MT :: Volume #3

#230: Final fighting

The Central State City mighty waves begin Chu Tian decisive battle Chu Xinghe, the flash news just exposed the time, just likes a night comes the storm to sweep across entire Central State City. 中州城波澜再起楚天决战楚星河,大新闻刚一曝出时候,犹如一夜而来风暴般席卷整个中州城 Chu Tian heart non- getting off one's main subject closed up. 楚天则心无旁骛的闭关去了。 The strength of Awakened Soul 3rd Layer peak hits, this war does not have the stratagem which ensures success to die without doubt. 魂醒三重巅峰的实力去打,此战没有胜算必死无疑。 This point Chu Family understands, therefore shamelessly issues the challenge, but Chu Tian clearer this point, therefore cannot bring death blindly, most at least must promote to be good to the level of Illustrious Soul level! 这一点楚家明白,所以厚颜无耻发出挑战,但楚天更明白这一点,所以不能盲目去送死,最起码要提升到显魂级的水平才行! Three Great Clans thinks that can prevent Chu Tian to break through through the material blockade, this procedure was really too naive, what they have not thought that Chu Tian went to Thunder State to have the fortuitous encounter. 三大家族以为通过材料封锁就能阻止楚天突破,这种做法真是太天真了,他们万万没有想到的是,楚天去一趟雷州是有奇遇的。 When Chu Tian relieves release the vigorous spiritual energy instantaneous. 楚天把浑厚灵气解除释放瞬间。 Almost does not have any suspense to be completely successful, extracts the strength that from abyss Fire seed of Hellfire devil, making Chu Tian exceed to the Awakened Soul 4th Layer situation with ease! 几乎没有任何悬念完全水到渠成的,从地狱火恶魔的深渊火种里萃取出来的力量,让楚天轻松地一举突破到魂醒四重的地步! Chu Tian felt that the whole body Source Energy vigorous several fold, various aspects obtain the enormous degree speeding up. 楚天感觉浑身元力浑厚数倍,各方面都获得极大程度提高。 Achieves Awakened Soul Intermediate Stage from Awakened Soul Initial Stage, Chu Tian was also the Illustrious Soul level master! 魂醒初期达到魂醒中期,楚天也是显魂级高手了! Chu Tian does not have therefore to satisfy, because Chu Family hoping to repose at a war, then definitely will use fully supports, the Chu Xinghe injury will restore the speed to want quick many compared with the Chu Tian estimate, thus it can be seen Chu Family was use very extraordinary rare medicine. 楚天却没有因此而满足,因为楚家会把希望寄托于一战,那么必然会倾尽全力来支持,楚星河伤势恢复速度比楚天预估要快的多,由此可见楚家是动用非常了不得的奇药了。 Chu Xinghe feared that has gone to the Awakened Soul 5th Layer situation. 楚星河怕是已经达到魂醒五重的地步。 Ordinary Awakened Soul 5th Layer Cultivator will not be paid attention to by Chu Tian, even if Shangguan Feichen is like this expensive is the talent level character of heir apparent, Chu Tian also has ** the assurance that becomes relaxed defeats it, this Chu Xinghe actually cannot be negligent! 普通魂醒五重修士是不会被楚天放在眼里的,哪怕是上官飞尘这样贵为世子的天才级人物,楚天也有**成的把握轻松将其击败,这个楚星河却不能大意! Chu Xinghe is the head of Central State Four Great Young Masters, actually leaves behind other three big young masters, his talent and ability are strong, initially the person sword united kills certainly strikes makes the profound impression to Chu Tian, even if Awakened Soul 6th Layer Expert also being hard directly resists. 楚星河中州四大公子之首,却远远把其他三大公子甩在后面,他的天赋和能力都非常强,当初人剑合一的绝杀一击给楚天留下深刻的印象,哪怕魂醒六重强者也难以正面招架。 