MT :: Volume #3

#240: Rewrites the invention of history

In the Cloud Sect spacious secret laboratory is suspending a metal target. 云门空旷的秘密实验室里摆着一个金属靶。 The metal target is a ferroalloy builds, the melting point is more than 3000 degrees, surpasses the common steel and iron, degree of hardness also ordinary steel and iron about four times, are the soldier manufacture the primary materials of helmet and armor. 金属靶是一种铁合金打造,熔点达到3000多度,远超过寻常钢铁,硬度也普通钢铁四倍左右,是士兵制作盔甲的主要材料。 The metal target thickness is more than ten centimeters, this is equal to six helmet and armor thickness. 金属靶厚度达到十余厘米,这相当于六层盔甲厚度。 If Awakened Soul 3rd Layer Cultivator does not have top defense Cultivation Technique, its defense capability will not compare this to be higher. 魂醒三重修士要是没有顶尖的防御功法,其防御能力也不会比这更高了。 Chu Tian manufactures a such experiment goal specially, for the ability of test new-style weapon, Source Energy pistol, if can cause the enough big damage to this metal target, that can definitely show that the Chu Tian weapon has the bang to kill any soldier, even is capable of injuring to the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer Cultivator ability, this can be a milestone -type big invention! 楚天特意制作一个这样的实验目标,是为测试新式武器的能力,元力手枪要是能对这个金属靶造成足够大伤害,那就完全能证明楚天的武器具备轰杀任何士兵,甚至有能力伤害到魂醒三重修士的能力,这会是里程碑式的一个大发明! Please stand, so as to avoid injures accidentally.” “请站开一点,免得误伤。” A Chu Tian Dai Hao pair of protective glove, starts the Starlight Immortal Body protection specially. 楚天特意戴好一双防护手套,开启星光不灭体保护。 After all, this just produced the spear|gun, is only a test piece. Chu Tian manufacture weapon is not too specialized, if the non- stable detonation, that this both hands have abandoned, therefore the protection work must complete. 毕竟,这把枪刚刚造出来,只是一个试验品。楚天制作武器方面也不是太专业,万一不稳定爆炸了,那这双手就废了,所以防护工作一定要做好。 Favors!” “看好!” Chu Tian holds up the Source Energy pistol, aims at the metal target, deducts the trigger. 楚天举起元力手枪,瞄准金属把子,扣下扳机。 Muzzle immediately blooming dazzling ray, making people feel what is surprised, stable Source Energy Battery, was evaporating at an extremely swift and violent speed, firearms above Rune all shines the ray, several Source Energy Array also start to revolve, the terrifying fluctuation of energy fills the air. 枪口顿时绽放刺眼光芒,让人感到吃惊的是,本来稳定的元力电池,正在以一种极其迅猛速度蒸发,枪械上面符文全都亮起光芒,几个元力阵也开始运转起来,恐怖能量波动弥漫开来。 Bang! 砰! The people the ray dodge at present. 众人眼前光芒一闪。 The metal target was raised directly together directly by tyrannical strength, 45 red heat broken regions on the ground, hit central spot, even has the melted sign! 金属靶直接被一道强横力量直接掀断,45块红热碎片落在地上,被击中的中央部位,甚至出现融化迹象! The people eyes stare! 众人眼睛都是一瞪! The targets of instantaneous tearing suitable metal armor six times of thickness! 瞬间撕裂相当金属铠甲六倍厚度的靶子! Is this what kind strength? 这是何等的力量? Instantaneously reaches as high as 3000 degrees ferroalloy melting the melting point. 瞬间把熔点高达3000度的铁合金融化。 Is this what kind energy? 这是何等的能量? Energy ball that projects from the Source Energy pistol, the instantaneous strength can achieve the might that Awakened Soul 4th Layer Cultivator strikes normally, the temperature that the energy has instantaneously feared that is about ten thousand degrees! 元力手枪中射出的能量弹,瞬间力量能达到魂醒四重修士正常一击的威力,能量瞬间产生的温度怕是达到近万度! The people petrified. 众人都石化了。 Quite fierce! Quite fierce!” The Meng Yingying nerve biggest end, instead the most high-speed response, immediately applauds to shout: Chu Tian, you must make one to me!” “好厉害!好厉害!”梦莹莹神经最大头,反而最快反应过来,立刻鼓掌喊道:“楚天,你一定要给我做一把!” Day!” Meng Qingwu stares the greatly beautiful eye: How is this possible?” “天呐!”