MT :: Volume #3

#231: Sword and fire

The martial arts contest formally starts! 比武正式开始! Brush! 刷! Chu Tian draws out Netherworld Sword slowly, a face said with ease: Sky Sword young master’s wound restores speed is very actually quick, for several weeks the time the heroic bearing thrives, really makes people feel very accidental.” 楚天缓缓地拔出幽冥剑,一脸轻松地说:“天剑公子的创伤恢复速度倒是挺快,短短几周时间又英姿勃发,真是让人感到非常意外呀。” Chu Xinghe opens the eye slowly, the profound and swift and fierce vision stares instant, clang clang clang!” Erupts a series of swords to call, dozens golden treasured swords like one slowly turn on the fan, puts together the barrier that a cold brightness sparkle behind Chu Xinghe instantaneously. 楚星河缓缓睁开眼睛,深邃而又凌厉目光盯过来刹那,“铿铿铿!”爆发出一连串剑鸣中,数十把金色宝剑就像一把缓缓打开扇子,瞬间在楚星河背后拼成一片寒光闪闪的屏障。 Style is such magnificent.” Chu Tian actually shakes the head: Then eventually is the gold watch besides!” “招式还是这么华丽。”楚天却摇摇头:“然则终究是金表其外!” Chu Xinghe disdains to bicker with Chu Tian. 楚星河不屑跟楚天斗嘴。 The foot kicks. 脚一踢。 Then inserting in the golden long sword maneuver of ground, grasps, a sword edge finger, the vigorous energy, the green long gown dances in the breeze turbulently calmly, the treasured sword neat rushes to the sky from the back, the grating sharp howl just likes myriad eagle long cry sky. 那把插在地上的金色长剑回旋而起,一把握住,剑锋一指,蓬勃能量汹涌而起,青色长袍无风飘舞,宝剑齐刷刷从背后冲上天空,刺耳尖锐啸声犹如万千雄鹰长鸣天空。 Lively noise compared with the martial stage, falls instant a deathly stillness, on each face the expression coagulated. They stare the big eye to swallow the saliva, damn type expression! 热闹喧嚣的比武场,刹那陷进一片死寂,每一个人脸上表情都凝固了。他们一个个瞪大眼睛吞咽着唾沫,一副见了鬼样的表情! The Chu Xinghe as if incarnation becomes a general, the flying sword is his soldier. 楚星河仿佛化身成为将军,飞剑就是他的士兵。 In dozens treasured sword direct impact Yun Xiao processes, multiplies suddenly unceasingly, almost in the instantaneous time, changes to over a thousand flying swords, in the dense and numerous golden sword sea ferments ice cold Sword Qi, one front sharp sword toward below, the luminous intensity greatly incomparable barometric pressure, makes the ground present the slight fissure sharp in abundance, has the Pan of Bo the imposing manner smashing mountains and rivers! 几十把宝剑直冲云霄过程中,骤然间不断倍增,几乎在瞬间的功夫,化作上千飞剑,密密麻麻金色剑海中酝酿起凌冽剑气,一把把锋利剑尖纷纷朝下,光强大无比的气压,就让地面出现细微裂痕,颇有粉碎山河之潘博气势! Wan Jiantian falls!” “万剑天降!” Chu Xinghe ice-cold reverberates just like the deity sound, the innumerable treasured swords as if receive the order soldier, changes to the golden color to be smooth completely, just likes the raindrop sprinkles to Chu Tian, the formidable imposing manner, the terrifying keenly blowing, is hard to imagine the speed, as well as the rainstorm spurts thinly, but under the imposing manner, making everyone turn very quiet! 楚星河冰冷宛若天神声音回荡开来,无数宝剑就仿佛是收到命令士兵,全部化作金色光滑,犹如雨点般向楚天洒过去,强大的气势,恐怖的尖啸,难以想象速度,以及暴雨般喷薄而下气势,让每一个人都屏住呼吸! Quickly! 太快! Too strong! 太强! Depending on a violent storm attack, the people sufficiently judge, the Chu Xinghe strength broke through, the present was Awakened Soul 5th Layer cultivation base! 光凭狂风暴雨般的一次攻击,人们就足以判断,楚星河实力已经突破,现在是魂醒五重修为了! In the past Chu Xinghe can defeat the Awakened Soul 3rd Layer master by the Awakened Soul 1st Layer strength, but Chu Xinghe in the Awakened Soul 4th Layer time, then can easily defeat Awakened Soul 5th Layer Cultivator, even can contend with Awakened Soul 6th Layer Expert! 