MT :: Volume #3

#246: Difficult position in Qingzhou

When Chu Tian covers face of being swollen and painful to arrive at the hillside, immediately from afar looks into a fire dragon to hover slowly, this should lift the cavalry soldier of flare, most at least has several thousand people, the scale is really not small. 楚天捂着肿痛的脸走到山坡,立刻就远远地眺望到一条火龙缓缓游动过来,这应该是举着火把的骑兵,最起码有数千人之多,规模还真不小。 Cavalry unit? 骑兵部队么? Does their this kill directly? This was also too stupid, with bringing death has not distinguished! 难道他们这样直接杀过来?这也太蠢了吧,跟送死没区别啊! When several thousand elite cavalry soldiers arrive in the Black Dragon Canyon entrance, massive Viperous Scorpion Beast flushed from Blue-Ridge Mountain Range. 当数千精锐骑兵抵达青龙径入口时,已经大量的蛇蝎兽青岭冲出来了。 The Qing State cavalry soldier as if understands Viperous Scorpion Beast, this Demon Beast is dangerous, especially is controlled the free gas cloud, if launches the attack to the nearby village cities, certainly will cause very frigid casualties. 青州骑兵似乎非常了解蛇蝎兽,这种魔兽非常危险,特别是受控自如的毒雾,若是对附近村庄城镇发动袭击,一定会造成非常惨烈的伤亡。 Army obeys orders!” “全军听令!” Must beast tide blockade in this!” “一定要把兽潮阻击在此!” Once otherwise spreads, the consequence will be dreadful!” “否则一旦们扩散开来,后果将不堪设想!” Viperous Scorpion Beast breaks down a squad sufficiently poisonously, Viperous Scorpion Beast concentrates, in addition also calculates to cope, once makes Viperous Scorpion Beast disperse, at that time the gas cloud was ubiquitous, how to distinguish? Let alone now is the dark night, naked eye does not have the means discrimination gas cloud. 一只蛇蝎兽足以毒垮一支小队,蛇蝎兽集中起来,尚且还算好对付,一旦让蛇蝎兽散开,那时毒雾无处不在,如何分辨?更何况现在是黑夜,肉眼是没有办法区分毒雾的。 Puts the arrow! Puts the arrow to me!” “放箭!给我放箭!” Beyond 300 distances! Kills off them!” “300步距离外!杀光它们!” The Qing State cavalry soldier gives up the cavalry soldier most having the rush tactic of superiority, every long bow goes to the airborne snake by 45 degrees, drains the dense and numerous raindrops to sprinkle to Viperous Scorpion. 青州骑兵放弃骑兵最有优势的冲杀战术,人手一把长弓以45度向空中蛇去,流失密密麻麻雨点般洒向蛇蝎 Titter! 噗嗤! In several Viperous Scorpion Beast arrow. 好几只蛇蝎兽中箭了。 The Viperous Scorpion violent anger like the thunder, stops fighting for food, closes in initiates to the cavalry soldier counter-attacks. The Qing State cavalry soldier does not dare to be negligent, draws back while shoots arrows, the arrow rain sprinkles densely and numerously, however this forms of defensive action resist Viperous Scorpion not to be obviously effective. 蛇蝎暴怒如雷,停止争抢食物,一拥而上向骑兵发起反攻。青州骑兵不敢大意,一边退一边射箭,箭雨密密麻麻洒下,然而这种攻击方式对抗蛇蝎显然不怎么奏效。 Comes the Viperous Scorpion quantity to kill kills extremely. 一来蛇蝎数量非常多杀不胜杀。 Two come the Viperous Scorpion outer covering to be firm can resist to drain effectively. 二来蛇蝎外壳非常坚固能有效抵抗流失。 Three come Viperous Scorpion to cover in the gas cloud, there is a black night work to shield, the archer has no way to aim, can only shoot carelessly blindly. Under this situation, ten arrows can an arrow be good. 