MT :: Volume #3

#245: Dangerous people to approach

When the canyon presents the thick fog that comes in waves, the dangerous aura head on, a Shen Bingyu black eyebrow coloring eyebrow wrinkle, her eyesight is extremely good, immediately had discovered hides Demon Beast in dense fog, however before this Demon Beast, has not seen. 当峡谷出现滚滚而来的浓雾时,有一阵危险气息扑面而来,沈冰雨黛眉一皱,她的眼力极佳,立刻发现了藏在迷雾中的魔兽,然而这种魔兽以前从来没见过的。 The monster length of body three between about meters to four meters, the body weight in 300 jin (0.5 kg) to about 500 jin (0.5 kg), the whole body is a jet black firm hard shell, the snake-shaped body is long and slender, a humble snake head is spitting the wick, the latter half body sympathizes in the ground walks randomly high-speed, the first half side body stands upright high, the long six arms, the first pair impressively is the sharp and grandiose scorpion pliers! 怪物体长大约三米到四米之间,体重在300斤到500斤左右,浑身都是一层漆黑坚固的硬壳,蛇形身躯长而纤细,一陋蛇头吐着信子,后半边身体贴在地面高速游走,前半边身体高高挺立,长有六只手臂,第一对赫然是锋利而壮硕蝎钳! Is hard to count. 难以计数。 Most at least has about 2000! 最起码有2000头左右! The Black Dragon Canyon space was not big, these many Demon Beast also emerge, just likes the flood eruption is naturally magnificent, the low and deep and gloomy fizz, the dense and numerous scarlet eyes, occupy the entire field of vision thoroughly. 青龙径空间本来就不大,这么多魔兽同时涌现,自然犹如洪水爆发般壮观,低沉而阴森的嘶嘶声,密密麻麻猩红色眼睛,彻底占据整个视野。 Viperous Scorpion Beast!” The Chu Tian complexion changed said slightly: This is very dangerous living in groups Level 1 Demon Beast!” 蛇蝎兽!”楚天脸色微微一变说:“这是一种非常危险的群居型1级魔兽!” The voice has not fallen. 话音未落。 The ground beyond several feet distance splits suddenly, several jet black monsters kill directly from the ground, these Demon Beast long tails raise up, see only the tail terminal to have a scorpion tail needle thing, is spouting strong mist in the super revolving, shortly will fill the air to them. 数丈距离外的地面猛然裂开,几只漆黑怪物从地面直接杀出,这些魔兽长长尾巴竖起,只见尾巴末端有一根蝎尾针般的东西,正在高速旋转中喷出一股浓烈雾气,顷刻间就向两人周围弥漫开。 Snort! 哼! The Shen Bingyu conditioned reflex two palms its bang the bang flying several feet, the terrifying strength their body freezes, fall to the ground to explode the fragmentation, this Level 1 Demon Beast collapses at the first blow radically! 沈冰雨条件反射般两掌将其轰出轰飞数丈,恐怖力量将他们身体冻结,紧接着落地炸裂成碎片,这种1级魔兽根本不堪一击啊! Who knows in Shen Bingyu gets rid several Viperous Scorpion Beast drill, what follows is one from the mist of underground eruption. 谁知道就在沈冰雨出手时又几只蛇蝎兽钻地而出,伴随而出的是一股从地下爆发的雾气。 Be careful!” Chu Tian fully realizes this beast danger: Shunts this fog “小心!”楚天深知此兽危险:“躲开这雾” Too late, Shen Bingyu inhales mist unexpected, the burning feeling fills the chest cavity, the most body becomes numb. 太迟了,沈冰雨猝不及防吸入一口雾气,火辣辣的感觉弥漫胸腔,大半个身体都变得酥麻起来。 Not good...... The fog is poisonous! 不好……雾有毒! The Shen Bingyu angry palm does not sweep three Viperous Scorpion Beast, actually starts to think blurs at present, whole body feels weak worn out, obviously is the toxic gas enters the body, started to display to affect. 沈冰雨愤怒一掌把三只蛇蝎兽扫非,却开始觉得眼前模糊,浑身一阵疲软乏力,显然是毒气入体,开始发挥作用了。 Level 1 Demon Beast its toxin so is unexpectedly fierce, this is Shen Bingyu is unexpected, if not depends cultivation base to be deep, only feared that now could not stand. When Shen Bingyu hears Chu Tian to shout propaganda, wants to turn around to evacuate without hesitation, who knew at this time. 1级魔兽其毒竟如此剧烈,这是沈冰雨始料未及的,若非仗着修为深厚,只怕现在已经站不起来了。