当年楚星河能以魂醒一重实力打败魂醒三重高手,而楚星河魂醒四重时候,则能轻松打败魂醒五重修士,甚至能够与魂醒六重强者抗衡! Now, Chu Xinghe achieves the Awakened Soul 5th Layer strength! 如今,楚星河达到魂醒五重实力! Naturally is not only so! 当然不仅仅是如此! The Chu Xinghe sword Secret Art was wilder than before sharply, obviously also obtained qualitative to fly over in the Cultivation Technique aspect! 楚星河剑诀比以前更狂暴犀利,显然在功法方面也获得质的飞越! Chu Xinghe in the Illustrious Soul level, is almost the invincible condition, even if the Three Great Clans head of household not necessarily is his match! Too strong! Too was really strong! Other three big young master momenta and Chu Xinghe compare, simply with range chicken earthenware dog Good enough! 楚星河显魂级中,几乎是无敌状态,哪怕是三大家族的家主也不一定是他的对手!太强!真的太强了!其他三大公子声势与楚星河比起来,简直就跟土鸡瓦狗差不多 Mind's Light was lit suddenly. 心灯骤然被点燃。 Divine Sense fully releases. 一股神识充分释放开来。 Chu Xinghe felt that the strength of vast Divine Sense, the corners of the mouth hang up one to sneer, is really stupid, useless, sword does not have the dead angle, in any event cannot hide, Wan sword strangles to death is his only result! 楚星河感觉到浩瀚的神识之力,嘴角挂起一丝冷笑,真是愚蠢,没有用的,剑阵没有死角,无论如何都躲不过去,万剑绞杀就是他唯一的结局! Can't Chu Tian never look? This set of violent storm sword, nearly goes to the perfect situation, by the attack of superelevation density, covers any possible dead angle, vertical could not find the flaw to break through by the Divine Sense scanning, 楚天何尝看不出来?这套狂风暴雨般的剑阵,近乎达到完美无缺地步,以超高密度的攻击,覆盖任何可能出现的死角,纵以神识扫描也找不到破绽突破, Since does not have the possibility of avoidance, then simply does not hide! 既然没有躲避的可能,那么干脆就不躲了! Jet black Ancient Sword follows the ruinous strength to release, making the Chu Tian imposing manner rise suddenly several times. Black Ancient Sword Source Spirit as if connects with Mang Huang, Demon God Sword arrives at the instance of world, making the demon god aura reappear in the world, blooms to crush the myriad things from Source Spirit together the wild strength! 一把漆黑古剑伴随毁灭性的力量释放出来,让楚天气势暴涨好几倍。黑色的古剑元魂仿佛与莽荒连接,神魔剑降临天地的瞬间,让魔神气息重现天地之间,从元魂内绽放出一道粉碎万物的狂暴力量! Bang! 砰! The innumerable sword edges decline on Chu Tian, immediately is affected by the wild strength, one piece by piece breaks to pieces instantaneously like the glass plate, the innumerable fragments crash like raining side Chu Tian in abundance, even if occasionally 12 swords fall on the body, by Starlight shaking fragment. 无数剑刃没落在楚天身上,立刻就被狂暴力量所波及,瞬间就像玻璃板一片片碎开,无数碎片像下雨一样纷纷坠落在楚天身边,即使偶尔有12把剑落在身上,也被星光给震成碎片。 The Three Great Clans person reveals the panic-stricken color together. 三大家族的人齐齐露出惊骇之色。 Illustrious Soul, this is the strength of Illustrious Soul level! 显魂,这是显魂级的实力! Does Chu Tian become such strong? 楚天怎么变得这么强? This is impossible! 这不可能啊! The people looked obviously, Chu Tian breaks through Awakened Soul 4th Layer, is genuine Illustrious Soul level Cultivator...... is Illustrious Soul Expert, the potential of Source Spirit greatly strengthens, does not have the truth strongly is so odd, has the intense sword pressure with Sword Qi of Source Spirit sword in the side, time that dense and numerous flying sword shoots, can Sword Qi grind depending on this pressure unexpectedly! 