MT :: Volume #3

#237: Issues the welfare of Heaven Alliance

After Chu Tian starts to decide to research and develop the weapon, the majority of time soak in the research institute, because the Source Energy weapon is the secret in secret, now cannot look at one including Yun Tianhe and Meng Qingwu with own eyes. 楚天开始决定研发武器之后,大部分时间就都泡在研究所,因为元力武器是机密中的机密,现在连云天鹤梦轻舞都没能亲眼看一眼。 Central State randomly in an instant past ten days. 中州之乱转眼过去十天了。 The Imperial City aspect still does not have the news to pass on. 王城方面依然没有消息传回来。 However the response of Imperial City is quite slow is the good deed, making the Miracle Commerce sufficient time conform with three resources, Meng Qingwu has digested the industrial interior that can digest entirely, did not facilitate the management as for far away or other reasons, then treated as the crowd to give to the partners. 不过王城的反应比较慢是好事,让奇迹商会充足时间整合三家的资源,梦轻舞已经把能消化的产业统统内部消化了,至于偏远或者其他原因不方便管理的,则当做人群送给合作伙伴们。 In brief the Ye Family Three Great Clans hundred years of base industry, only used short to be in less than half a month nothing left 总之叶家三大家族的百年基业,只用短短不到半个月时间就荡然无存了 Chu Family in Three Great Clans also calculates that result is quite good. 楚家三大家族中还算结局比较好的。 Although the Chu Family base industry was annexed by Miracle Commerce, but Chu Family has not vanished, now changes name officially is Chu Sect. If Cloud Sect is the Miracle Commerce research institute and scholar camp, Chu Sect is the Miracle Commerce Martial Arts hall and Hanger-on camp, Wen Yiwu, pours also supplementarily. 虽然楚家的基业都被奇迹商会吞并,但是楚家并没有消失,现在正式改名为楚门。若云门奇迹商会的研究所、学者营,楚门就是奇迹商会武学馆、门客营,,一文一武,倒也互补。 After Three Great Clans was thoroughly overthrown, the Miracle Commerce a series of comforting measures, making the city people benefit greatly. 三大家族被彻底推翻后,奇迹商会一系列安抚措施,让城民都受益匪浅。 Meng Qingwu under inciting of Chu Tian, the resources that plunders from the Three Great Clans treasure house and presently, Yu of Min dispersion, provides the welfare for the city people, or the investment public fund, is the Central State City city people provides the free construction. 梦轻舞楚天的授意之下,从三大家族宝库里搜刮出的资源和现中,有一部分散之于民,为城民发放福利,或者投资公众基金,为中州城的城民提供无偿建设。 Before these are, matter that the family impossible to handle. 这些都是以前家族不可能会做的事情。 ...... …… South Central State City, a common dwelling, here is Heaven Alliance headquarters, Lin Xuan and Lin Fan sister and brother and over a hundred Heaven Alliance members lives nearby this. 中州城南,一个不太起眼的宅院,这里是“天盟”总部,林璇林凡姐弟和上百天盟成员就住在这附近。 Today is the day of Heaven Alliance set discussing official business. 今天又是天盟集合议事的日子。 Everybody, everybody!” Lin Fan stands in the crude great hall, is stepping on a broken stool, lifts up high a second-hand newspaper, was filled with said excitedly: Miracle Commerce just gave the Miracle Commerce poor person to provide 100,000 canned food three days ago free, yesterday sent for the slum constructing the house, today also announced that free provided the treatment liquid medicines that the life used to the city people, provided the help for the city people healthy safeguard!” “各位,各位!”