所以当沈冰雨听到楚天喊话,毫不犹豫就想要转身撤离,谁知道就在这个时候。 Bang! 砰! The ground splits. 地面又裂开。 A long tail shoots, is different from other Viperous Scorpion Beast, it not only the root is sturdy, but also is the dark golden color, that sharp scorpion tail needle punctures to the Shen Bingyu back at the extremely quick speed. 一条长长尾巴射出来,与其他蛇蝎兽不同,它不仅根粗壮,而且是暗金色,那锋利蝎尾针以极快速度向沈冰雨后背刺去。 This sneak attack was impossible to prevail, but Shen Bingyu Viperous Scorpion Beast was just violently poisonous, although suppresses by profound Source Energy, but the body has been inferior original flexible, hurting of web transmits from the back, she at present one black, the feeling important matter is not wonderful. 这种偷袭本来是不可能得逞,可沈冰雨刚刚中蛇蝎兽剧毒,虽然凭借高深元力压制住,但是身体已经不如原来灵活,一阵钻心的疼从背后传来,她眼前一黑,感觉大事不妙。 Will capsize in Yingouli? 难道会在阴沟里翻船? Do not manage me.” Was sphered by the gas cloud in all directions, Shen Bingyu discovered one cannot run away, you walk!” “不要管我。”四面八方都被毒雾围住,沈冰雨发现自己已经逃不出去了,“你走!” Fox, shields me!” “狐狸,掩护我!” The small fox is hundred does not invade poisonously, initially the toxin of corpse monster did not fear, although Viperous Scorpion Beast is violently poisonous, but compares the corpse monster, is more inferior. Therefore the small fox blows up a belly breath, surrounded the Shen Bingyu gas cloud, instantaneously suction by the small fox. 小狐狸是百毒不侵的,当初尸妖之毒都不怕,蛇蝎兽虽然剧毒,但是相比尸妖,还是要逊色很多。所以小狐狸鼓起肚皮一呼吸,本来包围沈冰雨毒雾,瞬间被小狐狸吸走了。 Sneak attacks the Shen Bingyu dark golden scorpion tail needle, certainly is the Viperous Scorpion Beast king. 偷袭沈冰雨的暗金色蝎尾针,一定是蛇蝎兽王。 The Viperous Scorpion Beast king is Level 2 Demon Beast, its toxin is not ordinary Viperous Scorpion Beast can certainly compare favorably, even if by Shen Bingyu deep cultivation base, loses the battle efficiency instantaneously, from this is not difficult to see fierce of this thing! If cannot be the Shen Bingyu fast disintoxicating, only feared that will have the sorrow of life! 蛇蝎兽王是2级魔兽,其毒当然不是普通蛇蝎兽能媲美,哪怕以沈冰雨深厚修为,也瞬间失去战斗力,由此不难看出此物之厉害!若不能为沈冰雨快速解毒,只怕会有性命之忧! First must run away to be good from here! 首先要从这里逃出去才行! In entire Black Dragon Canyon proliferates the tunnel, making Viperous Scorpion Beast mysteriously appear and disappear is more dangerous, they do not even need to make an appearance, first releases the gas cloud to spout from the crack, in such narrow and small canyon terrain, needless a while fills the gas cloud. 整个青龙径中遍布地道,让蛇蝎兽神出鬼没更加危险,它们甚至都不用露面,先释放毒雾从裂缝里喷出,这样狭小的峡谷地形里面,不消一会儿就充满毒雾。 Pitiful yell sound immediately continuously. 惨叫声立刻此起彼伏。 „!” “啊!” Help!” “救命啊!” Each resources field watchman, including escorting the Chu Tian guard Viperous Scorpion gas cloud is involved, even if turns very quiet also useless, because the ardent nature moves like the bloodthirsty ant violently poisonously seizes every opportunity, even can seep within the body from the pore, in an instant Paralyzed and does not fall to the ground, Viperous Scorpion Beast will close. 各个资源场看守者,包括护送楚天的护卫都蛇蝎毒雾卷入,哪怕屏住呼吸也是没有用的,因为烈性剧毒就像嗜血的蚂蚁搬无孔不入,甚至能从毛孔渗透进体内,刹那间麻痹并倒地不起,蛇蝎兽就会一拥而上。 They tear the steel and iron sufficiently scorpion pliers, can tear the person beast human body easily, shears the fragmentation minute, but eats it, that scene is bloody and fearful! 它们足以撕裂钢铁的蝎钳,能轻而易举撕裂人兽肉体,割裂成碎片分而食之,那场面血腥而又可怕! Finally understands why Black Dragon Canyon will suspend production comprehensively. 终于明白为什么青龙径会全面停产。 