MT :: Volume #3

#233: Chaotic of Chinese state

Boss Yu is also a role of mean old owlet level, otherwise can make the Great Shark Gang more than 20 years progress by leaps and bounds? 余老大也是一个阴狠老枭级的角色,否则又怎能使巨鲨帮20多年时间突飞猛进? The Boss Yu not only manner is cruel and merciless, cultivation base achieves the Awakened Soul 9th Layer boundary, more than 20 years accept the Sea Race altar baptism unceasingly, gives up study reached in the stage of perfection, although in the land battle efficiency does not have in the water formidable, is actually not the common people can resist. 余老大不但为人心狠手辣,修为更是达到魂醒九重的境界,20多年不断接受海族祭坛洗礼,一身绝学都已经臻于化境,虽说在陆地战斗力没有水中强大,却也不是寻常泛泛之辈能够抵挡的。 Dares to kill the Chu Family head of household!” “敢杀楚家家主!” Dies!” “去死!” In world frigid rank wind! 天地间一股惨烈腥风! Chu Shi angry releases Source Spirit, pulls out a blood red long sword personally, punctured toward Boss Yu, sword edge , the sword potential has not advanced, a blood fog energy covers directly, this is the Chu Shi for dozens years slaughters spirits, not only has the chaotic person mental and maddening ability that the innumerable lives form. 楚弑恼怒中释放出元魂,亲自抽出一把血红色长剑,向着余老大刺了过去,剑锋未至,剑势先行,一股血雾般的能量直接笼罩过来,这是楚弑几十年来屠戮无数生灵形成的器灵,非但拥有乱人心智、让人发狂的能力。 Boss Yu also obviously receives the disturbance of sword potential, immediately presented many illusions, but Boss Yu cultivation base is deep, almost got rid immediately, blocks the scarlet treasured sword with the fish bones long stick directly. 余老大也显然受到剑势的干扰,立刻出现了很多幻觉,不过余老大到底修为深厚,几乎立刻就摆脱了出来,用鱼骨长杖直接挡住血色宝剑。 When! 当! Boss Yu was divided to draw back several steps by violent Sword Qi, the fish bones long stick shivers to keep, a blood stain fills the air in the pale ancient stick, seems polluting this weapon rapidly. 余老大被猛烈剑气劈退数步,鱼骨长杖颤抖不停,一股血污在苍白古杖弥漫,似乎在迅速污染着这把武器。 Has real skill!” Under the Boss Yu mask, a pair of blue eyeball is staring at the opposite party, in the vision flashes through fine glow: Chu Family worthily is one of the Four Great Families, very long nobody can the frontage compel to draw back the old man.” “有两下子!”余老大面具之下,一双蓝色眼珠盯着对方,目光中闪过一丝精芒:“楚家不愧是四大家族之一,很久没人能正面把老夫逼退了。” Obscure individual, Na Minglai!” The Chu Shi treasured sword raises big scarlet once more, Soul Sword Secret Art! The wind riot cuts!” “无名之辈,纳命来!”楚弑宝剑再次掀起一大片血色,“魂剑诀!风暴乱斩!” The innumerable scarlet Sword Qi unceasing lasings, said every time Sword Qi explodes to break to pieces, just likes the strong winds sprinkles brashly. 无数猩红剑气不断激射而出,每道剑气都爆碎开来,犹如狂风骤雨般洒落。 A Boss Yu brow wrinkle. 余老大眉头一皱。 This strikes not only aims at Boss Yu, simultaneously including Meng Qingwu as well as the surrounding person, covered completely. Chu Shi as if knows that Boss Yu cultivation base is not low, therefore simply first massacres more important Meng Qingwu! 这击不仅仅针对余老大,同时连梦轻舞以及周围人,全部都覆盖进去了。楚弑似乎知道余老大修为不低,所以就干脆先杀掉更重要的梦轻舞 Fish god barrier!” “鱼神结界!” Boss Yu throws the long stick to insert in front of Meng Qingwu, a water curtain splits open suddenly, seems like thin as a cicada's wing, has the astonishing intensity and toughness, Chu Shi sharp Sword Qi falls on above has not sent to defeat. 余老大一抛长杖插在梦轻舞面前,一层水幕骤然绽开,看似薄如蝉翼,却具有惊人强度和韧性,楚弑犀利的剑气落在上面都没发击破。 „!!” “啊!