MT :: Volume #3

#229: Storm to

The Chu Family headquarters, 800 Chu Family swordsmen, stand neatly in the yard. 楚家总部,800名楚家剑客,正整整齐齐立在大院之内。 Garnet facile Pi Jia, throws over the black cape, the left hand is holding the sword to lean on, right knee on one knee is expensive, wears solid the black mask, only reveals both eyes that pair of fine glow four shoot. 暗红色的轻便皮甲,披着黑色的斗篷,左手持剑拄地,右膝单膝而贵,戴着严严实实黑口罩,只露一双精芒四射的双眼。 This is a pointed knife team! 这是一支尖刀般的队伍! In front of 800 silent swordsmen, is standing a middle-aged man, he is Chu Family head of household Chu Shanhe. 800名沉默的剑客面前,正站着一个中年男子,他就是楚家家主楚山河 Chu Shanhe is looking at the 800 swordsmen in Main Headquarters, in the heart somewhat is sigh with emotion, the family sharpest 800 people, are the family inside story are, was distributed in each region, protects the family industry in secret, in short one week of time, all urgently was actually recalled by the head of household. 楚山河望着总院里的800剑客,心中不禁有些感慨,家族最最精锐的800人,是家族底蕴之所在,本是分布在各地,暗中保护家族产业的,却在短短一周时间里,全部被家主紧急召回了。 For decades, Chu Family not such big movement. 几十年来,楚家没有这么大的动作。 This will concern a Chu Family prosperous important move. 这将会是关乎到楚家兴旺的一次重要行动。 In high spirits, the point sharp old man to walk, at the back is twining the blood smell treasured sword, is Chu Family remote antiquity elder Chu Shi: Arrived in full completely?” 一个精神矍铄、锋芒锐利的老者走出来,背着一把缠绕着血腥气味的宝剑,正是楚家太上长老楚弑:“全部到齐了吗?” Chu Shanhe cups one hand in the other across the chest to Chu Shi slightly: „The Miracle Commerce Meng Qingwu method is not simple, to hide the truth from her eye has had troubles, now has arrived in full completely.” 楚山河楚弑微微拱手:“奇迹商会梦轻舞手段不简单,为瞒过她的眼睛费了一番周折,现在已经全部到齐了。” Chu Shi does not care to Meng Qingwu, this woman manages some chamber of commerce abilities, but can also only be restricted in this. Chu Tian is stronger, she is stronger, Miracle Commerce is stronger, but Chu Tian eradicates, Miracle Commerce insufficient is the worry, she also sufficed to threaten inadequately.” 楚弑梦轻舞不在意,“这个女人经营商会有些能耐,但是才能也仅限于此。楚天越强,她就越强,奇迹商会越强,但一把楚天铲除,奇迹商会不足为虑,她也就够不成威胁了。” 800 Chu Family Elite get together in one time to remove firewood from under the pot! 800名楚家精英齐聚来一次釜底抽薪! Chu Shanhe knits the brows to say slightly: „Can we choose really at this time come a decisive battle with Miracle Commerce? Present Miracle Commerce today we are no longer as we have been, not only the influence spread is quick, moreover extremely popular sentiment in city!” 楚山河微微皱着眉说:“我们真要选择在这个时候跟奇迹商会来一次决战吗?现在的奇迹商会今非昔比,非但势力蔓延非常快,而且在城中极得民心!” Because of so, this earlier begins, Miracle Commerce sooner or later will become the influence that is unable to contend with, we cannot wait for arrival of that day. Therefore also has the opportunity while the present, will annex Miracle Commerce at one fell swoop, the family will expand once more, otherwise will thoroughly perish, this will be Chu Family prosperity and decline change the war of life and death!” “因为如此,更该早点动手,奇迹商会迟早会成为一家无法抗衡的势力,我们不能坐等那一天的到来。所以趁现在还有机会,一举吞并奇迹商会,家族将再次壮大,反之则彻底沉沦,这是楚家兴衰更替的生死之战!” Chu Shanhe expression one austere: Yes!” 