MT :: Volume #3

#235: Confiscate family's property! Confiscate family's property!

Counter-attack of Three Great Clans is not prompted by a sudden impulse, plans a long time ruthless spicy clean plan. 三大家族的反扑不是心血来潮,是谋划多日的一次狠辣清洗计划。 But, Three Great Clans has underestimated Chu Tian! 但,三大家族低估了楚天 Under Miracle Commerce in Great Shark Gang supports, the headquarters not only have not fallen to the enemy, core personnel does not have the casualties, instead borrows this good opportunity instead to annihilate Three Great Clans at one fell swoop, thus becomes the war final victor and beneficiary. 奇迹商会巨鲨帮鼎力支持之下,总部非但没有沦陷,核心人员一个都没有伤亡,反而借此良机一举反歼三大家族,从而成为战争最后的胜利者和受益者。 Chu Tian asked: „Is casualty situation how is it?” 楚天问道:“伤亡情况怎么样?” Meng Qingwu replied: Miracle Grand Hotel was burnt down, two magnetic-sonic towers were also destroyed, several factories were destroyed, the personnel casualty is big over a thousand, headquarters several research institutes were smashed, lose part of secret restricted data, is being recovered diligently.” 梦轻舞回答说:“奇迹大酒店被烧掉了,两座磁音塔也被摧毁,数座工厂遭到破坏,人员伤亡多大上千,总部好几座研究所被捣毁,损失一部分机密资料,正在努力追回中。” damn!” The Chu Tian air/Qi results in the tooth to be itchy: This Three Great Clans is really ruthless enough, we cannot be polite with them. You prepare beast car(riage) transport means that goes to Three Great Clans to confiscate family's property!” 可恶!”楚天气得牙痒痒:“这三大家族果然够狠,我们也不能跟他们客气啊。你们去准备兽车运输工具,去三大家族抄家!” The subversion riot and conflict of this scale, the impossible damage not to receive, that also extremely idealized. However Miracle Commerce has not injured to arrive at the foundation, this is wins attractively! 这种规模的颠覆暴乱与冲突,不可能一点损伤都不受到,那也太过理想化了。不过奇迹商会没有伤到根基,这已经算是非常漂亮的胜利了! Three Great Clans inside story over a hundred years, family property, but rich very! 三大家族底蕴上百年,家底可是殷实的很啊! This time does not know that can harvest how much spoils of war! 这次不知道能够收割到多少战利品呢! Chu Tian was impatient, who makes this group of grandsons dare such to cope with me, the present is this both capital and interest gave back to me! 楚天已经迫不及待,谁让这帮孙子敢这么对付我,现在是该连本带利的还给我了! „Can you confiscate family's property?” Yun Tianhe running over hurriedly said: Prudent! Central State Four Great Families can stand erect for hundred years to keep in balance in Central State mutually, is not only each other strength quite mutual deterrence, the most important reason is that side Imperial City has the interest relations. Now Three Great Clans was extinguished, vibrated Imperial City sufficiently, if not pass through reporting secretly to whirl away the Three Great Clans entire fortune, perhaps some Imperial City people will be jealous.” “你要去抄家?”云天鹤急匆匆的跑过来说:“慎重啊!中州四大家族能在中州屹立百年互相制衡,不仅仅是彼此实力相当互相威慑,最重要的原因是王城那边有利益关系。如今三大家族被灭,已经足以震动王城,若是不经上报就私自卷走三大家族的全部财产,恐怕王城有人会眼红。” What response Imperial City will make, now did not have the means to speculate. 王城会做出什么样的反应,现在还没有办法推测。 Chu Tian cannot control that many, makes them be jealous, Miracle Commerce always does not need others complexion, now in Central State this mu three points of place, I am biggest!” 