MT :: Volume #3

#242: Returns to South Sky City

Chu Tian shoulder not generous, but is very warm, making the person have the security sense very much. 楚天肩膀不宽厚但是很温暖,让人很有安全感. After Meng Yingying gradually custom, did not think that was so shy. 梦莹莹渐渐习惯后,不觉得那么羞涩了。 „Do we receive round trip?” “我们接下来去哪?” Strolls casually!” “随便逛逛吧!” Good!” “好!” They go out of town while Airship, the first besieged city suburb factory surrounds, overlooks from the upper air, the big piece industrial district presents at the enterprise. 两人乘空艇出城,先围城郊工厂环绕,从高空俯视下去时,大片工业区呈现在事业。 I saw the cannery!” “我看到罐头厂了!” Meng Yingying pleasantly surprised is pointing below, that is Yingying invests many painstaking care the canneries. The Central State City cannery started to operate most probably, feeds from the nearby breeding farm and procurement base massively freshly, delivers to the cannery with a carriage car(riage) car(riage), there are thousands of staff to work busily. 梦莹莹惊喜的指着下面,那是莹莹投入很多心血的罐头工厂。中州城的罐头厂大半都已经开始运作了,大量新鲜食料从附近养殖场和采购基地,用马车一车车送到罐头厂里面,有数以千计的员工在忙碌工作着。 After the massive canned food produce, all stores up in the Miracle Commerce canned food warehouse, now several warehouses were full, naturally at canned food sale speed, if lets loose to sell, this reserve is really not anything. 大量罐头生产出来后,全储存在奇迹商会的罐头仓库里,现在好几个仓库都已经爆满了,当然以罐头销售速度,若真放开来卖的话,这点储备真不算什么。 Meng Yingying is proud. 梦莹莹对此非常自豪。 Because has invented canned food Canned Food, is she makes the biggest contribution to Miracle Commerce, Meng Yingying hopes own canned food can sell the nation, even is each country and race! 因为发明了罐头食品,是她对奇迹商会做出最大贡献,梦莹莹希望自己罐头能卖到全国、甚至是各个国家和种族! Airship continues to navigate, more factory one after another present at present, these factory some are Miracle Commerce open, some were various respected families and Miracle Commerce form a partnership to organize. 空艇继续航行,更多工厂一座座陆陆续续呈现在眼前,这些工厂有些是奇迹商会自己开的,有一些则是各大家族与奇迹商会合伙创办的。 In brief present Central State City, Good enough has half resources, is the Miracle Commerce use! 总之现在的中州城,差不多有一半资源,都在为奇迹商会使用! The estimate will meet 300,000 to 500,000 people probably in the future direct or indirect is the Miracle Commerce work, the Miracle Commerce profitability is powerful, therefore is high to the treatment of staff, because of the appearance of Miracle Commerce, the entire Central State City economic level will rise suddenly several times to continue. 大概预计未来会300000到500000人直接或间接为奇迹商会工作,奇迹商会的盈利能力非常强悍,所以给员工的待遇非常高,因为奇迹商会的出现,整个中州城经济水平会暴涨几倍都不止。 Miracle Commerce can develop this situation, is really inconceivable! 奇迹商会能发展到这种地步,真是不可思议! Miracle Airship arrives at the harbor, now wharf is also lively, thousands of boatmen in the transporting cargo, can see from the upper air, large quantities of large quantities of fresh lumbers, were being escorted to here, because the Miracle trade must restore the wharf, simultaneously increases several special-purpose docks and cargo terminals. 奇迹空艇来到港口,现在码头也非常热闹,数以千计船工在搬运货物,从高空可以看见,大批大批新鲜木材,正在被送往这里,因为奇迹商业要修缮码头,同时新增几个专用船坞、货运码头。 Dozens large-scale ships, just like the child toy models, traverse on deep blue level of the lake, each is inserting the Great Shark Gang flag, is repairing and reorganizes into the Miracle Commerce freighter. 几十艘大型船,犹如孩子玩具模型,横放在碧蓝的湖面上,每一艘都插着巨鲨帮的旗帜,正在返修和整改成为奇迹商会的货船。 Because obtains several financing and huge resource props, the Great Shark Gang development speed is quick. At present has been counting the state to build the private wharf and dock, opens the road of aquatic expansion! 因为获得好几笔融资和大量资源扶植,巨鲨帮的发展速度很快。