MT :: Volume #3

#232: [gold/metal] Jiao to flame demon

When the Chu Xinghe incarnation is aloof for the flood dragon in the Illustrious Soul level, even if to Three Great Clans head of household, can slightly rude leeward, even can also win the number to plan! 楚星河化身为蛟龙超脱于显魂级,哪怕对上三大家族的家主,也能够丝毫不逊下风,甚至还能更胜数筹! [gold/metal] Jiao spoke thoughtlessly blowout Sword Qi to bore a hole through the defense of Chu Tian! 金蛟随口喷出的一道剑气就能凿穿楚天的防御! This also merely is the attack that Chu Xinghe sends out at will, he simply has not used the too strong strength, the both sides strong and weak disparity is still obvious, Chu Xinghe was not only cultivation base strong Chu Tian, on Cultivation Technique also has the too big superiority. 这还仅仅是楚星河随意发出的攻击,他根本没有动用太强的力量,双方强弱差距依然非常明显,楚星河不仅仅是修为强过楚天,功法上也占据太大的优势了。 Chu Family «Soul Sword Secret Art» is honored as Cultivation Technique of Chu Family strongest striking power. 楚家魂剑诀》被誉为楚家最强攻击力的功法 Chu Xinghe «Imperial Sword Melts Dragon Jianjue» is inheritance Cultivation Technique that Ancient Sword repairs to leave behind, not Chu Tian «Netherworld Flame Sword Secret Art» is more inferior than from Cultivation Technique itself. 楚星河的《御剑化龙剑诀》则是一门古剑修遗留的传承功法,从功法本身来说并不比楚天的《幽冥炎火剑诀》逊色。 Although Chu Tian by the remarkable knowledge and ability, cultivates in the «Netherworld Flame Sword Secret Art» process continuously revises the optimization and Cultivation Technique, surpasses «Imperial Sword To melt Dragon Jianjue» from the Cultivation Technique quality level gradually, but just cultivated the Big accomplishments boundary eventually. 虽然楚天凭借自己卓越的知识与能力,修炼《幽冥炎火剑诀》过程中不断对功法进行优化和修改,从功法品质层面渐渐超过《御剑化龙剑诀》,但是终究刚刚修炼到大成的境界。 The Chu Xinghe two sword knacks both surpass the god to enter, cultivated the highest boundary! 楚星河两门剑诀都超神入化,修炼到了最高境界了! In which gap cannot surmount easily, even if Chu Tian such person is also same! 其中的鸿沟不是轻易能够跨越的,哪怕是楚天这样的人也一样! Exhausts the bag of clumsy tricks, then feels at ease to suffer to death!” “黔驴技穷,那么就安心受死吧!” Chu Xinghe does not need to continue to tow, full struck to end the fight, thus ended the fellow who Chu Tian this should not present thoroughly. 楚星河没有必要继续拖下去,全力的一击结束战斗,从而彻底终结楚天这个不该出现的家伙。 The golden flood dragon whooshes. 金色蛟龙嘶吼。 That shining whole body scale, all releases fierce Sword Qi, forms Sword Qi storm, the entire flood dragon seems surely turns into the sword, what regardless of keeps off in the front is any formidable existence, it can shortly twist it broken. 那金灿灿的浑身鳞片,全都释放出狰狞剑气,形成一股剑气风暴,整条蛟龙仿佛是千万把剑化成,无论挡在面前的是什么强大的存在,它都能顷刻间将其绞碎。 „To strike to decide the victory and defeat?” “想要一击定胜负吗?” Chu Xinghe that Chu Tian facing is simply impossible to defeat, suddenly in the high holding up hand Netherworld Sword, remaining Source Energy releases completely one time, Netherworld Ghost Flame of surroundings crazy combustion, collects completely to Chu Tian. 楚天面对简直不可能战胜的楚星河,骤然高高的举起手中幽冥剑,把残留全部元力一次性释放出来,周围疯狂燃烧的幽冥鬼火,全部都向楚天身上汇集过来。 Does not gather on the sword blade edge, gathers on Chu Tian directly. 不是聚集在剑刃身上,是直接聚集在楚天身上。 This gave to shock all people, Chu Tian this was must do, must ignite **? 这一幕把所有人都给惊呆了,楚天这是要干什么,难道要引火**吗? Makes you have a look at my homemade Cultivation Technique!” The hot person who Chu Tian turns into a flaming combustion, spreads a sound from the place of flame collection, Flame Demon Transformations!” “让你看看我自创的功法!”