MT :: Volume #3

#236: Fully inflation

Miracle Commerce had not gone through the difficulty truly. 奇迹商会尚未真正度过难关。 Central State four family smooth development hundred years have the reason, now the pattern complete collapse, will touch to the benefits of certain people loudly unavoidably, moreover Central State caused several thousand dead randomly, the ordinary city, Central State City is a main city, this causes a stir in the Southern Xia important matter sufficiently! 中州四家族平稳发展百年时间是有原因的,现在格局轰然间全部倒塌,难免会触动到某些人的利益,而且中州之乱造成数万人死亡,普通城市就算了,中州城是一座主城啊,这是足以轰动南夏的大事! Miracle Commerce secretly annexes Three Great Clans, making oneself inflate a monopoly the status. 奇迹商会又私自吞并三大家族,让自身膨胀成一个垄断的地位。 The Southern Summer Country king, Southern Xia three Monarch, can these ruling circles be able to hold to make big Miracle Commerce? 南夏国王,南夏三君,这些统治阶层能容得下做大的奇迹商会吗? Chu Tian regarding this and does not care, what sound regardless of Imperial City will make, the worst result nothing but travels, now plunders the Three Great Clans giant resources, including a lot of cashes and scene resources, there is a Great Shark Gang aquatic superiority, where regardless of runs up to goes to take root the development rapidly! 楚天对此并不在意,无论王城会发出什么样的声音,最坏结果无非跑路罢了,现在掠夺三大家族的巨大资源,其中包括大量现金和现场资源,又有巨鲨帮水上优势,无论跑到哪里去都能迅速扎根发展! Anybody is unreliable! 任何人是靠不住的! Only had own was formidable, others will dread and respect you! 唯有自身强大了,别人才会忌惮和尊敬你! Chu Tian must eliminate Central State randomly the adverse impact that has in the local area, throws into more new technologies to the Cloud Sect research institute again, lets the Miracle Commerce strength and potential further increases. 楚天要消除中州之乱在本地造成的恶劣影响,再向云门研究所投进更多的新型技术,让奇迹商会实力和潜力进一步扩增。 Naturally individual strength is also important, therefore after Chu Tian copies the Three Great Clans old haunt, first arranges to enough many material refinement Saint pill. 当然个人实力也至关重要,所以楚天抄掉三大家族的老窝后,第一时间筹备到足够多的材料炼制圣丹。 In the future in time. 未来时间里。 Chu Tian leaps reaches the Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak! 楚天一跃达到魂醒四重巅峰! The young lady, Meng Yingying, Lin Mu, Fang Han and others, all had the strength of Illustrious Soul level. 大小姐、梦莹莹林木方寒等,全都已经拥有显魂级的实力了。 Central State the chaotic stir shocks, has the influence actually compared with the Central State person imagination in slight, after Miracle Commerce implements a series of comforting policies, not only restored to be lively past, the entire city atmosphere instead became more relaxed. 中州之乱轰动震撼,造成影响却比中州人想象中轻微,奇迹商会实施一系列安抚政策之后,不仅仅恢复昔日繁华,全城氛围反而变得更轻松。 The aspect of Four Great Families capping has not existed, these exploitation squeezed the upper class of people overthrown, what replaces it is containing, and vital new influence! 四大家族压顶的局面已经不复存在,那些剥削压榨人们的贵族阶层被打倒了,取而代之的是一个包容且充满生机的新势力! Miracle Commerce has not encroached the benefits of other aristocrat families, instead positive launches the cooperation to realize win-win with these families. 奇迹商会并没有侵犯其他贵族家族的利益,反而积极与这些家族展开合作关系来实现双赢。 The Central State City people under the Miracle Commerce alone big aspect, the income grow obviously, the quality of life has been promoted, Miracle Commerce stimulates the Central State economy the potential, obviously is by far high Four Great Families, therefore the Central State City people do not repel Miracle Commerce from the beginning. 中州城民在奇迹商会独大的局面下,收入明显增长,生活质量得到提升,奇迹商会拉动中州经济的潜力,显然是远远高过四大家族的,所以中州城民一开始就不排斥奇迹商会 Without the match. 没有了对手。 