啊!” The surrounding person so is unlucky, the people of massive escape, all were affected without enough time by Sword Qi, instantaneous casualties over a hundred people. 周围人就没有这么幸运,大量来不及逃命的人,全都被剑气波及,瞬间伤亡上百人。 Chu Tian orders Boss Yu to protect Meng Qingwu, had not said that wants Boss Yu to protect other people, Boss Yu is also a ruthless role, other being disinclined tube person of smuggled goods, only need blow away Chu Shi this fellow at one fell swoop, can still the general situation inevitably at one fell swoop! 楚天命令余老大保护梦轻舞,没说要余老大保护其他人,余老大也是个狠角色,懒得管其他人私货,只需一举干掉楚弑这家伙,必然能一举平定大局! Chu Shi just prepared to further open up an offensive. 楚弑刚准备进一步展开攻势。 Several drops of water drop lasings come. 几滴水珠激射过来。 These superficial not wonderful water drops fall on the bright red sword blade edge averagely, changes to a violent strength unexpectedly suddenly, condensed the strength cleaning the sword blade edge, compelling to draw back several steps Chu Shi. 这些表面平平无奇水珠落在鲜红剑刃上,竟骤然间化作一股猛烈力量,把剑刃凝聚力量给清洗掉了,更是把楚弑给逼退好几步。 What's the matter! 怎么回事! Who is this person? 此人到底是谁? His cultivation base is higher than Shen Bingyu! 他的修为沈冰雨还高! Central State City is impossible to have this character! 中州城不可能有这号人物啊! Chu Shi surprised uncertain time, gradually decides the victory and defeat compared with the martial stage, the entire location was devastated to look awful by Sword Qi, the Chu Xinghe face whiten falls down, the Chu Tian whole body is injured by Sword Qi, but most at least also stands on the stage. 楚弑惊疑不定的时候,比武场也渐渐分出胜负,整个场地都被剑气摧残不成样子,楚星河脸色苍白倒在地上,楚天浑身都被剑气所伤,但是最起码还站在台上。 Victory and defeat already minute...... Also was Chu Tian wins! 胜负已分……又是楚天赢了! Chu Tian defeats Chu Xinghe open and aboveboard! 楚天是堂堂正正打败楚星河 Has killed him! Has killed him!” The Chu Shi zi item of desire crack anger exclaimed: Has killed Chu Tian!” “杀了他!杀了他!”楚弑眦目欲裂怒吼道:“杀了楚天!” Dozens Chu Family masters simultaneously direction ratio martial stage overrun, now Chu Tian received the severe wound, was impossible to continue to fight again, extinguished the best opportunity of it killing at one fell swoop. How as for should explain to Divine Wind Marquis to Imperial City that now did not have the time to ponder, if Chu Tian does not die, Three Great Clans must perish! 几十个楚家高手同时向比武场冲过去,现在楚天已经受到重伤,不可能再继续战斗了,正是一举将其灭杀的最好时机。至于该怎么向王城神风候解释,现在已经没有时间思考,楚天要是不死,三大家族必亡! Chu Tian suffers to death!” 楚天受死!” While the Chu Family swordsman launches the attack in abundance. 正当楚家剑客纷纷发动袭击的时。 Who dares to move Chairman!” “谁敢动会长!” Four forms, everyone summoned together the silver white great shark at the same time exceedingly high, gave to block the Chu Family swordsman instantaneously, these four people got rid easily accomplished, killed instantaneously ** Chu Family Awakened Soul level master! 四道身影同一时间通天而起,每人都召唤出一道银白巨鲨,瞬间就把楚家剑客给拦住,这四人一出手摧枯拉朽般,瞬间就干掉**个楚家魂醒级高手! Four True Soul level Expert! 四个真魂强者 Chu Shi was shocked thoroughly! 楚弑彻底惊呆了! Everyone thoroughly has been shocked, when side Chu Tian has such formidable strength! 每一个人都彻底惊呆了,楚天身边何时拥有这么强大的力量! The scene situation falls all of a sudden the deadlock. 现场情况一下子陷进僵局。 