Chu Xinghe achieves the Awakened Soul 5th Layer strength, then goes to resist with it by Awakened Soul 4th Layer cultivation base, the Chu Tian stratagem which ensures success possibly less than 30%, cannot take risk, does not fight already, if fights a decisive battle, most at least must have over 50% assurances. 楚星河真达到魂醒五重实力,那么以魂醒四重修为去与之对抗,楚天胜算可能不到三成,不能冒险,不战则已,若要决战,最起码要有五成以上的把握。 How then should enhance the stratagem which ensures success? 那么该怎么样提高胜算呢? Chu Tian is not truly the crude person, since dares to accept a challenge explains has confidence, but this type of energy came from two cards in a hand mainly. 楚天并不是真正鲁莽之人,既然敢应战就说明有把握,而这种底气主要来自两个底牌。 First is to advocate Source Spirit. 第一就是主元魂 The Chu Tian very discrete use has advocated the Source Spirit strength, on the one hand this is the restricted current strength, is very difficult to control, but a more important reason is this Source Spirit exposure inevitably causes the stir, if some true old stared not to be wonderful by Continent on strangely. 楚天一直都非常谨慎使用主元魂的力量,这一方面是受限当前实力,恐怕还很难驾驭的了,但更重要的原因是此元魂一曝光必然引起轰动,若被大陆上某一些真正老怪盯上就不妙了。 Therefore, only if was compelled the situation that may draw back roadless, otherwise before has not grown truly, Chu Tian will not take risk easily. 所以,除非真被逼到无路可退的地步,否则在没有真正成长起来前,楚天是不会轻易去冒险的。 Second is to come from the method. 第二则是来自手段。 Chu Xinghe perhaps truly is a rare talent. 楚星河或许确实是一个奇才。 But, the Chu Tian superiority is he forever is unable to follow. 但,楚天的优势是他永远都无法望其项背。 Chu Tian before passing through rebirth, once stood in the peak Expert ranks, the Chu Tian experience, the Chu Tian knowledge, the Chu Tian method, this time any person can compared with not. 楚天在穿越重生之前,曾站在过巅峰强者行列,楚天的见识,楚天的知识,楚天的手段,这个时代任何一个人能比不了。 One pile of glittering and translucent carving fragments, came out from the bottle gourd but actually. 一堆晶莹剔透的碎片,从葫芦里面被倒出来。 Each fragment is containing incomparably intense abyss devil strength, this is the heart of devil the Hellfire devil leaves behind. Chu Tian is staring at these fragments, closes the eye slowly, the mind reappears gradually piece of profound and formidable Cultivation Technique «Demon God Changes»! 每块碎片都蕴含着无比强烈的深渊恶魔力量,这就是地狱火恶魔遗留的恶魔之心。楚天盯着这些碎片,缓缓地闭上眼睛,脑海渐渐浮现出一片深邃而强大的功法《魔神变》! This is Chu Tian previous life majoring in Cultivation Technique, because practice condition not mature, but cannot practice immediately, actually does not hinder to extract some moves to transform present practice Cultivation Technique. The heart of this devil becomes the essential source material, this is also Chu Tian goes to Thunder State another primary cause. 这就是楚天前世的主修功法,因为修炼条件没有成熟而不能立刻修炼,却不妨碍抽取一些招数对现在修炼的功法进行改造。这颗恶魔之心将成为关键的素材,这也是楚天雷州的另一个主要原因。 ............ ………… When Chu Tian is busy closing up the practice, Meng Qingwu starts to collect some restless news one after another, more and more signs indicated that Three Great Clans will take a violent storm action to Miracle Commerce. 楚天忙着闭关修炼的时候,梦轻舞开始接连收集到一些不安的消息,越来越多的迹象表明,三大家族将会对奇迹商会展开一次狂风暴雨般的行动。 This duel is the last chance that Chu, Luo and Ye, three families stands up from failure. 这场决斗是楚洛叶三家翻身的最后机会。 