Chu Tian is naturally more relaxed. 楚天自然轻松多了。 Meng Qingwu comes to report latest conformity progress: Miracle Commerce has resources field dozens and factory dozens, laboratory research institute several, dojo hall several, the Central State influence in positive establishes the cooperation with us. Miracle Commerce from a productive forces serious insufficient chamber of commerce, during several days exempted the productive forces to be surplus.” 梦轻舞前来汇报最新整合进展:“奇迹商会拥有资源场几十个、工厂几十家,实验室研究所十几座,武馆道馆十几座,中州势力都在积极与我们建立合作。奇迹商会从一个生产力严重不足的商会,几天之间就免了生产力过剩了。” From light bulb, to battery and to canned food, as well as radio and phonograph. 从灯泡、到电池、到罐头,以及收音机、留声机。 The issue that Miracle Commerce has faced is the productive forces not on issue, therefore does not have the means to open the market immediately. 奇迹商会一直面临的问题是生产力更不上问题,所以没有办法在第一时间里打开市场。 Now Three Great Clans collapse. 现在三大家族垮台。 Miracle Commerce takes over the too multi-resources, now the productivity erupts rapidly, let alone does Miracle Commerce have the family influences of massive cooperation? Do not say the Central State area, even if spread Southern Xia nation, had more than enough to spare! Central State City quickly becomes a Miracle Commerce huge production base! 奇迹商会接手到太多资源,现在生产能力迅速爆发,更何况奇迹商会有大量合作的家族势力?不要说中州地区,就算蔓延南夏全国,也绰绰有余了!中州城很快就会成为奇迹商会一个巨大的生产基地! „The Miracle Commerce service cannot satisfy the native place, we expand to entire Southern Summer Country, spreads to other countries again, even is the different race areas.” Chu Tian said confidently: Therefore do not dislike many, but must think that are not enough, on the one hand steps up to conform with the speed, making the factory start to work earlier, on the one hand continues to purchase the factory also maintains the cooperation with other cooperation sides.” 奇迹商会的业务不能满足本土,我们扩展到整个南夏国,再蔓延到其他国家,甚至是不同种族的疆域去。”楚天信心满满说:“所以不要嫌多,而是要觉得还不够多,一方面加紧整合速度,让工厂早点开始工作,一方面继续收购工厂并且保持与其他合作方的合作关系。” Meng Qingwu has not thought that rapidness that such Miracle Commerce can develop. 梦轻舞也没有想到,奇迹商会会发展的这么快。 From South Sky City one everyone common small influence, inflates to the system finally dominates the Central State colossus, now Central State City is the Chu Tian world. 天南城一个谁都不起眼的小势力,最终膨胀到制霸中州的庞然大物,现在中州城已经是楚天的天下了。 Chu Tian stands suddenly: Walks, we go to the research institute to have a look.” 楚天忽然站起来:“走,我们去研究院看看。” The researchers of Cloud Sect research institute, had reach more than 500 individuals, is divided into the Source Energy science and technology, Fu Yao, the practice, energy and Source Energy machinery wait / etc. several departments. 云门研究院的研究人员,已拥有多达500多个人,分为元力科技,符药,修炼、能源、元力机械等等好几个部门。 The Source Energy science and technology department is most important. 元力科技部门是重中之重。 In Cloud Sect more than 500 researchers, about 400 people in Source Energy Array research department, at present by Yun Tianhe please from being responsible. 云门500多个研究员中,大约400人都在元力阵研究部门,目前是由云天鹤请自负责的。 The symbol medicine department studies the traditional Talisman medicament product, is responsible for by Xiong Tianyan and Zhang Liqing, Chu Tian has put out many formulas, making them study and begin the production, business that although after all the Talisman medicine the traditional business, actually also makes money. 符药部门则是研究传统符箓药剂产品,由熊天焱张立清负责,楚天已经拿出很多配方,让他们去学习并投入生产,毕竟符箓药物虽说是传统行业,却也是非常赚钱的生意。 