三来蛇蝎笼罩在毒雾里,又有黑夜做掩护,射手没法瞄准,只能胡乱盲射。这种情况之下,十箭能中一箭就不错了。 The major stockholder black thick gas cloud rolling spreads, just likes a mammoth Tsunami, is covering toward the cavalry soldiers. 大股黑浓浓的毒雾滚滚蔓延,犹如一股声势浩大的海啸,正在朝着众骑兵覆盖过去。 damn!” 可恶!” Retreats, retreats quickly!” “撤退,快撤退!” Cavalry soldier leader brandishes the big sword to cry out that immediately draws the reins to start to turn around, other cavalry soldiers started to remove, at this time, a gale blew, accelerated the gas cloud rate of fire spread, 300-400 cavalry soldiers were embezzled by the gas cloud instantaneously. 骑兵首领挥舞着大剑呐喊,立刻拉着缰绳开始掉头,其余骑兵纷纷开始回撤、这时,一阵大风吹过来,加速毒雾蔓延速度,瞬间有三四百骑兵被毒雾吞没。 The Viperous Scorpion Beast fierce gas cloud is virtually impossible to guard against, even if moistens above the skin, can follow the pore seepage body, only need very slight dosage be able to make Cultivator whole body Paralyzed paralyze! 蛇蝎兽的烈性毒雾防不胜防,哪怕沾在皮肤之上,也能顺着毛孔渗透身体,只需非常细微剂量就能让一个修士浑身麻痹而瘫痪! „!” “啊!” I cannot move!” “我不能动了!” The cavalry soldiers collapse on the ground, regardless of the troops, the whole body twitches, loses the strength of revolt gradually. 骑兵纷纷瘫倒在地上,无论人马,浑身抽搐,渐渐丧失反抗之力。 These cruel Viperous Scorpion throw, with force scorpion pliers cuttings their statures, starts to enjoy the flesh and blood wantonly. This slaughtering most fearful place lies , the gas cloud can cause person whole body Paralyzed, actually completely does not lose the consciousness, these fall into the Viperous Scorpion Beast person, can only look helplessly the body was torn into shreds and nibbled. 那些残暴的蛇蝎扑上来,用强力蝎钳剪碎他们的身躯,开始大肆享用起血肉来。这种杀戮最可怕的地方在于,毒雾能使人浑身麻痹,却又不完全失去意识,这些落入蛇蝎兽的人,只能眼睁睁看着身体被撕碎和蚕食。 That sad and shrill pitiful yell sound lets in other cavalry soldier hearts scared. 那凄厉的惨叫声让其他骑兵心中胆寒。 damn bastard!” The cavalry soldiers see the soldier who everywhere is struggles to whin, his angry two red: Kills! Kill! Kill! Must massacre them to me!” 可恶的畜生!”骑兵见满地都是挣扎哀嚎的士兵,他愤怒的两眼通红:“杀!杀!杀!一定要给我把它们都杀掉!” The cavalry soldiers draw the archery again. 骑兵再一次拉弓射箭。 Viperous Scorpion looked for enough much food, prepares to enjoy happily, these repugnant cavalry soldiers actually repeatedly harass the attack, this enrages Viperous Scorpion Beast without doubt thoroughly. Therefore, food that Viperous Scorpion Beast throws down thoroughly, launches the attack to the cavalry soldier once more. 蛇蝎本来猎取到足够多的食物,正准备痛快享受的时候,这些讨厌的骑兵却反复骚扰进攻,这无疑彻底激怒蛇蝎兽们。于是,蛇蝎兽彻底丢下到手的食物,再次对骑兵发起攻击。 Viperous Scorpion is the biology of living in groups, has obvious attack game, after leaving narrow Black Dragon Canyon, immediately is divided into several to move separately, launches the attack from the different directions to the cavalry soldier. 蛇蝎是群居的生物,有着非常明显攻击策略,当离开狭窄的青龙径之后,立刻分成好几股分头行动,从不同方向向骑兵发起攻击。 The dark night is the Viperous Scorpion best camouflage. 黑夜是蛇蝎最好的伪装。 