MT :: Volume #3

#244: Beast disaster

The ultra wave Crystal Stone price is very ordinary, is mainly the modern people have not developed its main application, basically is the unpopular material that one type is not favored. However, exactly is such one material, has the strategy level significance to Chu Tian and Miracle Commerce. 超波晶石价格十分一般,主要是现代人没有开发出它的主要用途,基本上是一种不太被看好的冷门材料。然而,恰恰是这样的一种材料,对楚天奇迹商会具有战略级意义。 According to Chu Tian knows ultra wave Crystal Stone is very rare material, if misses Qing State the ore, in Southern Summer Country feared that was hard to look for one in a short time again. 楚天所知超波晶石是非常罕见的材料,若错过青州的这一座矿,南夏国内怕是难以在短时间内再找一座了。 This ore wins. 此矿志在必得。 This is the ore that I want.” After Chu Tian definite ore, does not understand the demeanor to ask the fatty: What price does cautious brother prepare at to sell?” “这就是我想要的矿石。”楚天确定矿石之后,不懂声色问胖子:“慎兄准备以什么样的价钱来出售?” Strange, strange, this crystal seed ore nobody buys radically, although the margin is very huge, however the output low pity, why outside will the nation merchants actually be interested in this ore? 怪哉,怪哉,这种晶矿根本没人买,虽然储备量十分庞大,然而产量却低的可怜,为什么外邦商人会对这种矿石感兴趣? I you did not talk circuitously with the brothers.” The big fatty winked several apertures, this ore only delivers does not sell!” “我也不跟兄弟你绕圈子了。”大胖子眨了几下小眼,“这座矿只送不卖!” Only delivers does not sell? This is any truth! 只送不卖?这是什么道理! My family four generations of doing business, in hand have several high-quality minerals.” The big fatty makes an effort to wave, comes the person, lifts the sample, had a look to say to Yu the brother again.” “我家四代经商,手里有数座优质矿产。”大胖子用力挥挥手,“来人啊,把样品都抬出来,给余兄看看再说。” One pile of small boxes were suspended. 一堆小箱子被摆出来。 The cautious original guard only opens box one, different luster crystal ores appear at present. 慎原的护卫把箱子一只只打开,一块块不同色泽的晶矿出现在眼前。 Chu Tian swept a past, unexpectedly all was very good crystal ore, several types in Southern Summer Country even was considered as on the rare material, was also very big to the Miracle Commerce use value. 楚天扫一眼过去,竟全是非常不错的晶矿,有几种在南夏国甚至算得上稀有材料,对奇迹商会的使用价值也很大。 Wondered. I want to buy the ultra wave Crystal Stone ore, what meaning does this fatty list big bunch of things is? 纳闷了。我不过想买超波晶石矿,这胖子列出一大堆东西是什么意思? Is this!” Big fatty small eyes winked winking: These family property, are the devil father pass to me, now the father has hung, I am not good at doing business, simply sells cheap the industry. Blue-Ridge Mountain Range ore, altogether seven, if can one time buy two, the ore that you settle on free of charge offered!” “是这样的!”大胖子小眼睛眨了眨:“这些家产呢,都是死鬼老爹传给我的,现在老爹已经挂了,我又不擅长经商,干脆把产业都贱卖。青岭的矿嘛,总共有七座,若能一次买下两座,您看中的矿就免费赠送了!” No wonder only delivers does not sell! 难怪只送不卖! This dead fatty does to tie up marketing! 这死胖子是搞捆绑营销啊! The ultra wave Crystal Stone mine reserves is big, the sale of this grade of Cheap Crystal Stone is very narrow, therefore radically is not valuable, supports 10 million gold coins about, other six mines are different! 超波晶石矿山储量非常大,这等廉价晶石的销路却很窄,所以根本就是不值钱的,撑死10000000金币左右,其他六座矿山就不一样了! One time buys above two ores, I deliver you this crystal ore.” This fatty continues saying: You, if buys three, I call the 10% discount you, if you buy four, I call the 20% discount you, if you buy five, I call the 30% discount you, if you all buy, I give you 40% discount! Buys materially beneficially, such good deed are not many!” “一次买两座矿以上,我就送你这座晶矿。”这胖子又继续说道:“你要是买三座,我给你打九折,你要是买四座,我给你打八折,你要是买五座,我给你打七折,你要是全买下来,我给你六折!多买多实惠,这样好事可不多!” Black sheep of the family! 败家子啊! If the father of this fatty knows this matter, can be mad to crawl from the grave. 这胖子的爹要是知道这事,一定会气得从坟墓里爬出来。 Chu Tian smiles: Pack 50% discount.” 楚天一笑:“打包五折。” Good!” This cautious successive wants not to think unexpectedly that six ores five sell for cash you, in addition throws in the crystal ore that you want!” “好!”