MT :: Volume #3

#241: Marvelous spatial ship

Source Energy pistol improvement work launched. 元力手枪改良工作展开了。 Meng Qingwu is not only the Cloud Sect key personnel in charge, must handle the chamber of commerce, every day does not have including the relaxation time. 梦轻舞不仅仅是云门主要负责人,更还得打理商会上上下下,每天连休息时间都没有。 The elder sister day and night is busy, making Meng Yingying somewhat love dearly. 姐姐昼夜忙碌劳累,让梦莹莹有些心疼。 Yingying knows own skill is not good, except for can be responsible for the canned food production sales and several Source Energy Restaurant can share, other matter anything did not help. 只是莹莹知道自己本事不行,除了能负责罐头生产销售和几家元力餐厅能分担一下,其他事情啥都帮不了。 Nangong Yun and Yun Yao sister and brother, are busy expansion Qilin Dao Hall, several days had not seen the person. 南宫云云瑶姐弟,忙着扩张麒麟道馆,已经好几天没有看见人了。 Sister Feng Caidie? Very where to goes! 风彩蝶姐姐呢?好不到哪里去! Chu Tian appoints her as media chamber of commerce the station manager of Chairman and Miracle broadcasting station. The Feng Caidie sound is of pleasant to hear, the person is pretty, moreover is versatile, is very high in the Central State popularity, personally the program that she finds time the anchor was extremely popular, now quickly became in the Central State City people heart the idol. 楚天任命她为传媒商会的会长奇迹电台的台长。风彩蝶声音好听,人又长得非常漂亮,而且多才多艺,在中州知名度很高,她亲自抽空主播的节目极受欢迎了,现在都快成为中州城人们心中偶像了。 When Meng Yingying does not have the skill for oneself, but cannot help to worry, a Miracle Commerce staff comes hurriedly: Second Young Lady, Sir Chairman asked you to pass!” 梦莹莹为自己没本事而不能帮忙烦恼的时候,一个奇迹商会员工急匆匆过来:“二小姐,会长大人请你过去!” This unprincipled person! 这个坏人! Really damn! 真是可恶 Meng Yingying immediately a lot of air/Qi! 梦莹莹顿时一肚子气! I cannot help am I do not have the skill, but that fellow? He is obviously intelligent is also very competent, actually exactly gives others to do the coolie, he brings the fox to make merry everywhere, too does not make sense! 我帮不了忙是我没本事,可那家伙呢?他明明聪明也很能干,却把苦力活都交给别人做,他带着狐狸到处吃喝玩乐,实在是太不像话了! Miracle Commerce is nobody dares to accuse Chu Tian. 奇迹商会上上下下是没有人敢指责楚天的。 Nangong Yun and Feng Caidie very much worship Chu Tian, Yun Yao and Meng Qingwu respect to Chu Tian, Yun Tianhe and so on follows the lead by Chu Tian. The words that wants to come, seemingly only dare to point at the Chu Tian nose to say him not, perhaps only then my Miss Yingying! 南宫云风彩蝶都很崇拜楚天,云瑶梦轻舞楚天十分尊敬,云天鹤之类更是以楚天马首是瞻。这么想来的话,貌似唯敢指着楚天鼻子说他不是的,恐怕就只有我莹莹小姐了! Right! 对呀! Although cannot help the elder sister. 虽然不能帮姐姐。 I can teach Chu Tian, then draws Chu Tian to the research institute helps! 我可以把楚天教训一顿,然后把楚天拉到研究所帮忙啊! The elder sister and Grandpa Yun study for several days to complete the thing, changed into Chu Tian to do the possible several minutes to handle, that can certainly share not the small pressure to everybody! 姐姐和云爷爷研究几天才能完成东西,换成楚天来做可能几分钟就搞定了,那一定能给大伙分担不小压力! Right! 对! Meng Yingying found own mission and confessed! 梦莹莹找到自己的使命和自认! Where is he at?” “他在哪呢?” Chairman recently in the animal skin processing factory in suburbs.” 会长近日都在城郊的兽皮加工厂。” What? What? Does he run up to Pi Liaochang to do? Good, I knew!” “什么?什么?他跑到皮料厂去干什么?