楚山河表情一肃:“是!” The Chu Shi expression is even more serious: „The present node is the best opportunity. First, Divine Wind Marquis goes to Imperial City to report after carrying out orders, Chu Tian few big backers. Second, according to the urgent confidential report that Thunder State passes on, Chu Tian in Thunder State makes a time great merit, the prestige will again definitely rise sharply, we must before the time spreads make an understanding.” 楚弑表情越发严肃:“现在的节点是最佳的时机。第一,神风候王城复命,楚天少一座大靠山。第二,根据雷州传回来的加急密报,楚天雷州立下一次大功,声望必然会再一次大涨,我们必须趁着时间传开前做一个了解。” What? Does he make the great merit in Thunder State?” Chu Shanhe stares first slightly, afterward somewhat was cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt saying: Then, Wu'an Monarch possibly Reward Chu Tian, we at this moment will begin to him, to offend Wu'an Monarch?” “什么?他又在雷州立下大功?”楚山河先是微微一愣,随后有些投鼠忌器说:“如此一来,武安君可能会封赏楚天,我们此刻对他动手,岂不是得罪武安君?” Even if offends Divine Wind Marquis, cannot offend Wu'an Mr. 哪怕得罪神风候,也不能得罪武安君啊。 The great people of three Monarch levels, are not the place family can contend! 三君级的大人物,不是地方家族能够抗衡的! Chu Shi shakes the head: This does not need too to be worried that Reward does not have after all, I once had also made Hanger-on in the Dongfang Family clan, so long as bribes some Dongfang Family clan people, the critical moment for will speak for me in Imperial City. Let alone, Chu Tian will die in the field of honor, dies under the Xinghe sword, Wu'an Monarch will not note the Xinghe talent. Pities such as the disposition of [gold/metal] by Wu'an Monarch, loses Chu Tian to be irretrievable, he will not lose Chu Xinghe again.” 楚弑摇摇头:“这点不用太担心,封赏毕竟没有下来,我也曾在东方家族做过门客,只要买通东方家族一些人,关键时刻自会为在王城为我说话。更何况,楚天将死在决斗场上,死在星河的剑下,武安君不会不注意到星河的才华。以武安君惜才如金的性格,损失一个楚天已经不可挽回,他不会再损失一个楚星河。” Said that can also understand by Chu Xinghe? 这么说还得靠楚星河来了解么? In this time, a Chu Family messenger is coming to report in a hurry: Reported the head of household and remote antiquity elder, Miracle Commerce responds officially, Chu Tian will accept a challenge tomorrow!” 正在此时,一个楚家使者匆匆前来汇报:“禀告家主、太上长老,奇迹商会正式做出回应,楚天明日应战!” Good! 好! Good! 太好了! Chu Tian this person disposition was familiarized by them. 楚天这个人性格被他们摸透了。 This person really has the talent and potential, but extremely arrogant extremely arrogant! 此人确实非常有才华和潜力,但是太过自大狂妄! Chu Tian neat acceptance challenge, then the matter naturally became easy many. Because Three Great Clans joins up to launch material blockade, Chu Tian richly also buys the insufficient material, therefore is impossible to refine Saint pill. If no Saint pill's assistance, in such short time, is impossible to break through to the Illustrious Soul strength. 楚天干脆利落的接受挑战,那么事情自然变得容易多了。因为三大家族联合起来展开材料封锁,楚天就算有钱也买不够材料,所以不可能炼制出圣丹。若没有圣丹的辅助,这么短的时间里,不可能突破到显魂实力。 If accepts a challenge by the strength of Virtual soul level, Chu Tian does not have the slight stratagem which ensures success certainly! 若以虚魂级的实力应战,楚天绝无丝毫胜算! Chu Shi said: This news told Xinghe, while convenient how had a look at his present situation.” 