众人显然已经看出来了,楚天冲破魂醒四重,是一个货真价实显魂修士……不过就算是显魂强者,元魂之势大大增强,也没道理强的这么离谱啊,用元魂剑的剑气在身边产生强烈剑压,那密密麻麻飞剑射过来的时候,竟然光凭这股压力就能剑气碾碎! Chu Tian stands in the sword rain calmly. 楚天从容站在剑雨中。 Chu Xinghe unemotionally to visit him. 楚星河则面无表情看着他。 That violent storm is still continuing, no matter the attack side, is a side of defense, probably does not care. This including the attack that the steel and iron can grind, regardless to the aggressor, is to the defender, unexpectedly appears insignificant...... Their powerful strength already completely obviously without doubt! 那狂风暴雨依然在继续,然而不管进攻方,还是防御的一方,都好像不在乎了。这连钢铁都能碾碎的攻击,无论对攻击者来说,还是对防御者来讲,竟都显得无足轻重……两人强大实力已经尽显无疑了! This felt strange! 这就奇怪了! How the Chu Family person does not think clearly! 楚家人怎么都想不明白! Will Chu Tian such quickly break through? Three collaborate to close off the Miracle Commerce material channel obviously, Chu Tian is impossible to have the opportunity to refine Saint pill to be right! 楚天怎么会这么快突破呢?三家明明联手封锁奇迹商会材料渠道,楚天不可能有机会炼制圣丹才对! The strength of Source Spirit resists such strong attack! 元魂之力就抵挡住这么强的攻击! Chu Tian Source Spirit should be formidable! 楚天元魂到底该有多么强大! Jet black sword Source Spirit endures compared with God Level Source Spirit, makes Chu Family this sword cultivate the family to feel sufficiently shameful. 漆黑剑元魂堪比神级元魂,足以让楚家这个剑修家族上上下下都感到无地自容。 This set of sword, although mammoth, however is scattered, therefore the strength is insufficient.” Around Chu Tian everywhere is the fragment and breaks the sword, „, to kill me, that takes a real skill to come out.” “这套剑阵尽管声势浩大,然而过于分散,所以力道不足。”楚天周围满地都是碎片和断剑,“如果想要杀我,那就拿点真本事出来吧。” If you hope.” “如你所愿。” Chu Xinghe not startled does not get angry, breakthrough is also what kind, if their cultivation base is the same, perhaps also has the strength of fighting. Chu Tian cultivation base compared with Chu Xinghe entire low first-level, Chu Xinghe does not think one will lose! 楚星河不惊不怒,突破又怎么样,若两人修为相同,或许还有争锋之力。楚天修为楚星河整整低一级,楚星河不认为自己会输! Roar!” “嗷吼!” Runs out of a golden flood dragon from the Chu Xinghe body, everywhere the broken piece sword seemed attracted by the magnet, puts together the group the complete float to the midair, moreover poured into the strength of vast Source Spirit, erupts the sound of dignified Dragon's Roar suddenly, transforms 56 meters flood dragons unexpectedly completely. 楚星河身体冲出一条金色蛟龙,满地碎片断剑仿佛被磁铁吸引,全部漂浮到半空中重新拼组,而且被灌注浩瀚的元魂之力,骤然爆发出威严的龙吟之声,竟然全部幻化成一条条56米长的蛟龙。 Scene that everywhere [gold/metal] Jiao forms magnificent magnificent, has gone far beyond all audience imagination limits, is only the dazzling golden light that on the [gold/metal] flood dragon blooms, Good enough makes all people think that the eye cannot open. 漫天金蛟形成的场面之壮观华丽,已经远远超过所有观众想象极限,光是金蛟身上绽放出来的耀眼金光,差不多就让所有人觉得眼睛都睁不开。 360 ten Roaming Dragon Sword!” “360十游龙剑阵!” 360 [gold/metal] flood dragons are uneven, can the Demon God Sword power and influence also prevent? 360条金蛟齐出,神魔剑的威势还能阻挡吗? These 360 golden flood dragons plunge the game like crazy food Merpeople, the Chu Tian brow wrinkle tightly, fiercely horizontal in hand treasured sword, makes an effort a finger toward the sky, the surroundings ground clashes the crack in abundance, the turbulent blue flame, the flame spurts the midair loudly, forms the hundreds of fireballs unexpectedly, each fireball transforms the forming rapidly, turns into to live biangular, the devil image of whole body combustion. 