MT :: Volume #3

#248: Genuine person of high skill!

Do not be modest!” “不要谦虚!” I really not modest!” “我真没谦虚!” Master Qiu does not believe: According to old man several days research, the Viperous Scorpion poisonous and ordinary gas cloud is different, this is one type nourishes the Viperous Scorpion within the body microorganism formation, therefore is a complex biological toxin.” 秋先生根本不相信:“根据老夫数日来的研究,蛇蝎毒与普通的毒雾不一样,这是一种滋养蛇蝎体内微生物形成,所以是一种复杂生物毒素。” Is that also what kind of? 那又怎么样? Mu Xuan does not understand what is heard from the start. 木轩压根听不明白。 Biological toxin not like ordinary toxin, even if tiny biology, will have the behavior of making use of favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable conditions. This means that pure explanation liquid medicines, simply do not have the means to eliminate these poisons effectively. Therefore the old man will found the law of using poison to combat poison, however has not imagined eventually smooth. Because after the toxin of Viperous Scorpion was attacked by the antidote, immediately from active condition inert, why this is each experiment cannot eliminate the toxin the reason to be at completely.” “生物毒素不像普通毒素,哪怕再渺小的生物,也会有趋利避害的行为。这就意味着单纯的解读药水,根本没有办法有效消灭这些毒物。所以老夫才会开创以毒攻毒之法,然而终究没有想象中顺利。因为蛇蝎之毒受到解毒剂攻击后,立刻会从活跃状态惰化,这就是为什么每一次实验都不能完全清除掉毒素的原因所在。” But......” some Mu Xuan surprise: What relations does this have with the spoiled germ?” “可是……”木轩有些诧异:“这跟腐毒菌有什么关系?” Naturally has the relations, spoiled germ is in itself a slight toxicant, the main effect stimulates the organism, making it maintain an exceptionally greatly strengthened liveness, in humanity the massive spoiled germs will be poisonously demented and die. If micro uses in the explanation medicament, not only can strengthen the antidote the vigor, can restrain Viperous Scorpion poisonous self- inert the ability, thus the disposable fast elimination is clean!” “当然有关系,腐毒菌本身是一种轻微毒药,主要效果是刺激生物体,让其保持一种异常极强活跃性,人类中大量腐毒菌毒就会癫狂而死。若微量使用到解读药剂中,不仅仅能强化解毒剂的活力,更能克制蛇蝎毒自我惰化的本领,从而一次性快速的消灭干净!” Master Qiu more said that is more excited. 秋先生越说越激动。 This is also not the most wonderful place, the world medicine 20 million, only the spoiled germ can coordinate with the Alchemy formula perfectly, I can definitely , in does not change builds up in a situation to refine.” A Master Qiu face rouses, holds the arm of Mu Xuan, I dare to say in Southern Summer Country can find out this point not over three people, you have the talent, if given time has Big accomplishments inevitably, can make all famous scholar blush with shame depending on the vision!” “这还不是最妙的地方,天地药物20000000,惟腐毒菌能与炼药配方完美配合,我完全能在不改变炼化阵的情况下炼制。”秋先生一脸振奋,抓住木轩的胳膊,“我敢说南夏国中能想出这一点的不超过三人,你非常有天赋啊,假以时日必然有大成,光凭眼光就能让所有著名学者都汗颜了!” „This......” the Mu Xuan hope is to come out actually: „It is not I wants to come out really!” “这这……”木轩倒是希望是自己想出来的,:“真不是我想出来的!” Do not be modest!” Master Qiu some were not happy that for these days on you continuously at the experiment of observation, you and built up a purity to my experiment technique, only then you might find out the spoiled germ, otherwise was fierce scholar, did not see me to build up the process again, has not seen to build up in a situation, what I refined was the tonic toxicant is impossible to distinguish!” “你就不要谦虚了!”