Although in the duel kills Chu Tian is the best result, because in Southern Summer Country esteeming martial arts tradition, various field of honor life and death secure destiny, even if were killed is also voluntary. Next to Divine Wind Marquis, on to Wu'an Monarch, cannot take this to punish Chu Family as the reason. 虽说决斗中杀死楚天是最好的结果,因为以南夏国尚武传统,决斗场生死各安天命,即使被杀死也是自愿的。下至神风候,上到武安君,都不能以此为理由治罪楚家 However depending on the understanding of Meng Qingwu three attitudes, they will not press the gambling stake completely in a place. 但是凭梦轻舞对三家的作风的了解,他们不会把赌注全部压在一个地方。 Martial arts contest outside, must have the subsequent party. 比武场外,必有后手。 Meng Qingwu takes the bull by the horns: Yun Yao, you returns to Yun Family and Yun always in the same place, making the family gather Elite ahead of time, shifts the capital stock and property, starts deploying troops for defense standing by.” 梦轻舞当机立断:“云瑶,你回云家和云老在一起,让家族提前聚集精英,转移重要资源和财产,开始布防准备战斗。” But tomorrow Chu Tian war......” “可是明天楚天的大战……” Tomorrow do not observe to scene.” “明天就不要到现场来观战了。” Yun Yao knits the brows: Like this?” 云瑶皱皱眉:“这样好吗?” If three take the action, Yun Family will also bear the brunt.” The Meng Qingwu manner is firm, remembers, you must prepare for facing sanguinary rule, must protect own security.” “若三家采取行动,云家也会首当其冲。”梦轻舞态度非常坚决,“记住,你们必须做好面对腥风血雨的准备,一定要保护好自己的安全。” Yun Yao very much respects to Meng Qingwu. 云瑶梦轻舞还是很尊敬的。 This woman closes right up against Chu Tian to have today the status freely, but Miracle Commerce can be watertight under her government, this sufficiently displayed the Meng Qingwu skill. 这个女人尽管靠着楚天才有今天地位,但是奇迹商会能在她的治理之下滴水不漏,这就足以表现出梦轻舞的本事了。 Meng Qingwu also told: Writes two letters, a letter gives Caidie, making her stay in Wuyougu tomorrow, do not return to Central State City arbitrarily. Another writes to Great General Xiong Wuji, making him assume personal command to the military compound, by facilitating to deal with the emergency case. Make Lin Mu Fang Han and Underworld Mercenaries elite returns to the headquarters, the Shen Bingyu manager, deploys troops for defense comprehensively.” 梦轻舞又吩咐:“写两份信,一封信给彩蝶,让她明天在无忧谷呆着,不要擅自返回中州城。另一封写给大将军熊无忌,让他到军营里坐镇,以方便应对紧急情况。让林木方寒黄泉佣兵精锐回总部,沈冰雨总管,全面布防。” The elder sister is unprecedented. 姐姐前所未有严肃。 Meng Yingying realized that the tense is serious: Busily what can I add on?” 梦莹莹意识到时态严重:“我能帮上什么忙吗?” Yingying, starts to arrive in the underground safe house to stay tonight, does not permit without my order, heard?” 莹莹,今晚开始就到地下安全屋里呆着,没有我的命令不准出来,听到了没有?” This......” “这……” Leeway that has not discussed!” Meng Qingwu looks to be eager to try Nangong Yun, Nangong, I know that your strength is not weak, therefore the Yingying security gave you.” “没有商量的余地!”梦轻舞看着跃跃欲试南宫云,“南宫,我知道你实力不弱,所以莹莹的安全就交给你了。” By the temper of Nangong, if asked her to seek asylum, she hasn't jumped? 以南宫的性子,若叫她去避难,她还不跳起来? Meng Qingwu to protect the Meng Yingying name, makes her honest stays should not be running all over the place. 梦轻舞就以保护梦莹莹的名义,让她老老实实的呆着别乱跑。 Nangong Yun looks distressed, the Meng Qingwu words, she is not good openly to violate, has to agree reluctantly. Meng Qingwu makes a series of arrangements, for example reminded the people of various families, let them carefully, should better not to observe to the scene. 