楚天则管不了那么多,“让他们眼红去吧,奇迹商会从来都不需要别人脸色,现在在中州这一亩三分地,我才是最大的!” Right!” “对!” Confiscates family's property, confiscates family's property!” “抄家,抄家!” Goes to snatch up the Three Great Clans thing!” “去把三大家族东西抢光!” Nangong Yun and Meng Yingying expressed support, Meng Qingwu have not spoken, if the rationality pondered that dissuading of Yun Tianhe was not groundless. Is the Four Great Families foundation solid? For several hundred years no one has swallowed anyone, may be aspect that side Imperial City splits up to cause desirably, because the place family happens one alone big, then might have the influence to the kingdom centralization. 南宫云梦莹莹都表示支持,梦轻舞没有说话,若理性来思考的话云天鹤的劝阻不无道理。四大家族底蕴何等深厚?几百年来谁都没有吞掉谁,有可能是王城那边刻意分化导致的局面,因为地方家族一旦出现一家独大,那么有可能就会对王国集权造成影响。 What kingdom need is a whole is formidable, but place influence of internal split competition. 王国需要的是一个整体强大,但是内部分裂竞争的地方势力。 Chu Tian destroys completely Three Great Clans itself breaks for hundred years the cleavage at one fell swoop, making Miracle Commerce a Central State City alone big monopoly influence, this is Imperial City undesired. If unscrupulously absorbs Three Great Clans to leave wealth, will take over control of Three Great Clans to leave behind the resources, the kingdom will agree? 楚天一举灭掉三大家族本身就打破百年来的分裂局面,让奇迹商会成为中州城一家独大的垄断势力,这本来就是王城不希望看到的。若又肆无忌惮吸收三大家族留下财富,接管三大家族留下资源,王国会同意吗? This does not do well will ask for trouble! 这弄不好会惹火烧身的! However, Meng Qingwu agrees very excited, after is a scale astonishing wealth, Miracle Commerce destroys completely Three Great Clans with great difficulty, is difficult to be inadequate must cup one hand in the other across the chest to see somebody off the wealth? Therefore Meng Qingwu has not expressed the opinion, she decides to support Chu Tian. 但是,梦轻舞同意非常心动,毕竟是一笔规模惊人财富,奇迹商会好不容易把三大家族灭掉,难不成要将财富都拱手送人吗?所以梦轻舞没有发表意见,她决定支持楚天 Chu Tian has not changed the mind the idea: Everybody confiscates family's property with me!” 楚天没有改变主意的想法:“大家跟我抄家去!” Meng Yingying and Nangong Yun excited cheeks are red, immediately looks for big pile of beast car(riage)s to go to Three Great Clans with Chu Tian, Meng Qingwu. 梦莹莹南宫云激动脸颊通红,立刻找来一大堆兽车跟楚天三大家族,梦轻舞也跟着去了。 Boy who really does not listen to advice! 真是不听劝的小子! Yun Tianhe does not have the means that the fait accompli, making him go! 云天鹤也没办法,木已成舟,让他去吧! Chu Tian copies Luo Family first, seizes the cash 1.2 billion gold coin great sums of money from treasure house, sur- value ten hundreds of millions gold coin resource materials, turns out the store and factory title deed 29, outside city copper steel money ore 11. 楚天先抄洛家,从宝库中缴获现金1200000000金币巨款,外加价值十几亿金币资源材料,又翻出商铺、工厂地契29份,城外铜铁金银矿石11座。 Too was really astonishing! 真是太惊人了! Simply is a buried treasure! 简直就是一座宝藏! Really worthily the property of Central State large clan! 真不愧中州大族的财产啊! This fine gold gold and jade hoof Lu Shouche value several million, not only the speed quickly is very extremely steady, and there is a foreknowledge danger, the active defense ability, gave to the young lady!” Chu Tian to pull to give Meng Qingwu the palace best beast car(riage), „, only then such car(riage) can be joined to young lady's status!” “这一辆鎏金玉蹄鹿兽车价值几千万,不但速度极快十分平稳,且有预知危险,主动防御能力,就送给大小姐了!”楚天将洛府最好一辆兽车牵出来送给梦轻舞,“只有这样车才能配得上大小姐的身份!” The fine gold gold and jade hoof deer contour was really too beautiful. 