The practice department is responsible for collecting various as well as ancient Cultivation Technique, studies, discovers the useful part, this department is acted by Shen Bingyu temporarily, after all Shen Bingyu is martial arts maniac, cultivates the aspect quite to have the attainment. 修炼部门则是负责收集各家各门以及古功法,从中进行研究,找出有用部分,这个部门由沈冰雨暂时代理,毕竟沈冰雨是一个武痴,修炼方面是颇有心得的。 The energy sector is also very important, Chu Tian occupied Central State most Crystal Oil mines, even is the secret sends for Southern Summer Country each region seeking for and seizing Oil Mine. This energy is foundation of technological progress, at present the Continent person could not have realized the Crystal Oil ore the importance, therefore Chu Tian wants before the people realize, occupies some resources as far as possible. Department of Energy studies Source Energy Battery specially, explores best operational versions of Source Energy Battery in different situation. 能源部门也很重要,楚天已经占据中州的大多数晶油矿山,甚至是秘密派人到南夏国各地去寻找并占领油矿。这能源是科技发展的根基,目前大陆人还意识不到晶油矿的重要性,所以楚天想在人们察觉过来之前,尽可能多占据一些资源。能源部是专门研究元力电池的,探索元力电池在不同情况下的最佳使用方案。 The energy is the secret. 能源是机密。 Chu Tian must send person who most trusts to grasp. 楚天必须派最信任的人去掌握。 This department naturally was the young lady personally fences. 这个部门自然是大小姐亲自操刀了。 The Source Energy mechanical department was quite special, this department plays the role not to be big now, even compares the weak, but there is a huge strategic value, Miracle Commerce technology core in Source Energy science and technology department, however the research and development product will be getting more and more precise is getting more and more complex, wants the enough outstanding machinist team to coordinate! 元力机械部门就比较特殊了,这个部门现在发挥作用不大,甚至是比较鸡肋的,但是有巨大的战略价值,奇迹商会技术核心在元力科技部门,然而研发产品会越来越精密越来越复杂,一定要有一支足够优秀的机械师团队配合! Central State City Mechanical Technique talent Tong Xiaoyu is in charge of the Source Energy mechanical department, is mainly responsible for designing various machinery shapes of product as well as the development functions. 中州城机关术天才童小鱼主管元力机械部门,主要负责设计各种机械类产品外形以及开发功能。 500 people of research institutes in Southern Summer Country are the considerably large scales! 500人的研究所在南夏国已是相当大的规模了! Chu Tian will not dislike the researchers to be too many, Miracle Commerce is rich, does not fear unable to raise, fears nobody. 楚天不会嫌研究人员太多,奇迹商会有钱,不怕养不起,就怕没有人。 Chu Tian walks to ask: Yun, what achievement recently had?” 楚天走进来就问:“云老,最近有什么成果吗?” Naturally has!” Yun Tianhe sees Chu Tian, immediately a face excitedly said: You with I'm coming!” “当然有!”云天鹤见到楚天,立刻一脸激动的说:“你跟我来!” In some secret room, the midpoint constructs a small magnetic-sonic tower, the both sides suspended a dark instrument separately, Yun Tianhe proud are pointing at him saying: This is communication that we study!” 某一个秘密房间里,正中央建造一座小型磁音塔,两侧分别摆着一部黑乎乎的仪器,云天鹤一脸骄傲指着他说:“这就是我们研究出来的通讯器!” Meng Qingwu said with amazement: My several days have not come research institute, you unexpectedly already research?” 梦轻舞惊讶说:“我几天没来研究所,你们竟然就已经研发成果了?” Yun Tianhe smiles: Actually technology does not have what difficult problem, after all Chairman completes the core component, after we undergo more than 1000 times tests and more than 200 adjustments, now designated specially a stabilized frequency is used to disseminate the communication the signal, has stabilized after the preliminary test.” 云天鹤嘿嘿一笑:“其实技术方面没有什么难题,毕竟会长把核心部分完成,我们经过1000多次测试和200多次调整之后,现在专门选定一个稳定频率用来传播通讯的信号,经过初步测试已经稳定了。” Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu: We try!” 