楚弑说:“这个消息告诉星河,顺便看看他的现状怎么样了。” Does not need to trouble, I know!” “不必麻烦了,我已经知道!” Broadcasts a cold sound from the backyard. 从后院传来一个冷冽的声音。 A strength just likes the volcanic eruption, bursts out suddenly from the room. 紧接着,一股力量犹如火山爆发般,骤然间从屋内迸发出来。 The hundreds of flying swords shoot up to the sky, directly the smashing that the roof raises, just likes the peacock spreads the tail, bloomed suddenly. The innumerable treasured swords interwine, forms a lotus shape unexpectedly, a whole body is filling the young people of peerless unparalleled imposing manner and point, stands in this lotus flower center straightly. 数以百计飞剑冲天而起,直接把屋顶掀的粉碎,犹如孔雀开屏般,骤然绽放了开来。无数宝剑交织在一起,竟形成一朵荷花般的形状,一个浑身弥漫着绝世无双气势与锋芒的年轻人,正直挺挺站在这朵莲花中央。 Together golden flood dragon encirclement in surroundings, that great power shining entire Chu Family. 一道金色蛟龙环绕在周围,那强大力量照耀整个楚家 Chu Xinghe! 楚星河 The Chu Family person reveals the wild with joy color! 楚家人露出狂喜之色! Chu Xinghe breaks the price record finally, but left! 楚星河终于破关而出了么! Chu Xinghe fully restored the past appearance, the point became sharp threatening, the Chu Family people felt that roused...... That did show disdain for unparalleled Sky Sword young master to come back?! 楚星河完全恢复往日的神采,锋芒变得更加锐利逼人,楚家人都感到振奋不已……那个傲视无双的天剑公子回来了吗?! Chu Shanhe and Chu Shi reveal the color of satisfaction, Chu Xinghe not only the injury restores, but also became more formidable! His cultivation base breaks through the Awakened Soul 4th Layer peak, went to the Awakened Soul 5th Layer situation officially! 楚山河楚弑都露出满意之色,楚星河不仅伤势全部恢复,而且已经变得更加强大了!他的修为突破魂醒四重巅峰,已经正式达到魂醒五重的地步! This also continues! 这还不止! Chu Xinghe achieving stage of perfection boundary of «Imperial Sword Flood dragon Secret Art» also success, present Chu Xinghe compared with initially in trying to practice in the tower, but also wanted strong big several times! 楚星河的《御剑化蛟诀》也成功的达到化境境界,现在的楚星河比当初在试练塔中,还要强大好几倍! Does not need to doubt. 无需置疑。 If Chu Xinghe gets rid fully, its strength was not weaker than his father Chu Shanhe! 楚星河若全力出手的话,其实力不比他的父亲楚山河弱了! Chu Xinghe had to suffice to compare favorably with the qualifications of True Soul level older generation character young! 楚星河年纪轻轻已经具备够媲美真魂级老一辈人物的资格! After broken, stands again, bath hot rebirth. 破后重立,浴火重生。 Chu Xinghe became fiercer. 楚星河变得更加厉害了。 Chu Shi laughs: Xinghe already formidable in this way, the date of crack earth conferring nobility upon was just round the corner, first has killed Chu Tian this houseboy, stepped on above his corpse, mounts a higher position!” 楚弑大笑起来:“星河已经强大如斯,裂土封侯之日指日可待,先杀了楚天这个竖子,踩在他的尸体之上,去登上更高的位置吧!” Chu Xinghe falls slowly. 楚星河缓缓地落下来。 Chu Tian strength, Chu Xinghe clear. 楚天的实力,楚星河清楚的很。 This fellow again monstruous talent, so are impossible to progress in a short time are too many, even if long time comes Chu Xinghe to mark, will not lose to Chu Tian, let alone Chu Xinghe already today we are no longer as we have been. 这个家伙就算再妖孽,这么短时间里也不可能进步太多,就算多日来楚星河原地踏步,也绝不会输给楚天的,更何况楚星河已经今非昔比。 Now Chu Xinghe let alone is Central State, even if eight Dazhou county young generation of talents, how many also there are able to make him pleasant? Chu Xinghe also less than 30 years old, even if Southern Xia eight marquises when this age, is far from the Chu Xinghe strength! 