好了,我知道了!” Pulls the white rhinoceros beast car(riage) Meng Yingying to headquarters stable, this beast car(riage) obtains in South Sky City, to the average person naturally is the upscale graceful private car, but at present the net worth and status did not match to Yingying obviously. 梦莹莹到总部兽栏里牵出白犀兽车,这辆兽车是在天南城得到的,对普通人而言当然是高档优雅座驾,不过对莹莹目前身家和地位明显不太配了。 After Chu Tian confiscates family's property Three Great Clans, found many luxurious beast car(riage)s, fine gold Jinyu hoof Lu Shouche who searches for from Luo Family gave the elder sister Meng Qingwu, the fine gold gold and jade hoof deer was rare Level 2 Demon Beast, had the foreknowledge danger ability, but can also release the protective cap to protect the master, the contour was attractive beautifully, absolutely was the difficult adversary of woman, it is said value 20 million gold coins! 楚天抄家三大家族后,找到不少非常奢华兽车,其中从洛家搜出来的一辆鎏金玉蹄鹿兽车送给姐姐梦轻舞了,鎏金玉蹄鹿是稀有2级魔兽,有预知危险的能力,还能释放保护罩来保护主人,外形非常漂亮美丽,绝对是女人的克星,据说价值20000000金币呢! Even if the Meng Qingwu steady disposition, felt that is pleasantly surprised and affection. 哪怕是梦轻舞稳重性格,也感到非常惊喜和喜爱。 Chu Tian uncovers not a inferior beast car(riage) to give Meng Yingying from Chu Family. 楚天楚家搜出一匹并不逊色的兽车送给梦莹莹 Meng Yingying has actually locked in stable does not use. 梦莹莹却一直锁在兽栏里不太用。 Meng Yingying is the person who keeps old friendships in mind very much, the white rhinoceros beast car(riage) with was long, will have the sentiment, because this is she obtains the first car(riage)! 梦莹莹是一个很念旧的人,白犀兽车用久了,也是会有感情的,因为这是她得到第一辆车嘛! Miracle Commerce developed has made money, but cannot be too luxurious, Yingying decided that delivered to the auction to sell out the new car, the money of trading bought a cannery to Miracle Commerce again, was does for the chamber of commerce slightly congratulates. 奇迹商会发展了赚钱了,但是也不能太奢侈啊,莹莹决定把新车送到拍卖会卖掉,用换回来的钱给奇迹商会再置办一个罐头工厂,也算是为商会做一点小小恭喜了。 East suburbs, nearby Dongfang mountain ridge forest. 城郊东侧,东方山岭森林附近。 Here constructs many factories, is mainly primarily the ore, lumber, herbal medicine and Pi Liaowei, the skin material factory that Chu Tian is neighbor biggest one, every day some massive fresh Demon Beast Pi Liaosong come to process, therefore is always filling an ill-smelling show taste fishy smell. 这里建造不少工厂,主要以矿石、木材、草药、皮料为主,楚天所在的皮料厂是附近最大一家,每日都有大量新鲜魔兽皮料送进来加工,因此总是弥漫着一股难闻的骚味腥味。 Yingying, I in this!” 莹莹,我在这!” Meng Yingying just tied up the white rhinoceros beast car(riage), Chu Tian whole body dirty walks, delicate fair and clear cheeks also several dirt, but also is taking several tools, forcibly dance both hands shout to him. 梦莹莹刚刚把白犀兽车拴好,楚天浑身脏兮兮的走出来,清秀白净脸颊也几块污垢,还拿着几件工具呢,用力舞双手向他喊道。 „Do you do here?” Meng Yingying came already to think good lines, was preparing the incarnation becomes the just messenger, have a strong sense of righteousness reprimanded the Chu Tian lazy behavior: „Do you know......” “你在这里干什么?”梦莹莹一路来早就想好台词,正准备化身成正义使者,大义凛然斥责楚天懒惰行为:“你知不知道……” Let alone these many!” Chu Tian entrains Yingying to run toward inside: I have made a good thing, gives you a pleasant surprise!” “别说这么多了!”楚天上来拽着莹莹就往里面跑:“我造了一件好东西,给你一个惊喜!” Meng Yingying was entrained before a colossus immediately. 梦莹莹顿时被拽到一个庞然大物前。 