目前已在数州建立专用码头和船坞,开启水上扩展之路! Is only the several months time, we a small chamber of commerce that is born from South Sky City, turned instantaneously has the super chamber of commerce of Central State biggest resources!” Meng Yingying sees all these, she thinks very proud: Now Central State is our domains!” “只是短短几个月的时间,我们就从天南城诞生的一家小商会,瞬间变成坐拥中州最大资源的超级商会了!”梦莹莹看到这一切,她就觉得很自豪:“现在中州都是我们的地盘!” „Did this satisfy?” Chu Tian to lacking ambition Yingying shakes the head: Central State is too small, Southern Xia is too small, even...... This Continent was too small, now just started!” “这就满足了?”楚天对没志气莹莹摇摇头:“中州太小,南夏太小,甚至……这个大陆都太小了,现在刚刚开始啊!” Yes. 是啊。 The front road is very long. 前方路很漫长。 Because of so, makes people feel the anticipation. 正是因为如此,更加让人感到期待。 „Do we return to South Sky City to have a look how is it?” Chu Tian gave a comment: I happen to heard that South Sky City discovered a doubtful ultra wave Crystal Stone mine, we can also have a look while convenient.” “我们回天南城看看怎么样?”楚天提出一个意见:“我正好听说天南城发现一座疑似超波晶石的矿山,我们也能顺便去看看。” Good! Good!” Meng Yingying chicken calligraphy stroke rice nod: I already want to go back to have a look!” “好啊!好啊!”梦莹莹小鸡啄米般点头:“我早就想回去看看了!” They go ahead, immediately drives Airship, rushes to South Sky City from Central State straightly. 两人说走就走,立刻驾驶空艇,从中州笔直赶往天南城 When enters the unpopulated area gradually. 当渐渐地进入无人区。 Under the blue sky, the green grass is boundless, the place of vast wilderness, just likes the emerald is beautiful. Rivers like the scallop winding that silver casts on the deep green lawn, thousands of buffalos move in the lawn, troop troop Demon Beast plays the chase in the ground. 蓝天之下,绿草无垠,一望无际荒野之地,犹如翡翠般美丽。一条条河流就像白银铸成的带子缠绕在碧绿草地上,数以千计野牛在草地移动,大群大群魔兽在地面嬉戏追逐。 Quite high, is quite high! Again high spot, again high spot!” “好高,好高!再高点,再高点!” Meng Yingying calls out in alarm like the child. 梦莹莹像孩子一样惊叫起来。 Airship continues to elevate unceasingly, 空艇不断地持续升高, We arrived on the white clouds!” “我们都到白云上面去了!” Many clouds that is the same with cotton!” “好多云啊,跟棉花一样!” One crowd of strange birds curious gathering side, are sizing up has not been seeing the colossus vigilantly, this to Meng Yingying is the unprecedented experience. 一群奇怪飞禽好奇凑到旁边,正警惕地打量着从来没有见过的庞然大物,这对梦莹莹来说是前所未有的体验。 „Can it also be higher?” “它还能更高吗?” Temporarily cannot achieve.” Chu Tian shook the head saying: Now to the emergency altitude, again continued the words that elevates, we will meet the intense astral wind, our Airship too will be crude, cannot resist the astral wind to be torn.” “暂时做不到。”楚天摇头说:“现在已经到极限高度,再继续升高的话,我们会遇到强烈罡风,我们的空艇还太简陋,抵挡不住罡风会被撕裂的。” Has not related, the amusing thing cannot one experience.” Meng Yingying is not discouraged: We will make Airship that an iron makes to be what kind of next time, flies directly its tens of thousands meters!” “没关系,好玩东西不能一下都体验。”梦莹莹也不气馁:“我们下次造一只铁做的空艇怎么样,直接飞它个几万米!” This girl! 这丫头! Anything can think. 什么都敢想。 Really does not know that day Highland is thick! 真是不知天高地厚! Chu Tian actually laughs: Good, we later make iron Airship!” 楚天却哈哈一笑:“好,我们以后造个铁空艇!” The normal transportation travels between South Sky, most at least requires two days of time, Airship advances the speed obviously to be much quicker than fully the horses, uses quite a while the time to arrive in South Sky City merely. 正常交通往返天南,最起码需要两天时间,空艇全力推进速度明显比马匹快得多,仅仅就用半天时间就抵达天南城 Several months. 几个月时间。 South Sky City already greatly changed. 天南城早已大变样。 The Miracle Commerce birthplace, earliest obtains the place of Miracle Commerce welfare, here turned into a brilliantly illuminated ultra modern city, almost each family shop hangs all over the electric lamp, various Miracle Commerce products along with street obvious, where regardless of arrives at to have the Miracle Commerce trace. 