现在楚星河别说是中州,哪怕八大州郡年轻一辈天才,又有几个能让他入眼?楚星河还不满30岁啊,哪怕是南夏八侯在该年龄时,也远远没有楚星河的力量! If Chu Xinghe were born in the Marquis aristocratic family, then can take over the position of Marquis directly! 楚星河出生在侯爵世家,那么直接就能够接任侯爵之位! If Chu Xinghe were born in Three Great Clans, then only takes on the battlefield informed and experienced two years to perform the meritorious service, even can before 30 years old directly by Feng Chenghou! 楚星河出生在三大家族,那么只需要上战场历练两年建立功勋,甚至能在30岁之前直接受封成侯! Central State Chu Family takes a broad view at Southern Summer Country to be not formidable, wants to confer nobility upon is not easy, but there is Chu Xinghe such Heaven's Chosen to appear, becomes the nobilities family is just round the corner! 中州楚家放眼南夏国不算强大,想要封侯没有那么容易,不过有楚星河这样的天骄出现,成为王侯家族是指日可待的! Miracle Commerce does not know that Xinghe breakthrough news, this matter must keep secret!” Chu Shi said here, said one: To guarantee completely safe, I must see that two old enemy.” 奇迹商会不知道星河突破消息,此事务必要保密!”楚弑说道这里,又说一句:“为确保万全,我要去见见那两位老对头。” Chu Shi leaves Chu Family. 楚弑离开楚家 The old enemy of Chu Shi mouth, naturally is not others, is Luo Family and Ye Family two remote antiquity elders. These two long early return to Central State City three days ago, but the news has been blocked, therefore the Central State City people do not know, even two middle and lower level both does not know. 楚弑嘴里的老对头,自然不是别人,正是洛家叶家的两位太上长老。这两位长老早在三天前就回到中州城,只是消息一直被封锁,所以中州城人都不知道,甚至两家中下层都不知道。 Chu Shi and two make an appointment in secret place. 楚弑和两位在秘密地点约见。 Ye Family remote antiquity elder name ghost eye wolf Ye Yi! 叶家的太上长老名“鬼眼狼”叶懿 His semblance is one is old and thin old man, covers an eye with the black eye-shade, in the hand is grasping a long iron stick, although the semblance does not have the eye, even the blind lame disabled person, in fact in mercenary soldier, Ye Ba is a character of legendary version. 他外表是一个又老又瘦的老头,用黑眼罩罩着一只眼睛,手里握着一根长长的铁杖,虽然外表不怎么起眼,甚至还是瞎眼瘸腿的残疾人,实际上在佣兵界,叶霸就是一个传奇版的人物。 On Luo Family stage elder Djinn lion all phenomena on earth! 洛家的台上长老“巨灵狮”洛万象! Was affected by handed down in the family Cultivation Technique probably, just like other Luo Family people are the same, all phenomena on earth physique was very strong, the whole face is ugly and ferocious-looking, although very old actually still hale and hearty, the hair does not have entire white, a pair of arm has the length and strength, a pair of palm is thick and big, covers entirely the thick pitch-black pili, even if the steel and iron can also pinch to be broken! 大概是受家传功法影响,正如洛家其他人一样,洛万象体格本就十分强壮,满脸横肉,虽然很老却依然硬朗,头发也没有全白,一双手臂有长又壮,一双手掌又粗又大,布满浓密乌黑体毛,就算是钢铁也能一捏而碎! Chu Shi looks at two past competitors, the feeling of extremely sobbing said: Has not thought, our three old fogies, will have one day of collaboration.” 楚弑看着两个当年的竞争对手,不胜唏嘘的感慨说:“真没有想到,我们三个老家伙,也会有联起手来的一天。” Ye Yi hoarse the throat was saying: Humans affair fluctuates this does not have the fate, all in an advantage, advantageous, then gathers, does not have the advantage to disperse, husband duplicate what that.” 