This is a giant looks like balloon thing, but makes with the firm skin material, outside assumes appears the ellipse, there is a big basket continually below. 这是一个巨大像气球东西,不过用坚固皮料制成,外面呈现出椭圆形,有一个大篮子连在下面。 What strange thing is this? 这是什么奇怪的东西? Do not ask too.” Chu Tian draws rashly Yingying: Sits quickly!” “别问太多。”楚天不由分说把莹莹拉过来:“快坐!” Elliptic big leather bag bottom is hanging big basket has two seats, including table, 35 people sit to have more than enough to spare. At this moment a small arctic fox sits on the table, is carrying one cup of delicate fragrance overflowing tea, is narrowing the eye taste! 椭圆形大皮囊底挂着的“大篮子”有两个座位,其中有一张桌子,35个人坐进去绰绰有余。此刻正一只小白狐坐在桌上,端着一杯清香四溢茶,正眯着眼睛品味呢! Holds on to your hat!” “坐稳!” „!” “出发咯!” ? Anything! 出发?什么出发! Meng Yingying simply has not asked the issue time, Chu Tian direct activation together Source Energy Battery, in the elliptic gigantic rubber ball, blooms suddenly several Source Energy Array, erupts a burning hot energy flux. 梦莹莹根本没有问问题时间,楚天直接激活一块元力电池,椭圆形硕大皮球里面,骤然绽放出几个元力阵,从中喷发出一股炙热能量流。 This big airbag vibrates several, rises unexpectedly slowly to the sky. 这个大气囊震动几下,竟缓缓向天空升起来。 „!” “哇哇哇哇!” Flew, flew!” “飞起来了,飞起来了!” Meng Yingying shouts excitedly surprisedly, big airbag is leading them at the slow and steady speed, arrives in the midair gradually. Chu Tian through controlling the Source Energy Battery energy output, comes controlling the ascending velocity and altitude, the entire process is all the manual accent. 梦莹莹激动惊讶大喊中,大气囊带着两人以缓慢而又平稳速度,渐渐地生生到半空中。楚天通过控制元力电池能量输出,来把控上升速度和高度,整个过程是全手动调的。 Finally the gigantic elliptic big leather bag, stops about 200 meters altitude. 最终硕大椭圆形大皮囊,停在200米左右的高度。 Really was too mysterious, we can stop with this thing unexpectedly in such high place.” Meng Yingying felt that looks around inconceivable: „, The labor workers become well are small, is the same with the ant, house like matchbox!” “真是太神奇了,我们居然能用这个东西停在这么高的地方。”梦莹莹感到不可思议东张西望:“哇,工厂里人都变得好小,跟蚂蚁一样的,房子就像火柴盒!” I have not deceived you!” Chu Tian laughs: This small is Airship how is it?” “我没骗你吧!”楚天哈哈一笑:“这艘小空艇怎么样?” How it flies!” “它到底是怎么飞起来的!” Actually is not difficult, small Airship is very crude, so long as gives our enough time, the space flies, the ground runs, in the water swims, we can make!” Chu Tian turns on the seat, the magic puts out several steaming hot vegetables, with pot liquor that the jade pot installs, we so are busily long, was this enjoys to live well, these were the raw material for medicine and Demon Beast meat cooking, the liquor was not simpler, was I the golden sweet wine that used ten thousand years of spirit honey and life water to breed, sweet delicious, provided much food for thought.” “其实一点都不难,小空艇还十分简陋,只要给我们足够的时间,天上飞的、地上跑的,水里游的,我们都能造出来!”楚天把座位打开,变魔术般拿出几盘热腾腾的小菜,还有用玉壶装的一壶酒,“我们忙那么久,是该好好享受生活了,这些都是药材和魔兽肉烹饪的,酒就更不简单了,是我用万年灵蜜、生命水酿成的黄金蜜酒,甘甜可口,回味无穷。” Chu Tian mentioned the jade pot to pour wisp of pale golden liquor water toward the cup, unusual gentry 100: Please.” 楚天提起玉壶往杯中倒出一缕淡金色的酒水,非常绅士100首:“请。” The small fox swallows saliva in side. 小狐狸在旁边直吞口水。 It hurries to drink the light the tea in her cup, then two are holding the cup, a face hopes to collect. 