MT :: Volume #3

#234: Chaotic situation still

Central State just stilled compared with the confusion of martial stage not long. 中州比武场的混乱刚刚平定没有多久。 Chairman! Chairman! It is not good!” The Lin Mu whole face is the blood runs over, obviously is kills at risk of life from the tight encirclement, headquarters elite have broken through compared with Luo Family, Luo Family remote antiquity long Laolo all phenomena on earth, now the casualties are also serious, we are about unable to defend.” 会长会长!不好了!”林木满脸是血跑过来,显然是拼死从重围中杀出的,“总部已经比洛家精锐攻破了,洛家太上长老洛万象也在其中,现在伤亡惨重,我们快守不住了。” The people sink. 众人心里一沉。 Central State randomly has become a piece. 中州已经乱成一片。 Now slaughters the fight everywhere. 现在到处都是厮杀战斗。 The Miracle Commerce combat force are too few, let alone is helps in an emergency to put down a rebellion, the self-preservation is a problem. Meng Qingwu arranges Shen Bingyu to stay in the headquarters to assume personal command, book to strengthen the Miracle Commerce defensive power, who knows that the Luo Family remote antiquity elder participates in this us, now the situation is obviously critical. 奇迹商会作战力量太少,别说是救急平乱,自保都很成问题。梦轻舞安排沈冰雨留在总部坐镇,本就是为增强奇迹商会的防御力,谁知道洛家太上长老参加这场咱都,现在形势显然非常危急。 Three Great Clans taking the opportunity launches a big clean. 三大家族是借机展开一次大清洗。 Although the essential target is Miracle Commerce and Yun Family, but unites the family and influence with Miracle Commerce, absolutely does not have the means to escape by luck in this chaos. More delays the time longer, Central State loses is more serious. 虽主要目标是奇迹商会云家,但是与奇迹商会联合家族和势力,也绝对没有办法在此次大乱中幸免。拖得时间越长,中州损失就越严重。 Does Chu Tian destroy completely Chu Family to be also what kind of? 楚天灭掉楚家又怎么样? If according to the present situation develop, the cooperation family influence 11 were extinguished, the Miracle Commerce factory 11 were destroyed, what can Miracle Commerce obtain? Finally is only the mutually wounded burn both jade and common stone result, the Miracle mountain guild develops for several months completely to vanish into thin air laboriously! 若按照现在形势发展,合作家族势力11被灭,奇迹商会工厂11被摧毁,奇迹商会又能得到什么?最终只是两败俱伤玉石俱焚的结果,奇迹山行会辛辛苦苦发展几个月就全部化为乌有! This Central State matter makes such greatly, if Miracle Commerce cannot stand firm after the chaos rapidly, will be very likely to be eradicated by the alien influence. 这次中州事情闹得这么大,若奇迹商会不能在大乱后迅速站稳脚跟,也极有可能会被外来势力连根拔起。 Yingying they are very certainly dangerous, the turbulence must fight a battle to force a quick decision, otherwise the consequence is dreadful.” Meng Qingwu guessed correctly freely the Central State turbulence will be very serious, has not actually thought that will be in this situation, she underestimated eventually Three Great Clans plans, we do not have enough the fight strength, should this be what to do good?” 莹莹她们现在一定很危险,动荡必须速战速决,否则后果不堪设想。”梦轻舞尽管猜到中州会动荡会很严重,却没有想到会到这种地步,她终究是低估三大家族一筹,“我们没有足够战斗力量,这该怎么办才好?” Hasn't fought the strength? No! 没有战斗力量吗?不! The Central State wharf has Great Shark Gang 3000 elite! 中州码头有巨鲨帮3000精锐! Chu Tian said to Boss Yu: I need the Great Shark Gang strength still chaotic situation! This also for a good opportunity that Great Shark Gang rectifies names, is the Central State still chaotic situation, is great merit one!” 