秋先生有些不高兴,“这几天就你一直在观察的实验,你对我的实验手法和炼化阵一清二楚,只有你有可能想出腐毒菌,否则就算是再厉害的学者,再没有见过我炼成过程,没有见过炼成阵情况下,连我炼制的是补药毒药都不可能分辨!” But he distinguished!” “可是他偏偏分辨出来了!” What meaning is your this saying?” “你这话是什么意思?” Master Qiu, I did not conceal you.” Mu Xuan smiles bitterly: I goes to the life person to purchase raw material for medicine the time, runs into extremely arrogant young people, said that is merchant who outside the nation comes. After hearing the material list, spoke thoughtlessly one, was remembered by me.” 秋先生,我也不隐瞒你了。”木轩苦笑一声:“我去命人采购药材的时候,遇到一个狂妄的年轻人,自称是外邦来的商人。当听到材料名单之后,就随口说一句,被我记住了。” What?!” Master Qiu complexion big change: How knows the perfect formula from the material list! Is impossible! Not to mention does he have to study Viperous Scorpion to be poisonous, even if has studied, how he knows that can judge my Alchemy type from several materials, how also to judge my Alchemy type, this is impossible!” “什么?!”秋先生脸色大变:“从材料名单就知道如何完善配方!不可能!姑且不说他有没有研究过蛇蝎毒,就算真的研究过,他如何知道能从几份材料中判断我炼药种类,又如何判断我的炼药阵的类型,这根本不可能!” „A that person of businessman dresses up, I do not believe at that time he has this skill..” Mu Xuan sighed the one breath: What makes people more unendurable is, this person is extremely wild arrogantly, spoke disrespecting some words!” “那人一身商贾打扮,我当时也不相信他有这种本事。。”木轩叹一口气:“让人更加难以忍受的是,此人极端猖狂自大,说了一些不敬的话!” What said?” “说什么?” This......” “这个……” But said that might as well.” “但说无妨。” He insulted Master Qiu, said that you were the pig brain!” “他辱骂秋先生,说您是猪脑子!” The Master Qiu bird is but actually vertical: What?” 秋先生白眉倒竖:“什么?” He said that all that Master Qiu makes plow the air, does not have any significance behavior!” Mu Xuan looks at Master Qiu complexion, hurries to lower the sound to add: I see this person too to be really crazy, therefore caught him the life person.” “他说,秋先生做的一切都是白费力气,是没有任何意义行为!”木轩看一眼秋先生脸色,又赶紧压低声音补充道:“我见此人实在太狂,所以把命人把他抓起来了。” Has such person really? 真有这样的人? Master Qiu thinks that is Mu Xuan hides one's incompetence by remaining silent, in fact also only then this possibility. 秋先生以为是木轩藏拙,实际上也只有这种可能。 The onlooker is clear-headed, Mu Xuan observed continuously for several days, to the type of antidote, the Viperous Scorpion poisonous type, refines the technique, all some understood certainly that occasionally the miraculous glow flashes before, just one hits, although is not very simple, but is not strange. 正所谓旁观者清,木轩连续观察了好几天,对解毒剂的类型,蛇蝎毒的类型,炼制手法,全都有一定了解,偶尔灵光闪现,刚好一下击中,虽然很不简单,但是也不奇怪。 If by a bystander, merely by the material list, is not the complete material list, deduces the use, even deduces to build up the formula, makes up for the medicament accurate the flaw, that was really too fearful! 若是被一个外人,仅仅以材料名单,还不是完整的材料名单,就推演出用途,甚至推演出炼成配方,更精准弥补药剂的缺陷,那真是太可怕了! Master Qiu leafs through the innumerable ancient books. 秋先生翻遍无数典籍。 Has not seen the ancestors record. 从来没有看见过先人记载。 This Viperous Scorpion toxin should be the non-solution! Ran into an unrivalled rare talent really? 蛇蝎毒应该是无解的!难道真遇到一位旷世奇才了? Leads me to have a look!” “带我去看看!” They enter in the prison cell. 两人走进牢房里。 