The Viperous Scorpion Beast whole body covers in dark green fog jet black, the naked eye absolutely does not have the means to distinguish, when the cavalry soldier focuses on attacking at present Viperous Scorpion, actually does not know that had two Viperous Scorpion to circle to about initiates the converging attack. 蛇蝎兽浑身漆黑又笼罩墨绿雾中,肉眼根本就没有办法分辨,当骑兵集中力量攻击眼前蛇蝎时,却不知道已经有两支蛇蝎绕到左右发起夹击。 „! I was poisoned!” “啊!我中毒了!” Help, left-wing monster sneak attack!” “救命,左翼怪物偷袭!” Help, the right wing also presents Demon Beast!” “救命啊,右翼也出现魔兽!” Cavalry soldier falling horse falls to the ground one after another, in dark night hears the pitiful yell sound unceasingly, other cavalry soldiers thoroughly were also chaotic, starts to be completely muddled, just likes the headless fly scurries about, Viperous Scorpion that was emerged finally constantly made dumplings, cavalry soldier leader unfortunate tragic death in. 骑兵一个接一个坠马倒地,黑夜中不断地传来惨叫声,其余骑兵也彻底乱了,开始晕头转向,犹如无头苍蝇般乱窜,最终被不断涌现出来的蛇蝎包了饺子,骑兵首领都不幸惨死其中。 Runs away!” “逃!” Runs away quickly!” “快逃!” Several thousand cavalry soldiers rescue, only then 700-800 escape. 数千骑兵来救援,只有七八百个逃出。 Other cavalry soldier lives lose Viperous Scorpion violently poisonously, all degenerates into the food in Viperous Scorpion mouth. Viperous Scorpion draws in the person and horse corpse the canyon completely, gas cloud also with the Viperous Scorpion retreat, but the rapid old route returns, eliminates everywhere the bloodstain on the spot and everywhere sprinkles the shatter mail-armor and helmet weapon arrow arrow, links a trace not to stay behind unexpectedly. 其余骑兵命丧蛇蝎剧毒之下,全都沦为蛇蝎口中的食物。蛇蝎将人和马尸体全部拖入峡谷中,毒雾也跟着蛇蝎退去而迅速原路返回,现场除满地血迹和满地洒落破碎甲胄兵器箭矢,竟然连一点痕迹都没有留下。 Shen Bingyu and Chu Tian stand on the hillside, therefore witnesses the entire process, however actually wants to help but unable. 沈冰雨楚天站在山坡上,所以目睹全过程,然而却爱莫能助。 Really is very fearful Demon Beast! 果然是很可怕的魔兽 This crowd of Viperous Scorpion Beast occupy in Blue-Ridge Mountain Range, the human wasteful operation has no way to carry on, no wonder that dead fatty will sell cheap these many quality resources. 这群蛇蝎兽盘踞在青岭中,人类开采活动根本没法进行,难怪那个死胖子会贱卖这么多优质资源。 Shen Bingyu knits the brows said in a low voice: Needs to inform Central State, the faction to reenforce?” 沈冰雨皱着眉低声说:“需要通知中州,派增援过来么?” You have not seen the miserable type of Qing State armed forces! The Miracle Commerce combatants are very precious, cannot impairment here.” Chu Tian sighed the one breath, somewhat depressed said: This time thought the low key, who knows that will meet this trouble.” “你没见到青州军的惨样么!奇迹商会战斗人员是很珍贵的,绝不能折损在这里。”楚天叹一口气,有些郁闷的说:“这次本想低调点,谁知道会遇上这种麻烦。” What to do?” “怎么办?” „The toxin of your within the body has not eliminated cleanly.” Chu Tian said to Shen Bingyu: We can only enter a city one.” “你体内的毒还没除干净。”楚天沈冰雨说:“我们只能去进城一趟了。” Shen Bingyu as if just had the matter to forget, unemotionally said: Goes to the main city?” 