楚天余老大说:“我需要巨鲨帮的力量平定乱局!这也是为巨鲨帮正名的一次良机,为中州平定乱局,是大功一件!” The Yu five brothers look at each other one to nod mutually. 余氏五兄弟对视一眼互相点点头。 Great Shark Gang decided with Miracle Commerce, then should make a contribution, showed a sincerity to come out, Miracle Commerce was bogged down in difficulties, needed the Great Shark Gang assistance time. 巨鲨帮决定跟奇迹商会了,那么就应该做出点贡献,拿出一点诚意出来,奇迹商会陷入困境,正是需要巨鲨帮协助的时候。 Once this war wins! 此战一旦打胜! Miracle Commerce did not have the match in Central State! 奇迹商会中州就没有对手了! Finally entire Central State is the Miracle Commerce world! 最终整个中州都是奇迹商会的天下! Moreover, Great Shark Gang is robber image, this time assists the Central State still chaotic situation, is one time washes the white opportunity! 而且,巨鲨帮一直是强盗形象,这次协助中州平定乱局,正好是一次洗白的机会! Kills!” “杀!” Goes to the wharf!” “去码头!” The people just left compared with the martial stage. 众人刚刚离开比武场。 A garrulous hoofbeat comes suddenly rapidly. 骤然一阵沓沓马蹄声急速而来。 A military equipment the elite cavalry soldier of tooth, just likes a green mighty current passes through the street, gives to sphere compared with the martial stage directly, sharp carbines are glittering cold glow, the leader is not others, unexpectedly is City Lord Feng Yunlong! 一支武装到牙齿的精锐骑兵,犹如一股青色洪流穿过街头,直接把比武场给围住,一根根锋利骑枪闪烁着冷芒,其中为首者不是别人,竟然就是城主风云龙 Hasn't Chu Tian died unexpectedly? 楚天居然没有死? Chu Shi? Chu Xinghe? Chu Family 800 elite? 楚弑呢?楚星河嗯?楚家800精锐呢? This obviously is the complete layout, why will have such situation? 这明明是完全布局,为什么会出现这样情况? Rebels Chu Tian, where walks!” City Lord Feng Yunlong whole body mail-armor and helmet, two torching look at Chu Tian, you initiate Central State to be turbulent, making 1 million city people be implicated, when the crime ten thousand die! Storm Cavalry takes orders, cuts to kill Chu Tian!” “逆贼楚天,哪里走!”城主风云龙浑身甲胄,两眼喷火看着楚天,“你引发中州动荡,使1000000城民都受到连累,罪当万死!疾风骑兵听命,就地斩杀楚天!” Is the Storm Cavalry group! 疾风骑兵团! Central State sharpest cavalry unit! 中州最精锐的骑兵部队! The Storm Cavalry group is the Southern Summer Country sharpest cavalry unit, each state county will establish several, to guarantee in City Lord to have enough strength. 疾风骑兵团是南夏国最精锐的骑兵部队,每个州郡都会设置几支,以保证城主手里拥有足够的力量。 This army marches. 这支军队是进军。 Only eight marquises and City Lord can transfer, even if Great General Xiong Wuji does not have the qualifications to use, the Storm Cavalry group battle efficiency is valiant, generally is Body Refinement ** heavy, the Awakened Soul Realm master accounts for the proportion to be very high, therefore not inferior Four Great Families elite core army. 惟独八侯城主能调动,就算大将军熊无忌也没有资格使用,疾风骑兵团战斗力非常彪悍,普遍是炼体**重,魂醒境高手占据比例很高,所以丝毫不逊色四大家族精锐的核心部队。 Was then awful! 这下糟糕了! In the Meng Qingwu heart fierce sinks, such crack troops come to prevent, even if how many people can break through, feared that also will lose the time, Miracle Commerce can support such for a long time? 梦轻舞心中猛一沉,这么一支精锐部队前来阻挡,纵然几人能够突围,怕也会耽误时间,奇迹商会能撑这么久吗? Once the headquarters fall to the enemy thoroughly, all foundations were destroyed! 总部一旦彻底沦陷,所有根基就被摧毁了! Finally won the victory, did not have what significance! 最后就算赢得胜利,也没有什么意义了! Feng Yuntian wields the long sword furiously: Seizes to kill revolting thief Chu Tian, on!” 