林凡站在简陋的大堂内,踩着一张破凳子,高举一份二手报纸,满心激动地说:“奇迹商会大前天刚刚给奇迹商会穷人免费发放100000只罐头,昨天派人到贫民窟建房子,今天又宣布免费给城民发放生活用的治疗药水,为城民健康保障提供帮助!” This also continues!” Lin Xuan stands by Lin Fan, very excited added: It is said that the commodities and cashes of Miracle Commerce value of each contribution 200 million gold coins, are arranging to establish one specifically to aim at my impoverished family Cultivator charity foundation in Central State City, does not have any supplemental condition prop training to have potential destitute Cultivator, is really our gospels!” “这还不止呢!”林璇站在林凡旁边,非常激动的补充说:“据说,奇迹商会投资价值200000000金币的物资与现金,正筹备在中州城建立一个专门针对寒门修士的慈善基金会,无任何附加条件扶植培养有潜力的穷困修士,真是我们的福音啊!” Long live!” “万岁!” Idol long live!” “偶像万岁!” Miracle Commerce long live!” 奇迹商会万岁!” The youth one's blood bubbles up to the brim, is proud and excited. 少年热血沸腾,自豪又兴奋。 This having a strict hierarchy favour faint time, Miracle Commerce pioneers a beginning, never has any family or the influence, establishes any charity foundation to help the poverty-stricken my impoverished family juniors. 这个等级森严人情淡漠的时代,奇迹商会真开创一个先河,从来没有什么家族或势力,去建立什么慈善基金会帮助穷苦的寒门子弟。 Chu Tian actually did. 楚天却做了。 Miracle Commerce did! 奇迹商会做了! The entire value 200 million resources and cashes, that is the how huge number! 整整价值200000000的资源与现金,那将是多么庞大的数目啊! Now Heaven Alliance large-scale development to 500 people, the average ages is less than 20 years old, gets down to my impoverished family juniors, on to the aristocrat young master, Chu Tian worshipper spreads each social stratum. Naturally, is mainly primarily the youth of frequent families, after all by the Lin Xuan Lin Fan sister and brother's ability and skill, is only Cultivator of Central State City floor, temporarily cannot become friends with the too high-level person. 现在“天盟”规模发展到500人,平均年龄不到20岁,下到寒门子弟,上到贵族公子,楚天崇拜者遍及各个阶层。当然,主要还是以频繁人家的少年为主,毕竟以林璇林凡姐弟俩的能力和本事,只是中州城底层的修士,暂时结交不到太高层的人。 However, this organization member is young, is radical, the potential is huge. Therefore brings to the attention of some merchant wealthy people one after another, indicated that wants the large sum of money purchase or supports this organization. Therefore, they start out one price that makes people be hard to reject. 不过,这个组织成员非常年轻,非常激进,潜能非常巨大。所以陆陆续续引起一些商人财主的注意,纷纷表示要重金收购或是赞助这个组织。为此,他们开出一个让人难以拒绝的价钱。 Front such enticement. 这样的诱惑面前。 The sister and brother they firmly reject! 姐弟两人坚决拒绝的! Although they are poor, but there is a strength of spirit! 虽然他们穷,但是有骨气! Heaven Alliance establishes the original intention is an interest association type organization. 天盟建立初衷就是一个兴趣协会样的组织。 Some people like the weapon, establishes the weapon amateur association, some people like the herbal medicine, establishes the herbal medicine amateur resting meeting. The Heaven Alliance essence concentrates not to have what difference with the above! 有人喜欢兵器,就建立兵器爱好者协会,有人喜欢草药,就建立草药爱好者歇会。天盟的本质跟以上集中没有什么区别! Here has one crowd to harbor dream aspiration, and filled with warm-blooded young people. They take Chu Tian as the idol, the mutual drive, studies and progresses, only to follow Chu Tian rising step, witnesses rising of Miracle dynasty, that is all! 这里有一群怀着梦想抱负、且满腔热血的年轻人。他们都以楚天为偶像,互相激励、学习、进步,只为追随楚天崛起步伐,去见证一个奇迹王朝的崛起,仅此而已! If the sacred belief by the commercialization, that completely were deteriorated. 神圣的信仰要是被商业化,那就完全变质了。 Therefore Heaven Alliance does not allow money to tarnish absolutely! 所以天盟绝对不容金钱玷污! Other people are affected, recognized that the status of their leader, the unusual coordination responded two people of each motion. 其他人对此非常感动,更认定两人领导者的身份,非常配合响应二人每一次行动。 