奇迹商会诞生地,最早获得奇迹商会福利的地方,这里已经变成一座灯火通明的超现代城市,几乎家家店铺都挂满电灯,各种奇迹商会产品随街可见,无论走到哪里都有奇迹商会痕迹。 I saw the beforehand dwelling!” “我看到以前的住处了!” Meng Yingying is pointing at an urban direction, is the beforehand Southern Cloud Commerce mansion, is Yingying lives several years of place, once had been ruined by the Ye Family attack, afterward Meng Qingwu assigned the person to reconstruct, with original exactly the same. 梦莹莹指着城市一个方向,是以前南云商会府邸,是莹莹生活十几年的地方,曾经被叶家攻击而毁掉了,后来梦轻舞又命人重建起来,跟原来一模一样。 When is looking at the backyard, suddenly feeling. 当望着后院,突然些感慨。 This from here Chu Tian that buys from the slave market, takes into oneself room secretly. At that time had a dream cannot think that oneself destiny will enter home to change along with Chu Tian. 这就是从这里把从奴隶市场买回来的楚天,偷偷带进自己屋子。当时做梦都想不到,自己命运会随着楚天踏进家门而改变了。 Meng Family mansion nobody lives, actually becomes a place of South Sky City historical commemorative significance. 梦家府邸没人住,却成为天南城一个历史性纪念意义的地方。 Airship descends slowly, when South Sky square, the South Sky City city people cheer, Chu Tian changed their life, moreover Chu Tian is also the pride of South Sky City. Miracle Commerce just like becomes the Central State City biggest influence, aren't the South Sky City city people possibly proud? 空艇缓缓降落在天南广场的时候,天南城城民都欢呼起来,楚天改变了他们的生活,而且楚天也是天南城的骄傲。奇迹商会俨然成为中州城最大势力,天南城城民们怎么可能不自豪呢? Everybody long time no see!” “大家都好久不见了!” Meng Yingying walks in South Sky City discovers many ripe faces. 梦莹莹走在天南城发现不少熟面孔。 Everybody, Miracle Commerce progresses by leaps and bounds, became the Central State biggest chamber of commerce. We can rapidly rise, have very big degree to be looked after by the South Sky City people. Today, I announced that invests 30 million gold coins, becomes the South Sky City city people welfare fund, improves the South Sky City infrastructure , helping the South Sky City destitute people, is the South Sky City person improves the life!” “各位,奇迹商会突飞猛进,已经成为中州最大商会。我们能迅速崛起,有很大程度是受天南城民照顾。今天,我宣布投入30000000金币,成为天南城的城民福利基金,改善天南城基础建设,帮助天南城穷困人民,为天南城人改善生活!” 30 million gold coins! 30000000金币! Really willful! 真是任性啊! The Chu Tian eye did not wink for a while, has pounded one great sum of money that unexpectedly made the person want unable to think! 楚天眼睛不眨一时,竟砸了一笔让人连想都不敢想的巨款! 20 million gold coins to Miracle Commerce unceasingly anything, but completely is different to South Sky City. This is an ordinary city, like Du Clan and so on place family, entire clan property several hundred gold coins, Miracle Commerce one loses 30 million, hasn't that pounded to faint all people? 20000000金币对奇迹商会不断什么,不过对天南城就完全不一样了。这是一座普通城市,像杜家之类的地方家族,全族财产都不过几百金币,奇迹商会一下丢30000000,那还不把所有人都砸晕了? The South Sky City person cheers immediately. 天南城人顿时欢呼起来。 South Sky City altogether 3 million population! 天南城一共3000000人口! Many person one year gain less than ten gold coins! 多少人一年都赚不到十个金币! 30 million gold coins defer to number of people equal distributions, everyone can divide to ten gold coins, this is wastes money purely. 30000000金币就算按照人头平均分配,每人都能分到十个金币,这纯粹是送钱啊。 They visit City Lord. 两人拜访城主 Nangong Yi is in high spirits, now is not only South Sky City City Lord, is the Miracle Commerce partner, is mainly responsible for the expansion of Miracle firm. 南宫毅精神很好,现在不仅仅是天南城城主,还是奇迹商会的合伙人,主要负责奇迹商行的扩张。 The matter that Central State City has, Nangong Yi all knew. 中州城发生的事情,南宫毅全都知道了。 Now Miracle Commerce unique Central State, became the jumbo of being worthy of the reputation, he also felt that is from the heart happily. 现在奇迹商会已经独步中州,成为了名副其实的巨无霸,他也感到发自内心高兴。 This gives your gift.” Chu Tian pats the big bottle gourd, one pile of precious materials were emitted. Here has several -and-a-half Saint Level materials, even there is low grade wondrous medicines. “这是送给你的一点礼物。”