梦轻舞瞪大美丽的眼睛:“这怎么可能?” Yun Tianhe is unbelievable: How this achieves, the might was also too powerful! Once this type of weapon goes into batch production, light thinks appallingly!” 云天鹤更是难以置信:“这到底是怎么做到的,威力也太强大了!这种武器一旦投入量产的话,光想想就让人毛骨悚然!” What was been most shocking is Divine Wind Marquis. 最受震惊的是神风候 This, this...... Is is not having a dream!” “这,这……不是在做梦吧!” Before Divine Wind Marquis arrives at crushed metal target dull, does not attend to the fragment boiling hot, picked one, only thinks that a fever hurt, it seems like it was not the dream! 神风候呆呆走到被击碎的金属靶前,不顾碎片滚烫,捡起来了一块,只觉一阵烧疼,看来不是梦啊! Both eyes stare to watch the ferroalloy fragment, as if still cannot believe the present fact. 一双眼直勾勾看着铁合金碎片,似乎依然不敢相信眼前的事实。 Hates! 恨啊! Why wasn't this fellow early born how many years? 这家伙为什么不早出生几年? If he can early be born for several years, Southern Summer Country many soldiers can exempt the dead battlefield! 如果他能早出生几年,南夏国多少儿郎能免死战场! The Divine Wind Marquis entire family direct descendant dies in the battlefield, elder brother and younger brother, father, even is the wife, all dies in the hand of Spirit Beast! 神风候整个家族嫡系都死在战场上,哥哥、弟弟,父亲,甚至是妻子,全都死在兽灵的手里! Last in the fight, wife abandons the life to attract the Spirit Beast army attention, Divine Wind Marquis can fortunately survive, and exterminates a Spirit Beast main force at one fell swoop, is labeled as one of the Southern Xia eight marquises! 最后一场战斗中,妻子舍命吸引兽灵部队注意力,神风候才得以幸存并且一举剿灭兽灵一支主力,被封为南夏八侯之一! The Marquis honor, many people long for even in dreams! 侯爵的荣誉,多少人梦寐以求! This to Divine Wind Marquis, is all family member as well as the wife trades with the life, this is a serious burden! 这对神风候来说,是所有的亲人以及妻子用命换来的,这是一个沉重包袱! Because of so, after Divine Wind Marquis was sealed Central State, did not have the mental effort again to seek fame and fortune, since then crosses on idle Yun Yehe to live. 正是因为如此,神风候被封到中州之后,已经没有心力再去争名夺利了,从此过上闲云野鹤生活。 If this type of weapon can popularize the Southern Summer Country army. 这种武器要是能普及南夏国军队。 Then Southern Summer Country will also pay with that serious casualties? 那么南夏国还会付出那么惨重的伤亡吗? Will the Spirit Beast kingdom so be rampant, the aggressive infringement border area? 兽灵王国还会这么嚣张、咄咄逼人侵犯边疆吗? The people look at Divine Wind Marquis, a while feel dejected, a while is excited, from time to time thought aloud that from time to time laughs. 众人看着神风候,一会儿黯然神伤,一会儿激动兴奋,时而自言自语,时而开怀大笑。 Everybody looks at each other in blank diamay. 大家面面相觑起来。 This Divine Wind Marquis? 这个神风候怎么了? This fellow will unable to bear stimulation to cause the spirit to become not normal! 这家伙不会是受不了刺激而导致精神变得不正常了吧! Divine Wind Marquis restores to come with the long time, understands that Chu Tian why assured Wu'an Monarch will help him. 神风候足足用半晌恢复过来,也明白楚天为什么笃定武安君会帮他了。 Wu'an Monarch is the Southern Summer Country armed forces god, is the northern Spirit Beast direction commander-in-chief, Wu'an soverign amounts to for several years with the Spirit Beast battle. This type of new Source Energy weapon to Wu'an Monarch, is more precious than any valuable rarities! 武安君是南夏国的军神,是北方兽灵方向的总指挥,武安君长达十几年都在和兽灵争斗。这种新型元力武器对武安君来说,比任何稀世珍宝都要宝贵! This changes the great invention of history!” Divine Wind Marquis hurries to ask: When can this type of weapon mass production?” “这是改变历史的一次伟大发明!”