Before the Central State City chaos erupt. 中州城大乱爆发前。 Heaven Alliance frequently enlivens in some news quite unenlightened poor person areas, propagandizes Miracle Commerce and Chu Tian story, making more people realize the chamber of commerce of this rising. 天盟就经常活跃在一些消息比较闭塞的穷人区,去宣传奇迹商会楚天的故事,让更多人认识到这个崛起的商会。 After Central State City chaos. 中州城大乱之后。 The Lin Fan sister and brother organize spontaneously with several hundred members, is Miracle Commerce comforts the people and restoration streets, is the Miracle Commerce standing erect positive image. 林凡姐弟与几百成员自发组织起来,为奇迹商会安抚群众、修缮街道,为奇迹商会竖立正面形象。 Miracle Commerce is Central State makes these many contributions, we must more to know!” 奇迹商会中州做出这么多贡献,我们必须要让更多人知道!” Right, today everybody duty is divided into ten groups goes to each slum area, to bring not to have money to buy the newspaper to these this good news in the person hand, making them realize this change destiny the opportunity!” “没错,今天大家任务是分成十个小组去各个贫民区,将这个好消息带到那些没钱买报纸的人手里,让他们认识到这一个改变命运的机会!” The Heaven Alliance member majority are the poor people, therefore understands the poor person. 天盟成员大多数都是穷人,所以更懂穷人。 Actually Central State City is also good, other cities, most riff raffs, will not watch the news, these person of copper coins wish one could to break off two flowers, how possibly to give up to buy the newspaper? The like attracts like, they live the circle to be also unenlightened. 其实中州城也好,其他城市也罢,绝大多数底层人民,是不会关注新闻的,这些人一个铜板恨不得掰开两个花,怎么可能舍得去买报纸呢?正所谓人以群分,他们生活圈子也非常闭塞。 Because of this must actively propagandize! 正因为如此才要积极宣传啊! Miracle Commerce is freely formidable, but manpower is obviously insufficient, Heaven Alliance naturally must in the range, be Miracle Commerce makes something in one's power. We hope that the person who Miracle Commerce benevolence philanthropic undertaking, lets the true need profits. 奇迹商会尽管非常强大,但是人手显然不够用,天盟当然要在力所能及范围内,为奇迹商会做出一些事情。希望奇迹商会善心善举,让真正需要的人从中受益。 The Lin Xuan sister and brother assign the duty, everybody just prepared the motion time. 林璇姐弟交代完任务,大家刚准备行动时候。 Big brother, Eldest sister!” “大哥,大姐!” Outside one gets down many luxurious beast car(riage)s!” “外面一下来好多豪华兽车啊!” A simple youth of whole face freckle clashes the report. 一个满脸雀斑的朴素少年冲进来汇报。 Lin Xuan Lin Fan looks at each other one, mostly is the merchant who some does not lose heart, really makes people think repugnant, had said many have spread, Heaven Alliance is Heaven Alliance, will not sell out. 林璇林凡对视一眼,多半又是些不死心的商人,真是让人觉得讨厌,都说过多少遍了,天盟就是天盟,绝不会卖掉的。 However these rich and powerful people, they could not have offended, therefore at heart is freely impatient, but has no alternative but to see, has to bear the temper to greet. 不过这些有钱有势的人,他们还真得罪不起,所以尽管心里不耐烦,但是不能不见啊,只好耐着性子去迎接。 After 45 beast car(riage)s are very steady, from the forefront white rhinoceros beast vehicle, goes out of a young girl, her looks like the Lin Fan Lin Xuan sister and brother is younger. 45辆兽车挺稳之后,从最前面一辆白犀兽车上,走出一个年轻的女孩,她的年龄看起来比林凡林璇姐弟还小。 ! 哇! Good beautiful girl! 好美的女孩! The people are an eye straighten. 众人都是一阵眼睛发直。 This girl is gripping the neat ponytail, the green clothes jumps two perfectly round tall and straight outlines, the short skirt beam manifests the vital willow waist, a pair of white jade clear thigh, is slenderly slender and straight, making her seem like full of the young energy. 