叶懿嘶哑着嗓子说:“世事变幻本无定数,全在一个利,有利则聚,无利则散,夫复何言。” Because cultivation base can deeply to a certain extent postpone senility, but three old fogies were over 80 years old advanced ages, half a lifetime at the benefit battle, already have become the old fox, the plans were deep, are hard to survey. 因为修为深厚能一定程度上延缓衰老,但是三个老家伙都是80岁以上高龄了,一个个半辈子都在利益争斗,早就成了老狐狸,心机深沉,难以测量。 Said right, this three are divided Yun Family and Miracle Commerce, when the family leaps once more!” Chu Shi has not spoken the idle talk: „Did you prepare?” “说的没错,这次三家分云家奇迹商会,正是家族再次飞跃之时!”楚弑没有说废话:“你们准备好了吗?” In Vientiane the air/Qi said fully: „The Luo Family five hundred Elite member as well as the name of supervisor palace unites 3000 law enforcement health/guard, the ambush Miracle Commerce headquarters, the field of honor has the news to transmit, immediately attacks Miracle Commerce fully, destroys their foundations.” 洛万象中气十足说:“洛家五百精英成员以及督察府之名联合3000执法卫,埋伏奇迹商会总部,决斗场一有消息传来,立刻全力攻打奇迹商会,摧毁他们的根基。” Outside Ye Family wolf cavalry soldier ambush Central State City the plain observes closely the military compound, once Xiong Wuji attempts to command the army to rescue, Ye Family will be responsible for cradling strength.” Ye Yi knocks the iron stick gently, said lightly: 500 blood wolf mercenary soldiers, nearby ambush Yun Family, once the plan develops, immediately attacks Yun Family, the old man cuts to kill Yun Tianhe personally!” 叶家狼骑兵埋伏中州城外平原盯住军营,一旦熊无忌企图率军救援,叶家会负责托住这支力量。”叶懿轻轻敲敲铁杖,淡淡地说:“500血狼佣兵,埋伏云家附近,一旦计划开展,立刻攻打云家,老夫亲自斩杀云天鹤!” Good!” Chu Shi pounds the table: Chu Family 800 person ready dead swordsmen mix in field of honor, if there is any mishap changes, first kills Chu Tian, to decide general situation!” “好!”楚弑拍案而起:“楚家800死士剑客混入决斗场,若有任何不测之变,先杀楚天,以定大局!” That such decided!” “那就这么定了!” That side City Lord?” 城主那边?” Does not need to be worried that City Lord will not stop, instead will serve with the convenience in secret, so long as eradicates Chu Tian this eye-sore, then the result is good to everybody.” “不用担心,城主不会阻拦,反而会暗中施以方便,只要铲除楚天这个眼中钉,那么结果对大家都好。” Three old person vision collide, eventually reaches the consensus of opinion. 三个老人目光碰撞,最终达成一致意见。 The hurricane crosses the post, Fu Caowei saves, the present was the time counter-attacks! 飓风过岗,伏草惟存,如今是时候反击了! Three tolerate Chu Tian is several weeks, since the opportunity arrived, the influence that then on the according to thunder method, should not present this, together with does not know the good and evil the Yun Family same place, completely eradicated from the Central State influence domain! 三家容忍楚天长达数周,既然时机已到,那么就以雷霆手段,将这个不该出现的势力,连同不识好歹的云家一起,从中州的势力版图给彻底铲除了! All. 一切。 Tomorrow will have the result! 明天就会有结果! Three big remote antiquity elders, three inside story entire, Central State will welcome sanguinary rule inevitably, after all settle down, the brand-new order will reconstruct remaining is a king! 三大太上长老,三家底蕴全出,中州势必会迎来一场腥风血雨,当一切尘埃落定之后,全新的秩序会重建剩者为王!
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