The youth who a brocade robe merchant dresses up, is sitting cross-legged in the cloudy and cold moist prison cell. The whole face is tranquil, a snow white small fox, stands from the shoulder, in a sparkling eye completely taunted. Another mourning band wears a mask, the stature extremely good woman, just likes the sculpture stands has not spoken. 一个锦袍商人打扮的青年,正盘坐在阴冷潮湿的牢房。满脸平静自若,一只雪白小狐狸,从肩膀上站起来,一双乌溜溜眼睛里尽是嘲讽。另一个黑纱蒙面、身材极好的女人,犹如雕塑般站在旁边没有说话。 Four hours 32 minutes.” The Jin robe youth opens eye slowly: Was too slow.” “四个小时32分钟。”锦袍青年缓缓地睁开眼睛:“太慢了。” This...... 这…… Mu Xuan and Master Qiu are dumbfounded. 木轩秋先生都大眼瞪小眼。 This fellow guessed correctly probably they can look for him. 这个家伙好像猜到两人会来找他。 Chu Tian looks continually cannot withstand Mu Xuan one, jet black such as the both eyes of star, is looking around old man: „Are you Master Qiu? I can answer you an issue!” 楚天连看都不堪木轩一眼,漆黑如星的双眼,望着旁边的老头:“你就是秋先生吗?我可以回答你一个问题!” Master Qiu felt that ran into the genuine person of high skill! 秋先生感觉遇到真正高人了! His silent several seconds of start to talk said: Some autumn no talent, is lucky mister to remind, refines the Viperous Scorpion poisonous antidote by luck, can relieve Viperous Scorpion to be violently poisonous completely. The mister as if antidote thinks otherwise, can't this medicine solve the trouble of Qing State?” 他沉默几秒钟开口说:“秋某不才,多亏先生提醒,侥幸炼制出蛇蝎毒解药,能够完全解除蛇蝎剧毒。只是先生似乎对此解药不以为然,难道此药不能解青州的麻烦吗?” Said that you are the pig brain, is really a point right, now doesn't want to understand?” “说你是猪脑,真是一点没错,现在都没想明白么?” You......” “你……” Mu Xuan is angry! 木轩大怒! Master Qiu is also the complexion sinks. 秋先生也是脸色一沉。 Southern Summer Country nobody dares to say him for a long time, if this fellow cannot say that a reason why comes out, can be convinced? 南夏国好久没有人敢这么说他了,若这个家伙不能说个所以然出来,也怎么能服气? This medicine most minimum four big serious defect! Haven't you thought?” “此药最起码四大严重缺陷!你就没有想过吗?” Has not thought that asking mister to indicate clearly.” “不曾想过,请先生明示。” „The first flaw.” Chu Tian stretches out a finger, not anxiously not slow, said leisurely: You study Viperous Scorpion to be poisonous, this is an ardent nature is poisonous, whether Master Qiu does approve?” “第一个缺陷。”楚天伸出一根手指,不急不缓,慢慢悠悠说:“你研究过蛇蝎毒,这是一种烈性毒,秋先生是否认可?” Right!” “没错!” Since is the ardent nature is poisonous, will manifest suddenly in a flash, the Viperous Scorpion poisonous effect is Paralyzed, in other words the gas casualty, will pass instantaneously out, whether you also do approve?” “既然是烈性毒,转瞬间就会发作,蛇蝎毒效果是麻痹,换句话来说中毒者,瞬间就会失去知觉,你是否也认可?” This truly is Viperous Scorpion poisonous special teaches.” “这确实是蛇蝎毒的特训。” Then I have felt strange, soldiers and in Viperous Scorpion Beast battle process poisonous but actually, even if everyone is bringing dismemberment toxic agent, you thought that they can stop the disintoxicating? You thought that they do have the time to explain?” “那么我就奇怪了,战士们与蛇蝎兽厮杀过程中被毒倒,即使每人带着一支解毒剂,你觉得他们能停下来解毒么?你觉得他们有时间来解读么?” This......” “这……” Yes! 是啊! This toxin responded so fiercely. 此毒反应如此剧烈。 What if detoxifies afterward naturally does not have saying that in the fierce battle process this detoxifies? 