楚天变成一个熊熊燃烧的火人,从火焰汇集之处传出一个声音,“炎魔变!” The Chu Tian combustion body inflates unceasingly, concentrates unexpectedly more than a ten meters high giant. 楚天燃烧身体不断膨胀起来,竟凝成一尊十多米高的巨人。 This giant whole body is the flame composes, the head is growing the fierce both feet, the back has a pair of great wing, just likes a fearful devil, releases the cloudy and cold terrifying abyss aura, the gloomily blue flame of that constitution body, concentrates not to be loose, just like quartz. 这巨人浑身是火焰组成的,头上长着狰狞双脚,背后有一对巨翼,犹如一头可怕的恶魔,释放出阴冷恐怖的深渊气息,那构成身体的幽蓝火焰,凝而不散,宛若水晶。 This move of shocking is too strong! 这一招冲击性太强! Almost goes beyond the people cognition range! 几乎超出人们认知范围! Does Chu Tian achieve? 楚天到底是怎么做到的? Actually Chu Xinghe incarnation flood dragon is one higher boundary that person sword unites. 其实楚星河化身蛟龙是人剑合一的一种更高境界。 Chu Tian transform flame demon Netherworld in addition holds spirit on the body, the application method withdraws from unsurpassed Cultivation Technique «Demon God Nine Transformations», in some sense is also the person sword unites, this move of is in itself very dangerous, because Chu Tian cannot avoid being injured by Netherworld Flame. 楚天变身炎魔是把器灵“幽冥”加持在身上,使用方法是从无上功法魔神九变》中提取,从某种意义上讲也是人剑合一,这一招本身是非常危险的,因为楚天不能避免被幽冥火所伤。 Therefore must balance with the heart of devil, the heart of devil is the Hellfire devil life will core, Chu Tian wears through the heart of patching devil on the body, when transform becomes the use of flame demon, uses the heart of devil to protect oneself. 所以要用恶魔之心来平衡,恶魔之心是地狱火恶魔生命意志核心,楚天通过修补恶魔之心佩戴在身上,当变身炎魔的使用,就用恶魔之心来保护自身。 The Netherworld Sword spirit Netherworld strength and itself affects according to the Chu Tian strength, Netherworld Flame becomes stronger, Chu Tian Source Energy is stronger, Netherworld was summoned is stronger. 幽冥剑器灵“幽冥”力量是据楚天实力和本身影响,幽冥火变得越强,楚天元力越强,幽冥被召唤出来的时候就越强。 Initially Chu Tian summoned Netherworld by the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak, it had close Awakened Soul 5th Layer strength, in surprise attack defeats Shangguan Feichen at one fell swoop, now the Chu Tian strength dramatically increased, the Netherworld strength naturally to bring it up a level. 当初楚天魂醒三重巅峰召唤幽冥,它就具备接近魂醒五重力量,奇袭情况下一举打败上官飞尘,如今楚天的实力大幅度增加了,幽冥的力量自然更上一层楼。 Chu Tian summoned spirit Netherworld , the useful mystique behaved the body strength in addition, therefore turned into more than ten meters high, huge incomparable flame demon conditions. 楚天召唤出器灵幽冥,有用秘法把力量加持己身,所以变成一尊十米多高,巨大无比的炎魔状态。 When [gold/metal] Jiao spouts a Sword Qi instance. 当金蛟喷出一股剑气的瞬间。 Roar!” “吼!” flame demon face upwards to roar. 炎魔仰天怒吼。 Black flame of combustion flows, condenses a gigantic black great sword in the hand unexpectedly, this is twining the air/Qi of god demon the sword, contains is destroying all strength of being disillusioned. 一股燃烧的黑色火焰流淌而出,竟在手中凝聚成一把硕大的黑色巨剑,这把剑缠绕着神魔之气,蕴含着摧毁一切的破灭之力。 A sword chops! 一剑劈出! [gold/metal] Jiao sprays Sword Qi to be cut directly broken! 金蛟喷射剑气直接被斩碎! Chu Xinghe rushes to one finally with amazement...... This is impossible! 楚星河终于赶到一丝骇然……这不可能! When [gold/metal] Jiao is in a daze, flame demon takes the startled day step, grasps the black god demon great sword, the rivers and streams turbulent energy emerges a great sword sword to chop in abundance on the [gold/metal] flood dragon, the body that invulnerability was chopped into pieces a bulk, was flown to the bang by the wild strength at the scene, just likes by the snake that the eagle drops out, from airborne falls maliciously falls, pounds an endocrater big hole. 