楚天梦轻舞说:“我们来试试吧!” Meng Qingwu is interested, immediately before arriving at communication, communication looks like a box, the Source Energy Array cloth of illumination above, on Source Energy Array has a clock and watch indicator, surrounding one has the digit of correspondence. 梦轻舞十分感兴趣,立刻走到一台通讯器前,通讯器像一个盒子,有一个发光的元力阵布在上面,元力阵上有一根钟表似的指针,周围一圈有对应的数字。 „Are these digit useful?” “这些数字有什么用?” How different communication can establish the communication relations? We after the careful discussion, make this design finally.” Yun Tianhe pointed at the digit saying: Communication has the unique serial number, through the dial system input serial number of communication, can send out a signal to the center communication tower, thus completes in magnetic-sonic tower the communications channel of within magnetic field range establishes.” “不同通讯器要怎么样建立通讯关系呢?我们经过仔细探讨,最终做出这个设计。”云天鹤指着数字说:“通讯器都有独一无二的编号,通过通讯器的拨号系统输入编号,能对中枢通讯塔发出一条信号,从而完成在磁音塔的磁场范围内的通讯通道建立。” A little complex. 有点复杂。 Meng Qingwu has studied with Chu Tian freely much, but to this new technology, she does not have the means to adapt easily. 梦轻舞尽管跟楚天学了不少,不过对这种新型技术,她还是没办法轻易适应。 Digit that on the Yun Tianhe direction machine writes: This serial number is 001, President that serial number is 000, you only need on the dial plate with communication, input the communication serial number of opposite party to establish communication Channel/frequency.” 云天鹤指向机器上面写的数字:“这台编号是001,总会长那台编号是000,你只需要用通讯器上的拨号盘,输入对方的通讯器编号就能建立通讯频道了。” Really quite mysterious! 真的好神奇! Meng Qingwu with the hand starting indicator, three times 0 on presses down in the digit, Source Energy Array shines the ray immediately, the slight energy liberation, is almost at the same time, that side on Chu Tian No. 000 communication also shines the ray. 梦轻舞用手转动指针,三次在数字0上按下,元力阵顿时亮起光芒,有一股细微能量释放出来,几乎是在同一时间,楚天那边的000号通讯器上也亮起光芒。 Meng Qingwu to the communication speech: „Can you hear?” 梦轻舞对着通讯器说话:“你听得到吗?” „Can you hear?” “你听得到吗?” Communication from Chu Tian makes the sound immediately. 楚天面前通讯器顿时发出声音。 After all passes through the sound signal that the magnetic-sonic tower two times disseminate, therefore sounds some noisily, but truly has completed the transmission, the magnetic-sonic tower not only can be the terminal to launch the signal of radio, now can realize as the medium of signal relay! 毕竟经过磁音塔二次传播的声音信号,所以听起来有一些嘈杂,但是确实已经完成传输,磁音塔不仅仅能作为终端发射收音机的信号,现在已经能够实现作为信号中转的中介了! Achieved really!” “真的做到了!” This invention was too great!” “这个发明太伟大了!” Meng Qingwu is unbelievable, if this promotes, that this lives to create the how huge change to the people? 梦轻舞难以置信,这要是推广出来,那该对人们生活造成多么巨大的改变? Chu Tian is not quite satisfied to the communication effect: Is inperfect, has too many places to need to improve, for example the sound clearly stabilizes, should improve magnetic-sonic Tarry's launch. Moreover was invited the equipment of communication to be irrecusable, this will inevitably create the disturbance to the user, we must establish one whether allows to accept the communication on own initiative the mechanism......” 楚天对通讯器效果不太满意:“不够完善,有太多地方需要改进,比如声音不过清晰稳定,应该对磁音塔里的发射阵进行改进。另外被邀请通讯的设备不能拒绝,这势必会对用户造成干扰,我们必须建立一个是否主动允许接受通讯的机制……” Chu Tian said big pile of opinions, very critical. 楚天说出一大堆意见,都非常的中肯。 Yun Tianhe nods, gives us again for half a month about the time, certainly can make the perfect communications system!” 云天鹤点点头,“再给我们半个月左右时间,一定能做出完美的通讯系统!” Magnetic-sonic mechanics of communication core, Chu Tian completed. 磁音通讯技术核心,楚天完成了。 