这个女孩扎着清爽马尾辫,绿衣蹦起两个浑圆挺拔轮廓,短裙束腰体现出充满活力的柳腰,一双白玉圆润的大腿,纤细修长而又笔直,让她看起来充满年轻活力。 Two terse men follow in the back, wears the Underworld Mercenary Group clothing. 两个精悍的汉子跟在背后,穿着黄泉佣兵团的服饰。 Although the most people have not seen the girl, actually knows the Underworld Mercenaries origin, isn't that Miracle Commerce holding Mercenary Group? This is the Miracle Commerce person! 虽然多数人没见过女孩,却知道黄泉佣兵来历,那不是奇迹商会控股的佣兵团么?这是奇迹商会的人! Lin Xuan Lin Fan opening mouth: You...... You are Miss Meng Yingying!” 林璇林凡张大嘴:“你……你是梦莹莹小姐!” Right, is I!” Meng Yingying throws out the chest, shows a tender gruff kind smiling face: Is the elder sister calls I'm coming to visit your.” “对,是我!”梦莹莹挺挺胸,露出一个娇憨亲切笑容:“是姐姐叫我来拜访你们的。” Meng Qingwu Chairman!” Lin Xuan excited jumps quickly, Meng Qingwu does Chairman know us?!” 梦轻舞会长!”林璇激动的快蹦起来,“梦轻舞会长知道我们?!” Right, actually the elder sister was paying attention to you in South Sky City, matter that several months you handled, Miracle Commerce was clear, the elder sister more than once praised you!” “没错,其实姐姐在天南城就在关注你们了,几个月你们做的事情,奇迹商会都一清二楚,姐姐不止一次夸赞你们呢!” Meng Qingwu Chairman that the goddess keeps aloof, actually notes this small organization, even gives the positive appraisal?! 女神般高高在上的梦轻舞会长,竟然注意到这个小组织,甚至给出正面的评价?! Is this real? 这是真的吗? A Miracle Commerce plate however big thing, will pay attention to a small grassroots organization unexpectedly! 奇迹商会一个盘然大物,竟会关注一个小小的草根组织! Meng Yingying sees the Heaven Alliance people to suppress a face to be red, she shows a faint smile: Elder sister wants to find time to come personally, but the recent chamber of commerce is too busy, she must handle the business to be many, therefore cannot walk, makes me have a look at you, hopes that do not mind!” 梦莹莹天盟众人都憋得一脸通红,她微微一笑:“姐姐本来是想抽空亲自来的,不过最近商会太忙,她要处理事务很多,所以是走不来啦,就让我过来看看你们,希望你们不要介意呀!” The Lin Xuan sister and brother said excitedly: We can be paid attention by Chairman, had been exceedingly honored!” 林璇姐弟激动地说:“我们能被会长关注,已经不胜荣幸!” Do not say that you are very outstanding, the elder sister favors you, must therefore continue to refuel.” Meng Yingying spoke of here, Brother Mu and Brother Han, did not take quickly the gift.” “别这么说,你们很优秀,姐姐看好你们,所以要继续加油哦。”梦莹莹说到这里,“木哥寒哥,还不快把礼物拿出来。” Lin Mu and Fang Han walk. 林木方寒走上来。 The Heaven Alliance person was more excited! 天盟的人更激动了! Although knows that they are Underworld Mercenaries, but has not thought that they are the regimental commanders, but these two present the Illustrious Soul level master, that is the Chu Tian idol key in the great person of trained! 虽然知道两人是黄泉佣兵,但是没有想到两人就是团长,这两位现在可是显魂级高手啊,那是楚天偶像重点在培养的大人物! Meng Qingwu turns on a box: In this is some compounded drugs and floppy disks, outside has Taiwan University to limit the quantity the funds radio as well as Taiwan University limits the quantity the funds phonograph, magnetic recording machine that sur- ten carry along. The radio and magnetic recording machine have made a connection with Qilin Dao Hall pay-per-view, the term of validity is three years, hopes helpful to your practice!” 梦轻舞把一个箱子打开:“这里面是些丹药和磁盘,外面有一台大号限量款收音机以及一台大号限量款留声机,外加十部随身携带的磁音机。收音机和磁音机都已经打通麒麟道馆付费频道,有效期是三年,希望对你们的修炼有帮助!” The radio and phonograph, latest magnetic recording machine, is the Miracle Commerce precious commodity! 