它赶紧把自己杯子里的茶喝光,然后两手捧着杯子,一脸希望凑过来。 Chu Tian is relentless: Not your share!” 楚天毫不留情:“没你的份!” The small fox protested loudly! 小狐狸大声抗议! „Can you bully small fox? Come, I drink to you!” Sweet wine of Meng Yingying in the cup to small fox half, this slightly shallowly thinks but actually, only thinks that the whole body pore stretches, has a spiritual energy to give the immersion the five main internal organs (entrails), really tasty!” “你怎么能欺负小狐狸呢?来,我给你喝!”梦莹莹把杯里蜜酒给小狐狸倒一半,这才稍微浅酌一口,只觉浑身毛孔都舒展,有股灵气把五脏六腑都给浸泡在其中,“真好喝!” The small fox is also superficial, pounds pounds the mouth, provides much food for thought to touch the type. 小狐狸也浅尝一口,砸吧砸吧嘴,一副回味无穷摸样。 Nonsense. 废话。 Ten thousand years of spirit honey is half Saint Level material. 万年灵蜜是半圣级的材料。 Perhaps this cup of liquor prices, dozens over a million, Central State this place richly cannot buy. 这一杯酒价格,恐怕就得几十上百万,中州这种地方有钱都买不到。 How Sister Shen has not come.” “沈姐姐怎么没有来呀。” She is one cultivates crazily, soon just broke through Awakened Soul 9th Layer, now is thinking reaches the 9th Layer peak, therefore was closes up to exercise martial arts.” “她是一个修炼狂,不久刚突破魂醒九重,现在又想着达到九重巅峰,所以是闭关练功去了。” „, Sister Shen cultivated also to go all out.” “原来如此,沈姐姐修炼起来也太拼命了。” Where Meng Yingying knows that Shen Bingyu was sent by Chu Tian. 梦莹莹哪里知道,沈冰雨是被楚天打发了。 Chu Tian has the time to pick up the little girl with great difficulty, cannot be placed an icy electric lamp bulb in side, although Shen Bingyu is also a beautiful woman, however is in front of beautiful woman, soaks another beautiful woman, how wants to think strange. 楚天好不容易有时间泡妞,总不能把一个冷冰冰的电灯泡摆在旁边吧,虽然沈冰雨也是美女,但是当着一个美女的面,去泡另一个美女,怎么想都觉得奇怪。 Walks, today is bringing your Central State one day tour!” “走,今天带着你中州一日游!” Meng Yingying has completely forgotten to look for the Chu Tian goal, sees only Chu Tian to manipulate ship's rudder the tool, side this big motorboat spouts the strong air current, immediately inclines slightly, is changing the direction flexible, immediately starts to accelerate, expunges to the Central State City direction. 梦莹莹已经全然忘记找楚天的目的,只见楚天摆弄一个船舵似的工具,这个大汽艇侧边喷出强劲气流,立刻微微倾斜起来,正在灵活改变方向,顿时又开始加速,向中州城的方向开去。 The Central State City sky presents a gigantic unidentified flying object, the people feel certainly surprised. 中州城天空出现一个硕大的不明飞行物,人们当然都感到惊讶不已。 „!” “哇!” That is anything!” “那是什么!” The Central State City people looked up the past, this giant leather bag external use lac varnish writes Miracle Commerce flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes several large characters! 中州城民纷纷抬头望过去,这个巨大皮囊外用一种光漆龙飞凤舞写着“奇迹商会”几个大字! Day, this certainly is the Miracle Commerce masterpiece!” “天呐,这一定又是奇迹商会的杰作!” Miracle Commerce invents one type the thing that flies inborn!” 奇迹商会发明一种在天生飞的东西!” This was also too lordly, this how much money, I must buy, I must buy!” “这也太气派了,这多少钱,我要买,我要买!” The innumerable city people look up Airship to delimit sky over the city slowly, in everyone eyes reveals the color of worship, Miracle Commerce worthily is Miracle Commerce, several days do not create Miracle to come out on whole body uncomfortable as. 无数城民抬头望着空艇缓缓划过城市上空,每一个人眼睛里都露出崇拜之色,奇迹商会不愧是奇迹商会,几天不创一个奇迹出来就浑身不舒服似的。 