The things of these branch details, Chu Tian will not meddle, on the one hand was too troublesome, on the other hand Chu Tian needs to exercise own research team. 这些旁枝末节的东西,楚天是不会去插手的,一方面太麻烦了,另一方面楚天需要锻炼自己的研究团队。 „The communication development obtains beyond the breakthrough, we also already are successful the radio and phonograph synthesis, now had the function that carries along completely . Moreover the construction of magnetic-sonic tower charge Channel/frequency has also succeeded.” Yun Tianhe has not thought that these new technologies can obtain these many breakthroughs in a short time, Miracle broadcasting station will start to gain officially!” “通讯器研制获得突破外,我们也已经把收音机和留声机合体成功,现在已经完全具备随身携带的功能,另外磁音塔收费频道的建设也已经成功了。”云天鹤也没想到,这些新技术能在短时间内获得这么多突破,“奇迹广播站将开始正式盈利!” Meng Qingwu is very excited, there are these technologies to grasp, what worried that Miracle Commerce does not rise, some present many City Lord, even is other state county messengers comes Central State City to negotiate, hopes that we construct the local area to go the magnetic-sonic tower, establishes the broadcast system of native place for them.” 梦轻舞感到很振奋,有这些技术在握,何愁奇迹商会不崛起,“现在有不少城主,甚至是其他州郡使者来中州城谈判,希望我们把磁音塔建到当地去,为他们建立本土的广播系统。” Chu Tian has not expressed the opinion, but asked one: How do you see?” 楚天没有发表意见,只是问了一句:“你怎么看?” „The service of Miracle Commerce is released is sooner or later matter, but judging from the present situation, perhaps is not that easy.” Meng Qingwu knits the brows saying: We need a team of entire broadcasting station, not only can time-consuming expend effort, will cause the team to be extremely fat, is hard to avoid the risks in other technical revelations or aspects, therefore had not agreed temporarily.” 奇迹商会的服务推出是迟早的事,但是以目前情况来看,恐怕并不是那么容易。”梦轻舞皱着眉说:“我们需要一整支广播站的团队,非但会耗时耗力,而且会造成团队臃肿,难以避免技术泄露或其他方面的风险,所以暂时没有同意。” You have this consideration are also right.” Chu Tian stops, I have means to avoid the team being extremely fat, only needed a Central State City team to suffice, we established only broadcasting station, let broadcast the person by land to be accepted!” “你有这种考虑也是对。”楚天停顿一下,“我有一种办法可以避免团队臃肿,只需要中州城一支团队就够了,我们建立唯一一支广播站,让广播被全国各地的人都接受到!” ? 啊? This is how possible! 这怎么可能! Yun Tianhe and Meng Qingwu are two stare! 云天鹤梦轻舞都是两眼一瞪! The magnetic-sonic signal technology is freely perfect, but is in itself a little flaw, can only the swapping transfer sound information in the magnetic field coverage scope, a big city usually need several magnetic-sonic towers to cover comprehensively. 磁音信号技术尽管非常完美,但本身是有一点缺陷的,只能在磁场覆盖范围内交换传递声音信息,一座大城市往往需要几座磁音塔才能全面覆盖。 This time vast territory with a sparse population. 这个时代地广人稀。 Between two cities, frequently great distance thousand li(500 km)! 两座城池之间,动辄相隔千里! If proliferates a state even country the magnetic-sonic tower coverage scope, that must construct million magnetic-sonic towers to be good, by the Miracle Commerce financial resource manpower, is not the matter that is possible to achieve! 若要将磁音塔覆盖范围遍布一州甚至一国,那得建数以百万的磁音塔才行,以奇迹商会的财力人力,是不可能做得到的事情! Moreover, wilderness open country, has Demon Beast. 而且,荒郊野外,多有魔兽 Even if a magnetic-sonic tower were destroyed, the signal does not pass on the dissemination! 哪怕一座磁音塔被破坏,信号就传播不过去了! Chu Tian had doubts to say facing them: Naturally is not that solution that you try to find, we need one new material, this material is called ultra wave Crystal Stone. The magnetic-sonic towers in other cities can begin to establish, so long as found this Crystal Stone to improve our broadcasting stations, our broadcast systems can be found in the nation...... Even, our communication, can complete the intercontinental communication!” 