鎏金玉蹄鹿外形实在是太美了。 Meng Qingwu in other women envy in the vision, accepts with pleasure the reward of Chu Tian. 梦轻舞在其他女人羡慕目光中,欣然接受楚天的奖励。 This to nine lion nine tiger arm protectors is also best quality goods soul, can attack to guard, is fierce, but in us resembles nobody to be skilled in the Fist Arts specially.” Chu Tian gives Shen Bingyu directly, Shen Bingyu first is receiving, from now on will teach you several sets of close combat Martial Arts and that's the end.” “这对九狮九虎护臂也算是极品魂器,能攻能防,非常厉害,不过我们中好像没有什么人特别精通拳法。”楚天直接交给身边的沈冰雨,“沈冰雨就先收着,今后教你几套近战武学就是了。” Nine lion nine tiger arm protectors are one of the Luo Family strongest weapons, Shen Bingyu also accepted with pleasure. 九狮九虎护臂是洛家最强武器之一,沈冰雨也欣然接受了。 The Luo Family treasure are too many, Chu Tian picks up several to deliver casually, everyone feels pleasantly surprised. 洛家宝贝太多,楚天随便挑出几件送出去,每个人都感到惊喜不已。 Then is Ye Family! 接下来是叶家 The Ye Family harvest is similarly astonishing. 叶家收获同样非常惊人。 Ye Family is mercenary soldier family, the mercenary soldier industry distribution is loose, had not found too many cashes, but the resources are very rich, moreover obtains several large-scale taming fields, this richly cannot buy, sufficiently fat Miracle Commerce one time maliciously. 叶家是佣兵家族,佣兵产业分布较散,没找到太多现金,不过资源还是很丰富的,另外得到好几座大型驯兽场,这都是有钱都买不到的,足以狠狠的肥奇迹商会一次。 Luo Family leaves behind the resources and location, for example the Central State City more than ten large-scale shops, for example the laboratory and laboratory, merge into Miracle Commerce entirely. 洛家留下资源和场地,比如中州城十余家大型店铺,比如研究室和实验室,统统并入奇迹商会 Ye Family attached Mercenary Group and mercenary soldier resources, for example the great wolf breeding farm and Demon Beast domestication is long, the ordnance machine shop wait / etc., the majority takes over by Underworld Mercenary Group of Miracle Commerce holding. 叶家附属佣兵团和佣兵资源,比如巨狼养殖场、魔兽驯化长,军工厂等等,大部分由奇迹商会控股的黄泉佣兵团来接手。 Process as for Luo Family and does the Ye Family disarming capitulant? 至于洛家叶家缴械投降者怎么处理? Chu Tian follows the promise not to kill them, but Central State City could not accommodate these people, issued an order, complete pursuit. As for Chu Family...... 楚天遵循诺言不杀他们,不过中州城是容不得这些人了,一声令下,全部驱逐。至于楚家…… Chu Tian same visits to confiscate family's property. 楚天一样上门抄家。 First takes away the Chu Family cash and resources. 先收走楚家现金和资源。 Chu Shi and Chu Shanhe direct descendant member, was all pursued Central State. 楚弑楚山河的嫡系成员,全部被驱逐出中州 Other captives entirely were brought to the Chu Family hall, Chu Tian to handle them personally! 其余俘虏则统统被带到楚家大厅,楚天要亲自来处置他们! At this moment, several hundred Chu Family swordsmen kneel on the ground, is an appearance in reverential awe. This at present not big young people, several years ago the waste of family, everyone looks down upon, everyone can humiliate. 此时此刻,数百楚家剑客跪在地上,全都是一副诚惶诚恐的样子。这个眼前并不高大的年轻人,几年前还是家族的一个废物,谁都看不起,谁都可以欺凌。 Then in several years? 这才短短几年功夫? This person returns Chu Family by the victor stance, on to the senior elder, gets down to the Chu Family young people, the lives of all people by this person grasping. 这个人以胜利者姿态重新回到楚家,上到资深长老,下到楚家年轻人,所有人的性命都被此人给掌握了。 