沈冰雨似乎把刚刚发生事情忘了,面无表情地说:“去主城?” From the Black Dragon Canyon situation, Viperous Scorpion Beast occupied Blue-Ridge Mountain Range is not a day two days of matters, I think that the Qing State city was more anxious than us, has a plan for the present only has gets rid slightly , helping their!” “从青龙径的情况来看,蛇蝎兽盘踞青岭不是一天两天的事情了,我想青州城比我们还要急,为今之计唯有稍微出手,去帮他们一把!” Just like Chu Tian said. 正如楚天所言。 The Qing State city worries compared with anybody! 青州城比任何人都着急! Blue-Ridge Mountain Range is enlivening thousands Viperous Scorpion Beast! 青岭活跃着数以万计的蛇蝎兽啊! Before these Viperous Scorpion Beast, does not appear in the human active region, why for the recent several months the time does not know, several thousand Viperous Scorpion Beast wells up Black Dragon Canyon unexpectedly, unexpectedly Black Dragon Canyon seizing. 这些蛇蝎兽以前并不出现在人类活跃地带,最近几个月时间不知道为什么,竟然有数千只蛇蝎兽涌到青龙径,竟然把青龙径给占领了。 Passes through Blue-Ridge Mountain Range to connect the Qing State east and west, Black Dragon Canyon is the important transport hub! A such important channel was stopped up, not only the wasteful operation stops completely, brings the negative impact on Qing State big, does not need to be able to guess to obtain. 一条贯穿青岭连接青州东西两地,青龙径是至关重要的交通枢纽!这么重要的一条通道被堵塞,非但开采活动全部叫停,对青州带来负面影响有多大,不用想都能猜得到。 Qing State naturally was anxious extremely, several times massed troops to make a connection with Black Dragon Canyon, the result time loses, not only has not eliminated Viperous Scorpion Beast, instead was makes Viperous Scorpion Beast eat several, the Qing State city suffering heavy casualties vitality damages severely! 青州自然是焦急万分,数次集结军队去打通青龙径,结果次次都铩羽而归,非但没有消灭蛇蝎兽,反而是让蛇蝎兽饱餐好几顿,青州城损兵折将元气大伤! Such one group of Viperous Scorpion Beast, let the Qing State impairment 40,000-50,000 crack troops in inside! 这么一帮蛇蝎兽,让青州折损四五万精兵在里面了! Why this is Thunder State bitter experience disaster time, original Central State, South State and Qing State can rush to rescue directly, Wu'an Monarch's Monarch book asked South State and Central State support merely, from the start has not mentioned Qing State. 这就是为什么雷州遭遇大难的时候,本来中州南州青州都是可以直接驰援的,武安君的君书却仅仅求南州中州支援,压根就没有提到青州 Because Imperial City is also clear, Qing State are difficult insurance, where also has the leisure to take care the Thunder State matter? 因为王城也清楚,青州自己都难保,哪里还有闲暇去管雷州的事情呢? When Chu Tian to the Qing State city, an entire lord city depression is dejected, 楚天青州城的时候,整个主城一片萧条颓然, Last night the frigid bloody battle, making Qing State lose the crack troops more than 2000, this had one misfortune after another to the Qing State city, Qing State city people happy getting up? 昨晚惨烈的血战,让青州又损失精兵2000多,这对青州城而言更是雪上加霜,青州城民又怎么高兴的起来? Eastern Qing State two months did not have news. 青州两个月都没消息了。 Eastern Qing State does not border on other Southern Summer Country areas, depends entirely on Black Dragon Canyon to ship the commodity cargo, now 2-3 months have not provided the supplies not to mess up are strange! The Qing State resources cannot ship out Qing State, all in the hand, the mine went out of business rottenly, the factory is closed, the worker loses the income, the economy was attacked enormously, the people do not have the food to eat, has not revolted! 