若事后解毒自然没什么好说,激烈战斗过程中又该怎么解毒呢? „The second flaw.” Chu Tian stretches out a finger: This uses poison to combat poison is the wise disintoxicating technique, with actually thinks oneself clever here, simply is the stupid procedure!” “第二个缺陷。”楚天又伸出一根手指:“这以毒攻毒是高明的解毒手法,用在这里却自作聪明,简直是愚蠢透顶的做法!” Some does autumn technique have what Cuo?” Master Qiu knits the brows: But hears the respected opinion!” “秋某手法又有何错?”秋先生皱着眉:“但闻高见!” „The Viperous Scorpion toxin is the biological toxin, will enter in the human body to reproduce rapidly, this will make the antidote amount used very essential, if the amount used will be too small , then cannot detoxify, if the amount used will be too big, making the antidote precipitate, instead will become the toxicant, this point you whether will approve?” 蛇蝎毒是生物毒素,进人体内会迅速繁殖,这将使解毒剂用量很关键,若用量太小则不能解毒,若用量太大的话,让解毒剂沉淀下来,反而就成为毒药,这一点你是否认可?” Master Qiu opens mouth, finally understood the meaning in Chu Tian words. 秋先生张张嘴,终于明白楚天话中的意思了。 „The toxin in culture dish is constant, you have disposed the toxicant in the laboratory, naturally can explain in view of the constant poisonous quantity, but do you consider the excessively actual situation? The violently poisonous microorganism seeps within the body, its multiplication speed and propagation rate and system and strength have the greatest relations, but this is hard to survey.” The attack that the Chu Tian words are relentless sharply, only considers the medicament effect, actually does not consider the practical situation, is really the failure, simply unseemly behavior Alchemy Master!” “培养皿里的毒是恒定,你一直在实验室里配置毒药,自然能针对恒定毒量来解读,可是你考虑过实际情况吗?剧毒微生物渗透进体内,其繁衍速度和扩散速度与体制、实力都有着莫大关系,而这都是难以测量的。”楚天言辞犀利毫不留情的抨击,“只考虑药剂效果,却不考虑实用情况,实在是失败透顶,简直妄为一个炼药师!” Master Qiu reveals the guilty color. 秋先生露出愧疚之色。 „The third flaw!” Chu Tian stretches out the third finger: „The Viperous Scorpion toxin is the sustained attack, the gas cloud, once covers the human body, will then be infected frequently poisonously, can the antidote shortly detoxify is also useful? Is on site to use meaningless. This medicine not goings to the roots of the problem, solves a toxin, actually new poisonous, whether Master Qiu does approve?” “第三个缺陷!”楚天伸出第三根手指:“蛇蝎毒是持续攻击,毒雾一旦笼罩人体,那么时时刻刻都会被毒感染,解毒剂就算能顷刻解毒又有什么用?临场使用毫无意义。此药治标不治本,解去一次毒,却又中新毒,秋先生是否认可呢?” Master Qiu was dumbfounded. 秋先生已经目瞪口呆了。 „The fourth flaw.” Chu Tian sizes up Master Qiu several up and down: „The Master Qiu birth seemed to be uncommon, should live in the large clan aristocrat!” “第四个缺陷。”楚天上下打量秋先生好几眼:“秋先生似乎出生不凡,应该一直在大族贵族生活吧!” Nonsense!” Mu Xuan was very discontented with the Chu Tian manner, finally catches an opportunity, immediately exits the rebuttal saying: Master Qiu is wanders obviously scholar.” “胡说!”木轩楚天态度很不满了,终于抓到一个机会,立刻出口反驳说:“秋先生明明是云游学者。” Mu Xuan!” Master Qiu drinks one lowly, unexpectedly some dignified feelings, making Mu Xuan feel that whole body, Mu Xuan can feel clearly, imposing manner that Master Qiu has instantaneously, unexpectedly not inferior father Azure Wood Marquis...... the Master Qiu wandering scholar status is the camouflage, he is really some great person, scholar that for example the great nation comes? 木轩!”