The so large-scale beast group, is almost invincible, simply is the disastrous consequence! 如此大规模的兽群,几乎是不可战胜的,简直是灾难性的后果! Luckily Chu Tian cultivation base is not weak, therefore the traveling speed is quick, after opening Starlight Immortal Body, the gas cloud is unable from pore seepage within the body, in addition the Mind's Light illumination, to seek for the direction in the jet black environment, can discover keenly hides in the tunnel Viperous Scorpion Beast that waits for an opportunity to sneak attack, finally in small fox auxiliary, finally is smooth ran away from Black Dragon Canyon. 幸亏楚天修为不弱,所以移动速度很快,开启星光不灭体后,毒雾无法从毛孔渗透体内,再加上心灯照明,即能在漆黑环境里寻找方向,又能敏锐发现藏在地道里伺机偷袭的蛇蝎兽,最后在小狐狸辅助之下,总算是顺利的从青龙径里逃出来了。 When looks once more, the entire canyon was covered by the black gas cloud, has the pitiful yell sound to transmit indistinctly, person who these run away without enough time, perhaps became the Viperous Scorpion Beast good food. 当再次回望时,整个峡谷都被黑色毒雾笼罩,隐隐约约还有惨叫声传来,那些来不及逃出来的人,恐怕都已经成为蛇蝎兽的美食了。 Too fearful! 太可怕了! Almost even/including the father also planted! 差点连老子也栽了! The dead fatty, the father must peel your skin! 死胖子,老子非得剥了你的皮! Chu Tian loses the consciousness Shen Bingyu to place the ground basically, first inspects behind Shen Bingyu the wound. 楚天把基本失去意识的沈冰雨放在地上,先检查沈冰雨背后伤口。 The Viperous Scorpion Beast king sneak attacks back of stabbing, but Shen Bingyu protects body Source Energy to be very deep, therefore the wound is not deep, most is a body wound, but the Viperous Scorpion Beast murder, with the toxin, the injury depth instead is always immaterial, the key is the toxicant depth. 蛇蝎兽王偷袭刺中背部,不过沈冰雨护体元力很深厚,所以伤口并不怎么深,最多算是一点皮肉伤而已,但是蛇蝎兽杀人,从来都是用毒,伤势深浅反而无关紧要,关键是中毒深浅。 The ordinary Viperous Scorpion Beast toxin on the upas, Viperous Scorpion Beast Wang Geng is the fierce several fold, if changes into ordinary Awakened Soul Cultivator, was killed basically at the scene, Shen Bingyu vigorous Source Energy can also resist violently poisonously for a while, if passes the moment time again, when the toxic gas launches a psychological attack, the Chu Tian great power did not have the technique. 普通蛇蝎兽毒就见血封喉,蛇蝎兽王更是厉害数倍,若换成普通魂醒修士,基本当场就丧命了,沈冰雨浑厚的元力也能抵挡剧毒一时,若再过片刻功夫,等到毒气攻心的话,楚天也回天无术了。 Now seizes every second and minute! 现在分秒必争! Shen Bingyu does not realize the stupor in the place, that tight-fitting black clothed stretches above the devil stature, pouring that especially the standing tall and erect twin peaks and slender straight longleg, the clear abundant outstanding buttocks, this kind of powerful woman, actually loses consciousness now in the front, gives people actually an intense enticement feeling. 沈冰雨毫无意识昏迷在地,那紧身黑衣绷在魔鬼般身材之上,特别是高耸双峰、修长笔直的长腿,圆润丰挺的翘臀,这样一个强悍的女人,如今却不省人事的倒在面前,倒是给人一种强烈的诱惑感。 Do not blame me, I to also save you!” “不要怪我,我也是为救你!” Chu Tian makes an effort to rip the Shen Bingyu chest clothes directly, revealed the big piece creamy-white flesh instantaneously, the Chu Tian eye looks straight, Shen Bingyu inside giant has not worn the underwear of common woman, actually wore a white stomacher. 楚天直接把沈冰雨胸口衣服用力一撕,瞬间露出大片奶白色的肌肤,楚天眼睛都看直了,沈冰雨里面巨人没穿寻常女人的亵衣,却穿着一件白色的抹胸。 That high towering strong mountain peak, deeply does not see the bottom the gully, has the intense visual impact absolutely. 那高高耸立坚挺山峰,深不见底的沟壑,绝对具有强烈的视觉冲击。 This point Chu Tian has to criticize Shen Bingyu. 这一点楚天就不得不批评沈冰雨了。 