当金蛟发愣的时候,炎魔跨出惊天步伐,手持黑色的神魔巨剑,江河般汹涌能量纷纷涌入巨剑一剑砍在金蛟身上,那刀枪不入的身体被劈碎一大块,当场就被狂暴的力量给轰飞,犹如一条被老鹰抛下的蛇,从空中狠狠摔落在第,砸出巨坑一个大坑。 Thump! 咚! Entire vibrates compared with the martial stage. 整个比武场都抖动一下。 flame demon holds the sword to following up a victory with hot pursuit time, [gold/metal] Jiao flings the tail angrily, wild Sword Qi chops, flame demon hurries to resist, was actually repelled several steps. 炎魔持剑就要乘胜追击时候,金蛟愤怒一甩尾巴,狂暴剑气劈过来,炎魔赶紧抵挡一下,却也被打退出去好几步。 Everyone deeply was shocked by the fight of shocking everybody. 每一个人都被惊世骇俗的战斗给深深震撼了。 An incarnation becomes the golden flood dragon, an incarnation becomes flame Troll, this fight exceeds the limit that the people imagine, is a bang day moves the place radically the war of ghosts and gods. 一个化身成金色蛟龙,一个化身成火焰巨魔,这种战斗超出人们想象的极限,根本就是一场轰天动地的鬼神之战。 This fight both sides really merely are Awakened Soul Cultivator! 这战斗双方真的仅仅是魂醒修士 Golden flood dragon super revolving, just likes a huge incomparable golden drill, ferments shocking Sword Qi storm. Flame Troll holds up combustion black great sword, to cut the day of crack place the imposing manner to lift, starts to unite the complete strength. 金色蛟龙高速旋转起来,犹如一个巨大无比的金色钻子,酝酿起一股骇人听闻的剑气风暴。火焰巨魔举起燃烧黑色巨剑,以斩天裂地的气势举起来,开始凝聚全部的力量。 Death!” “死!” The golden great flood dragon super revolving changes to a gigantic incomparable golden great sword, the body golden color scale disintegrates, changes to one to launch the attack the great speedboat sword to flame demon. 金色巨蛟高速旋转化作一把硕大无比金色巨剑,身上金色鳞片纷纷解体而出,化作一把把巨大飞剑率先对炎魔发动攻击。 The black great sword sweeps, all flying swords cut entirely broken. 黑色巨剑一扫而过,所有飞剑统统斩碎。 flame demon brandishes the combustion the black great sword, the strength on black great sword condensed the acme, Chu Tian overdraws the body, overdraws spirits, overdraws Source Spirit, almost all strengths, integrates on the following sword completely. 炎魔重新抡起燃烧的黑色巨剑,黑色巨剑上的力量已经凝聚到极致,楚天透支身体,透支器灵,透支元魂,几乎把所有的力量,全部融入接下来的这一剑上。 Then is decides the life and death a sword! 接下来是决定生死的一剑! Or the defeat, either wins, does not have the third possibility! 要么败,要么胜,没有第三种可能! Chu Xinghe felt that Chu Tian decides life and death the imposing manner, he not in hesitant, in this fight any potential is weak, may cause the disastrous defeat, the coming face to face with an adversary formidable victory! 楚星河感觉到楚天一决生死的气势,他也不在犹豫,这种战斗中任何一丝势弱,都可能会导致惨败,狭路相逢勇者胜! The golden flood dragon changes into a golden great sword completely, myriad Sword Qi like all rivers run into sea accumulation sword blade, in an epoch-making spirit eruption, this move the golden great sword bang day chops to flame demon! 金色蛟龙完全化为一把金色巨剑,万千道剑气就像海纳百川般聚集剑身,一股开天辟地的锐气喷发中,这把金色巨剑轰天动地劈向炎魔 Cuts day! 斩天式! Does the person sword unite? What is person sword unites! Chu Xinghe changes into the sword completely, this is the genuine person sword unites! 人剑合一?什么叫人剑合一!楚星河完全化为剑,这才是真正的人剑合一! Netherworld Ghost Slash! 幽冥鬼斩 Chu Tian chops an extremely swift and violent sword, this is not only the Chu Tian limit strength and Source Spirit in addition holds, thorougher spirit Netherworld limit strength, after this sword finished, Netherworld will be doomed to weaken, deep sleep previous some time! 楚天劈出极其迅猛的一剑,这不仅仅是楚天的极限力量和元魂加持,更彻底器灵幽冥的极限力量,这一剑结束之后,幽冥注定会削弱,沉睡上一段时间! Two blade edge glow collide intensely together. 两道刃芒激烈碰撞在一起。 