楚天面对两人疑惑说:“当然不是你们想的那种办法,我们需要一种新材料,这种材料叫做超波晶石。其他城市的磁音塔可以着手建立,只要找到这种晶石来完善我们的广播站,我们的广播系统将能遍布全国……甚至,我们的通讯器,也能完成跨洲通讯!” Intercontinental communication! 跨洲通讯! Truly to achieve the perfect very-long-range the communication! 岂不是真正做到完美的超远程的通讯! Is this Miracle Commerce will bring the how huge wealth and prestige?! 这将会为奇迹商会带来多么巨大的财富和声誉?! Immediately starts the Miracle Commerce complete channel, the quickest time found this Crystal Stone, once there is a discovery to tell me immediately.” Chu Tian spoke of here, supplemented that said: „The Cloud Sect progress is quicker than the imagination , the Source Energy computer feared that does not complete easily, we make point other duties.” “立刻发动奇迹商会全部渠道,最快时间找到这种晶石,一旦有发现立刻告诉我。”楚天说到这里,又补充一句说:“云门进度比想象中要快,元力计算机怕是不容易完成,我们做一点其他任务吧。” Also there is a new duty? 又有新任务? The Cloud Sect research institute wants to steal inadequately idly! 云门研究所想偷一点闲都不成啊! However Yun Tianhe likes: What project do you want to make?” 不过云天鹤喜欢:“你又想做什么项目?” Naturally was the project of making money.” Chu Tian smiles, to ask a two people of question first: You thought that in this world, is the commodity that most makes money what?” “当然是赚钱的项目了。”楚天神秘一笑,先问二人一个问题:“你觉得这个世界上,最赚钱的商品是什么呢?” This......”, if before, the Meng Qingwu without hesitation reply is Talisman and medicament, because this different thing is the consumables . Moreover the profit is high, since Miracle Commerce has established, electric lamp, canned food and other products came out, has subverted her world outlook completely, a mechanics of communication prospect is only hard to imagine: I do not know.” “这个……”若是以前,梦轻舞会毫不犹豫回答是符箓和药剂,因为这两样东西是消耗品,而且利润非常高,可是自从奇迹商会建立以来,电灯、罐头等产品问世,已经把她的世界观完全颠覆了,光一个通讯技术前景就难以想象:“我不知道。” Yun Tianhe also said: Do not keep guessing, where your thought can we follow?” 云天鹤也说:“别卖关子了,你的思维我们哪里跟得上?” Two types, the first type is the energy, the second type is armed forces.” “有两种,第一种是能源,第二种是军器。” Energy? Armed forces? 能源?军器? Chu Tian said: You later understand that now the primary energy is Crystal Oil, Continent most influences had not responded the time, we occupied to take the initiative. Then, we must start to develop armed forces!” 楚天解释说:“你以后就会明白的,现在主要能源是晶油,大陆绝大多数势力还没有反应过来的时候,我们就已经占据先机了。接下来,我们要开始发展军器!” Your meaning is, Miracle Commerce must recruit the refiner master, starts to refine the equipment weapon massively?” “你的意思是,奇迹商会要招募炼器师,开始大量炼制装备武器吗?” Refiner master must incur, weapon that but I must produce, is not quite same as the traditional weapons.” Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu: Cloud Sect sets up a armed forces ministry of public works, supplements 100 million gold coin special investments to armed forces and energy, this is the key point of our in the future.” “炼器师要招,不过我要造的武器,跟传统武器不太一样。”楚天梦轻舞说:“云门设一个军工部,对军器、能源追加100000000金币专项投资,这是我们未来一段时间的重点。” Chu Tian is weak at present, but conditions were ripe! 楚天目前不够强,不过时机已经成熟! Present Miracle Commerce has the foundation of production new weapon initially! 现在的奇迹商会初步具备生产新型兵器的基础! The rule of this world, to put it bluntly is the strength to revere, a genuine jumbo must have the strength foundation, the new Source Energy weapon will be the Chu Tian ambition will go a step further. 这世界的规则,说白了就是力量为尊,一个真正的巨无霸要有实力基础,新型元力兵器将是楚天野心的更进一步。
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