这个慎原居然连想都没想,“六座矿五折卖你,另附赠你要的这座晶矿!” Such refreshed? 这么爽快? The ruined family such does not defeat! 败家也不是这么败的! Chu Tian has inspected the sample carefully, ore is no problem, the issue is certain in other places. 楚天仔细检查过样品,矿石是没问题的,问题一定出在其他地方。 Comes the person, comes out with the material!” The big fatty listens to Chu Tian to pack really the purchase, in the eye reveals one to chuckle to oneself, at once rapidly hides, the guard hands over some Scroll: This is the mine exploration data, various reserves, qualities and aspect certificates, has it all, clear. This material is the third accrediting body starts out, has the Qing State City Lord palace official seal above, does not have a data to counterfeit certainly, asking Yu the brother to glance first!” “来人,拿资料出来!”大胖子听出楚天真要打包购买,眼中露出一丝窃喜,旋即又迅速隐藏起来,护卫递过来一些卷轴:“这是矿山勘探数据,储量、品质、各方面证书,一应俱全,一清二楚。这份资料是第三番鉴定机构开出的,有青州城主府公章在上面,绝无一丝数据作假,请余兄先过目!” This is the testing reports of seven minerals and surveys the report. 这是七座矿产的检测报告和勘测报告。 Each has a big Qing State City Lord palace seal. 每一份都有一个大大的青州城主府印章。 This type of seal utilizes a Source Energy Array forgery-proof method, although in the Chu Tian eye is not anything, in this time is to have the advanced anti-counterfeit technology , the average person could not imitate, naturally does not dare to imitate. Cautious is a native, only if not want to live, otherwise taking advantage is a courage does not dare to imitate the City Lord palace official seal, 这种印章运用一种元力阵防伪手段,虽然在楚天的眼里不算什么,不过在这个时代却是具备很高级的防伪技术,一般人仿制不了,当然也不敢仿制。慎原是本地人,除非是不想活了,否则借是个胆子也不敢仿制城主府公章, From rightness false not! 从公正来看假不了! Chu Tian after is not a child, the actual situation must have a look. 楚天毕竟不是小孩,实际情况还得去看看的。 In report has listed concrete estimate value.” the big fatty opens the mouth: Ore total value in 360 million gold coins about, my your 50% discount 180 million gold coins, you looked that this price is what kind of?” “报告中已经列出具体估值。”大胖子开口算起来:“矿总价值在360000000金币左右,我就算你五折180000000金币,你看这个价格怎么样?” Can this fatty sell cheap quality resource really? 这胖子真要贱卖优质资源? These are the superior qualitative resources, is generally very difficult to purchase, even if purchases, the bargain price will also go far beyond the estimate value price. This fatty not only had not proposed that higher value, instead 50% discount pack sell, this is the unusual procedure. 这些都是优质的资源,一般都是很难收购的,即使进行收购,交易价格也会远远超过估值价格。这胖子非但没有提出更高价值,反而五折打包出售,这是很不寻常的做法。 Fishy! 蹊跷! Too fishy! 太蹊跷了! Let alone, who will go to the City Lord palace to open a notarization specially, then brings to peddle the property in body running whereabouts others? This is not obviously normal! 何况,谁会专门去城主府开一份公证,然后带在身上跑去向别人兜售资产?这明显不正常啊! This resembles the family property to be much more unbearably anxiously, therefore hurries to sell out. 这就好像家产多得烫手,所以急不可耐的赶紧卖掉。 I can guarantee with the life!” When the fatty sees Chu Tian to knit the brows slightly, seems was worried that he worried, immediately emphasizes one: Mine is absolutely legitimate, the reserve and quality, do not have the false report certainly!” “我可以用性命担保!”当胖子见楚天微微皱眉,似乎是担心他有所顾虑,立刻强调说一句:“矿山绝对合法,储备、质量,绝无虚报!” Good!” Chu Tian nods: Deal!” “好!”楚天点点头:“成交!” This provides the meat of mouth not to have truth not to eat. 这送上嘴的肉没道理不吃。 „After we sign, first pays one-third first, I will inspect to the minerals tomorrow personally, if no issue, then pays 50 million transaction funds, as for the final 50 million funds, after must wait for my person to take over the chamber of commerce.” “我们签约后,先支付1首款,我明日到矿产亲自考察,若没有问题的话,再付50000000交易款,至于最后50000000尾款,必须等我的人接手商会之后。” Ok!” “可以!” They start to sign the contract. 两人开始签订契约。 In the contract, cautious original makes the commitment explicitly, the mine is absolutely legitimate, the quality reserve to be absolutely real, if the falseness, is willing to compensate ten times of amounts. 