神风候赶紧问:“这种武器什么时候能够量产?” Temporarily is not good, the barrel melted, Rune was melted destroys, this aspect must strengthen is good.” After Chu Tian launches one time, hand was hit soon distorts: I must seek for a better material, as for the production cost, will not be expensive, can definitely carry on the mass production through the factory, key place Source Energy Array needs to engrave artificially.” “暂时不行,枪管融化了,符文被融毁,这方面还得加强才行。”楚天发射一次之后,手中枪都快要变形了:“我得寻找更好的材料,至于制作成本么,是不会太昂贵的,完全能通过工厂进行量产,关键部位元力阵则需要人工刻印。” Divine Wind Marquis is excited. 神风候激动万分。 If this type of weapon can quantity manufactures, certainly be able to change the northern front war. 这种武器要是能大量生产,一定能改变北方前线的战局。 This Source Energy pistol can deliver the so big might, 100, 1000, what effect can 10,000 be? Under the simultaneous firing, can beat a sharpest Spirit Beast army instantaneously. 这一把元力手枪能产出如此大的威力,100把,1000把,10000把又会是什么效果呢?同时射击之下,瞬间能击垮一支最精锐的兽灵部队。 Yun Tianhe curiously asked: This energy came from where 云天鹤则好奇问:“这股能量从何而来” Naturally is Source Energy Battery.” Chu Tian pulls out Source Energy Battery, gives Yun Tianhe to examine, on Source Energy Battery engraves is not quite same to ordinary energy extraction, this is extremely highly effective energy extraction, can therefore extract the massive energies from Source Energy Battery in a flash, thus completes a fierce attack.” “当然是元力电池。”楚天元力电池抽出来,递给云天鹤查看,“元力电池上刻印的与普通能源萃取阵不太一样,这是一种极高效能量萃取阵,所以能一瞬间从元力电池里抽取大量能量,从而完成一次猛烈的攻击。” The Source Energy Battery primary materials are Crystal Oil. 元力电池主要材料是晶油 This Crystal Oil price very Cheap. 晶油价格非常非常廉价 Such Source Energy pistol must equip 100 milliliters energy magazine, probably used 40-50 milliliters Crystal Oil to be enough. 这样的元力手枪需装备100毫升能量弹匣,大约用四五十毫升晶油就足够了。 If small Oil Mine mines the crystal to bless fully, every year the output can take 100,000 tons to calculate as the unit. If with a small Oil Mine output, invests into the energy magazine manufacture specially, every year can make ten million energy magazines. 一座小型油矿要是全力开采晶佑,每年产量能以100000吨为单位来计算的。若是用一座小小油矿的产量,专门投入到能量弹匣制作的话,每年都能造出数以千万的能量弹匣。 This weapon cost is not quite high! 这种武器成本并不太高! Do not say that the present Continent person has not discovered the Crystal Oil value, even if, discovers the Crystal Oil value gradually, starts to occupy oil field Oil Mine massively, by Continent the Crystal Oil reserve, a long time, the Crystal Oil price will not be at present high in the future, will become the consumption Cheap resources that the populace will use. 不要说现在的大陆人没有发现晶油价值,即使以后渐渐发现晶油价值,开始大量占据油田油矿,以大陆目前晶油储备,未来很长一段时间内,晶油价格都不会很高,会成为大众使用的消耗型廉价资源。 Until about ten thousand years time, the main local Crystal Oil reserve gradually will have failure. 直至万年左右时间,主要地区晶油储备才会渐渐地出现衰竭情况。 Chu Tian has enough energy, is not enough to pull the cost. 楚天有足够的能源,根本不足以拉高成本。 „The Source Energy weapon has three big merits.” 元力武器有三大优点。” „The first construction cost is low.” “第一造价非常低。” „The second manufacture material is easy to seek, means that is easy to go into batch production.” “第二制造材料容易寻找,意味着容易投入量产。” „The third Source Energy weapon use is simple, although the function does not have Talisman to be rich, but anybody can use, does not need certain cultivation base and Symbol Technique attainments like Talisman can start.” “第三元力武器使用非常简单,虽然功能没有符箓丰富,但是任何人都可以用,不像符箓需要一定修为符术造诣才能发动。” This kind of Source Energy pistol in ordinary manpower, completely has the opportunity to strike to kill Awakened Soul Initial Stage Cultivator! 这样一把元力手枪就算在普通人手里,也完全有机会一击射杀魂醒初期修士 Therefore the new-type weapon comes out, definitely has the subversive significance. But subverts represents the opportunity, Continent is in all directions turbulent, various countries' chaos caused by war continuous, an outstanding new-type weapon comes out, definitely is capable of changing the Continent pattern. 