这360条金色蛟龙就像疯狂的食人鱼扑向猎物,楚天眉头紧皱起来,猛地横起手中宝剑,朝着天空用力一指,周围地面纷纷冲裂,汹涌蓝色火焰轰然而起,火焰喷到半空当中,竟形成数以百计火球,每一个火球迅速幻化成形,变成一个个头生双角、浑身燃烧的恶魔形象。 The hundreds of blue hot devils welcomed the hundreds of [gold/metal] flood dragons! 数以百计的蓝火恶魔迎上数以百计的金蛟! These are Netherworld doppelganger, the individual strength are not strong, has from exploding the ability, several hundred blue hot devils shell, collide unceasingly and blast open with several hundred [gold/metal] flood dragons, finally everywhere is the turbulent sea of fire and [gold/metal] flood dragon fragment. 这些都是“幽冥分身,个体实力不强,却拥有自爆的能力,几百个蓝火恶魔与几百条金蛟不断轰击、碰撞、炸裂,最终漫天都是汹涌火海和金蛟碎片。 Chu Xinghe started to be a little angry. 楚星河开始有点愤怒了。 This fellow these many skills? Cannot waste the time, this sword must cut him! 这家伙怎么会多出这么多本事?不能浪费时间,这一剑必须斩了他! Person sword unites!” “人剑合一!” Chu Xinghe began personally, the sharp fierce unparalleled killing intent eruption, Chu raises the right hand high, takes referring to as huge Sword Qi that the sword erupts to shoot up to the sky together. 楚星河亲自动手了,锐猛无双的杀气爆发,楚高高举起右手,以指为剑爆发出一道冲天而起的巨大剑气 Cuts day!” “斩天式!” Face to face to dividing day crack Sword Qi comes, Netherworld Flame gathers in the sword blade edge and in addition rapidly holds to instill into the strength of Source Spirit. Chu Tian grasps treasured sword of fierce combustion to step forward directly one step, erupts just likes the mountains and rivers sways strikes, this is Netherworld Flame Sword Secret Art third, abandons the speed and hides the attack, will actually destroy the strength and explosive force deduction dripping completely Netherworld Ghost Slash!” 当面对劈天裂地剑气呼啸而来,幽冥火急速聚集剑刃并加持灌输元魂之力。楚天握着剧烈燃烧的宝剑直接跨出一步,爆发出犹如山河挥洒一击,这是幽冥炎火剑诀的第三式,摒弃速度和遁形攻击,却将毁灭力和爆发力演绎的淋漓尽“幽冥鬼斩!” Together dark blue Sword Qi, together shining Sword Qi, a vertical horizontal, intense collision, making martial stage ground explode the disintegration unceasingly! 一道深蓝色剑气,一道金灿灿剑气,一纵一横,激烈碰撞,让比武场地面不断爆裂崩碎! Finally, golden Sword Qi even better, the sharp energy maliciously falls on Chu Tian, the Chu Tian body protects body Starlight to burst all, but passes through weakening that one time attacks, although this Sword Qi is strong, is actually not enough to kill Chu Tian, but causes certain damage to Chu Tian. 最终,金色剑气还是更胜一筹,犀利能量狠狠落在楚天身上,楚天身上护体星光尽数破裂,不过经过一次攻击的削弱,这道剑气虽然非常强,却不足以将楚天杀死,只是对楚天造成一定创伤而已。 A Chu Tian corners of the mouth blood, hey said with a smile: Your unique skill was not effective to me evidently very much.” 楚天一把嘴角血,嘿嘿笑道:“你的绝招看样子对我也不是很管用了。” During speeches. 说话之间。 Chu Tian Starlight Immortal Body rapid recovery. 楚天星光不灭体迅速恢复。 Unique skill? You made a mistake!” In the Chu Xinghe eye flashes through wisp of fine glow, over a hundred flood dragons return behind Chu Xinghe in abundance, gathers to interwine mutually at the extremely quick speed, makes you have a look at the true unique skill!” “绝招?你错了!”楚星河眼里闪过一缕精芒,上百头蛟龙纷纷退回楚星河背后,以极快速度互相聚拢交织在一起,“让你看看真正的绝招!” Roar!” “吼!” Roared wild, hundred flood dragons fused to turn into a length of body dozens meters great flood dragon mutually, each scale clear incomparable, each scale seemed the sword blade edge spells, was sending out Ling Lie Sword Qi. 