契约中,慎原明确做出承诺,矿山绝对合法、质量储备绝对真实,若有一丝虚假,愿意赔偿十倍金额。 When the contract achieves, the transaction officially becomes effective, from now on both sides must finalize and trade according to the contract execution, cannot break a promise at will, otherwise must compensate the several fold the penalty. 当契约达成,交易正式生效,从现在开始双方必须按照契约执行交割和交易,不能够随意毁约,否则就要赔数倍的违约金。 Big fatty feeling relieved appearance leaves the one breath, said to Chu Tian with a laugh: Congratulates Yu the brother to obtain big minerals, my also relaxedness, finally can get rid of the trivial matters. I will arrange some guards to lead Yu the brother to look at the ore to Black Dragon Canyon.” 大胖子如释重负样子出一口气,笑呵呵对楚天说道:“恭喜余兄获得大笔矿产,我也一声轻松,终于得以摆脱俗务。我会安排一些护卫带余兄到青龙径看矿。” „Don't you go?” “你不去吗?” „...... I have several other transactions to discuss.” The big fatty smiling face is somewhat stiff, I cannot accompany Yu the brother to look at the ore.” “呃……我有几笔其他交易要谈。”大胖子笑容有些僵硬,“恕我不能陪同余兄看矿了。” Also good!” “也好!” Said goodbye below first.” “那么在下先告辞了。” The big fatty sells out money that six ores change, only feared that can indulge in dissipation for a lifetime free and unrestrained, but he as if also therefore casts off a serious burden. 大胖子卖掉六座矿换来的钱,只怕一辈子都可以花天酒地逍遥自在,而他似乎也因此而甩去一个沉重的包袱。 You did not fear that he does deceive you?” Shen Bingyu said to Chu Tian: Your status is outside the nation merchant.” “你不怕他骗你?”沈冰雨楚天说:“你的身份是外邦商人。” Deceives but actually not, he does not dare.” Chu Tian touches the chin, pondered for several minutes saying: These ores itself should no problem, it is estimated that meet certain terrible business, enabling the mining work to mine smoothly, therefore has become in the hand the hot potato. Six ores cannot deliver normally, then under arrives at the mine, to the refinery, on arrives at the caravan, is hard to revolve, every day consumes is a big digit, therefore such eagerly will let go.” “骗倒不会,他也不敢。”楚天摸摸下巴,沉思几分钟说:“这几座矿本身应该没问题,估计是遇上某些麻烦事,让开采工作不能顺利开采,所以成了手里烫手山芋。六座矿不能正常产出,那么下到矿山、中到提炼厂,上到商队,都难以运转,每日消耗都是一笔大数字,所以才会这么急于脱手。” Even so, why also buys?” “即使如此,为何还买?” Wants ore itself no problem, other are not the issues!” “只要矿本身没问题,其他就都不是问题!” Even if Chu Tian does not buy other six ores, ultra wave Crystal Stone definitely will also buy, the issue that finally must facing delivering, must solve the problem in any case, why doesn't invest how many ores while convenient? 即使楚天不买其他六座矿,超波晶石也肯定会买下来的,最终还是要面对产出的问题,反正都是要解决问题的,为什么不顺便投资几座矿呢? The cautious original management is agile. 慎原办事非常利索。 He looks for several guards as well as the beast car(riage)s, carries Chu Tian to think that the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range direction goes. 他找来十几个护卫以及兽车,载着楚天青岭方向而去。 Chu Tian sits in the beast car(riage) looks into Blue-Ridge Mountain Range from afar, the innumerable reaching to the sky mountain peaks, just like the barrier keep off in the front, vigorous vigorous, with overpowering momentum, really worthily is the Southern Summer Country precipitousest mountain ridge. Especially after entering Black Dragon Canyon, two sides are the steep sheer precipices, became including the ray dim, just liked an abyss makes the person constrain generally. 楚天坐在兽车中远远眺望青岭,无数高耸入云山峰,犹如屏障般挡在面前,浑厚苍劲,气势磅礴,真不愧是南夏国最险峻的山岭。特别是在进入青龙径以后,两边都是陡峭悬崖峭壁,连光线都变得昏暗了许多,犹如一个深渊一般让人压抑。 Black Dragon Canyon is in six ways is biggest, does not know really other five diameters are any pictures. 青龙径还是六条路径中最大,真不知其他五径是什么景象。 Chu Tian discovered that a strange phenomenon, the tree farm mine of Black Dragon Canyon process is numerous, in this actually peaceful some do not make sense, all mines do not have to operate probably, only then some fragmentary several person of guards. 楚天发现一个奇怪现象,青龙径经过的林场矿山众多,这里面却安静的有些不太像话,所有矿山好像没有在运作,只有零星几座有人看守。 