风云天奋力一挥长剑:“擒杀叛贼楚天,上!” Several hundred Storm Cavalry actually look at each other in blank diamay, nobody obeys the order rush unexpectedly. 数百疾风骑兵却面面相觑,竟然没有一个人听从命令冲杀。 Feng Yuntian flies into a rage: „Are you doing? Can't hear the order of this City Lord?” 风云天勃然大怒:“你们在干什么?难道听不到本城主的命令吗?” Divine Wind Marquis token in this!” Chu Tian takes out together green token from the bosom: Divine Wind Marquis has given Storm Cavalry below, many thanks Sir City Lord at crucial moments, is Chu Tian sends a fire fighting army!” 神风候令牌在此!”楚天从怀里取出一块青色令牌:“神风候已将疾风骑兵交给在下,多谢城主大人在关键时刻,为楚天送来一支救火部队!” Feng Yunlong is angry: Storm Cavalry is the imperial guard, how could to take orders in the bystander! Kill! Kills to me! Who dares to disobey orders to execute three clans!” 风云龙大怒:“疾风铁骑乃禁军,岂能听命于外人!杀!给我杀!谁敢抗命诛三族!” Storm Cavalry has still not moved. 疾风骑兵依然没有动。 Chu Tian is their benefactors, they also very much admire the Chu Tian ability, the most important point is, when Divine Wind Marquis goes to Imperial City to report after carrying out orders, truly the army gives Chu Tian to manage. 楚天算是他们的恩人,他们也都很敬佩楚天的能力,最重要的一点是,神风候王城复命时,确实把军队交给楚天管理了。 Perhaps, Divine Wind Marquis already guessed correctly that Central State City must have chaotic, this cavalry gives Chu Tian to provide against contingencies! 或许,神风候早就猜到中州城必有一乱,这支铁骑是交给楚天以防万一的! Chu Tian shouts loudly: Feng Yunlong instigates the Three Great Clans riot, seizes him to me!” 楚天大声喊道:“风云龙策动三大家族暴乱,给我捉下他!” Drinks!” “喝!” Dozens sharp carbine jungles sphere Feng Yunlong likely, Feng Yunlong is almost mad spits blood! 几十把锋利骑枪像丛林般围住风云龙,风云龙差点气得吐血! You return to the City Lord palace to detain Feng Yunlong!” Feng Yunlong is the Divine Wind Marquis younger clan cousin, therefore Chu Tian keeps his life, ordering hundred to ride Feng Yunlong puts under house arrest the City Lord palace, other people, kill with me!” “你们把风云龙送回城主府看押!”风云龙到底是神风候族弟,所以楚天留他一条性命,命令百骑把风云龙软禁城主府,“其余人,跟我杀!” „!” “诺!” Chu Tian leads several hundred cavalry soldiers, rushes ahead directly from the city gate, outside randomly had already fought one piece, the Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier and Central State Regular army slaughters, the battlefield situation is frigid. 楚天率领几百个骑兵,从城门直接冲杀出去,外面早就已经是乱战一片,叶家狼骑兵与中州正规军厮杀,战场情况非常惨烈。 Was lucky that Meng Qingwu reminded Xiong Wuji to be ready. 多亏梦轻舞提醒熊无忌做好准备。 Otherwise the wolf cavalry soldier enters a city, consequence is dreadful, Central State City inevitably a piece of bloodshed. 否则狼骑兵进城来,后果就不堪设想,中州城必然将一片血海。 Kills!” “杀!” The Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier and Central State Armed forces battle just luxurious, who knows that in the city runs out of a terse cavalry, a Hellfire devil in the former opening, rips an opening the wolf cavalry soldier team instantaneously. 叶家狼骑兵与中州军激战正酣,谁知道城中冲出一支精悍铁骑,一头地狱火恶魔在前开路,瞬间把狼骑兵队伍撕出一条口子。 Xiong Wuji grasps the long spear, this moment whole body is bathed in blood, with the Ye Wudao war, when sees this situation to laugh: Reinforcements came!” 熊无忌手持长枪,此刻浑身浴血,正与叶无道大战,当见此情形哈哈大笑:“援军来了!” Chu Tian!” Ye Wudao stares the big eye panic-strickenly, you actually do not have......” 楚天!”叶无道惊骇瞪大眼睛,“你竟然没……” Dead characters have not said. 