Although Chu Tian side master is numerous, but Chu Family prepares after all fully, light the Awakened Soul master leaves more than 200, it can be said that pressed the family inside story, some senior elders were Illustrious Soul level Expert, under this determination must kill Chu Tian, the Yu five brothers collaborates, resisted very much difficultly completely. 虽说楚天身边高手众多,但是楚家毕竟准备充分,光魂醒高手就出200多个,可以说是把家族底蕴都压进来了,其中一些资深长老都是显魂强者,这次决心要杀楚天,余氏五兄弟联手之下,也很难完全抵挡住。 Cuts to kill Chu Tian, monetary reward 500 million!” Chu Shi face upwards to bellow: Has killed him!” “斩杀楚天着,赏金500000000!”楚弑仰天大吼:“杀了他!” Monetary reward 500 million! 赏金500000000! This in Central State City is one can absolutely the crazy wealth! 这在中州城绝对是一笔能让人疯狂的财富! The Chu Family master like one flock of crazy wolves, unceasingly is initiating to the Chu Tian direction fiercely attacks. Boss Yu cultivation base freely high Chu Shi, but Boss Yu is good in the water battling, Chu Shi Sword Art(s) is extremely excellent, battle efficiency very astonishing, they suddenly have no way to branch out high under. 楚家高手就像一群疯狂的豺狼,正在不断地向楚天方向发起猛攻。余老大修为尽管高过楚弑,但是余老大擅长水中作战,楚弑剑术极其高超,战斗力非常的惊人,两人一时间没法分出高下。 The Chu Family master besieges another four brothers crazily, if only the self-preservation, in addition can insist some time, but not only need protect oneself, but also needs to safeguard the Chu Tian security, this was very difficult to achieve. 楚家高手疯狂围攻另外四兄弟,若只是自保的话,尚且能坚持一段时间,可是不仅要自保,还需要保障楚天的安全,这就很难做到了。 Chu Family master each Sword Art(s) is excellent, actual combat capability very terrifying, once begins, the strength of murdering is greatly strengthened, four brothers persevere the period of time with hardship, now appeared wounded. 楚家高手各个剑术高超,实战能力非常恐怖,一旦动起手来,杀伐之力极强,四兄弟苦苦坚守一阵子,现在已经出现负伤了。 Even if not at any cost, wants Chu Tian dead! 哪怕不惜代价,也要楚天死! The Chu Family swordsman goes crazy under pouncing upon suddenly, four brothers could not guard finally, several Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base senior elders, collaborate to break through the weakest Yu Laowu defense line, a sword handle Yu Laowu dividing the wound, then directly launches the attack to Chu Tian. 楚家剑客发疯般的猛扑之下,四兄弟终于已经守卫不住了,数个魂醒五重修为的资深长老,联手攻破最弱的余老五防线,一剑把余老五给劈伤,然后直接向楚天发动攻击。 This monstruous talent youth! 这个妖孽般的少年! Must die under the Chu Family sword eventually! 终究还是要死在楚家剑下啊! When the Chu Family master thinks soon goes well, a snow white fennec puts out a puppet, turns into a huge Hellfire devil instantaneously, this Hellfire devil appears instant, explodes immediately sends out the incredible terrifying aura, most at least reaches the True Soul level the battle efficiency. 楚家高手以为就快要得手的时候,一只雪白小狐吐出一个木偶,瞬间变成一尊巨大的地狱火恶魔,这头地狱火恶魔出现刹那,立刻爆发出让人难以置信的恐怖气息,最起码达到真魂级的战斗力。 The Chu Family senior elder direct sword chops, the result repels one step the Hellfire devil. 楚家资深长老直接一剑劈过去,结果只是把地狱火恶魔打退一步。 Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Several bangs. 几声巨响。 Chu Family several senior elders had been hit by the Hellfire fist, was burnt to extinguish the five main internal organs (entrails) instantaneously, perished directly at the scene! 楚家几个资深长老都被地狱火拳头击中了,瞬间就被焚灭五脏六腑,直接殒命在了当场! Chu Tian smiles: Disappointed you, I am not easy dead!” 楚天嘿嘿一笑:“让你们失望了,我可没那么容易死!” What is this?” “这是什么?” When the Hellfire devil gigantic body stands the time, the Chu Family masters thoroughly were shocked. 