所以说新型武器问世,绝对是有颠覆性的意义。而颠覆就代表商机,大陆四处动荡,各国战乱不休,一种优秀新型武器问世,绝对有能力改变大陆格局。 Understood the Chu Tian words Meng Qingwu to the present finally slightly. 梦轻舞到现在总算稍微理解楚天的话了。 Armed forces perhaps is really one of the business in the world most making money. 军器或许真是世界上最赚钱的生意之一。 Finally what wants, if Miracle Commerce can master the Continent most advanced weapon technique of manufacture, then Miracle Commerce can train a formidable army, at that time set up the headquarters in an appropriate place, established a separatist regime a side, supported oneself for the king, like the present, everywhere will not receive the influences of other kingdoms or influences. 最终要的是,奇迹商会要是能掌握大陆最先进的武器制造技术,那么奇迹商会就能够自己培养出一支强大军队,那时候把总部设立在一个合适的地方,割据一方,自立为王,也就不会像现在一样,处处受到王国或其他势力的影响了。 Yun Tianhe asked: What now needs to make to improve?” 云天鹤问:“现在需要作出什么改进?” First, naturally is the material quality issue, we must find the thermostable material.” “第一,自然是材质问题,我们必须找到耐高温的材料。” Second, must improve Array, making an energy quicker accumulation project, the high-density energy resident time is small, is lower to the firearms consumption, can enhance the rate of fire, strengthens the weapon might.” “第二,要改良阵法,让能量更快聚集射出,高密度能量停留时间小,对枪械消耗就更低,也能提高射速,增强武器威力。” Third, we need to improve better battery plan, this battery energy density is not very high, I just merely fired one time, uses up over one-third battery energies. In other words, such battery suffices to fire merely 32 times, this is obviously not enough!” “第三,我们需要改良更好的电池方案,这种电池能量密度还不够高,我刚刚仅仅射击一次,就用掉超过1的电池能量。也就是说,这样电池仅仅够射击32次,这显然远远不够的!” Fourth, we need to design better structure, lets a weapon stabler security.” “第四,我们需要设计出更好结构,让武器更稳定安全。” Chu Tian completes the core technologies, the matter of optimization gives the research institute each department to complete and that's the end, everybody wanted to see publication of new-type weapon impatiently. 楚天都把核心技术完成,优化的事情就交给研究所各个部门来完成就是了,大家都已经迫不及待想要看到新型武器的问世了。 How long needs probably?” Divine Wind Marquis asked: „The Imperial City that side was too long!” “大概需要多长时间?”神风候问:“王城那边等不了太久!” Chu Tian replied: No, I do not prepare, when the design improves sends out again, I thought to send out in the recent several days.” 楚天回答说:“不,我不准备等到设计完善再送出,我想最近几天就可以送出了。” Meng Yingying asked: We imperfect situation give Wu'an Monarch, won't reduce him to our appraisals?” 梦莹莹问:“我们把不完善的情况下送给武安君,难道不会降低他对我们的评价吗?” Cannot!” Chu Tian has not spoken, Meng Qingwu substitutes him to explain: This weaponry design itself is very shocking, even if seconds, Wu'an Monarch will also feel its value. Because the product has incomplete, Wu'an Monarch will think highly to protect us, making us have enough time to study to improve. If we send out the perfect product from the beginning, instead might make other trouble, after all the will of the people will be unpredictable.” “不会!”楚天还没有说话,梦轻舞就替代他解答:“这项武器设计本身就很惊艳,哪怕是一个残次品,武安君也会感觉到它的价值。正因为产品有残缺,武安君会更加器重保护我们,让我们有足够时间去研究完善。如果我们一开始就送出完美的产品,反而有可能会惹上其他的麻烦,毕竟人心难测。” It is not does not believe Wu'an Mr. 不是不相信武安君。 Should better first try the Wu'an Monarch manner to say again. 最好还是先试试武安君态度再说。 Chu Tian builds a new pistol with the precious special metal at the same night, this metal price be higher than ten times the gold, but the thermal stability is extremely high . Moreover the intensity is splendid, will not melt during use. 楚天连夜用贵重特殊金属打造一支新手枪,这种金属价格远要比远要比黄金高十倍,不过耐热性极高,而且强度非常出色,不会在使用过程中融化。 