一个死字没说出口。 The Yu five brothers release a silver white great shark, cut-throat rush from ten thousand armed forces in the past, mistake blood fog everywhere scatters floating, finally is centered on Ye Wudao meets. 余氏五兄弟释放出一头银白巨鲨,从万军中凶狠冲杀过去,所过处血雾漫天飘撒,最终以叶无道为中心会合。 Titter! 噗嗤! The human body was torn the sound to remember. 肉体被撕裂声音想起。 Ye Wudao is insufferably arrogant, finally dies not entire corpse! 叶无道不可一世,最终死无全尸! After five brothers strike kills the enemy, immediately extracts the short number to blow. 五兄弟击杀敌首之后,立刻抽出短号吹起来。 Great Shark Gang elite already discovered the Central State City turmoil, but does not have the order not to dare to act rashly easily, now obtains five big masters' summons, more than 3000 elite strengths well up to Central State City. 巨鲨帮精锐早就发现中州城动乱,只是没有命令不敢轻易妄动,现在得到五大帮主的召唤,3000多精锐力量向中州城涌过来。 Great Shark Gang establishes merely for more than 20 years, but relies on the lake bottom huge buried treasure, the expansion of influence speed is fast. Three thousand Great Shark Gang elite, in aquatic battle efficiency, not compared with four elite difference, ground battle strength, although is slightly weak, but also is a strong fight strength! 巨鲨帮仅仅建立20多年,但是凭借湖底的庞大宝藏,势力发展速度非常快。三千巨鲨帮精锐,在水上战斗力,绝不比四家精锐差,地面战斗力虽然稍弱,但也是一支超强的战斗力量! Head of household died!” “家主死了!” Head of household died!” “家主死了!” Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier also already chaos. 叶家狼骑兵也已经大乱。 When Great Shark Gang Elite helps the audience and Chu Tian round, unites the Xiong Wuji army and Storm Cavalry, the situation of not can be stopped has formed. 巨鲨帮精英帮众与楚天回合,又联合熊无忌的大军和疾风铁骑,锐不可当的大势已经形成。 Does Ye Family have Central State City also to be largest what kind of than the regular army elite private armed forces? 叶家就算拥有中州城规模最大比正规军还精锐的私军又怎么样? Chu Tian rushes ahead in one vigorous effort, fight aspect thoroughly reversed! 楚天一鼓作气冲杀下去,战斗局面就彻底扭转了! This Central State sharpest private armed forces were hit scattered about. 这支中州最精锐的私军就被打得七零八落。 The wolf corpse is lying this way and that the person the corpse is countless, the blood gathers in the creek! 狼尸横七竖八,人尸不计其数,鲜血汇集成小河! Chu, Luo and Ye, three families riot!” Xiong Wuji raises a thick long spear, angry roared: Chu Luoye Three Great Clans riot! Enters a city to suppress along with me!” 楚洛叶三家暴乱!”熊无忌提一杆粗大长枪,愤怒的咆哮道:“楚洛叶三大家族暴乱!随我进城镇压!” Extinguishes kills the revolting thief!” “灭杀叛贼!” Extinguishes kills the revolting thief!” “灭杀叛贼!” Two ten thousand Central State armed forces kill Central State City enormously and powerful. 两万中州军浩浩荡荡杀进中州城 Luo Family and Ye Family surplus elite, does not know that the two sides have been defeated, under their fierce offensive, Yun Family and Miracle Commerce headquarters could not support. 洛家叶家剩余精锐,根本不知道两边都已经落败,他们凶猛的攻势之下,云家奇迹商会总部已经支撑不住了。 At this time, Chu Tian led troops to rescue! 这时,楚天带兵回来救援! This is the overwhelming strength, two elite were encircled extremely in a short time, Ye Yi and all phenomena on earth, have not thought that can be such result! 这是压倒性的力量,两家精锐在极短时间内被围剿,叶懿、洛万象,没有想到会是这样的结果! Kills!” “杀!” Chu Tian issues the callous order. 楚天发出冷酷的命令。 