Chu Tian sits the head of household throne, Great Shark Gang five big master in addition Shen Bingyu, is setting up in an array in the back, with letting somebody cool off or calm down the vision takes a fast look around the Chu Family person, the True Soul Expert pressure makes them not gasp for breath, however most makes them be afraid, actually the young people on seat. 楚天坐上家主宝座,巨鲨帮五大帮主外加沈冰雨,正在背后一字排开,用冷冷目光扫视楚家人,真魂强者的威压让他们喘不过气,然而最让他们害怕的,却还是座位上的年轻人。 Idle talk were not many said that today here directly lays cards on the table with everybody.” “废话不多说,今天就在此与各位直接摊牌。” The person hears the Chu Tian sound in the presence of everyone, at heart is one cold. 当众人听到楚天的声音,心里都是一凛。 My Chu Tian, although with has the long hatred, but in the final analysis surnamed Chu. Chu Family to me, although is unkind, but I do not exercise forbearance the hundred years of large clan's thorough destruction like Luo Family Ye Family, therefore gives you to choose now.” “我楚天虽说与诸位颇有宿怨,但是归根到底还是姓楚的。楚家对我虽然不仁,但我也不忍让百年大族像洛家叶家一样彻底覆灭,所以现在就给你们两个选择。” The Chu Family people look at each other in blank diamay. 楚家人都面面相觑。 First, you may lead a sum of money, since then goes to faraway places, leaves Central State City, or leaves Southern Xia. Where no matter goes, my non- tube will not chase down the retaliation.” “第一,你们可领上一笔钱,从此远走高飞,离开中州城,或者离开南夏。不管去哪里,我都不管更不会追杀报复。” The Chu Family people long relax. 楚家人都长长松一口气。 Does not have the choice to stamp out the source of trouble well, saves a life finally. 不没有选择斩草除根就好,总算是捡回一条性命。 Chu Family also fights with all might from innumerable family battles, everyone fully realized brutality that the family competes, any clan, if has been defeated, often stamped out the source of trouble, the babies in swaddling clothes will not let off, absolutely does not have any accident. 楚家也是从无数家族争斗中拼杀出来的,每一个人都深知家族竞争的残酷,任何一族要是落败了,往往都是被斩草除根,连襁褓里的婴儿都不会放过,绝对没有任何意外。 After this is lets a person lives, who knows this person will not obtain the opportunity, finally after bringing the hatred is living, to the family won't pose the threat? Although this possibility is minimal, but there is any possibility, cruel and merciless operating the rudder will not make it occur. 这是让一个人活下来之后,安知此人不会获得机遇,最终带着仇恨活下来以后,不会对家族造成威胁?虽然这种可能性微乎其微,但是有任何一丝可能,心狠手辣的掌舵者都不会让它发生。 Chu Tian has not actually been ruthless. 楚天却没有赶尽杀绝。 At the same time, Three Great Clans perishes brings about own destruction, from starting to contract enmity the final end, is Three Great Clans creates. The destruction of this bringing about own destruction, invades with the powerful enemy is destroyed, the two have the essence to be different. The former or has, humiliation unwillingly, hatred, what the latter are more regrets and fear. 一方面,三大家族灭亡是自寻死路,从开始结怨到最后的终结,全都是三大家族自己造成的。这种自寻死路的毁灭,与强敌入侵被毁灭,二者是有本质不同的。前者或有不甘、屈辱,仇恨,后者则更多的是懊悔和恐惧。 On the other hand, Chu Tian is self-confident enough, now does not have the means to cope with him, after that did not have the hope. Central State is Chu Tian temporarily stays a small place, he will soon leave here, goes to broader world wanderer, these defeated are impossible to pursue on his footsteps. 另一方面,楚天足够自信,现在都没办法对付他,那以后就更没有希望了。中州不过是楚天暂时停留一个小地方,他用不了多久就会离开这里,去更广阔的世界闯荡,这些手下败将根本不可能追的上他的脚步。 