楚天轻轻拍拍大葫芦,一堆珍贵材料被放出起来。这里有几株半圣级的材料,甚至有一株下品圣药。 Nangong Yi is shocked, light these herbal medicine values, only feared that achieved about hundred million gold coins: This also too precious, I may receive it!” 南宫毅不由惊呆,光这些草药价值,只怕都达到近亿金币了:“这也太珍贵了吧,我可受之不起!” This is Three Great Clans searches, in the Miracle Commerce warehouse also has, do not take away with politely. Your father and daughter help much for me busy, you are deficient in the South Sky City resources, unavoidably will affect the cultivation base progress, these were regarded as the subsidies on the power.” “这都是三大家族搜来的,奇迹商会仓库里面还有很多,不要客气拿去用把。你们父女俩为我帮不少忙,你在天南城资源匮乏,难免会影响修为进度,这些就权当做是补贴了。” Will Chu Tian care filthy rich such selects the thing? 楚天财大气粗又怎么会在乎这么点东西? Nangong Yi also knows the Chu Tian manner, since is Chu Tian delivers to get rid, that happily accepts. 南宫毅也晓得楚天为人,既然是楚天送出手的,那就痛痛快快收下吧。 Central State surveyed, and in mineable oil field, the South Sky City oil field reserves is biggest, the energy is the basis of Miracle Commerce development, must therefore build the Source Energy Battery manufacturing base South Sky City as soon as possible!” 中州已经勘测且可开采的油田中,天南城油田储量是最大的,能源是奇迹商会发展的根本,所以要尽快把天南城打造出元力电池制造基地!” Relax, vice- Chairman had confessed I, the oil field have mined comprehensively, it is expected that in the future can process 1 million tons to stabilize Crystal Oil!” Nangong Yi spoke of here, suddenly a voice revolution, other, I heard that Chairman in seeking for special Crystal Stone, in the wooded mountain dozens kilometers away, once discovered based on this walked the crystal ore, its characteristics were somewhat similar.” “放心,副会长已经交代过我了,油田已经全面开采,预计往后能加工出1000000吨稳定晶油!”南宫毅说到这里,突然又话音一转,“另外,我听说会长在寻找一种特殊的晶石,据此几十公里外的山林中,曾经发现一走晶矿,其特性有几分相似。” I for this reason come!” Chu Tian smiles: Takes to give me to have a look the sample.” “我正是为此而来的!”楚天嘿嘿一笑:“把样品拿出来给我看看吧。” Nangong Yi brings the sample from the warehouse, this is together illumination Crystal Stone, the mimetic crystal jade, the ray variegated, occasionally will have some strange images, sends out a strange fluctuation of energy. 南宫毅从仓库拿来样品,这是一块发光的晶石,似晶似玉,光芒斑斓,偶尔会产生一些奇怪的影像,散发出一种奇怪的能量波动。 Meng Yingying hurries to collect to ask: „Is this ultra wave Crystal Stone?” 梦莹莹赶紧凑上来问:“这是超波晶石吗?” No.” Chu Tian knits the brows: This obviously is not.” “不。”楚天皱皱眉:“这显然不是。” Meng Yingying and Nangong Yi reveal the disappointed color. 梦莹莹南宫毅都露出失望之色。 Chu Tian said: But, is this storehouse shade stone?” 楚天却说:“不过,这是藏影石?” „?” Meng Yingying asked: Hides the shade stone to be useful?” “啊?”梦莹莹问道:“藏影石有用吗?” Naturally, being similar to Hidden Sound Stone can store up the sound, forms magnetic Sound Stone after the processing, is used to manufacture communication as well as the radio wait / etc.. This type of storehouse shade stone is identical with Hidden Sound Stone, the thing that but can store up is different, hides the shade stone to have the ability of capture ray preservation picture, if can the correct using, then be able to form the image.” “当然了,如同藏音石能储存声音,经过加工形成磁音石,用来制作通讯器以及收音机等等。这种藏影石和藏音石同出一辙,只不过能储存的东西不一样,藏影石具有捕捉光线保存画面的能力,若能正确使用,便能形成影像。” Meng Yingying a little cannot understand. 梦莹莹有点听不懂。 Simply speaking, this is the Cheap but easy-to-use image material, after the interesting part, will understand.” Chu Tian has not thought that plays to South Sky City with Meng Yingying, really has such harvest: „Is this ore reserve how is it?” “简单来说,这是非常廉价但好用的影像材料,其中妙处以后就会明白了。”楚天没有想到跟梦莹莹天南城玩一圈,竟然有这样的收获:“这种矿石储量怎么样?” Is rich, is only the position is remote, the transportation is not easy.” “非常丰富,只是位置偏僻,运输非常不容易。” Chu Tian one points is stopping in South Sky City Airship: Regardless in the remote mountains and ancient forests, the wilderness island, has this thing, the transportation is also a problem?” 