收音机、留声机,最新型的磁音机,全都是奇迹商会的宝贵商品啊! Gift moved, I first have asked to be excused, hopes that can make persistent efforts.” “礼物已经动到,那我就先告退了,希望能再接再厉哦。” After Meng Yingying lets the mercenary soldier the box puts, without any stay, takes the beast car(riage) to leave. 梦莹莹让佣兵把箱子放进来后,没有任何停留,乘坐兽车离开了。 Lin Fan Lin Xuan has not restored from wild with joy, other youth on impatient turns on the box, the bottles of precious compounded drug appears in the front, is assists the practice the best quality goods compounded drug, is only Qi Refining Pill has dozens classes, in addition Qilin Dao Hall curriculum floppy disk more than 20, are an entire explanation practice skillful series, is useful to these people. 林凡林璇没从狂喜中恢复过来,其他少年就迫不及待的把箱子打开,一瓶瓶珍贵的丹药出现在面前,全都是辅助修炼的极品丹药,光是炼气丹就有好几十课,此外麒麟道馆的课程磁盘20多个,是一整个讲解修炼技巧的系列,对这些人来说非常有用。 „Is this magnetic recording machine?” “这就是磁音机吗?” Certainly! Miracle Commerce just researched and developed recently successfully!” “一定是了!奇迹商会最近刚研发成功!” Ten silver-white equipment appear in the box, approximately plate-type size, black magnetism Sound Stone antenna, several buttons, can the direct reception, can turn on the player. 十个银白色的设备出现在箱子里,大约板状大小,有一根黑色磁音石天线,还有好几个按钮,既能够直接收音,也能打开播放器。 The Heaven Alliance person will not know the Miracle Commerce most new product. 天盟的人不会不知道奇迹商会最新产品。 The magnetic recording machine is Miracle Commerce promotes new generation media, the radio and phonograph combines, the build is smaller, is more facile, although the broadcast acoustic fidelity and accepts the signal ability, not having the independent radio and phonograph to be good, however unusual convenient, almost can carry personal. 磁音机是奇迹商会推出新一代媒体,收音机和留声机合二为一,体型更小,更加轻便,虽然播放音质和接受信号能力,没有单独收音机、留声机好,但是非常的方便,几乎能贴身携带。 The Miracle business plans in ten days to sell 200,000 magnetic recording machines to Central State City. 奇迹商计划十天内向中州城发售200000台磁音机。 The magnetic recording machine price is very cheap, about 500 gold coins can buy one, expensive point also 1,000-2,000 gold coins, the Central State City intermediate social stratum, is capable of purchasing one! 磁音机价格是很便宜的,大约500金币就能买一台,贵一点的也不过一两千金币,中州城中级的阶层,都有能力购买一台! Miracle Commerce sells such cheaply the new magnetic recording machine, the main reason is because, Miracle Commerce profit direction not in machine, but on pay-per-view of magnetic recording machine. 奇迹商会把新型磁音机卖得这么便宜,最主要的原因是因为,奇迹商会盈利方向不在机器,而是在磁音机的付费频道上。 Each magnetic-sonic with technological means processed, the ordinary magnetic-sonic machine or the radio cannot receive pay-per-view, only has to spend to acquire signal reception of encryption, the radio and magnetic recording machine can receive specific Channel/frequency. 每台磁音用技术手段处理过的,普通磁音机或收音机收不到付费频道,唯有花钱添置一种加密的信号接收阵,收音机和磁音机方能接收到特定频道 Qilin Dao Hall is most expensive! 麒麟道馆是最昂贵的! Every day broadcasts a lecture some foundation practice skills, every month takes 10,000 gold coin expenses. 每日播讲一些基础修炼技巧,每个月要10000金币费用。 These youth most need is a good teacher, Meng Yingying the thing that follows orders to give, thing that these youth most need. The Heaven Alliance personnel successive has not thought the organization and activity of this piece of work, can cause the Miracle Commerce high-level character to inquire finally, this sufficiently was one personally to one of the high honors. 这些少年最需要的就是一个良师,梦莹莹奉命送过来的东西,正是这些少年最需要的东西。天盟人员连没有想过这种小打小闹的组织和活动,最终能引起奇迹商会高层人物来探问,这足以是一项个人至高荣誉之一了。
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