The stomacher that this woman buys obvious and stature is incompatible, every day such closely stretches on the chest, did not fear that was breathed fluctuating to tear? Also, daily like this closely has been stretching, won't think comfortably? Really, might as well does not put on! 这女人买的抹胸明显和自己身材不符嘛,每天这么紧紧绷在胸口上,难道就不怕被呼吸起伏而撕裂?再说了,天天这样紧紧绷着,难道不会觉得不舒服吗?真是呢,还不如不穿呢! The Chu Tian secret unstated criticism, in the hand the movement actually has not delayed at heart, immediately discovers several silver needles, jabs into the Shen Bingyu veins fast, first seals up several main veins, then strokes the surroundings with Diamond finger cutting pulse, first uses Source Energy the invasion heart [lineage/vein] toxin, gave to compel little. 楚天心里暗暗腹诽,手中动作却没耽搁,立刻找出几根银针,快速刺进沈冰雨筋脉中,先封住几条主要筋脉,接着用金刚截脉指击打周围,先用元力把侵入心脉的毒,一点点都给逼了出来。 Shen Bingyu is cultivates worthily crazily. 沈冰雨不愧是个修炼狂。 This stature compact and flexible, really...... 这身材紧致而又富有弹性,真是…… Puff! 噗! After Shen Bingyu spits a black blood, opens both eyes unexpectedly suddenly, she simply does not have the time to make clear the situation, because of the front spring scenery presently, the hand is still walking for the first time randomly pinches to press. Therefore, just likes almost the conditioned reflex, her Palestine long-handled fan leaves, vigorous white Source Energy strikes against the present person directly maliciously. 沈冰雨吐一口乌血后,竟突然间睁开双眼,她根本没有时间搞清楚情况,因为胸前春光乍现,更有一只手还在游走捏按。所以,犹如几乎条件反射般,她一巴掌扇出,浑厚白色元力直接狠狠拍击眼前之人身上。 ...... Damn! 哦……见鬼! Chu Tian hurries to release Immortal body, finally was made several rice by a palm, suffers a relapse again in a big stone, the entire stone was hit by the shell probably, has been instantaneously split up. 楚天慌忙释放不灭体,结果还是被一掌打出数米,重重落在一块大石头上,整块石头好像被炮弹击中般,瞬间就四分五裂了开来。 Shen Bingyu stands fiercely, thought that the body shakes weakly, she hurries to cover the chest, the discovery front is actually inserting several silver needles. Shen Bingyu has gawked for several seconds, looked by one heart disaster Le Huo fox, looked that pours Chu Tian in cyclopian riprap. 沈冰雨猛地站起来,觉得身体一震虚弱,她赶紧要捂住胸口,却发现胸前插着几根银针。沈冰雨愣了几秒钟,看了一眼旁边心灾乐祸的狐狸,又看一眼倒在乱石堆里的楚天 Is Chu Tian? 楚天 Is he is saving me? 他是在救我吗? Before Shen Bingyu remembers the stupor, matter that has, cheeks slightly boiling hot, Chu Tian pours there is motionless, a palm will not give him...... 沈冰雨想起昏迷前发生的事情,脸颊不禁一阵微微滚烫,楚天倒在那里一动不动,不会吧一掌把他给…… Shen Bingyu sees Chu Tian to be motionless, brow knit the brows slightly , is a little at heart hurried: You are all right!” 沈冰雨楚天还是一动不动,眉头微微皱了皱眉,心里也有点慌:“你没事吧!” Will not give to kill him really! 不会真把他给打死了吧! Shen Bingyu drags the weak body to walk to look, Chu Tian straight pouring on the ground, two circles open the eyes, face tall Zhong, looks at Shen Bingyu, good long time to pass the god: You hit me to regard unexpectedly, if life face! You hit me to regard unexpectedly, if life face!” 沈冰雨拖着虚弱身体走过去一看,楚天直挺挺的倒在地上,两眼圆睁,脸部高肿,看着沈冰雨,好半晌才晃过神来:“你居然打了我视若生命的脸!你居然打了我视若生命的脸!” Hasn't died? That felt relieved! 没死?那就放心了! Shen Bingyu clenches teeth, did not show weakness saying: You dare to touch me!” 沈冰雨咬咬牙,毫不示弱说:“你敢摸我!” I am driving to be poisonously good to you!” “我在给你驱毒好不好!” But you have traced me!” “但你摸了我!” Excuse me, Eldest sister, I want to make anything to you, your remaining unconscious time, I came ten times eight times first, where will also call my opportunity you.” “拜托,大姐,我真想对你做什么,你昏迷不醒时候,我先来十次八次了,哪里还会给你打我的机会。” You have traced me!” “你还是摸了我!” The Chu Tian nose was almost mad crookedly, you cannot trade the sentence lines! This woman so is how persistently unreasonable. 