Chu Tian leaves the Chu Family person enough many ponder time, then continued: „The second choice is, remains, continuation is Chu Family works, I will use Chu Family to establish Chu Sect as the foundation, making the Chu Family influence continue to retain in Central State City!” 楚天留给楚家人足够多的思考时间,接着才继续说下去:“第二种选择是,留下来,继续为楚家做事,我将以楚家为根基建立楚门,让楚家势力继续保留在中州城之内!” The people whole body shakes. 众人浑身一震。 Can Chu Tian take over control of Chu Family personally? 楚天要亲自接管楚家 This result is everyone has not thought. 这种结果是谁都没有想过的。 However from the status, Chu Tian originated in Chu Family, now returns Chu Family becomes the head of household status, then this turmoil nature changed, is not the foreign enemy causes the family to be disillusioned, but is in a family the authority battle. 不过从身份上来说,楚天本就发源于楚家,现在杀回楚家成为家主身份,那么这场动乱性质就变了,不在是外敌导致家族破灭,而是一场家族内部权力争斗。 Chu Tian has defeated Chu Xinghe! 楚天已经打败了楚星河 Therefore , Chu Tian is more outstanding than Chu Xinghe! 所以说,楚天楚星河更优秀! Influence that now in Chu Tian grasps, is Central State any family is unable to compare favorably, although Chu Family the casualties in this turmoil is serious, however impairment is the elite strengths, the old root had not been pulled up, by a Chu Family hundred years of inside story, only needs to recuperate some time lives, restores hopefully. 现在楚天手里掌握的势力,是中州任何一个家族都无法媲美的,楚家虽然在这场动乱中伤亡惨重,但是折损的都是精锐力量,老根并没有被拔起,以楚家百年底蕴,只需要一段时间调养生息,还是有希望恢复的。 After all, Chu Family has Central State City many Hanger-on, the Chu Family capable person different gentleman like clouds. 毕竟,楚家拥有中州城最多的门客,楚家旗下能人异士如云。 Chu Family one but actually, these Hanger-on shortly will naturally diverge, if at this time some people continued to hold the Chu Family flag, retained this influence, without doubt can continue to guarantee Chu Family in the Central State formidable strength. 楚家一倒,这些门客自然顷刻散去,这时候要是有人继续持楚家大旗,将这股势力保留住的话,无疑能继续保证楚家中州强大的力量。 Chu Tian said: Is remains, oneself elect!” 楚天说完了:“是去是留,自己选吧!” The people look at each other in blank diamay. 众人都面面相觑起来。 Chu Shi and Chu Shanhe direct descendant, was all sent into exile by Chu Tian, Chu Family person who now keeps, majority were the collateral branch births. Moreover, truly what Chu Tian settles on is Chu Family this flag. 楚弑楚山河的嫡系,全都已经被楚天放逐,现在留下来的楚家人,大多数都是旁系出生。而且,楚天真正看中的是楚家这面大旗。 Other Chu Family and family resources are different. 楚家与其他家族资源不同。 Chu Family most precious is the Hanger-on resources, Hanger-on is outsider comes to submit a piece of writing, this group of people stay behind did not fear that they dare to disturb, if can be Chu Tian uses, that it would be the best. 楚家珍贵的就是门客资源,门客都是外来者前来投稿,这帮人就算留下也不怕他们敢捣乱,若能为楚天所用,那就最好不过了。 The Chu Family person starts to decide. 楚家人纷纷开始决定。 20% people choose to leave. 20人选择离开。 Other people continue to keep Chu Family, henceforth gives loyalty to Chu Tian, was Chu Tian works. 其余人继续留在楚家,从此效忠楚天,为楚天做事了。 Chu Tian natural becomes the Chu Family new host, takes over control of Chu Family all industries and influences comprehensively, Chu Family has the base industry in several cities, Chu Family stockpiles the Hanger-on more than 300 people, the Chu Family swordsman quantity reaches over a thousand. 