南宫云愁眉苦脸的,不过梦轻舞的话,她也不好公然违背,只好无奈的同意了。梦轻舞又做一系列安排,比如说提醒各家族的人,让他们小心点,最好不要到现场观战。 Now most poor state occurrence, most at least ahead of time guards. 现在就算最糟糕情况发生,最起码有一个提前防备。 ............ ………… Next day. 翌日。 The city people had not realized the aspect that the wind and rain wants, only knows Central State to be going to have an unrivalled war! 城民没意识到风雨欲来的局面,只知中州将要发生一场旷世之战! These two people is a Central State City hundred years of rare super rare talent, the royal crown are doomed, only will then, actually fall on whose head? 这两个人都是中州城百年都难得一见的超级奇才,王冠注定只有一顶,究竟会落在谁的头上呢? So fights, how could to look? 如此大战,岂能不看? Central State was fully occupied compared with the martial stage once again! 中州比武场又一次人满为患了! This observing scale surpasses previous time to fighting the fight of Luo Xianglong and Ye Tianlang. 这次观战者规模远超出上一次对战洛降龙叶天狼的战斗。 The numerous city people feel very strange, which the Miracle Commerce live broadcast? This is very interesting and exciting program, why doesn't this war continue? 众城民都感到非常奇怪,奇迹商会现场直播哪去了?这可是很有意思又刺激的节目,为什么本次大战不继续呢? Meng Qingwu stands under the arena, when the vision has swept the audience, knits the brows little. 梦轻舞站在擂台之下,当目光扫过全场的时候,一点点皱起眉来。 She warned obviously some family chambers of commerce, finally they have not been serious, still swaggering watched a sports contest unexpectedly! 她明明警告一些家族商会,结果他们根本没当回事,竟然依然大摇大摆来观赛了! Vice- Chairman felt relieved that our fraternities ensure the Chairman security.” “副会长放心,我们兄弟会确保会长的安全。” Glances over around Meng Qingwu greatly, a hoarse sound passes to near the ear. 大概见梦轻舞周围,一个嘶哑的声音传到耳边。 Muddily Boss Yu wears solid, wears the ancient worn-out mask, grasps a long long bone stick, the gray and sparse hair, lets fall the front following the topee, that skinny and point of body of rickets in the crowd is not conspicuous. 余老大浑身穿的严严实实,戴着古老破旧的面具,手持一根长长骨杖,花白而又稀疏的头发,顺着兜帽垂落到胸前,那干瘦而又佝偻的身体在人群中一点都非常不显眼。 „Can your four brothers protect Chu Tian?” Meng Qingwu feels to Yu five brothers' strengths somewhat worried that does not need to doubt Boss Yu should be strongest, I have 18 god blood Yin Corpse, itself also has the good defensive power, the generation of commonplace is hard to be near the body, you do not need to care that my security, protects Chu Tian directly.” “你的四个兄弟能保护楚天吗?”梦轻舞对余氏五兄弟的实力感到有些担忧,无需置疑余老大应该是最强的,“我有18神血阴尸,本身也有不俗防御力,等闲之辈难以近身,你不用关心我的安全,直接去保护楚天吧。” The Boss Yu hissing said: „It is not good, Chairman has order, I must ensure your security personal.” 余老大嘶声说:“不行,会长有命令,我必须贴身确保你的安全。” Meng Qingwu sighed slightly, has to nod. 梦轻舞微微一叹,只好点了点头。 Meng Qingwu has not displayed any difference, pretends a calm free appearance, both eyes closely is staring at the big martial arts contest arena, because the war must begin. 梦轻舞没有表现出任何异样,装作一副淡定自若的样子,双目紧紧地盯着偌大的比武擂台,因为大战就要拉开序幕了。 Thump thump! 咚咚咚咚咚! Was sounded compared with the copper clock of martial stage. 比武场的铜钟被敲响。 The people stand to cheer in abundance. 众人纷纷站立欢呼起来。 