楚天鼻子差点都气歪了,你就不能换句台词!这女人怎么这么蛮不讲理。 Well good!” Chu Tian lifts both hands surrender: Was I have touched you, you think that I was what kind of?” “好好好!”楚天举双手投降:“是我摸了你,你想把我怎么样?” Shen Bingyu gently snort|hum: Dares to touch my man from infancy to maturity, even if bumps into starts, was killed by me without exception!” 沈冰雨轻轻地哼一声:“从小到大敢碰我的男人,哪怕是碰到一下手,无一例外都被我杀了!” I depend, do you want to kill me to eliminate a potential informant?” “我靠,你想杀我灭口?” I do not kill you.” “我不杀你。” Right?” The Chu Tian air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy: „Can I also thank the graciousness of your not killing?” “是吗?”楚天气得牙痒痒:“那我是不是还得谢你不杀之恩咯?” Does not use, I forgave you!” “不用,我原谅你了!” Do you forgive me? Did your his mother also forgive me? 你原谅我?你他妈还原谅我了? Chu Tian clenches jaws: I should think that is honored?” 楚天咬牙切齿:“我是不是该觉得荣幸呢?” Shen Bingyu light um one, has tacitly approved. The silent woman of Chu Tian to this bad words holds in high esteem, is really deep conceal is leakproof, owes I to think my facial skin unmatched in the world! 沈冰雨淡淡的嗯一声,算是已经默认了。楚天对这个不善言辞的沉默女人刮目相看,真是深藏不漏啊,亏我一直以为我的脸皮天下无敌呢! This lesson told the people, the buttocks of tiger, the chest of woman, cannot move easily. 这个教训告诉人们,老虎的屁股,女人的胸部,都是不能轻易触碰的。 However, compared with the chest of buttocks and woman of tiger, cannot touch, then on day elder brother peerless handsome face. 但是,比老虎的屁股、女人的胸部,更加不能碰的,那就天哥这张绝世的俊脸。 Does this palm of the hand meet Bai Ai? 这一巴掌会白挨吗? This is not the Chu Tian style! 这可不是楚天的风格! He cannot hit, is he victorious Shen Bingyu? 他也不能打回去吧,他打得过沈冰雨吗? Well good! I have rescued your life, you have given me a palm of the hand, our two sentiments were good!” “好好好!我救了你一命,你给了我一巴掌,我们两情好了!” Shen Bingyu has not listened to the words to satirize probably, natural nod. 沈冰雨好像没听出话中讽刺,一副理所当然的点点头。 Chu Tian rubs oneself face, almost disfigured one's face! 楚天揉揉自己脸,差点就毁容了! A palm destroys father's Immortal body! 一掌就摧毁老子的不灭体 A palm almost hits father loses consciousness. 一掌差点把老子打得不省人事。 This woman strength also wants compared with the imagination in high, must know that this is makes in the Shen Bingyu weak condition, if the normal condition by this palm, Chu Tian must die has not been possible! 这女人实力比想象中还要高一点,要知道这是在沈冰雨虚弱状态下打出的,若正常情况挨此一掌,楚天非得没命了不可! Shen Bingyu visits him: How you have not gotten up.” 沈冰雨看着他:“你怎么还不起来。” „It is not good, I felt that the whole body bone powder put up.” Chu Tian extends a hand: Draws me quickly one.” “不行,我感觉浑身骨头都散架了。”楚天伸出一只手:“快拉我一吧。” Shen Bingyu remains silent the non- throat to look at Chu Tian, suddenly the ear moves: Probably has the hoofbeat!” Then, she turned around to leave, Chu Tian extended a hand, the whole face lies down on the ground awkwardly. 沈冰雨闷声不吭看着楚天,突然耳朵一动:“好像有马蹄声!”说完,她转身就离开了,楚天伸出一只手,满脸尴尬躺在地上。 The small fox takes pleasure in others'misfortunes in side. 小狐狸在旁边幸灾乐祸。 What do you smile to smile?” Chu Tian stares small fox one: Believes me to punch you!” “你笑什么笑?”楚天瞪小狐狸一眼:“信不信我揍你!” Chu Tian felt that the ground vibrates slightly, really a garrulous hoofbeat resounds, is...... The Qing State regular army came! 楚天感觉地面微微震动,果然一阵沓沓蹄声响起,难道是……青州正规军来了!
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