The ground in entire martial arts contest location, cuns (2.5cm) disrupt suddenly, at the scene explodes compared with the protection elder sisters of martial stage, the terrifying energy changes to storm, to wells up directly in all directions crazily, some distances compared with martial stage near audience, were affected to be raised by this strength fly in the midair. 整个比武场地的地面,骤然间寸寸碎裂开,比武场的防护姐姐都当场爆裂,恐怖能量化作一股暴风,直接向四面八方狂涌出去,一些距离比武场较近的观众,都被这股力量波及而被掀飞到半空中。 Too strong! 太强了! Simply is two monsters! 简直就是两个怪物! Chu Shi sees this one from afar, the brow closely wrinkles, whom has no time to distinguish to win who loses, immediately orders to say fierce: Motion! Immediately moves! Puts to death Chu Tian! Puts to death with Miracle Commerce all concerned personnel!” 楚弑远远地见此一幕,眉头紧紧地皱起来,无暇分辨谁胜谁负,立刻厉声命令道:“行动!立刻行动!诛杀楚天!诛杀与奇迹商会一切有关人员!” These hide the Chu Family swordsman in crowd, immediately abandons the camouflage, pulls out the treasured sword to rise with a spring. 那些隐藏在人群中的楚家剑客,立刻抛开伪装,抽出宝剑一跃而起。 In an instant. 刹那间。 A huge crowd confusion. 人海一片混乱。 Killed people!” “杀人了!” Killed people!” “杀人了!” Chu Family killed people!” 楚家杀人了!” The Chu Shi order is vicious, not only need kill the Miracle Commerce person, even links all related with Miracle Commerce kills! 楚弑命令非常狠毒,不仅仅要杀奇迹商会的人,甚至连一切与奇迹商会有关的都杀! Let the people know. 让人们都知道。 Central State actually who is the actual master! 中州究竟谁才是真正的主人! Only the warning of blood can remember, the consequence of standing wrong team will be very serious! 只有血的警告才能让人记住,站错队的后果会很严重! The strengths of Chu Family 800 elite swordsmen, are all appalling, Awakened Soul Cultivator accounts for one-fourth, other weakly are the Body Refinement 9th Layer peak skilled people, now is divided into several teams compared with the martial stage general situation attack, any with the person who Miracle Commerce has the relations, all heartless cutting under sword! 楚家800精锐剑客的实力,全都让人毛骨悚然,其中魂醒修士就占1,其余最弱都是炼体九重巅峰的好手,现在分成好几队在比武场大局进攻,凡是跟奇迹商会有关系的人,一律无情的斩于剑下! Bastard!” “畜生!” Meng Qingwu gets hold of the fist angrily, she has not thought that Three Great Clans so will be really inhuman, this obviously is Three Great Clans with the Miracle Commerce gratitude and grudges, they take the innocent person operation, is regards the life seriously worthlessly such as! 梦轻舞愤怒握紧拳头,她没有想到三大家族真会如此灭绝人性,这明明是三大家族奇迹商会的恩怨,他们去拿无辜的人开刀,当真是视生命如草芥! Meng Qingwu saw that many cooperation families pour under the Chu Family sword, although she is filled with anxiously, has no alternative. 梦轻舞见到不少合作家族倒在楚家的剑下,她虽然满心焦急,却又无可奈何。 The Miracle Commerce development opportunity is too short, the only military forces are Underworld Mercenary Group, and has not trained completely, now protects oneself, in addition is difficult, possibly fights the inside story behind, master such as cloud Chu Family? 奇迹商会发展时机太短,唯一的武装势力就是黄泉佣兵团,而且还没有完全培养起来,现在自保尚且非常困难,又怎么可能斗得过底蕴身后、高手如云的楚家呢? This time. 这一时间。 Entire is calls out in alarm and calls out pitifully compared with the martial stage everywhere. 整个比武场到处都是惊呼和惨叫。 No one wants saying that watched a competition, actually meets the Central State unprecedented big change. Countless people are panic-stricken, immediately appears steps on with the casualties, an entire scene confusion. 谁都没有想道,本来是来看一场比赛,却遇到中州前所未有的大变。无数人惊恐拥挤,立刻出现踩踏和伤亡,整个现场一片混乱。 Meng Qingwu, Na Minglai!” 