The Boss Yu five brothers, Yun Tianhe, Shen Bingyu, these True Soul level masters are uneven, the strength of two resistance both do not have, finally Ye Yi and all phenomena on earth as well as Luo Liancheng cut to kill directly at the scene! 余老大五兄弟、云天鹤沈冰雨,这些真魂级高手齐出,两家一点抵抗之力都没有,最终叶懿和洛万象以及洛连城直接当场斩杀! Through this event. 经此一役。 Three Great Clans includes Yun Family, these hundred years of old clan elite fight strengths, almost already impairment more than half. 三大家族包括云家,这些百年老族精锐战斗力量,几乎都已经折损过半了。 The Central State City turmoil is still continuing, Chu Tian makes Xiong Wuji surround the City Lord palace directly, puts under house arrest Feng Yunlong in the City Lord palace directly, then has in the person Three Great Clans to clean one by one. 中州城的动乱依然在继续,楚天直接让熊无忌包围城主府,直接把风云龙软禁在城主府内,然后带人上三大家族挨个清洗。 The capitulants do not kill! 投降者不杀! Otherwise all executes! 否则一律处死! This imposing big turbulence , to continue fully for day a night, this was of slaughtering on the 1st, this will be the next day of bleeding, this was soul-stirring one day! 这场轰轰烈烈的大动荡,整整持续一天一夜,这是杀戮的一日,这是流血的翌日,这是惊心动魄的一日! ............ ………… Next day sunlight. 翌日阳光。 Sprinkles Central State City. 重新洒落中州城 Innumerable condors by death smell attraction, Pang Rao in the sky of city. 无数秃鹰被死亡气味吸引,正庞饶在城市的上空。 Although from turbulent and slaughters restores tranquil, entire Central State City gradually like the baptism of experience war, entire Central State City covers in a thick smell of blood. 虽然从动荡和厮杀中渐渐地恢复平静,整个中州城就像经历战争的洗礼一样,整个中州城都笼罩在一层浓浓的血腥味中。 Creek that outside the city the blood gathers, was known as Central State is strongest the private armed forces the Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier, almost impairment here, the Central State City regular forces also casualties was completely serious, wolf corpse and horse Shi, person corpse, tens of thousands , the scene is very frigid. 城外鲜血汇集成的小河,本来号称中州最强私军的叶家狼骑兵,几乎全部折损在了这里,中州城正规部队也伤亡惨重,狼尸、马尸,人尸,成千上万,现场十分惨烈。 In the city hazy, has fought everywhere the trace, many houses were burnt down, guard barrels of fetch the water, the bloodstain of flushing tread gradually coagulation gone all out. 城内烟雾弥漫,到处是战斗过痕迹,不少房屋都被烧毁了,卫兵正一桶桶打来水,正在拼命的冲洗着地面渐渐凝固的血迹。 Too miserable! 太惨了! Originally lively Central State City, because Three Great Clans launches an attack suddenly, turns into the battlefield picture instantaneously, most at least 30,000-40,000 people were killed in this riot, since this in Central State has constructed in a city several hundred years of history, has never had bloody turbulence. 本来繁华的中州城,因为三大家族骤然发难,瞬间就变成战场般的景象,最起码有三四万人在这场暴乱中丧命,这在中州建城以来的几百年历史中,是从来没有过的血腥动荡。 Three Great Clans was defeated finally. 三大家族最终还是落败了。 The remote antiquity elder and head of household, died in battle completely. 太上长老、家主,全部都战死。 The elite strength of entire family, almost all impairment completely. 整个家族的精锐力量,几乎尽数折损殆尽。 From now, the aspect that Central State City Chu Yunluo stands like a tripod ends thoroughly, the time that Four Great Families establishes a separatist regime ends thoroughly, above this stretch of ruins, will be doomed to grow a brand-new plate however big thing, it will be Miracle Commerce! 从此以后,中州城楚云洛叶鼎立的局面彻底终结,四大家族割据的时代彻底落幕,这片废墟之上,注定会成长出一个全新的盘然大物,它就是奇迹商会
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