Looks at Central State City from the upper air, really gives people the feeling to be very ordinary!” The Meng Yingying cheeks become because of the excitement red: But Chu Tian, can we too the high-sounding talk?” “从高空看中州城,果然给人感觉很一般呢!”梦莹莹脸颊因为兴奋而变得通红:“可是楚天,我们会不会太高调了点?” What is this?” A Chu Tian fearless appearance, present Central State, how is the Boss, the kings cannot control, did you say? This low-key time on the low key, with great difficulty this high-sounding talk, naturally cannot hide now!” “这算什么?”楚天一副天不怕地不怕样子,“现在的中州,咋们是老大,国王都管不了,你说是不是?该低调时候就低调,现在好不容易该高调了,当然不能藏着!” Said is also reasonable. 说的也有道理。 Makes you have a look at anything to be called the true high-sounding talk!” Chu Tian takes out ultra big loudspeaker from Limitless Bottle-Gourd , is shouting to the following city: Hello! I am Chu Tian!” “让你看看什么叫做真正的高调!”楚天无极葫芦里取出一个超大喇叭,对着下面城市就喊道:“大家好!我是楚天!” The huge crowds are turbulent immediately, one cheers intermittently transmits. 人海顿时汹涌,一阵阵欢呼传来。 First Source Energy Airship of Miracle Commerce invention, starts to fly now for the first time, it did not have rice female, I want to name as Yingying, you thought that is good!” 奇迹商会发明的第一艘元力空艇,现在开始首次是飞行,它还没有米该女子,我想命名为‘莹莹号’,你们觉得好不好!” Good!” “好!” The entire city erupts a Tsunami shout. 全城爆发一阵海啸般的呼喊声。 The Meng Yingying seasonal delicacies blushed, bah, where has such names! 梦莹莹顿时羞红了脸,呸,哪有这么取名! Everybody said that I am a talent!” “大家说,我是不是一个天才!” Yes!” “是!” „Am I handsome!” “我英俊不英俊!” Handsome!” “英俊!” „Is Yingying beautiful!” 莹莹美不美丽!” Beautiful!” “美丽!” „......” “……” Chu Tian really does not know that what the sense of honor is, old-style fan device Airship circles a fist sky over Central State City, but also the city people with entire city plays the interaction, Meng Yingying has almost not spat blood three zhang (3.33 m). 楚天真是不知廉耻为何物,拉风空艇中州城上空盘旋一拳,还跟全城的城民玩起互动,梦莹莹差点没吐血三丈。 The city people also very much show due respect for the feelings. 城民们偏偏还很给面子。 Everybody as if thinks very happy, Chu Tian now is the Central State first person, but does not have the slight rack, although face thick-skinned, but cherishes the people very much! 大家似乎都觉得很欢乐,楚天现在是中州第一人啊,不过却没有丝毫架子,虽然脸皮厚的可以,但是很亲民啊! In the same place!” “在一起!” In the same place!” “在一起!” The innumerable teenage boys and girls start to create a disturbance. 无数少男少女开始起哄。 Meng Yingying blushes quickly burns, happy, is moved, joyfully, but more is ashamed. Could not bear, this fellow is not concerned about face to consider as finished, unexpectedly also draws me is losing face, is not good! 梦莹莹脸红的都快烧起来,幸福,感动、欣喜,但更多是羞耻。受不了了,这家伙不要脸算了,居然把我也拉着来丢脸,不行! Meng Yingying has snatched the Chu Tian loudspeaker: Everybody do not listen to him to talk nonsense!” 梦莹莹抢过楚天喇叭:“大家不要听他胡说!” The Meng Yingying flurried sound passes to below: Hello, I am Meng Yingying, we are performing the performance flight. Airship is the Miracle Commerce innovation, asking everybody to pay attention much.” 梦莹莹慌乱声音传到下面:“大家好,我是梦莹莹,我们在做飞行试验呢。空艇奇迹商会新发明,请大家多多关注。” The people laugh. 众人都大笑起来。 Fresh and interesting! 