青州不与南夏国其他地区接壤,全靠青龙径运送物资货物,现在两三个月都没有提供补给不乱套才怪!青州资源也运不出青州,全都已经烂在了手里,矿山倒闭,工厂关门,工人失去收入,经济受到极大打击,人们没饭吃,还不造反啊! Yu Laowu runs up to front of Chu Tian hurriedly: Chairman, looked up!” 余老五急匆匆跑到楚天面前:“会长,查到了!” Right?” The Chu Tian brow selects: Leads me to pass!” “是吗?”楚天眉头一挑:“带我过去!” After ten minutes, Chu Tian enters a rich merchant mansion, one group of maneating Great Shark Gang help the audiences stand in densely and numerously, is hitting to pound crazily, all guards were hit to lie, the servant maidservant looks pale to squat on the ground. 十分钟后,楚天走进一个富商府邸,一帮凶悍的巨鲨帮帮众密密麻麻站在其中,正在疯狂打砸,所有护卫都被打趴,下人侍女则面色苍白蹲在地上。 Get lost.” Boss Yu is proposing one obese such as the fellow of pig, the direct goalkeeper gives to crack-up, layer on layer fell on the ground, drew out a bright as snow long blade from the waist, on the neck of fatty: Chairman, I discovered his time, he is preparing to pack the thing to travel, the simple blade cut!” “滚出去。”余老大提着一头肥胖如猪的家伙,直接把门给撞碎,重重地摔在了地上,从腰间拔出一口雪亮的长刀,架在胖子的脖子上:“会长,我发现他的时候,他正准备收拾东西跑路,干脆一刀剁掉得了!” „Who you are! The broad daylight completely dares to commit murder in the main city!” Fatty cautious original whole face is panic-stricken, when lifts the black and blue face comes, sees Chu Tian and Shen Bingyu: „Your you...... Has not died!” “你们到底是什么人!光天化日尽敢在主城行凶!”胖子慎原满脸惊恐,当抬起鼻青脸肿的脸来时,一眼就看到走进来的楚天沈冰雨:“你你你……没死!” Chu Tian was cold the face saying: Father has not died, are you very disappointed!” 楚天寒着脸说:“老子没死,你是不是很失望!” Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!” The fat people know why finally this group of people must punch him, last night matter was an accident, I also lost several subordinates!” “误会,误会啊!”胖子终于知道这帮人为什么要揍他了,“昨晚的事情是一个意外,我也失去了十几个手下!” Chu Tian cold snort|hum: Yes?” 楚天冷哼一声:“是么?” Demon group preys on the time not too rule, sometimes 35 days do not appear, I do not know that so will be bad luck, happen when looks at the ore to brave massively!” “魔群捕食时间不太规律,有时35天都不出现,我也不知道会这么倒霉,正好在看矿的时候大规模冒出来!” Snort!” Chu Tian arrives in front of the fatty, you clearly know that Black Dragon Canyon was occupied the bad risk incomparably not to tell me by Demon Beast, does this give what explanation?” “哼!”楚天走到胖子面前,“你明知道青龙径魔兽盘踞凶险无比却不告诉我,这又做何解释?” Nonsense! 废话! If no one crowd of Demon Beast, whom father's ore sells not to be good, sells cheap to you? Since the low price purchase, that naturally must accept this risk. 若是没有一群魔兽,老子的矿卖谁不好,偏偏贱卖给你?既然低价收购,那自然要承当这个风险了。 Appeases anger! Yu brother appeases anger!” The fat people said embarrasedly: Black Dragon Canyon the production suspension is not false temporarily, but you must know, Qing State not no matter, Southern Summer Country will not manage. This way made a connection is sooner or later matter, at that time ore in Yu the brother hand may be valuable, even if do not mine, hands over sells can also make money!” “息怒!