地狱火恶魔硕大身躯站起来时候,楚家高手都被彻底震撼到了。 Chu Tian let somebody cool off or calm down said: Kills them!” 楚天冷冷地说:“干掉他们!” The Hellfire devil roars wild, immediately initiates to the Chu Family person fiercely attacks, after several senior elders were killed, the Chu Family morale suffers setbacks immediately greatly! 地狱火恶魔狂暴怒吼一声,立刻向楚家人发起猛攻,几个资深长老被干掉之后,楚家士气顿时大大受挫! This monster was too strong! 这怪物太强了! damn!” 可恶!” Chu Shi gets angry roars angrily, scarlet long sword to illusory image, just likes the cunning poisonous snake, avoids Boss Yu directly, thinks straightly Chu Tian overruns. 楚弑红着眼愤怒咆哮,猩红长剑向幻影般,又犹如刁钻的毒蛇,直接避开余老大,笔直想楚天冲过去。 The Hellfire devil throws a fireball directly, must know that the Hellfire devil strength nearly reaches the Southern Xia eight marquises level, a fireball that even if sends out conveniently, has the formidable lethality in the same old way, the Chu Shi horizontal sword resists, protected body Source Energy to evaporate at the scene. 地狱火恶魔直接丢来一个火球,要知道地狱火恶魔力量近乎达到南夏八侯的水平,哪怕是随手发出的一个火球,也照样拥有强大的杀伤力,楚弑横剑抵挡的时候,护体元力当场就蒸发了。 A violent energy explodes to fly him. 一股猛烈能量把他炸飞出去。 Good opportunity! 好机会! Boss Yu changes to a great shark, keeps off one to hit on Chu Shi, again hits in Chu Shi the ground, Chu Shi protecting body Source Energy collapsed thoroughly. 余老大化作一头巨鲨,挡一头撞在楚弑身上,再一次把楚弑撞进地面中,楚弑的护体元力彻底崩溃了。 I am not willingly!” “我不甘心!” I am not willingly!” “我不甘心啊!” „A family rebel, extinguishes my Chu Family unexpectedly!” “一个家族叛徒,竟然灭我楚家!” Chu Shi spits blood at the same time changes roars, Chu Family is the what kind scenery is magnificent, has Chu Xinghe such formidable character, the family is the master like clouds, this thinks most at least can also again the magnificent several hundred years. 楚弑一边吐血一变怒吼,楚家是何等风光辉煌,有楚星河这样强大人物,家族更是高手如云,本以为最起码还能再辉煌几百年。 Who knows, Chu Family can ending like this! 谁知道,楚家会这样的落幕! Let the person who Chu Family ends stem from the person of Chu Family, this is dramatizes! 楚家落幕的人就出自楚家之人,这是多么戏剧化啊! Your words were too many!” “你的话太多了!” Boss Yu makes an effort to wave, one group of water condense the thorn in the hand, subscribes directly Chu Shi in the ground. This has drinks blood sword True Soul level Expert of nickname, dozens years ago shakes the Central State great person on, such dies here. 余老大用力一挥手,一团水在手中凝聚成刺,直接将楚弑订死在地面上。这位有着“饮血剑”绰号的真魂强者,几十年前就名震中州的大人物,就这么死在这里。 The heads of household died! 家主死了! The remote antiquity elder died! 太上长老死了! Chu Xinghe was also thorough! 楚星河也彻底完了! Chu Family elite casualty more than half, Chu Family was does not have the hope thoroughly! 楚家精锐死伤过半,楚家算是彻底没有希望了! However, compared with the martial stage is one piece in confusion, even is the rivers of blood picture, the innumerable innocent people die, in this fights randomly. 然而,比武场已经是一片狼藉,甚至是血流成河的画面,无数无辜者都死在这场乱斗中。 Drinks the blood sword in this!” Chu Tian picks up best quality goods soul that Chu Shi loses to drink the blood sword, high has lifted the top of the head: Do not hit, the Chu Family remote antiquity elder died, all had finished, abandons the sword surrender, may forgive does not die!” “饮血剑在此!”楚天捡起楚弑遗落的极品魂器饮血剑,高高的举过头顶:“别打了,楚家太上长老已死,一切都结束了,弃剑投降,可饶不死!” Chu Family person surface like the dying embers, are not only the heads of household, including remote antiquity elders 楚家人一个个面如死灰,不仅仅是家主,连太上长老都 Doesn't surrender can be what kind of? 