又新鲜又有趣! The Continent air transport has, but generally with flight Demon Beast, but flight Demon Beast was too expensive, is not the average person can use, this Airship will look like the construction cost will be very inexpensive, should be a very practical tool. 大陆空中运输不是没有,不过一般都是用飞行魔兽,但是飞行魔兽都太昂贵了,不是一般人用得起的,这空艇看起来造价不会很贵,应该是一个很实用的工具。 Here played greasily, we flew.” Chu Tian said to Meng Yingying: You they said goodbye with the young lady.” “这里玩腻了,我们飞远一点。”楚天梦莹莹说:“你跟大小姐他们告别吧。” Good!” “好!” Meng Yingying trumpet tonality to biggest. 梦莹莹把喇叭声音调到最大。 Elder sister, we exit some time, you do not need to be worried!” “姐姐,我们出去一段时间,你们不用担心!” Meng Qingwu looks up the sky, is looking at Airship gradually, resigned-looking smiles bitterly. 梦轻舞抬头看着天空,望着空艇渐渐地里去,一脸无奈苦笑。 This thing was too amusing!” Meng Yingying volunteers: I must drive Yingying Airship!” “这个东西太好玩了!”梦莹莹自告奋勇:“我要驾驶莹莹空艇!” „Are you good?” “你行不行啊?” Nonsense, naturally is good!” Meng Yingying snatched saying that this was Yingying number Airship, since you with my name name, that should want I'm coming to operate personally! Your shunt!” “废话,当然行!”梦莹莹抢过来就说,“这是莹莹空艇,既然你拿我的名字命名,那就该要我来亲自操作了!你闪开!” Meng Yingying grabs to control fiercely one revolution. 梦莹莹抓着控制起就是猛地一转。 Airship one crooked. 空艇一歪。 Is drinking the Chu Tian gold sweet wine small fox to be unexpected secretly, was flung directly outside, it hurries one to flicker to move, returns to the big basket, did not shout several very much happily, its liquor sprinkled. 正在偷喝楚天黄金蜜酒小狐狸猝不及防,直接被甩到外面去,它赶紧一个瞬移,又回到大篮子里,很不高兴叫几声,它的酒都洒了。 Airship jolts in the sky crooked. 空艇在天空歪歪扭扭颠簸。 How this does!” Meng Yingying is panic-stricken to call: How I cannot control!” “这是怎么搞的!”梦莹莹惊慌失措叫起来:“我怎么控制不住!” Book!” Chu Tian extends two hands, bypasses the Meng Yingying body, grips Meng Yingying two snow white to sell, assists to stabilize lives in the controller, your scope is too big, we must come little, to like this!” “本!”楚天伸出两只手,绕过梦莹莹身体,握住梦莹莹两只雪白销售,协助稳定住控制器,“你的幅度太大,我们要一点点来,对就像这样!” The Chu Tian big hand places on the Meng Yingying small hands, 楚天大手放在梦莹莹小手上, Now the posture looks like Chu Tian from the back, holds Meng Yingying in own bosom is the same. 现在姿势就像是楚天从背后,把梦莹莹抱在自己怀里一样。 „It is not good! This fellow was seizing the chance to profit!” The Meng Yingying root of the ear red passed, is utterly confused, is very restless, the thought of actually not having revolted against: Was too awkward, treats as any matter not to occur!” “不好!这个家伙又在趁机占便宜了!”梦莹莹耳根都红透了,心乱如麻,很是不安,却没有反抗的念头:“太尴尬了,当做什么事情都没发生吧!” Chu Tian sees the girl who the bosom blushes, in secret badly smiles at heart. 楚天看着怀里脸红的女孩,心里在暗暗坏笑。 This girl eventually is the child disposition, such chaste person were not many. 这丫头终究是孩子心性,这样纯洁的人已经不多了。 Grows with Chu Tian together, she can be very exactly long is very long. 跟着楚天一起成长,她可以活很久很久。 We hope that no matter in 100 years, will be in 1000, she can maintain such simple disposition, but Chu Tian has protected her to protect her. 希望不管再过100年,还是1000年,她都能保持这样简简单单的性格,而楚天会一直护着她保护她的。 „!” “出发咯!” Yingying number Airship is thorough, toward the brilliant sunshine, walks away gradually. 莹莹空艇彻底稳定,向着灿烂阳光,渐渐地走远。
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