梦轻舞,纳命来!” Meng Qingwu just wants to rescue, suddenly feels that the sharp imposing manners have locked him, sees only a great sword to appear in the top of the head hangingly, contains the mountains and rivers are flowing in backward formidable power and influence. 梦轻舞刚想去救助,突然就感觉到,有一股犀利的气势锁定了他,只见一把巨剑悬空出现在头顶,蕴含着山河倒灌般的强大威势。 Soul Sword Secret Art! Cuts day!” 魂剑诀!斩天式!” Chu Shanhe wields giant incomparable sword light, this is in the Chu Family sword Secret Art might strongest, he does not care to cause the innocent person casualties! 楚山河挥出一道巨大无比的剑光,这是楚家剑诀中威力最强一式,他可不在乎造成无辜者伤亡! Meng Qingwu dies. 梦轻舞一死。 Miracle Commerce loses the leader. 奇迹商会失去领导人。 That is equal to being cut off a Chu Tian arm! 那就等于断掉楚天一臂! Meng Qingwu itself cultivation base is not truly weak, moreover cultivates «Starlight Immortal Body», but can be what kind of? Does Chu Shanhe as the Chu Family head of household, he get rid personally a sword, the possibility how can there be Meng Qingwu survives? Even if 18 god blood Yin Corpse also get rid, is impossible to block a Chu Shanhe sword. 梦轻舞本身修为确实不弱,而且修炼《星光不灭体》,但是又能怎么样呢?楚山河作为楚家家主,他亲自出手一剑,梦轻舞岂有存活的可能?哪怕18具神血阴尸同时出手,也不可能挡得住楚山河一剑。 Snort!” “哼!” In the crowd erupts cold snort|hum. 人群中爆发出一声冷哼。 A giant incomparable silver shark, jumps from the huge crowd suddenly, Zhang Juzui bites to be broken the sword light unexpectedly! 一头巨大无比的银鲨,从人海中骤然跃起,竟张巨嘴把剑光一咬而碎! Chu Shanhe is surprised! 楚山河大吃一惊! This type can launch the powerful offensive by Source Spirit directly, Good enough is the super master of True Soul rank, Shen Bingyu and Yun Tianhe is not , is Miracle Commerce also hiding other True Soul level masters? 这种能直接以元魂发动强大攻击的,差不多都是真魂级别的超级高手,沈冰雨云天鹤都不在,难道奇迹商会还隐藏着其他真魂级高手? But! 可是! Even if the True Soul level master! 就算是真魂级高手! Chu Shanhe displays Central State most to attack the strongest type in Cultivation Technique «Soul Sword Secret Art», possibly with ease disintegrated by the strength of trivial Source Spirit? Where this is sacred! 楚山河施展出中州最强攻击功法魂剑诀》中的最强一式,又怎么可能以区区元魂之力就轻松瓦解了呢?这到底是何方神圣! After the silver great shark bites the sword light , to continue to rush to the sky unexpectedly, the front surface goes to Chu Shanhe. 银色巨鲨咬碎剑光之后,竟然继续冲上天空,迎面向楚山河而去。 Go away!” “滚!” Chu Shanhe great sword, layer on layer chops on the great shark, violent strength intermediate , the great shark disrupts immediately, turns into everywhere the glory. 楚山河巨剑一荡,重重劈在巨鲨上,猛烈力量中级之下,巨鲨顿时碎裂开来,变成漫天的光辉。 From this innumerable glories, runs out of a hair pale old man, the left hand condenses big group water, is waving to Chu Shanhe fiercely, the innumerable drop water drop crazy lasing exits. 从这无数光辉当中,冲出一个头发苍白老者,左手凝聚出一大团水,猛地对着楚山河一挥手,无数滴水珠疯狂激射出去。 „!” “啊!” Chu Shanhe simply does not have the strength of resisting. 楚山河根本没有抵挡之力。 The entire body was pierced several by the waterdrop instantaneously. 整个身体瞬间被水滴洞穿十几处。 The Boss Yu both legs fly high a step on, summoned great shark Source Spirit to throw, bit the body of Chu Shanhe, flew high to tear into shreds two halves directly, the whole body essence and blood livingly is swallowed by the shark. 余老大双腿凌空一蹬,又召唤出巨鲨元魂扑上去,一口咬住楚山河的身体,直接凌空撕碎成两半,浑身精血都被鲨鱼活生生吞噬了。 Head of household!” “家主!” Chu Family was shocked. 楚家惊呆了。 A solemn Chu Family head of household! 一个堂堂楚家家主! A head of household of age of prime of life! 一个盛年之龄的家主! Most at least can lead the family 20-30 years again, finally dies unexpectedly inexplicably here, even was killed by whom does not know! 本来最起码能再带领家族二三十年,结果竟然不明不白死在这里,甚至连被谁杀的都不知道!
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