余兄息怒!”胖子讪讪一笑说:“青龙径暂时停产不假,但是你要知道,青州不会不管,南夏国也不会不管。这条路径被打通是迟早的事情,那时候余兄手里的矿可就值钱了,即使自己不开采,转手一卖也能赚大钱!” Even so, you wisely looked that the ore danger actually does not want to consider the truth, making us almost die, is really damn, calls me!” “即使如此,你明智看矿危险却不把实情想告,让我们差点没命,实在是可恶,给我打!” The Great Shark Gang member is one beats. 巨鲨帮成员又是一顿拳打脚踢。 Stop, stop!” The fat people whin to exclaim: I give you again the cheap 30 million gold coins, even if apologized to spend to Yu the brother!” “住手,住手!”胖子哀嚎吼道:“我再给你便宜30000000金币,就算是给余兄道歉费了!” The minimum estimate value 300.06 million mines, final 100.05 million sold to Chu Tian, this price was truly low. 最低估值300060000的矿山,最后100050000卖给楚天,这个价格确实很低了。 Just like the fatty said is the same, Black Dragon Canyon will sooner or later make a connection, the Qing State resources reserve is the heads of eight state, if the Qing State resources stop delivering, will have the influence to the entire Southern Summer Country national strength, this does not allow occurrence. 正如胖子所说一样,青龙径迟早会打通的,青州资源储备是八州之首,若青州资源停止产出,对整个南夏国的国力都会造成影响,这是绝不容许发生的。 Chu Tian does not beckon with the hand patiently: This fat pig makes the person look annoyed, closes him!” 楚天不耐烦摆摆手:“这肥猪让人看着就心烦,把他关起来!” Forgives, forgives!” “饶命,饶命啊!” Yu Laowu towed fat pig that was whinning panic-stricken to walk. 余老五拖着惊恐哀嚎的肥猪就走了。 Shen Bingyu is a little disgruntled: „Were you so bountiful he?” 沈冰雨有点不悦:“你就这么饶了他?” „An unimportant person, he should not want to harm us sincerely.” Chu Tian spoke of here, suddenly had to stop, other, I had a plan, this fat pig could be able to help.” “一个小人物而已,他应该不是诚心想害我们。”楚天说到这里,突然有停顿一下,“另外,我有一个计划,这肥猪或许能帮上忙。” What plans?” “什么计划?” Black Dragon Canyon was stopped up for three months, still does not have the slightly possibly made a connection sign, the Blue-Ridge Mountain Range beast disaster is posing the threat to the city. This causes the Qing State resources production to fall largely, many mine tree farm price falls suddenly, I imagine this fatty to be the same, wants to sell off the merchant who the family property withdraws to be not infrequent.” 青龙径被堵塞三个月,至今没有丝毫可能被打通的迹象,青岭兽灾又在对城市造成威胁。这导致青州资源生产在大幅下跌,很多矿山林场价格猛跌,我想像这胖子一样,想变卖家产脱身的商人不在少数。” Your meaning is, do we seize the chance to purchase the resources?” “你的意思是,我们趁机收购资源?” Intelligent!” “聪明!” We have not had too much money.” “我们没有带太多钱。” Doesn't have money unable to gain?” Chu Tian smiles: Walks, we go to Marquis Palace!” “没钱不能去赚么?”楚天嘿嘿一笑:“走,我们去一趟侯府!” ( Retained the draft recently is in danger, in addition must, matter be slowly many at the end of the year, must retain the draft new year's celebration, in addition must in can maintain in normal renewal foundation carries on, hopes that everybody understood much.) (最近存稿告急,加更要缓缓,年底事情较多,也需多存稿过年,加更必须是在能保持正常更新基础上进行的,希望各位多多理解。)
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