秋先生低喝一声,竟然有种威严感觉,让木轩感到浑身一阵,木轩能清楚的感觉到,秋先生瞬间产生的气势,竟然丝毫不逊色父亲青木候……难道秋先生的云游学者身份是伪装,他真是某个大人物,比如大国来的学者 It seems like, my guess point right,” Chu Tian said lightly: This also no wonder, Master Qiu the medicine of building up, although the effect can also pass, but the cost is very high . Moreover the market is impossible to purchase massively. Refined several hundred over a thousand is very reluctant, how did you use this medicine to equip an army? In summary four points, this medicine is useless, exists in name only, whether Master Qiu does approve?” “看来,我的猜测一点没错,”楚天淡淡地说:“这也难怪了,秋先生所炼之药,虽然效果还过得去,但是成本很高,而且市场不可能大规模采购。炼制几百支上千支就已经很勉强了,你用这药如何去装备一支军队?综上四点,此药无用,形同虚设,秋先生是否认可?” Old man long time, consumes the resources energy to be innumerable busily, the bamboo basket fetches water eventually!” Master Qiu face upwards to heave a deep sigh, mister words are sharp, some just likes to the autumn is filled with wisdom!” “老夫忙碌多日,消耗资源精力无数,终究竹篮打水!”秋先生仰天长叹一声,“先生言辞犀利,对秋某犹如醍醐灌顶!” Mu Xuan said dull: Didn't have the means really?” 木轩呆呆的说:“难道真的没有办法了吗?” Means some are, I can help you.” Chu Tian said leisurely: Naturally, I do not make the voluntary labor, you should give a reward to be good.” “办法有的是,我可以帮助你们。”楚天慢条斯理的说:“当然,本人不做义务劳动,你们应给一点报酬才行。” How much money do you want?” “你要多少钱?” Properly speaking 3.2 billion also sufficed.” Chu Tian spoke of here, suddenly also emphasized one: Was arrested to be jailed below with no reason at all, this spiritual cost of the loss must compensate eventually little, I look on 500 million gold coins! Aren't many?” “按理说3200000000也就够了。”楚天说到这里,突然又强调一句:“不过在下被无缘无故逮捕下狱,这精神损失费终究要赔偿一点点,我看就500000000金币吧!不多吧?” What? 什么? 500 million! 500000000! This damn are not many! 这他妈的还不多! 500 million gold coins, this is equal pulls out spatial half the Marquis Palace treasury! How greedy!” The Mu Xuan air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy: Similarly is scholar, Master Qiu goes to the trouble of traveling a long distance to help Qing State free of charge, but you actually seize the chance to ask an outrageous price to extort, scholar character where!” “500000000金币,这相当把将侯府金库掏空一半!何其贪婪也!”木轩气得牙痒痒:“同样是学者,秋先生不远千里无偿帮助青州,而你却趁机漫天要价勒索,学者风骨何在!” I respect the scholar character very much, however I am not scholar!” Chu Tian shakes magnificent brocade robe, you looked that I am only one not cannot benefit the early merchant, causing difficulties for others wealth for person disappearing disaster, that is all. 500 million gold coins rescue the disaster of Qing State, this money leaves or, all look at you.” “我很尊敬学者的风骨,然而我并非学者!”楚天抖抖华丽的锦袍,“你看,我只是一个无利不起早的商人而已,拿人钱财替人消灾,仅此而已。500000000金币救青州之灾,这钱出或不出,全看你们。” If the mister is Qing State helps overcome difficulties.” The Master Qiu vision flashes several: This money Azure Wood Marquis, Old man left!” “若先生为青州解难。”秋先生目光闪动几下:“这钱就算青木候不出,老朽出了!” This is not a change! 这不是一笔小钱啊! That is the entire 500 million gold coins! 那是整整500000000金币啊! Even if Qing State Marquis Palace must shear coming out that a meat takes maliciously, this Master Qiu does not wink the eye probably, where is he sacred? 哪怕是青州侯府都得狠狠割一块肉才拿的出来,这个秋先生好像连眼睛都不眨一下,他到底是何方神圣?
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