thinks that at present this person of immeasurably deep, this feeling is Master Qiu has not met for a lifetime. 楚天倒也不吝啬,凡是他问的,都11解答。秋先生越来越心惊,只觉眼前此人深不可测,这种感觉是秋先生一辈子都没遇到过的。 Immeasurably deep! 深不可测! Really immeasurably deep! 真是深不可测! When Master Qiu facing this young outside nation merchants, one type facing vast sea and facing endless starry sky feeling. 秋先生面对这位年轻的外邦商人时,有一种面对浩瀚大海、面对无尽星空般的感觉。 When Master Qiu is young, once spent 20 years of time to study away from home, had arrived in a strength incomparably powerful ancient empire. That is the experience that Master Qiu is unable to dismiss from mind for a lifetime, these empire big scholar, Sage of these empires, the profoundness of its knowledge, making Master Qiu exclaim in surprise. 秋先生年轻时,曾经花费20年时光游学,曾经抵达过一个实力无比强盛的古老帝国。那是秋先生一辈子都无法忘怀的经历,那些帝国大学者,那些帝国的贤者,其学问之渊博,让秋先生惊叹。 May face empire scholar, does not have now such feeling. 可就算面对帝国学者,也没有现在这样的感觉。 This person rescues Qing State difficultly actually to ask a price 500 million gold coins, is very corrupt? No! Restrains the poison depending on this manufacture vaccine the idea and method, its value far exceeded demands the reward ten times! 此人救青州之难却要价500000000金币,很贪吗?不!光凭这一种制作疫苗来克制毒物的理念和方法,其价值就远远超出索取报酬的十倍了! Master Qiu believes that so long as studies Source Energy Array that Chu Tian leaves behind well, the people can research and develop many in view of the vaccines of other toxin beast poisons, at that time how many people will profit therefore? Many by poison disaster, but the aquatic fiery area can rescue! 秋先生相信,只要好好研究楚天留下的元力阵,人们就能研发出多种针对其他毒兽毒物的疫苗,那时候多少人会因此而受益?多少被毒物祸害而水生火热的地区能够得以救助! Said that he is the talent of salvation, is not the word of flattery! 说他是救世之才,绝不是奉承之言! Actually does this person come from what state? 此人究竟来自什么国度? Master Qiu repeatedly makes a veiled attack, finally Chu Tian pretends ignorance, Master Qiu sees him not to disclose, on helpless giving up. Now Master Qiu most cared that naturally is the development of anti- poisonous vaccine. 秋先生屡次旁敲侧击,结果楚天都装聋作哑,秋先生见其不想透露,也就无奈的放弃了。现在秋先生最关心的,自然是抗毒疫苗的研制。 Chu Tian helps, to preoccupy the blood serum of blood stains lizard personally, first passes through one type to build up a direction detection to withdraw, obtains to resist the Viperous Scorpion Beast antibody ingredient. Naturally, this could not be used to inject directly, otherwise is the meeting deceased person. 楚天亲自帮忙,先取来血斑蜥蜴的血清,先经过一种炼成阵定向提取,从中获得抵抗蛇蝎兽的抗体成分。当然,这还不能用来直接注射,否则是会死人的。 Chu Tian joins several common anti-rejection materials, then again with building up carries on to build up, finally obtains faint yellow injection medicament. 楚天加入数种常见的抗排斥材料,接着再用炼成阵进行炼成,最后得到一支淡黄色的注射药剂。 Starts the living specimen test!” “开始活体测试!” The soldier who Gu Qianqiu looks for a poison, injected in within the body of successful candidate soldier the medicament directly, finally was also less than five minutes, the soldier of this suffocation restored Divine Sense, linked a point exceptionally not to have unexpectedly. 古千秋找来一个中毒的士兵,直接把药剂注射进士兵的体内,结果还不到五分钟,这个奄奄一息的士兵就恢复神识,竟然连一点异常都没有了。 Gu Qianqiu draws his blood to examine. 古千秋抽取他的血液进行检测。 „The Viperous Scorpion poisonous density is 0!” 蛇蝎毒浓度为0!” We succeeded!” “我们成功了!” Really success!” “真的成功了!” This is puzzled by a Qing State three months of difficult problem, finally in short half-day time solving. Viperous Scorpion Beast is in itself not formidable, if can restrain its toxin, radically insufficient is the worry! 这困扰青州三个月的难题,最后短短半天时间里给解决了。蛇蝎兽本身并不强大,若能克制其毒,根本不足为虑! Marquis Palace hurries to collect the material massively, starts to step up to manufacture the antiviral vaccine. 侯府赶紧大量收集材料,开始加紧制作抗病毒疫苗。 A Mu Xuan also solid person, on own initiative takes responsibility but actually 500 million gold coins. 木轩倒也一个实在人,主动做主出500000000金币。 After all Master Qiu and Qing State element does not have connection, arrived at Qing State to help is the magnanimous act, can make Master Qiu go is Qing State suffers unexpected financial losses the disappearing disaster? 毕竟秋先生青州素无瓜葛,本来到青州来帮忙就是义举,又怎么能让秋先生去为青州破财消灾呢? When Chu Tian shoulders an entire box of gold coin card, being pleased shows off in front of Shen Bingyu: This chapter ought to believe!” 楚天将一整箱金币卡扛回来的时候,不无得意的在沈冰雨面前炫耀一下:“这回总该相信了吧!” Shen Bingyu was speechless. 沈冰雨无语了。 This fellow makes money really to have one set! 这家伙赚钱真是有一套! Chu Tian said to Shen Bingyu: Now viral strain has not spread, we must strive for 2-3 days, spends in Qing State 500 million gold coins completely!” 楚天沈冰雨说:“现在病毒疫苗尚未传出,我们必须争取三两天之内,把500000000金币全部在青州花掉!”
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