This is very unusual! 这是很不寻常的! Although Chu Tian is not the Qing State person, but even contribution of Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources field to Qing State. It can be said that a Qing State county resources reserve occupies 50% of Southern Xia eight states, but a Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources scale accounts for Qing State 80%. 虽然楚天不是青州人,但是甚至青岭资源场对青州的贡献。可以这么说,青州一郡资源储备就占据南夏八州的50,而青岭一处资源规模又占青州的80。 The Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resource section is the Qing State life, the Qing State main source of income by the exit / to speak resources, if the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range resources field strikes completely, then to Qing State is a deathblow! 青岭资源区就是青州命脉,青州主要经济来源就是靠出口资源,若青岭资源场全部罢工,那么对青州来说是一个致命的打击! From the Black Dragon Canyon lonely degree, this strike seemed not one day two days. 青龙径冷清程度来看,这罢工似乎不是一天两天了。 Chu Tian even more feels the fishy, he attempts to draw out a point anything news from the guard mouth, but these guards abstained from that quite deeply is not willing to say. 楚天越发感觉蹊跷,他尝试从护卫口里套出一点什么消息,但是这些护卫对此忌讳颇深不愿多讲。 Mining area to!” “矿区到了!” Let the guard defend outside, Chu Tian enters the ore to inspect carefully with Shen Bingyu. Finally discovered ore quality is better than the imagination, do not say that is five discount standards buys, according to initial cost premium one time, it is estimated that is profitable. 让护卫守在外面,楚天沈冰雨进矿仔细检查起来。最终发现矿石品质比想象中更好,不要说是五折价格买下来,就是按照原价溢价一倍,估计都是有利可图的。 Chu Tian inspects several ores, finally is the same! 楚天检查几座矿,结果都是一样! This ore inside and outside does not have any hidden danger, including mining equipment ready-made.” Chu Tian felt that wonders: So long as provides the manpower to make the mining work immediately, why can so sell cheap? This does not conform to the common sense!” “这矿里里外外都没有任何隐患,连开采设备都是现成的。”楚天感到非常纳闷:“只要配备人手就能让开采工作立刻进行,为什么要如此贱卖呢?这不符合常理!” Shen Bingyu unemotionally, seems not interested. 沈冰雨面无表情,似乎对此不感兴趣。 Psst!” “吱吱!” The small fox stands up suddenly, the vigilance was called several. 小狐狸忽然站起,警觉叫了几声。 In the Chu Tian heart jumps immediately slightly: What you feel?” 楚天心中顿时微微一跳:“你是不是感觉到了什么?” The small fox with enough time had not answered that the guard being panic-stricken shout transmits. 小狐狸都没来得及回话,护卫惊慌失措喊声传来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Has the Demon Beast attack!” “有魔兽袭击!” Walks quickly! A bit faster runs!” “快走!快点跑啊!” These guard piece of busy feet are chaotic, driving beast car(riage) escape unexpectedly, other mining area guards are also flurried a piece, gives up oneself post in abundance, just likes saw that ghost runs away crazily. 那些护卫一片忙脚乱,竟然驾驶兽车自己逃命,其他矿区看守也慌乱一片,纷纷放弃自己岗位,犹如见到鬼般疯狂逃窜。 At this time is the dusk 这时已经是黄昏了 Because Black Dragon Canyon is profound, therefore ray cannot illuminate, Sun has not descended the mountain freely completely, appears with the dark night is ordinary. 因为青龙径幽深狭长,所以光线照不进来,太阳尽管没有完全下山,却也显得跟黑夜一般。 In the profound canyon, black pressure emerges big pile of dark green thick fog, the tumbling surges, threatens, just likes tide falls in torrents simply crazily, but. 幽深的峡谷中,黑压涌现出一大堆墨绿浓雾,翻滚涌动,气势汹汹,简直犹如一阵潮水疯狂倾泻而至。 Chu Tian has gawked for several seconds. 楚天愣了几秒。 This is...... Beast group? 这是……兽群吗? At noisy beast disaster? The beast disaster also calculates that disaster one type, refers to Demon Beast running rampant, finally produces the large-scale beast tide, this disaster destructiveness is strong, can live the production to create very big disturbance to the people, the serious beast disaster can directly threaten the city, even is a country! 难道是在闹兽灾?兽灾也算天灾一种,是指魔兽泛滥成灾,最终产生大规模兽潮,这种灾害破坏性非常强,能对人们生活生产造成很大干扰,严重兽灾能直接威胁城市,甚至是一个国家! ( in addition!) (加更!)
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