不投降又能怎么样? Chu Family was thorough being defeated! 楚家是彻底的落败了! Chu Family elite discards own saber in abundance! 楚家精锐纷纷丢掉自己的佩剑! The Boss Yu five people long relax, luckily the Chu Family people have surrendered, the battle efficiencies of these swordsmen were too strong, if continues such to hit, their five brothers feared that is also being hard whole body draws back! 余老大五人长长松一口气,幸亏楚家人都已经投降,这些剑客的战斗力都太强了,若继续这么打下去,他们五兄弟怕也是难以全身而退! Although Chu Family collapses completely, but the crisis is far from the contact, Central State City already randomly has become pot gruel. 虽然楚家一败涂地,但是危机远远没有接触,中州城早就已经乱成一锅粥。 Luo Family remote antiquity long Laolo all phenomena on earth and head of household Luo Liancheng leads the army to fiercely attack Miracle Commerce! 洛家的太上长老洛万象和家主洛连城率领军队猛攻奇迹商会 Ye Family remote antiquity elder Ye Yi and head of household Ye Wudao crazily is attacking the Yun Family headquarters! 叶家的太上长老叶懿和家主叶无道则在疯狂攻打云家总部! Outside Central State City erupts slaughters massively, the Great General Xiong Wuji army, launches the fight with the Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier! 中州城外爆发大规模厮杀,大将军熊无忌的军队,与叶家狼骑兵展开战斗! Four Great Families in addition Military, was involved completely, this time, the sanguinary rule, the rivers of blood, countless people died in battle in this influence pattern change, the fight frigid degree by far is above the imagination! 四大家族加军方,全部被卷入其中,这一时间,腥风血雨,血流成河,无数人都在这场势力格局变更中战死,战斗惨烈程度远远超乎想象! Central State City many catch fire, the thick smoke covers half city! 中州城多处失火,浓烟笼罩半座城市! Each street can see the person who slaughters to fight, this fights the influence that was involved to be too many, the master who was involved in were also too many. 各个街道都能看见厮杀打斗的人,这场战斗被卷入进来的势力太多,被卷入进来的高手也太多了。 Chu Tian knits the brows: Must a bit faster end the fight!” 楚天皱皱眉:“必须快点结束战斗!” Meng Qingwu is also very clear such to hit, entire Central State was finished. 梦轻舞也很清楚这么打下去,整个中州就完蛋了。 Central State City is not the ordinary city, this is a main city, if the main city were destroyed, the kingdom is furious inevitably, Miracle Commerce runs away not to be inseparable from absolutely! 中州城不是普通城市,这是一座主城啊,若主城被毁灭,王国必然震怒,奇迹商会绝对逃脱不了干系! Three Great Clans is hundred years of old influence, involves too many interest relations, if usually Miracle Commerce must destroy completely them, must discretely be good, otherwise enrages the Imperial City great person, the consequence is inevitably dreadful. 三大家族是百年老势力,牵扯到太多利益关系,若平时奇迹商会就算要灭掉他们,也必须非常谨慎才行,否则触怒王城的大人物,后果必然不堪设想。 Now does not have other choices. 现在却没有其他选择。 Central State just like becomes a stretch of chaotic battlefield, constructs the city to come for several hundred years not to occur, Miracle Commerce must eradicate all threats vigorously and resolutely, taking the opportunity thoroughly establishes own status, first Central State occupying, only has so has with other qualifications and energy of influence stirring! 中州俨然成为一片混乱的战场,自建城来几百年都没有发生过,奇迹商会必须雷厉风行铲除一切威胁,借机彻底奠定自己的地位,先把中州给占下来,唯有如此才有跟其他势力搅拌的资格和底气! For a penny and for a pound! 一不做二不休! Spelled! 拼了!
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