The King showdown of most peak, within two old enemies fighting of life and death, must start now! 最最巅峰的王者对决,两个宿敌间生死之斗,现在就要开始了! A handle golden color treasured sword, just likes meteor, drops from the clouds suddenly, the clang must insert compared with the martial stage ground, afterward form light dropping from the clouds, the both feet tip of the toe falls on the sword hilt together steadily, both hands surround in the front, lets somebody cool off or calm down is staring at another head. 一柄金色宝剑,犹如流星般,骤然从天而降,铿得插进比武场地面,随后一道身影轻飘飘的从天而降,双脚脚尖稳稳落在剑柄上,双手环抱于胸前,冷冷凝视着另一头。 Youth 24 or 25-year-old about, wears the white jade crown, wears the sapphire robe, the facial features are resolute, if the item the cold front, a cloak flies upwards, dignified in appearance, the makings escape the dust, is the same near the world just like the sword immortal. 青年二十四五岁左右,头戴白玉冠,身着青玉袍,面容刚毅,目若冷锋,一袭披风飞扬,仪表堂堂,气质脱尘,宛如剑仙临世一样。 Chu Xinghe!” 楚星河!” Chu Xinghe!” 楚星河!” Chu Xinghe!” 楚星河!” Transmits the shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami call in all directions, although Chu Xinghe is trying to practice the tower to suffer setbacks, but Chu Xinghe in the Central State City human spirit, even if scenery infinite Chu Tian , can only will follow. 四面八方都传来山呼海啸般的呐喊,虽说楚星河在试练塔受挫,但是楚星河中州城的人气,哪怕是风光无限的楚天,也只能堪堪望其项背而已。 Chu Xinghe becomes famous for many years. 楚星河成名多年。 Chu Tian rises merely is 12 months. 楚天崛起仅仅是12月的时间。 Although Chu Tian won the innumerable city people to support and worship, but must still has certain disparity by the foundation and fame and Chu Xinghe. Chu Xinghe had not defeated directly, Chu Xinghe can jump the ranks with ease challenge Expert, this is a true having god-given wisdom rare talent. 虽然楚天赢得无数城民支持和崇拜,不过要论根基和名望与楚星河依然有一定差距。楚星河从来就没有被人正面打败过,楚星河能轻松越级挑战更强者,这是一个真正的天纵奇才。 Chu Tian challenges Chu Xinghe by inferior cultivation base, can create Miracle really once more? 楚天以劣势修为挑战楚星河,真的能够再次创造奇迹吗? The youth step onto compared with the martial stage slowly, is different from the simple blue robe of ordinary low key, wears a magnificent white clothing specially, from head to foot, spotless, the beautiful eye is delicate, both eyes are fiery, have the ultra dust refined feeling, the makings do not lose to Chu Xinghe. 少年缓缓走上比武场,与平常低调的朴素青袍不同,特意穿上一身华丽白衣,从头到脚,一尘不染,美目清秀俊朗,双眼炯炯有神,有种超尘脱俗之感,气质并不输给楚星河 If Chu Xinghe is a golden sharp sword, then Chu Tian is floating amorphous white clouds. 如果说楚星河是一把金色利剑,那么楚天就是一朵飘无定形的白云。 Chu Tian at the back of the big bottle gourd and a treasured sword, a snow white small fox lies in the shoulder listlessly naps, to war that is going to have, is not interested. 楚天背着大葫芦和一把宝剑,一只雪白小狐狸趴在肩膀无精打采的打着盹儿,对将要发生的大战,一点儿都不感兴趣。 Chu Tian!” 楚天!” Chu Tian!” 楚天!” Chu Tian!” 楚天!” All around resounds the frantic shout. 四周响起狂热的呼喊声。 The Chu Tian supporter generally is young people, the rising experience of Chu Tian legend version, already became the idol in countless young people heart. 楚天的支持者普遍是年轻人,楚天传奇版的崛起经历,早就成为无数年轻人心中的偶像了。 When! 当! An especially loud and clear ding was sounded. 一阵格外洪亮的钟声被敲响了。
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