楚天理所当然的成为楚家新主人,全面接管楚家一切产业和势力,楚家在十几座城市都有基业,楚家储备门客300多人,楚家剑客数量多达上千。 Regional Chu Family people will be recalled one after another, conforms to form a new influence completely Chu Sect! 各地楚家人都会陆陆续续被召回,全部整合起来形成一个新势力“楚门”! Chu Tian will not do to their anything temporarily, is only one with the Underworld Mercenaries parallel military force organization, as for Chu Family in the base industry that various cities leave behind, Chu Tian makes Miracle Commerce send for accepting directly, digests into the industry of Miracle Commerce them entirely. 楚天暂时不会给他们任何事情做,只是一个与黄泉佣兵平行的武力机构,至于楚家在各城留下的基业,楚天直接让奇迹商会派人去接受,将他们统统消化成为奇迹商会的产业。 Hence. 至此。 The exile that Three Great Clans this plundering of plundering, should be sent into exile, should be annexed was annexed. 三大家族该搜刮的搜刮,该被放逐的放逐,该被吞并的都被吞并。 The Miracle Commerce cash flow scale 3.2 billion gold coins, the resources finance of various precious are innumerable, mine and resources field that Three Great Clans leaves behind, majority will also start to serve to Miracle Commerce. 奇迹商会现金流规模3200000000金币,各种珍贵的资源财务更是无数,三大家族遗留下来的矿山、资源场,大多数也将开始向奇迹商会服务了。 Chu Tian has not kept everything for oneself. 楚天也没有吃独食。 First pays with 500 million gold coins to Great Shark Gang! 先拿500000000金币支付给巨鲨帮 Pledged for one year to invest 1 billion gold coins, now the direct revision completes the investment for six months. 本来承诺一年内投资1000000000金币,现在直接修改为半年内完成投资。 The fleet and ferry spot that Three Great Clans finalizes, four continent lake near resources fields, all give Great Shark Gang to come to be the Miracle Commerce proxies! 三大家族交割出来的船队、渡口,四洲湖较近的资源场,全都交给巨鲨帮来为奇迹商会代理! Chu Tian also called Meng Qingwu to put out 500 million gold coins to come out, this great sum of money specifically was used to clean up the aftermath, for example comforting chamber of commerce partner, in innocent being killed invalid for turmoil, sent to very rich pension, as well as provided various welfare as making up to the frightened city people. 楚天又叫梦轻舞拿出500000000金币出来,这笔巨款是专门用来收拾残局的,比如安抚商会合作伙伴,为动乱中无辜丧命伤残者,送去非常丰厚的抚恤金,以及给受惊城民提供各种福利作为弥补。 Put out two armory and an ordnance machine shop from Ye Family has given Xiong Family. 叶家拿出两座兵器库和一座军工厂送给了熊家 Also sends out a cash and resources mixes the great ritual, the total value about 500 million gold coins give Yun Family. 又送出一份现金和资源混合巨礼,总价值大约500000000金币送给云家 Xiong Family Yun Family is Chu Tian provides not the small help. Xiong Family picks a bulk naturally to be cheaply happy that as for Yun Family is directly the big ritual that Chu Tian sends, in Cloud Sect research institute that then invests into two jointly managing. 熊家云家楚天提供不小的帮助。熊家捡到一大块便宜自然非常高兴,至于云家更是直接把楚天送来的大礼,转而投入到两家合办的云门研究所里。 Why can flatter Imperial City? 为什么要讨好王城 The Chu Tian idea is simple, lets that side Imperial City greedy superior satisfaction, would rather rich everybody together divides, waits for a Central State City sheet iron time, who can also shake Miracle Commerce? 楚天想法非常简单,让王城那边贪婪的上位者满意,倒不如有钱大家一起分,等中州城铁板一块的时候,谁还能撼动奇迹商会 Hence happy! 至此皆大欢喜! The Central State chaotic situation stabilizes thoroughly! 中州乱局彻底安定!
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