楚天一指着停在天南城空艇:“无论在深山老林、还是荒漠海岛,有这东西,运输还成问题吗?” This flight vehicle can consign for shipment the ore, that mining inevitably relaxed ten thousand times!” “这飞行器能托运矿石,那开采势必会轻松万倍!” Massive mining, send to Central State, we have big using!” “大量开采,送去中州,我们有大用!” Yes!” “是!” Nangong Yi replied inspired. 南宫毅振奋回答道。 The storehouse shade Stone Non- energetic attribute material, is one light attribute material, its use is widespread. Chu Tian wants to seek for ultra wave Crystal Stone, finally ultra wave Crystal Stone had not found, outside made him find the storehouse shade stone, therefore does not calculate that came South Sky City in vain. 藏影石非精神属性的材料,是一种光属性材料,其用途非常广泛。楚天本来是想寻找超波晶石,结果超波晶石没有找到,却以外让他找到藏影石,所以也不算白来天南城一趟。 Next day, they while Airship, in the innumerable city people see off return to Central State. 第二天,两人乘空艇在无数城民欢送中返回中州 Meng Yingying expressed satisfaction to the Airship speed and performance, she went back to shout is wanting the Chu Tian investment to set up the factory to make Airship specially. 梦莹莹空艇速度和性能表示满意,她一回去就嚷嚷着要楚天投资设工厂专门造空艇 This Airship needs to improve the place also to have.” Chu Tian shows a faint smile: This, I make Meng Qingwu extract 100 million gold coins from the chamber of commerce as the development and research and development fund, establishes a Miracle Source Energy mechanical chamber of commerce, making you hold a concurrent post of Chairman, Tong Xiaoyu makes vice- Chairman, do you improve together how is it?” “这空艇需要完善地方还有很多。”楚天微微一笑:“这样吧,我让梦轻舞从商会抽出100000000金币作为发展和研发资金,去成立一个奇迹元力机械商会,让你兼任会长,童小鱼来做副会长,你们共同完善怎么样?” „It was good!” “太棒了!” Meng Yingying itself is quite idle, is interested in Airship such thing very much, therefore wants not to agree. Chu Tian will make her be responsible for also having its reason, Meng Yingying does not have the Meng Qingwu equally meticulous thought freely, but the Meng Yingying idea jumps, can jump frequently some unexpected drops. 梦莹莹本身就比较清闲,又对空艇这样东西很感兴趣,所以想都没想就同意了。楚天会让她来负责也有其原因,梦莹莹尽管没有梦轻舞一样缜密思维,但是梦莹莹想法非常跳跃,经常能蹦出一些让人意想不到的点子。 Next Meng Yingying can duplicate others' Source Spirit ability, after duplicating Meng Qingwu Heaven Book Source Spirit , her learning capability also will become very formidable, research institute that many departments, cannot all make Meng Qingwu carry on the shoulder, Meng Yingying helped to share part sufficiently. 其次梦莹莹能复制别人的元魂能力,当复制梦轻舞天书元魂之后,她的学习能力也会变得非常强大,研究所那么多部门,总不能全让梦轻舞扛着,梦莹莹足以帮忙分担一部分了。 The Miracle Source Energy mechanical chamber of commerce seems is Chu Tian starts being established of a while, actually has very big significance, Chu Tian later must produce the thing, has needs this department to carry on, but could not have achieved the condition at present, ahead of time does also calculates that provided for a rainy day. 奇迹元力机械商会看上去是楚天一时兴起成立的,其实有着很大的意义,楚天以后要生产东西,有很多都需要这个部门进行,只不过目前还达不到条件罢了,提前去做也算未雨绸缪了。 Also had the latest news about ultra wave Crystal Stone.” “关于超波晶石又有最新的消息了。” Meng Qingwu ran to say to Chu Tian. 梦轻舞跑来跟楚天说。 We obtain the latest information, Qing State discovered that a large-scale crystal ore, the characteristics tally with ultra wave Crystal Stone that you described highly, I want 0% ** do ten possibilities, need to send for taking a sample to come back?” “我们得到最新的情报,青州发现一座大型晶矿,特征跟你描述的超波晶石高度吻合,我想有0**十可能,要不要派人去取点样品回来?” Qing State? Pours is not far!” Chu Tian touches the chin saying: Does not need to send, I personally walk one.” 青州啊?倒也不远!”楚天摸摸下巴说:“不必派人,我就亲自走一趟吧。”
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