Chu Tian manufactures several block energy magazines, installs with the crystal box of seal, writes a personal letter, prepares to send for delivering to Imperial City to go. 楚天又制作数块能量弹匣,用密封的水晶箱子装起来,写一封亲笔信,准备派人送到王城去。 Others did not feel relieved that I go personally!” “别人不放心,我亲自去!” Divine Wind Marquis knows to be important, Central State unmanned can threaten Chu Tian in any case again, that two younger clan cousins also basically are deprived the right to be built on stilts now, Miracle Commerce achieves to hoodwink the public completely, most at least in Central State domain one alone big, does not need to be worried that was attacked. 神风候知道事关重大,反正中州再无人能威胁到楚天,那两个族弟现在也被基本剥夺权利而被架空,奇迹商会完全做到一手遮天,最起码在中州地盘一家独大,再也不用担心被人攻击。 Divine Wind Marquis is willing to run about, that naturally should better. 神风候肯跑腿,那自然最好不过。 After Chu Tian gives Divine Wind Marquis the thing, immediately gives the research institute to issue the order, for half a month the time, does not fear to spend, do not fear the waste, must study the stable Source Energy pistol blueprint . Moreover the time completes the operational preparation, complete Diagram, starts to produce immediately. 楚天把东西交给神风候之后,立刻给研究所下达命令,半个月时间,不怕花钱,不要怕浪费,一定要把稳定的元力手枪图纸研究出来,另外时刻做好生产准备,完整的设计图一出,立刻开始生产。 The Source Energy pistol compared with the magnetic recording machine, the structure complex degree was not high! 元力手枪不比磁音机,结构复杂程度太高了! This not only needs to improve the structure design, needs the energy, Array and material, multiple factor perfect conjunctions. 这非但需要完善结构设计,更需要能源、阵法、材料,多重因素完美契合。 However Chu Tian completes the core technologies, personally carries out this research, the Cloud Sect research institute now is also scholar like clouds, under several hundred individual working overtime efforts, this time absolutely was together sufficient. 不过楚天完成核心技术,更亲自主持本次研究,云门研究院现在也是学者如云,几百个人共同加班努力之下,这时间方面绝对已经够用了。 The Source Energy Array improvement duty gives Source Energy Array research department, is completed by Yun Tianhe. 元力阵改良任务交给元力阵研究部门,由云天鹤来完成。 The energy magazine research gives energy sector, is responsible for completing by Meng Qingwu. 能量弹匣研究则交给能源部门,由梦轻舞来负责完成。 The firearms structure improvement gives design department, making Tong Xiaoyu do personally. 枪械结构改进就交给设计部门,让童小鱼亲自来做。 Was not actually difficult as for the material improvement, lets newly establish the armed forces department to be responsible , the armed forces department recruited several Central State very famous refiner masters, the refiner master to be good at refining the weapon against to have, was very high to the metal understanding degree, certainly can find the appropriate and stable material. 至于材料改进倒是不难,让刚刚成立军器部来负责,军器部招募十几个中州非常出名的炼器师,炼器师擅长炼制兵器防具,对金属了解程度很高,一定能找到合适而又稳定材料。 Moreover, Chu Tian vigorously is also seeking for ultra wave Crystal Stone. 另外,楚天也在大力寻找超波晶石 This is also the important material that Miracle Commerce expands. 这也是奇迹商会扩展的重要材料。 Meng Qingwu provides an information to Chu Tian, it is said before Central State, discovered that a very special crystal ore, certain characteristics and ultra wave Crystal Stone is a little similar, moreover this ore is away from South Sky City to be quite near, Chu Tian thought it is necessary to find time to go to that side to look. 梦轻舞楚天提供一点情报,据说中州以前发现一座很特别的晶矿,某些特性与超波晶石有点相似,而且这座矿距离天南城比较近,楚天觉得有必要抽空去那边看一看。 Naturally, the ore cannot be inescapable, now deals with Imperial City is the major event. 当然,矿也跑不了,现在应对王城才是头等大事。
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