狂暴咆哮中,百蛟互相融合变成一头体长几十米巨蛟,每一条鳞片都清晰无比,每一块鳞片似乎都是剑刃拼成,正散发出凌冽的剑气 A peerless ominous beast covers entire compared with the martial stage. 一股绝世凶兽笼罩整个比武场。 Everyone felt that suffocates constraining of version, golden great flood dragon the shape or the imposing manner, almost already and genuine flood dragon was completely same. 每一个人感觉到窒息版的压抑,金色巨蛟无论是形态还是气势,几乎都已经与真正的蛟龙完全一样了。 Let the person shock one to occur. 让人更加震撼一幕发生了。 That great flood dragon walks randomly side Chu Xinghe, opens the great mouth unexpectedly suddenly, Chu Xinghe swallowing. In an instant, Chu Xinghe and great flood dragon fused, the person is the flood dragon, the flood dragon is a person, the two melt one, shares everything! 那一头巨蛟游走在楚星河身边,竟然忽然张开巨嘴,一口把楚星河给吞进去。刹那间,楚星河和巨蛟融合了,人就是蛟,蛟就是人,二者化一,不分彼此! Roar!” “吼!” The great flood dragon strength enters to rise suddenly, its body is as long as hundred meters, the thick tail sweeps casually, on gets down compared with the ground of martial stage hollowly a bulk, the center is extracted a giant gully, as if had been chopped Yun Yao by the great sword. 巨蛟力量进暴涨,其身躯更是长到百米,粗大尾巴随便一扫,比武场的地面就凹陷下去一大块,中央被抽出一个巨大的沟壑,仿佛是被巨剑砍过云瑶 The people turn very quiet. 现场众人屏住呼吸。 This is any magical powers! 这到底是什么神通啊! Really is inconceivable!” The Boss Yu peak however changes countenance: This strength at is not the person of Illustrious Soul time should have, this person of strength feared with True Soul Expert not different!” “真是不可思议!”余老大都耸然动容:“这股力量根本不是显魂期的人该有的,此人实力怕是跟真魂强者无异了!” Chu Tian facing turning into powerful [gold/metal] Jiao Chu Xinghe, the vision little becomes dignified. 楚天面对化成威风凛凛金蛟的楚星河,目光一点点变得凝重起来。 Tries to practice the tower time, person the sword unites is the Chu Xinghe highest boundary, now can actually achieve changes into a body with the flood dragon directly. This flood dragon body builds with solidification Sword Qi, hard such as fine steel, invulnerability, the ordinary Illustrious Soul Cultivator method is uneven, only feared that does not have the means to break the flood dragon body, do not say that the wound arrived at inside Chu Xinghe. 试练塔的时候,人剑合一已是楚星河最高境界,现在却能做到直接与蛟龙化为一体。这头蛟龙身体是用固化的剑气打造而成,硬如精钢,刀枪不入,普通显魂修士就算手段齐出,只怕也没有办法打破蛟龙身体,更不要说伤到里面的楚星河了。 The Chu Xinghe incarnation multiplies innumerably for the flood dragon might, this battle efficiency strong and trial practices in the tower to be no comparison between them! 楚星河化身为蛟威力倍增无数,这战斗力之强与试练塔中不可同日而语! In golden flood dragon Longzui spouts together golden Sword Qi suddenly, cuts the broken earth by the easily accomplished potential, rushes to the Chu Tian front instantaneously. 金色蛟龙嘴中忽然喷出一道金色剑气,以摧枯拉朽之势斩碎大地,瞬间就冲到楚天的面前。 ! 啪! Chu Tian Starlight is in abundance stave, was struck directly the bang but actually compared with the martial stage edge. 楚天身上星光纷纷破碎,直接被一击轰倒比武场边缘。 How, your has Source Energy consumed more than half? Has your move also exhausted?” A golden great flood dragon hundred meters body circles in the midair, dignified and fearful sound reverberation in world, „, but I, just started!” “怎么了,你的元力就已经消耗过半了吗?你的招数也都已经用尽了吗?”金色巨蛟百米长身体在半空盘旋,威严而可怕声音回荡在天地间,“而我,才刚刚开始!” ( in addition sought support!) (加更求支持!)
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